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Math 6 Q3 Week 10 DLL

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Teaching Dates and Time: JANUARY 8—12, 2018 (WEEK 10) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES The learner…..
A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of rate and speed, and of area and surface area of plane and solid/space figures.
B. Performance Standard is able to apply knowledge of speed, area, and surface area of plane and solid/space figures in mathematical problems and real-
life situations
C. Learning Competencies / solves word problems involving solves word problems involving measurement solves word problems involving Third Quarterly Test
Objectives measurement of surface area of a cube of surface area of a cylinder and a pyramid. measurement of surface area of a
and a rectangular prism. M6ME-IIIj-94 M6ME-IIIj-94 sphere and a cone. M6ME-IIIj-94
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 21ST Century Mathletes, 108-112 21ST Century Mathletes, 108-112 21ST Century Mathletes, 108-112

2. Learner’s Materials pages 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-285 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-285 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-285
3. Textbook pages 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-285 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-285 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-285
4. Additional Materials from Math 6 DLP Mod. 56 Math 6 DLP Mod. 56 Math 6 DLP Mod. 56
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Mathletes 6 textbook, power point Mathletes 6 textbook, power point Mathletes 6 textbook, power point
presentation presentation presentation
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Drill: Match column A with column B Drill: Drill: Write the formula or equation
presenting the new lesson Column A Column B Divide the class into 5 groups. then solve the surface area of the
3-D shape Surface Area c)Teacher flashes a figures w/ dimensions following space figures.
formula d)Each group compute the correct answer
Rectangular surface area (with label)
prism =6s2 e)The first group to get the correct answer
sphere surface area gets 1 point.
=2πr2+2πrh f)The group with the most number of points
cylinder surface area wins.
cube surface area
cone surface area

1.A pyramid has a square base of side
15 cm and a height of 14 cm. Find the
Review: surface area of the pyramid.
1.The surface area of this cube is 96 square 2.Find the surface area of a square
units. What is its edge length? pyramid if the length of one side of the
2.A rectangular subdivision water tank, 7 m base is 2.4 m and the height of the
by 5 m by 4 m, is to be painted al over. How triangular face is 4.9 m.
much surface is to be painted? 3.The radius of the circular base of a
3.Find the total surface area of a cube with 35 cylindrical tank is 0.7 m and its height
is 5 m. Find its surface area.
cm edges.
4. Find the surface area of a rectangular prism
which is 45 cm long, 36 cm wide, and 2.24 cm
5. One side of a cube measures 43.6 cm.
Solve for its surface area.
B.Establishing a purpose for the Show the video of finding the surface Show the video of finding the surface area of Show the video of finding the surface
lesson area of a cube and a rectangular prism. a cylinder and a pyramid area of sphere and a cone.

C.Presenting Present the ff. problem in the class: Present the ff. problem in the class: Present the ff. problem in the class:
Examples/Instances of new How many square decimeter of 1.John works in a company that makes tents. A closed cone model made of tin, has a
lesson cardboard will be needed if the box His boss assigned him to design tents for radius of 6cm and a slant height of
measures 3 dm long, 2 dm wide, and mountaineers. He need to keep them light. To 10cm. find the amount of material
0.5 decide what fabrics are acceptable to used in making the cone.
dm high? Answer the following mountaineers, he needs to know the amount 1.Understand:
questions: of fabric it takes to construct tent like the one a. What is asked? What are the
at the right. How much fabric is required to given facts?
1. What is asked? construct this tent?
2. What are given? 2. Plan:
3. What operation will be used? a. which formula(s) shall we use to
4. What is the number sentence? solve the problem?
5. What is the solution? 3. Solve:
6. What is the answer? 1.Understand: a. Show your computation
a. What is asked? The measure of 4. Check
fabric required to construct the tent. Let the group answer the problem.
