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SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Figure 16.1

Using Figure 16.1, match the following:

1) Produces the hormones that promote the development of the female secondary sexual 1)
characteristics at puberty.

2) Storehouse for the hormones produced by the hypothalamus of the brain. 2)

3) Produces the hormones that direct the production of the secondary male sex 3)

4) Produce hormones involved in electrolyte balance and the stress response. 4)

5) Produces hormones and is considered a neuroendocrine organ. 5)

Figure 16.2

Using Figure 16.2, match the following anterior pituitary hormones with their targets:

6) Growth hormone. 6)

7) Follicle stimulating hormone. 7)

8) Prolactin. 8)

9) Adrenocorticotropic hormone. 9)

10) Thyroid stimulating hormone. 10)

MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Match the following:

11) An autoimmune problem involving A) Pituitary dwarfism

the thyroid gland.
B) Acromegaly
12) Hyposecretion of growth hormone.
C) Graves' disease
13) Hyposecretion of the pancreas.
D) Diabetes mellitus
14) Hyposecretion of the adrenal cortex.
E) Addison's disease
15) Hypersecretion of growth hormone
that occurs during adulthood.

Match the following:

16) Hyposecretion of the thyroid in A) Myxedema

B) Gigantism
17) Hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex.
C) Cretinism
18) Hypersecretion of growth hormone
during childhood. D) Cushing's disease

19) Hyposecretion of the thyroid in


Match the following:

20) The size and shape of a pea; produces A) Thyroid gland

hormones that stimulate other
endocrine glands. B) Parathyroid glands

21) Is part of the sympathetic nervous C) Pancreas 21)

D) Adrenal medulla
22) Produces hormones that regulate
glucose levels in the body.
E) Pituitary gland (hypophysis)

23) Primary regulators of blood calcium


24) Produces the body's major metabolic


SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Figure 16.3

Using Figure 16.3, match the following:

25) Mainly produces glucocorticoids. 25)

26) Produces epinephrine. 26)

27) Produces aldosterone. 27)

28) Excess hormone levels from this region result in Cushing's syndrome. 28)

29) Hormones mimic sympathetic nervous system neurotransmitters. 29)

30) Mainly produces small amounts of gonadocorticoids. 30)

MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Match the following:

31) Testosterone production. A) Hormonal stimulus


32) Epinephrine production. A) Hormonal stimulus

33) Aldosterone production. B) Neural stimulus


34) Parathyroid hormone production. C) Humoral stimulus


TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

35) The pineal gland is used as a brain orientation reference landmark for brain X-rays. 35)

36) Calcitonin is the main regulator of blood calcium levels. 36)

37) The hormone that raises blood sugar levels is insulin. 37)

38) The number of receptors for a particular hormone can change due to consistently high or low 38)
levels of that hormone, which is referred to as up- and down-regulation.

39) Both "turn on" factors (hormonal, humoral, and neural stimuli) and "turn off" factors (feedback 39)
inhibition and others) may be modulated by the activity of the nervous system.

40) ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroid hormones. 40)

41) LH is also referred to as a gonadotropin. 41)

42) Insufficient dietary iodine can cause Graves' disease. 42)

43) Oxytocin is a strong stimulant of uterine contractions. 43)

44) Enteroendocrine cells of the GI tract produce some hormones that are chemically identical to 44)

45) Type 2 diabetes mellitus may reflect declining receptor sensitivity to insulin rather than decreased 45)
insulin production.

46) The prime metabolic effect of cortisol is gluconeogenesis. 46)

47) The beta cells in the pancreatic islets produce insulin. 47)

48) Most type 2 diabetics do NOT produce insulin. 48)

49) Cyclic AMP (cAMP), diacylglycerol (DAG), inositol triphosphate (IP 3 ), and calcium ions can serve 49)
as second messengers.

50) Atrial natriuretic peptide is a hormone that controls blood pressure in part by increasing the 50)
urinary excretion of sodium.

51) Hypersecretion of catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) can result in hypertension. 51)

52) Thyroid hormone production requires the presence of both iodine and calcium. 52)

53) Many hormones synthesized in the gastrointestinal tract are chemically identical to brain 53)

54) Oxytocin and ADH are produced in the posterior pituitary. 54)

55) Iodine is an essential element required for the synthesis of thyroxine. 55)

56) The endocrine gland that is probably malfunctioning if a person has a high metabolic rate is the 56)

57) Growth hormone solely exerts its influence by targeting other endocrine glands to produce 57)

58) Glucocorticoids are steroid hormones that usually enhance the immune responses when an 58)
individual is suffering from severe stress.

