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Nutritional Value of Spirulina and Its U PDF

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Journal of
Agroalimentary Processes and
Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies
Technologies 2014, 20(4), 330-350

Nutritional value of spirulina and its use in the preparation of

some complementary baby food formulas
Ashraf M. Sharoba
Food Sci. Dept., Fac. of Agric., Moshtohor, Benha Univ., Egypt

Received: 26 September 2014; Accepted:03 Octomber 2014

In this study use the spirulina which is one of the blue-green algae rich in protein 62.84% and contains a
high proportion of essential amino acids (38.46% of the protein) and a source of naturally rich in vitamins
especially vitamin B complex such as vitamin B12 (175 µg / 10 g) and folic acid (9.92 mg / 100 g), which
helps the growth and nutrition of the child brain, also rich in calcium and iron it containing (922.28 and
273.2 mg / 100 g, respectively) to protect against osteoporosis and blood diseases as well as a high
percentage of natural fibers. So, the spirulina is useful and necessary for the growth of infants and very
suitable for children, especially in the growth phase, the elderly and the visually appetite. It also, helps a
lot in cases of general weakness, anemia and chronic constipation. Spirulina contain an selenium element
(0.0393 mg/100 g) and many of the phytopigments such as chlorophyll and phycocyanin (1.56% and
14.647%), and those seen as a powerful antioxidant. Finally, spirulina called the ideal food for mankind
and the World Health Organization considered its "super food" and the best food for the future because of
its nutritional value is very high. The American space agency is working on a project to be grown in
space and regards it as the main food for astronauts. All this and more is what makes the best food
spirulina exists on the ground. It ensures the whole food and alkaline balance of the body. Sixteen food
formulas were prepared for as complementary food babies (1-3 years age) by using spirulina at 0, 2.5 0.5
and 7.5% for the production of two types of baby food one of them is ready to eat by using some fruits
and vegetables. Papaya fruits with good nutritional values and cheap price as an essential ingredient of
30% in the four formulas and banana fruit which rich in potassium in four formulas addition to potatoes
purée and carrot purée by adding 10% for each and apple purée, guava puree and mango juice by adding
15% for each been mobilized mixes in jars glass and thermal treatment was carried out at 100 ºC for 40
minutes. The second type of baby foods formulas was production by using cereals, legumes and some
dried green vegetables, where it was manufactured 8 dried formulas four of them by 30% wheat flour
72% and four others by 30% milled rice in addition to the 30% crushed pearl barley and dryer lentils and
dried spinach dried cauliflower by adding 10% for each formulas. After produced formulass were
packaged in bottles court lock. Then, evaluated all formulas microbiologically to study its safety before
sensory evaluation and found to be microbiology safe. Sensory evaluation of produced formulas were
acceptable sensory significantly. After that, chosen 4 formulas containing 5% spirulina based on the
results of sensory evaluation was conducted analysis chemotherapy and natural for these selected
formulas. The chemical composition indicated that these formulas were suitable as a food supplement for
children aged 1-3 years. On the other hand, these formulas were economic cost and can produced on the
scale of domestic and industrial scale, as well as can be exported to the outside.
Keywords: Spirulina; nutritional value; chemical composition; amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins,
phytopigments, minerals; microbiological examination; food formulas; baby foods.

Corresponding author: e-mail:
Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

1. Introduction against diabetes and obesity [3]. These advantages

make spirulina a good raw material for the healthy
Spirulina is the dried biomass of the
cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis, it has been
widely used in several countries, it is considered Spirulina has no cellulose in its cell walls, being
GRAS (generally recognized as safe), without composed of soft mucopolysaccharides. This makes
toxicological effects, and it is approved by the it easily digested and assimilated. It is 85 to 95%
FDA (U.S.A.) and ANVISA [32]. Rich in protein digestible. This easy digestibility is especially
(up to 65%), spirulina is considered safe for important for people suffering from intestinal
consumption by humans and animals, and it has malabsorption. Typically, many older people have
been cultivated and used as a food source difficulty digesting complex proteins, and are on
worldwide. The U.S. Food and Drug restricted diets. They find spirulina’s protein easy to
Administration [18] has not questioned the basis digest. Spirulina is effective for victims of
for the Generally Recognized as Safe designation malnutrition diseases like kwashiorkor, where the
to spirulina under the conditions of its intended use, ability of intestinal absorption has been damaged.
thus restricting it as a food additive in amounts that Given to malnourished children, it is more effective
range from 0.5 to 3.0 grams per serving. than milk powders because milk’s lactic acid can be
Formulators use spirulina in specialty food bars, difficult to absorb Kelly et al. (2011), Parry (2014)
powdered nutritional drinks, popcorn, beverages, and Robert (2010) [25, 34, 39].
fruit and fruit juices, frozen desserts and
Spirulina can be used at any age (from infancy to
pregnancy and adulthood), but its value is
Microalgae have received increasing attention due particularly evident in the young growing child:
to the fact that they represent one of the most during weaning and during the pre-school period
promising sources of compounds with biological (from 1 to 6 years), Dillon (2014) [12].
activity that could be used as functional
Spirulina offers remarkable health benefits to an
ingredients. Their balanced chemical composition
undernourished children. It is rich in beta-carotene
(good quality proteins, balanced fatty acid profiles,
that can overcome eye problems caused by vitamin A
vitamins, antioxidants and minerals) and their
deficiency, it provides the daily dietary requirement
interesting attributes can be applied in the
of beta-carotene which can help prevent blindness
formulation of novel food products [51].
and eye diseases Seshadri (1993) [42].The protein
Spirulina, filamentous blue-green microalgae or and B-vitamin complex makes a major nutritional
cyanobacteria, is well known as a source of protein improvement in an infant’s diet. It is the only food
(60-70 g/100 g) of high biological value, since it is source other than breast milk containing substantial
a rich source of vitamins, mainly vitamin B12 and amounts of essential fatty acid, essential amino acids
pro-vitamin A, minerals, especially iron, and g- and GLA that helps to regulate the entire hormone
linolenic acid, essential fatty acids precursor for system Ramesh et al. (2013) [37].
prostaglandins [21]. Furthermore, spirulina
Simpore et al. (2005 and 2006) [44,45] suggested
contains such molecules as phycocyanin, β-
that spirulina may be a good food supplement for
carotene and xanthophyll pigments,α-tocopherol
undernourished children. In particular, spirulina also
and phenolic compounds, which are responsible
seems to correct anemia and weight loss in HIV-
for the antioxidant activities of these microalgae,
infected children, and even more quickly in HIV-
as shown by several authors for in vitro and in vivo
negative undernourished children.
experiments [35]. Moreover, most research has
focused on the health effects of spirulina as a Spirulina's concentrated nutrition makes it an ideal
dietary supplement for humans and animals. Many food supplement for people of all ages and lifestyles.
studies have shown the effects of these microalgae Spirulina is about sixty percent complete, highly
that may result in significant therapeutic digestible protein. Spirulina contains every essential
applications: an anti-cancer effect [29], a amino acids. It contains more beta-carotene than any
hypolipidemic effect [31], and a protective effect other whole food; it is the best whole food source of