b. What are the given facts? Solution:
r=6cm, s=10cm
2. Plan: S.A. = πr2 + πrs
a. which formula(s) shall we use to solve = 3.14(62) + 3.14(6)(10) cm2
the problem? 113.04 + 188.4 cm2
3. Solve: =301.44 cm2
The material used in making the
a. Show your computation model cone is 301.44 cm2
4. Check:
(Discuss the answer to the problem on
D.Discussing new concepts and Analyze the problem and study the Group Activity: Answer the ff. problem. Group activity:
practicing new skills #1 answer to the questions. Find the About how much metal was used to make Suppose you want to produce
surface area of a cube having a side or this tuna can? Use π= 3.14 basketballs with 4.89 dm. radius. What
edge of 3 cm. is the least amount of rubber you
Know: would need if you want to produce 20
• What is asked? The surface area of a basketballs? Use π= 3.14
cube. • What are given? 3 cm – 3. Understand:
measure of the side of a cube. 1. Understand: c. What is asked?
Plan: a. What is asked? d. What are the given facts?
• What operation will be used? b. What are the given facts? 4. Plan:
multiplication • What is the number 2. Plan: a. which formula(s) shall we
sentence? S² x 6 = n a. which formula(s) shall we use to use to solve the problem?
Solve: solve the problem? 3. Solve:
• What is the solution? S² x 6 = n 3. Solve: a. Show your computation
(3 cm) ² x 6 = n 9 cm² x 6 = n a. Show your computation 4. Check:
54 cm² = n 4. Check: (Discuss the answer to the problem on
• What is the answer? The surface (Discuss the answer to the problem on page page 280)
area of a cube is 54 cm². 280-281 of Mathletes Textbook)
• How do you check your answer? You
can change the order of factors.
6 x 5² = n 6 x (3) ² = n 6 x 9 cm² = n
54 cm² = n
E.Discussing new concepts and Group Activity: Group Activity: Group members solve the Group Activity:
practicing new skills #2 How many square centimeters of wood following problems together. They write the Answer the ff. problem
is needed to make a crate if the formula, solve for the answer and label on a 1.The base of a cone is 16cm in
measurement is 52 cm long, 30 cm piece of paper. diameter and the slant height of the
wide and 25 cm deep including the top 1.A cylindrical milk can has a diameter of 14 curved surface is 18cm. find its surface
and base? cm and a height of 22 cm. What is the area of area.
1.What is asked? the material of which it is made? 2.Find the surface area of a plastic ball
2.A pyramid has a square base of side 24 cm
(Number of square centimeter of wood of radius 15cm.
and the height of each triangular face is 16
needed to make a crate.) Solution:
cm. Find the surface area of the pyramid.
2. What are given? (52 cm long, 30 cm 3.Find the surface area of the square pyramid r=15cm
wide, 25 cm deep.) whose base side is 4 cm and the slant height of S.A.= 4πr2
3. What operation will be used? the pyramid is 6 cm. =4(3.14)(152)
(Multiplication and addition. ) Solution: =2 826 cm2
4. What is the number sentence? The side of the square is 4 cm The surface area of the plastic ball is 2
(2LW + 2LH + 2WH = n ) The slant height of the pyramid is 6 cm. 826 cm2
5. What is the solution? Surface area of a square pyramid = Area of
(2 LW + 2LH + 2WH = n 2 (52 x 30) + base + 2SL square units
2(52 x 25) + 2(30 x 25) = n 2(1,560) + where, S is the base side length and L is the
2(1,300) + 2(750) = n 3,120 + 2,600 + slant height of pyramid
1,500 = n Area of the base = (4 ×× 4) = 16
7,220 cm²) => Area of the base is 16 cm2
6. What is the answer? Surface area of a square pyramid = 16 +
(2 ×4 × 6)
( There are 7,220 cm² of wood needed
= 16 + 48
to make a crate. )
= 64
The surface area of the square pyramid is 64
F.Developing mastery Read and analyze the ff. problems: Answer the ff. problems: Read and analyze the ff. problems:
(Leads to Formative 1.Find how many square decimeter of A cosmetics company that makes small 1.A milk can has a radius of 4 cm and a
Assessment) cardboard is needed to make a cubical cylindrical bars of soap wraps the bars in height of 11 cm. How much tin was
soda cracker box measuring 2.5 dm on plastic prior to shipping. Find the surface area used in making it?
