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DEWA-Major Project Guidelines2008

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Corporate Strategy &

(Update April 2008)

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority


Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects i April 2008
Cont ents
1. Introduction
2. Requirements

2.1 Technical Requirement . 2
2.1.1 Location and layout of the project 2
2.1.2 Nature of the project .. 2
2.1.3 TCL of the project . 2
2.1.4 Power factor . 3
2.1.5 Load Characteristics . 3
2.1.6 Supply Voltage 3
2.1.7 Substation plot sizes .. 4
2.1.8 Location of substation plot 4
2.1.9 Site plan for 132kV substation 5
2.1.10 Corridors . 5
2.1.11 Time frame required for DEWA to build the substation 6
2.1.12 Requirement for 22-11kV Network/Design approval .. 6
2.2 General Requirements . 8

3. Annexures

3.1 List of documents to be submitted ... 10
3.2 Distribution network design requirements and
guidelines for 11/ 0.4kV supply .. 11

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

1 Introduction

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
1 of 12 April 2008
1 Int roduct i on
To ensure the availability of power, it is essential that the load
projections, the time of power requirements and other factors
from all the potential developers are available with DEWA well
in advance.

The purpose of this document is as follows:
To provide guidelines to all the major developers and the
consultants in regard to the DEWAs power supply
To assist the developers and the consultants in
understanding the requirements for submissions of project
Master Plan documents and to facilitate the project power
supply on time.

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

2 Requirements

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
2 of 12 April 2008
2 Requi rements
In order to avail the power supply for any project on time, it is
necessary to submit and get approve the technical pre-requisites
on time as DEWA require lead-time as indicated in Item No. 11.

2.1 Technical Requirements
The technical requirements that are necessary to be submitted
to DEWA for planning any 400/132kV and 132/22-11kV DEWA
substations, designing the 22-11kV Distribution Network and
allocating necessary 22-11kV cables from the 132/22-11kV
substations are listed below:
2.1.1 Location and layout of the project
Location and project layout shall be shown on Dubai Map.

2.1.2 Nature of the project
Residential, Industrial, Commercial, etc to be mentioned.

2.1.3 Total Connected Load of the project & Expected Maximum
Total connected load and expected peak demand.
Realistic power requirement date.
Split up details of the load like, Residential, Commercial,
Industrial, Cooling, etc.
Detailed plot-wise loads and phasing of the project
reflecting respective zones of 132/22-11kV substations.
2.1 Technical Requirements

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

2 Requirements

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
3 of 12 April 2008
In case ultimate load details are not available, the load
requirement up to next 5 years should be submitted.
Details of the District Cooling load (size, location and the
expected phasing of its commissioning).

2.1.4 Power Factor
Power Factor is to be maintained at not less than 0.95 and
any capacitor bank installation required at customer end
shall be by the customer at his own cost.

2.1.5 Load Characteristics (quality of voltage, harmonics,
flickering, dents, etc.)
Load at the consumer end should follow generally the
European Standard EN 50160.
Installation of special equipment and devices if required to
maintain the same as per the standards shall be by the
consumer at own cost.
Voltage drop calculation, harmonic study, fault level
calculation, etc., to be submitted by the consumer for any
dirty load/ private switchgear.

2.1.6 Supply Voltage
132/22-11kV substation is required for new consumers
requesting 20MVA peak or more at the 132kV voltage
level. Large loads might require 400/132kV source at a
voltage level of 400kV. The project should allocate plots for
the required number of substations and associated
corridors for necessary overhead lines/cable circuits.
2.1 Technical Requirements

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

2 Requirements

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
4 of 12 April 2008
11kV shall be the general distribution voltage and
additionally 22kV can be considered on selected cases for
which prior approval is necessary.

2.1.7 Substation Plot Sizes
400/132kV substation - 200 x 200m.
132/22-11kV substation - 80 x 60m (single storey), 60 x
50m (double storey).
22-11/0.4kV substation - Refer to Distribution Substation

2.1.8 Location of Substation Plot
400/132kV Substation location
o The 400/132kV substation plot should have access to
heavy vehicles.
o Enough space/corridors for taking 400kV overhead
lines IN/OUT.
o Enough space/corridors for taking 132kV cables OUT.

