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Mahendra Chaudhry and Laisenia Qarase not wanted - Fiji PM
Fijis Prime Minister Commodore
Voreqe Bainimarama says Mahendra
Chaudhry and Laisenia Qarase are two
examples of politicians that are not
wanted in the country.
Bainimaramas comment comes in the
wake of numerous comments against
the government from the former Prime
Some politicians will start taking
advantage of the situation and start
working their way into elections and
we should be worried about this kind
of politicians, he said.
Qarase and Chaudhry have the
opportunity to talk to the Constitution
Commission to make their case if they
have any.
"They dont have to bother us every
day by saying what they intend to do
during elections.
Qarase, the Soqosoqo Duavata Ni
Lewenivanua leader was deposed
in the 2006 military takeover while
Chaudhry, the Fiji Labour Party leader,
was deposed after the 2000 Parliament
takeover by George Speight.
Qarase replaced Chaudhry after being
nominated by the military to form an
interim government in 2000, after
which he formed the SDL to contest
the May 2006 election, which Qarase
Let the people decide, says Chaudhry
Fijis former Prime Minister and
Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra
Chaudhry says the government should
understand that leaders are chosen by
the people in a democratic setup.
He made the comment while responding
to Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe
Bainimaramas statement in the media
where he stated that leaders like
Chaudhry and Qarase are not wanted
in the country.
Whether Laisenia Qarase, Mahendra
Chaudhry or anyone else for that matter
are needed or not is for the people to
decide through the democratic process of
free, fair and credible elections, he said.
As the leaders of mainstream political
parties which between them held
68 of the 71 seats in the House of
Representatives prior to the military
take-over of 2006, they have a
substantial following.
Continued on Page 3
Voreqe Bainimarama Mahendra Chaudhry Laisenia Qarase
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No15
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Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Fiji News
This fact itself is suffcient mandate
for them to be actively involved in
Fijis political processes.
Now that the nation is engaged in the
constitutional process, there should be
no question of shutting anyone out.
The government needs to adopt a
mature approach to this exercise and
that means that the views of everyone
must be heard.
Only then can the process be
considered inclusive, participatory and
Bench Warrant Issued For
Mahendra Patel
A bench warrant has been issued
against the former chairman of Post
Fiji Limited Mahendra Patel who is in
Australia undergoing eye surgery.
His lawyer Hamendra Nagin had fled
an application with the court to excuse
his client.
He fled the submission in the Suva
High Court which was dismissed by
Judge Justice Kumaratnam.
The Judge said that Patel has violated
his bail condition and that he was
instructed to be present in court as he
was missing from the last court sitting.
Nagin produced the doctors letter
which said that Patel cannot travel as
the pressure could affect his eyes.
Judge Kumaratnam said that he will
issue a bench warrant but will consider
Nagins submission again in Patels
next court appearance.
The two former executives, Peni Mau
and Dhirendra Pratap, were present in
court with their lawyers.
Patel is charged with one count of
abuse of offce and it is alleged that
on June 29th, 2006, whilst being the
chairman of Post Fiji did an arbitrary
act and extended the contract of the
Managing Director of Post Fiji Peni
Mau for a term of three years without
the approval of the board of directors.
Mau is charged with extortion by a
public offcer and it is alleged that
on the February 26th and 27th ,
2007, while being employed as the
managing director, accepted a promise
of a reward, a gratuity payment for his
early retirement with Post Fiji which
was beyond his proper pay.
Pratap is charged with abuse of offce
and it is alleged that on April 19th,
2007, issued a letter to the Ministry of
Finance Special Internal Audit team
falsely stating that the board of directors
of Post Fiji Limited had passed a
resolution on March 8th, 2007, to give
Mau 2 years and 4 months salary and
$24,000 gratuity on his early exit from
Pratap is also charged with giving false
information to a public servant.
The case has been adjourned to June
Mahendra Patel
Chaudhry added the FLP intends to
remain active in Fijis political life as
it is a responsible party which won the
confdence of people in two general
Fiji Ruler Ends Chiefs Council,
130-Year Tradition
Fiji's military commander on
Wednesday disbanded the Great
Council of Chiefs, a leadership
tradition on the Pacifc island nation
that existed more than 130 years.
Commodore Frank Bainimarama
had greatly reduced the power of
the council before eliminating it
entirely on Wednesday. His refusal
to restore democracy in Fiji has been
internationally condemned, and
Bainimarama accused the council of
meddling when it refused to endorse
his rule.
His latest move may be an attempt to
prevent the council from being written
into a constitution that he promised
to help produce within the next year,
ahead of democratic elections he plans
for 2014.
The council was established as the
"Native Council" under British colonial
rule in 1875. Most of its 55 chiefs
inherited their positions, and they have
privileged status in island life.
In a statement, Bainimarama said the
chiefs have an undisputed heritage in
the nation of 890,000, but have also
perpetuated elitism and helped feed a
climate of political divisiveness.
"The Great Council of Chiefs is a
product of our colonial past, and Fiji
must now focus on a future in which
all Fijians are represented on the same
basis," he said.
Bainimarama wields great control over
Fiji, and the chiefs appeared to have
little recourse.
"This is a sad day, not only for i-Taukei
(Fijians) but also for Fiji as a whole,"
said one of the chiefs, Ratu Naiqama
The council had long overseen the
vast network of local Fijian chiefs,
who collect taxes and provide services
for villagers, such as constructing
community halls or schools.
Under the country's 1997 constitution,
the council also was charged with
flling nearly half the Senate seats and
with appointing the president and vice
president. But Bainimarama suspended
those roles after he seized power in
The council refused to endorse
Bainimarama's rule or his nomination for
vice president, leading the commander
to accuse them of meddling in politics.
Jenny Hayward-Jones, a Pacifc expert
with the Lowy Institute, a Sydney-
based think tank, said some Fijians
believe the chiefs take too much from
the community and give back too little.
But she added that Bainimarama's
decision to disband the council raises
questions about his vow last week to
rewrite the constitution.
The council "should be a matter for the
people to decide upon," she said. "Not
a matter for decree."
Hayward-Jones said that while
Bainimarama can diminish the legal
powers of chiefs, he can't abolish their
role in society. She said the commodore
has long sought to undermine the
traditional institutions of Fiji the
chiefs and the church by arguing
that they have become corrupt.
Fiji's relations with its Pacifc neighbors
have soured since Bainimarama seized
control, and the Commonwealth
association of countries expelled it.
US Congressman Commends
Fijis Progress
The United States of America
Congressman, Eni Faleomavaega has
commended the Fijian Government
for its drive to building a better Fiji
through transparent and fair elections
giving every ones vote the same value.
Congressman Faleomavaega met with
the Acting Prime Minister and Attorney
General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum in
Fiji in its own efforts should do it
(elections) the Fijian way and not from
outside forces saying that, look this is
how we want it done, Congressman
Faleomavaega said.
He said that every country faces
problems but it should be solved
No country is a 100 per cent and
pure in any way. My own country has
problems but I have to give credit to
Fiji that they are moving towards
democracy and in that direction and
in a very positive way, Congressman
Faleomavaega said.
Mahendra Chaudhry And Laisenia Qarase
Not Wanted - Fiji PM
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Continued from page 1
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No15
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Fiji News
Russian Foreign Affairs Minister,
Sergey Lavrov
Raising The Standard Of Flour
The increased demand for quality
four products in Fiji and neighbouring
markets has prompted Punjas Flour
Limited to expand and enhance its
current operation. This was planned in
2 stages.
The frst stage completed in mid 2011,
involved increasing the capacity of the
Mill by 50% and provided for even
greater sophistication of technology.
The second stage, now in progress,
included a signifcant increase in grain
storage in the form of 6 silos having a
total storage capacity of 7200 tonnes.
Expected to be operational by late
2012 the additional grain storage
facility dramatically improves the grain
handling capability on the site as wheat
can be received at the rate of 200 tonnes/
hour and distributed to any one of the
6 silos by the computer control system
which operates the entire facility.
The silos have hopper bottoms thus
enabling gravity discharge providing
for far greater hygiene than the more
common fat bottom silos that are far
less costly and ineffcient.
The blending facilities within the silos
enable us to blend remotely from the
mill, mixtures of wheat to meet the
quality demands of Punjas tight quality
specifcations in a manner consistent
with contemporary operational
practices and in keeping with those
currently in use in the state of the art
controls in the Flour Mill itself.
A further essential component of the
second stage is an additional 1,500
square metres of warehouse space
to cater for the increased production
and will also ensure a faster and more
effective delivery system to customers
The expansion is also necessary to
meet the growing need and demand for
our four products not only in Fiji but
the region as well, says Rajesh Punja,
Director of Punjas Flour Ltd.
The Punjas Flour facility incorporates
the latest technology in four milling
and has been designed and installed
by Switzerland-based Buhler Group,
one of the worlds leading four mill
engineering company and is of a
standard second to none in the world.
This expansion program also further
enhances the companys Investing in
People Program. The program gives
milling staff the opportunity to gain
accreditation in with the National
Association of British and Irish Millers
(NABIM), the trade association for the
four milling industry in the United
Kingdom. To date eight millers have
been trained by Punjas Flour. All costs
are borne by the company.
We recognize that our people are,
and will always be, our greatest
asset because with properly qualifed
personnel on the job, we ensure the
quality of our products, Mr. Punja
The mill produces a wide range of fours
such as Normal Flour, Bakers Flour,
Noodle Flour, Atta Flour, Wholemeal,
and Semolina for the domestic and
export markets as well as mill-mix for
animal feed.
Since the commencement of production
in 2005 all Punja Flour variants have
been fortifed with essential vitamins &
minerals such as iron, calcium, thiamine
(vitamin B1), ribofavin (vitamin B2),
niacin (vitamin B3), folic acid (vitamin
B9) etc in accordance with government
regulations as recommended by the
WHO (World Health Organization).
World Grain, an international trade
magazine, in recognition of the
production and quality standards of
Punjas Flour, recently featured an
article, A force in four in Fiji, in its
September 2011, issue.
Avoid Harassment - Dress Up
Appropriately - Rishi Ram
The General Secretary of the Fiji Taxi
Association has come out and said
that females in the country who catch
taxis should dress up in a presentable
manner to avoid harassment or abuse
by some taxi drivers.
While speaking on a talkback on Radio
Sargam earlier this week, Rishi Ram said
females should understand this and change.
The reporter contacted him and asked
whether he stands by this comment.
We asked the Fiji Taxi Association General
Secretary what he meant by females
dressing up in a presentable manner.
The reporter then asked Rishi Ram why
the taxi association is telling female
passengers how to dress up and he said
it is human nature that taxi drivers will
be distracted by short skirts and it will
result in harassment.
Rams comments also follow the
statements made by the Emerging
Leaders Alumni last week about the
continuing and increasing number
of cases of harassment and abuse of
females by PSV drivers.
12 female passengers spoke about their
ordeal of being sexually harassed by
PSV drivers, mainly taxi drivers.
An emotional USP student of Nasinu,
Lusiana Valu said she was harassed
when she was in class one however she
is still living with the trauma.
When we asked Ram about this
particular incident, Rishi Ram raised
this question.
Upon questioning, Ram has admitted
that there are cases of sexual harassment
involving taxi drivers and he said the
Land Transport Authority makes the
fnal decision on such cases.
LTA said they will now work closely with
the Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni to
see that sexual harassment stops.
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Russian Foreign Affairs Minister,
Sergey Lavrov
PM Launches Inaugural South
Pacifc Festival
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
launched the frst ever South Pacifc
Food & Wine Festival & Conference
in what he told guests will provide an
invaluable opportunity for our local
chefs to exchange knowledge and
creative ideas with their prestigious
international counterparts.
This inaugural event will see top
chefs from around the region gather
at Denarau Island in Nadi to look
at various opportunities to grow the
South Pacifcs food and wine industry.
Prime Minister Bainimarama told
guests and participants that while the
event will increase the profle of Fijis
tourism industry it also provides an
impetus for local stakeholders to also
contribute to the industrys growth.
Fijis Tourism Industry has continued
to grow, particularly among the
demographic of more sophisticated
travelers seeking excursions and
adventures that engage all the senses
from snorkeling and discovering
local foods, to exploring neighborhood
markets, and imparting pieces of their
own culture through engaging fully
in each experience, Prime Minister
Bainimarama said.
As this event is open to chefs from our
South Pacifc Island sister-countries,
we hope to develop the educational
aspect further with each year, so the
region may advance in the study of
culinary arts.
The Prime Minister told participants that
this event compliments governments
efforts to spearhead the Fijian Made
and Buy Fijian Campaign to promote
locally grown and produced goods.
This festival and conference will
serve as a unique platform to share
with the world products and services
unique to our island nation, the Prime
Minister said.
For the past few months, we have
been preparing diligently to showcase
Fijis exotic culinary cuisine, the
locally-grown ingredients, and its
talented chefs. This prestigious event
has caught the attention and sparked
the imaginations of many Fijians as
well as our International guests.
Home Visits For Chronic Patients
Family members who are looking after
their loved ones suffering from cancer
can breathe a sigh of relief as a public
health team will be taking care of them
as part of their revived home visit
The home based care program was
offcially launched at the Senior
Citizens home.
The Deputy Secretary Hospital
Services, Dr. Meciusela Tuicakau said
according to researchers, 70 to 90
percent of illness is cared at home and
most chronic cases prefer to be taken
care of at home.
He said the program will reduce
hospital re-admission for chronic cases;
provide relief to families on fnancial
burdens of hiring vehicles to transport
sick family members for clinics.
Patients who will qualify for this care
are those with cancer, chronic diabetes
complications, stroke, the terminally
ill and those who are physically and
mentally disabled.
He added that once patients are
discharged from hospital, their
discharge summary notes will be
forwarded to a health center and from
there the patient will be taken care of.
Minister For Youth Attends Kava
The Minister for Youth and Sports, Mr
Viliame Naupoto recently attended a
three day African Caribbean and Pacifc
- Multilateral Trading System High Level
KAVA Conference in Vanuatu.
The Minister along with other
government representatives were
invited to be part of the establishment
of Health and Safety standards for the
production and export of Kava.
During the conference the scientifc and
technical fndings of a comprehensive
study on the properties of Pacifc Kava
was presented in detail to the scientifc
community. The development of a
regional initiative to secure a sustainable
export market for Kava, was included in
the agenda for the meet.
The Ministry of Youths involvement in
this meet includes the implementation
of both empowering and mentoring
programmes for youths around the
country. A signifcant percentage of
youths in rural communities are engaged
in commercial yaqona farming.
Trainings for young people include
the Seeds of Success Training and
Mentoring Training that has been
conducted in the Central Eastern,
Northern and Western Divisions.
Fiji has been ranked among the
friendliest places in the world for
Americans to visit by U.S. based
Newsmax Magazine.
The article calls Fijians the most
friendly of any people and reported
its always been a very enjoyable
experience for travelers from the
United States.
The article goes on to say Fijis pristine
environment and world class hospitality
attracts the adventurous spirits of
underwater photographers like Michael
Muller, as well as Hollywoods elite,
who create major motion pictures
like Cast Away Tom Hanks and Blue
Lagoons Brook Shields.
Earlier this week Grammy award
winner and American singer and
guitarist Lenny Kravitz was at Likuliku
Resort in the Mamanucas for four days.
In 2010, Fiji received more than 50,000
visitors from the United States.
Fiji Ranked
Among Top
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
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Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Fiji News
Overseas Training For Workers
PUNJAS Flour Ltd's $15 million
expansion program will enhance
production capabilities and allow
workers at the plant to gain accreditation
with the National Association of British
and Irish Millers (NABIM).
NABIM is the trade association for
the four milling industry in the United
Punjas Flour director Rajesh Punja
said so far, eight local workers had
been trained and received accreditation
from the organisation.
Mr Punja said there were plans to send
more for training.
"We recognize that our people are,
and will always be our greatest asset
because with properly qualifed
personnel on the job, we ensure the
quality of our products," he said.
Punjas Flour produces 36,000 tonnes of
four annually ground from Australian
And of this 12,000 tonnes is exported
to the Pacifc region.
The NABIM training and accreditation
is part of Punjas Flour's Investing in
People Program.
Punjas Flour produces normal four,
bakers four, noodle four, atta four,
wholemeal, semolina and mill mix for
domestic and export markets.
Road Accidents Cost $136M A Year
Road accidents in Fiji cost $136
million a year, it has been revealed.
This covers the loss of lives, income
and medical insurance.
During the traffc stakeholders
conference at Nasova, Fiji Police
director traffc Senior Superintendent
Mahesh Mishra said: "I believe this is
a large amount of money and while that
has been a concern for us, people should
be more responsible to ensure that road
safety is everyone's responsibility."
He also released statistics in relation
to road accidents in the country saying
it had decreased to an average of 66
incidents every year over the last 10
He said the ultimate objective this year
was to reduce road fatality by another
30 per cent.
He added this was the responsibility of
"People are now aware of road safety
and they've taken into account the
awareness programs that we've created
as stats confrmed that the national
fatality trend for the last 10 years has
decreased to an average of 66 incidents.
Our ultimate objective is to ensure that
road fatalities are further reduced by
30 per cent and that is something that
the police and LTA (Land Transport
Authority) are hoping to achieve in
2012," he said.
The conference that was attended by
offcials from the LTA, Ministry of
Health, Fiji Road Authority (formerly
the National Road Safety Council) and
National Fire Authority has enhance
networking and enabled formulation of a
plan of action to reduce traffc incidents.
LTA chief executive offcer Naisa
Tuinaceva said stakeholders needed to
strengthen their networking to create a
safer road environment.
"During the conference, we're able
to address various road safety issues
but it all comes down to a good co-
ordination within the stakeholders,"
Mr Tuinaceva said.
"In that way, we'll be able to share
resources and information that help us
reduce road fatality, therefore, we need
to support each other," he said.
SSP Mishra said their major concern
was people complying with road rules,
road users' behaviour, knowledge of
the law and ignorance.
Warning For Supermarkets
THE Ministry of Health has warned
supermarkets to refrain from engaging
in unscrupulous trading practices
by selling expired food products to
On the other hand, consumers have
been urged to check the labels and
expiry date of the products they buy
from supermarkets and smaller shops.
Health Ministry spokesman Peni
Namotu sounded the warning after a
recent case of food poisoning where
some Nadroga soccer players ate
expired canned fsh.
He said legal action would be taken
against supermarkets and shops found
selling expired food products.
"The consumption of expired food
products is unsafe for people," Mr
Namotu said.
"Supermarkets should be providing
the best products to people instead
of engaging in unscrupulous trading
practices because of money," he said.
"They are more concerned about
making proft by selling whatever
they can to people, who should also be
careful when buying anything. People
should have the habit of reading the
labels properly and checking the expiry
date of the food products they buy," Mr
Namotu said.
He said Fiji was one of the agro-based
Pacifc Island countries where people
just harvested their crop and cooked
for consumption.
"It's the same habit which people tend
to take to the supermarkets which sell
processed foods to consumers. People
are more concerned about the brand of
products they buy and the price instead of
checking properly what they are buying.
The ministry's Food Unit has been tasked
with monitoring supermarkets, which
will face legal action if caught selling
expired food products."
Mr Namotu said supermarkets should
be vigilant and they should refrain
from putting expired food products on
their shelves.
Vanuatu Donates 5M Vatu To
PM's Flood Appeal
The benevolent spirit that unites
Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG)
members could not have been better
exemplifed at a dinner hosted by the
Prime Minister of the Republic of
Vanuatu, His Excellency Sato Kilman,
for the Fiji delegation.
The delegation, which was led by the
Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama
were taken by surprise when PM
Kilman donated a cheque of 5 million
vatu (FJ$83,640.00) to the Prime
Minister as his Governments donation
towards the Prime Ministers Relief
Fund for those affected by the recent
In donating the cheque, Prime Minister
Kilman expressed his Governments
sympathy towards families, and those
whose lives and homes were affected
by the recent foods.
He further expressed his hope that the
funds would be a sigh of relief for those
who were badly affected by the food.
In response, Prime Bainimarama
thanked his Vanuatu counterpart for
this munifcent assistance.
As Fiji is undergoing rehabilitation
programs to ensure that families and
their well-being are restored, this
donation is indeed a blessing in the nick
of time, Prime Minister Bainimarama
With this kind gesture, both Prime
Ministers were optimistic that the
bilateral relations between Fiji and
Vanuatu will continue to grow from
strength to strength in the years to come.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Fiji News
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Miss World To
Visit Fiji
FIJI will play host to the reigning Miss
World next month.
Miss Venezuela Ivian Lunasol Sarcos
Colmenares will be guest at the Miss
World Fiji pageant.
Miss World Fiji national director
Andhy Blake said Miss Colmenares'
visit could be seen as a privilege for the
20 semi-fnalists.
He said Miss World did not visit just
any country.
"She (Miss World) will be able to share
on the amount of charity work she is
involved in.
"Our girls will realize that Miss World
is not just about beauty, it is also about
"The visit will help build confdence in
our girls and encourage them to try out
for next year."
Qarase Vows To
Win The 2014
Fijis ousted Prime Minister and
Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua
leader Laisenia Qarase says he will
contest and win the 2014 general
Qarase said he is very confdent that
the people of Fiji will support him.
Im very confdent that I will get the
support from the people and yes Im
confdent that I will succeed, he said.
He said the SDL is also working on the
names of candidates who will represent
them in the 2014 election.
Qarase had earlier said the 2014
general election should be held under
the "legal" 1997 Constitution.
President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau
Participated In Charity Golf
President His Excellency Ratu Epeli
Nailatikau was one of the one hundred
and forty four golfers who had united
to raise funds for the Prime Ministers
Flood Appeal at Denarau Golf and
Racquet Club.
The event was organized by the Nadi
Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Laisenia Qarase
as part of their contribution to assist
the victims of the recent foods
which wreaked havoc in the western
Chairman of the organizing committee
Mark Hinton was impressed with the
response from golfers and corporate
Fiji To Have A New System To Elect President
Fiji will have a new system to elect
the country's President in the new
Under the 1997 constitution, the
appointing authority was the Great
Council of Chiefs.
With the de-establishment of the
GCC, the reporter questioned
Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe
Bainimarama how the President will
be appointed.
We asked him whether this would
pave the way for Fijians to elect their
Commodore Bainimarama said that
whatever happens, the GCC will
defnitely not be the appointing body
as it no longer exists.
All the decrees and regulations in
relation to the GCC have already been
revoked by the President.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15 Times Fiji News
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NZ Wants More Progress
FIJI will have to demonstrate a genuine
intention to hold democratic elections
before the New Zealand government
considers lifting sanctions, says NZ
Prime Minister John Key.
The response has come in response
to Prime Minister Commodore
Voreqe Bainimarama's announcement
at the weekend of a constitutional
consultation process scheduled for
between July and September.
The new constitution is expected to
be adopted in March 2013 ahead of
democratic elections. New Zealand
imposed sanctions on Fiji after
Commodore Bainimarama seized
power in a military coup in 2006.
In an AAP report, Mr Key said
the regime must hold genuine
"They must engage with all
stakeholders, not just say they will,"
he said on New Zealand's TV One.
