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Newer Concept of Measuring Dental Caries - A Review

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Saudi Journal of Oral and Dental Research ISSN 2518-1300 (Print)

Scholars Middle East Publishers ISSN 2518-1297 (Online)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Review Article

Newer Concept of Measuring Dental Caries - A Review

Radhey Shyam1, Manjunath BC2, Adarsh Kumar3, Ridhi Narang4, Mamta Ghanghas1, Ritu Phogat1
Postgraduate Student, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Pt. B.D Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Senior Professor and Head, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Pt. B.D
Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Pt. B.D Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Senior Resident, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Pt. B.D Sharma
University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India

*Corresponding Author:
Radhey Shyam

Abstract: Dental caries is a complex disease affecting the teeth, which is mainly caused by imbalance between
demineralization and remineralization process around the tooth surface. It is a major cause of tooth loss and pain around
the world. Today it is one of the most common diseases of world which if left untreated lead to infection, pain and tooth
loss. Therefore there is need for early assessment of dental caries to lower its prevalence and to assess efficiency in the
provision of preventive and therapeutic dental services, to know the selective use of dental caries preventives and targeting
of services toward persons at greatest risk. For early assessment of dental caries, indices can be used to know its
prevalence and the population which is at higher risk. There are some limitations in the previously developed dental
caries index regarding the quantification and severity of diseases. To solve these problems later new indices are
developed like ICDAS, PUFA, CAST index. Dental caries index helpful in detection of oral diseases on large scale in
field survey. Provide data regarding prevalence of a particular condition occurring within a given population and use of
this data for the implementation of the dental caries prevention program.
Keywords: CAST, Dental caries, ICDAS, PUFA

INTRODUCTION dental services, to know the selective use of dental caries

Dental caries is the most prevalent chronic preventives and targeting of services toward persons at
disease affecting the human race. Once it occurs, its greatest risk [4].
manifestations persist throughout life even though the
lesion is treated [1]. Dental caries is a complex disease To apply measures which can prevent or
affecting the teeth, which is mainly caused by control caries, a reliable picture of it in a population is
imbalance between demineralization and prerequisite; this can only be obtained if we have a
remineralization process around the tooth surface. It is a reliable caries assessment system (index) [5]. In view of
major cause of tooth loss and pain around the world [2]. the global epidemic of untreated caries in children there
is an urgent need to establish a scoring system that both
Caries incidence is witnessing a decline in assesses and quantifies various advanced stages of
developed countries due to proper availability of caries. Quantitative measurement of disease most
fluoride products, better oral health services and commonly relies on “index “. So, Dental index is the
awareness regarding etiology of caries. At the same main tool of epidemiological studies in dental diseases
time incidence of caries is increasing in developing to measure prevalence, incidence, and severity.
countries [3].
For early assessment of dental caries, indices
Today it is one of the most common diseases of can be used to know its prevalence and the population
world which if left untreated lead to infection, pain and which is at higher risk [6]. At the community level,
tooth loss. Therefore there is need for early assessment of assessment of dental caries is useful in understanding
dental caries to lower its prevalence and to assess the effect of preventive and therapeutic agents and the
efficiency in the provision of preventive and therapeutic knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding the use of

Radhey Shyam et al.; Saudi J. Oral.Dent. Res.; Vol-2, Iss-8(Aug, 2017):192-196

these agents i.e. suitable indices can be utilized to carious status of each tooth surface using a seven-
assess the therapeutic efficiency of the these aids used point ordinal scale ranging from sound to extensive
[7]. cavitations.
 It was designed to detect six stages of the carious
Epidemiological indices are attempted to process, ranging from the early clinically visible
quantify clinical conditions on a graduated scale, changes in enamel caused by carious
thereby facilitating comparison among population demineralization to extensive cavitations.
examined by the same criteria and methods. There are  ICDAS was divided into sections covering coronal
some limitations in the previously developed dental caries (pits and fissures, mesial-distal, and buccal-
caries index regarding the quantification and severity of lingual), root caries, and caries-associated-with-
diseases. To solve these problems later new indices are restorations and sealants.
developed and these are:
1. International Caries Detection And Assessment ICDAS criteria for detection of caries on coronal
System (ICDAS) tooth surfaces
2. PUFA (Pulp-Ulcer-Fistula-Abscess) Index  The detection of dental caries on coronal tooth
3. Caries Assessment Spectrum And Treatment surfaces is a two-stage process. The first decision is
(CAST) Index to classify each tooth surface whether it is sound,
sealed, restored, crowned, or missing.
1. The International Caries Detection And  Before describing the codes, it is important to
Assessment System (ICDAS) Index [8] define the term „tooth surface‟. In ICDAS, each
 This index was given by Ismail AI, Sohn W, Tellez tooth is divided into mesial, distal, facial, lingual
M, Amaya A, Sen A, Hasson H, Pitts NB in 2007. and occlusal surfaces. Some tooth surfaces are
 The ICDAS criteria were developed by an further divided into sections.
international team of caries researchers to integrate
several new criteria systems into one standard Decision number 1: classification of the restoration,
system for caries detection and assessment. sealant, or missing status in the international caries
 First step is to determine whether a clean and dry detection and assessment system (ICDAS)
tooth surface is sound, sealed, restored, crowned, or
missing. Afterwards, the examiners classifies the

