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Prevalence of Permanent Tooth Impaction and Associated Features in A Dental Population

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Prevalence of Permanent Tooth Impaction and Associated

Features in a Dental Population

Mariam Al-Abdallah*
Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of permanent tooth impaction
(excluding third molars) in a Jordanian dental population. A secondary aim is to study the distribution
of impaction by side, arch and gender and its association with specific clinical features. Methods: A
sample of 6,880 dental patients was surveyed for tooth impaction. The age limit ranged from 9 to 40
years. Impacted tooth, side, arch, gender, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisor, resorption of
adjacent teeth, transmigration and retained deciduous teeth were recorded for each case diagnosed
with impaction. Chi-square test, independent sample t-test, and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U test were
used for statistical analysis. Results: The prevalence of impaction was 6.7% (n=461) with no
significant difference between males and females. Unilateral impaction (67.5%) was significantly
more common than bilateral impaction (32.5%), but both sides were equally affected. Impaction in the
maxilla (51.2%) was significantly more prevalent than that in the mandible (31.9%). The most
commonly impacted tooth was the maxillary canine (50.3%) followed by the mandibular second
premolar (36.2%), then the maxillary second premolar (18.4%), and finally, the mandibular canine
(10.6%). Microdontia of the maxillary lateral incisor was significantly associated with impaction of
the maxillary canine, while retained deciduous teeth associated with impaction were significantly
more common in females than males. Conclusions: The prevalence and distribution of impaction
were comparable with the findings from previous studies. This provides baseline epidemiological and
demographic data for this selected population, which is important when planning referrals,
interventions or dental treatments.
Keywords: Impaction, malocclusion, orthodontics, prevalence, pattern.
(J Med J 2021; Vol. 55 (1):35-44)
Received Accepted
April; 3, 2020 October 15, 2020

Introduction the tooth is not expected to erupt, then this

Eruption is a complex process where a result in impaction.1-3
tooth moves axially into its functional position There are several local factors in the
in the oral cavity contributing to the normal etiology of mild impaction of one or few teeth.
development of the occlusion.1 Disturbing this These local factors may include dental
process might lead to failure of the eruption or crowding with narrow and\or short arches, an
impaction. Impaction of permanent teeth is a abnormal eruptive path, retained deciduous
common dental anomaly. The diagnosis of an teeth, premature loss of deciduous teeth with
impacted tooth should follow clinical and thickened gingiva or loss of space for the
radiographic assessment. If there was a successor, and the presence of supernumerary
physical barrier in the path of eruption or a tooth, odontome or a pathology such as
positional deviation of the tooth follicle and dentigerous cyst.3,4 On the other hand, for
* Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, The University of Jordan

© 2021 DSR Publishers ∕ The University of Jordan. All Rights Reserved.

Prevalence of Tooth Impaction and Associated Features… Mariam Al-
patients with certain syndromes who present types of teeth are equally affected by
with multiple impacted teeth, the aetiology is impaction.
more likely to be systematic.4,5 The impaction Materials and methods:
of permanent teeth is a frequent phenomenon; This was a cross-sectional observational
if we excluded third molars then the reported study. Sample size was calculated based on an
prevalence would range from 2.9%6 to estimated prevalence of impaction of 9%
13.7%7.4,6-14 This considerable variation in the (referring to previous studies)4,6-11,13,14,
reported prevalence of impacted teeth could be confidence interval of 98% with a statistic
attributed to the different populations, ethnic corresponding of 2.33, and a precision of 0.01.
groups, selected age group, and diagnostic The calculated sample size was 4,446
criteria that are reported on within the individuals.19 Clinical records and digital
literature.5-12,14,15 panoramic radiographs for Jordanian dental
A prolonged and complicated treatment patients aged 9 to 40 years, who attended
may be required to align an impacted tooth to Jordan University Hospital between 2015 and
its normal functioning position in the oral 2018, were analyzed. All digital panoramic
cavity.16,17 Therefore, epidemiological and radiographs were taken with the KODAK
demographic data reported on permanent tooth 8000 Digital Panoramic System® and viewed
impaction is important for dental public health using the KODAK Dental Imaging Software®.
programs, screening for treatment priority, and The exclusion criteria included patients with
resource planning.18 Several studies were incomplete clinical records, craniofacial
carried out to investigate the prevalence and syndromes and clefts, and previous history of
distribution of impacted teeth in different extraction or orthodontic treatment. Following
populations,4,6-15 but none was conducted in these criteria, 6,880 cases were included in this
Jordan and most of these studies focused on a study (average age =16.3 years, males=44%,
specific tooth type and did not females=56%).
comprehensively describe the pattern of If a tooth was predicted to remain un
impaction. Therefore, the aim of the present erupted due to a physical barrier or a
study was to: deflection along its eruption path or if it
1) Determine the prevalence of general remained in the jaw two years after the
and individual tooth impaction (excluding expected eruption time, the tooth was rendered
third molars) distributed by side, arch, number impacted.3,7,20,21 The selected records were
and gender in a sample of a Jordanian dental evaluated by an experienced researcher to
patients based on the relevant published determine the presence, type and number of
literature. permanent teeth (excluding third molars)
2) Investigate the prevalence of a number diagnosed as impacted. In addition, the
of clinical features associated with impaction following variables were recorded for this
by gender, such as microdontia of the investigation:
maxillary lateral incisor, resorption of adjacent 1) Number of impacted teeth.
teeth, transmigration, and retained deciduous 2) Side affected: Bilateral or unilateral
teeth. Therefore, the null hypothesis of our and if unilateral was it the left side or the right
study was that both genders, sides, jaws and all side.

