2019-20 S.Y. B.Sc. ELECTRONICS
2019-20 S.Y. B.Sc. ELECTRONICS
2019-20 S.Y. B.Sc. ELECTRONICS
‘A’ Grade
NAAC Re-Accredited
(3 Cycle)
S. Y. B.Sc. (Electronics)
(As per Choice Based Credit System)
bring distinction, quality and uniformity in the Higher Education System of the
the Choice Based Credit (CBCS) pattern to undergraduate program. As per the
initiatives led by the Honorable Vice Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean of
the Faculty of Science and Technology and academic bodies of our university, one
day workshop was organized for syllabus framing. Participants in the workshop
(Electronics) as per the CBCS pattern and it has been finalized during the
workshop and the same will be effectively implemented from the academic year
to create man power that can cater the present needs of the society with perfect
microcontrollers and complete skill to serve the industry and the country. It is
expected that the students studying this course will apply their practical minds to
life problems.
life of people and appreciate its role to analyze the emerging problems
KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
Class: S. Y. B. Sc.
Subject: Electronics
Choice Base Credit System (With effect from June 2019)
Skill based course II ELE-404
Techniques in Electronics 2 30 40 60
KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
Syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. (Electronics)
(Choice Based Credit System)
Semester III
Course description:
This course is aimed to provide exposure of analog communications, microprocessors and
electrical circuits and networks to students and make them analyze practical circuits of
modulation and use of 8085 microprocessor.
Course objectives:
1. To impart knowledge of analog communication.
2. To provide the knowledge and methodology necessary for building modulation
3. To provide exposure of 8085 microprocessor.
4. To have practical exposure of microprocessor and their applications.
5. To analyse various modulation techniques and explore their potential in consumer
Course outcome:
Learner will be able to ….
1. Apply knowledge to develop circuits of analog modulation and demodulation.
2. Apply the concept and knowledge of microprocessors to real life problems.
3. Analyse modulation circuits and understand the behaviour of the systems.
4. Understand and analyse 8085 microprocessor and its programming.
5. Review, prepare and present technological developments.
S.Y.B.Sc. (Electronics) Sem-III Paper-I (Credit:02)
S.Y.B.Sc.(Electronics) Sem-III Paper-II (Credit:02)
S.Y.B.Sc.(Electronics) Sem-III Paper-III (Credit:02)
(Student should perform at least 4 experiments from section A using Kits and 5 from
section B)
S.Y.B.Sc.(Electronics) Sem-III Paper-IV (Credit:02)
Course description:
This course is aimed at introducing the concepts of digital communication including mobile
and satellite communication to Under Graduate students and provide hands on training of
handling microcontrollers and digital communication circuits.
Course objectives:
1. To impart knowledge of pulse modulation, mobile and satellite.
2. To provide the knowledge and methodology necessary for using microcontroller chips
3. To have practical exposure of handling microcontroller and interfacing applications.
Course outcome:
Learner will be able to ….
1. Apply the concept and knowledge of digital communication to develop new systems.
2. Apply practical knowledge of microcontrollers to solve real life problems of the
3. Understanding of the course and create scientific temperament and give exposure to
the students for independent use of microcontroller for innovative applications.
4. Gain knowledge of microcontroller programming.
5. Handle hardware and software to shoot problems of the society.
S.Y.B.Sc.(Electronics) Sem-IV Paper-I (Credit:02)
Reference Books:
S.Y.B.Sc.(Electronics) Sem-IV Paper-II (Credit:02)
Reference Books:
S.Y.B.Sc.(Electronics) Sem-IV Paper-III (Credit:02)
1. To study PCM
2. To study PAM
3. To study PWM
4. To study PPM
5. To study ASK
6. To study FSK
7. To study PSK
Section-B: Microcontroller (Any 4)
1. Use one of the four ports of 8051 for interfacing eight LED. Simulate binary
counter (8 bit) on LED.
2. Program to glow first four LED then next four using TIMER application.
3. Program to run a count down from 9-0 in the seven segment LED display.
4. Interface 7 segment display with 8051 and display HELP on it.
5. Interface stepper motor to 8051 and write program to move the motor through
given angle in clockwise or anti-clock wise direction.
Reference Books:
Communication Systems, S. Haykin, 2006, Wiley India
Wireless communications, Andrea Goldsmith, 2015, Cambridge University Press
8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and C, M.A. Mazidi,
Pearson Education India
8051 microcontrollers, Satish Shah, Oxford University Press
Embedded Microcontroller Systems: Real time interfacing, J. W. Valvano, 2011,
Cengage Learning
S.Y.B.Sc.(Electronics) Sem-IV Paper-IV (Credit:02)
Reference Books:
. Yashavant Kanetkar, Let Us C , BPB Publications
Programming in ANSI C, Balagurusamy, 2nd edition, TMH.
Introduction to Numerical Analysis”, S. S. Sastry, Prentice Hall India.