Design Methodology of Energy Storage Systems For A Small Electric Vehicle
Design Methodology of Energy Storage Systems For A Small Electric Vehicle
Design Methodology of Energy Storage Systems For A Small Electric Vehicle
Stavanger, Norway, May 13-16, 2009
With the current state of technological development, the future of Electric Vehicles (EVs) seems to go
through the hybridization of various Energy Storage Systems (ESSs). This strategy seeks to benefit from
the best qualities of each available energy source, and is especially useful in urban driving. In this work, the
need for multiple energy sources hybridization is addressed. A methodology to optimize the sizing of the
ESSs for an electric vehicle taking as example the ISEC-VEIL project, using different driving cycles,
maximum speed, a specified acceleration, energy regeneration and gradeability requests are presented. It is
also studied the possibility of using a backup system based on solar energy, that may be considered in the
design, or as an extra to cope with unforeseen routines and to minimize the recharge of ESSs. Some
simulation results of multiple energy sources hybridization are presented, considering different ESSs and
different scenarios for the small presented EV, in order to verify the proposed designs.
Keywords: Neighborhood Electric vehicle (NEV), optimization, energy storages, battery electric vehicle (BEV), cost
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Vehicles, are the Low Emissions Vehicles, as the For the “full electric” EV the solutions pass by
HEVs, specially the Plug-In HEVs (PHEVs) [5][6]. significant progresses in battery technology and by
using different energy sources with optimized
2 Energy Storage Systems for management of energy flow. [9] [10]
EVs 2.3 Multiple Energy Sources
2.1 The Energy Storage Issue in EVs
As mentioned before, none of the available energy
To allow EV to become the effective sustainable
sources can easily fulfil alone all the demand of
transportation solution, a great effort has to be done
EVs to enable them to compete with gasoline
in R&D to overcome the major technical issue in
powered vehicles. In essence, these energy sources
EVs: the energy storage.
have a common problem: they have either HSE or
Typically, an EV stores energy in batteries (Lead-
HSP, but not both. A HSE energy source is
Acid, NiMH or Li-Ion, for instance) that are bulky,
favourable for long driving range, whereas a HSP
heavy and expensive. The specific energy, in
energy source is desirable for high acceleration
Wh/kg, of gasoline is about 12500 Wh/kg (which
rate and high hill climbing capability. The concept
only 2000-3000 can be considered useful energy,
of using and coordinate multiple energy sources to
due to the very low efficiency of the ICE) against
power the EV is typically denominated
typically 35 in good lead-acid batteries or 60 in
hybridization. Hence, the specific advantages of
NiMH, which gives an idea of the volume and
the various EV energy sources can be fully
weight necessary to store the energy needed to do
utilized, leading to optimized fuel economy while
the same work. Li-ion batteries have higher specific
energy, usually from 80 to 120 Wh/kg, but they still
satisfying the expected driving range and
quite expensive and have some safety issues that
maintaining other EV performances. [10][11]
have to be carefully addressed. Due to this problem,
A lot of work has been done to investigate
with current batteries technologies it is very methodologies to sizing and control strategies for
difficult to make a general purpose EV that fuel-cell-battery [13], fuel-cell-supercapacitor [11],
effectively competes with ICE cars. For massive fuel-cell-battery-supercapacitor [10][13], battery-
deployment of EV its driving range problem must supercapacitor [12] vehicles. These studies add a
be solved. significant knowledge to the field but do not
provide a detailed comparison of a battery-
supercapacitor-PV array, principally of the daily
2.2 Main Available Energy Storage
energy evolution, in function of the test cycle. As
Systems the fuel-cell vehicle is an expensive choice, it is
At the present and in the foreseeable future, the necessary to analyze other solution for EV
viable EVs energy sources seem to be batteries, hybridization.
fuel cells, supercapacitors (SCs) and ultrahigh- The present study aims at developing a
speed flywheels. methodology to help the designers to optimise the
Batteries are the most mature source for EV sizing of the power components in a small urban
application. But they offer either high specific EV. For that, it used different driving cycles,
energy (HSE) or (relatively) high specific power specified acceleration performance and maximum
(HSP). Fuel cells are comparatively less mature speed requests.