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

gamma linolenic acid (GLA); it is rich in B functional nutrients that demonstrate a positive effect
vitamins, minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll, on health Robert (2010) [39].
and enzymes; and it is abundant in other valuable
It is legally approved as a food or food supplement in
nutrients about which scientists are learning more
Europe, Japan and many other countries around the
each year, such as carotenoids, sulfolipids,
globe. The United States Food and Drug
glycolipids, phycocyanin, superoxide dismutase,
Administration confirmed in 1981 that spirulina is a
RNA and DNA [34].
source of protein and contains various vitamins and
The weaning period is the most critical phase of minerals and may be legally marketed as a food
infant’s life. During this period mother’s milk is supplement. Many countries have set up food quality
not generally adequate to cover the nutritional and safety standards for spirulina, FDA (1981) [18].
requirements and support body growth. With
Therefore, owing to all these advantages, the present
increasing the numbers of working mothers in the
work aims to study the physicochemical and nutrition
developing countries, the market of baby foods has
values of spirulina, and formulate different babies
been increased tremendously [2]. Breast milk
food formulas to use as a complementary for baby
alone cannot support the nutrition and other needs
food formulas with lower cost. Also, to evaluate the
of the growing infant [15]. There comes a time
formulas from standpoint of organolyptically,
when complementary weaning foods must be
physicochemical properties of the best formulas were
introduced into the diet to fill the gap between
what is provided by milk and what the infant
requires to cover his nutritional requirements [11]. 2. Materials and methods
In the case of baby food products, mothers often Spirulina was obtained from Aquaculture Research
try the product first and decide whether to give it Center at Arab Academy for Scince, Technology &
to their children or not [17,19]. Maritime Transport, Arab League.
In most developing countries commercial weaning Papaya (Carica papaya L.) was obtained from the
foods of excellent quality either imported or farm of Horticulture department, Fac. of Agric.
locally produced are presently available, but due to Moshtohor. Banana (Musa sapientum L.), Potato
sophisticate processing, expensive packing, (Solanum tuberosumm L.), carrot (Daucus carota L.),
extensive promotion and solid profit margins, the Anna apple (Malus sylvestris L.), guava (Psidium
price of these commercial products are generally in guajava L.) and mango (Mangifera indica L.), were
the order of 10-15 times the cost of the common purchased from certain farmers at Kaha city area,
staple foods. While these products are generally Qaliuobia Governorate, Egypt and immediately
highly appreciated and their use and value are well transported to the laboratory. Sugar was purchased
understood, they are priced beyond the purchasing from local market in Qaliuobia Governorate, Egypt.
power of the majority of population in the lower
income groups, Who spent already about 50-75% Wheat (Triticum species) Wheat flour (72% ext.)
of their income in common foods [56]. was obtained from El- Mokhtar Mill, Cairo
governorate, Egypt. Rice (Oryza sativa), Barley
Spirulina platensis is used in the food, medicine, (Hordeum vulgare vulgare L.) lentil (Lens culinaris),
and cosmetic industries, and as an additive for chickpea (Cicer arietinum), peas (Pisum sativum),
chips, fruit juices, sauces, spice mixtures, Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and cauliflower
vegetables, soups, and other products. This (Brassica oleracea botrytis) were purchased from
investigation contributes to the determination of local market in Qaliuobia Governorate, Egypt.
nutrients in spirulina platensis microalgae used in
the food and aquaculture feed industries. Preparation of raw materials:
Three to ten grams a day delivers impressive Preparation of raw materials used in formulation
amounts of beta carotene, vitamin B-12 and B of spirulina with some fruits and vegetables-based
complex, iron, essential trace minerals, and baby food formulas: banana, papaya, apple, mango,
gammalinolenic acid. Beyond vitamins and guava and potato, carrot, were washed with tap water,
minerals, spirulina is rich in phytonutrients and to remove dirt, adhering latex and other foreign
Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

