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Association Between Severity of Tooth Wear and Dentinal Hypersensitivity

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Original Research Article Journal of College of Medical Sciences-Nepal, Vol-12, No 3, July-Sept 016

ISSN: 2091-0657 (Print); 2091-0673 (Online)

Open Access
Association between Severity of Tooth Wear and Dentinal
Ashok Ayer
Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal

Correspondence ABSTRACT
Dr. Ashok Ayer Background & Objectives: Tooth wear (attrition, abrasion, erosion, and
Assistant Professor, abfraction) is perceived globally as ever increasing problem. Several
Department of Conservative outcome of the tooth wear are hypersensitivity, esthetic problems,
Dentistry and Endodontics, functional impairment, annoyance to the patient, and fracture of the
B.P. Koirala Institute of Health tooth. Among these, the measurable and more commonly reported
Sciences, Dharan, Nepal outcome is hypersensitivity to stimuli. Although dentin hypersensitivity
is a common clinical condition and is generally reported by the patient
Email: after experiencing a sharp, short pain caused by one of the several
different external stimuli, it is often inadequately understood. None of the
DOI: scientific literature available till date attempted to establish the
jcmsn.v12i3.15487 relationship between tooth wear and dentin hypersensitivity which could
be a key factor in monitoring those patients. The aim of the study was to
Article received: June 24th estimate the association between severity of teeth wear and sensitivity in
2016 the patients with reported dentinal hypersensitivity. Materials &
Article accepted: Aug 30th Methods: Fifty patients with dentin hypersensitivity were investigated
2016 for tooth wear. Tooth wear measured using exact tooth wear index and
level of sensitivity to stimuli was recorded using a numerical rating scale.
Results: Enamel wear at cervical region of teeth showed a positive
correlation (p=.010), similarly, dentin wear at cervical region of teeth
showed positive correlation and significant association (p<.001) with
dentinal hypersensitivity. Conclusion: The observation supports a
significant association between severities of tooth surface wear and
dentinal hypersensitivity.

Key words: Attrition; Abfraction; Abrasion; Dentine Hypersensitivity;

Tooth wear; Tooth wear indices

Citation: Ayer A. Association between Severity of Tooth Wear and Dentinal Hypersensitivity. JCMS
Nepal. 2016;12(3):94-8.

