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Group Report and Oral Presentation Marking Criteria

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Overall Grade:
Semester One 2021
Group Report and Oral Presentation Marking Criteria

Student Names:


Indicators of ACHIEVED Indicators of ACHIEVED Indicators of NOT

Indicators of ACHIEVED

Clearly addresses all the Addresses most of the Addresses some the Addresses few of the
Addressing the task requirements and main requirements and main requirements and main requirements and main
questions from the questions from the questions from the questions from the
assessment brief assessment brief assessment brief assessment brief

All the required evaluation Most of the required Some of the required The completed evaluation
was completed correctly. evaluation was completed evaluation was completed had many significant
Thorough discussion was correctly. Discussion was correctly. Discussion was errors. Discussion had
Evaluation and
provided and supported mostly thorough and mostly descriptive and/or major flaws and/or was not
with appropriate examples supported with some not supported with supported with
and information from relevant examples and appropriate examples and appropriate examples and
research research information research information any research information

Ideas developed logically Ideas developed Reasonable attempt made Report is not well
and coherently with coherently but there may to develop ideas logically structured. Lacks
smooth flow throughout be some inconsistencies but may be lacking in coherence and logical
Report Structure
the report in the flow through parts coherence in places development of ideas
of the report throughout.

The language contains very The language is generally The language is sufficient Errors in language and
few, if any errors in accurate but contains for understanding but vocabulary are frequent
grammar and vocabulary. If some errors in grammar contains errors in grammar and distracting. Does not
slips are present, the and vocabulary. and vocabulary that are adhere to the conventions
meaning is still clear. Conventions of academic distracting. Conventions of of academic writing (e.g.
Written Communication
Conventions of academic (e.g. references, academic (e.g. references, references, presentations).
writing (e.g. references, presentations) are presentations) are followed
presentations) are followed followed apart from the but show errors and
meticulously. occasional oversight inconsistencies.

Shows and maintains a high Shows and maintains a Some interest and Little interest and
level of interest with high level of interest with enthusiasm shown during enthusiasm shown during
appropriate enthusiasm appropriate enthusiasm the presentation. Some the presentation. Little
Engagement throughout the for most of the acknowledgement of and acknowledgment of and
presentation. Clear rapport presentation. Mostly rapport with the audience rapport with the audience
established with audience clear rapport with
Ideas were clearly Ideas were mostly clearly Ideas could have been Ideas not well articulated.
articulated. Efficient use of articulated. Appropriate articulated more clearly. Little use of appropriate
appropriate technology to technology that enhances Some use of appropriate technology or use in a
Delivery enhance the presentation. the presentation was technology to enhance distracting or ineffective
Time is well balanced mostly well used. Some presentation. Several issues manner. Time is not well
throughout. inconsistencies in time with time management. managed.

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