and expensive for EV application. They can offer
exceptionally HSE, but with very low specific 3 Veil Prototype: Hybridization of
power. In spite of some quite expensive
prototypes, such low specific power poses Energy Storage Systems
serious problems to their application to EVs that At the Electrical Engineering Department of the
desire a high acceleration rate or high hill Engineering Institute of Coimbra (DEE-ISEC) the
climbing capability. Also, they are incapable of author’s team has started the on going VEIL
accepting the high peaks of regenerative energy project to convert a small vehicle, initially with an
during EV braking or downhill driving and, ICE, into an electric vehicle (Figure 1) [7][8][15].
worse, their overall energy efficiency is very low For VEIL project prototype, it was considered to
(about 25% from “wind to wheel”). SCs have be viable the hybridization of three energy sources:
low specific energy for stand alone application. a HSE storage system – Batteries –, a HSP system
However, they can offer exceptionally HSP (with – SCs – and photovoltaic panels, PV. Figure 2
low specific energy). Flywheels are shows this hybridization configuration. [7] [8]
technologically immature for EV application.
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KBat 1 KBat 2 KBat 3 K Bat n KSC 1 KSC2 KSC 3 KSCn Constraints on the number of branches paralleled
XBat 1 X SC1 are discussed on the next subsections, because
X Bat 2 XSC 2
KBat, and KSC variation ranges depend on the EV
X Bat 3 X SC3
desired performance (autonomy and dynamic
Table 2: Variation of the Constraints XBat and XSC for 400 Regenerativ e Energy
Energy Demand
[W .h]
96 V ± 10%
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time [s]
DC-link Voltage 1st approach
Reference Xmin Xmax
variation [V] XBat and XSC Constraints Figure 4: NEDC for low-speed vehicle and NEDC
Battery A 25 35 87.5 < Vdc < 105.0 XBat = 30 applied to the VEIL speed versus time, and resultant
Battery B 25 35 87.5 < Vdc < 105.0 XBat = 30 powers and energies.
Battery C 7 9 90.0 < Vdc < 105.0 XBat = 8
SC 32 42 86.4 < Vdc < 105.0 XSC = 37
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After modelling the vehicle, taking into account 4.1.2 Maximum EV Speed Request
the mechanical parts, including body and For the case of the vehicle cruising at its maximum
transmission units, and the dynamic and speed, the power demand is given by:
aerodynamic vehicle characteristics, with the 1 2
model used [8][14] applying the chosen driving Pvmax = (μ RR ⋅ m ⋅ g ) ⋅ vmax + ⋅ ρ ⋅ CD ⋅ AF ⋅ vmax ⋅ vmax (5)
profile, results were obtained for power and
where Pv is the mechanical EV power demandmax
energy demand, and regenerative power and
(W) for the maximum speed drive, μRR is the
energy, respectively. These results are presented
coefficient of rolling resistance, m is the
in Figure 4.
considered EV mass (kg), g is the gravity
Analyzing the power graph shown in Figure 4,
acceleration (9.81 m/s2), ρ represents the air
we can easily separate the EV demands of high
density (1.204 kg/m3 at 20ºC), CD is the drag
power, low power and the effective regenerative
coefficient, AF is the frontal projection area (m2)
power1. The cases of the high and low EV power
and vmax is the maximum vehicle speed (m/s). In
demands and regenerative power will be
this project and with the aforementioned
analyzed in the next subsections. For the driving
restrictions the maximum speed considered is 50
cycle analysis, the main interest is the energy
km/h on the flat road. In this paper, the EV project
required to perform a chosen driven cycle. In
vehicle specifications are presented in Table 4, and
other words, this analysis permits to obtain
they were used for this design study.
information about the need of energy available in
the main energy storage that will define the basic Table 4: EV Project Vehicle Specifications
autonomy of the EV, usually the battery banks. Parameter Value
Although the test cycles have different types of Vehicle mass (kg) 500*
requests (e.g. acceleration, maximum speed and Rolling Resistance Coefficient 0.015
braking), as the energy used by SCs is renewable, Aerodynamic Drag Coefficient 0.51
Front Area (m2) 2.4
then in terms of autonomy it is only necessary to Wheels radius (m) 0.26
assess the number of batteries to use. Therefore, Gearbox transmission ratio 10
subtracting the effective regenerative energy of * With the mass of the typical ESSs and 1 passenger.