132/22-11kV Substation location
o The 132/22-11kV substation plot shall have access
from two major roads or one major road and Sikka.
o Enough space/corridors for taking 132kV cables IN.
o Enough space/corridor for taking out 60 numbers of
11kV outgoing cables or 30 numbers of 22kV cables
with proper duct arrangement with maximum 150mm
space between the cables.
2.1 Technical Requirements

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

2 Requirements

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
5 of 12 April 2008
o Location of 132/22-11kV substations should be
provided at the load centre and close to district cooling
plants if available.
o When a project requires more than one 132/22-11kV
substation, the feeding zone of each substation shall
be specified.

2.1.9 Site Plan for 132/22-11kV Substation
Approved site plan /affection plan of the substation plot is
required from the competent authority. The developer shall
confirm, whether the building permit for the substation
building will be issued by Dubai Municipality or some other

2.1.10 Corridors
400 kV overhead lines
o 80m wide corridor (double circuit tower line).
132 kV overhead lines
o 32m wide corridor (double circuit tower line).
132 kV underground cables
o 2.5m for each circuit.
22-11 kV under ground cable
o Exclusive 22-11kV corridor of 2.5 3.0 m width to be
provided on both sides of the road around the
132/11kV substations.
o Cross-section to be provided for each road section,
dedicated 22-11kV corridors should be available on
both sides of road.
2.1 Technical Requirements

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

2 Requirements

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
6 of 12 April 2008
o Duct arrangement for each road crossings is to be
o In case of 132/11kV substation is away from the road
RightofWay (ROW), the party shall provide sufficient
corridor from the substation boundary to the road.

2.1.11 Time Frame required for DEWA to build the Substation
400/132kV substation
o 40 months
132/22-11kV substation
o 30 months
o Above time frame is after finalization of load
requirements, substation locations, cable corridors and
receiving the affection plan of the plot for the
substation in the ownership of DEWA.
o If the 132/22-11kV substation is required earlier than
30 months by any developer, the construction of the
132/22-11kV substation has to be arranged by
developer through a DEWA approved consultant and
contractor. The design of the substation shall be as per
DEWA standard.

2.1.12 Requirement for 22-11kV Network/Design Approval
Latest planning of the development (with both hard & soft
Approved 22-11kV Substation location. (Refer to
Distribution Substation Guideline for approval of 11kV
2.1 Technical Requirements

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

2 Requirements

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
7 of 12 April 2008
Total connected load, maximum demand and capacity for
individual 22-11kV substation.
Realistic power requirement date.
Zone-wise/phase-wise load details with respective 132/22-
11kV substations to be provided if the number of 132/22-
11kV substations is two or more.
In case of number of 132/22-11kV substations are more,
project loads should be allocated to respective 132/22-
11kV substations for effective network design (Phase
wise). Also the 132/22-11kV substations need to be
planned for commissioning to match the power
requirement date of projects.
District cooling loads (if any) should be located adjacent to
the related 132/22-11kV substation.
No source metering is allowed (metering equipment to be
arranged in the 22-11kV switchgear room).
22-11kV corridors details for all the roads within the project
No 22-11kV corridors will be accepted under carriageway.
Approved cross section of all the roads (with 22-11kV
corridor indicated) to be submitted at the time of 22-11kV
network design request.
Generally, in case of private switchgear, approval for single
line diagram should be obtained prior to purchase.
All the distribution network requirements and guidelines for
11/0.4kV supply mentioned in Annexure - 1 shall be strictly

2.1 Technical Requirements

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

2 Requirements

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
8 of 12 April 2008

2.2 General Requirements
1. The developers or their consultants shall submit the documents as
listed in Annexure 1 for DEWA review to System Planning

Addressed to:
Dr. Awad Ibrahim
Senior Manager- System Planning
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
P O Box 564, Dubai
Fax: 04 - 3249206
2. The listed document shall be submitted in three sets of hard copies
and 1 set of soft copy.
3. The details as mentioned above shall be submitted well in advance
to DEWA and got approved to avoid any delay in starting the
4. Once approved, DEWA expects that the developer will adhere to
the plan and any minor changes in the project plan, changes in
phasing, etc. shall be informed to DEWA in time and got approved.
Changes on works during the execution stage shall not be
5. Any power supply requirement for the project shall be from the
132/22-11kV substation built for the project. The developer shall
phase the developments and accordingly the power requirements
matching the commissioning schedule of the 132/22-11kV
substation built for the project.
6. During the progress of the Project, bi-annual updated information
shall be submitted by the party which shall include:
i. Energized load details till date.
2.2 General Requirements