each edge. of a bar of soap if the diameter is 5 cm and 2.A closed cone model has a radius of
1. What is asked? the height is 2 cm. Use 3.14 for π. 7 cm and a height of 12 cm. Find the
2. What are given? The lateral area of a cylinder is 94.2 cm2 . The amount of material used in making the
3. What operation will be used? height is 6 cm. What is the radius? cone?
4. What is the number sentence? Find the surface area of the square pyramid
5. What is the solution? whose base side is 5 m and the slant height of
6. What is the answer? the pyramid is 8 m.
2.A wooden box measures 8 dm long, 6 Solution:
dm wide and 4 dm high. What is the The side of the square is 5 m
surface area of the box? The slant height of the pyramid is 8 m
3. A company is deciding which box Surface area of a square pyramid = (Area of
to use for their merchandise. The base + 2 ×× base side length ×× slant height of
first box measures 8 inches by 6.25 pyramid) square units
inches by 10.5 inches. The second Area of the base = (5 ×× 5) = 25
=> Area of the base of pyramid = 25 cm2
box measures 9 inches by 5.5 inches
Surface area of a square pyramid = 25 +
by 11.75 inches. Which box (2 ×× 5 ×× 8)
required more material to make? = 25 + (2 ×× 40)
4. Find the number of square = 25 + (80)
centimeters of wrapping paper needed = 105
to cover a shoe box 25cm by 15cm by The surface area of the square pyramid is 105
20cm. m2
5. A room measures 5m by 4m by 3.5m.
How many square meters of wallpaper
are needed to cover the four walk?
G.Finding practical applications Read and complete the statements A. Analyze the problem by answering the Read each word problem carefully.
of concepts and skills in daily below. given question. 1.The surface area of a square pyramid
living 1. A building is a rectangular prism that 1. How much aluminum is needed to make a is 340 cm2 and each side of its base is
is 205m tall. Its base is 90m by 35m. cylindrical can if the radius of the base is 8 cm 10cm. what is the height of each
What is the surface area of the and the height is 12cm? triangular face?
building? 1. What is asked? 2.What is the area of a sphere whose
a. The problem asked for ____ 2. What are given? radius is 24cm?
b. The given are _____ 3. What operation will be used? 3.Find the surface areas of the ff.
c. The number sentence is _____ 4. What is the number sentence? a. A softball with a radius of
d. The solution and answer is _____ 5. What is the solution? 4cm
2. Chloe wants to wrap a present in a 6. What is the answer? b. A volleyball w/ a radius of
box for Sarah. The top and bottom of 2. A cylindrical building has a reading of 24 8cm
the box is 8 in. by 3 in., the sides are meters and a height of 40 meters. Find its c. A basketball with a radius
both 3 in. by 2 in. and the front and surface area. of 10.8cm.
back are 8 in. by 2 in. How much 3. How much aluminum is needed to make a
wrapping paper will Chloe need to cylindrical can if radius of the base is 5cm and
wrap the present? the height is 15cm?
3.Tara made a rectangular fence
around her rose so it would not get
hurt by her dog. She put a fence around
the rose that was 4 ft long, 2 ft wide,
and 3 ft high. How much material did
she use to make her fence?
4. A gymnasium is 45 ft long, 30 ft wide,
and 14 ft high. The school is painting
the four walls and the ceiling of the
gym. Find the area of the painted parts
of the gym.
5. A closed rectangular subdivision
water tank, 7 m by 5 m by 3 m is to be
painted all over. How much surface is
to be painted?
H.Making generalizations and The following are the steps in solving The following are the steps in solving word The following are the steps in solving
abstractions about the lesson word problems involving measurement problems involving measurement of surface word problems involving
of surface area: area: measurement of surface area:
A. Know and understand the problem. A. Know and understand the problem. 1. A. Know and understand the problem.
1. What is asked? What is asked? 1. What is asked?
2. What are given? 2. What are given? 2. What are given?
3. What is the word clue and what 3. What is the word clue and what operation 3. What is the word clue and what
operation to be used? to be used? operation to be used?