the energy demand (Figure 4), we obtain the
Computed equation (5), the mechanical EV power
required energy to move the sample vehicle for
demand for the maximum speed drive 50 km/h was
the chosen cycle. So, for the modified NEDC
3 kW. Therefore, if it was considered 70% of
(limiting the maximum speed @ 50 km/h), the
efficiency of the VEIL full power chain, the
sample vehicle travel a distance of 9.31 km, with
electrical power demand is 4.3 kW. Simulation
an average speed of 27.94 km/h and require
results of the case study are presented in Figure 5.
about 1000 Wh.
With the information presented in Figure 4, we 50 km/h Cte.
120 140 160 180 200
Cycle 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Energy Demand
Total Modified Autonomy
Reference XBat KBat energy NEDC [km]
[kWh] Cycle [#x]
Battery A 30 1 3.840 3.766 x 35.0 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [s]
120 140 160 180 200
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Table 5: Evaluation of the Constraint KBat @ 50 km/h requirement. In this case, we need a 45 kW for 8 s,
Specific which is 360 kJ. The system will normally operate
Reference XBat KBat Power
at 96 V ± 10% and, we assume for this application,
[kW] it will be operating at or near its nominal voltage
Battery A 30 1 11.52 0.893 44.7
Battery B 30 1 25.92 2.009 100.0
most of time. Dividing the nominal voltage by the
Battery C 8 2 5.76 0.674 33.7 nominal cell voltage to get the required number of
The XBat are the presented in Table 2. cells in series, like in 4.1, and XSC = 37 cells. For
other hand, the SC current average (ia) is given by:
4.1.3 Acceleration Request P P (7)
ia = SC + SC 2
For the case of the acceleration request, during Vmin Vmax
initial phase of each travel, the power demanded where PSC is the requested power to SCs, and Vmin
by the EV from the powertrain is given by: and Vmax are, namely, the minimum and maximum
1 dv(t ) SC voltages system. Thus, ia was calculated to be
Pa = μ RR ⋅ m ⋅ g + ⋅ ρ ⋅ C D ⋅ AF ⋅ v 2 (t ) + M ⋅ ⋅ v(t ) (6)
2 dt 474.3 A. The cell resistance for the chosen SC,
where Pa is the EV power demand in (W), and Rcell, is 1 mΩ, and the RC time constant is the
v(t) is the vehicle speed in function of the time product of its capacitance value and resistance
(m/s). value. For this example, time constant of one SC is
The initial acceleration performance for the EV 2.7 s, therefore, the total stack resistance (Rtotal) is
project prototype is defined as accelerating the SC time constant (2.7 s) divided by the total
vehicle from standstill to 50 km/h in 8 s, like to capacitance of the SC system (Ctotal). Having all
the NEDC cycle, when the vehicle start at the variables defined to compute the voltage drop
standstill to vmax (see Figure 4 and 6). (dV) during the discharge of the capacitors (8),
The power demanded by the EV project to dt
dV = ia ⋅ + Rtotal (8)
achieve the aforementioned acceleration total
performance was calculated using (6) and is we will rearrange (8) and solve for Ctotal, resulting
shown in Figure 6. The mechanical EV power Ctotal = 264.32 F. Now, with the total value of SC
demand for the standstill to maximum speed system capacitance and the number of series cells
drive 50 km/h was 34.54 kW. Therefore, if it is required (XSC = 37 cells) and the expression (9), we
considered 70% of efficiency of the VEIL power can calculate the number of parallel (KSC).
chain, the electrical power demand is 49.35 kW, K
as can be seen in Figure 6. Ctotal = Ccell ⋅ SC (9)
Severest Acceleration in ECE 15 Drive Cycle The value of KSC was calculated to be 3.62, and it
is assumed KSC = 4.
For other value of the SC power request, namely,
120 if lower SC power is required, decreasing KSC and
4 Powers
x 10
those presented in Table 6.
