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G10 3RD Quarter PT

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Division of City Schools


Grade 10 Science
SY 2019-2020

Name: ___________________________ Score: _________________

Section: __________________________ Date: __________________

Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer before the number.

1. What is the similarity between DNA and RNA 8. Which of the following is true of evolution?
molecules? Both Evolutionary changes
A. contain uracil A. the ability of a species to survive and
B. are double helix reproduce in a specific environment.
C. contain guanine B. increase the ability of a species to survive
D. have deoxyribose sugar and reproduce under any circumstances.
C. result in a species becoming more and
2. Which of the following is not part of the female more abundant over time.
reproductive system? D. result in animals becoming larger over
A. Cervix B. Epididymis time and having larger numbers of
C. Fallopian tube D. Uterus offspring.

3. Evidence of past life in the form of fossils is 9. DNA is important in understanding living things
found in what form of rock? because DNA is
A. igneous A. a self-replicating molecule
B . sedimentary B. a double stranded molecule
C. metamorphic C. part of the nucleus of the cell
D. crushed metamorphic D. a carrier of genetic information

4. The chemical messengers of the endocrine 10. On a field trip, a scientist finds a fossil of a
system are snub- nosed crocodile and wants to know its
A. enzymes B. hormones age. What would you do to date the fossil?
C. impulses D. RBC A. Measure decay of radioactive isotopes in
the rock around the fossils.
5. Humans have a set of miniature tail bones B. Count the annual rings of trees growing in
which no longer support a tail. On the basis of the area
this structure, with which of the following C. Determine the age by comparing them
organisms do they most likely share a common to fossils in other layers.
ancestor? D. Measure the depth at which the fossils are
1. dog found.
2. bird
3. monkey 11. A couple has difficulty in having a child.
A. 1 and 3 B. 2 and 3 According to their doctor, there is a problem in
C. 1 and 2 D. 1, 2 and 3 ovulation. This means that the problem is in the
A. woman’s ovaries
6. The Giant Crowned fruit bat is the biggest fruit B. man’s testes
bat in the world which is found in Subic and C. man’s penis
Bataan, which of the following is the reason for D. woman’s uterus
it to become endangered?
A. siltation For number 12, refer to the illustration below.
B. loss of habitat
C. mining activities
D. toxic and hazardous waste

7. Bohol is known for its Chocolate mountains

that turn coco-brown in the dry season
contrasting with the surrounding jungle’s
greenery. Which of the following classification
of value of biodiversity is described?
A. Aesthetic Value
B. Ethical/ Cultural value
C. Direct economic value
D. Indirect economic value
12. According to the illustration, which of the 17. The adrenal glands is
following could be the cause of Klinefelter’s A. on the kidney
syndrome? B. on the trachea
A. Failure of male sex chromosome to C. beneath the stomach
separate in meiosis. D. at the base of the brain
B. Failure of female sex chromosome to
separate in meiosis. 18. Due to negative feedback control, as the level
C. Separation of female sex chromosome in of thyroxin increases in the blood,
meiosis. A. more TSH is produced.
D. Failure of sperm and egg to unite in B. less TSH is produced.
fertilization. C. less hypothalamic-releasing hormone is
13. Which of the following statements regarding D. Both B and C are correct
pituitary hormones is false?
A. The hypothalamus makes oxytocin and 19. The neuron found wholly and completely
antidiuretic hormone, which are within the CNS is the____.
transported the posterior pituitary for A. motor neuron
storage. B. sensory neuron
B. Antidiuretic hormone, released by the C. Inter neuron
posterior pituitary, causes urine volume to D. all of these are correct
increase and blood volume to decrease. C.
Luteinizing hormone, an anterior pituitary 20. Which of the following best explains what
occurs during menstruation?
hormone, triggers ovulation of an egg
A. Follicle is released from the ovary into the
from the ovary and causes the ruptured
fallopian tubes.
follicle to produce progesterone and B. Egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus.
some estrogens. C. The lining of the uterus is shed through the
D. Hyposecretion of follicle-stimulating vagina.
hormone or luteinizing hormone leads to D. Uterine arteries & veins are opened and
sterility in both males and females. bleed through the vagina.