"We want to see elections held, we've
always said that, and we would like to
see sanctions removed."
Mr Key says the sanctions weren't
extensive. "They're virtually non-
existent, they are a travel ban on
members of the regime and their
direct family, there are no real sporting
sanctions and we let teams in," he said.
Foreign Minister Murray McCully said
the move by Commodore Bainimarama
was a step in the right direction.
"The international community will
take a close interest in this process and
the New Zealand government intends
to give the process every opportunity
to demonstrate its value," he said.
Mccully Considers Lifting
NEW Zealand foreign minister Murray
McCully says he's keeping an open
mind about sanctions on Fiji, after
Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama
announced plans last week to consult
the public on a new constitution,
which is expected to be ready by next
Commodore Bainimarama, who
seized power in a 2006 coup, said
the new constitution would enshrine
principles of one-person-one-vote, an
independent judiciary and transparent
According to a media report, Mr
McCully said Wellington saw the
consultation as a step in the right
direction for Fiji, and it was keeping an
open mind about post-coup sanctions.
"We've never ruled out looking at the
sanctions," he said.
"I hope that we have to look at the
sanctions because suffcient progress is
being made to require that.
"I think there will be some things that
we have to do to help this process
along. We're very open-minded about
what that might be and I've expressed
that open-mindedness to the Fijian
foreign minister and his government."
Australia's incoming foreign minister
Bob Carr held informal talks with Mr
McCully in Auckland, which included
the political situation in Fiji.
He rejected media claims that he is
planning to soften Australia's stance
against Fiji, saying it was "premature".
Japan Thankful To Fiji For Their
IT is the hope of new Japanese
Ambassador to Fiji Eiichi Oshima that
he can further promote friendly relations,
mutual trust and socio-economic
development between Fiji and Japan.
He made the comments during a
cocktail hosted at his residence to mark
the year that has passed since the Great
East Japan Earthquake on March 8 last
year and the ensuing tsunami.
In addressing guests, Mr Oshima said:
"Today's occasion is to commemorate
this unforgettable day and to pray for
the victims of that disaster, and at the
same time to express deep appreciation
on behalf of the government of Japan
to the government and people of the
Republic of Fiji for the support rendered
to Japanese people at our most diffcult
moment in various ways."
"This whole year since that day gave
Japan a range of hardships and sorrow.
However, thanks to the support and
assistance from around the world,
including Fiji, the recovery of Tohoku
and Japan is frmly on its way," he said.
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Bernadette Ganilau - I Will Not
Contest In 2014
Fiji's former Minister for Labour,
Industrial Relations, Tourism and
Environment, Bernadette Ganilau has
no intention of contesting the 2014
general elections.
She confrmed this saying that it's now
time for young blood to stand up to the
challenge and contest.
There are many extraordinary young
minds out there and they need to be
guided in the right way and encouraged
to take part in the next elections, she
Ganilau says the move by the
Bainimarama government to have a
constitution consultations process is
the right way forward.
She said people now know they
are heading towards a democratic
environment and this is a good start for
She said views and opinions of
people will be very important during
this process because people want a
constitution that will be able to cater
for everyone.
She added the government needs to take
another look at the 1997 Constitution.
If there is to be a new constitution one
of the things that need to be improved
is the social justice in our country."
Bernadette Ganilau
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Fiji News
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Fijian Prime Minister Installed As
Chief In Vanuatu
Fijian Prime Minister and Melanesian
Spearhead Group (MSG) chairman,
Voreqe Bainimarama was installed as
Chief of Malampma, one of the largest
provinces in Vanuatu.
The Prime Minister who is heading a
Fiji government delegation to Vanuatu
for MSG talks, was bestowed the title
of Warwar or chief of the island
of Ambrym which lies in northern
Vanuatu in the Malampa province.
Todays ceremony sees four years of
waiting and preparation following the
Prime Ministers adoption in 2008 by
the chiefy family of Malampma.
The traditional title was conferred
upon him by the chiefs of the province
at a traditional ceremony held at the
MSG Headquarters in Port Villa and
was conducted by the Malvatumauri
National Council of Chiefs.
The Prime Minister made a customary
payment by way of a pig to the chiefs
of Ambrym before giving another
to the Malamp province as a sign of
acceptance in the Malampa community
before being given the title of Warwar.
He was given time to speak to the
people and he thanked the chiefs and
the government of Vanuatu for the
traditional custom.
This is what we need in Melanesia,
what sets up apart our traditional
ceremony and our solidarity, Prime
Minister Bainimarama said.
I thank the chiefs of the Malvatumauri
for the traditional ceremony.
MSG member countries also presented
gifts to the Prime Minister at the
end of the ceremony signifying the
importance of the title.
The Prime Minister also thanked
the Melanesian Spearhead Group
secretariat and the Government of
Vanuatu for according him a solemn
ceremony of welcome.
Attorney General - Every Fijian
Has The Right To Vote
Every Fijian will have the right to
contribute in the formulation of the
new Constitution, the Government
Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-
Khaiyum said the Bainimarama
Government was looking to the future
of Fiji and all Fijians.
During the process of formulating
a genuine Fijian Constitution, every
Fijian will have the right to put
their ideas before the Constitutional
Commission and have the draft
Constitution debated and discussed
by the Constituent Assembly, Sayed-
Khaiyum said in a statement.
The new Constitution will be created
for all Fijians. No politician or interest
group will either be shut out or given
any special say.
We are all Fijians and we are all
Sayed-Khaiyum said some politicians
are looking backward, caught in a time
warp where nepotism, elitism and
racism were the norm.
Even to this day, he said there were
voices that echoed from that past and
those who sought to regain power and
take Fiji back to the dark ages.
The Bainimarama Government breaks
away from the petty politics of the past
in which personalities took precedence
over building a modern and inclusive
Fiji, he said.
He stressed that the frst step to the
formulation of the Constitution was civic
education-informing Fijians of what a real
Constitution is, how it will affect their
daily lives, and most importantly, focus
Fijians on what issues they believe should
be included in the new Constitution.
As the process continues with the
Constitutional Commission and the
Constituent Assembly, he said, all
Fijians will have a voice.
Next year we will have an enlightened
Fijian Constitution that will make it
possible to hold democratic elections
in 2014, with the essential and natural
right of one person, one vote, one
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
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Times Fiji News
A-G Shares Concerns With
Customs Offcials
The Acting Prime Minister and Attorney
General Mr Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
told members of the Customs Brokers
& Forwarders Council (CBFCF)
members that a collective approach is
needed to take on challenges.
The Attorney General met with the
CBFCF members and told them as
frontline ambassadors for the country,
the need to improve effciency was
crucial to achieving economic growth.
You as customs offcers need to act as
ambassadors for Fiji with transparency
during this reform period, and
understand that compliance will lead
to better infrastructure, Mr Sayed-
Khaiyum said.
While addressing the CBFCFs annual
general meeting, he stressed the need
for customs to play a critical role in
facilitating imports and exports but
need to face the challenges.
The challenges you are facing is
effciency, streamlining, consolidation
of agencies, ability to regulate agencies
and understand the related impact on
the economy of what your customers
want to do, he said.
He also stressed the need for members
of the council to adhere to Fijis laws
and to continue being transparent.
FIRCA of course is going through a
revision for example of the tax laws,
they want to simply it, they want to
remove the ambiguity that exist which
is open to interpretation. We all like
to have clear cut rules and regulations
because being transparent reduces the
opportunity of corruption, he said.
By being dishonest, under declaring
or defrauding the system is a stumbling
block to creating partnership.
CWM'S ICU Unit Gets Upgrade
For the frst time since 1989 the
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the
Colonial War Memorial Hospital
(CWM) in Suva will see some upgrades
thanks to a partnership with Home
Finance Company (HFC).
Meeting representatives of the Ministry
of Health and the project manager
for the upgrades, HFC reiterated its
commitment to donating towards the
upgrades of the ICU at the CWM
HFC Chief executive Isikeli Tikoduadua
said: HFC is committed to the project
upgrade of the Intensive Care Unit with
the Colonial War Memorial Hospital
(CWM) as part of our social corporate
responsibility and also to work with the
hospital in an area where they really
needed work done.
We are now engaged with the Hospital
to upgrade the process of having
the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) that
will provide further enhanced caring
facilities for the patients.
We are very proud of this partnership
and also very keen to making the
patients more comfortable with better
facilities and to also make it easy for
doctors and nurses to carry out their
We have appointed our project
manager, Louzanne Sahib and have
engaged a contractor which is Vinz
Works Joinery Limited and we will
be working closely with them and
Dr Vereniki and his team to ensure
that work is done very quickly and
General Manager for the CWM
Hospital and the Ministry of Health
Ned Taito said: The Ministry would
just like to acknowledge the corporate
sponsorship given to us by HFC and
its been a long time coming and we are
glad that they are on board with us.
The project manager Dr Vereniki
Raiwalui, who is the chief intensivist
and head of the ICU said: Basically
in this project we hope to see the
renovation of the eight bed unit which
we have in the ICU.
This will entail two phases; one
getting the present ICU, which is
located on the second foor, to move
down to the ground foor where we
will be operating from and that would
be temporary during the period of
renovation of the ICU.
This would ensure the ICU service
will not be in any way hindered and our
services to our community stopped at
any time. We hope to have a three week
period to complete the project.
HFCs principal valuer - Ms Louzanne
Sahib and Project Manager for this
project with CWM Hospital said there
are no structural changes to the unit
but rather the upgrade works within
and some of which would include
installation of air conditioning units,
the maintenance of storage facilities,
painting and the extension of the
nurses station because at the moment
there is no proper station.
Externally we are looking at having
the installation of new fy screens
and the maintenance of windows
and general painting inside the entire
unit which includes about fve block
spacing including the corridors, Ms
Sahib said.
Bondi Beach Fashion In Fiji
BONDI Beach Bag Co. Australia
opened its new retail boutique and
wholesale distribution in Nadi.
Owned by Tracy Farrington and
husband Tom Liu, the boutique brings
Bondi beach casual wear styles to Fiji.
Mrs Farrington is the founder, owner
and creative source of Bondi Beach
Bag Co. and is also the co-owner of the
new Nadi Farmers Club.
She says her new boutique specializes
in casual chic resort wear and offers
a wide range of beach wear that is
reminiscent of the style that can be
found at Bondi Beach. "This is the new
breed and we've created a casual cool
environment for our customers and
we hope that women will embrace it
because this is something for them,"
said Mrs Farrington.
The boutique also provides wholesale
distribution of its products to Tokoriki
Island Resort, Yasawa Island Resort
and Spa and other elected stores.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Fiji News
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Cancer Patients Get New Centre
Cancer patients discharged from hospital will soon have access to
a new cancer centre in Suva.
The new centre to be opened next week
is a partnership project undertaken by
the Ministry of Health and Fiji Cancer
Ministry spokesman Peni Namotu said
discharged cancer patients can utilise
services provided by the centre free of
The intention is to provide support
to patients that have been discharged
from hospital and to provide support
and care to them.
Mr Namotu said the patients would
be provided with pain relief care and
transportation from home to the centre.
He said the aim of the centre is also to
promote independence amongst cancer
A lot of patients go through
complications when they are discharged
from a clinical setting and the centre
will provide support for them.
He added that the development was the
frst of its kind for Fiji and a milestone
achievement in the health sector.
The Ministry highlighted the need to
make patients feel welcomed after
going through certain health treatments.
Most patients are usually rejected by
families and relatives, the idea is to
provide them with support and also
make them feel like a part of a society,
family, and community. We empower
them to be independent.
He clarifed that the centre will only
offer its services to cancer patients who
have undergone clinical treatment and
were discharged from hospital.
Bank Of South Pacifc Records
$326M Proft
BANK of South Pacifc has recorded
a consolidated proft before tax of
$435.78million for the 2011 fnancial
The result was announced by the group
chairman Kostas Constantinou.
The group, which has its headquarters
in Papua New Guinea and operations in
Fiji and the Solomon Islands, recorded
a net proft of $326.56m.
"2011 results have been achieved on
the back of strong domestic growth
of the PNG economy, driven by
the continuing LNG project related
activities and other resource projects in
various stages of development, despite
a fractious and fckle global economic
environment," Mr Constantinou said.
"Strong export performance supported
by favourable global commodity prices
has continued to boost liquidity levels
and this has meant interest rates on
central bank bills have remained at the
low levels where they ended in 2010,
maintaining signifcant downward
pressure on net interest income.
"Politically, PNG's Constitution has
been tested.
"These events have infuenced
perceptions and attracted international
criticism, leading to a downgrade in
the country's sovereign credit rating.
"They also impacted on the bank with
our credit rating being cut a notch by
Standard and Poor.
"Nevertheless, the continuing advance
of the LNG project continues to
dominate economic activity and forms
the basis for a generally positive
outlook for the PNG economy in 2012.
"Elsewhere in the region, economies
have performed reasonably well with
export performance leading the way.
"In Fiji, the monetary and fscal conditions
have improved somewhat although this is
yet to be transmitted into major growth in
domestic economic activity.
"It has been pleasing to note that
tourism and sugar, the stalwarts of the
Fijian economy are the areas where
recovery has continued in 2011.
"Favourable world prices are aiding
resurgence in mining activities in Fiji
which could also add to the country's
Mr Constantinou said BSP's
performance not only tracked the
positive trends in the economies of
PNG and its Pacifc neighbours, it
also refected the early benefts of the
signifcant investments being made
to extend banking services to parts of
the market that have not had reliable
banking services, through appropriate
technology, effcient processes and
effective delivery models.
World Ship Firm Launch For Fiji
ONE of the world's biggest shipping
companies, Maersk Line, will
offcially launch its services after
more than 10 years of operating in
Jeffrery Lin, the chief operating offcer
of Shipping Services (Fiji) Limited,
Maersk's agent in the country, said the
offcial launch of Maersk would also
coincide with celebrations of SSFL's
20th anniversary.
Mr Lin said the Maersk Line New
Zealand team felt it was an opportune
time to meet its customers and
representative agents while launching
the Maersk Line Fiji operation.
The launch, to coincide with SFL's
20th birthday, is on March 16.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Fiji News
AG Meets With Asia Pacifc Aviation Chief
The Acting Prime Minister and
Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-
Khaiyum and Ministry of Civil
Aviation permanent secretary Elizabeth
Powell met with Mr. Mokhtar A.
Awan, the Director General Asia
Pacifc for the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO), based
in Bangkok Thailand.
This, the frst visit of an ICAO regional
director to Fiji, is part of an outreach
effort to determine the challenges
faced by South Pacifc Island states
around civil aviation operations in
adherence to ICAO requirements, and
how the organization might be helpful
in facilitating any improvements.
Civil aviation is an area we have
given great attention, particularly in
the expansion of the Pacifc Sun and
Air Pacifc feets to accommodate
both regional and international travel
to Fiji, said Attorney-General Aiyaz
Sayed-Khaiyum. As Fijis tourism
industry and trade partnerships
continue to grow, it is important that
we continue to focus on international
safety and quality standards to ensure
development of Fijis potential as a hub
of the region.
ICAO is a specialized United Nations
agency with 191 Members States,
and created in 1944 to oversee the
development of international civil
aviation in adherence with safety,
security, and effciency regulation
standards throughout the world.
During his visit to the South Pacifc,
Mr. Mokhtar A. Awan also met with
civil aviation authorities in Papua
New Guinea, Western Samoa, and the
Pacifc Aviation Safety Organization
based in Vanuatu.
Mr. Awans visit coincides with the
release of an ICAO proposal seeking the
establishment of a regional sub-offce,
and follows shortly after the Fijian
Attorney-Generals meeting last week
with the Republic of Kiribati Minister
for Communications, Transport and
Tourism Taberannang Timeon to
discuss cooperation between the two
nations in support of streamlined travel
in the South Pacifc.
Air Pacifc Opens New Tabua Club Lounge
Fijis national carrier Air Pacifc has
offcially opened its new Tabua Club
Lounge at its home base at Nadi
International Airport, the countrys
international gateway.
Conveniently sited on the ground foor
of the Departure Hall of the airport, the
Tabua Club Lounge is located to the
left of Air Pacifcs premium business
lounge. It is for the exclusive use of
the airlines Tabua Club members and
those customers wishing to pay to use
lounge services in Nadi before their
international fights.
The new 75-seater lounge offers
customers an affordable and relaxing
way to unwind and refresh before
their fight. It provides a quiet, inviting
environment which will be especially
attractive to those fying during busier
departure times at Nadi. Our guests
can enjoy a delicious selection of
hot and cold savoury bites prepared
by some of the best local culinary
hotspots, and beverages which include
a great selection of alcoholic and non-
alcoholic drinks. With shower facilities
and high-speed internet access, the
Tabua Club Lounge is our Fijian Oasis,
catering to the discerning traveller who
enjoys the little extras.
Air Pacifcs privileged Tabua Club
members will have complementary
access to the Lounge when travelling on
the day on an Air Pacifc ticket. Other
guests wishing to use lounge services
can do so at F$75 per day, available for
purchase at check-in counters or at the
Lounge reception.
The new Tabua Club Lounge is
a demonstration of Air Pacifcs
continued commitment towards
enhancing the travel experiences of
its guests. It complements the existing
premium Business Class Lounge,
which is now dedicated exclusively to
our Business Class customers.
Tabua Club offers members Priority
Reservations, Business Class Check-
in, Business Class Upgrades, Excess
Baggage Allowance, Express Lanes
and Lounge access. Individual and
corporate membership options are
available. Please visit www.airpacifc.
com/Tabua-Club, email tabuaclub@ for details.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Fiji News
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Fijian Prime Minister Bainimarama Accorded Traditional Welcome In Vanuatu
Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe
Bainimarama thanked the Melanesian
Spearhead Group secretariat and the
Government of Vanuatu for according
him a solemn ceremony of welcome.
The Prime Minister who is the
Chairman of this powerful Melanesia
group arrived in Vanuatu leading a
high level delegation for a three day
visit that will including looking at
developments leading to the Special
MSG summit later this month in Suva.
"I wish to record my sincere
appreciation and gratitude over the
solemn ceremony of welcome accorded
to me and my team this morning, the
Prime Minister told guests, including
senior government offcials at the
traditional welcoming ceremony.
"This ceremony highlights one of the
cornerstones by which the MSG was
established, and that is the promotion of
our common interest in our Melanesian
heritage, its cultures, art, languages,
traditions and values.
Prime Minister Bainimarama who is
also the frst MSG Chairman to visit
the secretariat added that the ceremony
links Melanesians to our land, our
history and our lifestyle- a fact which
still baffes some who do not really
understand its importance to our
identity as Melanesians and as Pacifc
"On an equal footing, it is crucial that
we focus our collective actions on
how our cultures and traditions could
enhance our economic development. I
am pleased that this is one topic that
will be featured prominently in the
agenda of our MSG meetings.
Prime Minister Bainimarama also
acknowledged and encouraged the
hard work undertaken by the MSG
Secretary General Mr Peter Forau.
"I am sure that your efforts have not
gone unnoticed in the international
arena, as you strive to make our voices
heard in reputable international forums.
Please keep up the good work, the
Prime Minister said.
At Bauerfeld airport, the Fijian
government delegation was met
by the Vanuatu Government
representatives, MSG Secretariat staff
and the Fiji Honorary consul, Mr
Charles Valentine. He was accorded
a fag raising ceremony and a custom
ceremony in which the chiefs of
Ambrym performed.
PM Bainimarama also met Fijian Law
Students at the USP Vanuatu Campus
before being hosted to a dinner by the
MSG Secretariat Secretary General
Peter Forau.
Next week he will also pay a courtesy
call on His Excellency the President of
Vanuatu, Mr Johnson Abbil Kaniapnin
and Vanuatus Prime Minister, the
Honorable Sato Kilman
Fiji Joins International Community In
Celebrating World Wetlands Day
Wetlands (mangroves, rivers, lakes and
swamps) in Fiji contribute greatly to
the livelihoods of our communities and
also play a major role in Fijis tourism
industry, notably in ecotourism.
Minister for Local Government,
Urban Development, Housing Mr
Samuela Saumatua launched the World
Wetlands Day and wetland awareness
materials at Pacifc Harbour.
Wetland tourism has benefts both
locally and internationally for people
and wildlife benefts such as stronger
economies, sustainable livelihoods,
healthy people and thriving ecosystems.
At least 35 per cent of Ramsar Sites
around the world record some level of
tourism activity with this percentage
consistent throughout all regions,
Minister Saumatua said.
On February 2nd, 1971, in the Iranian
city of Ramsar on the shores of the
Caspian Sea, the Convention on
Wetlands or the Ramsar Convention
was adopted.
Fiji became a party to Wetland
Ramsar Convention in the year 2006
and nominated the Upper Navua
Conservation Area (UNCA) as the
offcially designated Ramsar Site.
It is the frst and only internationally
recognised Ramsar site located in Fiji.
The conservation area cuts a narrow
gorge through the province of Serua
in the central highlands of Viti Levu
- an area of 615Ha belonging to nine
mataqalis or clans on a 200m stretch of
the Upper 24 km Navua River.
Minister Saumatua highlighted that
while the protection of wetlands
around the country is at the advantage
of tourism stakeholders, these wetlands
provide both short and long term
benefts to people, wildlife, economy
and biodiversity.
Wetland alone encompasses majority
of the ecosystems which owes the
highest biological diversity, a unique
and complex community structure.
It has a high percentage of endemic
species due to the habitat isolation that
also epitomizes Pacifc Island region,
Minister Saumatua said.
The Minister told guests that eco-
tourism initiatives such as Rivers
Fiji which takes tourists to the Upper
Navua water rafting trips shows private
commitment to Fijis biodiversity.
Prime Minister Congratulates
Russian President On Win
Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama
sent a congratulatory note to the recently
elected President of the Russian Federation,
His Excellency Mr Vladimir Putin.
In his note to President Putin, the
Prime Minister highlighted the areas of
bilateral relations shared between both
countries including the recent visit to
Fiji by Russias Foreign Minister Mr
Sergei Lavrov.
I have great pleasure in expressing my
warmest congratulations to you on the
occasion of your successful election
to the high and esteemed offce of
President of the Russian Federation.
Our two countries have in the past few
years, increased bilateral cooperation
in areas of mutual beneft. We have also
cooperated in the international arena,
especially in the United Nations,
Prime Minister Bainimarama said.
Your Excellency, the recent visit of
Mr. Sergei Lavrov, Minister for Foreign
Affairs of the Russian Federation, to
Fiji last month is further testament of
the growing and deepening relations
between our countries. We are
confdent that your illustrious and frm
leadership of the Russian Federation
will bring about greater world peace
and the promotion of global values of
sovereign equality of states and mutual
respect and understanding of each
others position, especially the smaller
and vulnerable states like Fiji.
Your Excellency, with your successful
election to the highest offce in the
Russian Federation, the Government
and the people of the Republic of Fiji,
are committed to making Fijis relations
with your great country a mutually
benefcial one. We are also confdent
that, your determined and strong
leadership qualities will be benefcial
in the development of an Asia Pacifc
Region, where all countries will be
given equal opportunity to be heard,
the Prime Minister concluded.
