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The Ilieff-Sendov Conjecture Robert "Dr. Bob" Gardner Fall 2011

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The Ilieff-Sendov Conjecture

Robert “Dr. Bob” Gardner

Fall 2011

Note. Recall that a line in the complex plane can be represented by an

equation of the form Im((z − a)/b) = 0 where the line is “parallel” to the
vector b and translated from the origin by an amount a (here we are knowingly
blurring the distinction between vectors in R2 and numbers in C).

We can represent a closed half plane with the equation Im((z − a)/b) ≤ 0.
This represents the half plane to the right of the line Im((z − a)/b) = 0 when
traveling along the line in the “direction” of b. This representation, along
with some standard properties of logarithms and derivatives in the complex
setting, allow us to prove the following so-called Gauss-Lucas Theorem (or
sometimes simply the Lucas Theorem). For a reference, see page 29 of [1].

Theorem 1. The Gauss-Lucas Theorem.

If all the zeros of a polynomial P (z) lie in a half plane in the complex plane,
then all the zeros of the derivative P 0 (z) lie in the same half plane.

Proof. By the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, we can factor P as

P (z) = an(z − r1 )(z − r2 ) · · · (z − rn ).


log P (z) = log an + log(z − r1 ) + log(z − r2 ) + · · · + log(z − rn )

and differentiating both sides gives

P 0(z) 1 1 1 X 1
= + +···+ = . (∗)
P (z) z − r1 z − r2 z − rn z − rk

Suppose the half plane H that contains all the zeros of P (z) is described by
Im((z − a)/b) ≤ 0. Then Im((rk − a)/b) ≤ 0 for k = 1, 2, . . . , n. Now let z ∗
be some number not in H. We want to show that P 0(z ∗ ) 6= 0 (this will mean
that all the zeros of P 0(z) are in H). Well, Im((z ∗ − a)/b) > 0. Let rk be
some zero of P . Then
 ∗   ∗ 
z − rk z − a − rk + a
Im = Im
b b
z −a rk − a
= Im − Im > 0.
b b
(Notice that Im((z ∗ − a)/b) > 0 since z ∗ is not in H, and −Im((rk − a)/b) ≥ 0
since rk is in H.) The imaginary parts of reciprocal numbers have opposite
signs, so Im(b/(z ∗ − rk )) < 0. Hence, by applying (∗),
 0 ∗  X n  
bP (z ) b
Im = Im ∗ < 0.
P (z ∗) z − rk
P 0 (z ∗)
So ∗
6= 0 and P 0(z ∗ ) 6= 0. Therefore, if P 0(z) = 0, then z ∈ H.
P (z )

Note. With repeated application of the Gauss-Lucas Theorem, we can prove

the following corollary.

Corollary 1. The convex polygon in the complex plane which contains all
the zeros of a polynomial P , also contains all the zeros of P 0.

Note. For example, if P has eight zeros, then the convex polygon containing
them might look like the following.

Note. There is no “clean” analogy of the Gauss-Lucas Theorem in the real

setting (which is the case with many complex analysis results). For example,
can you find a real polynomial with all of its zeros in a certain interval [a, b],
yet it has critical points outside of the interval? The answer: YES!

Note. A weaker version of Corollary 1 is the following.

Corollary 2. A circle which contains all of the zeros of polynomial P , also

contains all of the zeros of P 0.

Note. We now restrict our study to a class of polynomials which is sort

of “normalized” with respect to the location of zeros. This is the set of
polynomials each of which has all of its zeros in the unit disk of the complex
plane, {z | |z| ≤ 1}. We can easily use Corollary 2 to get a result for this
class of polynomials.

Corollary 3. If all the zeros of a polynomial P lie in |z| ≤ 1, then all the
zeros of P 0 also lie in |z| ≤ 1.

Note. It is important that we are studying the set of all polynomials with
their zeros in |z| ≤ 1. We can violate Corollary 3 by considering a non-
polynomial. Consider, for example, f (z) = zez/2 . Then the only zero of f is
z = 0, and so all the zeros of f lie in |z| ≤ 1. However, f 0 (z) = ez/2 + 12 zez/2 =
( 12 z + 1)ez/2 . Then f 0 has a zero at z = −2 and so there is a zero outside of
|z| ≤ 1.

