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Mcqs 1

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The passage discusses anatomy of the head and neck region, focusing on structures, nerves and muscles in the neck.

The phrenic nerve

The inferior thyroid and deep cervical arteries


The vertebral ganglion in the sympathetic trunk lies

A) inferior to the vertebral artery
B) lateral to the vertebral artery
C) medial to the vertebral artery
D) posterior to the vertebral artery
E) anterior to the vertebral artery
2. Which part of a cervical vertebra is closest to the internal carotid artery?
A) The pedicle
B) The spinous process
C) The body
D) The transverse process
E) The lamina
3. Which branch of the facial nerve supplies the platysma muscle?
A) Buccal
B) Temporal
C) Cervical
D) Zygomatic
E) Marginal
4. The jugular arch runs between
A) the internal and external jugular vein
B) the right and left internal jugular veins
C) the right and left external jugular veins
D) the internal jugular vein and the subclavian vein
E) the right and left anterior jugular veins
5. Which muscle crosses the posterior triangle of the neck?
A) The inferior belly of the omohyoid
B) The superior belly of the omohyoid
C) The anterior belly of the digastric
D) The posterior belly of the digastric
E) The sternocleidomastoid

6. The anterior group of superficial cervical lymph nodes lies in which triangle
of the neck?
A) The carotid triangle
B) The occipital triangle
C) The digastric triangle
D) The muscular triangle
E) The supraclavicular triangle
7. At what vertebral level does the esophagus begin at its superior end?
A) C3
B) C4
C) C5
D) C6
E) C7
8. Which infrahyoid muscle is NOT supplied by the ansa cervicalis?
A) Sternohyoid
B) Thyrohyoid
C) Superior belly of the omohyoid
D) Sternothyroid
E) Inferior belly of the omohyoid
9. The inferior thyroid veins drain into
A) the internal jugular vein
B) the subclavian vein
C) the brachiocephalic vein
D) the external jugular vein
E) the anterior jugular vein
10. The sympathetic supply to the head and neck usually arises from
A) C1 and C2 spinal segments
B) C3 and C4 spinal segments
C) C5 and C6 spinal segments
D) C7 and C8 spinal segments
E) T1 and T2 spinal segments

11. Just above the clavicle, the structures are arranged as follows from anteriormost to posterior-most:
A) Subclavian artery, phrenic nerve, anterior scalene muscle
B) Anterior scalene muscle, phrenic nerve, subclavian artery
C) Phrenic nerve, anterior scalene muscle, subclavian artery
D) Anterior scalene muscle, subclavian artery, phrenic nerve
E) Phrenic nerve, subclavian artery, anterior scalene muscle
12. Which muscle lies posterior to the esophagus?
A) Sternohyoid
B) Posterior scalene
C) Longus colli
D) Rectus capitis anterior
E) Rectus capitis lateralis
13. The angular artery is a branch of
A) the maxillary artery
B) the superior thyroid artery
C) the superficial temporal artery
D) the lingual artery
E) the facial artery
14. From the most superficial to the deepest, the structures are arranged as
A) Platysma, sternomastoid, external jugular vein
B) External jugular vein, sternomastoid, platysma
C) Platysma, external jugular vein, sternomastoid
D) Sternomastoid, platysma, external jugular vein
E) External jugular vein, platysma, sternomastoid
15. Which two branches of the subclavian artery cross the phrenic nerve?
A) The ascending cervical and ascending pharyngeal arteries
B) The internal thoracic and vertebral arteries
C) The highest intercostal and dorsal scapular arteries
D) The inferior thyroid and deep cervical arteries
E) The transverse cervical and suprascapular arteries

16. What structure is accessible between the two heads of the

sternocleidomastoid muscle just above the clavicle?
A) The subclavian artery
B) The external jugular vein
C) The phrenic nerve
D) The internal jugular vein
E) The subclavian vein
17. Sensation from the skin over the larynx is carried by nerve fibers in
A) the transverse cervical nerve(s)
B) the facial nerve(s)
C) the ansa cervicalis
D) the external laryngeal nerve(s)
E) the supraclavicular nerves
18. Postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers to the parotid gland arise from
A) the superior cervical ganglion
B) the middle cervical ganglion
C) the stellate ganglion
D) the vertebral ganglion
E) the spinal cord
19. The deep cervical lymph nodes are chiefly related to
A) the anterior jugular vein
B) the internal jugular vein
C) the posterior external jugular vein
D) the external jugular vein
E) the subclavian vein
20. Retraction of the mandible is accomplished by
A) the masseter muscle
B) the posterior fibers of the temporalis muscle
C) the buccinator muscle
D) the medial pterygoid muscle
E) the lateral pterygoid muscle

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