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Samoan Government Demolishes
Symbol Of Nation's Independence
Hundreds walked through the Old
Samoan Parliament House - known
as 'Fale Fono' - to pay tribute to one
of Samoas last remaining evidence of
its fght for independence, which was
demolished under a directive from the
Samoan cabinet.
Tears fowed as more than a hundred
people sang the song of Samoan
independence from New Zealand rule,
to pay tribute to the parliamentarians
who used the Fale Fono.
The majority of those who walked to
touch and walk inside the Fale Fono
were elderly chiefs and chieftains
who opposed the destruction of the
historical building.
I am very saddened that the Government
is going through with this, said Le
Tagaloa Pita, opposition MP.
This building signifes the struggle
we went through as a nation, it is the
foundation of our independence, we
shed blood and tears in this building
to get where we are today, Le Tagaloa
Built in 1916 the Fale Fono was made
by hand by the traditional architects and
builders of Samoa, later New Zealand
donated furniture for the building, but
since the new Parliament House was
completed, the old Fale Fono remained
empty for many years.
This is a monument in itself, we don't
need to change it, and this is the 50th
year of our independence, it's not right
to pull it down at a time like this," said
Tutoatasi, whose name translates to
Among the crown was Fiti Lauiliu
whose ailing father wished to see the
building one last time.
Police offcers surrounded the building
during the prayer service.
Sir Michael Somare To Contest
2012 Election
Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare has
assured the people of East Sepik that
his health condition is good and he
plans to return to parliament.
He said he would be in the province
this week to talk to them.
Sir Michaels message was relayed
from Singapore to the local radio
station NBC Wewak last Friday. Sir
Michael is in Singapore for a medical
He said doctors had confrmed he was
in good health.
Yes, many people are saying I am
very sick.
Yes, this is true that I am very sick.
But thanks to God, he has helped my
doctors in Singapore bring my health
back to normal, Sir Michael said.
He said many people were accusing
the East Sepik provincial government
of misappropriating funds and other
related issues.
He said their accusation had no
meaning as they are getting angry for
nothing because they are jealous.
The current government has tried its
best to put me out of parliament as the
member for East Sepik because I have
been in parliament for more than 40
years now, Sir Michael said.
Since serving as member for East
Sepik and prime minister of PNG, I
have done nothing wrong.
He said the government should let the
people of his province know why they
were sending police and soldiers there.
They must explain to the people of
East Sepik where we went wrong and
what we did wrong.
Sir Michael said he was more concerned
because people in the province are
now living in fear due to the presence
of soldiers and police.
Charge Against PNG Chief Justice Thrown Out
A court in Papua New Guinea has
described a criminal charge laid against
the country's chief justice as an abuse of
process and has thrown it out of court.
Police controversially arrested chief
justice Sir Salamo Injia last week and
charged him with perverting the course
of justice.
They alleged he had interfered with
a court order relating to a late judge's
will and prevented entitlements being
paid to the judge's adopted son.
But the national court, judge George
Manuhu said the charge was an abuse
of process because Sir Salamo had no
criminal intent.
He said the chief justice was doing his
job by ensuring the payment was correct
and in any event the entitlements were
paid out in November.
Judge Manuhu placed a permanent
stay on the proceedings.
Sir Salamo was not in court to hear the
$900,000 Penalty For Tongan's Big
Kava Haul
A Tongan man has been fned nearly
$900,000 (US$948,482) by an
Australian court after being found
guilty of trying to illegally import four
tonnes of kava.
The seizure is the biggest of its kind,
with an estimated value of more than
$A2.5 million (US$2.6 million).
Australia's Customs and Border
Protection Service says the accused
man was sentenced after being found
guilty of having tried to import the
narcotic kava root in 2008.
Kava is easy and cheap to access in
most Pacifc nations, where, as a drink,
it often plays a major role in traditional
ceremonies and meetings.
But it has been barred from import into
In its statement, Customs said the man tried
to import the kava in a container, describing
the contents as frozen vegetables.
Solomon Islands Prime Minister
Gordon Darcy Lilo has reportedly axed
11 permanent secretaries.
A lot of those that received their
marching orders were appointed by
his predecessor, former Prime Minister
Danny Philip.
The reporter however managed to get
the names of only eight permanent
secretaries that were removed.
They are Tione Bugotu (ministry of
lands, housing and survey), Benjamin
New Year (ministry of mines and
rural electrifcation), Francis Oradani
(ministry of forestry), Alex Douglas
(ministry of mines special duties),
John Tuhaika (secretary to cabinet),
Henry Pika (ministry of justice and
legal affairs), Charles Viva (ministry
of education and human resources)
and Paul Tovua (Solomon Islands
permanent secretary in RAMSI).
The sacked secretaries were summoned
on Monday at the Prime Ministers
Offce by Prime Minister Lilo.
This latest move by Prime Minister
Lilo has been described by government
sources as Lilos ongoing process in
cleaning up the government.
He has made several changes within
his Cabinet in the past few weeks
and he is now weeding out unwanted
appointments, the source said.
Sources said the Prime Minister is trying
to get rid of unnecessary appointments
made by his predecessors especially in
some ministries where there are two
permanent secretaries.
Special Secretary to Prime Minister Dr
Philip Tagini confrmed to the media
that a process as such was underway
but he declined to elaborate further
regarding the matter.
Dr Tagini said names would be known
when all formal appointments are made.
It is understood more top government
offcials would be facing the axe in the
coming weeks as the Prime Minister
works to clean up and strengthen the
Solomon Islands PM Sacked 11
Permanent Secretaries
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times New Zealand News
Over-55S Own Most Of NZ's Wealth
New Zealanders aged 55 and over now
own more than half of the country's
total net wealth, largely thanks to the
house price boom in the past decade.
Roy Morgan's "state of the nation"
report says the 55-plus group has
increased its share of net wealth from
43 per cent in 2002 to 52 per cent last
year. Their share of the population also
rose in the same period, but only from
19.5 per cent to 24.7 per cent.
The value of their own homes
accounted for 56 per cent of their
wealth a decade ago, and 70 per cent
last year. But their incomes have
also been boosted by staying at work
longer. Almost half (48 per cent) of
the 55-plus group are now in the paid
workforce, up from 35 per cent in
2002, and they now account for almost
a quarter of the total workforce.
Roy Morgan chief executive Michele
Levine said the growing numbers of
older people should be seen as an asset
for the country, rather than a burden.
"Older people have acquired more
assets, they are more affuent, they
are healthier, and therefore continue
working for longer," she said.
A huge 85 per cent of them own their
own homes, compared with 67 per cent
of all New Zealanders aged 14 or over.
Ms Levine said those houses could be
used as security to grow businesses or
to help adult children start businesses
or buy their own houses.
"In Australia we are seeing the baby-
boomers leveraging their houses for
businesses or to help get their kids
get started in business," she said. "It
doesn't say, 'It's a house, you can't eat
a house.' You actually can use it if you
change your mind set."
She said it would also be wrong to
see older workers as taking jobs off
unemployed young people.
"Whenever there is high unemployment,
youth are the frst ones to be hit. They
have no experience. They are not
work-ready," she said. "People who are
well educated are less likely to strike
problems. Do we see them as a burden
on society? Of course not.
"People with experience are more
likely to get jobs. Do we see them as
a burden? Of course not. Older people
with experience who are skilled and
happy to work - we see them as a burden
on society taking young people's jobs. I
think we need to rethink that."
Five Young Kids, No Seatbelts
Tauranga police were shocked when
they came across a vanload of young
children travelling in car seats that
weren't buckled in - on the frst day of
a child seatbelt campaign.
The van, used by a kohanga reo, was
carrying fve young children when it
was stopped at a Project Kiddiclick
The van was stopped on February 29,
the frst day of the three-month, child-
restraint campaign.
The frst morning of the operation
also netted a four-wheel-drive vehicle
in which a pre-schooler was found
standing on the back seat. The parents
were forced to park the vehicle and
walk their child home, as they had no
child restraint.
Legally, children under the age of fve
must use a child restraint appropriate
for their age and size. That includes car
seats being secured to the vehicle by
a tether strap or bolt that connects the
seat to the vehicle.
Although the kohanga reo's car seats
were secured that way, they also
should have been buckled in by the
van's seatbelts threaded through each
seat, Plunket child restraint technician
Kerri Harnett said.
Ms Harnett said having children
unrestrained was simply not good
enough. "They should have known,
they are carrying other people's
children," she said.
"They should be bending over
backwards to make sure their vehicle
is safe to carry children."
Three young children were in the back
and another two were in car seats. The
eldest was school-aged.
She would not reveal the name of the
kohanga reo involved.
Te Kupenga Hauora is a health body
involved in Operation Kiddiclick.
Manager Theresa Wharekura said it
could be easy to miss things when
other people were involved in loading
a vehicle's car seats. "There are a lot
of instances where things aren't put in
right. There are a lot of things ... to trip
up on unless they are doing it all the
Tauranga's road safety co-ordinator
Lynette Hines said people not
restraining their children correctly
were one of the biggest issues she
"People think they have the seats in
"The majority of parents and drivers
try hard but about 75 per cent don't get
it right," she said.
Kindness Costs Woman Her Job
Giving customers produce at low
prices "out of the kindness of her heart"
has cost a woman $7743.
Susan Frost worked for Nelson family
business Cullen's Fruit and Veg, in
their Victory Fruit and Veg Shop,
from August 2010 until January 2011,
and told the Employment Relations
Authority (ERA) she loved working
She worked an average of 20 hours a
week but did not have set hours, instead
being told each day when she would
be needed for the following day. She
believed she was a part-time employee,
while the Cullen family believed she
was a casual.
Ms Frost told the authority she did not
receive any complaints or warnings
about her work for the frst fve months
but that on January 11 Brenton Cullen
"berated her for the standard of her
work and also made a comment that
led Ms Frost to believe that he was
accusing her of taking money from the
"Ms Frost states that later in that same
afternoon, Jeffrey (Brenton's brother)
told her that the shop had not been
doing so well and that they needed to
cut costs and so would call her if they
needed her in the future."
She was never called again and
treated January 11 as the day she was
dismissed, and claimed that it was
The Cullen family told the ERA they
believed Ms Frost had been charging
too little, or nothing, for produce, and
that had caused losses to the business,
which was why they had decided
against using her any more.
"They say that no decision had been
made on January 11 not to sue her
services anymore but that Mr Cullen
had formed that view the following
day after Ms Frost had allegedly been
yelling outside their shop, telling
customers she had been sacked and
urging them not to give the shop their
ERA member David Appleton found
Ms Frost was unjustifably dismissed
and awarded her three months' pay
totaling $3324. He also awarded her
$7000 for humiliation, loss of dignity
and injury to her feelings.
However, he reduced the award by
75 per cent for her contribution to the
situation, meaning she would receive
only $2581.
"Whilst she may have been giving
away produce belong to the respondent
to customers at a very low price out of
the kindness of her heart, she had no
right to do so, and her actions are likely
to have damaged the business of her
employer," Mr Appleton said.
Neither the Cullens nor Ms Frost could
be reached for comment.
Man Tried To Strangle Pet Goat After
Losing House Keys
A man who tried to strangle a pet goat
in a rage because he couldn't fnd his
house keys has been sentenced to
community detention.
Mathew Batt, 26, a Westport fsherman,
was sentenced to four months'
community detention, 200 hours
community work,
12 months supervision and disqualifed
from driving for 15 months after he
few into a rage in November 2010.
He pleaded guilty to breaching the
Medicines Act, three charges of
threatening speech, and charges of
animal cruelty, male assaults female
and driving while suspended.
Westport District Court was told that
Batt became angry at losing his house
keys and started smashing windows.
He was so loud and abusive that
neighbours called the police.
Batt then went to his mother's house
where he was "threatening and irrational".
In an enraged state he began strangling
the pet goat and smashed its head
against a wall.
Fortunately, he released the goat before
more harm was done.
Turning his attention to his sister, he
threw a glass at her, showering her in
glass, pushed her to the ground and
started punching her.
His grandmother sprayed him with
oven cleaner in an effort to subdue him.
He then began smashing and punching
objects around the property.
"Your behaviour is a disgrace, but
there's more to this than meets the
eye," said Judge Raoul Neave.
A previous head injury didn't account
for Batt's violence. Rather, it refected
an unstable upbringing, coupled with
substance abuse and personality traits.
Whether he deserved it or not, Batt
had been forgiven by his sister and
5.4 Earthquake Felt In Southland
A 5.4 magnitude earthquake has
been felt in Southland on Thursday
The quake struck at 8.07am, 130km
west of Te Anau, at a depth of 33km.
Geonet said the quake was felt in
Southland, with reports coming from
as far south as Invercargill and north as
far as Wanaka.
It was followed by a magnitude 4.4
tremor at 8.42am, 150km west of Te
Anau at a depth of 30km.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Australia News
Man Ordered To Sell House To
Pay Car Damages
A PERTH magistrate has urged a senior public servant who sprayed
paint stripper on 151 luxury cars to sell his house to pay nearly $400,000
in restitution.
Gilles Gaudet, 46, pleaded guilty in the
Perth Magistrates Court to 151 counts
of willfully and unlawfully damaging
motor vehicles.
The court heard he carried out the
offences between December 2010
and October 2011, using a syringe to
spray paint stripper onto vehicles in
driveways and carparks.
The cars were mainly luxury models
including BMWs, Mercedes-Benz,
Audis and Alfa Romeos.
Gaudet was team leader for policy and
legislation with Western Australia's
Department of Corrective Services
and the court heard he may lose his job
because of his offending.
His lawyer, Seamus Rafferty, said his
client was extremely remorseful for
his actions, which were triggered by a
combination of mental health problems
including obsessive compulsive,
depressive, anxiety and personality
He said Gaudet had not targeted luxury
cars due to any feeling of resentment
towards their wealthy owners, as
suggested by police.
"It was not a situation of someone
having an axe to grind in terms of
Mr Rafferty said Gaudet had targeted
such cars because of their neatness and
He said his client had acted on a
completely irrational notion that
damaging the cars would take them off
the road and therefore reduce the risk
that his father would be killed in a car
He said Gaudet was otherwise of
exemplary character.
The court was told damage to the
vehicles totaled just under $399,000.
Mr Rafferty said his client was continuing
psychiatric treatment, was willing to
pay restitution and should not face the
prospect of jail for his offending.
The police prosecutor said the state
would not demand a prison sentence but
a suspended sentence and restitution
were sought.
When questioned by magistrate
Richard Bayley about Gaudet's ability
to pay full restitution, Mr Rafferty said
his client had a $450,000 house on
which he owed $50,000.
The magistrate adjourned sentencing
until May 11 for a pre-sentence report
and to give Gaudet time to take steps to
come up with the restitution money by
arranging to sell his house.
Property Prices Battered
Top 10 worst hit areas revealed
HOME prices have been slashed almost
in half in some parts of Australia, with
vendors forced into heavy discounting
as properties languish for months in a
skittish market.
Luxury suburbs, coastal strips and
food regions have been hardest hit as
median values plummeted by up to 46
per cent in 2011, according to RP Data
Even Australias most expensive
suburb Point Piper has fallen victim
to the squeeze, with the median price
of units sliding 37 per cent to $1.17
Vendors were also forced to cut
prices by almost a quarter in premium
postcodes including Surfers Paradise on
the Gold Coast and Western Australias
millionaires row Peppermint Grove.
Top 10 worst hit areas
RP Data senior research analyst
Cameron Kusher said buyers were still
smarting from the 2008 global fnancial
crisis, with share market hits and other
personal fnancial losses weighing
heavily on wealthy Australians and
Since the GFC people arent moving
around as much to those once popular
sea change and tree change areas,
Mr Kusher said. Theyve lost a lot of
money and are rebuilding their wealth.
The areas with the top 10 price falls of
the year feature four tree and sea change
spots including Mittagong in the New
South Wales Southern Highlands and
Golden Beach in Queensland.
But it is homeowners in food-affected
North Booval a suburb of Ipswich
near Brisbane who have suffered
the countrys worst falls, with houses
dropping by 46.3 per cent to $154,000.
Mr Kusher conceded some homes in
Ipswichs food-hit areas were unsaleable
but said buyers had short memories
when it came to natural disasters.
If you cut the price enough, any
property will sell and if it doesnt food
for another fve years buying activity
will return to those areas, he said.
While prices dipped in the towns
affected by the Victoria bushfres and
Cyclone Larry in North Queensland,
sales volume and prices picked up
within 12 months, he said.
Mr Kusher said property prices had
also been reined-in by slower interstate
migration, particularly in Queensland,
NSW and Victoria.
However, Australian Property Monitors
senior economist Dr Andrew Wilson
said in the capital cities the property
gloom was lifting.
Dr Wilson pointed to higher auction
clearance rates, and an improvement in
fnance commitments, particularly in
Queensland, NSW and WA.
Perth and Brisbane remain on track
for a recovery in median house prices
this year with healthy increases in
buyer activity from the low levels of
2011, he said.
Sydney and Canberra should provide
the usual solid results over the year
refecting the chronic underlying
shortage of accommodation in those
He believes buyers may remain
cautious in Melbourne with the local
economy set to struggle in 2012 - while
sales are expected to lift in Adelaide.
Although somewhat volatile,
Darwin should also fnish 2012 with
encouraging housing market results,
Dr Wilson says.
Resources would continue to help
some regions particularly in central
The Gold Coast may also surprise
while Newcastle and Orange in New
South Wales and the Macedon Ranges
region of Victoria should continue to
attract signifcant buyer interest.
Top 10 median price drops in
percentage terms for 2011
1. North Booval (QLD) -46.3%
(houses) to $154,000
2. Mittaggong (NSW) -45.1% (units)
to $225,000
3. Joliment (WA) -44.4% (units) to
4. Carey Bay (NSW) -42.6% (houses)
to $266,001
5. St Kilda West (VIC) -41.8% (houses)
to $1,455,000
6. Port Augusta (SA) -41.5% (units) to
7. Golden Beach (QLD) -40.9%
(houses) to $85,750
8. Rainbow Beach (QLD) -40.8%
(units) to $219,750
9. Acacia Ridge (QLD) -40.8% (units)
to $298,500
10. Eagle Farm (QLD) -40.4% (units)
to $786,500
Right To Refund For Faulty Goods
CUSTOMERS returning faulty products are often told they cannot receive
a refund but can obtain a credit note.
Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission's Queensland general
manager, Alan Ducret, says this is not
the case, and customers are entitled to
a refund.
"We are concerned over the years that
a lot of retailers say 'oh no, we don't
refund but we'll give you a credit'," he
"But if the product's faulty the
consumer is entitled to a refund."
Mr Ducret says depending on whether
the problem with the item or service
is major or minor, they are within
their rights to take it back. "If you buy
a product and there is a fault with it,
then you do have rights. If it's a major
issue they're entitled to a refund, if it's
just a very minor thing that might be
"There are several reasons we have
taken some traders to court for having
a 'no refunds' sign. You can't say that."
Australian Retailers Association
executive director Russell Zimmerman
says when it comes to getting a refund,
replacement or a repair done, it often
depends on several factors.
"It really depends on the severity of
the fault, the age of the product and
retailers need to understand their law,"
he says.
Mr Zimmerman says if you simply
change your mind, you will struggle to
get your money back.
"At that point the retailer has the
discretion to decide what their policy
might be."
Back Rubs For Prison Inmates
PRISON inmates are being offered
reiki massages, classes in Buddhist
meditation and Siddha yoga to help
their physical and spiritual healing.
Female prisoners at Dame Phyllis Frost
Centre are offered weekly sessions of
reiki to improve their "wellness and
healing", papers obtained by the Herald
Sun under Freedom of Information
laws reveal.
Ararat and Langi Kal Kal offer yoga
classes from the Siddha Yoga Foundation
to teach prisoners how to develop "self-
respect and quiet the mind".
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15 Times World News
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Airline Tells Woman: 'You're Greek? Prove It'
Aer Lingus had to apologise for making a Greek woman living in Ireland take a language test to prove her nationality before denying her boarding onto the plane.
An Irish airline has apologised for
forcing a Greek woman living in
Ireland to complete a language test
in her native tongue to demonstrate
that her passport and nationality were
Aer Lingus announced in response to
the media questions it would suspend
the year-old language tests employed
at its check-in desks in Spain and
in Portugal to try to identify people
traveling on fake passports with
immediate effect.
Until late Tuesday, those travelling on
Greek passports but unable to show
fuency in Greek could be refused
permission to board.
The bizarre episode underscored how,
despite longtime European Union
agreements to ease the movement of
travelers throughout the 27-nation bloc,
individual nations and companies reserve
the right to erect awkward borders in
hopes of deterring illegal immigration.
The policy became public after a
telecommunications executive in
Ireland, Greek-born Chryssa Dislis,
complained of degrading treatment
when checking in for a Jan. 6 fight
from Barcelona, Spain, to her home
city of Cork in southwest Ireland.
"The situation was completely insane,"
she said in a phone interview.
"How, in an age of biometric passports,
can an airline stop me from fying
unless I speak Greek to them?"
Her husband, traveling on a British
passport, and 10-year-old daughter,
travelling on an Irish one, were cleared
for takeoff. The trio had just completed
a six-day vacation in Barcelona.
But Dislis was told she must fll out two
tests, one in English and the other in
Greek, to demonstrate her connections
to both countries. When she refused,
decrying it as both illogical and illegal,
the Spanish company that handles Aer
Lingus fights in Barcelona, Newco
Airport Services, pulled the entire
family's suitcases off the plane.
Both tests asked her, in each language,
to read passages aloud; to present all
the cash in her possession; to sketch
a ladder and a triangle; to identify the
words for "12" and "65" correctly; and
to describe their travel destination.
The Greek version specifcally asked
where she was going "in England," not
Dislis, 48, said she had been fying
around Europe about 10 times a year
in recent times, and never experienced
such a restriction on her right to travel.
She went public with her complaints
this week after receiving a letter of
partial apology from Aer Lingus. It gave
her a 200 (NZ$318) discount card for
future Aer Lingus travel but indicated
that the airline would continue the
language quizzes. She also has fled
a complaint against Aer Lingus with
Ireland's Equality Authority, which
could choose to prosecute the airline
for discrimination.
Aer Lingus spokeswoman Gillian
Culhane said the airline was sorry for
the upset that Dislis and her family
had suffered. She said the airline had
suspended use of the tests effective
Culhane said Aer Lingus received the
tests from the United Kingdom Border
Agency in early 2011 as part of a
British warning that illegal immigrants
were increasingly using fake Greek
passports, particularly through Spain
and Portugal, to gain entry to Britain
and Ireland.
The British and Irish maintain border
controls with the rest of Europe but do
not require passports to travel between
their own two countries.
Dubai Court Jails Maid, Pak
Worker For Having Consensual Sex
A Dubai court has sentenced a Pakistani worker and a housemaid
to two months for having consensual sex.
The Dubai Misdemeanour Court
convicted them after they admitted
that they were in love after meeting on
Prosecutors charged the Pakistani
worker, I.A.,23, and Filipina maid,
N.S.,27 of having sex out of wedlock
at the villa of the housemaid's sponsor.