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Prevalence of Tooth Impaction and Associated Features… Mariam Al-
3) Arch affected: Both arches or a single prevalence of impaction was 6.7% with no
arch, and if a single arch was it the maxilla or significant difference between males (6.8%)
the mandible. and females (6.6%) (X2=0.25, P=0.62).
4) Microdontia of maxillary lateral The distribution of impacted teeth
incisor (MicMx2): was diagnosed when mesio- according to the affected side, arch, and
distal width of the crown was less than that of number is shown in Table 1. The impacted
the opposing mandibular lateral incisor.22 teeth were more significantly prevalent on one
5) Resorption of neighboring roots. side (unilateral=67.5%) than both sides
6) Transmigration: an impacted tooth (bilateral=32.5%) with X2=56.2, P<0.001, but
was defined as transmigrated when it crossed both sides were equally affected (left= 33.2%,
the midline regardless of the distance.23,24 right=34.3%) with X2=0.08, P=0.78. In
7) Retained deciduous teeth: was addition, impacted teeth were more
diagnosed when the deciduous tooth was significantly prevalent in a single arch)83.1%)
maintained in the arch with an impacted rather than in both arches (16.9%) (X2=201.8,
permanent successor. P<0.001) and the maxilla (51.2%) was more
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences significantly affected than the mandible
(SPSS) version 25.0 (Armonk, NY: IBM (31.9%) (X2=20.7, P<0.001). The side and arch
Corp., 2017) was used for statistical analysis. pattern of impaction was compatible between
Descriptive statistics and frequency tables males and females, except for the bilateral
were produced to describe the epidemiology of occurrence of the impaction, where males
the impaction. The prevalence of impacted (39.4%) had significantly more bilateral
teeth and associated features were compared impaction than females (26.9%) (X2=8.19,
between genders using the chi-square test. On P=0.004).
the other hand, Independent sample t-test was The total number of impacted teeth was
used to compare the number of impacted teeth 715, with an average of 1.6 impacted tooth per
between gender groups. The significance in patient. Number of impacted teeth was
distribution of the impacted teeth between significantly different between the gender
sides and jaws was tested using z-test for groups (t=2.10, P=0.04, 95% confidence
proportions in the main sample and chi-square interval = 0.01 to 0.30). Nevertheless, the
test between gender groups.25 Wilcoxon- difference was not clinically significant, where
Mann-Whitney U test was conducted to on average each male had 1.6 impacted teeth
determine the statistical significance of the while each female had 1.5 impacted teeth with
ranked number of impacted teeth by gender a similar standard deviation of 0.8.
followed by Post Hoc test. The level of Following ranking of the number of the
significance for all tests was set at P<0.05. impacted teeth from one impacted tooth to
five, more than 90% of the sample had one or
Results: two impacted teeth. While the rest of the
Of the 6,880 surveyed records, 461 dental sample had impaction ranging from 3 to 5
patients (males=45.1%, females=54.9%, mean teeth. Males and females had comparable
age=16.3yr, SD= 7.5) had radiographic ranking of the number of the impacted teeth
evidence of one or more impacted teeth. The except for the second rank, where prevalence