matters, as well as to reduce the initial - All prepared materials were bottled in glass
contamination with microorganisms, then papaya jars and stored at room temperature until
and banana fruits were hand peeled, papaya seeds using in preparation baby food formulas.
was carefully removed and the fruits were cut into
Preparation of formulated baby food formulas:
small parts. While, carrot was peeled using
stainless steel peeler, the stones of mango were Sixteen baby food formulas were prepared as shown
removed after cutting the fruits to two halfs. in Tables (A and B). The spirulina was added to the
components by 0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5% to the different
After that, all fruits and vegetables were blanched
by using a pressure cooker where the blanching
time was adjusted to be proper for each material. To calculate those formulas, we took into account the
Potato was peeled by hand after blanching. The needs of children between 1 to 3 years as defined by
blanched materials were transferred to Moulinex WHO. We also chose ingredients that are available in
blender (Blender Mixer, type: 741) equipped with Egypt. We also, included results from sensory tests
cutters and stirrer which crushed and homogenized preliminary experiments we did with mothers,
each of above mentioned materials into a mixture children and adults, these tests showed that formulas
of pulp, then the mixture was passed through fine containing materials were accepted also indicated
strainer to separate the pulp from any skin or seeds that those parts of materials were the best ratios.
and then it was packed in plastic bags, sealed and Table (A) shows 8 prepared spirulina with some
frozen [20]. fruits and vegtables-based baby food formulas. After
Preparation of raw materials used in mixing the ingredients of the formulas, they were
formulation of dried spirulina with cereals- bottled in tight jars, and then thermally processed at
based baby food formulas: dry cereals and 100º C for 40 min according to Soliman et al., (2003)
legumes were cleaned from impurities and then [50], Bahlol et al. (2007) [7] and Satter et al. (2013)
washed thoroughly with tap water, the washed [41]. Table (B) shows 8 prepared dried spirulina with
cereals and legumes were separately soaked in tap cereals-based baby food formulas. After mixing the
water overnight, except rice was soaked for 30 ingredients of the formulas were botteled in tight jars.
minutes, according to Soliman et al. (1996) [50]. Methods:
- The peeled chickpea, lentil, dry pea, rice
Physicochemical analysis:
and wheat were cooked separately in a
pressure cooker for 5 to 10 minutes. After Moisture content, total solids, ash, fat, protein,
cooking, the remaining water was ascorbic acid and starch were determined according
eliminated. After that, the cooked to AOAC (2000) [4]. The pH value was measured
materials were dried in solar dryer at 45- with a pH meter model Consort pH meter P107.
60ºC. Dried cereals and legumes were Titratable acidity was determined by titration with
milled in an electrical mill, then sieved NaOH 0.1 N solution using phenolphthalein as
through a silk sieve (60 mesh) according to indicator according to AOAC (2000) [4]. Total and
Soliman et al. (1996) [50]. reducing sugars were determined by Shaffer and
- Spinach and cauliflower were sorted and Hartman method as described in the AOAC (2000)
prepared (green leaves of cauliflower were [4]. Total pectin content and fractional pectin
removed then edible part was cut), the components were determined by the method of
prepared vegetables were washed and Robertson (1979) [40]. Crude fiber was determined
blanched for appropriate time (4 to 5 min) by Weende method in which VELP Scientifica
using live steam blancher then cooled extraction unit was used. The method is based on the
down using cold water and were dried at solubilization of non-cellulosic compounds by
60 ºC for 12 hrs. in an electric oven drier sulfuric acid and hydroxide solutions as described in
and ground to a particle size of 500–600 AOAC (2000) [4].
µm. to pass through 60 mesh sieve.