59) Direct gene activation involves a second-messenger system. 59)

60) All amino acid-based hormones are lipid soluble and can cross the plasma membrane. 60)

61) All anterior pituitary hormones EXCEPT growth hormone affect their target cells via a cyclic AMP 61)
second-messenger system.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

62) Gluconeogenesis, the formation of glucose from fats and proteins, is due to the action of ________. 62)
A) aldosterone B) secretin C) insulin D) cortisol

63) Normal development of the immune response is due in part to hormones produced by the 63)
A) pancreas B) thymus gland
C) thyroid gland D) adrenal medulla

64) Virtually all amino acid-based hormones exert their signaling effects through intracellular 64)
A) deactivating ions B) calcium
C) second messengers D) nucleotides

65) Which of the following is NOT a category of endocrine gland stimulus? 65)
A) neural B) hormonal C) humoral D) enzymatic

66) Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that travel through the blood and 66)
regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________.
A) hormones B) antibodies C) enzymes D) proteins

67) The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract ________. 67)
A) runs through the infundibulum
B) connects the hypophysis to the pituitary gland
C) is the site of prolactin synthesis
D) conducts aldosterone to the hypophysis

68) Which of the following is NOT a cardinal sign of diabetes mellitus? 68)
A) polyuria B) polyphagia C) polydipsia D) polycythemia

69) Which of the following can act on receptors inside the target cell that directly activate specific 69)
A) testosterone B) calcitonin
C) growth hormone D) melatonin

70) Oxytocin ________. 70)

A) exerts its most important effects during menstruation
B) controls milk production
C) release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanism
D) is an anterior pituitary secretion

71) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) ________. 71)

A) secretion is inhibited by alcohol B) promotes dehydration
C) increases urine production D) is produced by the anterior pituitary

72) Enterochromaffin-like cells of the gastric mucosa can be triggered to release histamine. Histamine, 72)
in this case, causes nearby parietal cells of the stomach lining to produce hydrochloric acid. The
effect of histamine on parietal cells would best be described as a(n) ________.
A) second messenger B) paracrine
C) exocrine D) autocrine

73) Which of the following is NOT a change typically produced by a hormonal stimulus? 73)
A) activates or deactivates enzymes
B) alters plasma membrane permeability
C) induces secretory activity
D) stimulates production of an action potential

74) Which of the following hormones suppresses appetite and increases energy expenditure? 74)
A) secretin B) leptin C) aldosterone D) gastrin

75) Which of the following is NOT a change that may be caused by hormonal stimulus? 75)
A) stimulation of mitosis B) an increase in enzyme synthesis
C) direct control of the nervous system D) a change in membrane potential

76) The ability of a specific tissue or organ to respond to the presence of a hormone is dependent on 76)
A) the membrane potential of the cells of the target organ
B) the location of the tissue or organ with respect to the circulatory path
C) the presence of the appropriate receptors on the cells of the target tissue or organ
D) nothingall hormones of the human body are able to stimulate any and all cell types because
hormones are powerful and nonspecific

77) Several hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus and transported to the anterior pituitary 77)
gland. The mechanism of transportation from hypothalamus to anterior pituitary gland is through
the ________.
A) hypophyseal portal system B) feedback loop
C) general circulatory system D) hepatic portal system

78) The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is NOT a true endocrine gland because ________. 78)
A) it is strictly a part of the neural system and has little or nothing to do with hormonal release
B) it is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release
C) it is unable to function as an endocrine tissue because it is actually part of the neural system
due to its location
D) embryonically it was an endocrine tissue, but in the adult human it is no longer functional

79) Steroid hormones exert their action by ________. 79)

A) binding cell receptors and initiating cAMP activity
B) activating the hypothalamic release of regulating hormones
C) entering the cell and activating mitochondrial DNA
D) entering the nucleus of a cell and initiating or altering the expression of a gene

80) The second-messenger mechanism of hormone action operates by ________. 80)

A) altering gene expression in the nuclear DNA
B) increasing the basal metabolic rate in the target organ
C) synthesizing more than one hormone at a time
D) binding to specific receptors and employing the services of G proteins and cAMP

81) Hormones often cause a cell to elicit multiple responses; this is because ________. 81)
A) the protein kinases are rapidly metabolized into functional amino acids
B) the receptors bind to several hormones at the same time
C) there are thousands of receptors on the cell membrane
D) during protein kinase activation, enzymes phosphorylate many other enzymes

82) Which of the following statements is true of amino acid-based hormones? 82)
A) They require a receptor in the plasma membrane.
B) They cross the plasma membrane.
C) They are lipid soluble.
D) They are synthesized from cholesterol.