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Prevalence of Tooth Impaction and Associated Features… Mariam Al-
of males with two impacted teeth (37.0%) was significantly higher in females (54.9%) than
significantly higher than females (24.9%) males (41.8%) (X2=7.86, P=0.005). (Table 3)
(X2=5.54, P=0.02). (Table 1) The tooth with the highest prevalence of
The prevalence of impaction of each retained deciduous teeth was the maxillary
individual tooth in total, by arch and by gender second premolar (70.6%), followed by the
is shown in table 2 and Figure 1. Prevalence of maxillary canine (55.6%), then the mandibular
the impaction of each tooth was not canine (51.0%), and finally the mandibular
significantly different between genders. The second premolar (43.1%).
maxillary canine (50.3%) was the most
commonly impacted tooth followed by the Discussion:
mandibular second premolar (36.2%), then the In this study, the prevalence of impaction
maxillary second premolar (18.4%), and the of permanent teeth (excluding third molars) in
mandibular canine (10.6%). a large dental population was 6.7%, which
Table 3 shows the associated features with falls within the range of 2.9%6 to 13.7%7
impaction and its distribution by gender. The reported in other studies.4,6-14 The wide range
prevalence of microdontia of the maxillary reported could be attributed to the different
lateral incisor was 10.6%. This feature was study designs, ethnicity of the included
significantly associated with impaction of the subjects, definition of the impaction, selection
maxillary canine (Kappa value=-0.099, criteria and age limitations.
P=0.001) but not with the other impacted A very low prevalence of impaction of
teeth. Patients with microdontia of the 0.49% was reported in a study that surveyed
maxillary lateral incisor had a prevalence of 27,592 Northern Indian dental patients.26 This
impacted maxillary canine of 73.5%, which low percentage could be explained by the fact
was significantly higher than those without that there were no age limitations in the
this dental anomaly (47.6%) (X2=11.75, sample selection and the study did not exclude
P=0.001). On the other hand, only 7 patients patients with a history of extraction or
with impaction had root resorption of the orthodontic treatment, which might have
surrounding teeth (1.5%); 6 out of the 7 had an increased the false negative-findings and
impacted maxillary canine and only one had an lowered the reported percentage.
impacted maxillary second premolar. Other figures representing the prevalence
Transmigration was reported in 27 cases of tooth impaction that have been reported in
(5.9%) distributed as follows: transmigrated other populations may include the Finnish
maxillary canine in 21 cases, transmigrated dental patients (4.2%),11 Ankara/Turkish
mandibular canine in 5 cases, and one case orthodontic patients (2.9%),6 United States
with transmigrated both maxillary and army recruits (4.2%),4 Colombian dental
mandibular canines. Both gender groups had patients (3.1%),14 New York/ United States
comparable prevalence of microdontia of dental patients (7.9%),8 Antalya/Turkish
maxillary lateral incisor, resorption of adjacent orthodontic patients (9.1%),10 Greek dental
root(s), and transmigration. Nevertheless, the patients (13.7%)7 and Chinese dental patients
prevalence of retained deciduous teeth, that (5.6%)13. The three studies on Ankara
was found in 49% of our sample, was orthodontic patients,6 Antalya orthodontic