For numbers 14- 15, refer to the diagram 21. When the DNA makes a copy of itself, the two
strands unzip or separate, what happens to
the strands afterwards?
A. each synthesizes a new strand
B. both grow to double their length
C. one of the strands makes a copy itself.
D. both arrange themselves to a spiral form

22. According to Darwin’s Theory of Natural

Selection, individuals who survive are most
likely the ones best adapted to exist in their
environment. Their survival is due to their
A. ability to change their genotype
B. lack of competition within the species
C. possession of structures developed
through use
D. possession of structural variation that
14. Which of the above layers is the youngest?
maximize fitness
A. A B. B
C. C D. D
23. Of the following anatomical structures, which is
homologous to the wing of a bat?
15. Which of the following happened most
A. the dorsal fin of a shark
B. the tail of a kangaroo
A. deposition of unit C
C. the wing of a butterfly
B. deposition of unit B
D. the arm of a human
C. deposition of unit F
D. tilting of C, D, E and F
24. The Philippine coral reefs support the highest
level of Marine Biodiversity in the World. Which
16. All of the following are functions of the nervous
of the following is the main cause of the coral
system EXCEPT?
reef destruction?
A. Distributes food to the brain.
A. run-off
B. Controls the activities of the body.
B. typhoon
C. Coordinates the actions of the body.
C. coral bleaching
D. Receives information from the
D. destructive fishing such as dynamite,
cyanide and muro ami
25. What is NOT true about Down syndrome? 31. Which of the following explanations support
A. Characteristics include mental Lamark’s Theory?
retardation and extra eyelid folds A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3
B. Greater incidence occurs when fathers C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 4
are over the age of 35.
C. It is associated with non-disjunction of 32. Which part of the neuron carries messages to
chromosome in meiosis the cell body to the dendrite of another
D. It is caused by a third copy of neuron?
chromosome A. axon B. axon terminal
C. dendrites D. cell body
26. What do FSH, LH, testosterone, progesterone
and estrogen have in common? 33. Failure of the pituitary to stop producing
A. They occur only in the female. growth hormone after body growth is
B. They occur only in the male. completed results in _______.
C. All of them directly affect the uterine A. Acromegaly B. Dwarfism
lining. C. Gigantism D. Tetany
D. All of them are necessary for sexual
reproduction. 34. During DNA replication which of the following
segments would be complementary to the
27. The following are functions of Sympathetic parent DNA segment of GGATTA?
Nervous System EXCEPT___________. A. CCTAAT B. CCUAAU
A. dilates pupil C. GGATTA D. ATTACC
B. causes diarrhea
C. increases heart rate 35. The following factors limit the growth of the
D. thickens salivary secretions Philippine Eagle population. Which should be
eliminated from the list?
28. What is represented in the geologic time A. deforestation
scale? B. over collection
A. steps of endosymbiosis C. frequent typhoon in the Philippines
B. current plant and animals D. slow rate of production of the eagle
C. fossils formation in sedimentary rock
D. major geological and biological events in 36. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Earth’s history A. Convergent evolution demonstrates
evolutionary relationships.
29. Why does Watsons and Crick model of the B. Homologous structures are the same
DNA revolutionize the understanding of DNA body parts that are modified in different
on the code of LIFE? ways in different lines of descent from a
A. It is double helix structure. common ancestor.
B. DNA can be found in every cell of an C. Fossils can show evolutionary changes in
organism. bones and teeth.
C. DNA contains all the information needed D. The more similarity in the structure of two
to form and control the physical make proteins from different organisms, the
up and metabolism of an organism. more closely related the organisms are
D. Its structure is made up of a very long
intertwined strand of nucleotides consisting 37. The lagging strand of a DNA molecule
of phosphate, sugar and nitrogenous bases. undergoing replication reads 3’-
CGCATGTAGCGA-5’. What is the code of the
For numbers 30-31, refer to the explanation below on DNA that is the template for the
why giraffes have long neck
complementary leading strand of this
1. Ancestral giraffes probably had necks
that vary in length. The variations are A. 3’ – CGCATGTAGCGA – 5’
hereditary. B. 5’ - CGCATGTAGCGA – 3’
2. Ancestral giraffes had short necks that C. 3’ – GCGTACATCGCT – 5’
were subjected to frequent stretching to D. 5’ – GCGTACATCGCT – 3’
enable them to reach the foliage leaves.
3. The offspring of giraffes had longer necks For number 38, refer to the illustration below.
that also stretched frequently in the quest
for food.
4. Natural selection led to survival of long
Necked offspring at the expense of short
necked ones.