83) Thyroid hormone (a small iodinated amine) enters target cells in a manner similar to ________. 83)
A) glucagon, because the structure of glucagon is similar to that of thyroid hormone
B) insulin, because insulin is a small peptide
C) growth hormone, because the thyroid works synergistically with thyroid hormone
D) steroid hormones, because both diffuse easily into target cells

84) Which anterior pituitary hormone does NOT target another endocrine gland? 84)
A) luteinizing hormone(LH) B) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
C) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) D) growth hormone (GH)

85) One of the least complicated of the endocrine control systems directly responds to changing blood 85)
levels of ions and nutrients. Which of the following describes this mechanism?
A) neural stimulation B) humoral stimulation
C) protein synthesis D) catabolic inhibition

86) The major targets of growth hormone are ________. 86)

A) the blood vessels B) liver, bones, and skeletal muscles
C) the thyroid and adrenal glands D) the liver and gall bladder

87) Which of the following is NOT a parathyroid gland mechanism to maintain adequate levels of 87)
blood calcium?
A) increased intestinal absorption of calcium ions
B) activation of osteoclasts
C) inhibition of calcitonin synthesis
D) increased calcium ion reabsorption by the kidneys

88) Which organ is responsible for synthesizing the hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)? 88)
A) the skin B) the heart C) the spleen D) the kidney

89) Mineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to ________. 89)

A) epinephrine B) estrogen C) testosterone D) cortisol

90) Leptin is secreted by ________. 90)

A) adipose cells B) lymphocytes C) fibroblasts D) goblet cells

91) Which of the following is NOT a component of the cyclic AMP signaling mechanism? 91)
A) steroid B) G protein
C) hormone receptor D) effector enzyme

92) Which of the following is NOT a steroid-based hormone? 92)

A) estrogen B) epinephrine C) cortisol D) aldosterone

93) The single most important regulator of calcium levels in the blood is ________. 93)
A) thyroid hormone B) calcitonin
C) parathyroid hormone D) gonadotropic hormones

94) Hormones that bind to plasma proteins ________. 94)

A) are usually synthesized from cholesterol
B) are usually made of amino acids
C) are usually water soluble
D) must also bind to plasma membrane receptors

95) Regulating hormones from the hypothalamus ________. 95)

A) first enter into the hypophyseal portal system
B) enter venous circulation and travel to the heart, which pumps the hormone-containing blood
to the pituitary
C) enter the hepatic portal system, which feeds the pituitary
D) travel by arteries to the pituitary

96) The effect of a hormone on a target cell may be decreased by the presence of ________. 96)
A) permissive hormones B) synergistic hormones
C) antagonistic hormones D) plasma membrane receptors

97) Aldosterone ________. 97)

A) is secreted by the posterior pituitary
B) functions to increase sodium reabsorption
C) production is greatly influenced by ACTH
D) presence increases potassium concentration in the blood

98) Which of the following is NOT a step in thyroxine (T4) production? 98)
A) the binding of iodine to tyrosines in the colloid
B) the diffusion of iodide from blood plasma into the follicular cell
C) the linking of two diiodotyrosine (DIT) molecules in the colloid
D) the production of thyroglobulin by follicular cells

99) In circumstances where the body requires prolonged or increased levels of a hormone, the DNA of 99)
target cells will specify the synthesis of more receptors on the surface of the cells of the target
organ. This is known as ________.
A) sensitivity increase B) cellular affinity
C) a stressor reaction D) up-regulation

100) A release of parathyroid hormone (PTH) will trigger ________. 100)

A) a reduction of calcium reabsorption in the kidney tubules
B) increased activation of vitamin D by the kidney
C) increased osteoblast activity
D) a drop in blood calcium levels

101) A man has been told that he is NOT synthesizing enough follicle -stimulating hormone (FSH), and 101)
for this reason he may be unable to father a child. Choose the correct statement to explain this
A) A hormone made in the anterior pituitary cannot influence fertility.
B) FSH stimulates estrogen secretion by ovarian cells; therefore, it is not synthesized by males.
C) The man must be producing progesterone, which inhibits the synthesis of FSH.
D) FSH stimulates sperm production in the testes.