"We chatted for two weeks on Facebook
and fell in love. She provided me with
her contact number she helped me
sneak into her sponsor's villa , where
we had sex," the Gulf News quoted
I.A., as saying.
Court records said the lovers were exposed
by the sponsor's cook, who spotted I.A.
sneaking out of N.S.' bedroom.
According to prosecution records, the
cook fought with I.A. to stop him but
the latter pushed the cook to the ground
and escaped by scaling the villa's wall.
Police records said the cook informed
his Emirati sponsor about the incident
and handed him I.A.'s passport.
Scottish Serial Bride Prepares For
Fifth Wedding Aged 29
A SCOTTISH serial bride who married four times before her 24th
birthday is planning to tie the knot for the ffth time - at just 29.
Alison Smith's frst husband ran off
with her mum after just 10 days, her
second was a last-minute stand-in for a
fanc who jilted her and the third was
an alleged bigamist, the Scottish Daily
Record reported.
The mother-of-two, from Arbroath in
northeastern Scotland, was dumped
by her fourth husband, Alex Shepherd,
when he caught her cheating with her
current partner Matthew Hume, who
she plans to wed.
Shephard, who was married to Smith
for almost four years, said, "I was
aware of her previous husbands - I
knew most of them - but thought she'd
changed. Obviously she hasn't."
Shephard, 31, will appear in court
later this month for allegedly
assaulting his estranged wife's new
Hume said, "She just wants to put all
that stuff behind her and be left in
peace by everyone."
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times World News
Career-Driven Muslim Women
'Share Husbands' Due To Lack Of
Suitable Men
Lack of suitable men is driving Muslim career-oriented women into polygamous
relationships, the Islamic Sharia Council has revealed.
According to the Council, some of
them don't even have any qualms in
becoming second or third wives to
married men.
The charity, based in Britain, gives
legal guidance to Muslims and has said
it is receiving a high number of queries
from women struggling to fnd suitable
Many of the women have also said
they would prefer to hold down high-
profle jobs rather than look after their
Taking more than one wife is illegal in
the UK but men marry again in a 'nikah'
ceremony, allowing them to take up to
four wives.
Mizan Raja, 35, who organises Muslim
marriages around the world, said that
he has had hundreds of calls in the past
six months from women asking about
becoming second wives.
"The demand for these relationships
is led by the women, not the men.
In one generation women have
become educated, entrepreneurial and
professional," the media quoted Raja
as saying.
"The Muslim community is struggling
with this, how do you cope with women
who wear trousers?
He revealed that many Muslim men
just wanted a 'homemaker' and to come
home to a clean house and a plate of
food on the table.
He added the men didn't want the
'headache' of being in a relationship
with a professional woman.
It is thought the Muslim women are
also actively seeking out married men
because they do not want the hassle of
having to cook for their husbands after
a hard day at work and are quite happy
to get into part-time relationships.
One woman who spoke to the reporter,
and asked not to be named, had an affair
with a married man after divorcing her
frst husband.
When he offered to leave his wife she
preferred to become his second wife
because she did not want him 'under
her shoes 24/7'.
It is thought about 12,000 brides are
brought to the UK by Muslim men.
The decline in available husbands
has become such a problem it is now
referred to as the 'Muslim spinster
Welsh Teacher Accused Of Tying
Up Autistic Boy's Hands In Class
A WELSH teacher is being probed for allegedly tying a six-year-old
boy's hands behind his back as a punishment in class.
Scott Lee was said to have been made
to sit on the foor with his hands bound
for fve minutes as he pleaded to be
Autistic Scott's angry parents Michael
and Samantha want the middle-aged
female teacher sacked and prosecuted
over the "barbaric" punishment - which
left him suffering nightmares.
It allegedly came after Scott - the
youngest in his class - retaliated when
another boy hit him at Meads Infant
School in Milford Haven, Western
A girl said Scott hit her too, which
he denies. The teacher is then said to
have looped her school ID card lanyard
around his hands.
Dad-of-two Michael Lee, 43, said,
"I believe the teacher is a threat to
children. Scott can be a little unruly,
but he's never aggressive or in need of
being restrained. He didn't deserve this
- no kid does."
Dyfed-Powys Police said, "We are
investigating". Pembrokeshire County
Council said it could not comment as a
probe was "ongoing".
China Posts First Trade Defcit In 22 Years
China has posted its frst trade defcit
since 1989, offcial fgures show, as
global economic jitters hit the world's
second-largest economy.
The defcit totaled $31.48 billion in
China is normally a net exporter of
goods - it recorded a surplus of $27.28
billion in January - but total monthly
imports rose 39.6 per cent year-on-year
to $145.96 billion, with exports rising
18.4 per cent to $114.47 billion in the
Exports from China to the West
are suffering from the effects of
the eurozone debt crisis and weak
economic recovery in the United
The defcit was the largest for at least
12 years, according to Dow Jones
Newswires records, and far in excess
of the median forecast of $8.5 billion
among the 15 economists it had
Analysts had expected a defcit, as
imports recovered from temporary
disruption after the unusually early
Chinese New Year holiday period in
January, but they had predicted a larger
rise in exports and a smaller increase
in imports.
China's trade fgures are politically
sensitive; Beijing and Washington are
embroiled in a long-running dispute
about the value of the yuan, which US
politicians say is kept artifcially low to
unfairly help Chinese exporters.
The fgures came after statistics last
Friday showed China's infation rate
slowed sharply in February and factory
output growth also slipped, which
could potentially give authorities more
room to ease monetary policy.
"Overall, economic conditions are
getting weaker at a fast pace," Nomura
economist Zhiwei Zhang said.
"The slowdown is happening faster
than the government expected."
The trade fgures showed that China's
crude oil imports reached a record
monthly high at 23.64 million tonnes,
Furious Chinese Father Bites Off
Son's Penis Before Spitting It Out
An enraged Chinese man bit off his six-year-old son's penis and spat it out.
Horrifed witnesses in Shenzhen, in
the Guangdong province of China,
said that the 32-year-old father was
walking with his naked son and four-
year-old daughter on the street when he
commanded the boy to lick his penis.
When the boy refused to comply with
his order, he attacked him using his
teeth to remove his son's genitals, the
media reported.
The doctors were able to successfully
reattach the boy's genitalia; however
doctors aren't sure if he will be able to
normally use the appendage in the long
Police said the father might most likely
be suffering from mental illness as he was
recently seen pretending to strangle his son
on their balcony, according to witnesses.
Investigators also found that the man,
who was only identifed by the surname
Yu, was severely in debt after a failed
business venture and was often seen
Relatives will now take care for the
six-year-old boy and his sister.
equivalent to 5.98 million barrels a day.
Copper and iron-ore imports reached
their second-highest monthly volumes
on record in February.
But analysts say that China is still
likely to run a trade surplus for 2012.
The country often records monthly
trade defcits early in the year, as
manufacturers stock up on imported
supplies that will later be processed
into goods for export.
China's biggest trading partner
remained the European Union, with
$79.8 billion in two-way trade in
January and February, up 4.7 per cent.
Next was the US at $66.05 billion, up
9.2 per cent.
Man Left To Rot On Table In UK Hospital Because He Was 'Too Big' For Morgue Fridge
AN investigation was underway after a dead man's body was left to rot on a table in a British hospital morgue for almost a week.
David Gardner, 59, died on March 1
after he was admitted to Gloucestershire
Royal Hospital, 113 miles (182km)
west of London, suffering from a
diseased kidney and liver, as reported.
Gardner's family says his body was too
large to ft into a mortuary fridge and
was instead left on a table, where it
"Our undertaker had to deal with it
and said it was absolutely terrible,"
Gardner's wife, Elsie, said. "It's his
funeral on Tuesday and ... his body is
so badly decomposed we can't even see
him. I haven't been able to say goodbye."
The news website -- citing the former
postman's distraught spouse -- reported
that the body had been left on the table
for eight days, but other media outlets
reported it was six days.
Hospital offcials said they were in
contact with the family and had launched
an investigation into the incident.
"Gloucestershire Hospitals works hard
to protect the dignity of patients and
to maintain an awareness of the needs
of family and friends following the
loss of a loved one," a Gloucestershire
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
spokeswoman said. "We are working
to investigate what happened on this
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times World News
Teen Dies In Bedroom Despite
Father's Rescue Attempts
THE father of a teenager killed in a house fre held his son's hand
through a window before being forced back by fames.
Police are investigating the fre, which
broke out at the home in Hume Ave,
Melton South, just before 2am.
Neighbour Wayne Cooke said the boy
was trapped in his bedroom and unable
to escape the raging inferno.
"He said 'My son's in the house I can't
get him out. Someone has burnt the
house'," Mr Cooke said.
Mr Cooke said he desperately tried to
help, but was helpless against the fast
burning blaze.
"I ran round front and tried to yell out
to his boy but the house was all up in
fames," he said.
Mr Cooke said the boy's father fought
bravely to save him.
"He said he grabbed his son's hand but
he couldn't drag him out," he said.
"He had to let his hand go because the
fre got too intense."
The teenager lived at home with his
58-year-old dad and 13-year-old
brother, who both survived.
Police have urged the youth's friends
and family to remain calm as tension
boiled over outside the victim's home.
Homicide squad Det Sen-Sgt Shane
O'Connell said police were treating the
fre as suspicious and would deal with
those responsible if the fre was found
to have been deliberately lit.
"Our message is ... to remain calm
and allow Victoria Police detectives to
do their work and resolve this matter
successfully," he said.
Local detectives are investigating the
circumstances surrounding the fre with
the help of the Arson and Explosives
Spanish World First In Fetal Surgery
SPANISH doctors say they have carried out the world's frst successful
operation on a fetus to unclog a blocked bronchial tube.
Doctors from two Barcelona hospitals
- Clinic and Joan de Deu - introduced
an endoscopy through the mouth of the
fetus to clear the right bronchi, the air
tube leading from the trachea to the
lungs, and reconnect it with the central
"It is the frst time in the world that this
has been achieved. It is the frst time
that it has been tried and it turned out
well," said the head of the maternal-
fetal medicine department at Hospital
Clinic, Eduard Gratacos.
"It is an extremely delicate operation
since it is carried out near the heart on
tissues as thin as cigarette paper. But
without this fetal therapy, the baby
would not have survived."
The fetus was suffering from a
bronchial atresia, a relatively common
condition which affects one fetus in
The operation, carried out in 2010 by
staff from Barcelona's Clinic and Sant
Joan de Deu hospitals, lasted just 30
minutes but was very delicate as it
was carried out on a 26-week-old fetus
weighing just 800 grams.
"In such cases, you have to operate
quickly, like a bank robbery," said Mr
Eleven weeks after the pioneering
surgery was carried out baby Alaitz
- which means "joy" in the Basque
language - was born weighing 2.5
"She is completely normal. She
wakes up happy, she laughs if she is
pleased, she cries if she is hungry,"
the baby's 33-year-old mother, Monica
Corominas, said at the Hospital Clinic
as Alaitz, who is now 16-months-old,
played nearby under the watch of her
father Marco.
"It was the only option. We either tried
it or put an end to the pregnancy."
Woman Has 17Kg Tumor Removed
From Stomach
50-YEAR-old Indian woman lost nearly a third of her body weight after
having 17kg tumor removed from her stomach.
Mumbai resident Khairunissa Choudhari
said the size of the tumor - which
weighed the same as an average-sized
four-year-old boy - had made it hard
for her to move recently, leading her to
fnally have it removed, as reported.
"I started getting this knot about a year
ago. Everybody said the treatment will
be expensive so I never thought of
getting it removed," she said.
Ashok Anand, professor of gynecology
at J. J. Hospital, said that the giant
tumor was benign.
"When the patient came in, she
weighed 60kg, now she weighs 41kg,"
Prof Anand said.
Kingfsher Airlines To Restrict
Overseas Operations
Kingfsher Airlines will restrict its
overseas operations as the debt-
crippled carrier looks to slash costs as
its funding dries up and losses mount.
Kingfsher, which has cut its operations
as pilots walk out and authorities freeze
its bank accounts, said in a statement it
is searching for urgent working capital.
Foreign investors have shown an
interest in the carrier, it said.
"We would like to confrm that we are
restricting our wide body overseas
operations that are bleeding heavily,"
the airline said on Wednesday, adding
that it had already returned one Airbus
A330-200 to its UK lessor as a result.
Kingfsher, which has never turned a
proft, has become a byword for India's
struggling airline industry beset by
high jet fuel costs, stiff competition
and low fares.
The government is expected to soon
allow foreign carriers to buy a stake
in Indian airlines to help the industry
mired in around $20 billion worth of
"The government's fnal verdict on
removing the restriction on investment
by a foreign airline within the existing
FDI limit of 49 per cent is awaited. We
can confrm that there is interest from
prospectives on this basis," Kingfsher
Kingfsher, controlled by famboyant
liquor baron Vijay Mallya, was
suspended from the International
Air Transport Association's account
settlement system last week due to
non-payment of fees.
The airline said on Wednesday that the
suspension was due to tax authorities'
freeze on its bank accounts.
"We continue to work with the tax
authorities to arrive at a solution to
de-freeze our accounts as early as
possible... We are also working with
our bankers to realise the urgent interim
working capital," Kingfsher said.
Australian Airport Full Body Scans
'Respect Privacy'
Body scanners planned to boost security at Australia's international
airports won't be as revealing as some people might fear.
Transport Minister Anthony Albanese
says the modesty problem has been
overcome and the scanners will respect
people's privacy, unlike those at US
"Every male outline looks like every
other male; every female outline looks
like every other female," Mr Albanese
said in Canberra.
"These are just generic outlines that
overcome people's concerns about
The screening technology was the most
advanced in the world and would show
metallic and non-metallic items under
a person's clothing, he said.
Mr Albanese said the images could not
be copied or stored.
Concerns about radiation from the
machines were also allayed, because
levels were thousands of times less
than the amount received in a single
mobile phone call.
"You can get more radiation sitting on
a plane than you will go through one of
these body scanners," he said.
Federal MPs in Canberra can test a
scanner during this week and next.
The Government introduced legislation
in February to make body scans part
of the screening process for departing
international passengers, following
a successful trial at Sydney and
Melbourne airports.
If the legislation clears parliament,
the Commonwealth will contribute
$7 million as part of a $28 million
package for new screening measures at
Australia's eight international airports:
Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Darwin,
Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth and
US 'Botched Buttock' Accused Faces
New Charges
A Florida woman accused by authorities
of illegally injecting toxic substances
such as fat-tire sealant and glue into
women's buttocks as an enhancement
procedure is facing new charges.
Sheriff's deputies say 32-year-old
Oneal Ron Morris faces unlicensed
practice of medicine and related
charges after three new victims were
identifed. Morris, who police say was
born a man but identifes as a woman,
was arrested in November on similar
charges in Miami-Dade County.
The victims told authorities that
Morris wore a nurse's uniform, gloves
and an ID tag during the procedures.
Authorities said Morris also injected
victims with caulk and cement.
All three victims suffered medical
complications and infections.
Morris is free on $8,500 bail after
turning herself in Monday local time.
Her attorney said his client maintains
her innocence.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Canada News
Premier Clark Delivers Six-Month BC Jobs Plan Update
Premier Christy Clark released
Tuesday the six-month progress report
for 'Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs
Plan', which clearly outlines the steps
taken by our government to promote
economic investment and job growth
in British Columbia.
"Six months ago we put in place a plan
to focus on job creation, protection and
promotion. And today I am pleased
to report on the accomplishments
we have delivered," said Premier
Christy Clark. "We clearly set out our
objectives to British Columbians in our
'Canada Starts Here' jobs plan and our
government has worked hard to not just
talk the talk. Today's report measures
our performance and identifes the work
we still need to do. I am proud of the
progress we have made, our continued
economic growth and the number
of new jobs added to our economy.
Our government remains focused on
the priorities of B.C. families: jobs,
economic growth and opportunity."
'Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs
Plan' builds on our government's
solid foundation of prudent fscal
management to attract investment and
open new markets for B.C. products
and services, and to create jobs for
British Columbians. As part of the
plan, B.C. is making smart investments
in infrastructure and is working hard
to ensure British Columbians have the
right skills for tomorrow. According
to the latest data, we are seeing real
results from our focused efforts. British
Columbia has added 39,900 net new
jobs to the economy.
This report to British Columbians
measures our results, identifes what we
have accomplished and where we still
have work to do. This update on also
serves to keep our government focused
on British Columbian's number-one
priority: to grow and protect jobs.
Specifc achievements made during the
last six months include:
In less than six months, four mines
have begun construction, received key
approvals or permits or had operations
extended. The backlog of notice of
work applications for mines has also
been reduced by almost two-thirds.
Our government is committed to
eight new mines and the expansion of
another nine mines currently operating
in British Columbia by 2015.
The National Energy Board has
approved a 20-year export licence for
the Kitimat liquefed natural gas (LNG)
facility - the frst of its kind in Canada.
This is a big step toward the jobs plan's
goal to bring at least one LNG pipeline
and terminal online by 2015, and
another three in operation by 2020.
$50 million has been committed toward
terminal, road and rail improvements at
the Delta port container facility. Another
$15 million was invested to support
road and rail utility infrastructure
expansion at the Port of Prince Rupert.
Our government also committed $5
million to improve border infrastructure
and information systems.
We established the Major Investments
Offce, dedicated to working with
investors proposing large projects with the
potential to create large numbers of jobs.
Regional Work Force Table forums
have been held in various locations
throughout the province, as well as
Regional Economic Investment Pilots
in Campbell River, Barriere-McBride
and the North Fraser region.
The Immigration Task Force has
been established and has toured the
province, seeking advice and input
from communities and employers about
their ongoing support for immigration
and the role immigrants will play in
flling the forecasted one million jobs
openings over the next decade.
The BC Jobs and Investment Board has
been put in place, providing objective
analysis and recommendations on the
jobs plan's progress.
Ensuring British Columbians are
trained for the jobs of tomorrow is a key
piece of the BC Jobs Plan. Over $500
million is being invested annually for
labour market and training programs,
targeted to meeting regional and
industry labour market needs. A trades
training conference was also held on
Dec. 5, 2011, attracting more than 160
leaders from training and education,
business, labour, government and trade
As part of opening new markets with
Asia Pacifc, the Province embarked
on the BC Jobs and Trade Mission to
China and India in November. The trade
mission established 60 business deals
and partnership agreements across
six sectors, including transportation,
seafood, LNG, mining, post-secondary
education and forestry.
Now that much work has been done
to re-orient government toward
jobs creation, the next six months
will concentrate on sector strategies
for forestry, mining, agrifoods,
transportation, international education
and technology.
"The jobs plan has three key pillars
-opening markets, particularly with
the Asia Pacifc, strengthening our
infrastructure to get goods to market,
and working with employers and
communities to encourage job creation,
said Minister of Jobs, Tourism and
Innovation Pat Bell. "I'm encouraged to
see that in the frst six months' progress
is being made on all these fronts, and
am eager to see the results of the next
six months."
Vancouver Hospitals Postpone Heart
Surgeries Due To Drug Shortage
Two major Vancouver hospitals cancelled
elective heart surgeries this week following
a miscommunication about a countrywide
drug shortage.
Vancouver General and St. Paul's Hospitals
postponed the nine scheduled cardiac
surgeries Tuesday over fears they could
run out of the critical medication protamine
and not have enough for emergency cases.
Protamine is the only drug anesthesiologists
have to reverse the effects of a blood thinner
given during heart bypass surgery.
A spokesman says it turned out the
cancellations weren't necessary, but had
occurred because of a miscommunication
about how much protamine was actually
on hand.
Gavin Wilson of Vancouver Coastal
Health says cardiac surgeries have now
resumed and those put on hold are being
Wilson says the hospitals have about fve
weeks' supply of protamine and supplier
Sandoz has said it will be increasing
shipments of the drug in the coming weeks.
Sandoz Canada, the primary supplier
of protamine, has cut production of
commonly used anesthetics, painkillers,
antibiotics and cancer drugs while it
upgrades manufacturing standards at
its Boucherville, Que., plant to meet
concerns raised by the U.S. Food and Drug
The plant, which makes 90 per cent of
the injectable drugs used in Canada, also
experienced a fre during the upgrade
process and is now in the process of
cleaning up, the company said.
The disruption in production has led to fears
that patients will suffer because hospitals
will be increasingly unable to access drugs
critical for surgery and treatment regimens.
VPD Deputy Chief Crashes Car While
Making Cell Call
Says he takes full responsibility
A Deputy Chief with the Vancouver
Police Department has been ticketed
for getting into a crash while he was
dialing a call on his cell phone.
Supt. Warren Lemcke smashed into the
car ahead of him, damaging the front
end of his police car.
It happened back in January on
Highway 99 near the 32nd Ave. exit.
No one was hurt, and Lemcke says he
takes full responsibility for the crash.
There are legal exemptions for police,
fre and ambulance personnel who
may need to make calls while on duty.
VPD policy says calls should be "of
a priority and duty related, and only
made if other reasonable alternatives
are not available."
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
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Times BC News
Your Adventure Awaits In BC Parks
Starting on March 15 for the frst time
ever people will be able to book up to
three reservations at one time for their
favourite BC Parks campground.
If you've been dreaming about your
summer vacation, dream no more. BC
Parks has it all - campgrounds, hiking
trails, beaches, swimming, fshing,
rock climbing, wilderness - you name
it, it's time to discover BC Parks - it's
easy to do with the Discover Camping
reservations system.
New this year is the ability to make up
to three reservations in one transaction -
reservation fees apply for each booking.
Reservations for all frontcountry
provincial campgrounds begin at 7
a.m. on Thursday, March 15.
Reservations for group sites are
available up to 12 months in advance.
Reservations for the Bowron Lake
canoe circuit opened in January to
accommodate international visitors'
travel plans.
Also new this year is the addition of the
Ralph River campground to Discover
Camping reservations. Ralph River
is in Strathcona Provincial Park on
Vancouver Island.
Don't forget that parking fees were
eliminated from B.C.'s provincial parks
on May 3, 2011, making parks more
accessible and inviting to families.
Discover Camping allows you to view
the availability and amenities at more
than 125 reservable campgrounds in 78
provincial parks across B.C. Whether
you're hiking, camping under the stars
with nothing between you and the great
outdoors but a tent or hauling an RV, the
reservation service offers information
about sites, maps and amenities so you
can customize your camping vacation.
B.C.'s provincial parks are popular. As
reported last fall, camping reservations
in provincial parks were up eight per
cent over 2010, and up an impressive
48 per cent for the last week of August.
Book your favourite spot through the
interactive online reservation system at The system
also offers mobile web services so
Smartphone users can easily make and
change plans from the open road. For a
surcharge of $5, reservations can also
be made through the call centre at 1
800 689-9025 or from overseas at 0+1
519 826-6850.
BC Mulls Flying Welfare Recipients
North To Jobs
The B.C. government is foating
a proposal to fy people on social
assistance North and give them
accommodation and training to fll
vacant jobs in the booming oil and gas
Finance Minister Kevin Falcon frst
suggested the plan at a business
meeting in Kamloops on Tuesday.