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Total carotenoids were determined according to AOAC (2000) [4].Three samples of the oils which
Harvey and Catherine (1982) [23]. Total extracted from spirulina sample was converted to
anthocyanins was measured according to the their corresponding methyl ester using boron
method of Skalaki and Sistrunk (1973) [46]. Three trifluoride methanol complex (14% w/v). The
replications of all these determinations were mixture was maintained at 100 ºC for 1 h.
carried out. Carbohydrates were determined by
The reaction was stopped with 0.5 ml of distilled
difference from the total of dietary fibre, lipids,
water. Then, the extracted fatty acid methyl esters
protein and ash contents [43].
(FAMEs) were dissolved in heptane for GC analyses.
Determination of total energy: The total energy GC analyses were performed on a Hewlett–Packard
value of the food formulation was calculated 5890 Series II gas chromatograph (H.P. Co.,
according to Sharoba et al. (2013) [43] using the Amsterdam, The Netherlands) equipped with a
formula as shown in the following equation: hydrogen flame ionization detector and a capillary
column: HP Inovax cross-linked PEG (30 m x 0.32
Total energy (kcal/100 g) = [(% available
mm x 0.25 lm film). The column temperature was
carbohydrates × 4) + (% protein × 4)
programmed from 180 to 240 ºC at 5 ºC/min and the
+ (% fat × 9)]
injector and detector temperature was set at 250 ºC.
Amino acid analysis: The protein quantification Nitrogen was the carrier gas. FAMEs were identified
was done with micro-Kjeldahl method. Amino by comparison of their retention time with respect to
acid analysis procedure involves acid/alkaline pure standard FAMEs purchased from Sigma and
hydrolysis, separation by cation exchange column, analyzed under the same conditions. Date seed
post-column derivatization with Ninhydrin and FAMEs were quantified according to their percentage
detection using UV/Vis detector at 570 nm as area, obtained by integration of the peaks. The results
described in the Korean Food Code (KFDA, 2003) were expressed as a percentage of individual fatty
[26]. These procedures in the Korean Food Code acids in the lipid fraction.
were established based on AOAC Official Method
Minerals content: Minerals content were determined
960.52 [4] for micro-chemical determination of
according to AOAC (2000) [4] using Perkin-elmer,
nitrogen (micro-Kjeldahl), AOAC Official Method
2380 Atomic absorption spectroscopy apparatus in
988.15 [4] for tryptophan, AOAC Official Method
central laboratory of Veterinary Faculty, Moshtohor
985.28 [4] for sulfur amino acids, and AOAC
according to AOAC (2000) [4] official method
Official Method 994.12 [4] for acid-stable amino
985.01. Meanwhile phosphorus was determined by
acids. Acid (HCl) hydrolysis method was used for
the official spectrophotometric method of the AOAC
aspartic acid (Asp), threonine (Thr), serine (Ser),
(2000) [4] using UV/visible automatic scanning
glutamic acid (Glu), proline (Pro), glycine (Gly),
alanine (Ala), valine (Val), isoleucine (Ile), leucine
(Leu), tyrosine (Tyr), phenylalanine (Phe), Vitamins Assay: Vitamin C was determined in all
histidine (His), lysine (Lys), and arginine (Arg). samples by dichlorophenol Indophenol dye reduction
And, performic acid hydrolysis method was used method [4].
for sulfur-containing amino acid such as cystine
Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Analogue,
(Cys) and methionine (Met), while alkaline (NaOH)
folic acid, inositol, vitamin E, vitamin K,
hydrolysis method was used for tryptophan (Trp).
Pantothenate and biotin were determined by the
After hydrolysis, amino acid analyzer (Sykam
HPLC system method according to AOAC (2000) [4].
Gmbh, Germany) with an integrator (Axxiom
Chromatography Inc.) was used for quantification Determination of vitamin A: About 10 g of sample
of amino acids. All results are expressed on the was homo-genized, weighed and transferred into a
basis of 100 g edible portion. HPLC analysis was ground bottom flask, 30 ml of extraction solution,
performed on the same day as extractions. 0.1% antioxidant and few drops of KOH were added
and reflux for 30 min at 70°C. The sample was cool
Total lipid and fatty acids composition analysis:
down, vitamin A was extracted into hexane, and the
The fatty acid profile was analyzed using a Gas–
combined hexane extract was washed with water and
Chromatographic model GC-17A according to
Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