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
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4.1.4 Energy Regeneration request that its speed is low, the term with greater impact
In this case, when the EV brake, it is possible to on the power demand is the third term, which is
use regenerative energy because the Pdem linked to the inclination of the road.
becomes zero and the motor torque becomes Using (10), the defined gradeability and
negative and thus enables the energy generation. specifications of the vehicle, presented in Table 4,
In this case, the most demanding braking NEDC the power demanded by the vehicle during grading
cycle define the minimum value of the SC was calculated to be about 4 kW. It should be
capacity necessary for the sample vehicle noticed that around 0.7 kW is from the rolling
recovered the all braking energy. The resistance force and the aerodynamical drag force,
representation of the power produced during and the net power demand for the grading is 3.35
braking and the effective regenerative power that kW. Considering again 70% of the efficiency of
can actually be stored (considering an energy the VEIL power chain, the electrical power
return path with efficiency of 65%) are shown in demand is 5.75 kW for the considered gradeability.
Figure 7. Applying the expression (6), suitably The graphs of power demanded by the EV project
adapted to the case of a deceleration of 50 km/h to achieve the aforementioned climbing
to standstill in 13 s, the total power that can be performance are shown in Figure 8.
stored is 10.7 kW, as presented in Figure 7. During grading, only the battery provides power to
the vehicle. This is because the supercapacitor has
Severest Braking in Midified NEDC
limited energy capacity and cannot be used to
power the vehicle during long periods of grading.
1175 1180 1185 1190 1195
Therefore, the power supplied by the battery banks
x 10 Regenerative Powers is about 5.75 kW, and the power supplied by the
supercapacitor bank is zero. Since the
phase. 24.5
Energy Demand
120 140 160 180 200
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vehicle operations. The minimum values of the commercial PV, the constraint Xpv was calculated
constraints KBat and KSC resulting of these to be 5. But, the number of PV to make the array is
analyses are presented in Table 8. function of the dimension of the VEIL rooftop and
Table 8: Constraints KBat and KSC
the hood (the hinged cover over the motor vehicles
that allows access to the motor compartment for
Constraints maintenance and repair), and of the considered PV
Battery SC
commercial model. The usable space on the
Battery A 1 32 rooftop of the considered vehicle is defined by a
Battery B 1 2 surface about 1300 x 1100 mm, and the hood space
Battery C 2 43 defined by 550 x 1100 mm. With this dimension it
is possible to implant 5 selected PVs, 4 in the
To store all of regenerative energy, the minimum rooftop and 1 in the hood, as it is presented in
is KSC = 2, possible only for the case of type B Figure 9.
battery. In the other cases, KSC must be greater,
depending on the value of specific battery power
of A and C type; in case C, the need to place a
minimum of KSC = 4, is setting the value of Kbat
in the minimum amount required for a cruising
speed of 50 km/h. Somehow, what will define the
balance between these constraints is the cost and
the weight of the ESSs, as will be analyzed
further on.
the PV array system is given by the unit cost
(CPV) of the number of the series units (Xpv) and
parallel branches (Kpv) of the PVs, as presented
in (11). The costs CTb, and CPV are in European
Currency (Euro, €).
CTb = C PV ⋅ X pvi ⋅ K pvn (11) b)
The sample photovoltaic panels used in this work Figure 9: a) View from the top of VEIL project; b)
are modules (BP MSX 30) designed for Schema of the PV array implementation.
applications requiring a combination of light As there is not usable space in the VEIL vehicle to
weight, compactness, and ruggedness. Its unit get more PV panels, we find that the Xpv and Kpv
cost and specific characteristics are presented in may have the values, 5 and 1, respectively. Thus,
Table 9. The presented information is for a the total cost of the PV array will have only two
commercial device, now available in the values, zero cost is without the support of
electrical market. renewable energy or a fixed cost of 1200 €. The
same approach can be made for the weight (0 or 15
Table 9: Characteristics of PV panels kg).