102) Thyroxine is a peptide hormone, but its mechanism is different from other peptide hormones. 102)
Which of the following statements is true concerning this difference?
A) It is a stimulant of cellular metabolism and targets all cells.
B) It is very specific in the cell type it targets.
C) It does not require a second messenger to cause a response.
D) It causes positive feedback.

103) How do glucocorticoids enable the body to deal appropriately with stress? 103)
A) by stimulating the pancreas to release insulin
B) by increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels and enhancing blood pressure
C) by decreasing the heart rate, thus decreasing blood pressure
D) by releasing the neurotransmitters that prepare the body for the stress response

104) What ion is sometimes used as a second messenger of amino acid -based hormones? 104)
A) calcium B) iron C) sodium D) chlorine

105) John tells you that cholesterol is bad and should be eliminated from your diet. You explain to him 105)
that cholesterol is important. Which of the following hormones is synthesized from cholesterol?
A) growth hormone B) thyroxine
C) oxytocin D) testosterone

106) Which hormone has only one known effect: to stimulate milk production by the breasts? 106)
A) prolactin B) oxytocin C) progesterone D) estrogen

107) Which of the following is correctly matched? 107)

A) adrenal medulla — glucocorticoids
B) zona fasciculata — mineralocorticoids
C) zona glomerulosa — epinephrine and norepinephrine
D) zona reticularis — gonadocorticoids

108) The parathyroid glands respond to which type of stimulus? 108)

A) positive B) hormonal C) humoral D) neural

109) Dave has discovered a new lipid-soluble hormone. Which of the following is true regarding this 109)
A) will be bound to a transport protein in the blood
B) can be stored in secretory vesicles
C) will likely act through a second-messenger system
D) receptor will be located on the plasma membrane

110) During an afternoon class, Lisa starts to feel hungry and worries that her blood sugar level may be 110)
dropping. Which hormone is helping to prevent a drop in blood sugar level?
A) insulin B) aldosterone C) thyroxine D) glucagon

111) Upon landing at the airport in Lagos, Nigeria, Eric feels wide awake even though the local time is 111)
11pm. Which synthetic hormone supplement could he administer to help adjust to the new time
A) glucagon B) insulin
C) growth hormone D) melatonin

112) At age 85, Lyle's immune system does not respond to vaccines as well as it did when he was 112)
younger. The atrophy of which endocrine gland is likely responsible for this?
A) thymus B) thyroid
C) anterior pituitary D) adrenal

113) Johanna, a 7-year-old girl, is significantly shorter than normal for her age. Her doctor 113)
recommends treatment with a hormone before her growth plates ossify in her long bones. Which
hormone is recommended?
A) growth hormone B) cortisol
C) parathyroid hormone D) thyroid stimulating hormone

114) As a result of stress, the anterior pituitary releases ________, which stimulates release of hormones 114)
from the adrenal cortex that retain sodium and water, increase blood sugar, and begin breaking
down fats.
C) thyroid stimulating hormone D) growth hormone

115) Melatonin ________. 115)

A) is responsible for regulating the sleep cycle
B) triggers sexual maturation and puberty
C) is at its highest levels at around noon
D) is produced by the parathyroid glands

116) Glucagon ________. 116)

A) stimulates the absorption of glucose from the blood
B) is considered a hypoglycemic hormone
C) triggers the conversion of glucose into glycogen
D) triggers gluconeogenesis

117) Which of the following is NOT a typical result of a long -term stress response? 117)
A) impaired immune function B) decreased production of glucocorticoids
C) elevated blood pressure D) loss of muscle mass

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

118) Compare the structure and function of endocrine and exocrine glands. 118)

119) Why should the hypothalamus instead of the anterior pituitary be called the "master 119)
endocrine gland"?

120) Why would one NOT expect to continue increasing in height with age? 120)

121) A woman with excessive body hair, a deep voice, and an enlarged clitoris shows the 121)
outward symptoms of which hormonal dysfunction?