Note. Another result concerning a relationship between the zeros of a poly-

nomial and the zeros of the derivative involves the centroid of the zeros.

Definition. For polynomial P (z) = an (z − r1 )(z − r2 ) · · · (z − rn ) with zeros

r1 , r2 , . . . , rn (not necessarily distinct), define the centroid of the zeros by
placing a unit mass at each rk in the complex plane and then finding the
center of mass of the resulting distribution (as in Calculus 2).

Theorem 2. The centroid of the zeros of a polynomial P is the same as the

centroid of the zeros of P 0 .

Proof. Theorem 2 is listed as an exercise in Morris Marden’s Geometry of

Polynomials (see Exercise 4, page 53, [9]). Let the zeros of n-degree polyno-
mial P be r1 , r2 , . . . , rn , and so
Xn n
P (z) = ak z = an (z − rk ).
k=0 k=1

Then P (z) = an z n + an (−r1 − r2 − · · · − rn )z n−1 + · · · + a1 z + a0 . So an−1 =

−an (r1 + r2 + · · · + rn ) and the centroid of the zeros of P is
r1 + r2 + · · · + rn 1 −an−1 −an−1
= = .
n n an nan
Let the zeros of P 0 be s1 , s2 , . . . , sn−1 . Then
X n−1
0 k−1
P (z) = kak z = nan (z − sk ).
k=1 k=1

Similar to above, the centroid of the zeros of P 0 is

s1 + s2 + · · · + sn−1 1 −(n − 1)an−1 −an−1
= = .
n−1 n−1 nan nan
Therefore, the centroid of the zeros of P and the centroid of the zeros of P 0
are the same.

Note. Now for the object of our interest! It is known variously as the Ilieff
Conjecture, the Ilieff-Sendov Conjecture, and the Sendov Conjecture (making
it particularly difficult to search for papers on the subject). It was originally
posed by Bulgarian mathematician Blagovest Sendov in 1958 (according to
[12]; sometimes the year 1962 is reported [11]), but often attributed (as Miller
says in [11]) to Ilieff because of a reference in Hayman’s Research Problems
in Function Theory in 1967 [8].

Conjecture. The Ilieff-Sendov Conjecture.

If all the zeros of a polynomial P lie in |z| ≤ 1 and if r is a zero of P , then
there is a zero of P 0 in the circle |z − r| ≤ 1.

Note. Combining the Ilieff-Sendov Conjecture with Corollary 3, we can
further restrict the conjectured location of the critical points of P .

A Personal Note. I first saw a presentation on this conjecture in April

1986 at the “12th Annual Graduate Mathematics Conference” at Syracuse
University. The presentation was by Michael Miller of LeMoyne College in
Syracuse, NY. It was (in some part) this presentation that drew me away
from discrete math and towards complex analysis for my Ph.D. topic.

Note. According to a 2008 paper by Michael Miller [12], there have been over
80 papers written on the conjecture. As a result, it has been demonstrated
in many special cases. Some of the special cases are (where we understand
that all polynomials have their zeros in |z| ≤ 1):

1. 3rd and 4th degree polynomials [13],

2. 5th degree polynomials [10],

3. all zeros of a polynomial p of modulus 1 have a zero of p0 within distance

1 [13],

4. If the convex hull containing the roots of a polynomial p have its vertices
on |z| = 1 then p satisfies the conjecture [15],

5. polynomials with real and non-positive coefficients [16],

6. polynomials with at most three distinct zeros [6, 14],

7. polynomials with at most six distinct zeros [3],

8. polynomials of degree less than or equal to 6 [4],

9. polynomials of degree less than or equal to 8 [5], and

10. the circle |z − r| ≤ 1.08331641 [2].

Note. Many of the papers on the conjecture have been a bit more computa-
tional and have centered around finding “extremal” polynomials which push
the locations of the zero of P to the edge of the |z − r| ≤ 1 region. This is
especially true of the recent work of Micheal Miller [11, 12].