On Wednesday Kamloops Liberal MLA
Terry Lake told the media the plan is in
its infancy, meaning in political terms,
it's a trial balloon.
"It is a unique idea that will take
some development. But I think a lot
of people, it will resonate with them
because it just makes sense," said Lake.
"Why not offer people who are able to
work the ability to get some training,
the ability to provide funding to get
them into communities where they
desperately need young people to work
in those industries."
"Why not solve two problems at once:
the labour demand and the need for a
Politically sensitive proposal
The idea of fying the unemployed
North for work is a sensitive political
That's what Liberal MLA John Les
discovered last year when he faced
backlash for suggesting those out of
work in Nanaimo move North for
Lake says there is no timeline for
when the government might unveil a
so called welfare-to-airplane-to work
program, but he promises the public
will be consulted.
"What do British Columbians think
about that idea, is it something that's
got traction? If it does, let's develop the
Immigrants Out Of Big Cities Due To
Affordability: Study
Immigrants may be contributing to
a growing population in places like
Kelowna and Victoria because of the
affordable housing problem in Vancouver.
A UBC-lead study has found many of
those immigrants spent 75 per cent or
more of their income on housing.
"[They are] following the job market
but also I think housing dynamics play
a role in that as well," explains lead
author Dan Hiebert.
He says the quality of housing for
immigrants in Vancouver, Toronto and
Montreal are poor; many have reported
bugs, mould, broken plumbing and
"Most newcomers are coming to places
where they already know people. Large
ethno-cultural communities in our big
cities serve as magnets of attraction,"
says Hiebert, who feels people tend to
start out in larger centres.
"But we are seeing a little bit of a shift
away from that in recent years, going
more towards mid-sized cities," he
notes, adding people are attracted to
big cities in the hopes of fnding a well-
paying job.
Researchers found many immigrants spend 75 per cent of income
on housing
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Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
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Try This Practice Test
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1) Which province is Canada's
leading wheat producer?
A. Saskatchewan.
B. New Brunswick.
C. Manitoba.
D. Alberta.
2) Who is the Premier of British
A. Steven Point
B. Iona Campagnolo
C. Christy Clark
D. Gordon Campbell
3) What do political parties do?
A. Share ideas about how government
should work.
B. Work with the local governments.
C. Follow commands from the Queen.
D. Plan for the celebration of Canada
4) Who do Members of Parliament
A. People living in the city in which
he/she was elected.
B. All of the Canadians living in his/
her province.
C. Only Canadians living in Central
D. Everyone who lives in his or her
electoral district.
5) What party is the Offcial
Opposition at the federal level?
A. The Canadian Alliance Party.
B. The Conservative Party of Canada.
C. The New Democratic Party.
D. The Liberal Party.
6) What are three minerals still being
mined in the territories today?
A. Gold, lead and zinc.
B. Silver, lead and zinc.
C. Tin, lead and aluminum.
D. Nickel, gold and lead.
7) What do you call the Queen's
representative in the provinces?
A. Lieutenant-Governor.
B. Premier.
C. Member of parliament.
D. Member of the Legislative
8) When does a federal election have
to be held under legislation passed
by Parliament?
A. When the Queen wants to replace
the Prime Minister.
B. Within 4 years of the most recent
C. Within 5 years of the last election.
D. The Prime Minister can call the
election any time at his own will.
9) What are the Prairie provinces?
A. Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
B. Alberta, Manitoba and British
C. Saskatchewan and Alberta.
D. Saskatchewan, Alberta and
10) Which region is known as the
industrial and manufacturing
heartland of Canada?
A. Atlantic provinces.
B. Central Canada.
C. Prairie provinces.
D. Southern Canada.
1A 2C 3B 4D 5C
6A 7A 8B 9D 10B
Every year several thousand students
pack their backs in their home countries
for overseas destinations with a dream
of higher education which in most of
the cases is a stepping stone for their
settlement in one of those countries
where they are going for higher
studies. United States of America has
been a favourite destination for years
and has been attracting maximum
number of foreign students. Of late
Canada has improved a lot on number
of students interested in studying here.
Students from around the globe come
to Canada for studies and most of them
eventually intend to either work here or
settle permanently. The main reasons
for increasing numbers is a friendly
immigration policy for students who
have studied here that helps them settle
permanently and the cost of education
which is very competitive compared to
other countries.
Canadian institutions offer a wide
range of programs for international
students. The students can practically
study any discipline they are interested
in. It could be as simple as an English
language certifcate, diplomas in
several disciplines to degrees and even
a PhD.
Canadian Colleges and Universities
across the country accept international
students. Every university has their
own selection criteria when it comes to
recruitment of international students.
Some of the common things that most
of the institutions would consider in
an application are things like previous
academic record of the student, language
profciency, for post graduate programs
like MBA work experience of the
applicant is also taken into consideration
along with recommendation letters from
previous teacher and professors. Lots of
students ask us if there are programs
without IELTS which can help them
come to Canada, well the answer is
that if you are looking for quality
education from a reputed education
provider you would defnitely need
a good IELTS Score. This is in fact
good for the student as they can judge
their language capabilities beforehand.
Several students sometimes fnd it
diffcult to cope up with the courses
here because of their inability to keep
pace with other students who are either
from English speaking countries or
profcient in English. This in turn leads
to the students dropping the programs.
Student Partnership program is a fast
track program (currently for India
and China) where students can get
admission into one of the partner
colleges (subject to availability of
seats and the student being eligible)
and apply for visa. The visa process
is simplifed compared to regular visa
and is faster.
Students who come to Canada for post
secondary education are eligible to
apply for a post graduate work permit
once they complete the program and the
duration of the work permit depends on
the duration of the program. This work
permit can be for as long as 3 years and
the student can work for any employer
full time without the employer having
to apply for a labor market opinion.
The students after gaining work
experience in Canada have an option
of applying for permanent residence in
Canada under the Canadian Experience
Class. Some of the students might also
be eligible for Provincial Nominee
programs as well depending on the
province where they studied and gained
their experience. Zenith Immigration
Consultants Limited has experts who
can counsel and guide students with
Canadian Education. We can help in
selecting the right college and program
for the student based on the students
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and apply for the student visa. For free
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Canada A Popular Destination
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Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Lifestyle
This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.
Everyday Physical Activity Tips
Small steps that get your family to
move more can help all of you maintain
a healthy weight. Choose a different tip
each week for you and your family to
try. See if you or they can add to the
list. Here are a few:
Walk Whenever Possible
Walk instead of drive, whenever
you can
Walk your children to school
Take the stairs instead of the
escalator or elevator
Take a family walk after dinner
Replace a Sunday drive with a
Sunday walk
Go for a half-hour walk instead of
watching TV
Get off the bus a stop early, and
Park farther from the store and
Make a Saturday morning walk a
family habit
Walk briskly in the mall
Take the dog on longer walks
Go up hills instead of around them
Move More in Your Home
Garden, or make home repairs
Do yard work. Get your children to
help rake, weed, or plant
Work around the house. Ask
your children to help with active
Wash the car by hand
Use a snow shovel instead of a
snow blower
Live Actively
Join an exercise group, and enroll
your children in community sports
teams or lessons
Do sit-ups in front of the TV. Have
a sit-up competition with your kids
Choose an activity that fts into
your daily life/lives
Use an exercise video if the
weather is bad
Avoid labor-saving devices, such
as a remote control or electric
Play with your kids at least 30
minutes a day
Dance to music ...with your kids
Choose activities you enjoy. Ask
children what activities they want
to do
Explore new physical activities
Give yourself a gold star with non-
food related rewards, such as a
family day at the park, lake, or zoo
Swim with your kids
Buy a set of hand weights and play
a round of Simon Says with your
kidsyou do it with the weights,
they do it without
Ice Cream 'Could Be As Addictive As Cocaine'
Cravings for ice cream are similar to those experienced by drug addicts, a new study has suggested.
According to the study, the brain is left
wanting for more while eating an ice
cream in the same way as person who
habitually uses cocaine.
Their study apparently adds weight to
previous studies that people can be left
feeling "addicted" to some foods.
Dr Kyle Burger, from the Oregon
Research Institute, in Eugene, said that
over eating "high-fat" or "high-sugar"
foods appeared to change how the brain
responded and in turn downgraded the
mental "reward", as reported.
"This down-regulation pattern is seen
with frequent drug use, where the more
an individual uses the drug, the less
reward they receive from using it," said
Dr Burger, the study's co-author.
"This tolerance is thought to increase
use, or eating, because the individual
trying to achieve the previous level of
satisfaction. Repeated, overconsumption
of high-fat or high-sugar foods may alter
how the brain responds to those foods in
a way that perpetuates further intake.
"The data supports the theory that
over eating such foods may result in
changes in how the brain responds to
those foods in a similar fashion seen in
drug addiction."
In the study, 151 teenagers, aged 14 and
16, were asked to drink real chocolate
milkshakes made using Haagen Dazs
ice cream.
The researchers had already conducted
interviews with the teenagers, all of
whom were of "healthy weight", about
their present eating habits and how
much they craved certain foods.
Their brains were then scanned with
a Functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Machine (fMRI) while being
shown a picture of a milkshake before
being given the shake actually.
It was found that all the participants
wanted the real shake but those who ate
the most ice cream over the previous
few weeks enjoyed it less.
Dr Burger elucidated that this was an
identical reaction that a drug addict felt,
because despite increased cravings,
pleasure that should be sent to the brain
was being blunted.
This, he said, was perhaps due to the
brain releasing lower levels of the
chemical dopamine.
When the fMRI scans were analysed,
the study found the teenagers who
had eaten the most ice cream had
experienced a similar effect.
As a result, they felt they had to eat
more to relish the same feelings of
"You could be continually trying to
match the earlier experience," he said.
This, he added, would result in bigger
portion and weight gain.
Although it was unlikely that people
became "addicted to ice cream per se",
the fndings appeared to suggest that ice
cream had "addictive-like properties",
he asserted.
"Some individuals may frequently eat ice
cream or other high-fat/high-sugar foods
and show no characteristics of addiction,
while others may develop an addictive
like relationship with food," he said.
"Some people will try smoking,
drinking or gambling, but not develop
an addiction. We often joke and say
'I wouldn't say food is addictive, but
I hear some people can't live without
it'," he added.
But Dr Burger insisted that the fndings
also provided further explanation to
why people become fat from ice cream.
It supports previous studies that linked
junk food and addiction.
Including Fruit Juice In Five-A-Day 'Could Damage Kids' Teeth'
Children who are encouraged to drink
large amounts of fruit juice as part of
their "fve a day" could be damaging
their teeth, according to dentists.
The dentists are concerned that health-
conscious parents who regularly give
their children juices and smoothies
bursting with fruit could be doing long-
term damage.
Kathy Harley, dean of the dental faculty
at the Royal College of Surgeons,
warned that half of fve-year-olds had
signs of wear to their tooth enamel.
She has called on schools to offer milk
or water to pupils during breaks instead
of fruit juice, which has a high acid
Dental erosion, which is irreversible,
is caused by acid attacking the surface
of teeth and citrus fruit juices in
particular are very acidic.
While fruit juices contain a range of
vitamins that are good for your health,
they are also often high in natural
sugars, which cause tooth decay.
Harley suggested that parents should
give their children fruit juice as a treat
once a week, for example on Saturdays.
The NHS recommends only one 150ml
glass of fruit juice per day, which
counts as one of the recommended fve
daily portions of fruit and vegetables.
It suggests that people drink the juice
with a meal as this can help to reduce
damage to the teeth.
Drinking more than one glass of juice
a day does not count as more than one
portion of fruit, as it does not contain
the fber found in the whole fruit.
Juicing or blending fruit releases the
sugars inside and is worse for the teeth
if drunk frequently.
Some researchers also say drinking juice
slowly can cause more damage to teeth.
Dentists had previously warned that,
while tooth decay is less common as
more children and adults brush their teeth
regularly than in the past, dental erosion is
a growing problem due to acidic drinks.
The Department of Health said it had
no plans to remove fruit juice from the
"It contains nutrients, including
vitamins which are important as part
of a healthy, balanced diet," the Daily
Mail quoted a spokesman as saying.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
ARIES (March 21 to April 19):
Events in the last few days of the week
show how much your position has
improved. Decisions made then allow
you to turn your attention to the nitty-
gritty of change or recent developments.
These include working with friends
or associates and discussing plans for
the future. Do not be disheartened if
you go through several problems. It
is a time of change and each revision
adds something important. Of equal
signifcance is time with loved ones or
offspring. They too are changing and
need your attention. The week brings
you money, but luck forces you to
undertake intense discussion; nothing
could be more productive. A happy
journey comes your way.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20):
While you may face minor
complications, this is an extraordinary
week. Opportunities begin on Monday.
In between you run into fresh ideas, new
people and places. The trick is to show
interest, but commit to nothing until very
late in the game. Life has not always been
kind to you in the past; now is your turn
to make up for lost time. Career offers
are positive and lucrative. Your familys
health is faint and expenses are heavy.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20):
Wonderful opportunities thread
their way through this week. But the
planetary emphasis is on obligations
to others, or work and duties to
yourself, which range from your
health and well-being, to certain
troublesome issues. Initially, these
seem uninteresting; however events
around the week make you confront
obstacles. Some involve partners;
many are self-made. On the 1st,
putting what you have learned into
action proves more than worthwhile.
Domestic matters are easy. Journeys
and happy holidays come your way.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22):
Opportunities and dilemmas that
involve money, travel, legal matters
and certain obligations, some of
which are out of your hands, are
of considerable signifcance. But
these may have to take a back seat to
issues of a partnership nature. Some
bring understanding; others raise
uncomfortable but worthwhile issues.
Decide on nothing until after this
week, and then act quickly, since the
pace picks up remarkably and you feel
more than ready to capitalize on what
arises. Cloudy trends persuade you to
take on emotional targets.
LEO (July 23 to August 22):
During the week you encounter
opportunities, intriguing people and even
the option of travel. The one thing you
cannot have, however, is the outcome of
endeavour. Obviously, you are not happy
about this. But it is a time to settle problems
from the past that could potentially
trip you up, while you explore options.
Practical, fnancial and domestic matters
need attention, but are easily resolved.
After that the worlds your oyster. After
this week, decisions must be made. Until
then, leave no stone unturned. You may
think you are sitting on the fence for some
achievement, but that is the only way.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 21):
The only real mistake you could make is
to assume that others know what you feel
or want. However obvious to you, recent
changes have infuenced everyones
priorities, including yours. Further,
discussions could be as important as
any outcome. Remarkable opportunities
could leave you better off fnancially in
a new home or even madly in love; there
are a few limits, though, to what you can
do or experience. So do not wonder what
might happen or waste time thinking
what the best line of action might be.
Travel may come your way.
LIBRA (September 22 to October 23):
The week is all about practical matters,
where situations demand concentration,
combined with discrimination. Disciplines
that once seemed restrictive are actually
welcome. In fact, they make it easier to
know how to respond to the remarkable
opportunities on this week. Confusion on
the next week requires caution, but nothing
can undermine this remarkable week.
Good news comes your way in business.
SCORPIO (October 24 to November 21):
Usually it is you who introduces
friends or colleagues to the latest in
people, places or ideas. From late this
week the roles are reversed and as
much as you enjoy the attention, you
are uncomfortable. But let others open
doors for you; this is a time of change
and the broader the spectrum of your
experience the more satisfying is the
next chapter of your life. On matters
related to the family, home or security,
there is some reluctance to give up what
is familiar. But further exploration will
not increase your anxiety; it will only
make you more certain when decision
time comes. Be prudent in your
dealings with money matters.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 21):
Opportunities taken are inextricably
linked to increased responsibilities.
Though things are going well, you
could nevertheless begin to feel boxed
in. Some obligations are made to
yourself and relate to your physical or
even emotional well-being; others are
duties to others which you really cannot
ignore. Situations early this week force
you to review these and while your frst
instinct may be to lighten your load - do
not. It is far better that you work with
others, sharing the burden. Personal
happiness is accented and the more
organised you become, the more time
you have to enjoy happy moments with
loved ones. Your career may go far.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19):
The events on this week could lead
to a crisis or could be a full-fedged
opportunity, but with the speed of
chance, which remains unclear until
the end of the week. So give everything
at least one try. Furthermore, confusion
could obscure important facts. You are
in the midst of a period of remarkable
development. While nothing can
undermine that, making the best of it
requires a more easygoing approach to
life than is your habit. Developments
on the career scene keep you on your
toes. Socially, a hectic phase.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18):
It is not so much what you do, but
achieving a balance between activities
out in the world and responsibilities
close to home that is your challenge.
New people or intriguing developments
make work interesting and life a joy;
particularly with those you love. But
confusion for most of the week could
muddy otherwise clear waters; if you
are worried or feel slighted, discuss your
concerns. Duties of a family or domestic
nature could easily dominate you, but
you will regret allowing them to do so.
Each star brings its own dramas, but
also its own remarkable opportunities.
Socially, an upward trend.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20):
Only sometime ago the stern and rather
humorless Saturn departed from your
sign, leaving you with a lighter and less
complicated life, and with a kind of new
discipline. This week brings opportunities,
interesting new ideas and people, but
you do not know what to make of them.
Take your time, things may not be what
they seem; you will later see the fnest
opportunities fruition. Hasty action
achieves nothing. Health causes concern.
Children bring good news.
Buttermilk Fried Chicken
1 (3 pound) fryer, cut into pieces
2 cups buttermilk
1 large onion, sliced
1/4 cup chopped mixed fresh herbs
(parsley, tarragon, thyme) or a
teaspoon each of the dried herbs.
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 cups four
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon onion salt
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper
2 cups canola oil
1 Soak chicken overnight (at least 8
hours and up to two days) in buttermilk
with onions, herbs, paprika, and
cayenne pepper.
2 Drain in colander, leaving some
herbs on chicken. In a large paper or
plastic (sturdy) bag, mix four with
seasonings. Meanwhile, heat 2 cups
oil in a large, heavy-bottomed skillet
(cast iron, stainless steel, or anodized
aluminum - something that can take the
heat) on medium high heat until a pinch
of four starts to sizzle when dropped in
the hot oil (but not so hot that the pan
is smoking). Remember when working
with hot oil, always have a pan lid
close by.
3 Place chicken pieces in bag with four
and shake until thoroughly coated. Add
chicken to hot pan and fry on 1 side
for 12-15 minutes, until golden brown,
and then use tongs to turn the pieces
over and fry for another 10-12 minutes,
again until golden brown.
Be careful to keep the oil hot enough
to fry the chicken, but not so high as
it burns the chicken. To do this on our
electric stove we have to alternate the
settings between high to medium high
several times while we are cooking.
4 Use tongs to remove chicken from
pan. Place on a rack over a cookie
sheet or broiling pan for the excess oil
to drain. Add more salt and pepper to
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
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Incomparable Dubai...
There is something epic about Dubai:
it's not just the world's tallest tower or
the frst seven-star hotel, the reclaimed
islands or the indoor ski slope, it's the
sheer vision of those Emiratis who had
the courage and ambition a decade ago
to build something extraordinary out of
the desert.
Most commonly considered as the
Las Vegas of the Middle East and the
Manhattan of the East, Dubai evokes
a feeling of thrill and charm. One of
the richest cities in the world, Dubai
is remarkable with the top-notch
attractions, interesting historical and
modern sites and fnger licking cuisine.
Stories of the exquisite history of
Dubai, the mysterious artifacts and
treasure troves seem to come alive
with the kind of hospitality offered to
tourists. The unmatched lavishness,
class and luxury of Dubai are most
Dubai is an emirate of the United Arab
Emirates and is nestled in the south
of Persian Gulf. Bearing the largest
population of the nation, Dubai city
has emerged as an overall global city
and is a leading business center today.
Tourists have loved Dubai's exquisite
distinction from the other emirates with
sporting events, large constructions,
beautiful landscapes and backdrop,
fabulous shopping festivals and lots of
entertainment hubs.
Dubai may have taken a knock in the
current global recession but, nothing
will hold this city of the future back
for long. Already visitors are streaming
through Dubai's new airport terminal,
which houses the world's largest single
foor space, and focking to Dubai Mall,
the world's largest shopping centre.
Dubai has a mission to be the biggest
and the best and the Burj Khalifa, the
world's tallest tower opened in January
2010, is symbolic of Dubai's 'the-sky-
is-the-limit' attitude.
You will fnd the city extremely
appealing with plenty of attractions
like the Jumeirah Mosque, the famous
Desert Safari, The Creek, Wonder Bus,
the Wild Wadi and the Wonderland.
You can enjoy duty-free shopping until
your legs give up at the contemporary
shopping complexes. Cross the creek
on an abra (water taxi), dine underwater
at the Atlantis Hotel, or play golf on a
desert turned green, and this safe and
friendly city of year-round sunny skies
will be sure to lure you back.
Enormous Shopping Possibilities
Dubai shopping offers amazing
opportunities. The age-old souks, ultra-
modern shopping malls and promise
of tax-free prices redefne the whole
concept of retail therapy. Malls range
from the big to the enormous, and the
designs are often as impressive as the
sheer scale of what lies within. One,
Mall of the Emirates, even has the giant
slopes of Ski Dubai within it. From its
humble beginnings in 1996 as a small
site by the Creek where little kiosks
sold products from different countries,
Dubai Global Village has grown into a
huge crowd-puller attracting 4.5 million
visitors in 2008. Ibn Battuta was named
after the 14th-century adventurer who
spent 29 years exploring the Middle
East and Asia, and getting from one
end of the monster mall to the other
takes almost as long. Your trip will
take you through the different zones
of China, India, Egypt, Tunisia,
Andalusia, and Persia. Dubai souks
(markets) are a magical and not-to-be-
missed part of Dubai. The Dubai Gold
Souk alone is the reason many people
come to Dubai. But all the other Dubai
souks are worth seeing as well. The
ancient Covered Souk, the Fish Souk,
the Spice Souk, the Textile Souk all
should be seen if possible.
By Ashok Sheth
Imperial Vacations Tours & Travels
Tel: 604-502-5000
Cell:604 518 1864

Fraud occurs when deception is
used for personal gain or to damage
another individual. It can take many
different forms and often take years
to discover. The best way to combat
fraud is arm yourself with the
knowledge of the common schemes
that are out there.
When someone is the victim of a fraud
or scam, the immediate reaction is
NOT ME! Generally, people believe it
cannot happen to them. But one has to
remember that the perpetrators of these
crimes are clever actors who appear
friendly and trustworthy. We all have
a particular image of what a Con Artist
might look like. However when faced
with the real thing we can be fooled.
People who commit frauds can be male
or female. Usually they will approach
you when you are alone, so that no one
else can overhear the conversation,
however, in some instances, two or
more people will work as a team. A con
artist may approach you on the street,
by telephone or at your home.
Remember con artists want only one
thing from you, your money.
Below is a list of some of the common
expressions Used By Con Artists:
* Cash only
* Last chance!
* Today only!
* Limited offer!
* Too good to pass up!
* Something for nothing
* Free with...
* Just between you and me
* Easy buck
* Double your money
* You have won
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
The spirit of Holi came alive with the
sounds of Rang Barse, Holi Khele
Nandlala, Khai Ke Paan Banaras Wala,
and other similar numbers on Saturday,
March 10, 2012 at the Arya Samaj
Centre in Burnaby.