B. Plan for the solution. B. Plan for the solution. B. Plan for the solution.
1. What is the number sentence? 1. What is the number sentence? 1. What is the number sentence?
C. Carry out the number sentence? C. Carry out the number sentence? C. Carry out the number sentence?
1. Solve the number sentence 1. Solve the number sentence 1. Solve the number sentence
2. What is the answer? 2. What is the answer? 2. What is the answer?
D. Look back and check. D. Look back and check. D. Look back and check.
1. Find out if you answered the 1. Find out if you answered the problem 1. Find out if you answered the
problem correctly. Here are the correctly. Here are the formulas for the problem correctly. Here are the
formulas for the surface area of: surface area of: formulas for the surface area of:
1. Rectangular prism SA = 2LW + 2LH + 1. Cylinder: SA = 2πr2 + 2πrh 1. Sphere: SA=4πr2
2WH 2. Pyramid: SA= S2 + 4sh/2 cm2 2.Cone: SA= 2πr2 + 2πrh
2. Cube SA = 6e² or 5² x 6
I.Evaluating Learning Read and analyze the problem. Answer Read and analyze the problem. Answer the Read and analyze the problem. Answer
the questions below. questions below. the questions below.
1.)The edge of a crate measures 10 1.Diana wants to make several cans with a 1. A conical tent has a radius
meters long, 12 meters wide, and 15 diameter of 6 inches and a height of 8 inches. of 6m and the slant height
meters high. What is the surface area She is going to cut the cans from a sheet of
of the crate? metal that has an area of 2,675 in2 . How is 5 cm. find the area of the
2.) Trey and Matt each have a many can she make? canvas used for making it.
rectangular prism. The base of Trey’s 2. Mrs. Quinay made a cylindrical pencil 2. The base of the cone has a
prism is 4 cm by 7 cm and has a height holder. It has a height of 5 in and a diameter diameter of 18 inches. Its
of 12 cm. The base of Matt’s prism is 6 of 3 in. How much material does she need to
cm by 10 cm and has a height of 3 cm. make her pencil holder? slant side is 12cm. what is
Whose rectangular prism will require 3. Find the surface area of the square its surface area?
more material to construct? pyramid whose base side is 6m and the slant 3. A ball has a radius of 16cm.
3.) A library has an aquarium in the height of the pyramid is 8m.
what is its surface area?
shape of a rectangular prism. The base 4.Tommy and Ethan each have a cylinder.
is 6 ft by 2.5 ft. The height is 4 ft. How Tommy’s cylinder has a diameter of 6 inches 4. What is the surface area of
many square feet of glass was used to and a height of 8 inches. Ethan’s cylinder has a cone with a diameter of
build the aquarium? a diameter of 8 inches and a height of 6 16cm and a height of
4.) Marley bakes a rectangular cake inches. Whose cylinder has a larger surface
that is 9 inches wide, 13 inches long area? Use 3.14 for π.
and 2 inches high. She removes the 5. Clayton wants to make a cylindrical case 5. Find the surface area of a
cake from the pan to frost it. How that will fit a bass drum with a height of 14 in. cone with height 8cm and
many square inches of frosting does and a diameter of 24 in. What is the surface radius of base 3cm.
she need? area of the case? Use 3.14 for π.
5. A cube has a side of 10cm. What is its 6.Find the surface area of the square pyramid
surface area? whose base side is 6m and the slant height of
6. Marley bakes a rectangular cake that the pyramid is 10m.
is 9 inches wide, 13 inches long and 2
inches high. She removes the cake from
the pan to frost it. How many square
inches of frosting does she need?
J.Additional activities for Answer the ff. Answer the ff. Answer the ff.:
application and remediation 1.Mara made a rectangular fence 1.The lateral area of a cylinder is 95 cm2. The 1. A sphere has a radius of 16
around her garden. She put a fence height is 8cm. what is the radius? cm. what is its surface area?
around the rose that is 45 ft long, 3 ft 2.A pyramid has a square base of side 26 cm 2. What is the surface area of a
wide, and 4 ft high. How much material and the height of each triangular face is 14
cone with a radius of 6 cm
did she use to make her fence? cm. find the surface area of the pyramid.\
2. One side of a cube measures 42.5 3.A pyramid has a square base of side 24cm and a height of 16 cm?
cm. Solve for its surface area. and the height of each triangular face is
16cm. find the surface area of the pyramid.
V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:

Master Teacher 1
San Jose ES
San Pablo City

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