Note. A common approach to proving a difficult conjecture is to prove some-

thing even more restrictive than the conjecture, and then the conjecture falls
as a corollary. This is how Andrew Wiles eventually gave a proof of Fermat’s
Last Theorem—he proved the more general “ Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture”
for semistable elliptic curves, and from this Fermat’s Last Theorem followed.
In 1969, Goodman, Rahman, and Ratti [7] (and independently Schmiesser
[15]) conjectured that the Ileff-Sendov Conjecture could be modified to the
claim that (with the notation above) the region |z − r/2| ≤ 1 − |r|/2 must
contain a zero of P 0 . This is the blue region here:

However, this conjecture is not true as shown by Micheal Miller in 1990
[11]. The following eighth degree polynomial violates the Goodman, Rahman,
Ratti Conjecture:

P (z) = (z − 0.8)(z 7 + 1.241776468z 6 + 1.504033112z 5 + 1.702664563z 4

+1.702664563z 3 + 1.504033112z 2 + 1.241776468z + 1).

Miller also found degree 6, 10, and 12 polynomials violating the new conjec-

Dr. Bob’s Conjecture. In order to find a counterexample to the Ilieff-

Sendov Conjecture, we would need to find a polynomial for which there is a
zero of P at some point r, yet the region (in yellow here) is free of zeros of
P 0. This would force the zeros of P 0 to lie in the “lune-shaped” region (green
here). However, if this is the case then the centroid of the zeros of P must
lie rather far from r. It seems to me that this could not happen in light of
Theorem 2 and the location of r. To my knowledge, no one has taken this

approach. . . maybe with good reason!


[1] Ahlfors, L., Complex Analysis: An Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions
of One Complex Variable, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill: 1979.

[2] Bojanov, B., Rahman, Q., and J. Szynal, “On a Conjecture of Sendov about the
Critical Points of a Polynomial,” Mathematische Zeitschrift, 190, 281–285 (1985).

[3] Borcea, I., “On the Sendov Conjecture for Polynomials with at Most Six Distinct
Roots,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 200, 182–206 (1996).

[4] Brown, J., “On the Sendov Conjecture for Sixth Degree Polynomials,” Proceedings of
the American mathematical Society, 113(4), 939–946 (1991).

[5] Brown, J. and G. Xiang, “Proof of the Sendov Conjecture for Polynomials of Degree at
Most Eight, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 232, 272–292 (1999).

[6] Cohen, G. and G. Smith, “A Simple Verification of Ilieff’s Conjecture for Polynomials
With Three Zeros,” The American Mathematical Monthly, 95(8), 734–737 (1988).

[7] Goodman, A., Q. Rahman, and J. Ratti, “On the Zeros of a Polynomial and its
Derivative,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 21, 273–274 (1969).

[8] Hayman, W., Research Problems in Function Theory, London: Athlone (1967).

[9] Marden, M., Geometry of Polynomials, Mathematical Monographs and Surveys #3,
AMS: 1986.

[10] Meir, A. and A. Sharma, “On Ilyeff’s Conjecture,” Pacific Journal of Mathematics,
31, 459–467, (1969).

[11] Miller, M., “Maximal Polynomials and the Illieff-Sendov Conjecture, Transactions of
the American Mathematical Society, 321(1), 285–303 (1990).

[12] Miller, M., “Unexpected Local Extrema for the Sendov Conjecture,” Journal of Math-
ematical Analysis and Applications, 348, 461–468 (2008).

[13] Rubenstein, Z., “On a Problem of Ilyeff,” Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 26, 159–161

[14] Saff, E. and J. Twomey, “A Note on the Location of Critical Points of Polynomials,”
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 27, 303-308 (1971)

[15] Schmeisser, G., “Bemerkungen zu einer Vermutung von Ilieff,” Mathematische

Zeitschrift, 111, 121–125 (1969).

[16] Schmeisser, G., “Zur Lage der Kritichen punkte eines polynoms,” Rend. Sem. Mat.
Univ. Padova, 46, 405–415 (1971).

Last updated: April 1, 2019


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