then dried the hexane layer to about 2 ml on a Duplicate samples were run in triplicates for the
water bath or rotary evaporator. The final volume analysis of each heavy metal.
was made up to 50 ml with the mobile phase. The
Bulk density of spirulina: Bulk density (Kg/lit) was
mobile phase, standard and sample were filtered
determined by gently pouring 2 g of spirulina into an
through 0.45µ membrane filter and were degassed
empty 10 ml graduated cylinder and holding the
before injection.
cylinder and tapping 10 times on a rubber mat from a
Calibration curve was made by a standard in height of 15 cm. The ratio of the mass of the powder
mobile phase with five point calibrations and and the volume occupied in the cylinder was
analyzed independently by HPLC. A standard determines the bulk density.
curve was plotted between the concentration of
Sensory evaluation: Sensory evaluation was carried
vitamin A and peak area obtained. For HPLC
out by a properly well trained panel of 12 testers.
analysis, an Eelipse × BD – C18 column (4.6 ×
They were selected if their individual scores in 10
250 mm 5 µm) was used with a linear gradient of
different tests showed a reproducibility of 90%. The
methanol: water (95:5) at constant flow rate of 1
12 member internal panel evaluated the different
ml /min by using a binary pump with column
baby food formulas for color, taste, odor, texture,
tempera-ture 40°C. A multiple wavelength
mouthfeel (smoothness, consistency, spreadability)
detector was employed for the detection of pecks
and overall acceptability. Mineral water was used by
using a wavelength of 325 nm and a bandwidth of
the panellists to rinse the mouth between samples.
8 nm.
Scoring was based on a 100 point scale (10-100)
Phytopigments Assay: Some phytopigments where (90-100) = excellent, (70-80) = very good,
content were determined according to AOAC (50-60) = good, (30-40) = fair and (10-20) = poor.
(2000) [4] by using HPLC.
Statistical analysis: Data of chemical composition of
All other chemicals were obtained from Merck ingredients and formulas were expressed as mean of
(Darmstadt, Germany) or Riedel-de Haen (Seelze, three replicates ± standard error (SE). Data for the
Germany) as HPLC-grade. All standers materials sensory evaluation of all baby food formulas were
were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) subjected to the analysis of variance followed by
or Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals Co.(Steinheim, multiple comparison using LSD [48].
3.Results and discussion
Microbiological examination: Total viable
Chemical composition and nutrition values of
bacterial count, mesophilic sporeformers bacteria,
Spirulina: The Chemical and nutritional composition
yeasts and moulds, coliform group were
of spirulina may vary according to the growing
enumerated and the presence of (Salmonella spp.
conditions. For example, the iodine content will vary
and Staphylococcus aureus) was detected
as a function when the spirulina is grown in sea water
according to the methods established by APHA
vs. fresh water. The Chemical and nutritional
(1992) [5] and Kang et al. (2003) [24]. Results
composition of dried powdered spirulina grown in
were expressed as CFU g-1.
fresh water is summarized in Tables (1, 2 and 3). It
Rodent hairs and Insect fragments in spirulina: should be noted that, the cell wall of spirulina is
Rodent hairs and insect fragments in spirulina composed of protein, carbohydrates and fat.
were determined according Thind (2000) [52]. Therefore, the bioavailability of nutrients from
spirulina might be more than from other food sources,
Analytical methods for heavy metals in
especially plant food sources.
spirulina: The determination of arsenic, cadmium
and lead in spirulina sample were performed Spirulina is the richest nutrient and complete food
according to the methods described in the Korean source found in the world. It contains over 100
Food Code (KFDA [26]) which described by nutrients, more than any other plants, grains or herbs.
Haeng-Shin et al. (2006) [22] by inductively Today Spirulina is widely used as a food supplement
coupled plasma–emission spectrometry (Model JY to maintain health, boost energy and reduce weight.
38 S; Horiba, Jobin Yvon Cedex, France).
Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Spirulina contains 62.84 % protein, higher than Regular use of Spirulina can help keep your body
any other natural food. Spirulina contains all the alkaline will help you reduce this risk and is the ideal
essential amino acids in fairly high amounts, food supplement for the weight reducer.
Spirulina is just that, a complete protein, other
Data in Table (1) also showed the bulk density of
protein sources have very negative properties as
spirulina (0.82 Kg/lit), the bulk density of the product
well, such as animal fat and cholesterol. Spirulina
is affected by particle size distribution, type of
contains essence minerals like calcium,
agglomeration, particle porosity, and to a certain
magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc
extent the moisture content. Particle size distribution
as well as complete vitamin B groups and many
is affected by the initial size of the trichomes as they
important anti-oxidants (which protect cells). The
are fed to the dryer and the pore diameter of the
anti-oxidant phycocyanin can only be found in
atomizer. The final quality of the product with
spirulina. It is the richest natural source of vitamin
respect to bulk density is therefore dependent on
E and beta-carotene. The results of chemical
culturing, harvesting and drying conditions. To a
composition of spirulina are in agreement with
certain extent, all these factors are harnessed in order
those obtained by Branger et al. (2003) [10];
to obtain a product that meets the requirements of
Habib et al. (2008) [21]; Vijayarani et al. (2012)
formulated babies food formulas. The color of
[53] and Dolly (2014) [13]. The protein and B-
spirulina in the powder form appears a blue green to
vitamin complex in spirulina makes a major
green color.
nutritional improvement in an infant’s diet.
Finally Spirulina called a superfood because its
It is the only food source other than breast milk
nutrient profile is more potent than any other food,
containing substantial amounts of essential fatty
such as plants, grains or herbs. These nutrients and
acids, essential amino acids and GLA that helps to
phytonutrients make spirulina a whole food
regulate the entire hormone system.
alternative to isolated vitamin supplements. Protein
Physical properties of spirulina:Spirulina offers and amino acids, vitamins and minerals, essential
a convenient solution to the pH problems of most fatty acids and phytonutrients, comparing with other
diets as it is very alkaline. Because spirulina is an foods. Spirulina can renourish our bodies and renew
alkaline food (pH 6.84) that counter the acidic our health. Spirulina has been used in preparation
foods and help raise the pH level towards the baby foods because of its therapeutic properties and
alkaline side of the scale. This, in turn, promotes the presence of antioxidant compounds. Babies can
increased bone mass (since your body doesn’t have eat spirulina in complete safety and assimilate its
to sacrifice calcium to balances its pH), and vastly nutrients without difficulty. Even malnourished
improved metabolic functions. Consuming more babies with diminished capacity for nutrient
alkaline foods has been strongly linked with absorption could assimilate spirulina and recover
improved immune system function, mental from malnutrition.
function, kidney function, and higher levels of
Microbiological quality and contaminant
energy, among other important benefits. Acidic
specifications of Spirulina: Microbiological quality
body condition may cause many modern diseases
of Spirulina: The total viable bacterial count is
like hypertension, cancer, diabetes, heart disease,
widely used as an indicator microbiological quality
gout and rheumatism.
of food. Data in Table (4) indicated that, the total
Adjust the body's pH value: The ideal healthy viable bacterial count and mesophilic spore formers
human body's pH level should remain on low bacteria were cannot be detected. This is more
alkaline about pH 7.35~7.45. Modern day people acceptable for prepared food product especially baby
indulge in too much acidic food like soft drinks, foods. Yeast and moulds cannot be detected, this may
meat, cheese, eggs, and ham. These cause our body that yeast and moulds cannot resist for drying. Count
to become acidic (pH< 7). of pathogenic bacteria took the same trend of total
viable bacterial count. Coliform group, salmonella
Many medical research reports have proven that
and staphylococcus were not detected.
acidic bodies will have more chance of getting
diseases or cancer.
Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Table (A). Formulated of prepared spirulina with some fruits and vegetablesbased baby food formulas.

Table (B): Formulated of prepared dried spirulina with cereals-based baby food formulas.

Table 1. Chemical composition and physical properties of Spirulina (g/100 g sample, on dry weight basis)

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Table 2. Amino acids and fatty acids content of Spirulina (mg/100 g).

