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A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in

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At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. define the unfamiliar words that are found in the text;

b. recognize prosodic features: volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture
and speech rate that serves as carriers of meaning;
c. listen for important points signaled by volume, projection n, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture and rate of speech;
d. read the transcript of the speech using the choral reading strategy; and
e. appreciate the importance of self-giving by answering orally the questions from the


Listening Competency

Topic: Prosodic Features

References: A summary of Prosodic Features -

Audio/ Video of Speech by Pope John Paul VI in November in 1970 -

Printed Transcript of the Speech -


Materials: Materials: laptop, projector, speakers photocopies of the transcript of

the speech, power point presentation.

Strategies: Teacher Facilitated Discussion, Choral Reading Strategy, Oral



A. Preparation
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation
Vocabulary Unlock

Directions: Match the following words given under Column A with its correct meaning under
Column B.

Column A a. Guiding Map

b. Forefront of an action or
1. Vanguard
2. Aspiration
c. Oppressed from
3. Dynamism
d. An object of such desire
4. Supreme
e. Highest in degree or quality
5. Criticism
f. Act of criticizing usually
6. Vital
7. Liberated
g. Of the utmost importance
Column B h. Great energy or force

C. Presentation
Teacher Facilitated Discussion: The teacher will discuss the topic Prosodic features: volume,
projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture and speech rate that serves as carriers of
meaning using power point presentation.

Listening Activity: The students will listen to the audio clip of the speech by Pope John Paul
VI in November in 1970. The teacher will also distribute photocopies of the transcript of the
speech so they can take down notes on the important points signaled by volume, projection,
pitch, stress, intonation, juncture and rate of speech.

Comprehension Test
1. To what does the Pope compare the Filipino youth in the first
2. What does the Pope want the youth to do as shown in the
last two paragraphs?

The teacher will flash a 2-minute video entitled A Summary of Prosodic Features, before
students will proceed to their reading activity.
Choral Recitation
The students will perform a choral recitation of the text using the right Prosodic features:
volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture and speech.
D. Generalizations

It is significant for the students to fully understand and possess the value of self-giving, in
order for them to be directed and for them to know what path they really want to take.

To generalize: The teacher will ask the students the following questions:
a. Do you know in which direction to go?
b. Do you have a clear picture of the goals you are aiming at?

IV. Evaluation

Directions: The students will answer orally the following questions.

1. Are you dedicated to search for true values? Why or why not?
2. Does your wish to serve your brothers manifest itself in practical choices
that prepare you to effectively promote the progress of the many?
3. Are you convinced that one can only be truly free to the extent that one is



5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points

Content The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker

provides a focuses includes some says practically
variety of types primarily on irrelevant nothing. The
of content relevant content. The speaker focuses
appropriate for content. The speaker primarily on
the task, such as speaker sticks wanders off the irrelevant
generalizations, to the topic. topic. The content. The
details, The speaker speaker uses speaker appears
examples and adapts the words and to ignore the
various forms of content in a concepts which listener and the
evidence. The general way to are situation.
speaker adapts the listener and inappropriate
the content in a the situation. for the
specific way to knowledge and
the listener and experiences of
situation. the listener
(e.g., slang,

The speaker The volume is The volume is The volume is

delivers the not too low or too low or too so low and the
message in a too loud and loud and the rate is so fast
confident, the rate is not rate is too fast that you cannot
poised, too fast or too or too slow. The understand
enthusiastic slow. The pronunciation most of the
fashion. The pronunciation and enunciation message. The
volume and rate and enunciation are unclear. The pronunciation
varies to add are clear. The speaker exhibits and enunciation
emphasis and speaker many are very
interest. exhibits few disfluencies, unclear. The
Delivery Pronunciation disfluencies, such as "ahs," speaker appears
and enunciation such as "ahs," "uhms," or "you uninterested.
are very clear. "uhms," or knows." The
The speaker "you knows. listener is
exhibits very distracted by
few problems in the
disfluencies, delivery of the
such as "ahs," message and
"uhms," or "you has difficulty
knows." understanding
the words in
the message.