30. Which of the following explanations are based

from Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 4 D. 3 and 4
38. What is similar in the human, whale, dog and For numbers 44-45, refer to the following
bat which provides evidence that they have
descended from a common ancestor? I. Small scale mining
A. function II. Kaingin farming
B. structure III. Forest fires
C. body plan IV. Natural calamities
V. Conversion to agricultural land
D. means of locomotion
VI. Human settlements
39. In the illustration below which molecules is 44. Which of these are difficult to solve because
represented by boxes A and B they are basically natural causes?
Hereditary Information A. III and IV B. IV and V
C. V and II D. VI and III
is stored in
45. Which of these environmental problems are
difficult to solve because the people involved
Genes generally belong to the lower sector of society
and the government wants to help them?
are made of
A. I and II B. II and IV
C. III and IV D. II and IV
46. The figure below shows the embryos of fish,
can be bird, reptile and human. All the embryos are
observed to possess long vertebra like
structures called somites. It can be inferred
replicated that they________________.

for the reproduction of

A. A - nitrogenous base, B – protein

B. A - DNA, B - protein
C. A - RNA, B – chromosome
D. A – chromosome, B – protein

40. Which of the following shows the pathway of

A. testis – vas deferens – epididymis – urethra
B. testis – epididymis – vas deferens – urethra
C. testis – epididymis – urethra – vas A. evolved from common ancestors
deferens B. have different gestation period
D. urethra – vas deferens – epididymis – testis C. evolved from different ancestors
D. demonstrate convergent evolution
41. Which of the following comprises the
peripheral nervous system? 47. Which affects biodiversity loss most?
A. brain and the nerve cells A. pollution
B. brain and spinal cord B. introduced Species
C. muscles and motor neuron C. habitat destruction
D. cranial and spinal nerves D. population growth

42. Which one of the following is TRUE of both DNA 48. Which of the following is NOT a necessary
and RNA?l component of translation?
A. both contain the base U, uracil A. Anticodon B. mRNA
B. both contain the base T, thymine C. Ligase D. Amino acid
C. both are polymers of nucleotides
D. both are found double stranded in all 49. Ribosomes select the correct tRNAs
living cells A. then bind to the appropriate mRNA
B. solely on the basis of their anticodons
43. In DNA extraction, what does the extraction C. depending on their abundance in the
solution contain? cytosol
A. ethanol D. with the least abundant anticodons
B. ethanol and salt
C. salt and detergent
D. detergent and ethanol
50. After an impulse has been interpreted by the 58. Reflex action is advantageous because it
brain, it will be transmitted to the allows a person to
A. spinal cord and then sent to the bones. A. avoid a harmful stimulus.
B. spinal cord and then sent to the muscles. B. think and respond to stimulus faster.
C. cerebellum and then sent to the spinal C. choose the best action for the stimulus.
Cord. D. respond to stimulus faster without thinking.
D. cerebrum and then sent to the spinal
For number 59- 60, refer to the diagram below.
51. Which sequence of genetic information is
A. translation – replication – transcription
B. replication – transcription – translation
C. transcription – translation – replication
D. replication – translation – transcription

52. Which of the following has provided an

abundance of evidence that the diversity of
life on Earth has changed over time?
A. creationism
B. the fossil record
C. natural selection
D. population genetics

53. An earthquake may kill some members of the

59. From the graph, determine which time period
population regardless of whether the
are birth and death rate equal?
population is small or large. Which of the
A. A B. C
following factors describe this?
C. B D. D
A. predation
B. density- dependent
60. Which of the following is density- independent
C. population density
limiting factor?
D. density – independent
A. Disease B. Crowding
C. Competition D. Earthquakes
54. A polysome could be best described as an
active site of
A. DNA synthesis.
B. protein synthesis
C. lipid synthesis
D. all of the above

55. A negative feedback affects the

A. giving birth to a baby
B. dilation of eye pupils in the dark
C. production of hormones in the menstrual
D. opening and closing of skin pores in
response to temperature

56. Which of the following describes the correct

order of events that leads to the genetic
A. DNA—RNA—amino acid—protein—
genetic expression
B. RNA—amino acid—DNA—protein—
genetic experience
C. DNA—amino acid—protein—RNA—
genetic expression
D. RNA—protein—DNA—amino acid—
genetic expression

57. How many amino acids are coded for this

three B. seven
C. five D. more than seven

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