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Table 3.Vitamins, phytopigments and minerals in Spirulina.

Table 4. Microbiological quality of Spirulina (CFU/g)

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Table 5. Contaminant specifications of spirulina

Table 6. Chemical composition of fruits and vegetables (g/100g on wet weight basis)

Each value is the average of three replicates ± S.E. *as anhydrous citric acid.
Table 7.Chemical composition of dried raw materials (g/100g on wet weight basis).

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Table 8. Microbiological quality of formulated baby food formulas (CFU/g).

Table 9. Sensory evaluation scores of formulated baby foods formulas perpered from

*Values represent of 12 panellists (Mean ±S.E.);

* a, b,…: There is no significant difference (p ≥ 0.05) between any two means have the same superscripts, within the
same acceptaptability attribute.

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Table 10. Some physicochemical properties and nutritional value of prepared spirulina, fruits and vegetables-based
baby food formulas.

Each value is the average of three replicates ± S.E. *as anhydrous citric acid
Chemical composition on wet weight basis.

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Table 11. Some chemical composition and nutritional value of prepared dried spirulina with cereals-based baby food

Each value is the average of three replicates ± S.E.; Chemical composition on wet weight basis.
Table 12. Amino acids content of formulated baby food formulas (mg/100g formulas).

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

Contaminant specifications of Spirulina: Data in However, the amount of raw material that can be
Table (5) indicated that, the spirulina free from used as a substitute or can be added to baby foods
pesticides, rodent hairs and insect fragments. On represents a compromise between nutritional
the other hand, the level of heavy metals in line improvement and satisfactory sensorial properties of
with the specifications of the global food this baby foods, from the previous results in Tables (1 to
results are in agreement with those obtained by 5) we can be certain that spirulina of the best raw
Haeng-Shin et al. (2006) [22] and Llobet et al. materials that can be used in the manufacture of baby
(2003) [27]. food.
Use spirulina in production of some food formulas Chemical properties of ingredients used in baby
as complementary food for babies: In Egypt, most food formulas:
of the time, the formulas given to babies are of
Chemical composition of ingredients used to
poor nutritional quality: they are mainly cereal
prepared spirulina, fruits and vegetables-based
flours with sugar, sometimes some fruits, and
baby food formulas: Chemical properties of
rarely, when the mothers can afford it, powdered
ingredients used for the preparation of the baby food
milk. Those formulas do not cover the babies’
formulas are presented in Table (6). The results
needs in proteins, lipids and micro-nutrients.
demonstrated that the moisture content of ingredients
Babies need to have enough calories and fat in varied from 76.23% to 88.34% in banana puree and
order to grow normally. As babies move from a carrot puree, respectively. Potato puree had the
liquid diet to a more solid diet, using some higher highest level of ash being about 1.154% while, the
calorie foods can help to meet their needs. lowest level of ash was found in apple puree being
Nutritious foods for older vegetarian babies about 0.394%. Also, potato puree had the highest
include mashed tofu, bean spreads, avocado, and level of protein (1.55%). So, spirulina and potato
cooked dried fruits. Fat intake should not be puree were the main source of protein in formulated
limited. Fat sources for older infants include baby food formulas. Potato puree was the main
avocado, vegetable oils and soft margarine. source for starch. The pH value for papaya puree was
5.39. The pH value of ingredients ranged from 3.83
Nutrition plays an important role for fundamental
to 6.11 for apple puree and carrot puree, respectively.
vital functions. Many nutritionists have focused on
Titratable acidity for all ingredients was less than
naturally occurring components (e.g. vitamins,
1% . With regard to total sugars the data showed that
fatty acids, proteins, amino acids, phenolic
the banana puree had the highest amount of total
compounds and dietary fibre) in foods that have a
sugars, (15.208%). Pectin ranged from 0.714 to
positive effect on target functions beyond nutritive
2.331% in carrot puree and mango puree,
value and provide health benefits, as well as
respectively. The pectin can hold the water in baby
possibly reducing the risk of diseases. The term
stomach. So, pectin is very important for children
functional food originates from Japan and
especially when they have diarrhea. On the other
generally represents the category of foods that
hand, guava puree had the highest level of fiber
contain biologically active compounds with
(2.015%) followed by banana puree (1.952%), while
potential to enhance health or reduce risk of
potato puree had the lowest level of fiber being
serious diseases and finally, may improve the
(0.902%). Papaya puree contained amount of
quality of life. Furthermore, foods identified as
carotenoids less than carrot puree. So, adding of
“Food for specified health use (FOSHU)”should be
carrot puree will increase the percentage of
in the form of naturally occurring food or drink
carotenoids in all formulas. As known that, the
products, but not pills or capsules.
carotenoids help the baby as color to attract any
In recent years, different healthy ingredients have foods. Carrot puree had high percentage of
been used in the production of baby foods to anthocyanin more than other fruits or vegetables
enhance its nutritional profile or to confer ingredients. Results appeared that ascorbic acid
functional properties. content was ranged from 9.97 to 91.38 mg/100g in
carrot and papaya puree, respectively.

