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DLP No. 2 Literary Devices

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7:30-8:30 Grade 9 – AU DLL No. 2
DATE January 22, 2020 Time & Section 8:30-9:30 Grade 9 – RD Quarter 4th
12:45-1:45 Grade 9 – SDE
1:45-2:45 Grade 9 – NB
2:45-3:45 Grade 9 AS

Lesson Plan in English 9

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American
literature and other text types serve as means of preserving
unchanging values in a changing world; also how to use the features
of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying
Standard effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based
on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic

C. Learning The learners should be able to:

Competencies/ a. define different literary devices;
Objectives b. employ appropriate literary devices based on the story presented.

II. CONTENT Literary Devices

A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials English 9 page 286-293
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous Task 1 Task 1
lesson or presenting the Match Column A with Match Column A with Column B,
new lesson Column B, connecting the connecting the right words for each
right words for each statement.

Column A

1. The sight of living 1. Oxymoron

dead sent a blazing 2. Metaphor
chill down her spine. 3. Simile
2. She is lionhearted 4. Imagery
woman. 5. Repetition
3. His eyes were as blue
as the sky.
4. The sunset was the
most gorgeous they’d
ever seen.
5. Africa! Africa!

Column B

a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Oxymoron
d. Repetition
e. Imagery
Kindly read our lesson The learners should be able to:
B. Establishing a purpose objectives. a. define different literary devices;
for the lesson b. employ appropriate literary devices
based on the story presented.
C. Presenting examples/ Task 2 Task 2
Instances of the new Complete the letters to form
lesson a word. Complete the letters to form a word.

_ I T_ R _ _ Y D _ V I _ _ _ _ I T_ R _ _ Y D _ V I _ _ _
D. Discussing new Very good. Let us discuss
concepts and practicing the literary devices used in
new skills #1 the play.

What is literary devices? Literary Devices –these are common

structures used in writing.
These devices can be either
literary elements or literary

Let’s talk about now the

literary devices used in
Romeo and Juliet. What is
simile? Simile – one of the most commonly
used literary devices. It is usually used
in indirect comparison between two
unrelated and dissimilar things, people,
beings, places, and concepts.
Simile usually marked by the
use of the words “as” or
“such as” or “like”.

e.g., You smell like a sweet


Next is Foreshadowing,
refers to the use of indicative
words or phrases and hints
that set the stage for a story
to unfold and give the reader
a hint of something that is
going to happen without
revealing the story or
spoiling the suspense. It
suggests an upcoming
outcome to the story.

Next, what is Rhyme Rhyme Scheme the practice of

Scheme? rhyming words placed at the end of the
lines in prose or poetry.

It refers to the order in which

particular words rhyme. If the
alternate words rhyme, it is
an “a-b-a-b” rhyme scheme,
which means “a” is the
rhyme for the lines 1 and 3
and “b” is the rhyme affected
in the lines 2 and 4.

e.g., Out of the night that

covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to
I thank whatever Gods may
For my unconquerable soul.

What is Repetition? Repetition – is just the simple

repetition of words, within a sentence or
a poetical line, with no particular
placement of the words.
e.g., Oh, Captain! Oh,

While Oxymoron, is a
literary device that allows the
author to use contradictory,
contrasting concepts placed
together in a manner that
actually ends up making
sense in a strange and
slightly complex manner.
Kindly read the example. e.g., He possessed a cold fire in his
Very good. The last is
Metaphor. What is
Metaphor? Metaphor is one of the most
extensively used by of another.
It is another type of literary
devices used in direct
comparison. One subject
implied to be another so as
to draw a comparison
between their similarities and
shared traits. Kindly read the
example. e.g., Henry was a lion on the battlefield.

Imagery is used to represent

objects, actions, and ideas in
such a way that it appeals to
our senses. Next, what is
Irony? Irony the use of words to express
something other than and especially the
opposite of the literal meaning.

e.g., A fire station burns down.

A pilot has a fear of heights.
A police station gets robbed.

