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Sebastian ST et al.

: International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) REVIEW ARTICLE

International Caries Detection and Assessment

System (ICDAS): An Integrated Approach
Shibu Thomas Sebastian1, Treesa Johnson2
Correspondence to:
1- Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry, Pushpagiri College of Dental Dr. Shibu Thomas Sebastian, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Public Health
Sciences, Tiruvalla, India. 2- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Private Consultant, Dentistry, Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences, Tiruvalla, India.
Kerala, India. Contact Us:

Detecting dental caries at the earliest stage is definitely important in planning appropriate treatment for the same.
However there is a lack of consistency among various criteria systems which is used to assess stages of dental caries.
This inturn will limit the comparability of outcomes in different epidemiological and clinical studies. The ICDAS
criteria is a new detection and assessment system classifying different stages of dental caries on the basis of histological
extent and activity. The ICDAS criteria were developed by a team of caries researchers and employ an evidence based
and prevention oriented approach. It can be used in the four domains of clinical practice, education, research and public
health and provides all stake holders a common language for classifying dental caries. Recently ICDAS has evolved to
include a number of approved „formats‟ which supports decision making at both individual and public health levels and
thus generated the ICCMS for improved long term outcomes.
KEYWORDS: Assessment, Dental caries, ICDAS, ICCMS
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Detecting dental caries at the earliest stage is of  Lesion detection- which implies an objective method
paramount importance. Dental caries is a reversible, of determining whether or not the disease is present.
biological process in the early stages.1 If dental caries is  Lesion assessment- which aims to characterize or
detected at the non cavitated stage, it may be possible to monitor a lesion, once it has been detected.
enhance re-mineralization or inhibit demineralization by  Caries diagnosis- which should imply a human
appropriate preventive measures.2 However, the majority professional summation of all available data.
of caries detection methods were ambiguous and took The need for further International consensus in the areas
into account only cavitated lesions.3 The International of caries detection and assessment realized at the
Caries Detection and Assessment System which is a workshop led to the convening of the first meeting of the
newly developed visual method for detecting dental International Caries Detection and Assessment System
caries, is therefore recommended to classify various Group in the spring 2002. This group sought to overcome
stages of carious process extending from early clinically as much of the confusion around the evidence and the
visible changes in enamel to wide cavitations.4 The terminology in this area as possible.8 One of the main
essential feature of ICDAS is the subdivision of stages of goal of this committee has been to develop an integrated
the continuum of dental caries into a variable number of clinical detection and assessment system of dental caries
discrete and predictable categories based upon the which can be used for research as well as clinical
histological extent of the lesion within the tooth.5 practice. However there is an incompatibility among the
terminology, criteria and grading systems which is used
DEVELOPMENT OF ICDAS across the partially overlapping fields of caries
In 2002 an International Consensus Workshop on Caries epidemiology, caries research and clinical caries
Clinical Trials was held involving 95 participants from 23 management. This challenge along with the
countries.6 This workshop sought to review the whole recommendations of the NH Consensus Development
area of cariology and caries clinical trials and seek Conference (2001) and the ICW Meeting on Clinical
consensus as to „agreeing where the evidence leads‟. As Caries Trials, led an adhoc group to start the development
part of this process, a systematic review of previous of the International Caries Detection and Assessment
caries classification was planned and undertaken.7 System-ICDAS.4
A key area of consensus to emerge from the meeting was The „D‟ in ICDAS stands for dental caries detection by
to separate out specific definitions for three specific terms (i) degree of dental caries; (ii) contour (pit-and-fissure or
around caries diagnosis which were confused in the smooth surfaces); (iii) anatomy (crowns versus roots);
literature. The consensus was to refer to6: and (iv) restoration or pit and fissure sealant status. The

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Sebastian ST, Johnson T. International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS): An Integrated Approach. Int J Oral Health Med Res

