Abstract -The purpose of this project is to clean the floors in colleges, hospitals, auditoriums, malls and workshops. The
aim of this project work is to design and develop process for cleaning the floor having wet and dry surfaces. It is very
useful for cleaning the wet as well as dry floors. In modern days interior decorations are becoming an important in our
life cleaning of floor is very important for our health and this floor cleaning machine reduces the effort required for
cleaning. Hence this project is very useful in our day to day life. It is very simple in construction and easy to operate,
anybody can operate this machine easily. This floor cleaning machine consist of moisture cotton mop, swiping brushes,
wipers and vaccum cleaner for reducing the cleaning time. The overall cost of this machine is also cheap. Such type of
machines is widely used for this purpose but they are working under different principles and the cost is very high. In
recent years, floor cleaning machines are getting more popular for cleaning large floor area in minimum time. However
in India, which is a developing country requires large type of such machines to satisfy the cleaning needs.
Cleaning machine is very much useful in cleaning floors and outside ground in hospitals, houses, auditorium, bus stands
and public place etc. In modern days interior as well as outside cleaning are becoming an important role in our life.
Cleaning of waste is a very important one for our health and reduces the man power requirement. Many of floor cleaning
machines are available but we developed machine is very simple in construction and easy to operate. Anybody can
operate this machine easily. Hence it is very useful in hospitals, any large area space. The time taken for cleaning is very
less and the cost is also very less. Maintenance cost is less. Much type of machines is widely used for this purpose. In our
project we have made the machine to operate in a fully mechanical way with a little amount of electrical components.
The Floor cleaner is of very simple construction and is very easy to operate; anyone can operate it without any prior
training of any sorts with safety.
Cleaning is essential need of this generation. Basically in colleges and hospitals for floor cleaning regularly different
techniques are used to clean the different types of surfaces. The reasons for floor cleaning are:
Injuries due to slips on the floors are cause of accidental injuries or death. Bad practice in floor cleaning is a major
cause of accidents.
To beautify the floor.
Debris and obstructions are to be removed.
Allergens and dusts are to be removed.
Surfaces wear to be avoided.
To make the environment sanitary (kitchens).
Traction should be maintained at optimum level, so that no slip will occur.
The dust or water present on the floor is scrub by the front two brushes. This dust and water is collected by the vacuum
cleaner and the detergent water is sprayed on the floor the mope present in the middle section of the chassis perform
rotary motion on the floor which cleans the dirt or dust. The remaining water on the floor is wiping by the wiper present
in end of the cleaning machine.
Historical evidence suggests that carpet cleaning procedures emerged during the 19 th century. The Industrial Revolution
inspired new ideas of cleanliness in Europe and North America. Before the advent of the Industrial Revolution, people
protected their carpets by covering them with druggets, or thick, heavy woolen goods that spread underneath tables and
other exposed areas. Druggets protected against spills and other stains. Wealthy individuals used canvas cloth to cover
Organized By Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, School of Polytechnic & Research Technology, Shegaon. 1
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
NCSOSET-2018, Volume 5, Special Issue 06, April-2018
carpet while away on vacations and during social events held in their homes. The lack of ventilationcaused houses to fill
with dust, dirt, and soot, which prompted people to search for ways to clean their homes. Societies placed significant
value on their homes at that time, which sparked an innovative mindset tocleanhouses more efficiently. One of the most
commontechniques for cleaning carpet involved beating rugs with brooms to remove sand, dust, and soot; however, this
method did not remove stains. Effective stain removal methods did not emerge until the 1830s, when creative
housewives recorded their secrets for the removal of ink, grease, and oil. One stain removal method involved scrubbing
carpet with lemon juice and a hot loaf of bread. During the late 1860s and 1870s, carpet cleaning techniques took a leap
for the better with the advent of the first manually-operated vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner made it easier for
people to manage their daily housecleaning. Ives W. McGuffey invented the ―Whirlwind,‖ or the first manually-operated
vacuum cleaner in 1868. The ―Whirlwind‖ was lightweight, compact, and difficult to operate. Other inventors designed
their own manually-operated vacuum cleaners in the United States and Europe. By the 1880s, readers could find an array
of professional cleaning advice in various publications. One carpet cleaning method involved mixing water and bull’s
gall before scrubbing it with a flannel cloth and then rinsing it with cold water. The vacuum cleaning industry went silent
during the 1920s and 1930s, because carpet had become unfashionable during this time. However, most people
acknowledged that rugs needed vacuuming before shampooing .Over the years, the carpet cleaning and flooring industry