Table 1: Codes and Criteria of ICDAS index

0 Unrestored or unsealed
1 Sealant, partial. A sealant that does not cover all pits and fissures on a tooth surface
2 Sealant, full. A sealant that covers all pits and fissure on a tooth surface
3 Tooth colored restoration. In the opinion of the dentist, the tooth has a tooth colored
(resin or glass–ionomer cement) restoration
4 Amalgam restoration
5 Stainless steel crown
6 Porcelain or gold or PFM crown or veneer
7 Lost or broken restoration
8 Temporary restoration
9 Tooth does not exist or other special cases.
Used in as the following:
9-6 Tooth surface cannot be examined because of access problem to visualize the tooth
9-7 Tooth missing because of caries (all tooth surfaces are coded 97)
9-8 Tooth missing for reasons other than caries (all tooth surfaces are coded 98)
9-9 Un-erupted (all tooth surfaces care coded 99)

The second decision that should be made for Decision number 2: classification of the carious
each tooth surface is the classification of the carious status based upon the international caries detection
status on an ordinal scale. Tooth surfaces may be sound, and assessment system (ICDAS):
or have a „first visual change in enamel‟ (ICDAS code Sound tooth surface: Code 0
1) which is defined differently for pits and fissures from There should be no evidence of caries (either
the same condition on smooth tooth surfaces no or questionable change in enamel translucency after
prolonged air drying (suggested drying time 5 s).
Surfaces with developmental defects such as enamel

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Hypoplasia; Fluorosis; tooth wear (attrition, abrasion achieved by sliding the ball end along the suspect pit or
and erosion), and extrinsic or intrinsic stains will be fissure and a limited discontinuity is detected if the ball
recorded as sound. The examiner should also score as drops into the surface of the enamel cavity/discontinuity
sound a surface with multiple stained fissures if such a
condition is seen in other pits and fissures, a condition Underlying dark shadow from dentin with or
which is consistent with noncarious habits (e.g. frequent without localized enamel breakdown: Code 4
tea drinking). This lesion appears as a shadow of discolored
dentin visible through an apparently intact enamel
First visual change in enamel: Code 1 surface which may or may not show signs of localized
When seen wet there is no evidence of any breakdown (loss of continuity of the surface that is not
change in color attributable to carious activity, but after showing the dentin). The shadow appearance is often
prolonged air drying (approximately 5 s is suggested to seen more easily when the tooth is wet. The darkened
adequately dehydrate a carious lesion in enamel) a area is an intrinsic shadow which may appear as grey,
carious opacity or discoloration (white or brown lesion) blue or brown in color. The shadow must clearly
is visible that is not consistent with the clinical represent caries that started on the tooth surface being
appearance of sound enamel or when there is a change of evaluated. If in the opinion of the examiner, the carious
color because of caries which is not consistent with the lesion started on an adjacent surface and there no
clinical appearance of sound enamel and is limited to the evidence of any caries on the surface being scored then
confines of the pit and fissure area (whether seen wet or the surface should be coded „0‟.
dry). The appearance of these carious areas is not
consistent with that of stained pits and fissures as defined Distinct cavity with visible dentin: Code 5
in code 0. Cavitation in opaque or discolored enamel
exposing the dentin beneath. The tooth viewed wet may
Code 1: Smooth tooth surfaces have darkening of the dentin visible through the
When seen wet there is no evidence of any enamel. Once dried for 5 s there is visual evidence of
change in color attributable to carious activity, but after loss of tooth structure at the entrance to or within the pit
prolonged air drying a carious opacity (white or brown or fissure – frank cavitation. There is visual evidence of
lesion) is visible that is not consistent with the clinical demineralization opaque (white), brown or dark brown
appearance of sound enamel. This will be seen from the walls at the entrance to or within the pit or fissure and
buccal or lingual surface. in the examiner judgment dentin is exposed.