Organization The message is The message is The The message is

overtly organized. The organization of so disorganized
organized. The listener has no the message is you cannot
speaker helps difficulty mixed up and understand
the listener understanding random. The most of the
understand the the sequence listener must message.
sequence and and make some
relationships of relationships assumptions
ideas by using among the about the
organizational ideas in the sequence and
aids such as message. The relationship of
announcing the ideas in the ideas.
topic, message can
previewing the outlined easily.
transitions, and

Very original Some Little or no Repetitive with

presentation of originality variation; little or no
material; apparent; good material variety;
Creativity captures the variety and presented with insufficient use
audience’s blending of little originality of materials /
attention. materials / or media.
media. interpretation.

Within three Within 5 Within ten Too long or too

minutes of minutes minutes of short; ten or
Length of allotted time . minutes of allotted time . more minutes
Presentation allotted time. above or below
the allotted

V. Assignment

In connection for the next topic, watch the following videos and take down notes the
important ideas and concepts.
How to Read IPA - Learn How Using IPA Can Improve Your Pronunciation:

American English Vowels - IPA - Pronunciation - International Phonetic Alphabet:


At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. define the meaning of the difficult words thar are found in the texts;
b. use the appropriate reading style (scanning, skimming, speed reading, intensive
reading, etc);
c. scan for specific information in order to answer the given questions;
d. observe the correct production of vowel and consonant sounds, dipthongs, blebds,
glides, etc; and
e. appreciate the value of correct pronunciation by reading words, phrases, clauses,
sentences and paragraphs using the correct production of vowel and consonant
sounds, dipthongs, blends and glides.


Reading Comprehension and Oral Language and Fluency

Topic: Correct production of vowel and consonant sounds

References: Rizal as Teacher and Pupil:


People of the Philippines:


Materials: Materials: laptop, projector photocopies of the text, power point


Strategies: Teacher Facilitated Discussion, Choral Reading Strategy, Oral



A. Preparation
Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation

Vocabulary Unlock

Directions: Match the following words given under Column A with its correct meaning under
Column B.

C. Presentation

Teacher Facilitated Discussion

Using a power point presentation, the teacher will discuss the different reading styles
scanning, skimming, speed reading, intensive reading, etc. The teacher will also discuss
the correct production of vowel and consonant sounds.

Listening Activity
The teacher will distribute the photo copies of the story Rizal as a Teacher and a Pupil and
the story The People of the Philippines to the students. The students will listen how the
teacher reads the story. They are to take note on how the teacher reads the selection—
voicing, correct pronunciation, facial expression, and stage presence.

Choral Recitation
Using the story entitled “ The People of the Philippines”, The students will be group by 5 and
they are to perform a popcorn reading using the tips from listening to the teacher’s reading
of the text
IV. Evaluation
Activity 1: Scanning
Text to be used: Rizal as Teacher and a Pupil
Directions: The student will answer the following question using the reading style scanning.
Answers will be written in a whole sheet of paper.
1. Who is Horacio Cabilin?
2. What did Ambeth Ocampo want to see when he visited the Talisay

3. How many students did Rizal have? How did Rizal describe his students?

4. By building a dike what did Rizal teach his students?

5. For Rizal, how could students use their time wisely?

6. What does Ambeth Ocampo mean in the last sentence?

Activity 2: Loud and Clear

Text to be used: The People of the Philippines

Activity 1: Loud and Clear! Students will enhance their pronunciation of a few critical
vowel and consonant sounds based on some parts of the text. Students will be guided
by their teacher throughout the activity.

Set A: Words

[I] [i]

bit unique

kinship east

basic appearance

archipelago camaraderie

Philippines fifteen

[s] [ʃ]

spirit Spanish
stock population

sturdy Indonesian

scattered distinguishes

some kinship

Set B: Phrases

1. a little bit of all the cultures

2. spirit of kinship
3. East meets West
4. Chinese and Spanish
5. people of the Philippines

Set C: Sentences

1. The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together.

2. The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for is said
to be taken from Malay forefathers.

3. Each regional group is recognizable by distinct traits and dialects – the sturdy and
frugal llocanos of the north, the industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the
carefree Visayans from the central islands and the colorful tribesmen and religious
Moslems of Mindanao.

4. Some 80 percent of the population is Catholic, Spain's lasting legacy.

5. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and traders culminated in a
unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance and culture of the people of
the Filipinos.
V. Assignments

Instructions: In a whole sheet of paper, create a three-paragraph essay about your experiences as
a student. It can be either a fulfilling experience or a challenging experience. Be guided by the
rubrics for scoring.
Rubrics for scoring
Content –15 points
Organization –10 points
Word choice, and
Sentence structure – 5 points
Total –30 points

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