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

These results of chemical composition for x101 CFU/g for formulas No. (4SFV) and (1SFV),
ingredients used for the preparation of baby food respectively. However, coliform group, Salmonella
formulas were in agreement with those obtained by and Staphylococcus aureus were found to be absent
MaCance and Widdowson’s (1992) [28]; Ramulu in all formulas. The microbiological results are in
and Rao (2003) [38]; El-Mansy et al. (2005) [14]; agreement with many authors such as Wadud et al.
Wall (2006) [55] and Bahlol et al., (2007) [7]. (2004) [54]; Soliman (2003) [50] and Bahlol et al.
(2007) [7]. The formulated of prepared dried
Chemical composition of ingredients used to
spirulina with cereals-based baby food formulas were
prepared dried spirulina with cereals-based
tested for the same microbiological tests. The
baby food formulas:
obtained results in Table (8) reveal that the total
The proximate chemical analysis were carried out bacterial count ranged from 2.7 x 101 to 7.3 x 101
on the original raw materials used in this research cfu/g. The low total bacterial counts of the examined
i.e. cereals (wheat, rice and Barley), legumes baby food formulated might be due to their low
(dried peas, hulled chickpea and lentil), vegetable moisture content. The current results were within the
(Spinach and Cauliflower). The results are advisable standards reported by Skovgaard (1989)
illustrated in Table (7). It noticed that, lentil and [47], who recommended that a total bacterial count
rice had the higher moisture content being 10.18 up to 104 per gram for dried baby foods might be
and 9.76%, respectively. Meanwhile, dried save enough to be used by babies.The current results
cauliflower had the lower moisture content. From were less than those allowable in many international
the results in the same table, it could be noticed standards in other foods.The obtained results are also
that dried cauliflower had higher protein content agree with those obtained by Radi et al. (2003) [36]
(26.95%). Dried cauliflower and dried spinach had who produced new production from siwi date for
higher protein and ash contents. Total young children. These results are in agreement with
carbohydrate were calculated for raw materials, those reported by Soliman et al. (1996) [49]. The
total carbohydrate content ranged from 53.86% in yeast & molds, coliform group, Salmonella and
dried cauliflower to 79.40 in rice. These results are Staphylococcus aureus did not appear in any dried
in agreement with Soliman et al. (1996) [49]; baby food formulas, this may be related to low
Atwa (2003) [6]; Abd El-Salam (2005) [1] and moisture content of all mixtures. This may be due to
Baik and Ullrich (2008) [8]. the effect of good processing and good ingredients to
decrease the total bacterial count. Otherwise, the
Microbiological quality of the formulated baby
drying steps in prepared dried formulas this may be
foods formulas:
reduce its number under the detection limit. Also,
The overall bacteriological status of the formulated spirulina was also reported to present antimicrobial
prepared spirulina with some fruits and vegetables- activity as well as to inhibit the replication of total
based baby food formulas was observed to be bacterial count. The microbiological results
satisfactory. The microbiological quality attributes suggested that, the formulas are suitable to be
of different prepared formulas calculated as CFU submitted for sensory evaluation by babies, these
g-1 are shown in Table (8). The obtained results results are in agreement with those obtained by
revealed that the total viable bacterial count was Ozdemir et al. (2004) [33]. Who studied the
ranged from 5.8 x102 to 9.8 x102 CFU/g for antimicrobial activity of spirulina against various
formulas No. (4SFV) and (5SFV), respectively as gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and fungal
indicated in Table (8). species. The methanol extract showed maximum
The low counts of the examined formulas for total antimicrobial potency, and Bhowmik et al. (2009) [9]
viable bacterial, yeasts & moulds indicated who found that Spirulina was had probiotic efficacy
adequate thermal process, good quality of raw and inhibitory effect against several pathogens.
materials and as a result of the good different Sensory evaluation:
processing conditions under which the production
of formulas was carried out. Mesophilic Cereals in the form of paps prepared with milk are
sporeformers bacterial count was 1.8 x101 and 3.6 usually one of the first foods added in the
diversification of the infant diet from the 5th/6th
Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

months. Milk and cereal based ready-to-eat infant Physicochemical properties and nutritional value
foods are presently available on the market. These of formulated baby food formulas:
products have a long shelf-life and can be
Moisture, crude protein, fat, crude fiber, ash,
consumed for up to one year after manufacture.
carbohydrate, some vitamins and minerals which
Due to their composition. When cereals are well
were thought to be great importance in infant feeding
accepted, we add fruit and vegetables. One new
from 6 – 36 months where determined. The food
food can be started every 3-4 days. This way we
formulas were prepared to produce as
can see if baby has a reaction to a new food. Mash
complementary baby food using some fruits,
or puree fruits and vegetables. As our baby gets
vegetables, cereals and legumes with spirulina. But
better at chewing.
the visibility of chemical composition is too
For this reason, experiments were in this research important. Therefore some chemical analyses were
concentrated on the production of two types of carried out. Data in Tables (10 and 11) indicated that
baby food and one dependent on grains and other moisture and total solids content in food formulas
certified on fruits and vegetables and using a nearly varied in type 1 and type 2 prepared formulas.
variety of materials in order to give some kind of This is due to the adding kind of fruits, vegetables,
change in the diet of infants and children. Sensory cereals and legumes. It is clear that the total solids in
tests were conducted for them and the results were cereals and legumes formulas was the highest among
good where they were prepared to accept all the other fruits and vegetables formulas. cereals and
formulas. legumes formulas had the highest level of ash content,
while fruits and vegetables formulas had the lowest
Data in Table (9) show the analysis of variance for
level of ash. The same results were obtained with fat,
data of sensory evaluation between the 16 prepared
protein and carbohydrates, on the contrary, it was the
baby food formulas. The averages of the overall
titratable acidity and phytopigments which are
acceptability obtained scores were in the range
important as it affected on the taste and flavor. The
from 82.72 to 96.37. These means that all the
obtained data indicated that the total sugars and total
prepared baby food formulas were accepted with
carbohydrates were the major components in total
significant differences. On the other hand, analysis
solids in all formulas and the main source of energy
of variance for obtained scores for overall
acceptability indicated significant differences (P>
0.05) between the different formulas (Table 9). So, The percentages of total pectic substances and fiber
LSD test was applied to carry out the multiple were acceptable and suitable for babies related to the
comparisons which indicated that, the different important of those for excertion. Energy values for
formulas could be divided into some significant formulate baby food formulas were estimated from
groups (P> 0.05) (LSD = 2.51, 2.38 for fruits and the percentage of total carbohydrate, protein and fat
vegetablesbased baby food formulas and cereals- contents and were higher in cereals and legumes
based baby food formulas, respectively), where formulas.
there are no significant differences (P> 0.05)
The mineral composition of fruits and others plants
between the different formulas inside every group.
ingredients can reflect the trace mineral of soil in a
The high scores in both types of baby foods groups
geographic region and varies with climate, maturity,
included formulas No. (3 SFV, 7 SFV, 3 SCP and7
cultivars, and agricultural practices. Some minerals
SCP) which had the 5% of spirulina.
content of the babies food formulas are shown in
This four baby food formulas were selected which Tables (10 and 11). The obtained data revealed that
obtained high scores in both types of baby foods the highest potassium and calcium are particularly
groups. The study was continued on the selected essential for infant and young children. The variation
formulas that their physicochemical properties of the minerals content in all formulas, may be due to
were determined. the different content of these elements in raw