Distinct visual change in enamel: Code 2 WHO/CPI/PSR probe can be used to confirm the
The tooth must be viewed wet. When wet there presence of a cavity apparently in dentin. This is achieved
is a (i) carious opacity (white spot lesion) and/or (ii) by sliding the ball end along the suspect pit or fissure and a
brown carious discoloration which is wider than the dentin cavity is detected if the ball enters the opening of
natural fissure/fossa that is not consistent with the the cavity and in the opinion of the examiner the base is in
clinical appearance of sound enamel (Note: the lesion dentin. (In pits or fissures the thickness of the enamel is
must still be visible when dry). between 0.5 and 1.0 mm. Note the deep pulpal dentin
should not be probed).
Localized enamel breakdown because of caries with
no visible dentin or underlying shadow: Code 3 Extensive distinct cavity with visible dentin: Code 6
The tooth viewed wet may have a clear carious Obvious loss of tooth structure, the cavity is
opacity (white spot lesion) and/or brown carious both deep and wide and dentin is clearly visible on the
discoloration which is wider than the natural walls and at the base. An extensive cavity involves at
fissure/fossa that is not consistent with the clinical least half of a tooth surface or possibly reaching the
appearance of sound enamel. Once dried for pulp.
approximately 5 s there is carious loss of tooth structure
at the entrance to, or within, the pit or fissure/fossa. Advantages of ICDAS index
This will be seen visually as evidence of  In conclusion the ICDAS collaborative team has
demineralization [opaque (white), brown or dark brown developed useful, easy to use and clearly defined
walls at the entrance to or within the fissure or pit, and criteria for the clinical visual caries detection.
although the pit or fissure may appear substantially and  This system has been shown to be reliable in
unnaturally wider than normal, the dentin is not visible detecting dental caries on coronal tooth surfaces,
in the walls or base of the cavity/discontinuity. even when used by inexperienced dental
If in doubt, or to confirm the visual
assessment, the WHO/CPI/PSR probe can be used
gently across a tooth surface to confirm the presence of
a cavity apparently confined to the enamel. This is

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Radhey Shyam et al.; Saudi J. Oral.Dent. Res.; Vol-2, Iss-8(Aug, 2017):192-196

Limitations of ICDAS index dental caries, such as pulpal abscess, which may be
 However ICDAS still lacks validated definitions of more serious than the carious lesions themselves, is the
caries activity which currently limits its ultimate basis for the development of PUFA index. This index
utility for dental practice. records the advanced stages of untreated caries lesions
so that caries data collected should have impact on
2. PUFA (Pulp-Ulcer-Fistula-Abscess) Index [9] health decision makers, which is not possible with DMF
The failure of DMF index to provide index. Scoring method of PUFA index is described in
information on the clinical consequences of untreated table 2.

Table 2: PUFA index codes and criteria:

Codes Criteria
P/p: Pulpal involvement is recorded when the opening of the pulp chamber is visible or when the
coronal tooth structure have been destroyed, the carious process and only roots or root fragments
are left. No probing is performed to diagnose pulpal involvement.
U/u: Ulceration due to trauma from sharp pieces of tooth is recorded when sharp edges of a
dislocated tooth with pulpal involvement or root fragments have caused traumatic ulceration of
the surrounding soft tissues.
F/f: Fistula is scored when pus releasing sinus tract related to a tooth with pulpal involvement is
A/a: Abscess is scored when a pus containing swelling related to a tooth with pulpal involvement is

In many developing countries, access to oral 3. Caries Assessment Spectrum And Treatment
health services is limited and teeth are often left (CAST) Index [10]
untreated or are extracted because of pain or This index was developed because of the need
discomfort, such an index can provide useful to find a reliable, pragmatic cohesive and easy to read
information for researches and authorities. reporting system which is based on the strengths of
PUFA and ICDAS-II indices and provide a link to the
Advantages of PUFA index widely used DMF index (M and F component). It
 Simple to record covers the total dental caries spectrum – from no
 Can be used for primary and permanent dentition carious lesion, through caries protection (sealant) and
 Result can be presented alongside with DMF index. caries cure (restoration) to carious lesions in enamel and
dentine, and the advanced stages of caries lesion
Limitations of PUFA index progression in pulpal and tooth surrounding tissue. It
 There are few subjects with score “u”(ulcer) does not record active and inactive carious lesions. The
 Assessment of abscess and fistula can be combined CAST index has not been validated, nor has its
into one code. reliability been tested. It is also not suggested for use in
 Hence reliability and validity of this index requires clinical trials. Other limitation can be that it does not
further discussion. provide data on treatment or preventive measures
required for each code.