The beneft concert was performed
by the Shanti Mala Collective as a
fundraiser for the Arya Samaj Society
of British Columbia.
The Shanti Mala Collective is a group
of young artists of Indian descent,
born in the West with an interest and
love for Indian music. Rooted in the
temple traditions of bhajans, kirtan and
other forms of devotional singing and
chanting, this group creates a musical
experience that touches the Soul.
Weaving in musical infuences which
include the classical traditions of India,
the traditions of Pakistan, the folk
traditions of the West Indies and even a
touch of the popular Bollywood music,
their performances are unique and full
of musical twists and turns.
The memories of the late Mr. & Mrs.
Ram Karan Cheta and Kirti Swann,
founding members of the Society, also
came alive as the Cheta grandchildren
banded together to clean and decorate
the hall and assist in any way possible a
few days in advance of the show.
The stage was tastefully and colourfully
decorated in keeping with the theme of
Holi by Ishrani Maniram.
The concert was preceded by a
sumptuous dinner prepared by
members of the Society. Pundita
Kamla Ji and her team of volunteers
including Prem Cheta, Yogesh Cheta,
Cindy Cheta, Swapan Sharma, Dhruv
Adia, Gyanendra Sundar, Pushpa Lal
and Manohar Naidu, left no stones
unturned in providing a delicious
Arya Samaj Society Of British Columbia Celebrates Holi With Shanti Mala Collective
by Shobha Rae
spread for the guests.
Savitri Singh, together with Shazmina
Ji, conducted a raffe draw which added
an additional buzz of excitement to the
Gracing the occasion were Dr.
Jagessar Das, President of the Kabir
Association of Canada together with
his lovely wife, Shreemati Urmila Ji.
Also present were Sheila and Shishu
Pal Sharma and Zorina and Mahase
Bahadoorsingh, parents of two of the
Pushp Kant Singh, President of the
Society, presented Certifcates of
Appreciation to the Artists Rishima
Bahadoorsingh, Casey Era, Nitin
Sharma and Avinash Maniram and also
to the volunteers who helped make the
event possible.
The Society thanks all those who
bought tickets for the show, gave
generous donations and supported in
any way to make this event a success.
A great time was had by all who
The Interview: Some How-To Tips
Theres no golden secret to having
a successful interviewespecially
because no two interviews are exactly
alike. That said, the following tips
can certainly help you approach an
interview situation with confdence,
and keep you focused throughout the
1. Be prepared
Learn what you can about an
organization before you interview
for a position. Check the web, the
newspaper, an annual report or
company brochureanything that will
help you understand the organization
better. And if you have questions of
your own, write them down. Being
well-informed and inquisitive are great
ways to make a strong frst impression.
2. Get to know you
It may seem odd at frst, but spend some
time reviewing your own credentials;
think about what your experience can
bring to the position youve applied
for. Consider how you might answer a
few common interview questions, such
as those below. Even if they arent
asked specifcally, they can still help
you prepare to talk about yourself.
What are your strengths and
What accomplishment are you
most proud of?
Where do you see yourself in
fve years?
Whats the most challenging
thing youve ever done?
3. Be on time
Dont give Murphys Law the chance
to complicate your day. Leave early for
an interview to avoid being caught in
traffc or missing a transit connection.
4. Be yourself
At the start of the actual interview,
give a frm handshake and be ready to
make a little small talk. Interviewers
like to know how candidates conduct
themselves socially as well as
professionally; let a little of your
personality shine through. Maintaining
eye contact is a great way to convey
sincerity, confdence and interest.
5. Consider your answers
You may fnd yourself presented with a
diffcult question at some point during
an interviewmaybe about personal
feelings toward your last employer
or conficts in the workplace. Choose
your words carefully and be as positive
as possible. Rather than criticize a
past boss or co-worker, talk about the
professional ways in which you might
handle a challenging situation.
6. Show your enthusiasm
At the end of an interview, be sure
to ask any questions that might have
occurred to you. And confrm that the
interviewer has covered everything he
or she wanted to. If youre genuinely
interested in the position, say so. Its
also a good idea to follow up afterward
with a phone call or letter of thanks; this
reinforces the good impression youve
made and confrms your continued
About the interview
There are probably some specifc
things your interviewer wants to
learn about youstrengths and
characteristics important to the job in
question. Depending on what these
are, the interview will follow one of
the approaches outlined below. In fact,
most sessions incorporate elements of
all four interview types. You increase
your chances of success when youre
able to identify the kind of question
youre being asked.
TYPE 1: Behavioural Interview
In this type of session, your interviewer
will want to learn about the ways past
experiences have contributed to your
character. Your job in this situation is
to tell focused, insightful stories about
yourself, and in the process reveal
personal and professional traits that
relate to the position youve applied
for. You might, for instance, be asked
to describe how youve used your
teamwork skills to meet a challenge.
TYPE 2: Case Interview
Rather than consider past circumstances,
a case interview poses hypothetical
questions. How would you react in
given situation? What steps would you
take to achieve a desired result? In
these cases, theres not necessarily one
right answer. Instead, the interviewer
hopes to gain an understanding of your
decision-making abilities.
TYPE 3: Personal Interview
In these cases, an interviewer wants to
learn more about the real you: what
youre looking for in a career, hobbies,
interests, and unique characteristics.
By nature, a personal interview is
not rigidly formal; think of it as a
conversation with an old classmate.
TYPE 4: Situational Interview
As in a case interview, a situational
interview seeks to determine your
potentialoften by role-playing, with
you and the interviewer acting out
a workplace scenario. This type of
interview can be intimidating, but dont
worry. The interviewer understands
the pressure youre underand that
theres no way for you to prepare for
something like this. If you can keep
a cool head and demonstrate a little
professional judgment, youre sure to
come through strongly.
Aleem Kamal
Arza Employment Serv Ltd
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Continued next week
Tips To Calm Fussy Baby
Fussing in babies is one of the concerns
before parents, making them frustrated
and restless. Crying is only medium by
which babies reveal their expressions,
pleasure and displeasure. Some
considerations will enable parents
fgure out difference between pleasure
and displeasure cries. The common
reasons for fussiness in babies are
hunger, dirty diaper, issues with ear
and stomach ache. Soothing baby in
the most appropriate or healthy manner
is of much importance.
Massaging infants is one of the
effective ways to soothe them. A
massage wherein an oil or baby lotion
is rubbed on his back proves effective.
Massaging should be done in a specifc
pattern, prefer clockwise motion when
rubbing stomach and outward circles
on back. In addition to back and
stomach rubbing, arms and legs should
also be massaged with.
Swaddling is another way to soothe
young ones, which prevents them from
startling and make them feel secure.
In order to swaddle, you need to lay
blanket fat which is folded on the top
corner. Thereafter, infant is positioned
in the middle of it and is wrapped within
the blanket. Swaddling make them
feel secure, making them experience
warmth like being in the womb.
Try Soothing Motions/Swings
Babies often get bored when restricted
to positions they remain in most of the
day. Try some moving them in different
motions or sing them gently, which help
them calm down. However, reaction of
every baby is different to motions, like
some love being gently rocked forward
while others may enjoy bouncing. So,
parents must make an attempt to fgure
out best motion to soothe them.
When fussy, breastfed babies can be
nursed to offer them comfort. Moreover,
there is no risk of overfeeding attached
to it, as nursing babies consume less
milk than babies getting fussy out of
hunger. In addition to this, offering a
pacifer while cuddling with mom or
dad also brings comfort for baby. The
technique also relieves uncomfortable
problems like gas or over-stimulation.
Warm Bath
Idea of warm bath is to make babies
feel warmth. Bathing in warm water
relaxes them and also brings the sense
of security.
Sounds and Tunes
Produce or simulate soothing sounds,
which sometimes prove effective to
calm down a baby. In some cases,
babies also get comforted by hearing
musical tunes or soft singing.
Once upon a time there were three little
One day they set out from the farm
where they had been born. They were
going out into the world to start new
lives and enjoy any adventures that
might come their way.
The frst little pig met a man carrying
some straw, and he asked him if he
might have some to build himself a
"Of course, little pig," said the man. He
gave the little pig a big bundle of straw,
and the little pig built himself a lovely
house of golden straw.
A big bad wolf lived nearby. He came
along and saw the new house and,
feeling rather hungry and thinking he
would like to eat a little pig for supper,
he called out,
"Little pig, little pig, let me come in."
To which the little pig replied,
"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin
I'll not let you in!"
So the wolf shouted very crossly,
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff,
Till I blow your house in!"
And he huffed and he puffed, and he
HUFFED and he PUFFED until the
house of straw fell in, and the wolf ate
the little pig for his supper that evening.
The second little pig was walking along
the road when he met a man with a load
of wood. "Please Sir," he said, "can you
let me have some of that wood so that I
can build a house?"
"Of course," said the man, and he gave
him a big pile of wood. In no time at
all, the little pig had built himself a
lovely house. The next evening, along
came the same wolf.
When he saw another little pig, this
time in a wooden house, he called out,
"Little pig, little pig,
let me come in."
To which the pig replied,
"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin
I'll not let you in!"
So the wolf shouted,
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff,
Till I blow your house in!"
And he huffed and he puffed and he
HUFFED and he PUFFED until the
house fell in and the wolf gobbled up
the little pig for his supper.
The third little pig met a man with a
cartload of bricks. "Please Sir, can
I have some bricks to build myself a
house?" he asked, and when the man
had given him some, he built himself a
lovely house with the bricks.
The big bad wolf came along, and
licked his lips as he thought about the
third little pig. He called out,
"Little pig, little pig,
let me come in!"
And the little pig called back,
"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin
I'll not let you in!"
So the wolf shouted,
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff,
Till I blow your house in!"
The Three Little Pigs
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15 Times Health
This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.
Diabetes Diet and Food Tips
Eating to Prevent and
Control Diabetes
Eating right is a key step to preventing
and controlling diabetes. Fortunately,
whether youre trying to reduce your
risk of diabetes or manage a pre-
existing problem, you can still enjoy
your favorite foods and take pleasure
from your meals. Your nutritional
needs are the same as everyone else
no special foods or complicated diets
are necessary. But if the way you eat
has been less than healthy, you may
need to learn some better eating habits.
The key to a diabetes diet is eating
in moderation, sticking to regular
mealtimes, and eating a variety of
fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
What you need to know
about diabetes and diet
Diabetes is on the rise, yet most
cases of diabetes are preventable with
healthy lifestyle changes. Some can
even be reversed. The bottom line
is that you have more control over
your health than you think. If youre
concerned about diabetes, you can
make a difference by eating a healthy
diet, keeping your weight in check, and
getting exercise.
Eating right for diabetes comes down
to three things:
-What you eat. Your diet makes a huge
difference!! You should eat mostly
plant foods, cut back on refned carbs
and sugary drinks, and choose healthy
fats over unhealthy fats.
-When you eat. Diet is part of it, but
keeping regular meal and snack times
also affects your blood sugar levels and
will help to keep them more constant.
-How much you eat. Portion sizes
matter. Even if you eat very healthy
meals, if you eat too much you will gain
weight, which is a factor in diabetes.
You do not need to eat special
foods, but instead simply emphasize
vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. A
diabetes diet is simply a healthy eating
plan that is high in nutrients, low in fat,
and moderate in calories. It is a healthy
diet for anyone!
Myths and facts about eating to
prevent or control diabetes
MYTH: You must avoid sugar at
all costs.
Fact: The good news is that you can
enjoy your favorite treats as long as
you plan properly. The key when eating
dessert or a sweet treat is to make sure
that it is part of a healthy meal plan, or
combined with exercise.
MYTH: A high-protein diet is best.
Fact: Studies have shown that eating
too much protein, especially animal
protein, may actually cause insulin
resistance, a key factor in diabetes.
A healthy diet includes protein,
carbohydrates, and fats. Our bodies
need all three to function properly. The
key is a balanced diet.
MYTH: You have to cut way
down on carbs.
Fact: Again, the key is to eat a
balanced diet. The serving size and the
type you eat are especially important
for carbohydrates. Focus on whole
grain carbs since they are a good source
of fber and they are digested slowly,
keeping blood sugar levels more even.
MYTH: Youll no longer be able
to eat normally. You need special
diabetic meals.
Fact: The principles of healthy eating
are the same whether or not youre
trying to prevent or control diabetes.
Expensive diabetic and dietetic foods
generally offer no special beneft. You
can easily eat with your family and
friends if you eat in moderation
Diabetes and diet tip#1: Be smart
about sweets
Eating for diabetes doesnt mean
eliminating sugar. But in order to get
the most enjoyment out of sweets, it is
best to save them for special occasions.
After all, they are called treats for a
reason. If you have diabetes, you can
still enjoy a small serving of your
favorite dessert now and then. The key
is moderation.
How to include sweets in a
diabetes-friendly diet
Eating sweets at a meal adds extra
carbohydrates. Because of this it is best
to cut back on the other carb-containing
foods at the same meal. Carbohydrate-
rich foods include all four products
(i.e. bread, tortillas, crackers), rice,
cereal, fruit, juice, potatoes, corn, etc.
This will help you keep your blood
glucose levels on track. Just keep in
mind that these carbohydrate-rich
foods have many nutrients your body
needs, so dont substitute too often.
Tricks for cutting down on sugar
There are many ways to reduce your
sugar consumption. Here are a few
Make healthy substitutions. Substitute
sparkling water for soda, a bowl of
frozen fruit instead of ice cream, one
slice of your favorite cheese instead of
cake, a piece of fruit instead of pie.
Clear your kitchen of sweets and
don't purchase them. Instead, you can
enjoy a dessert when you are away
from home.
Split dessert with a friend when out
and enjoying a treat.
Slowly savor each bite when you do
eat a treat.
Reduce or eliminate the amount of
sugar called for in recipes.
Your defnition of sweet may change
As your eating habits become healthier,
and you eat fewer sweets, your taste
buds may shift. Foods that you used
to love may seem too sweet. Instead
healthier foods may become what you
Diabetes and diet tip#2: Balance
your carbs
Carbohydrates have a big impact on
your blood sugar levels, but you dont
have to avoid them. You just need to be
smart about what types of carbs you eat
and how you balance them in the rest
of your diet.
Simple vs. complex carbs
Carbohydrates include simple sugars
and complex starches and fbers. Your
body breaks down carbohydrates into
glucose (blood sugar), which is the fuel
for your cells.
Simple carbohydrates: Includes fruits
and some vegetables, which in their
natural form offer vitamins, minerals,
and fber. Simple carbs also include
processed and refned foods, or empty
carbs, with little nutritional value,
such as soda, candy, snack foods, and
white products such as white four and
white rice.
Complex carbohydrates (also called
slow-release carbs): Found in starchy
vegetables, legumes, and whole grains
such as whole grain brown rice, millet,
quinoa and steel cut or rolled oats.
Complex carbs take longer to digest,
which helps you stay full longer and
keeps your blood sugar level more
Tips for balancing carbohydrates
Eat brown rice instead of white rice,
steel-cut oats instead of processed
cereals or instant oatmeal, or whole-
grain bread instead of white bread.
Balance your meals with all the food
groups and make veggies the largest
part of the meal. Eating carbs along
with protein or a little fat helps reduce
the impact on your blood sugar levels.
Reduce how much soda and juice you
drink. Switch to water or mineral water
with a little juice mixed in instead.
Eat sweet potatoes or winter squash
instead of white potatoes.
Choose a bran muffn over a croissant
or pastry.
Why fber matters
Fiber, also called roughage or bulk,
is the part of plants that your body
cant digest. Fiber is found in fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts
and seeds. In general, the more natural
and unprocessed the food, the higher it
is in fber.
Fibers role in preventing and
controlling diabetes:
Improves your blood sugar control and
thus may reduce the risk of diabetes.
Fiber intake is associated with a lower
risk of heart disease.
Fiber helps you feel full, so may even
promote weight loss.
Diabetes and diet tip#3: Establish
regular eating habits
Regular eating habits are especially
important for diabetics. Your body
is better able to regulate blood sugar
levelsand your weightwhen you
maintain a regular meal schedule. Aim
for moderate and consistent portion
sizes for each meal or snack.
Dont skip breakfast. Start your
day off with a good breakfast. Eating
breakfast every day will help you have
energy as well as steady blood sugar
Eat small meals at regular times. It
is helpful to eat 3 small meals plus 3
snacks spread out through the day.
People tend to eat larger portions
when they are overly hungry, so eating
regularly will help you keep your
portions in check.
Keep calorie intake the same.
Regulating the amount of calories you
eat on a day-to-day basis has an impact
on the regularity of your blood sugar
levels. Try to eat roughly the same
amount of calories every day, rather
than overeating one day or at one meal,
and then skimping on the next.
Listen to your body. It takes a little
time for your brain to get the message
that youve had enough to eat, so stop
eating when you feel 80% full. Wait 20
minutes. If youre still hungry, you can
choose to have a little more.
Continued next week
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15 Times USA News
Obama 'Chuffed To Bits' As
British Prime Minister Visits US
US President Barack Obama said he was "chuffed to bits" with British
Prime Minister David Cameron's visit to the US, during a lavish
welcoming ceremony at the White House.
Cameron and his wife Samantha - on
her frst offcial trip abroad - were
greeted by a 19-gun salute and a
military guard of honour on the South
Both leaders spoke of the special
relationship between the two countries
in front of 7000 dignitaries and guests,
as they traded jokes.
Obama tried his hand at the British
vernacular to express his delight,
saying, "Let me just say, David,
we are chuffed to bits that you are
"I am looking forward to a great
relationship, I am confdent we will
keep it absolutely top-notch.
"Today like so many presidents and
prime ministers before us, we need to
reaffrm one of the greatest alliances
the world has ever known."
He added that the alliance was
"essential, it is indispensable to the
security and prosperity we seek, not
only for our citizens but for people
around the world."
Cameron added, "When the chips are
down, Britain and America know they
can count on each other."
The two leaders posed for photographs
before heading inside to the Oval
Offce for talks, likely to be dominated
by Iran and Afghanistan.
They then held a joint news conference in
the Rose Garden, before later attending a
formal dinner in the US capital.
The two leaders had spent the evening
enjoying a basketball game in Ohio - a
frst for the prime minister who joked
today, "I will leave America with some
new words - alley-oops, brackets, fast
breaks - and, who knows, that hoop
may be installed in Downing Street
after all!"
US President Barack Obama with British PM David Cameron
Florida School Teacher Forced Student
To Wear Sign After He Missed Exams
A Florida teacher forced a middle school student to wear a sign
round his neck that caused him public humiliation, as reported.
Eighth-grader TJ Cancellare missed
the FCAT placement test last week
because of health problems.
When he returned to Sleepy Hill
Middle School in Lakeland, Florida,
his math teacher made him wear the
sign, which read, "I chose to go to
school today. But I chose not to go to
school for FCATs."
"Then the whole class started laughing
at me," TJ said. "She [the teacher] just
watched them as they laughed and then
she moved back to her desk."
TJ's mom, Daphne Cancellare, said the
principal seized the note when she saw
it around TJ's neck in the cafeteria and
then reprimanded the teacher.
"Thank God he's got a support system
at home, and he's a strong-willed kid,
so he knew, come home and tell mom,"
she said emphatically.
TJ suffers from asthma, ADHD and
a seizure disorder -- he missed the
FCATs because he was unable to
breathe that morning. "I had to call the
paramedics," Ms Cancellare said.
"I notifed the school that day, I called
them and said he was probably going
to be out the rest of the week," she
continued, saying TJ's teacher was also
informed via email.
"She responded back, 'OK, I hope he
feels better,'" Cancellare added.
After the sign incident, TJ said he
was teased mercilessly the rest of the
Though Ms Cancellare demanded a
handwritten apology -- which she got
-- it appeared to be a hastily-scribbled
note, rife with misspellings.
"That's not an apology," Ms Cancellare
said indignantly. "She was held at
gunpoint; write a letter to this kid."
TJ's mum is now calling for the teacher
responsible to be suspended and has
contacted her attorney.
Ms Cancellare said she is not looking
for any fnancial compensation, but
wants the teacher to be suspended
without pay so she can feel the same
humiliation that Ms Cancellare claims
was inficted on her son.
Missing Toddler Found Dead In Septic Tank
A New Jersey toddler who went
missing from her home was found dead
in a septic tank, police said.
Authorities said that after a three-hour
search, the body of the two-year-old
girl, whose name was not released,
Six Fingers Found In US Garbage
US police say six fngers found in a
garbage bin in Hawaii are likely from a
girl who's between two and four years old.
Authorities have yet to receive a
single phone call a day after making a
public plea for information about the
The woman who was digging through
Boy's Mom Makes Him Hold 'I Am
A Thief' Sign For Skateboard Theft
A woman whose son was caught
stealing a skateboard at La Caada
High School chose public shame as
punishment for the 17-year-olds
My name is Justin. I am a thief, read
a homemade sign the mother forced the
boy to hold on Tuesday at the northeast
corner of Foothill Boulevard and
Angeles Crest Highway in La Caada
Its my 15 minutes of shame, said
Justin, who held the sign often in
front of his face from 4:45 to 5
p.m. as his mother looked on from the
edge of the La Caada Town Center
shopping plaza.
The woman did not give her name
or the boys last name, but said she
wanted all his friends to see.
The boy said that school offcials
reported the theft to his mother but did
not involve police.
The woman acknowledged seeing
recent media reports of other children
forced to hold signs to publicly atone
for misbehavior, but said the reports did
not infuence her choice of punishment.
Its a lesson to all the other kids out
there, the mother told the La Canada
Sun. "If you want to take something
thats not yours
Youve got to pay the
consequences, said her son.
rubbish at a housing complex when
she made the discovery says she frst
thought they were dried ginger root.
Gina Rose Vendegna said she was
looking for recyclables last month
when she came across a plastic bag.
She later noticed fngernails and called
was discovered in a septic tank near
her home in Lakewood, as reported.
The girl's family reported her missing
sparking a search involving local
police, the sheriff's department dog
unite and a state police helicopter.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Amitabh Bachchan
A Tribute To Joy Mukherjee
Joy Mukherjee (February 24, 1939 - March 9, 2012) was an Indian flm actor and director.
Joy Mukherjee was the son of
Sashadhar Mukherjee and Sati Devi.
His father was a successful producer
and a co-founder of Filmalaya Studios.
His uncles were director Subodh
Mukherjee, Ashok Kumar and Kishore
Joy Mukherjee and his wife, Neelam,
have two sons and a daughter.
Joy debuted opposite Sadhana in the
flm Love in Simla (1960) directed by
R.K. Nayyar. After Love in Simla, he
paired with Asha Parekh for several
hits like Phir Wohi Dil Laya Hoon,
Love in Tokyo and Ziddi. By the late
1960s acting roles began drying up, so
he began directing and producing.
He produced and directed Humsaaya
although neither that flm nor his
subsequent flms as producer or director
did well. Despite a late success with
home production Ek Baar Muskura Do
(1972) with brother Deb Mukherjee
and later to be sister-in-law Tanuja, Joy
faded from the silver screen. His last
success came directing Chailla Babu.
