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Oral Presentation Rubric: Total: /32 Additional Comments

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Oral Presentation rubric

Name:________________________________ Date: ____________ Grade/ Section:________

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly Frequently mumbles
Pronunciation/ distinctly all (100- distinctly all (95%) and distinctly OR mispronounces
Enunciation 95%) the time. the time. most (94-85%) several (6+) key
Pronounces words Pronounces correctly, of the time. words in the
correctly and vocalizes but its vocalization is not Makes a few presentation. Makes both
well. correct. pronunciation pronunciation and
errors but its vocalization errors.
vocalization is
Delivery The presenter is VERY Presenter was well Presenter was somewhat Presenter was clearly
WELL prepared and prepared and delivers ideas prepared. Delivery of the unprepared to present to
delivers ideas in a in a suitable manner. Keeps presentation was made but the audience. Poor voice
clear and concise an appropriate with strong dependence on volume, tone and pacing
manner, without voice volume, tone and notes or visual aid. The voice throughout the delivery.
depending too much pacing. Gestures volume was inconsistent as Inappropriate gestures
on notes or visual aid. supported the overall well as the tone and pacing. which detracted from the
Engages the audience. presentation. Some appropriate gestures presentation.
Volume, that supported the
pacing and gestures presentation were displayed.
contribute maximally
to the presentation.

Posture The posture is natural, The posture is usually The posture is distracting The posture is very
no fidgeting present. natural but sometimes and maintains little eye distracting and has no
The speaker keeps loses eye contact with contact with the public. eye contact with the
consistent eye contact the audience. Speaker fidgets a lot and public. Speaker´s
with the audience. seems nervous. fidgetiness and anxiety
is very evident.
Content Exposes concrete Exposes the content and Exposes the content The exhibition lacks
content. Follows a sometimes goes off topic although it lacks some data concrete content and
logical order of ideas (it shows some flaws in and logical order of ideas. organization. Does not
during the presentation. the order of ideas.) Demonstrates limited show domain of the
Demonstrates mastery Displays understanding of understanding of the topic. topic.
over the topic. the topic.

Language Usage Presenter used the Presenter used correct Presenter mostly used Presenter used
(grammar and BEST sentence sentence structure/syntax correct sentence incorrect sentence
syntax) structure/syntax that that was appropriate in structure/syntax that was structure/syntax that
supported the topic. supporting the topic. appropriate for the topic. was not appropriate
for the topic.
Time Management The presentation fits The presentation exceeded The presentation surpassed The presentation did not
within the specified time. or did not arrive at the or did not arrive at the take the time into account
established time and this established time and this negatively affecting the
affected the content. greatly affected the content. content.

MLA Format Makes excellent use of Makes use of researched Does not make consistent Does not demonstrate
researched material to material to support the use of the investigated use of investigated
support the topic´s content. Usually documents material and does not material or does not refer
content. The material is sources orally and in writing document the sources to investigated sources
properly documented both (MLA). correctly. when exposing or via
orally and in writing MLA.

Visual Aid Visual presentation is easy Visual presentation is usually Visual presentation is difficult Visual presentation is
(PowerPoint/Prezi) to read/see. It’s clearly easy to read/see. Its format to read/see. It has many impossible to see/read. It
formatted and informative. is acceptable, but it has distracting elements or its doesn't follow a format.
It displays enough text to distracting or missing format is not correct. It may
be an adequate visual aid. elements. have too much text.
The presentation is very
creative and original.

Total: /32 Additional Comments:

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