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Prevalence of Tooth Impaction and Associated Features… Mariam Al-
patients,10 and Greek dental patients7 reported The present data indicates no significant
the prevalence of impaction directly in their effect of gender on the prevalence of tooth
published study. Conversely, the percentages impaction, which is in agreement with other
of impaction in the other studies were not studies.6,7,10,11,14 Although Hou et al.13 reported
reported and we had to retrieve the numbers higher incidence of impaction in females, no
and recalculate percentages, which was statistical significant testing were performed.
challenging. For this purpose we used data As shown in Fig 1, the most frequently
from the published tables to recalculate the impacted permanent tooth was the maxillary
prevalence of impaction by excluding the canine (50.3%) coinciding with the literature.
incidence of third molar impaction4,8,11 or The following three most frequently impacted
using the number of patients with impaction teeth were the mandibular second premolar
instead of the number of impacted teeth13. For (36.2%), the maxillary second premolar
example, the study on the Finnish dental (18.4%) and the mandibular canine (10.6%).
patients, we had to exclude patients diagnosed This resembles results of previous studies,7,10
with impaction of only third molars and we although some would follow different order.4,13
ended up with 170 cases from a total sample of On the other hand, in a sample of 8,912
4,063 and the recalculated percentage was Chinese dental patients the maxillary incisor
4.2%. was third in incidence of tooth impaction. This
The current study showed that unilateral could be attributed to the very young age
impaction was significantly more prevalent groups that were included in the study, which
than bilateral impaction and both sides were would have increased the risk of false positive
almost equally affected with no significant findings. In addition, the relatively increased
difference detected. In the literature, it was mesio-distal width of the incisors relatively in
controversial as to which side was more the Chinese ethnicity27 might have been a
affected by impaction. Fardi et al7 reported no contributing factor for crowding and
prominent side for the incidence of impaction consequently impaction. Our study found no
after examining 1,239 panoramic radiograph significant difference between males and
of Greek dental patients. While both Topkara females in the prevalence of the individual
et al10 and Aitasalo et al11 found the left side to tooth impaction. Fardi et al7 and Topkara et
be more affected by impaction, but they didn’t al10 reported similar findings to our study,
include tests for statistical significance. In while Aitasalo et al11 found that impacted
addition, our study demonstrated significantly maxillary canine was significantly more
higher prevalence of impaction in a single arch common in females than males, but this study
rather than both arches and in the maxilla only investigated the impaction of third molars
compared to the mandible (1.6:1), which is and canines. Similarly, Dachi et al15 found the
similar to the findings reported in the impaction of maxillary canine to be
literature.6,10,13 Topkara et al10 studied 1,527 significantly more common in females,
orthodontic patients and reported a ratio of the nevertheless, the difference was not clinically
maxillary to mandibular impaction of 1.88:1. significant.
Similarly, Hou et al13 studied 8,912 Chinese Impacted teeth could be associated with a
dental patients and found a ratio of 1.90:1. number of dental anomalies.18 In our study, we

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Prevalence of Tooth Impaction and Associated Features… Mariam Al-
investigated four of these dental anomalies. population that may not be a representative
Our results showed that microdontia of the one. One more drawback in our study was the
maxillary lateral incisor was significantly retrospective nature of the records analysis
associated with impacted maxillary canine. since we did not conduct any clinical
This was in accordance with previous examinations and had only access to pre-
studies.28,29 In addition, only seven patients existing clinical records and radiographs.
with impaction were diagnosed with resorption Conclusions:
of the adjacent teeth. Similarly, transmigration From our findings, the following
affected only 5.9% of patients diagnosed with conclusions were drawn:
impaction and this was associated only with 1) The prevalence of impaction in the
the impaction of canines. A lower prevalence selected sample was 6.7%, which was
of transmigration (4.2%) was reported by Fardi comparable with other ethnic groups.
et al7 and this was surprisingly associated with 2) Prevalence of impaction was
impacted premolars and molars. However, the significantly unilateral rather than bilateral,
exact definition of transmigration used in that affecting one arch rather than both arches, and
study and the methodology used in the occurring in the maxilla rather than the
diagnosis was not explained in the published mandible.
paper. Retained deciduous teeth was seen in 3) The impaction of the maxillary canine
49.0% of our sample with the females affected was the most prevalent, followed by the
more significantly than males. This was higher mandibular second premolar, the maxillary
than the percentage reported by Fardi et al7 second premolar and the mandibular canine.
(25.1%) and Hou et al13 (25.0%) with no 4) Our study revealed equal distribution
gender analysis provided. of permanent tooth impaction among males
Tooth impaction is a frequent phenomenon and females. Nevertheless, males had more
with considerable variation in its prevalence significant bilateral impaction than females,
and distribution in different populations. An while females had more significant prevalence
unerupted tooth is considered a clinical of retained deciduous teeth associated with
challenge in terms of diagnosis, chosen impaction than males.
techniques, anchorage management and 5) Microdontia of the maxillary lateral
treatment duration.3 Therefore, knowledge of incisor was significantly associated with
epidemiology and pattern of impaction in a impacted maxillary canine.
certain population is crucial for an earlier 6) Transmigration affected solely the
diagnosis and more efficient treatment of the canines in both arches, but this occurred in the
impacted tooth with less complication and maxilla more often that the mandible.
shorter treatment duration.
The current investigation has shed light on Compliance with Ethical Standards
some areas in the study of impaction that were Conflict of Interest: The authors declare
poorly reported on in previous research. that they have no conflict of interest.
However, several findings derived from the Funding: This study was funded by
data in this study had limited generalizability Deanship of Academic Research, The
since our sample was selected from a dental University of Jordan, Jordan.