Table 3: CAST index codes and criteria:

Codes Characteristic Description
0 Sound tooth No visible evidence of a carious lesion is present.
1 Sealed Pits and/ or fissures are at least partially sealed with a sealant material.
2 Restored A cavity has been restored with an (in) direct restorative material.
3 Enamel Distinct visual change in enamel only. A clear caries discoloration is
visible with or without localised enamel breakdown.
4 Dentine Internal caries related discolouration in dentine. The discoloured dentine
is visible through enamel which may or may not exhibit a visible
localized breakdown of enamel.
5 Dentine Distinct cavitation into dentin. The pulp chamber is intact.
6 Pulp Involvement of pulp chamber. Distinct cavitation reaching the pulp
chamber or only root fragments is present.
7 Abscess/Fistula A pus containing swelling or pus releasing sinus tract related to a tooth
with pulpal involvement.
8 Lost The tooth has been removed because of dental caries.
9 Others Does not correspond to any of the other categories.

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Radhey Shyam et al.; Saudi J. Oral.Dent. Res.; Vol-2, Iss-8(Aug, 2017):192-196

The emphasis of CAST index is prevention experience in developing countries. J Public Health
and risk assessment. It will facilitate health Dent, 66(4), 285-7.
professionals to present the real picture of preventable 2. Neel, E. A., Aljabo, A, Strange, A., Ibrahim, S.,
carious lesions to policy makers. CAST index generates Coathup, M., & Young, A. M. (2016).
scores which are detailed in nature influencing its Demineralization–remineralization dynamics in
amenability for analysis. teeth and bone. Int J Nanomedicine, 11, 4743–63.
3. Mehta, A. (2017). Assessment of dental caries
Advantages of CAST index experience of an adult population using caries
 It is helpful in the analysis of dental caries situation assessment spectrum and treatment index. SRM J
in public oral health setting. Res Dent Sci, 8, 21-4.
 CAST index not only provide information 4. Guideline on Caries-risk Assessment and
regarding the no of cavitated and non-cavitated Management for Infants, Children, and
lesions, it can also report the consequences of the Adolescents. American academy of pediatric
untreated ones, by recording pulpal involvement dentistry. Assessed on 12 March 2017.
and presence of fistula. 5. Anchala, K., Challa, R., Vadaganadham, Y.,
 In this way, cast index can become important Kamatham, R., Deepak, V., & Nuvvula, S. (2016).
diagnostic tool. Assessment of dental caries in primary dentition
employing caries assessment spectrum and
Limitations of CAST index treatment index. J Orofac Sci, 8, 115-9.
The detailed scoring of CAST is advantageous 6. Veiga, N. J., Pereira, C. M., Ferreira, P. C., &
but difficult to analyze and compare with existing Correia, I. J. (2015). Prevalence of Dental Caries
indices. Incipient carious lesions are characteristically and Fissure Sealants in a Portuguese Sample of
diagnosed in dry environment but using CAST Index as Adolescents. PLoS ONE, 10(3), e0121299.
specified by its developers leads to potentially missing 7. Azarpazhooh, A., & Main, P. A. (2008). Pit and
these lesions. fissure sealants in the prevention of dental caries in
children and adolescents: a systematic review. J
Public Health Significance of indices Can Dent Assoc, 74(2),171-7.
 Index plays a key role in Public Health Programs. 8. Ismail, I., Sohn, W., Tellez, M., Amaya, A., Sen,
 Dental caries index helpful in detection of oral A., & Hasson, H. (2007). The International Caries
diseases on large scale in field survey. Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS): an
 Provide data regarding prevalence of a particular integrated system for measuring dental caries.
condition occurring within a given population and Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology,
use of this data for the implementation of the dental 35(3), 170–178.
caries prevention program. 9. Monse, B., Heinrich-Weltzien, R., & Benzian, H.
 Additionally, by use of these index we can (2010). PUFA – An index of clinical consequences
interpretate the consequences of dental caries and of untreated dental caries. Community Dent Oral
there progression. Epidemiol, 38(1), 77–82.
 It is also used to provide baseline data on indicators 10. Frencken, J. E., de Amorim, R. G., Faber, J., &
that show existing dental health status in Leal, S. C. (2011). The caries assessment spectrum
populations. [9]and treatment (cast) index: rational and
 It provides data to support recommendations for development. Int Dent J, 61(3), 117–23.
public health interventions to improve the health
status of population.

Index is considered to be an ideal method to
quantify the disease. There is an increasing need to
quantify various oral diseases in order to prevent the
disease and reduce the prevalence. This will also help in
decreasing the severity of already existing disease. So it
can be concluded that indices proposed for various
disease will be helpful for quantifying the disease.
Every indices will have their own advantages, uses,
disadvantages and limitations, so further research in
developing relent indices is recommended.

1. Acharya, S. (2006). Specific caries index: A new
system for describing untreated dental caries

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