International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2015 | VOL 2 | ISSUE 3 81
Sebastian ST et al.: International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) REVIEW ARTICLE

„A‟ in ICDAS stands for evaluation of stages of dental Dark through an apparently intact visible through an apparently
Shadow enamel surface which may or intact marginal ridge, buccal
caries (non cavitated or cavitated) and activity (active or from may not show signs of localized or lingual walls of enamel.
arrested).3 The ICDAS measures surface changes and Dentin breakdown (loss of continuity This appearance is often
of the surface that is not seen more easily when the
possible histological depth of the carious lesions showing the dentin). The tooth is wet. The darkened
depending on surface characteristics. Examination of shadow appearance is often area is an intrinsic shadow
clean and dry teeth is the primary requirement for seen more easily when the tooth which may appear as grey,
is wet. blue or brown in color
applying the ICDAS system. The instrument used is a Code 5 Cavitation in opaque or Cavitation in opaque or
ball ended explorer to remove any plaque or food debris. Distinct
Cavity with
discolored enamel exposing the discolored enamel exposing
dentin beneath involving less the dentin beneath involving
It is highly recommended that the teeth should be cleaned Visible
than half of the tooth surface. less than half of the tooth
with a toothbrush or a prophylaxis head/cup before the surface
clinical examination. The use of a sharp explorer is Code 6 Cavitation in opaque or Cavitation in opaque or
Extensive discolored enamel exposing the discolored enamel exposing
contraindicated as it can damage the enamel surface Distinct dentin beneath involving at the dentin beneath involving
Cavity with
covering the early carious lesions.9 Visible
least half of the tooth surface at least half of the tooth
Dentin surface
The ICDAS codes for coronal caries varies from 0-6 Table 1: Coronal Primary Caries Codes
depending on the degree of the lesion.10 After the ICDAS
convention held in Baltimore, USA in 2005 in association There are slight changes between the visual signs
with International Association for Dental Research, the associated with each code depending on a number of
sequence of codes 3 and 4 was swapped with what factors such as (i)the surface characteristics (ii)adjacent
became known as the ICDAS-II Criteria. Since then, teeth present or not (iii)caries present with a restoration or
there have been no added changes in the system, so the sealant. Therefore, a detailed description of each of the
„II‟ suffix has been dropped from the name.5 codes is given under the following headings, so as to help
Codes Pit and Fissures Smooth Surface the examiners while using ICDAS: Pits and fissures,
smooth surface (both mesial and distal) (Table 1); caries
Code 0 There should be no evidence of There should be no evidence associated with restorations and sealants (CARS) (Table
Sound caries Surfaces with of caries. Surfaces with
developmental defects such as developmental defects such 2); coding for restoration and sealants (Table 3) and root
enamel hypoplasia; fluorosis; as enamel hypoplasias; surfaces (Table 4).10 However the basis of the codes is
tooth wear and extrinsic or fluorosis; tooth wear and
intrinsic stains will be recorded extrinsic or intrinsic stains
same through ou t (Table 5).
as sound. will be recorded as sound. Code Caries associated with restoration and sealant codes
Code 1 When seen wet there is no When seen wet there is no Code 0 A sound tooth surface adjacent to a restoration/sealant
First evidence of any change in color evidence of any change in margin. There should be no evidence of caries.
Visual attributable to carious activity, color attributable to carious Sound tooth surface Surfaces with marginal defects less than 0.5mm in
Change in but after prolonged air drying, a activity, but after prolonged with restoration or width, developmental defects such as enamel