has improved its system and chemicals to clean more efficiently
1. To develop a machine that helps in easy and quick cleaning.
2. To provide the alternative method for road cleaning.
3. To reduce human efforts.
4. To save the time.
5. To reduce the cost.
6. To prevent injuries due to tripping or slipping. Injuries due to slips and trips on level floors are a major cause of
accidental injury or death. Bad practice in floor cleaning is itself a major cause of accidents.
7. To beautify the floor.
8. To remove stains dirt.
9. To remove grit and sand which scratch and wear down the surface.
10. To remove allergens, in particular dust.
11. To make the environment sanitary.
5.1 Problem Identification:
During literature survey we got that on many large places it hard to clean floor properly. Like in collages,
companies, hospital etc. in this places the cleaning of floor takes much time and men power this cleaning is done on large
scale because the area to be covered to clean is so large and this places doesn’t clean properly by manual cleaning.
Organized By Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, School of Polytechnic & Research Technology, Shegaon. 2
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
NCSOSET-2018, Volume 5, Special Issue 06, April-2018
floor cleaning machine. This machine can remove the dust in summer season and also it can remove and clean the dirt,
water from floor in rainy season.
5.4 Design:
In the design of the floor cleaning machine is very compact as compare to other cleaning machine are available in
the market but has the attractive design and high durability.
5.5 Development:
The machine consist of several parts that is vaccum cleaner, DC motor, wiper, mope and brushes these parts are
fitted on the welded chassis made up of mild steel square bar of one inch and these parts are connected electric system.
For DC motor the supply is provided through SMPS which converts AC supply into 12v DC supply.
5.6 Testing:
After the completion of this project we tested and concluded that the cleaning performance of these machines is
The manually operated floor cleaning machine consist of various elements such as, DC motors, vacuum cleaner, fresh
water sprayer pump, wiper, mope, brushes, chassis and fresh water tank. For converting the AC supply into DC the
Switched mode power supply (SMPS) is used. The fresh water tank is used to stores the water in it. While doing wet
cleaning it provides water as per the requirement. The switch board is fixed onto the handle. It is used to start and stop
the machine as per operator’s wish different buttons are provided to operate the different component. Chassis is a Main
part of machine which holds all other parts on it. It is made up of mild steel because it satisfies all the required
conditions. Water is stored in a chamber that has a opening controlled by a motor. By putting this motor to ON position
water or cleaning liquid starts flowing from the tank. It is connected to a shower type arrangement via connecting pipe.
The sprinkler system has a number of holes arranged sequentially which can be modified manually. An arc is provided in
order to adjust the position of mop when there is no need of mop. Wiper is provided behind the chassis to restrict the
flow of water from chassis body for deep cleaning.