E. Discussing new concept Task 2 Task 2

and practicing new skills Match the literary devices on Match the literary devices on the left
#2 the left with its appropriate with its appropriate example line on the
example line on the right. right.
1. Parting is such a
Simile sweet sorrow.

Foreshadowing 2. Oh loving hate

Rhyme 3. Romeo, Romeo
Repetition 4. Where art thou
Rhyme Romeo?
Repetition 5. My life is a foe of
Metaphor debt!
6. “And to ‘thy go like
Metaphor lightning”

7. Romeo: By some
1. Parting is such a vile forfeit of the
sweet sorrow. untimely death.

2. Oh loving hate

3. Romeo, Romeo

4. Where art thou


5. My life is a foe of

6. “And to ‘thy go like


7. Romeo: By some
vile forfeit of the
untimely death.

F. Developing mastery Task 3 Task 3

Construct sentences with Construct sentences with Simile and
Simile and Metaphor as Metaphor as literary devices at least 5
literary devices at least 5 sentences for each.
sentences for each.
Simile Simile
1. She looks like a real 1. She looks like a real princess.
princess. 2. Her lips is as red as a blood.
2. Her lips is as red as a 3. Allen is such a cry baby.
blood. 4. Henry is like a lion on the battlefield.
3. Allen is such a cry baby. 5. Olive is such a coward mouse.
4. Henry is like a lion on the Metaphor
5. Olive is such a coward 1. Maja was a monster on the
mouse. dancefloor.
Metaphor 2. He was a cry baby.
1. Maja was a monster on 3. Jason is a knight and shining armor.
the dancefloor. 4. She was a coward mouse when she
2. He was a cry baby. runs.
3. Jason is a knight and 5. Sylvia was a baby when she giggled.
shining armor.
4. She was a coward mouse
when she runs.
5. Sylvia was a baby when
she giggled.

G. Finding practical What do you think is the

application of concepts importance of using such
and skills in daily living literary devices in a text? The importance of using literary devices
in a text is it helps the writer to add color
and beautify the literary text.
H. Making generalizations What is literary devices? Literary Devices – these are common
and abstractions about the structures used in writing.
lesson What is the difference
between simile and
metaphor? Simile is used to compare in indirect
manner, it is marked with the words
“as”, “like”, and “such”. While, metaphor
is used to compare in direct manner.
What are literary devices
used in the Romeo and
Juliet? Simile, Metaphor, Rhyme Scheme,
Repetition, Oxymoron, Irony, and
I. Evaluating activities for Task 5 Task 5
application or remedial Identify the correct answers Identify the correct answers for each
for each item. item.

_____1. Subtle hints of Foreshadowing 1. Subtle hints of

future events. future events.
_____2. In Romeo and Foreshadowing 2. In Romeo and
Juliet, the character’s state Juliet, the character’s state that they
that they would rather die would rather die than be apart.
than be apart. Metaphor 3. A literary device that
_____3. A literary device that compares directly between 2 unlike
compares directly between 2 things.
unlike things. Metaphor 4. He drowned in a sea of
_____4. He drowned in a grief.
sea of grief. Simile5. Busy as bee.
_____5. Busy as bee. Oxymoron6. Two opposite words
placed side by side for effect.
_____6. Two opposite words Rhyme Scheme7. The practice of
placed side by side for effect. rhyming words placed at the end of the
_____7. The practice of lines in prose or poetry.
rhyming words placed at the Imagery 8. Is used to represent
end of the lines in prose or objects, actions, and ideas in such a
poetry. way that it appeals to our senses.
_____8. is used to represent Irony 9. The use of words to express
objects, actions, and ideas in something other than and especially the
opposite of the literal meaning.
such a way that it appeals to Repetition 10. Oh, Captain! Oh,
our senses. Captain!
_____9. The use of words to
express something other
than and especially the
opposite of the literal
_____10. Oh, Captain! Oh,

J. Additional activities for 1. Read the play Romeo and

application or remedial Juliet by William
Shakespeare (286-292)
2. What is infinitives?
3. Give at least 10 examples
of infinitives.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in evalation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have cope
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Noted by:


Cooperating Teacher

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