Enamel carious opacity or discoloration air drying a carious opacity sealant hypoplasias; fluorosis; tooth wear and extrinsic or
(white or brown lesion) is (white or brown lesion) is intrinsic stains will be recorded as sound.
visible, which is not consistent visible that is not consistent
with the clinical appearance of with the clinical appearance Code 1 When seen wet there is no evidence of any change in
sound enamel, or when there is of sound enamel. This will color attributable to carious activity, but after
a change of color due to caries be seen from the buccal or First visual change in prolonged air drying (for approximately 5 seconds) an
it is not consistent with the lingual surface. enamel opacity or discoloration consistent with
clinical appearance of sound demineralisation is visible that is not consistent with
enamel and is limited to the the clinical appearance of sound enamel.
confines of the pit and fissure
area (whether seen wet or dry). Code 2 The tooth must be viewed wet. When wet there is an
Code 2 The tooth must be viewed wet. There is a carious opacity or Distinct visual change in opacity consistent with demineralisation or
enamel/dentin adjacent
Distinct When wet there is a carious discoloration (white or discoloration that is not consistent with the clinical
to a restoration/sealant
Visual opacity (white spot brown lesion) that is not margin: appearance of sound enamel/dentin or cementum
Change in lesion)and/or brown carious consistent with the clinical
Enamel discoloration which is wider appearance of sound enamel. Code 3 Cavitation at the margin of the restoration/sealant less
than the natural fissure/fossa This lesion may be seen than 0.5mm, in addition to either an opacity or
that is not consistent with the directly when viewed from Carious defects of discoloration consistent with demineralisation that is
clinical appearance of sound the buccal or lingual <0.5 mm with the not consistent with the clinical appearance of sound
enamel direction. In addition, when signs of code 2 enamel or with a shadow of discolored dentin.
viewed from the occlusal
direction, this opacity or Code 4 The tooth surface may have characteristics of code 2
discoloration may be seen as and has a shadow of discolored dentin which is visible
a shadow confined to Marginal caries in through an apparently intact enamel surface or with
enamel, seen through the enamel/dentin localized breakdown in enamel but no visible dentin.
marginal ridge. /cementum adjacent This appearance is often seen more easily when the
to restoration/sealant tooth is wet and is a darkening and intrinsic shadow
Code 3 The tooth viewed wet may have Once dried for
Localized a clear carious opacity (white approximately 5 seconds with underlying dark which may be grey, blue, orange, or brown in color.
shadow from dentin
Enamel spot lesion) and/or brown there is distinct loss of
Breakdown carious discoloration which is enamel integrity, viewed Code 5 Distinct cavity adjacent to restoration/sealant with
wider than the natural from the buccal or lingual Distinct cavity visible dentin in the interfacial space with signs of
fissure/fossa that is not direction. The base and walls adjacent to caries as described in code 4, in addition to a gap >
consistent with the clinical of the cavity are within restoration/sealant 0.5mm in width.
appearance of sound enamel. enamel and dentin is NOT
Once dried for approximately 5 visible. Code 6 Obvious loss of tooth structure, the extensive cavity
seconds there is carious loss of Extensive distinct may be deep or wide and dentin is clearly visible on
tooth structure at the entrance cavity with visible both the walls and at the base.
to, or within, the pit or dentin
Code 4 This lesion appears as a shadow This lesion appears as a
Underlying of discolored dentin visible shadow of discolored dentin
Table 2: Caries Associated with Restorations and Sealants Codes