INTRODUCTION Biochemical, Electrochemical Degradation), friction

The increased availability of the dental treatment to and stress (Occlusion, mastication, static and cyclic
the population and awareness regarding preventive fatigue) in the teeth resulting in attrition, abrasion,
regimes have resulted in retaining the natural erosion and abfraction.1 The aetiology, extent and
dentition for longer ages. With the advancing age, clinical presentation of this condition vary among
the loss of tooth substance and its management is different individuals.
posing a challenge for the clinicians. Apart from the The most convenient method to record changes on
carious destruction of the tooth surface, several teeth resulting from wear has been the use of
mechanical, biological, physiological and chemical indices, other methods measuring tooth wear are
processes play role in the loss of tooth substance. surface profilometry, polarized light microscopy,
Non-carious destruction of tooth substance are microhardness, microradiography, digital image
commonly associated with dietary patterns, analysis, scanning probe microscope. Several indices
parafunctional habits, periodontal disease, improper are used to assess the degree of tooth wear at
brushing habits, the presence of acid reflux and different site of tooth. The most frequently used
socioeconomic status. Usually more than one index is the Smith and Knight Tooth Wear Index,
etiological factor play combined role in the several other indices are simplified tooth wear index
mechanism of the bio-corrosion (Chemical, by Bardsley et al (Simplified scoring criteria for
Original Research Article Ayer A
tooth wear index), Eccles index for dental preceding three months, l) orthodontic appliance
erosion.2,3 Larsen et al.4 proposed a new clinical treatment within previous three months, m) teeth or
index based on a combination of clinical supporting structures with any other painful
examination, photographs and study casts with pathology or defects, n) teeth restored in the
several complicated qualitative and quantitative preceding three months, o) extensively restored
clinical criteria to score different surfaces. Oilo et teeth and those with restorations extending into the
al.5 criticised the use of indices that used a test area.
nonlinear scoring method and advocated different Following informed consent and information about
type of scoring system, in which the decision of the study, the oral examination was conducted.
whether treatment is necessary is a basic criterion. Clinical oral examination of the patients was
These indices didn’t consider grading the extent of performed in an outpatient dental clinic using a
enamel wear.6 The relative inaccuracy of these dental front surface mirror, explorer and gauzes,
indices at the enamel level may underestimate the under standard illumination from a dental operating
severity of enamel wear that may be a predictor of light. All patients were examined intraorally by the
dentin loss with advancing age in an individual. A same practitioner. The most sensitive tooth among
new index (the Exact Tooth Wear Index), which or for which he/she seek dental advice as reported
grades the severity of wear in enamel and dentine by patient was selected for further investigation.
separately has been introduced by Fares J. et al.6 Clinical examination:
Several studies report the prevalence of tooth wear The buccal, cervical, incisal/occlusal, palatal/
in different population, sex, age groups or in lingual surface of the selected teeth were scored
selected population group such as armed forces, according to the criteria shown in Table 1. Scores
referred patients. The most common presentation of 0–4 for the enamel and 0-5 for the dentine were
and concern for which patients with tooth wear seek assigned to the teeth, according to the severity of
dental advice and treatment is the dentin wear. Patients were educated to understand the
hypersensitivity. The current scientific literature numerical rating scale (NRS) with score 0 to 10
doesn’t have any evidence to show whether the (labelled at the extremes with "no pain," at the zero
severity of tooth wear or the measurement of this by end of the scale, and "severe pain," at the end of the
indices influence or correlate the level of dentin scale) along with facial expression printed on the
hypersensitivity of the population or individual plain sheet. Dental explorer was used to elicit tactile
patient. Thus the aims of the present study were to stimuli over the wear site followed by air blast from
describe the correlation between severity of tooth a standard air/water syringe directed towards the
wear and its association with the level of dentin sensitive portion of tooth, perpendicular to long
hypersensitivity using the Exact Tooth Wear Index, axis of the tooth at a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm applied
to measure its reproducibility in the patients with for one second with a pressure of 45psi to 65 psi.7
reported dentin hypersensitivity. Patients were asked to rate the sensitivity in the
standard numerical rating scale.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Statistical method:
Fifty adult patients (18- 60 years, 30 female and 20 Patients were evaluated and data entered in data
male) attending department of conservative collection sheet. Collected data were entered in
dentistry and endodontics with chief complaint of Microsoft Excel 2013 and coded accordingly. The
dentin hypersensitivity from January to June 2016 statistical analysis was performed by Statistical
were invited to take part in the study. Inclusion Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS, Inc.
criteria: a) Permanent teeth, b) vital teeth. Exclusion Chicago, IL, USA version 20). For Inferential
criteria: a) Tooth with carious lesion, b) moderate to statistics, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
severe periodontal disease, c) periapical pathosis, d) was applied to measure the strength of association
traumatic injury to tooth, e) malaligned tooth, f) between variables. Statistically significant levels
atypical tooth morphology, g) developmental were set at p <0.05.
disorders affecting teeth and/or oral structures, h)
current desensitizing therapy, i) medical (including RESULTS
psychiatric) and pharmacotherapeutic histories that Total 50 patients, thirty females and twenty male
may compromise the protocol including the chronic patients with established dentinal hypersensitivity
use of anti-inflammatory, j) analgesic and mind- gave informed consent to participate in the study.
altering drugs, k) periodontal surgery in the
Severity of Tooth Wear and Dentinal Hypersensitivity JCMS Nepal 2016;12(3):60-5

Table 1: The Exact Tooth Wear Index [Fares J et. al.]6

Exact Tooth Wear Index for Enamel
0: No tooth wear: no loss of enamel characteristics or change in contour
1: Loss of enamel affecting less than 10% of the scored surface
2: Enamel loss affecting between 10% and one third of the scored surface
3: Enamel loss affecting at least one third but less than two thirds of the scored surface
4: Enamel loss affecting two thirds or more of the scored surface

Exact Tooth Wear Index for Dentine

0: No dentinal tooth wear: no loss of dentine
1: Loss of dentine affecting less than 10% of the scored surface
2: Dentine loss affecting between 10% and one third of the scored surface
3: Dentine loss affecting at least one third but less than two thirds of the scored surface
4: Dentine loss affecting two thirds or more of the scored surface, no pulpal exposure
5: Exposure of secondary dentine formation or pulpal exposure