In 2009 he acted in the television serial
Aye Dil-e-Nadan
Joy Mukherjee died at the age of 73
on March 9, 2012 in Lilavati Hospital,
Mumbai, His lungs were not functioning
and he could not breathe, hence he was
on ventilator. He is survived by his wife
Neelam Mukherjee and three children -
two sons and a daughter.
Haiwan (1977)
Ek Bar Mooskura Do (1972)
Kahin Aar Kahin Paar (1971)
Aag Aur Daag, Ehsan, Inspector,
Moojrim, Puraskar (1970)
Dupatta (1969)
Dil Aur Mohabbat, Ek Kali Muskai,
Humsaya (1968)
Shagird (1967)
Love in Tokyo, Yeh Zindagi Kitni
Haseen Hai, Saaz Aur Awaaz (1966)
Bahu Beti (1965)
Aao Pyaar Karen, Door Ki Awaaz,
Ishaara, Ji Chahta Hai, Ziddi (1964)
Phir Wohi Dil Laya Hoon (1963)
Ek Musafr Ek Hasina, Ummeed (1962)
Hum Hindustani, Love in Simla (1960)
Relief For Star John Abraham Six
Years After He Hit Two With Bike
The Bombay High Court on Friday
granted bail to Bollywood star John
Abraham in a case of rash and negligent
driving registered against him in April
It also suspended a 15 days' jail
sentence awarded to the actor in the
case by a sessions court in 2010.
John had fled a plea against the 2010
lower court order. He was granted bail
after he agreed to pay a fne of `20,000
and complete formalities.
Earlier in the day, John, 39, had applied
for bail immediately after being
detained by the Mumbai Police. The
lower court had dismissed his appeal
against the 2010 conviction in the case.
In April 2006, the actor was riding a
Yamaha Hayabusa motorbike in the Khar
Danda area of Mumbai when he skidded
off the road and allegedly hit two persons.
John had stopped to help them despite
sustaining minor injuries himself.
The high court agreed to grant him
bail against a fne and cancel the
imprisonment term after hearing
arguments from both the sides.
John's lawyer pointed out that the
victims had not sustained any major
injury and that John had ensured
they were taken to a nearby hospital
The actor's legal team also pointed out
that he had dutifully been present at all
the hearings in the case. John refused
to comment though he has said he has
full faith that the legal system will take
the correct course.
He started flming for Shootout at
Wadala recently, and earlier this week
offcially launched his frst production,
Vicky Donor, which deals with the
issue of sperm donation.
The actor's next release is Sajid Khan's
multi-starrer Housefull 2 on April 5.
He will have to begin promotion for
the flm soon, so it was important for
him to sort out the legal tangle as soon
as possible.
He also has Dostana 2 coming up, as
well as Race 2 for which he still has to
flm a chunk of scenes.
Ekta Kapoor: 'No Reality Shows For Me!'
After 18 years in the industry, and
producing over 50 TV shows, producer
Ekta Kapoor says that she doesn't want
to re-enter the realm of reality shows,
despite rumours that she is planning
one with a leading channel.
Ekta's earlier ventures into reality TV,
Kabhi Kabhii Pyaar Kabhi Kabhii Yaar
(Sony Entertainment) and Kaun Jeetega
Bollywood Ka Ticket (9X), attracted
more criticism than accolades. "We put
too much drama into these shows, and
even today, regardless of what anyone
says, I'm proud of them!"
Ekta says. "We took baby steps into
the reality show scene with these
two shows. Today, I know that I can
do better, but I am content narrating
stories about the common man in my
movies and TV shows. The audience
connects with them better, and that is
what matters," adds the 36-year-old.
Ask her about recent rumours doing
the rounds, about her launching a third
reality show, and she says, "Producing
a reality show takes a certain kind of
expertise and I don't think I have it
right now. In the midst of my ongoing
projects, I don't have time to run
through new formats, and think about
how to execute them."
Ekta is currently on a high after actor
Vidya Balan won a National Award
for her Award for her performance in
the flm The Dirty Picture, that Ekta
produced. "It proves that the human
side of any story, combined with an
actor's honest effort, can make or break
a project," she says.
Ekta Kapoor
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Vidya Balan's 'Kahaani' Declared
A Hit
After being appreciated for her performance in female-centric "Ishqiya",
"No One Killed Jessica" and "The Dirty Picture", actress Vidya Balan
carries forwards the legacy of hits with "Kahaani", which has reportedly
collected Rs.2.95 crore on its opening day.
Released last Friday, the drama-thriller
made at a shoestring budget of Rs.8
crore is receiving positive response
from both the critics and audiences
"The flm has opened very well. The
collection in India on Friday was Rs.
2.95 crore and on Saturday it earned
Rs. 4.5 crore. The flm will defnitely
survive for over a week," Taran Adarsh
In director Sujoy Ghosh's Vidya is cast
as a software programmer. She comes
to Kolkata from London in search of
her husband, who is the father of her
unborn child.
Gautam Dutta, COO, PVR said that the
flm has superseded their expectation.
"The response we are getting for the
flm is phenomenal. There are families
coming together to watch the movie.
And since it is a women-centric flm,
there are group of females coming to
watch the flm.
'Kahaani' is a flm that is made for
serious and sensible cinegoers. Vidya's
performance is being appreciated by
audience. The flm is not entertaining
like 'The Dirty Picture', that is why it
has a niche audience. But it will not
only recover its cost but also earn
profts," said Delhi based distributor
Joginder Mahajan.
If the story and Viday's charm are
attracting audiences, distributor Sanjay
Ghai of Mukta Arts Ltd says word of
mouth is also helping the flm a lot in
gaining success.
Since there is no big release this week,
it is expected the movie will earn a
good amount of proft.
Sunidhi Chauhan Planning To Get
Married Next Month!
Once bitten, twice not shy! Sunidhi Chauhan is planning to get married
for the second time in April. The singer has found love yet again in the
budding music composer Hitesh Sonik. The couple has been dating for
the last one year or so, and didnt shy to commit.
Wedding bells toll for Sunidhi! Its
not early to comment, as things have
already been fnalized. Sunidhi, who
doesnt like to divulge anything about
her personal life, has confrmed, Yes
it is true and we will be getting married
very soon but we are yet to fx a date
Sunidhi earlier married Bobby Khan,
brother of choreographer and director
Ahmed Khan, at the age of 18. She
eloped with Bobby after working on
the music video of Pehla Nasha. But
soon after a year she separated from
him. Later she kept busy shaping up
her career in Bollywood. Sunidhi, now
of 28, is willing to take the plunge.
As a source is quoted as saying
by a daily, She met Hitesh Sonik
professionally a couple of years back,
and the two have been dating since
over a year. It was only last month
they fnalised they would be getting
married. The marriage is said to be
April bound.
Hitesh Sonik is a young music
composer who has worked on flms
like Pyaar Ka Punchnaama, Stanley Ka
Dabba and My Friend Pinto.
Sunidhi Chauhan has found love in
music composer Hitesh Sonik
Soha-Kunal Getting Married Before
It looks like actor Saif Ali Khans sister
Soha Ali Khan might tie the knot with
her boyfriend Kunal Khemu shortly.
Kunal and Soha who are profoundly in
love with each other, doesnt want to
waste anymore time. A leading daily
quoted Kunal admitting that he doesnt
want to wait for Saif-Bebos marriage
and wants to settle down soon with
Saif and Kareena has been tight-lipped
about their marriage dates. They are
expected to reveal their wedding plans
after the release of their movie Agent
Gone are the days when television is
considered to the safest entertainment
medium to view with family members.
Ekta Kapoors highly popular show,
Bade Aache Lagte Hai has fnally
broken the taboo and successfully
compelled their two lead protagonists
Ram played by Ram Kapoor and Priya
played by Sakshi Talwar to smooch on
Indian television.
The serial which is riding high on TRPs
shows Ram and Priya fnally coming
close to each other, made love after
months of marriage. The lovemaking
scene was 17 minutes long and shows
Ram and Priya in many cozy positions
left the audience in shock and in a bit
The bedroom scene was enacted with
the song ''In Lamhon Ke Daaman
Ram Kapoor, Sakshi Talwar Smooch On
Mein' from Jodhaa Akbar playing at
the background. First time in an Indian
television a lip-locking scene was
shown. For few days, Ram and Priyas
intimate scene has been telecast in
between ads and serials but fnally the
episode was aired on Monday and what
it came was a big shock for all.
Vinod. So, will Soha-Kunal get married
before Saif-Bebo?
Rohit Shetty To Do Cameo In Kya Super Kool Hai Hum
After making appearance on the small
screen in TV shows like 'The Big
Switch' and 'Comedy Circus', director
Rohit Shetty is now all set for his big
screen debut. The director, known
for his hugely successful flms like
the Golmaal series, All The Best and
Singham, recently shot a cameo for Ekta
Kapoor's forthcoming home production
Kya Super Kool Hai Hum (KSKHH).
Rohit, who would be seen playing
himself in the flm, recently shot his
bit with actor Tusshar Kapoor. In fact
it was Tusshar who coaxed the shy
and reclusive director to do a cameo in
KSKHH stars Tusshar, Riteish
Deshmukh, Neha Sharma and Sarah
Jane Dias. The flm is directed by
Sachin Yardi.
To get the best value for
your dollar advertise in
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
'I Am Not Stepping Into Mohnish Behl's Shoes'
Mohnish Behl has been replaced by Sharad Kelkar in Sony Entertainment Television's romantic soap Kuch Toh Log Kahenge.
We investigate the reasons.
Actor Sharad Kelkar, who has acted
in Saat Phere and Bairi Piya, has
stepped into the role of Dr Ashutosh
after Mohnish Behl quit the daily
soap Kuch Toh Log Kahenge on Sony
Entertainment Television.
The show, which went on air last
October, is an Indian adaptation of the
popular Pakistani TV series Dhoop
Mohnish Behl quit the show citing
health reasons. The actor's sudden
exit from the serial is centred on an
accident scene. Sources say there will
be no change in the original story to
suit Mohnish's exit and Sharad's entry.
Sharad Kelkar says he took some
time to accept the offer as he had
prior commitments. "It seemed like a
challenge to me, so then I thought one
should go ahead, and I said yes."
He continues, "I did a two-day
workshop with other actors in the show.
I am stepping into the character's shoes;
I am not stepping into Mohnishji's
shoes. So I am not going to copy him.
He was brilliant in the show and has set
a high benchmark but I am set for it."
Mohnish was the face of the show, so
won't it be quite a challenge taking it
Sharad has no illusions. "Yes, it's going
to be tough. I have my own style and
attitude when it comes to acting. I hope
viewers like me in my own new avatar.
I will try to fulfll all the requirements
and expectations of people."
About playing an older character, he
says, "I am an actor so I have to do
any kind of role. I have always played
contrasting characters because it's
interesting to play challenging roles. I
am excited to be part of this show."
Did he speak to Mohnish before
agreeing to replace him?
"No. They contacted me only after
he decided to quit the show. They
approached many actors besides me."
Sharad had seen a few episodes of the
show before he signed up, and also the
Pakistani episodes. "It's one of the more
uncommon shows on TV, a simple
story told in a simple way. I heard this
show is better than the Pakistani one."
There were rumours that Mohnish was
not too comfortable doing romantic
scenes, but Sharad says Mohnish is
such a seasoned actor that he doesn't
think he would have a problem with
romantic scenes.
"As for me, I have a romantic image on
screen and off. I hope that continues in
the show too," he smiles.
Meanwhile, speculation is rife about
what prompted Mohnish Behl to leave
the serial. He wasn't comfortable
shooting romantic scenes with his co-
star when his wife was present on the
set, goes one version, while another
says he wanted a pay hike.
Mohnish dismisses all the speculation.
"People enjoy rumours! I left on
account of health reasons (severe
lower back spasms and pain). The 20
days a month, 12 hours every day and
extensions etc and travelling four hours
to and from the location... I just wasn't
getting enough rest. That's all.
"Sony channel and I have given the
same statement, so I wonder who is
spreading such stories and who gains
from this. Why would my wife have
any objection to romantic scenes? I
have done them in flms. She married
an actor and she herself has acted and
still acts sometimes, so we both know
what acting is. And how can I ask for a
pay hike mid-contact?" he asks.
Mohnish Behl
Ash-Abhi's Daughter Named
The long wait is over and Beti B
has finally got a name. Amitabh
Bachchan declared that his
granddaughter has been named
Aaradhya which has been derived
from Sanskrit word, which means
The Bachchan parivar believes in
Indian culture and tradition. Amitabh
Bachchans frst two grandchildren
from his daughter Shweta Nandas
also have a traditional name, the son is
named Agastya and daughter is named
Navya Naveli.
The Bachchan parivar took too long
to name their little angel as they do
not want to take the decision in haste.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan gave birth to
her baby on November 16, 2011 and
since then all eagerly waited for the
baby to be named.
Abhishek Bachchan also asked his fans
to suggest a name for his daughter starts
with little A and he was fooded with
suggestions. At one point of time, it
was also heard that Beti B was named
Abhilasha but later Big B denied the
Finally, the wait is over and Ash-Abhi's
baby who is christened as Beti B by
the media will be called by the sweet
name Aaradhya.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
At The Movies
Project X
Party On!
Ah, the rights of high school come
under the microscope in Project
X, one of the raunchiest comedies
ever. Blame Warner Brothers for this
hilarious laugh fest that follows the
exploits of three teens. See what all
the fuss is about at Empire Studio 12,
Colossus and Cineplex Odeon Theatre
around B.C.
High school days can be flled
with joy or disaster. Being on the outs
and/or falling into the nerd category
often leads kids to low self esteem.
Three boys try to reverse this history
of bad luck by throwing a party. Plans
like this have been the focus of flms in
the past, only Project X takes that teen
age ritual to a how new level. Lets
say they lower the bar considerably
throughout this 88 minute escapade.
Pure chaos results which will leave
young audiences in stitches; adults will
cringe at what they see on screen.
Pasadena, California is
defnitely the centre of attention in
Project X. This quiet city and quaint
neighbourhood where Thomas lives
will never live down that one night
affair. Nerds everywhere will be
rooting for Thomas Mann who at
frst is reluctant to throw a party.
A little prodding helps and friends
Costa and JB are just the men for the
job. Fast talking and being slick are
traits perfected by Oliver Couper and
his foul mouth offerings are sure to
get your attention. Less profane but
equally goofy in his outlook here is
Jonathan Daniel Brown who lets his
physique become a foil in this raucous
Good insight into what teens
want and those high school after hours
activities are given a whole new slant
by director Nima Nourizadeh. After
the build-up the actual party itself is
wild in the extreme. Things go from
bad to worse in hurry as someone let
the cat out of the bag. Poor Thomas
gets slapped with a huge mess on his
hands when it looks like half the towns
populations back yard.
Wild is the going concern as
fueled by liquor these teens have just
a whale of the time. Contrived yes,
stock characters to be sure, but in the
end Project X is certainly a guilty
pleasure with enough profanity and
nudity to make a long shoreman blush
with embarrassment. Plenty of fun is
on display especially with the boys
urge to get in on with the ladies. Just
how they fare is at the heart of Project
X which does have some soul when
its not delving into the sexual prowess
(or lack thereof) hard-wired into these
three jerks.
Party-animals and those
willing to push the limits of good taste
will be pleased to know that Project X
is truly a very funny flm with good
casting, some chemistry and a whole
lot of drugged out, liquored up, sex
obsessed teens on the loose. Bottom
line on Project X is that its a guilty
pleasure that teens will adore.

Davy Jones: Family Bid Final Farewell
In Manchester
The family of Monkees star Davy
Jones held a private memorial service
in his birthplace of Manchester.
The service took place last Sunday at
Lees Street Congregational Church
in the Openshaw area, where Jones
performed as a child in church plays.
Jones' wife and daughters travelled to
join his British-based relatives after his
funeral in Florida last week.
His niece Beverley Barber said: "We
had a beautiful service, and a wonderful
celebration of his life, as a family."
The actor and singer died from a heart
attack at the end of February at his home
in Florida. He moved from Manchester
to the US in the mid-1960s.
Mrs Barber said the family wanted the
service to be private, but added that a
public event could be staged in the US
or UK in the future.
"We needed a little bit of time on
our own," she said. "From a family
perspective we've said our goodbye.
"We managed to keep it very private
and very personal. All his family
together in one room. He'd have been
thrilled to bits to see that."
Jones' wife Jessica took his ashes to
Manchester, Mrs Barber added.
"He came home to Manchester," she
said. "His ashes weren't scattered in
Manchester although they were placed
on his parents' grave for a little while."
The Monkees, often described as the
frst manufactured pop band, were put
together in 1966 for a TV series which
became hugely popular in the US and
the UK.
They went on to have four number one
US albums within a 13-month period.
My Kids Don't Watch My Films, Says
Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts has revealed that her
children are not allowed to watch any
of her movies.
The 44-year-old beauty's three
children, 7-year-old twins Hazel
Patricia and Phinnaeus Walter and 4
and a half-year-old Henry Daniel, will
even have to wait to see her latest flm,
family fick 'Mirror Mirror', in which
she plays Snow White's evil Queen.
"I think they are [too young]
considering the part that I play," People
magazine quoted her as saying.
"We have a pretty rigid viewing feeling
in our house," she said of her policy
with her husband, director Danny
Moder, about exposing their kids to
their work.
"We'll fnd our right time that will be
happy and joyous for us to share that
all together, but it probably isn't in two
weeks," she said.
As of now, her three kids don't watch
many movies or TV shows at all.
"Those nice, cozy, very short hours
before bed, we just really spend
together as a family talking and sharing
the day and reading books, and really,
before you know it, it's time for bed,"
she said.
"Part of it is there's just not time for
that. We would prefer something
different in that time.
"We're more book people in our house,"
she explained, adding that her family
is interested in "stories and poetry and
talking, sharing ideas."
Which isn't to say the actress is entirely
opposed to her kids watching TV.
"They do get to watch some things,"
she said.
"But for us, we just feel there's a real
time and a place for it," she added.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times India News
Life Imprisonment In Dowry Case
A local court has sentenced a man to
life imprisonment for abetting the
suicide of his wife and awarded 10
years imprisonment to his mother.
Additional District and Session Judge
Harpreet Kaur Jeevan noted that
victim Sumandeep Kaur, consumed
a poisonous substance after only fve
months of marriage due to persistent
demands for dowry from her husband,
Gurwinder Singh, a resident of Gajewas
village and his mother Harjeet Kaur.
The court also noted that the victim was
harassed continuously after marriage,
despite having met several demands of
the husband's family.
Free Education For Girl Students
Up To MA
Returning to power for a record
second successive tenure, Punjab
Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal
announced free education for all girl
students up to MA.
Earlier, the free education scheme was
up to graduation.
Badal also announced extension of free
bicycle scheme to girl students of 9th
and 10th class.
Addressing a rally of SAD workers
after paying obeisance at Takhat Sri
Kesgarh Sahib here, Badal said the
new SAD-BJP government would not
indulge in "petty vendetta" politics.
He said he has come to the sacred soil
of Khalsa (Sikh) birth place to seek
the blessings of the Almighty and to
vow that his government would focus
on pro-poor and pro-development
policies and make all efforts to fulfll
the aspirations of people.
Congratulating the people, Badal
said that besides making Punjab
power surplus in the next two years
the state government would focus on
completing the unfnished tasks of the
SAD-BJP government's last tenure.
Badal also announced the setting up
of a world class sports stadium at Sri
Anandpur Sahib besides announcing
memorials? in the memory of Bhai
Jiwan Singh and Bhai Sangat Singh.
Later, at a press briefng, when asked
about the number of BJP ministers to
be inducted in the new cabinet, Badal
said Akali Dals relationship with BJP
was not political but it was emotional
which was above of all these things.
Asked about reasons of Congress'
failure, Badal said people had punished
Congress for "record price rise,
unprecedented corruption and its failure
to provide security of life to its citizens".
Boy Shot Dead By Drunk Delhi Cop
A 12-year-old boy was shot dead by
a drunk Delhi Police constable at a
marriage ceremony in the capital,
police said. He was thrashed by the
boy's relatives and then arrested.
The shocking incident took place around
11.15 pm last Sunday at Dhaka village
in north Delhi's Mukherjee Nagar area.
Tarun Chauhan, a Class 7 student in a
government school, received a bullet
in his chest when the policeman, Jai
Baba, 35, indulged in "celebratory fre"
on the dance foor.
The bleeding boy was rushed to a hospital
where doctors declared him dead.
Jai Baba, a constable with Crime
Branch, has been arrested.
According to bride's family members,
a cousin of the bride had invited the
policeman to create ruckus at the ceremony.
"After consuming alcohol, Baba took
out his revolver and fred two shots in
the air. He then fred a straight shot. It
pierced the boy's chest, who was also
dancing on the stage," said the offcial.
The enraged kin of the victim beat up
the policeman and handed him over to
police, said the offcial.
Kingfsher Cancels 40 Flights As
Pilots Strike
Private carrier Kingfsher Airlines on Monday cancelled 40 fights after
pilots failed to report to work.
At least 11 fights that were to fy out of
Mumbai had to be cancelled. Further
details on cancelled fights are awaited.
Last month, Kingfsher Airlines was
asked to pay the balance of its outstanding
tax dues within the next eight months
after being told to pay an upfront amount
of Rs.35 to Rs.40 crores.
Income tax department offcials rejected a
Kingfsher Airlines plea that it should be
allowed at least 18 months to clear its dues.
Unhappy with Kingfshers offer to
make payments over 18 months period
on weekly basis, the I-T Department
summoned the airline management for
a meeting and made it clear that the
status quo prevails.
Kingfsher Airlines had at that time
started truncated operations in
accordance with its new fight schedule.
Meanwhile, there is still uncertainty
over moves by a consortium of 13
bankers to offer fresh loan for the
beleaguered carrier.
India Tribeswomen Married Off
In Mass Wedding
A group of young girls and boys
dressed in brightly colored veils and
turbans sat shoulder-to-shoulder and
stone-faced through a mass marriage
and engagement ceremony in the
Indian village of Vadia in Banaskantha
last Sunday.
The ceremony was an attempt to break
a long-held tradition in the poor rural
village known as the Veshya Gram or
village of prostitutes.
For more than 100 years the women in
the village have engaged in the worlds
oldest profession.
Mittal Patel, secretary of the aid group
Nomadic Community Support Forum,
said poor tribeswomen who could
not afford marriage often became
prostitutes when they turned 15. Men
in the village have been known to
solicit customers for their wives and
daughters, as reported.
Patels group said it organized
weddings for eight poor nomadic
tribeswomen to help them avoid the
fate of their mothers.
Twelve other girls who are minors
were engaged to local boys and will
marry after they turn 18.
Patel said they found grooms from
within the tribe in Vadia, a village 275
kilometers north of Gandhinagar, the
capital of Gujarat state.
"Marriage means that the young girls
will be saved from the traditional
profession of prostitution," she said.