122) A person who drinks a lot of alcoholic beverages must urinate frequently. Why? 122)

123) What is the role of hormone producing cells found within the heart? 123)

124) List three factors that target cell activation depends on, after the hormone binds to the 124)

125) Glucagon and insulin both target the cells of the liver and are both made in the pancreas, 125)
yet they have very different effects on the cells they target. What accounts for this fact?

126) Explain how parathyroid hormone (PTH) acts to increase blood calcium ion levels. 126)

127) List the four mechanisms involved in the regulation of aldosterone secretion. 127)

128) What is the difference between autocrines and paracrines? 128)

129) Define synergism in hormone interaction at target cells and give an example. 129)

130) While visiting another country, you notice many individuals with iodine -deficiency 130)
goiters. Describe the feedback loop responsible for these goiters.

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.

131) Mrs. James appeared at the clinic complaining of extreme nervousness and sweating, saying that she could feel
and hear her heart thumping when she tried to sleep at night. She was found to have a severely elevated and
fluctuating blood pressure. Although laboratory testing revealed hyperglycemia and increased basal metabolic
rate, tests of thyroid function were normal. What is your diagnosis? What treatment should be used?

132) Mr. Sanchez makes an appointment to see his doctor for pain in his abdominal area. Tests and X -rays reveal
kidney stones as well as bones with a moth-eaten appearance. Physical exam reveals hyporeflexia and
hypotonia (weakness). What is the problem and what treatment would be recommended?

133) It was often rumored that one of our deceased presidents was suffering from Addison's disease (inadequate
synthesis of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids). What symptoms may have led to the diagnosis of this

134) Following workup for symptoms of decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, a patient is told that his pituitary
is hypersecreting prolactin. Is there need for concern about this young man?

135) The parents of a 17-year-old boy are concerned about his height because he is only 5 feet tall and they are both
close to 6 feet tall. After tests by their doctor, a certain hormone is prescribed for the boy. What is the probable
diagnosis, and what hormone was prescribed? Why might the child still expect to reach his growth potential?

136) John is a 26-year-old man who begins to notice a progressive enlargement of feet, hands, cranium, nose, and
lower jaw bone. His doctor recommends a pituitary gland operation. What is the most likely diagnosis? Why?

137) Explain how antidiuretic hormone can help regulate an abnormal increase in solute concentration in the
extracellular fluid.

138) What is the most important nursing intervention when caring for a patient with Cushing's syndrome?

139) A 25-year-old male was admitted to the medical/surgical unit with a blood glucose of 600 mg/dl. On
assessment, the nurse observed his breathing was deep and rapid, and his breath smelled of acetone. His face
was flushed and his skin was dry. His pH was low. Describe the physiological response that is occurring.

140) Thomas is a diabetic. While at work, he began to tremble, was somewhat disoriented, and showed signs similar
to that of a drunk. One of his colleagues gave him some hard candy, which seemed to help him return to
normal functions. Why? Was this a proper action, considering that Thomas is diabetic?

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED16

1) D
2) B
3) E
4) C
5) A
6) A
7) C
8) B
9) E
10) D
11) C
12) A
13) D
14) E
15) B
16) A
17) D
18) B
19) C
20) E
21) D
22) C
23) B
24) A
25) B
26) D
27) A
28) B
29) D
30) C
31) A
32) B
33) A
34) C
35) TRUE
38) TRUE
39) TRUE
40) TRUE
41) TRUE
43) TRUE
44) TRUE
45) TRUE
46) TRUE
47) TRUE
49) TRUE
50) TRUE
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED16

51) TRUE
53) TRUE
55) TRUE
61) TRUE
62) D
63) B
64) C
65) D
66) A
67) A
68) D
69) A
70) C
71) A
72) B
73) D
74) B
75) C
76) C
77) A
78) B
79) D
80) D
81) D
82) A
83) D
84) D
85) B
86) B
87) C
88) B
89) D
90) A
91) A
92) B
93) C
94) A
95) A
96) C
97) B
98) B
99) D
100) B
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED16