Followings are the Component of floor cleaning machine
6.1DC motor:
DC motor is an electrical machine that utilizes electric power resulting in mechanical power output. Normally the motor
output is a rotational motion of the shaft. The input may be direct current supply or alternating supply. But in case of DC
motor direct current is used. The mechanism of dc motor is like a bar wound with wire is placed in between 2 magnets
having North and South Pole. When it is provided with electric supply the wire becomes energized resulting in rotational
motion which leads to rotational output. The universal motor can operate on direct current but is a lightweight motor used
for portable power tools and appliances. Larger DC motors are used in propulsion of electric vehicles, elevator and
hoists, or in drives for steel rolling mills. The advent of power electronics has made replacement of DC motors with AC
motors possible in many applications can operate on direct current but is a lightweight motor used for portable power
tools and appliances. Larger DC motors are used in propulsion of electric vehicles, elevator and hoists, or in drives for
steel rolling mills. The advent of power electronics has made replacement of DC motors with The universal motor can
operate on direct current but is a lightweight motor used for portable power tools and appliances. Larger DC motors are
used in propulsion of electric vehicles, elevator and hoists, or in drives for steel rolling mills. The advent of power
electronics has made replacement of DC motors with AC motors possible in many applications possible in many
DC motor I (12v, 3 Amp, 17.18 kg-cm, 200 rpm)
DC motor II (12v, 1Amp, 3.88 kg-cm, 300 rpm)
Figure:a) DC geared motor (200 rpm) Figure: b) DC geared motor (300 rpm)
Organized By Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, School of Polytechnic & Research Technology, Shegaon. 3
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
NCSOSET-2018, Volume 5, Special Issue 06, April-2018
6.4 Wiper:
Wiper is made from plastic and sponge. The pipe is made up of zinc coated aluminium material. Wiper is provided at the
last in the machine for cleaning the remaining dust or water. Provision is made to increase the swept area.
Organized By Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, School of Polytechnic & Research Technology, Shegaon. 4
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
NCSOSET-2018, Volume 5, Special Issue 06, April-2018
Figure: Wiper
6.5 Mope:
A mop (such as a floor mop) is a mass or bundle of coarse strings or yarn, etc., or a piece of cloth, sponge, or other
absorbent material, attached to a pole or stick. It is used to soak up liquid, for cleaning floors and other surfaces, to mop
up dust, or for other cleaning purposes.[1] The word is attested in English as early as 1496, but new refinements and
variations of mop designs have been introduced, from time to time. For example, American inventor Jacob Howe
received for a mop holder in 1893. A wet mop or moist mop is, in professional cleaning, used as in the second step in the
cleaning of a surface. The wet mop is swept over the surface to dissolve and absorb fat, mud and dried-in liquid
contaminations. Professional wet mops consist of a flat sheet of microfiber textile or a sheet with a surface. A dry mop or
dust mop is designed to pick up dry, loose contamination such as dust, earth, and sand from the surface of the floor. It
consists of yarn and/or microfiber and is used as a first step in cleaning a designed to pick up dry, loose
contamination such as dust, earth, and sand from the surface of the floor. It consists of yarn and/or microfiber and is used
as a first step in cleaning a floor.
Figure: Mope
6.6 Water spray pump:
The next work of the machine is to make the surface wet. To achieve this we have designed a sprinkling mechanism.
Water is stored in a chamber that has a opening controlled by a motor. By putting this motor to ON position water or
cleaning liquid starts flowing from the chamber. It is connected to a shower type arrangement via connecting pipe. the
sprinkler system has a number of holes arranged sequentially which can be modified manually. This arrangement ensures
equal wetness across the width. The challenge here is not to put too much liquid over the surface which may lead to wet
floor after the cleaning is complete. To overcome this the motor is automated with the control system. This is
programmed such a way to put required amount of liquid according to the relative stay of the machine.
Organized By Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, School of Polytechnic & Research Technology, Shegaon. 5
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
NCSOSET-2018, Volume 5, Special Issue 06, April-2018
smaller and lighter than a linear supply due to the smaller transformer size and weight. The main advantage of the
switching power supply is greater efficiency than linear regulators because the switching transistor dissipates little power
when acting as a switch.
