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Test-5 Biodiversity (Key)

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NBTC Test Series 2023

Test No. 5 (KEY)


Part-I: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Note: There are four options (A, B, C and D) corresponding to each MCQ. Choose one of
these options.

Each correct answer carries 1 mark. 1/3 mark will be DEDUCTED for each incorrect

Q.1 Viruses are assigned to the kingdom:

A) Monera B) Protista
C) Fungi D) Not included in any kingdom
Q.2 The organisms that feed on dead/ decaying matter are called:
A) Saprotrophs B) Autotrophs
C) Heterotrophs D) Parasites
Q.3 Who introduced three kingdoms of classification?
A) Aristotle B) Carolus Linnaeus
C) Ernest Haekel D) R. H. Whittaker
Q.4 Members of which kingdom have cell wall and are all heterotrophic
A) Monera B) Protista
C) Plantae D) Fungi
Q.5 Biodiversity is effected with
(I) Pollution (II) Deforestation (III) Over hunting
A) I only B) II only
C) I and II D) I, II and III
Q.6 Which phylum includes organisms that have a radial symmetry and are mostly
marine, such as jellyfish and sea anemones?
A) Chordata B) Arthropoda
C) Mollusca D) Cnidaria
Q.7 Which phylum includes organisms that have a segmented body and jointed
appendages, such as insects and crustaceans?
A) Cnidaria B) Nematoda
C) Platyhelminthes D) Arthropoda
Q.8 Which phylum includes organisms that have a bilaterally symmetrical body, a well-
developed nervous system, and a distinct head region, such as fish and mammals?
A) Arthropoda B) Chordata
C) Annelida D) Platyhelminthes
Q.9 Which phylum includes organisms that have a muscular foot and a shell, such as
snails and clams?
A) Chordata B) Porifera
C) Mollusca D) Echinodermata

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Q.10 Fungi are __________ organisms.
A) Chemoautotrophic B) Photoautotrophic
C) Chemoheterotrophic D) Photoheterotrophic
Q.11 Which term is a method that is used to restore biodiversity to a polluted or damaged
A) Biological augmentation B) Renewable resource
C) Biological corridor D) Sustainable use
Q.12 Which division of kingdom Plantae includes vascular, seedless plants, such as ferns
and horsetails?
A) Angiosperms B) Gymnosperms
C) Bryophytes D) Pteridophytes
Q.13 __________fungi absorb nutrients from living organisms.
A) Parasitic B) Mutualistic
C) Decomposer D) Both (A) & (B)
Q.14 In an experiment, a microbiologist put equal numbers of each of the following
organisms into a flask of sterile broth, consisting mostly of sugar and a few amino
acids. She then placed the flask in the dark. Which of the organisms would be most
likely to survive?
A) Photoheterotrophs B) Cyanobacteria
C) Chemoheterotrophic bacteria D) Photoautotrophs
Q.15 Which division of kingdom Plantae includes seed-producing plants that have naked
seeds, such as conifers and cycads?
A) Angiosperms B) Gymnosperms
C) Bryophytes D) Pteridophytes
Q.16 In fungi, the function of the mycelium is ____________.
A) Surviving a period of food shortage B) Movement
C) Dispersal to distant habitats D) Obtaining food
Q.17 Plasmids __________.
A) Replicate independently of the main B) Can be involved in transfer of genetic
chromosome material between prokaryotic cells
C) Often contain antibiotic resistance D) All of these
Q.18 Which division of kingdom Plantae includes seedless, non-vascular plants, such as
mosses and liverworts?
A) Angiosperms B) Gymnosperms
C) Bryophytes D) Pteridophytes
Q.19 Parasitic fungi possess hyphae that are modified to penetrate and absorb nutrients
from host tissue. Such modified hyphae are called _____.
A) Haustoria B) Asci
C) Mycorrhizae D) Septa
Q.20 Which division of kingdom Plantae includes seed-producing plants that have
enclosed seeds, also known as flowering plants?
A) Angiosperms B) Gymnosperms
C) Bryophytes D) Pteridophytes
Q.21 You can buy mycorrhizal fungus to add to soil when you plant trees and other
plants. Why would you want to do this?

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A) Mycorrhizal fungi live in plant B) Mycorrhizal fungi prey on nematodes in
leaves and produce toxins that the soil.
discourage herbivores.
C) Mycorrhizal fungi produce D) Mycorrhizal fungi assist plants in the
carbohydrates needed by plants. absorption of essential nutrients.
Q.22 Prokaryotes are completely indispensable to which chemical cycle?
A) Nitrogen B) Phosphorus
C) Carbon D) Water
Q.23 Chef Ali is making his famous spaghetti which includes white mushrooms. To which
phylum of fungi do the white mushrooms belong?
A) Deuteromycota B) Basidiomycota
C) Ascomycota D) Zygomycota
Q.24 Which statement about prokaryotes is true?
A) The vast majority of prokaryotes B) Prokaryotes are not useful in genetic
are pathogenic. engineering because their DNA is so
different from that of eukaryotes.
C) Prokaryotes are widely used for D) It is important to try and rid your body of
bioremediation. all prokaryotes.
Q.25 Which of the following groups of algae is/are most closely related to land plants?
A) Red algae B) Brown algae
C) Green algae D) All of these
Q.26 In lab class, a plasmodial slime mold is used as a demonstration organism. One of
the students does not understand why this organism is NOT considered
multicellular. How would you explain it to her?
A) Multicellular organisms are seen B) The distinct cells that make up the
only in the kingdoms Animalia and plasmodium do not cooperate, so they do
Plantae. not represent a truly multicellular
C) The nuclei found in the plasmodium D) The plasmodium is undivided by
of a plasmodial slime mold are membranes and contains many diploid
diploid. nuclei; therefore, it is not technically
Q.27 Which of these groups includes parasitic unicellular organisms with a complex of
organelles specialized for penetrating host cells and tissues?
A) Diatoms B) Ciliates
C) Dinoflagellates D) Apicomplexans
Q.28 Which of these groups includes photosynthetic unicellular organisms with flagella
and contractile vacuoles?
A) Apicomplexans B) Euglenids
C) Ciliates D) Diatoms
Q.29 One of the primary developmental/anatomical characteristics distinguishing the
major animal phyla is the condition of the body cavity. A pseudocoelomate animal is
one in which the body cavity is __________.
A) Lined on one side by mesoderm B) Bounded completely by mesoderm
and on the other side by

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C) Bounded partly by ectoderm D) Bounded completely by endoderm
Q.30 Indeterminate cleavage produces embryonic cells that __________.
A) Form eggs or sperm B) Do not divide according to any
recognizable pattern
C) Form ectoderm but not endoderm or D) Retain the capacity to develop into a
mesoderm complete embryo

Note: You can calculate the marks of Part-I (MCQs) using this key.

Total 30 Skipped Correct Incorrect

Questions Questions Questions Questions

Marks Obtained

Marks Obtained = No. of Correct Questions – (No. of Incorrect Questions × 1/3)

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