101) D
102) C
103) B
104) A
105) D
106) A
107) D
108) C
109) A
110) D
111) D
112) A
113) A
114) A
115) A
116) D
117) B
118) Endocrine glands are ductless glands that release hormones into the surrounding tissue fluid; the hormones diffuse
into the blood to be transported to target cells throughout the body. Exocrine glands have ducts through which
products (such as sweat or saliva) are released to a membrane surface.
119) Although the anterior pituitary produces hormones that regulate other endocrine glands, the hypothalamus controls
anterior pituitary activity through releasing and inhibiting hormones.
120) The amount of growth hormone secreted declines with age and the closure of the epiphyseal plates prohibits further
growth in length of the long bones.
121) The hormonal dysfunction is hypersecretion of androgens.
122) The function of ADH is to increase water reabsorption in the kidneys, producing concentrated urine. Alcohol inhibits
ADH secretion, causing copious urine output.
123) In response to high blood pressure, a few cardiac cells secrete atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), which helps regulate
salt output by the kidney. In the kidney, ANP inhibits sodium ion reabsorption and renin release. In the adrenal
cortex, ANP inhibits secretion of aldosterone. These effects reduce blood volume and blood pressure.
124) Interaction depends on (1) blood levels of the hormone, (2) relative numbers of receptors for that hormone on or in the
target cells, and (3) the affinity (strength) of the binding between the hormone and the receptor.
125) Glucagon and insulin use different cell surface receptors.
126) Parathyroid hormone stimulates osteoclasts (bone resorbing cells) to liberate calcium from bone into the blood. PTH
also increases calcium reabsorption by the kidneys as well as calcium absorption by the small intestine through
promotion of vitamin D activation.
127) The four mechanisms are: (1) the renin-angiotensin mechanism, (2) plasma concentration of sodium and potassium
ions, (3) control exerted by ACTH, and (4) plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide.
128) Autocrines are self-regulating chemical messengers because their target is the cell from which they are manufactured.
Paracrines are chemical messengers that act locally. They tend to affect only the cells immediately around them.
129) Synergism occurs when more than one hormone produces the same effects at the target cell and their combined effects
are amplified. For example, the liver will release glucose in the presence of glucagon or epinephrine. If both hormones
are present, the amount of glucose released is increased 150%.
130) Upon detecting low levels of thyroid hormone in the blood, the hypothalamus uses a releasing hormone to signal to
the anterior pituitary to produce thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The effect of TSH is to ramp up production of
thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland. Iodine is required for functional thyroid hormone. Lack of iodine causes the
continued effort by the thyroid to increase production (goiter) as the hypothalamus continues to stimulate TSH
131) The diagnosis is hypersecretion of catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine), sometimes arising from a rare
chromaffin cell tumor called a pheochromocytoma. Treatment is surgical removal of the tumor.
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED16

132) The problem is hyperparathyroidism resulting from a parathyroid gland tumor. The treatment is removal of the
133) Low body weight, low plasma glucose and sodium levels, high potassium levels, hypotension, severe dehydration,
and hypotension might all have been observed in the patient.
134) Yes; there should be great concern, because hypersecretion of prolactin will lead to impotence.
135) The diagnosis is insufficient growth hormone. The prescription is synthetic growth hormone. The reason the child
might reach his growth potential is that the epiphyseal plates of the long bones have not yet closed, allowing
additional growth of the long bones.
136) The diagnosis is acromegaly. The condition results from excess secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland
postpuberty and after the epiphyseal plates of the long bones have fused.
137) The release of antidiuretic hormone can regulate an increase in solute concentration by causing reabsorption of water
by the kidney. With reabsorption, blood water volume increases, decreasing solute concentration.
138) Because of enhanced anti-inflammatory effects, infections may become overwhelmingly severe. Therefore, the nurse
should warn the patient to avoid shaving nicks and other sources of infection.
139) In severe cases of diabetes mellitus, blood levels of fatty acids and their metabolites rise dramatically. The fatty acid
metabolites, collectively called ketones, are strong organic acids. When they accumulate faster than they are used or
excreted, the blood pH drops, resulting in ketoacidosis, and ketones begin to spill into the urine. The nervous system
responds by initiating rapid deep breathing to blow off carbon dioxide from the blood and increase pH.
140) Thomas was suffering from hypoglycemia. The low blood sugar level affected his brain resulting in his appearance of
being drunk. The candy raised his blood sugar back up to a normal level. This was a proper action because he was
hypoglycemic; the brain needs constant glucose levels for normal function.


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