Input – 230v, 50Hz
Output – 12v, 50Hz
Organized By Siddhivinayak Technical Campus, School of Polytechnic & Research Technology, Shegaon. 6
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
NCSOSET-2018, Volume 5, Special Issue 06, April-2018
When 230V, 50Hz AC supply is provided to the electrical switch board of the machine. The main supply from electrical
board is supplied to SMPS and vacuum cleaner, during working alternating current is supplied to the vacuum cleaner and
SMPS. SMPS is a electrical device which converts the alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC) is used to operate
the d.c motors which performs a key role in cleaning operation. There are three D.C motors one is used to rotate the mop
for cleaning the middle surface that is covered by the chassis. The DC motor used for rotation of the mop having high
torque than the motor used for the brushes. The other two DC motors having high RPM are used to clean the front
section of the floor the DC motor rotates the brushes through the shaft which is connected to the shaft of the motor
through nut and bolt. During summer season the uneven particles which collects on the surface of the floor are clean
through the front two brushes and from the middle slots the dirt particles enters into vaccum cleaner from the suction
pipe and the position of the mop can be adjusted with the help of arc provided on the left hand side of the chassis. During
the dry cleaning the supply of water is disconnected.
Rainy Season:
During the rainy season the working of floor cleaning machine slightly changes in this condition the water and dust or
dirt particles are brought into the middle section of the chassis through the rotating brushes. The rotational direction of
the bushes are opposite to each other in order to collect the more amount of water in the middle section and this mixture
of water and dirt is collected into the vacuum cleaner through inlet pipe which is located in between the two brushes. The
third motor rotates the mop for efficient cleaning. At the bottom of the water tank water spray pump is provided which
supply the fresh water for efficient cleaning the supply of fresh water is controlled through the control valve. In the water
flowing tube number of holes are created for equal amount of water Different button in the electrical board is provided to
control the electrical supply of each equipment of the floor cleaning machine.
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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
NCSOSET-2018, Volume 5, Special Issue 06, April-2018
1. Floor cleaning machine produces vibrations when used on rough floors or rough surfaces.
2. Floor cleaning machine is Suitable for only flat surfaces.
3. Floor cleaning machine is Semi-automated machine.
4. It is heavy to lift.
5. It is not capable to clean stair of any building.
6. Maintenance of mop is required.
1. Hospitals – floor cleaning machines are used in hospitals for both wet and dry cleaning. In order to obtain hygienic
2. Computer centers – To maintain the desired cleaning surface finish.
3. Colleges – it is mainly used to clean the dust which is collected on the surface.
4. Railway station– On the platform of the railway station it can be used in any seasons.
5. Auditoriums & Malls
6. Cinema Halls
In our project we introduced a floor cleaning robot capable of performing both vacuum and mopping. The main motive
of the project is to cover the aspects of cleanliness in the society. The multiple applications provide a wide range of
functions in which we can clean the pipe, scrubbing of surface for proper cleaning of the floor, remove dust and dirt from
the road, provide a pick and place mechanism by which obstacles can be removed. This project is very helpful for the
society and plays a vital role in cleanliness of the country. Few of those are the motor is not detachable and the high rpm
leads to vibration of the whole system. If these features will be modified, this will work well. As a whole this is a
successful product developed that can be used in current Indian house-hold. This design of automated floor cleaning
system can be used to clean any kind of remote places. As the motors selected can consume much less power so it will be
the power saving and cost saving too. Semi- automatic floor cleaning machine is designed and manufactured using D.C
Motor and wiper mechanism. Manufactured machine is flexible and effortlessly operated. Manual Sweeping done by
man might not be that effective as it will not be picking up everything in as it is not in sight but using the floor cleaner it
can be done easily. A manually operated eco-friendly road cleaner is an alternative concept for avoiding such problems.
The manually operated eco-friendly road cleaner can work very efficiently with respect to covering area, time and cost of
road cleaning process compared with the existing machineries. Also it is economical. It was seen while testing of
machine, that the cleaning is less effective where the road seems to be very rough and damaged.
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International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)
NCSOSET-2018, Volume 5, Special Issue 06, April-2018
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