No significant difference in sensitivity was Table 3: Correlation between tooth

observed with the gender variation. Distribution of wear index and pain scale (NRS)
pain scale score according to teeth morphology Pain Scale (NRS)
shows that higher score was observed with
premolar followed by anterior teeth and then molar Tooth Correlation p- Value
teeth (Table 2). Correlation between tooth wear surface Coefficient (†Significant,
index and pain scale (NRS) showed a positive p< 0.05)
Enamel 0.056 .699
correlation with the teeth wear (Table 3). A Buccal
significant positive correlation exists between teeth Enamel 0.359* 0.010†
wear in cervical region with enamel and dentin Cervical
wear. Correlation between enamel wear and dentin Enamel 0.177 0.220
wear shows that there exists a positive and Incisal/
significant association between them according to Occlusal
the teeth surface involved (Table 4). Enamel 0.217 0.131
Table 2: Distribution of pain scores according to Dentin 0.191 0.184
teeth morphology Buccal
Dentin 0.533** <.001†
PAIN % TEETH Cervical
SCALE Dentin 0.055 0.703
(NRS) Anterior Premolar Molar
SCORE Incisal/
2 34.0% 6.0% 12.0% 16.0% Occlusal
Dentin 0.068 0.640
3 50.0% 14.0% 30.0% 6.0% Lingual
4 10.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.0%
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
5 6.0% - 6.0% - *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level
TOTAL 100% 24.0% 52.0% 24.0%

Original Research Article Ayer A
Table 4: Correlation between enamel wear and dentin wear
Correlation Matrix
Tooth surface Dentin Dentin Dentin Incisal/ Dentin Palatal/
Buccal Cervical Occlusal Lingual
Enamel Buccal Correlation Coefficient .409** .293* - -
p-Value .003† .039† - -
Enamel Correlation Coefficient - .613** - -
p-Value - <0.001† - -
Enamel Incisal/ Correlation Coefficient - - .673** -
p-Value - - <0.001† -
Enamel Palatal/ Correlation Coefficient - - - .556**
p-Value - - - <0.001†
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level
p- Value (†Significant, p< 0.05)

DISCUSSION the unstressed teeth.1 Wear in buccal, incisal/

Perception of pain is a subjective sign and this is occlusal, lingual/palatal regions didn’t show
strongly dependent on the cultural, individual and significant correlation with the severity of dentine
economic background of the patient.8The hypersensitivity, probably it may be due to lower
usefulness of the indices will only be established if scores of wear in these sites as recorded during the
they support the clinical outcome such as dentine investigation. Results demonstrate a strong
hypersensitivity or possibly influence the treatment correlation between cervical enamel loss and
plan, also if they may be helpful in predicting the cervical dentin loss, thus the pattern of enamel wear
future tooth surface loss. (usually due to crack production, by tensile loading)
Results of this study suggest that severity of and dentine (usually as a result of plastic
dentinal hypersensitivity as scored by NRS is deformation, by shear stress)11 may be helpful in
associated with surface wear in the cervical region predicting future dentin loss.
of teeth. Enamel and dentin wear measured We considered only one most sensitive tooth of an
separately in the cervical region of teeth as scored individual patient so as not to unduly sensitise
by exact tooth wear index show a positive patient and also it may influence sensitivity score.
correlation with the dentine hypersensitivity. Increased consumption of carbonated beverages
Stanford et. al.9 showed that enamel in the cervical implies that exposure of teeth to an acid
region has a 30% lower compressive strength. It has environment is increasing, which will obviously
also been shown that the crystal structure is barely have an effect on the wear of teeth. Experimental
definable in this region,10 and there are fewer areas studies has shown that there is decrease in the
of gnarled enamel, where the enamel rods hardness and elastic modulus of enamel with
intertwine, which leads to greater fracture increasing acidity (decreasing pH).12,13 Cuy et
resistance. Studies revealed that excessive cyclic al.14observed the enamel surface hardness (H) >
and nonaxial loading resulted in cusp flexure and 6GPa and modulus of elasticity (E) > 115GPa,
more stress concentration in the cervical region of while enamel at the enamel-dentine junction H <
the teeth.1 3GPa and E < 70GPa. These variations were shown
Higher incidence of pain in premolar teeth could be to correspond to changes in the chemistry,
explained because the dentin thickness in the microstructure and prism alignment. More the depth
cervical region is less in these teeth and also due to of tooth wear, higher possibility of accelerated loss
the anatomical location of the premolars as they are of deeper surfaces will be there. Thus, the pattern of
subject to compressive, tensile and shearing stress. enamel wear may be considered as predictor for
Studies revealed that the teeth that had cyclic dentin wear. Early identification of the aetiology
fatigue stress demonstrated more biocorrosion than and appropriate strategies can be recommended for

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