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Prevalence of Tooth Impaction and Associated Features… Mariam Al-
Ethical approval: “All procedures Helsinki declaration and its later amendments
performed in this study involving human or comparable ethical standards.
participants were in accordance with the Informed consent: This study was
ethical standards of the institutional and/or retrospective, therefore, formal consent was
national research committee and with the 1964 not required.”

Table1 Prevalence of patients with an impacted tooth according to affected side, arch, and
number of impacted teeth distributed by gender. Number of patients with impacted teeth= 461
(males=208, female=253)
Male Female Chi square
Pattern of impaction Total (%) P-value
N (%) N (%) value X2
Bilateral 150 (32.5) 82 (39.4) 68 (26.9)
8.19 0.004
Unilateral: 311 (67.5) 126 (60.5) 185 (73.2)
By side
 Left 153 (33.2) 60 (28.8) 93 (36.8)
0.21 0.65
 Right 158 (34.3) 66 (31.7) 92 (36.4)
Both arches 78 (16.9) 40 (19.2) 38 (15.1)
1.44 0.23
Single arch: 383 (83.1) 168 (80.8) 215 (84.9)
By arch
 Maxilla 236 (51.2) 95 (45.7) 141 (55.7)
3.25 0.07
 Mandible 147 (31.9) 73 (35.1) 74 (29.2)
 One tooth 272 (59.0) 107 (51.4) 167 (65.2) 3.65 0.06
 Two teeth 140 (30.4) 77 (37.0) 63 (24.9) 5.54 0.02
By number of
 Three teeth 34 (7.4) 18 (8.7) 16 (6.3) 0.84 0.36
impacted teeth
 Four teeth 14 (3.0) 5 (2.4) 9 (3.6) 0.50 0.48
 Five teeth 1 (0.2) 1 (0.5) 0 (0.0) NA NA

Table 2 Distribution of the prevalence of impaction for each individual tooth distributed
by gender.
Prevalence within the sample presented with impaction Prevalence (%)
(N=461, male=208, female=253) within the
Impacted tooth in each arch
Total Male Female Chi square P- surveyed sample
N (%) N (%) N (%) value X value (n=6,880)
Central incisor 12 (2.6) 6 (2.9) 6 (2.4) 0.12 0.73 0.17
Lateral incisor 7 (1.5) 4 (1.9) 3 (1.2) 0.42 0.52 0.10
Canine 232 (50.3) 102 (49.0) 130 (51.4) 0.25 0.62 3.37
Maxilla First premolar 22 (4.8) 11 (5.3) 11 (4.3) 0.22 0.64 0.32
Second Premolar 85 (18.4) 37 (17.8) 48 (19.0) 0.11 0.74 1.24
First molar 4 (0.9) 3 (1.4) 1 (0.4) 1.46 0.23 0.06
Second molar 5 (1.1) 2 (1.0) 3 (1.2) 0.05 0.82 0.07
Incisors 1 (0.2) 1 (0.5) 0 (0.0) 1.22 0.27 0.01
Canine 49 (10.6) 24 (11.5) 25 (9.9) 0.33 0.57 0.71
First premolar 18 (3.9) 9 (4.3) 9 (3.6) 0.11 0.67 0.26
Second Premolar 167 (36.2) 85 (40.9) 82 (32.4) 3.53 0.06 2.43

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Prevalence of Tooth Impaction and Associated Features… Mariam Al-
First molar 1 (0.2) 1 (0.5) 0 (0.0) 1.22 0.27 0.01
Second molar 3 (0.7) 2 (1.0) 1 (0.4) 0.57 0.45 0.04

Table 3 Impaction and associated features distributed by gender.