Voltage Dimensions Mass Cost
For the solar energy, the study uses the average
PV Array Power hourly statistics for direct normal solar radiation
[V] L x W [mm] [Kg] [€]
[Wh/m²] – for the last 30 years at the project
BP MSX 30 27 16.8-21 616 x 495 3 240
location, Coimbra (see Figure 10). As an example,
for a typical day of two different months,
The constraint Xpv is limited by the DC-link November and August, with the minimum and
voltage and for its considered value and maximum solar radiation, respectively, and using
the efficiency PV array model, it can be computed
For KBat considered. If KBat increases, KSC can decrease to a the global generated energy by the panels, as
minimum of 2. shown in Figure 11, and considering, somehow,
For KBat considered. If KBat increases, KSC can decrease to a the mounting position of the PV panels
minimum of 2.
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needed (WTotalmin) for to accomplish the considered
300 number of considered cycle test, is given by:
WTotal ≥ N º Cycle ⋅ W NEDC (12)
15 Out
Dec battery banks, the total regenerative energy in all
studied cycle tests and the minimum energy
5 Apr
recovered by the PV array, and it is given by (13):
WTotal min = K bat ⋅ Wbat / k +
Hour of Day
Moth of Year
1000 From Table 10, it can be seen that the most viable
option, both for cost and weight to the presented
800 scenario, is to use the battery type B, because it
Energy [W.h]
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outdoor, and then again 27 ECE cycles. The total presented, can be made comparative simulations of
journey distance is 54.7 km (2 times 27.35 km). the various options proposed. These simulations
The results are presented in the Table 11. are made using the VEIL dynamical model, with
Table 11: Evaluation of the Total Costs for 27 ECEs
the different weights (Tables 10, 11 and 12) of
considered energy storages4, and the three
Total Expected
Reference XBat KBat XSC KSC XPV KPV Cost
presented different scenarios for typical driving
[km] cycles, were computed using Matlab/Simulink®,
Battery A 30 2 37 3 5 0 7374 170.48 61.6 provided with the SimPowerSystems library [14].
Battery B 30 1 37 2 5 0 5850 149.65 68.6
Battery C 8 5 37 3 5 0 8134 200.48 58.5 The results, namely the daily average energy
evolution, for the three considered scenario are
The results presented in Table 11, also notes that, presented in Figure 12, 13 and 14.
for the proposed scenario, the more feasible For Figure 12, it can conclude that the presented
option is to use batteries type B. Also, in this solutions based on the B and C-type batteries,
scenario, the use of solar energy is not a viable achieve the journey request, but the solution with
solution in terms of investment, compared to batteries A, not. It appears that the development of
other considered solutions. We conclude that the solutions B and C is very similar. It is noted that in
same configuration based on 1 bank of batteries the case of A-type batteries, taking into account
type B and 2 banks of SCS, allows both the first the weight of the designed systems, the vehicle has
and the second considered scenario. not the energy needed to do the full journey trip.
Finally, a third scenario corresponds to an extra However, if it is inserted the backup system (PV
urban utilization at the VEIL full speed that for Array), recovering the solar energy, when the
this kind of vehicle is limited to 45 km/h. vehicle is parked, this allows to do his way back.
Nevertheless, the study was done considering the
Daily Average Energy for NEDC Modified Cycle Scenario
slightly higher speed of 50 km/h, as in Figure 8. 9000
2 periods of 1.5 h
Total Expected
Reference XBat KBat XSC KSC XPV KPV Cost Autonomy 3000
[kg] August's PV Energy
[k€] [km] Bat. A + SC + PV
Battery A 30 4 37 2 5 0 11.2 233.65 178.8 2000
Bat. B + SC + PV
Bat. C + SC + PV
Battery B 30 2 37 2 5 0 9.92 245.65 201.2 Bat. A + SC
Battery C 8 10 37 2 5 0 12.78 293.65 168.8 Bat. B + SC
1000 Bat. C + SC
For this scenario, as expected, it is needed greater
energy to perform the path-way plus the way 0
5 Simulation
Based on the results for the different designs 4
It was considered a 3 kg weight increase for each necessary SCs
obtained through the methodology previously and PV array DC/DC converters.
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6 Conclusions
This work presents a complete methodology to
Energy [W.h]
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