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

2 Requirements

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
9 of 12 April 2008
ii. 22-11kV substation approvals under process (not energized).
iii. HV Building NOC load applied (not yet submitted for 22-11kV
substations approval) less than or more than 5MW.
iv. The developer shall issue confirmation on the individual partys
loads (who had applied for HV Building NOC) as a part of their
Master Plan in terms of magnitude and time. Load under
design/approval but not approved for HV building NOC
including the load of project shall be as per the agreement
already signed between party and developer.
v. The update information shall be submitted by the party in area
maps indicating plot numbers, power requirement dates and
comparison with the original information received as per the
approved Master Plan.
7. DEWA will not be responsible for any delay in commissioning due to
any change/ revision of loads, which might result in re-design of 22-
11kV cable circuits.
8. For processing the HV NOC applications for more than 5MW for any
major project, the developer shall confirm the load figures indicated in
NOC application same as that in the approved project Master Plan.

2.2 General Requirements

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

3 Annexures

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
10 of 12 April 2008
3 Annexures
3.1 Annexure 1
List of documents to be submitted

Sr. No. Documents Remarks


Key Plan showing the location and layout of the
project in Dubai Map


Power requirements in terms of Total connected load
and expected Peak Demand.




Nature of Load


Details of District Cooling Loads (location / capacity,
power requirement date etc)


Plot-wise loads and power requirement date

Excel sheet and
marked in drawing


Locations of proposed 132/22-11kV substation


Locations of proposed 400/132kV substation


400kV corridors details within the project area


132kV corridors details with detailed road cross-


22-11kV corridors details with detailed road cross-


22-11kV ducts arrangements

The above documents shall be submitted in form of 3 sets of Hard Copies +
1 Digital Copy

3.1 Annexure 1

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

3 Annexures

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
11 of 12 April 2008
3.2 Annexure 2

Distribution Network Design requirements and Guidelines for
11/0.4kV Supply
In line with the DEWAs power distribution network design, the following
guidelines shall be followed strictly:
1. Ring Supply consisting of two feeders (two-feed ring) is mainly granted
for power supply as normal feeding arrangement. Three feed ring
arrangement may be accepted for cases where all the MV
switchgears/RMU\s are installed in one location to ensure the specific
supply reliability.
2. For reliable power supply, N-1 criterion is considered. Hence, in case
of power failure in one of the feeders, the other feeder should be
capable to meet the whole demand until the repair work is completed.
3. DEWAs standard 22-11kV cable size is 3C,, XLPE Copper
or Aluminium.
4. The maximum two feed ring summer capacity of 320A (for copper
cables) normally should be divided equally between the feeders. For
each copper feeder maximum sustained load should not exceed 160A
under normal operating conditions.
5. The maximum two feed ring summer capacity of 280A (for Aluminium
cables) normally should be divided equally between the feeders. For
each aluminium feeder maximum sustained load should not exceed
140A under normal operating conditions.
6. For bulk loads such as furnace or district cooling loads requiring direct
HV supply (private equipment), space for metering units at partys
premises/substation to be considered. Necessary documents,
drawings, single line diagram shall be submitted for DEWAs
comments and approvals at design stage.
3.2 Annexure 2

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

3 Annexures

Power Supply Guidelines for Major Projects
12 of 12 April 2008
7. Single unit load demand shall not exceed the maximum sustained
current of DEWAs 22-11kV cable feeder, which is 160A. Hence the
single unit load is limited to 160A (2.7MW).
8. Voltage drop shall not exceed 5% during normal operation at medium
voltage level. For HV motors operating at 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV, 22 kV, 11 kV
voltage level, voltage dip calculations during the motor starting must be
prepared by the consumer along with motor specifications, starting
characteristics, drawings, single line diagram etc for DEWAs
comments and approval at the design stage.
9. For loads that may inject harmonics to DEWAs network, harmonic
study shall be prepared by the party and approved by DEWA at the
design stage.
10. Maximum allowable number of cables per trench for copper and
aluminium cables is 16 and 12 respectively in maximum two layers (2.5
meter trench width close to 132/22-11kV substation and 2.0 meter
11. Horizontal spacing between cables is 150mm (edge to edge) and
vertical spacing between cables is 100mm (edge to edge).
12. Separate corridor should be allocated for 22-11kV cable laying within
partys premises along the road to ensure avoiding crossing between
132kV, 22kV and 11kV cables.
13. Special backfilling to be used for 22kV and 11kV cables with soil
resistivity below 1.6 C-m/W.
14. Single Line Diagram shall be submitted for DEWAs comments and
approval at the design stage.

3.2 Annexure 2

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