Prevalence within the sample presented with impaction
(N=461, males=208, females=253)
Associated features
Total Males Females Chi square
N (%) N (%) N (%) value X2
Microdontia of the
49 (10.6) 20 (9.6) 29 (11.5) 0.41 0.52
maxillary lateral incisor
Resorption 7 (1.5) 1 (0.5) 6 (2.4) 2.73 0.10
Transmigration 27 (5.9) 10 (4.8) 17 (6.7) 0.76 0.38
Retained deciduous teeth 226 (49.0) 87 (41.8) 139 (54.9) 7.86 0.005

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J Med J 2021; March: Vol. 55 (1) http:∕∕∕jmj 44

‫…‪Prevalence of Tooth Impaction and Associated Features‬‬ ‫‪Mariam Al-‬‬

‫مدى انتشار طمور األسنان الدائمة والميزات المرتبطة به‬

‫في مجموعة من مراجعي قسم طب األسنان‬

‫مريم محمد سالم العبد اهلل‬

‫قسم تقومي األسنان‪ ،‬كلية طب األسنان‪ ،‬اجلامعة األردنية‪.‬‬

‫األهداف ‪ :‬كان اهلدف من هذه الدراسة هو التحقيق يف انتشار طمور األسنان الدائمة (باستثناء أضراس العقل) يف جمتمع مرضى طب‬
‫األسنان األردين‪ .‬وكان اهلدف الثانوي هو دراسة توزيع الطمور حسب اجلانب املصاب والفك املصاب واجلنس وارتباطه بسمات سريرية‬
‫حمددة‪ .‬الطريقة‪ :‬مت مسح عينة من ‪ 6880‬مريض أسنان من أجل تشخيص طمور األسنان‪ .‬وتراوح احلد العمري من ‪ 9‬إىل ‪ً 40‬‬
‫عاما‪ .‬ومت‬
‫تسجيل عدد ونوع األسنان املطمورة‪ ،‬واجلانب املصاب‪ ،‬الفك املصاب‪ ،‬واجلنس‪ ،‬ووجود إصابة بصغر حجم القواطع اجلانبية العلوية‪،‬‬
‫وذوبان جذور األسنان اجملاورة‪ ،‬وترحال السن املطمور من خالل خط املنتصف‪ ،‬وبقاء األسنان اللبنية دون تبديلها‪ ،‬مت استخدام اختبار‬
‫‪ ،Chi-square‬واختبار ‪ t‬للعينة املستقلة‪ ،‬واختبار ‪ Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U‬للتحليل اإلحصائي‪ ،‬النتائج‪ :‬بلغ‬
‫معدل انتشار الطمور ‪( ٪6.7‬العدد = ‪ )461‬مع عدم وجود فرق بني الذكور واإلناث‪ ،‬وكانت إصابة جانب واحد للفم (‪ )٪67.5‬أكثر‬
‫شيوعا بشكل ملحوظ من إصابة اجلانبني (‪ ،)٪32.5‬لكن كال اجلانبني (األمين واأليسر) تأثروا بشكل متسا ٍو‪ .‬وكان التأثري يف الفك‬ ‫ً‬
‫انتشارا من ذلك يف الفك السفلي (‪ .)٪31.9‬وكان السن األكثر تأثراً هو الناب العلوي (‪ )٪50.3‬يليه‬ ‫ً‬ ‫العلوي (‪ )٪51.2‬أكثر‬
‫الضاحك الثاين السفلي (‪ ،)٪36.2‬مث الضاحك الثاين العلوي (‪ ،)٪18.4‬وأخرياً الناب الفك السفلي (‪ .)٪10.6‬ارتبط صغر حجم‬
‫شيوعا يف‬
‫القواطع اجلانبية العلوية بشكل كبري بطمور األنياب العلوية‪ ،‬بينما كانت األسنان اللبنية اليت مل تتبدل واملرتبطة بالطمور أكثر ً‬
‫اإلناث من الذكور‪ .‬االستنتاجات ‪ :‬كان انتشار طمور األسنان وتوزيع التأثري قابلني للمقارنة مع نتائج الدراسات السابقة‪ ،‬ويوفر هذا‬
‫البيانات الوبائية والدميوغرافية األساسية هلذه اجملموعة السكانية املختارة‪ ،‬وهو أمر مهم عند التخطيط لإلحاالت أو التدخالت أو عالجات‬
‫الكلمات الدالة‪ :‬الطمور‪ ،‬سوء اإلطباق‪ ،‬تقومي األسنان‪ ،‬االنتشار‪ ،‬النمط‪.‬‬

‫‪J Med J 2021;March: Vol. 55 (1) http:∕∕∕jmj‬‬ ‫‪45‬‬

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