International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2015 | VOL 2 | ISSUE 3 82
Sebastian ST et al.: International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) REVIEW ARTICLE

0 Sound: i.e. surface not restored or sealed Committee via a further series of international
1 Sealant, partial workshops, often held in partnership with a series of
2 Sealant, full International dental organizations. These include the
International Association for Dental Research, the
3 Tooth colored restoration
European Organization for Caries Research, the
4 Amalgam restoration Association for Dental Education in Europe and the FDI
5 Stainless steel crown World Dental Federation. Over the 2008-12 period, these
6 Porcelain or gold or PFM (porcelain fused to metal crown) crown or development meetings have included:
veneer or inlay or onlay or other restorative material  ICDAS Workshop at Bogota, Colombia-October
7 Lost or broken restoration 2008
8 Temporary restoration  ICDAS Workshop at Temple University, USA-April
Used for the following conditions
 ICDAS Workshop at Mountpellier, France- July
90 Implant for other non-carious related reasons
91 Implant placed due to caries  ICDAS pre ORCAWorkshop Kaunas, Lithuania-
92 Pontic placed for reasons other than caries July2011
93 Pontic placed for carious reasons
This work has developed the ICDAS preventively
96 Tooth surface cannot be examined: surface excluded oriented framework for patient-centered caries
97 Tooth missing because of caries management11 into a more comprehensive International
98 Tooth missing for reasons other than caries
Caries Classification and Management System- the
ICCMS.12-17 The International Caries Classification &
99 Unerupted
Management System-ICCMS deliberately incorporate a
range of options designed to accommodate the needs of
Table 3: ICDAS Two Digit Coding Method for Restorations/Sealants
different users across the ICDAS domains of clinical
practice, dental education, research and public health.
Code E If the root surface cannot be visualized directly as a result of
gingival recession or by gentle air-drying, then it is excluded. This Caries Management System seeks to improve
Surfaces covered entirely by calculus can be excluded or, decision making and enable improved long-term caries
preferably, the calculus can be removed prior
Code 0 The root surface does not exhibit any unusual discoloration that outcomes; it was trade marked by the ICDAS Foundation
distinguishes it from the surrounding or adjacent root areas nor (a charity) on advice in order to be able to ensure that this
does it exhibit a surface defect either at the cemento-enamel
junction or wholly on the root surface.
open system remains free for use by all and allows the
Code 1 There is a clearly demarcated area on the root surface or at the linkage to evidence to be maintained by the ICDAS
cemento-enamel junction (cej) that is discoloured (light/dark Coordinating Committee.5
brown, black) but there is no cavitation (loss of anatomical contour
< 0.5 mm) present.
Code 2 There is a clearly demarcated area on the root surface or at the THE FUTURE OF ICDAS
cemento-enamel junction (cej) that is discoloured (light/dark
brown, black) and there is cavitation (loss of anatomical contour ≥ Researchers and clinicians have chosen the stage of
0.5 mm) present. disease and characteristics for assessment of carious
Table 4: Codes for Detection of Carious Lesions on the Root Surfaces lesions. Figure 1 shows the adaptation of WHO
“stepwise” approach to the surveillance of non-
Code Description
communicable diseases for use with oral health
indicators. This approach allows a logical association of
0 Healthy
the different indicators used into a series of core
1 First visual change in enamel seen only after
indicators which can be used at STEP 1, 2 or 3 depending
prolonged air drying
on the conditions, local needs, priorities and resources.4,8
2 Definite visual change in enamel
Importantly, this approach also documents how each step
3 Localized enamel breakdown without .
can be supplemented into an expanded form, when
. clinical visual signs of dentine involvement needed, and also identifies a series of standardized
4 Underlying dark shadow from dentin alternative indicators that could be added as and when
5 Definite cavity with visible dentin they are needed. While the detailed content may be in
6 Large distinct cavity with visible dentin need of refinements, the overall framework seems to have
much to commend it and the adoption of this model was
Table 5
well received at a BASCD meeting at the end of 2003 and
at the 4th ICDAS meeting in Bornholm in April 2004.8
While concluding, the ICDAS collaborative team has
CLASSIFICATION AND developed useful, easy to use system which clearly
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – THE defined criteria for clinical visual caries detection. Even
ICCMS when used by inexperienced dental examiners, the system
has been shown to be reliable in detecting dental caries
Over the last decade, the ICDAS system has been built on coronal tooth surfaces. Due to the changing trend in
upon incrementally by the ICDAS Coordinating recording non-cavitated lesion in daily practice, ICDAS

International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2015 | VOL 2 | ISSUE 3 83
Sebastian ST et al.: International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) REVIEW ARTICLE

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International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2015 | VOL 2 | ISSUE 3 84

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