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

From the results of minerals it could be concluded Children love spirulina and it is safe and highly
that the formulas are considered as a source for nutritious for them. Children of all ages can eat
some minerals.These formulas are not totally spirulina in complete safety and assimilate its
balanced in micronutrients but they are: balanced nutrients without difficulty. Even malnourished
in macro-nutrients, rich en micro-nutrients, children with diminished capacity for nutrient
produced with foods available locally and rather absorption could assimilate spirulina and recover
cheap, and they are a considerable improvement from malnutrition. Spirulina can builds up tissue
compared to most local baby foods. The results of growth, improve vision, strengthens body's immune
physicochemical properties and nutritional value system there by improves resistance to chronic
of formulated baby food formulas were in infections, ability to heal and ability to concentrate in
agreement with those obtained by Bahlol et al. children. For baby, who are not able to swallow the
(2007) [7] and Mehder (2009) [30]. capsules, the baby can be used this spirulina formulas.
The powder spirulina formulas can also be mixed
Amino acids content of formulated baby food
with fruit juice, milk, salads and convenient soups.
The amount of spirulina needed depends on
Protein is the major functional and structural
metabolism degree to physical exertion, lifestyle, and
component of all the cells of the body; for example,
an individual baby's unique body needs. By starting
all enzymes, membrane carriers, blood transport
with a small amount and gradually increasing until
molecules, the intracellular matrices, hair,
the optimal daily amount is found, babies can enjoy
fingernails, serum albumin, keratin, and collagen
the benefits of this super nutritious food from
are proteins, as are many hormones and a large
babyhood throughout their lives. (Children of all ages,
part of membrans. Moreover, the constituent
including infants can be given 2 to 5 gms of
amino acids of protein act as precursors of many
spirulina/day). Spirulina is not a drug, but a natural
co-enzymes, hormones, nucleic acids, and other
food supplement, and is not habit forming. Its effects
molecules essential for life. Thus an adequate
can be sustained by taking it regularly at approx. 2 to
supply of dietary protein is essential to maintain
5 g/day. To see any benefits of spirulina, it should be
cellular integrity and function, and for health and
taken at least for 6-8 weeks.
reproduction. Data in Table (12) shows the amino
acids content of formulated baby food formulas. 4.Conclusions
From the obtained results; it could be observed that
A spirulina farm is an environmentally sound green
the different baby food blends contained good
food machine. Cultivated in shallow ponds, this algae
proportions of essential amino acids. Comparing
can double its biomass every 2 to 5 days. This
the essential amino acids pattern of the formulated
productivity breakthrough yields over 20 times more
formulas with hen's egg protein as a standard, it
protein than soybeans on the same area, 40 times
was found that the essential amino acids content of
corn and 400 times beef. Spirulina can flourish in
the blends have a good percent from their
ponds of brackish or alkaline water built on already
corresponding quantities in egg's protein. It may be
unfertile land. In this way, it can augment the food
noted that the total essential amino acids of the
supply not by increase the agricultural area or
different baby food blends also suitable for babies
increasing agricultural intensification in Egypt, or
in the age 1 to 3 years. This could be explained
clearing the disappearing rainforests in the world, but
that although egg have much higher percentage of
by cultivating the expanding deserts. Finally from
protein, but the percentage of protein content in the
this research we can use as spirulina recommended
formulated baby food formulas was at in the range
by the United Nations World Health Organization
of recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for
(WHO) which confirmed that spirulina represents an
protein and amino acids for babies at age 1-3 years
interesting food for multiple reasons, rich in iron and
according to FAO/WHO, 1991, [16].
protein, it can be safely administered to babies
Much has been written about the health benefits of without any risk.
spirulina, of all the humans that can benefit from
taking Spirulina, children can benefit the most.

Ashraf M. Sharoba / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2014, 20(4)

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