"Once the girl gets married or engaged,
she cannot be forced into the fesh
Patels group has been working with
the village for fve years. Previously,
no one in the area wanted to marry
women from the infamous village, but
she says her group has built enough
trust among locals to make Sundays
ceremony possible.
Three of the planned engagements
were cancelled when the prospective
grooms didnt show up.
Mass weddings of this kind are
common in India where arranged
marriages are the norm. The group
celebrations help cut down on costs for
poorer rural dwellers.
According to the media, 3,000 people
gathered to witness the wedding
in Vadia. It was the frst time since
Independence that young girls from
the village married, according to the
report, calling it an historic event.
The women were dressed in colourful
saris and their grooms wore fantail
turbans and swords, as loud drummers
accompanied the wedding party. Later
they posed for photos before felds
where the men in the village work.
The state gave the nomadic community
80 hectares of land but it was infertile.
Patel says her group has been digging
wells in the area since 2006.
A young Indian girl and boy during a mass marriage at Vadiya village,
India. An aid group says it has organized weddings for eight poor
nomadic tribeswomen in western India to help them avoid prostitution.
The wedding of Suman and Gurwinder
took place on November 28, 2008.
Sumandeep swallowed a poisonous
substance at her in-laws' house on May
6, 2009.
The judge also noted that even victim's
parents were not informed and she was
left untreated even when she consumed
poison. The case of dowry death was
registered in this connection.
The family members of Sumandeep
had spent more than Rs 40 lakh on the
marriage, her in-laws demanded Rs 20
lakh just two days before the wedding
for buying a Sports Utility Vehicle
(SUV) for the groom.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Travel News
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Visiting Delhi, India
November is very pleasant and cool
in New Delhi, therefore light warm
clothing is recommended.
Welcome to the city of Delhi, the
capital of India. A city that is as old
as civilization itself and nurtured with
loving care in the hands of several
dynasties. As history unfolds itself, we
fnd Delhi a city of magnifcent kings
and princes, men of great culture,
learning and refnement who created
famous masterpieces like the Qutab
Minar, the Diwan-e-Aam and the Pearl
Mosque in the Red Fort. No wonder
the city's history is synonymous with
the history of India. The evidence of
this can be marked distinctly as the
city is fourished with tombs, forts,
monuments, ramparts and ruins where
sightseeing is of great pleasure.
The Bahai Temple
Completed in 1986, the Bahai temple
is set amidst pools and gardens.
Adherents of any faith are free to visit
the temple and pray or meditate silently
according to their own religion. The
structure is in lotus shape so it often
called the lotus temple. The view of the
temple is spectacular before dusk when
the temple is foodlit.
Built by the Hare Rama Hare Krishna
cult followers this temple is dedicated
to the Lord Krishna. Built on a hillock,
this complex is elegantly built and is
one of the largest temple complexes in
Laxmi Narain Temple
One of Delhi's major temples and
a major tourist attraction. Built by
the industrialist G. D. Birla in 1938,
this beautiful temple is located in the
west of Connaught Place. The temple
is dedicated to Laxmi, the goddess
of prosperity and good fortune. The
temple has well grafted gardens.
Popularly known as the Birla Mandir.
Red Fort
Built in 1648, this sprawling fort of red
sand stones along the river Yamuna is
surrounded by a wall of about 2.4 km
in circumference. It was built by the
Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. After
he transferred his capital from Agra to
Delhi. The fort has two main entrances,
the Delhi Gate and the Lahori Gate
facing the famed Chandni Chowk
market. The Fort has Diwan-e-Aam,
and Diwan-e-Khas where the king
would grant audience to the public
and would grant audience to important
people respectively Adjacent to this
is the Rang Mahal, the water cooled
Apartment for the royal ladies. A Light
and Sound show is held in the evening.
India Gate
Flanked by ornamental ponds and
lawns, Rajpath is host to the Republic
Day Parade. The two secretariat
buildings and Rashtrapati Bhawan on
the Raisina hills are located on the
two sides of this immensely broad
road. Previously the Boat Club,
besides the Rajpath, was host to many
demonstrations and Rallies. India Gate
is towards the eastern end of Rajpath.
Air Travel: Dehydration
Prevention Tips
Dehydration while traveling by air
is a common problem. It can become
a cause of problems as minor as mild
discomforts like fatigue, scratchy eyes
and dry skin to major health issues like
respiratory conditions.
Follow simple rules and stay as fresh
as you were when you boarded the
fight. This is how you do it:
1. Drink plenty of water
Drink fuids throughout air travel.
Keep a big bottle for yourself and keep
sipping water.
Avoid alcohol, tea and coffee because
they aggravate dehydration.
2. Switch to glasses
Carry medicated eye drops because
it can save your life in the dry cabin
air. Wear contacts only if you must,
otherwise wear glasses.
3. Carry nasal sprays
The cabin air can lead to nasal
discomforts. At times it might lead to
nose bleeding too. Keep nasal sprays
handy in case your nose gets dry when
youre fying. This will keep your nasal
cavities hydrated.
4. Keep a moisturizer
Dry air in the cabin can do a number
of harms to your otherwise silky and
smooth skin. It can make it become dry,
itchy and faky. And, who wants scaly
skin. Isnt the thought of it repelling
enough for you? In order to avoid loss
of moisture hydrate your skin from
outside by applying a moisturizer on
your hands and face. Dont let the
cabin air steal your charm.
5. Bring some cut fruits
Fruits are easier to digest and will fght
dehydration too.
Once you follow the routine above,
you would never cry over dehydration
related problems.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Times Driving
2012 Ford F-350 Super Duty SuperCab
As the saying goes, you don't need
a sledgehammer to pound in a
thumbtack. But what if something
bigger than a thumbtack is involved
and you do need something more
along the lines of a sledgehammer? In
that case, the 2012 Ford F-350 Super
Duty will be at the ready. This year
the big Ford incorporates a beefed-up
frame and trailer hitch, increasing the
F-350's already impressive capacity for
hauling and towing. With up to 22,700
pounds of towing capacity, it is stout
enough to handle just about any job
you throw at it.
Last year's Super Duty redesign brought
a number of improvements, including
more powerful engines; exterior
styling tweaks and revised climate
controls. It also brought an enhanced
front suspension that increased towing/
payload capacities. The suspension
also was meant to deliver a more
comfortable ride, but this is still a
heavy-duty truck, so things are smooth
when the F-350 is carrying or towing a
load, but not so smooth when the truck
is unladen.
Should the F-350's massive capabilities
still not be enough, Ford is the only
truck maker that sells something even
tougher than a 350-series pickup for
consumer use: the F-450. For most
consumers in need of a serious work
truck, though, the 2012 Ford F-350
Super Duty will be the right tool for
the job. That said, the Chevy Silverado
3500HD and Ram 3500 are defnitely
worth a look as well.
Body Styles, Trim Levels,
and Options
The 2012 Ford F-350 Super Duty is
available in three cab designs (regular,
extended SuperCab and Crew Cab),
two rear axle designs (single wheel
and dual) and two bed lengths (8 feet
and 6 feet, 9 inches, the latter of which
is unavailable with the regular cab or
dual rear wheel). There are four trim
levels -- XL, XLT, Lariat and King
Ranch -- but not all are available with
every cab, bed and axle confguration.
The base XL available in all
confgurations comes standard with
17-inch steel wheels, a tow package,
telescoping trailer mirrors, air-
conditioning, 40/20/40 front bench seat,
60/40-split-folding rear seat (SuperCab
and Crew Cab), vinyl upholstery, vinyl
fooring, a tilt-and-telescoping steering
wheel and a two-speaker radio. The
XL dually adds running boards and
a hydraulic jack. The Value package
adds cruise control, chrome bumpers
and a four-speaker sound system with
a CD player. The Power Equipment
Group adds keyless entry, full power
accessories and heated power mirrors
with integrated blind-spot mirrors.
The XLT includes the Value package
and Power Equipment Group, but
adds alloy wheels (single rear wheel)
cloth upholstery, rear privacy glass,
cupholders, carpeted foors, additional
interior power points and an auxiliary
audio jack. The XLT Interior package
adds automatic headlights, a keyless
entry code pad, a six-way power driver
seat and power-adjustable pedals.
The XLT Premium package available
on the SuperCab and Crew Cab adds
the Interior package, plus power
telescoping mirrors, fog lamps, auto-
dimming rearview mirror, steering-
wheel controls and the Sync electronics
system. The latter includes Bluetooth
and an iPod interface and also offers
"AppLink" smartphone integration.
The Lariat is SuperCab and Crew
Cab only. It includes the XLT's above
optional items and adds rear parking
sensors, a power-sliding rear window,
dual-zone automatic climate control,
eight-way power front bucket seats
with power lumbar adjustment and a
full center console, leather upholstery
(SuperCab backseat is premium vinyl),
rear seat air vents, a leather-wrapped
steering wheel, an enhanced trip
computer and an eight-speaker sound
system with satellite radio. It also
adds 18-inch alloy wheels (single rear
wheel) or 17-inch alloy wheels (dual
rear wheel). Many of these additions
are optional on the XLT.
The King Ranch adds to the Lariat
special exterior and interior trim,
remote ignition, a rearview camera,
unique King Ranch rust-red leather
upholstery, heated and ventilated front
seats and driver memory functions.
Other than the King Ranch-specifc
trim, all these items are options on the
Options on all F-350s include a
gooseneck/ffth-wheel hitch kit, roof
clearance lights, a tailgate step, a
rear window defroster, a sunroof and
a navigation system with integrated
HD radio. The available Ford Work
Solutions package is offered on XL
and XLT models and adds an in-dash
computer that is customizable to suit
commercial users and feets. The FX4
Off-Road package available on 4WD
models includes all-terrain tires, skid
plates and upgraded Rancho-brand
shocks. Single-rear-wheel models get
an electronic locking differential and
hill descent control with this package,
while the dually gets a limited-slip rear
Power Trains And
The 2012 Ford F-350 comes standard
with a 6.2-liter V8 that produces
385 horsepower and 405 pound-feet
of torque. A six-speed automatic
transmission is standard with either
rear- or all-wheel drive. Maximum
towing capacity with this engine is
between 11,900 and 15,000 pounds
depending on axle ratio, wheels driven,
cab design and single or dual rear axle.
Adding a ffth-wheel hookup boosts
the max up to 15,800.
Optional is a turbocharged 6.7-liter
diesel V8 that produces 400 hp and
800 lb-ft of torque. Maximum towing
capacity is between 12,500 and 17,500
pounds depending on axle ratio, wheels
driven, cab design and single or dual
rear axle. Adding a ffth-wheel hookup
boosts the max up to 22,700.
All 2012 Ford F-350 Super Duty trucks
come standard with four-wheel antilock
disc brakes, stability control, trailer
sway control, hill start assist, front side
airbags, front side curtain airbags and
the SOS post-crash alert system.
The Regular and SuperCabs get a
passenger airbag deactivation switch.
An integrated trailer brake controller
is standard on XLT and higher models,
while the Lariat trim level adds rear
parking sensors and power-adjustable
pedals. A rearview camera is optional
on the XLT and Lariat and standard on
the King Ranch model.
Interior Design and
Special Features
The cabin styling features a rectangular,
industrial look, and the cabin is
beginning to look dated compared to
the Ram 3500. Hard plastics abound
throughout the interior on lower trim
levels, but are on par or better than
other trucks in this segment. Opting
for the Lariat or King Ranch trims adds
a decidedly upscale experience, with
rich leather and added amenities.
If you choose the front bench seat, it
features a lockable bin that also folds to
serve as an armrest. Another lockable
compartment is located under the rear
seats that can easily accommodate
longer items (like a hunting rife) and
also features a 12-volt power point.
Another nifty perk is the available 4.2-
inch LCD multifunction display placed
in the instrument panel. This display
allows the driver to customize settings
and relays trip computer, fuel economy,
towing and off-road information.
Driving Impressions
Towing is a big part of the Super Duty's
capabilities, and the 6.7-liter diesel
will likely be the engine of choice
if you have this in mind. Even when
lugging a 10,000-pound trailer up a
steep grade, the diesel makes the climb
with ease, never laboring or forcing
the transmission to hunt through the
gears. The driver can also selectively
lock out higher gears to ensure optimal
towing progress, while descents are
also well managed by the automatic
transmission, which fnds the right
gear at the right time. We've found the
throttle a little reluctant to respond to
small inputs while towing, though.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
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Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
-- Complete Automotive Repairs - Cars & Light Trucks --
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Suspension Repair Tune Ups Brakes Air Conditioning
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Towing Available
7780 135A Street, Surrey BC V3W 9A7
Cell : 604. 377.9173
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Specializing in Fiji Bakery Product,
Pizza Shells, Variety of Baked goods and many more......
Fiji Loaf, Cream Bun
Ph: 604.594.5428
Monday - Friday 9 am - 7 pm
Saturday 8 am - 6 pm
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Leather Goods, Manufacturing, General Upholstery Repairs,
Refinishing, Convertible Tops, Auto Marine & Car Seats, Tarpaulins,
Boat Tops & Seats, Restaurant Booths, Bean Bags, Chairs
7780 135A Street, Surrey BC V3W 9A7
Contact Sarwan @ 604.377.9173
Tel: 604.594.5428 Fax: 604.594.0766
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
Built and assembled in December of 1965, the main structure
of this Pan-Abode style log home is one of the oldest still
standing homes in Fleetwood. It holds a master bedroom,
a master bathroom, spare bedroom, den / dining room, and
living room.
The garage was added in 1995, followed by the three bedroom,
two bathroom addition in 2001, that also holds a laundry room,
home offce, and kitchen
Spacious backyard with in ground salt water pool cleaned by
salt-water generator.View pictures at:
Fiji Canada Senior Citizen's Council
Seniors Meeting Schedule
March 18th 2012 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Fiji Canada Hall
13629 108th Avenue Surrey BC
Contact N.Tejram 604.5407009

For new membership contact
Subhas Chandra 604.433.4298
Public info
Osteoporosis Information Session
DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society in partnership withOsteoporosis Canada
Surrey/White Rock Chapter will be holding a FREE Public Information session for
adults on bone health and osteoporosis. This informative session will cover:
SPEAKING OF BONES The A-Z of Osteoporosis
What exactly is osteoporosis?
How is it diagnosed?
Am I at risk?
Latest Guidelines on Testing, Diet, Calcium and Vitamin D
Exercises you can easily do to increase bone mass...
Living well with Osteoporosis

Please note there will be a Punjabi/Hindi interpreter.
When: Tuesday March 20th 2012
Where: Bear Creek Pavilion, 13750 88th Avenue Surrey
Time: 10:00am to 11:30pm
For more information and registration, please contact:
Shabina & Archana at DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society
604 597-0205 ext: 4010 or 4014
778 867-9253 or 778 789-3258
This project is made possible throughfundingfromthe Government of Canadaandthe Province of BritishColumbia.
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15 Places of Worship
Monday 5:30pm9:00pm Tuesday 7:00pm9:00pm Sunday 10:00am12 noon
PH: 604-254-2624
For Pooja Booking Contact:
Aiyaar Shivachariyar Sada Shiva
8840 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC 604.274.7906
Sunday 10am to 3pm
Monday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
Tuesday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
Wednesday 1pm to 7pm
Thursday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
Friday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm

1pm Sundays
(Hindi & English)
5441 - 125A St, Surrey B.c.
Affliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
James Kumar 604-581-3191 (res) 604-599-9518 (work) cecil Labon 604-572-4854
Temple hours
Monday to Sunday Morning 8:00am10:00am
Evening 6:00pm8:00pm
Daily Aarthi 7:00pm
Ramayan Katha Friday 6:00pm10:00pm
pooja/special prayer sessions/Temple/hall
PT. Shiu Madri 604.582.4899
PUJARI Soma Sundaran 604.363.7180
president: H.C. Gopal 604.290.1114
Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam Educational and Cultural Society, BC, Canada (EST. 1982 Incorporated S176969)
secretary: Ganesh Murti 604.315.3166 Treasurer: Muniappa Naidu 604.576.4529
maathar sangam Activities & Volunteers
Shakuntala Naidu 604.576.4529
9326 - 116th Street, Delta, BC
We pray for sickness, demon possessed & family problems.
We have testimonies, come and see Gods great work.
Rev. Emmanuel Cheema 778-241-9066
15964 88th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V4N IH5
You are the light of the world,
a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
(Matthew 5: 11)
Sunday Service @ 5.30 p.m. (Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & English)
Pastor Isimeli Lesi Korobasaga
Affliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Phone: 604.592.9001 Cell: 778.938.2734 Email:
14455 - 104th Ave., Surrey, Bc
Every Sunday 25Pm
@ Peoples Full Gospel
abhishek pentecostal assembly
If youre looking for a place to belong or have been searching for answers to lifes questions or healing,
come to our services or contact us. Allow us to introduce you to Jesus Christ and help you come into a full relationship with him.
Sunday School/Worship Service: 1pm
11601-82nd Ave, Delta BC (604) 590-8836
Services are in Hindi and English
Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel Krishna
Vancouver Sunday Worship Service: 1:45pm
6075 Inverness St 45th Ave
(Pilgrim Baptist Ch Bldg)
Contact Pastor Silas Naidu (604) 517-4490

(Registered under the Society Act Of BC. Registered Charity # 891336349)
Join for Hawan, Pravachan and Satsangh
followed by Preetibhoj Every Sunday 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon
Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation classes every Wednesday 7:00 p.m - 8:30 p.m.
Contact Shobha Rae 604.874.9856
Hindi Classes Sunday 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Contact Madhu Varsney 604.222.1444
Hall rental also availabale. Contact Kushwakant Singh 604.328.5454
Pushp Kant Singh, President 604.437.7903 Jack Sundar, Secretary 604.541.9359 Kushwaha Kant Singh, Treasurer 604.328.5454
12371 96 Avenue Surrey BC
Sunday Service @ 6:00PM
Ph: 604.593.5663
Pastor Sakaraia & Rev. Ema Karoi
Arya Samaj Centre, 6884 Jubilee Ave., Burnaby, B.C.
38868 - 128th Street, Surrey Bc
Service Sundays 2:00pm
Bible Study (Hindi & English) Wednesdays 7:30pm
Prayer, counselling & visitations Available
Pastor Eileen Reddy 604.842.2189
#4-6468 King George Blvd, Surrey BC
Sunday Service @ 2:00PM
Uplifting Worship | Prayer for healing | music (cD) Available
Shailendra (Shal) Singh
604-596-7353 or 604-323-6506 |
Hindi Punjabi Fraserview GosPel CHaPel
14630-107a avenue surrey bC v3r 1v1
Serving the community since 1972
sunday service 10:30 am12:00 noon
Service in Hindustani & Punjabi Sunday School for Children
Pastor Santosh Raj 604-582-2650
Shree Mahalakshmi Temple
Programs in March 2012
Date Time Program
23 Friday 7:00pm Gudi Padwa ,Chaitri Navaratri
26 Monday 7:00pm Lakshmi Vinayaka Japa , Navaratri
30 Friday 6:30pm Durgashtami , Kanya puja
31 Saturday 7:00pm Hanuman japa, Ramanavami
Sanatan Dharm Cultural SoCiety
Shiv Mandir
Shree ram naumi
Saturday march 31st - 9:00am to midday
Ram Katha, Havan, Aarti and Bisharjan
Everyone is cordially invited
Pritibhoj every night after pooja
Shri ram naumi
Sunday april 1st 10am to 12 noon
Come celebrate rams Birthday
Followed by pritibhoj
Puja starts
at 6:30pm
Ramayan Katha,
March 24th
April 1st, 2012
Friday march 23rd
Saturday march 31st
By Pandit Shiv N. mishra
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Kirtan, Bhajan, Ram
Katha, Aarti and
5600 Dorset Street, Burnaby, BC
Pt Shiv mishra
Shiv mandir
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
TImes sporTs
Business As Usual' For NHLTeams
That was the phrase used by NHL
commissioner Gary Bettman and the
league's general managers to sum
up their approach to dealing with the
uncertainty of an expiring collective
bargaining agreement.
The NHL's current deal with its players
expires Sept. 15 and the GMs will have
to deal with the free agency period that
kicks off July 1 under the terms of the
current deal even though a new CBA
could result in a reduced salary cap.
"Every team is different in that respect.
The message for us is business as
usual," said Philadelphia Flyers GM
Paul Holmgren. "Sooner or later there
will be a deal made and we'll play
"We're one of 30 teams facing the same
dilemmas. For us it's business as usual,"
said Winnipeg Jets general manager
Kevin Cheveldayoff. "We're going to
use the approach that we're continuing
the evaluation process, development
process, drafting process and signing
process for our team. So things really
don't change in those regards."
The GMs received a brief update
on the CBA situation from Bettman
Wednesday morning.
"The update is there was no update,
there's nothing going on," said Bettman.
"The fact is when the union is ready to
negotiate we'll be ready to sit down.
I'm not particularly concerned about
the time line. There's plenty of time.
Listen, we have new union leadership
with a lot of new personnel and my
guess is they still have a lot of work to
do and I'm OK with that. When they're
ready, we'll be ready."
- The GMs want the on-ice offcials to
be more vigilant when it comes to line
changes. It's expected they will be told
to call teams for having too many men
on the ice if the replacement player goes
over the boards before the player leaving
the ice is within fve feet of the bench.
- The GMs are also recommending
icing be called more stringently. An
offensive player must touch the puck
to nullify a potential icing call. There
have been instances where icing has
been waved off when the puck has
simply been in the vicinity of a player
on what has been called an "attainable
- The GMs have recommended the
competition committee consider
implementing the hybrid icing rule
the GMs came up with here. It would
see icing waved off if the offensive
player beats a retreating defenceman
to the face-off dot. If the defenceman
gets to the dot frst or they are tied, the
whistle would blow and icing would be
called. The change is to cut down on
dangerous races that can wind up with
heavy collisions into the end boards.
- They will continue to look at hand
passes in the defensive zone. There
was talk about calling a minor penalty
for a hand pass in the defensive zone,
but a stricter enforcement of the
current rule prohibiting closing the
hand on the puck might do the trick as
far as discouraging the hand pass as a
defensive tactic.
- The NHL will ask the American
Hockey League to test next year the so-
called ringette line across the top of the
circles. A player would have to cross that
line with the puck in order to attempt a
pass to the far blueline. A player would
only be allowed to pass the puck to the
redline from below the ringette line.
It's hoped the ringette line would deter
teams from just slapping the puck up the
ice to a forward at the far blueline who
simply tips the puck ahead.
- Bettman said there is no update on the
Phoenix Coyotes ownership situation.
It remains a work in progress with no
- Bettman confrmed the Winnipeg Jets
will play again next season (whenever
next season is) in the Southeast
Division. He said he had a conversation
with Jets chairman and governor Mark
Chipman, whom Bettman said was
understanding of the situation.
NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman
Rock Says That Cena Match Will Be Bigger Than Hogan Match From 2002
Over the course of his career with the
WWE, the Rock has been a part of some of
the biggest matches in the company during
that time, and none were any bigger than
his meeting with the legendary Hollywood
Hulk Hogan during his return to the
company at WrestleMania X-8 in 2002.
The Rock says that even though his
match with Hogan was the biggest
match of that time, the upcoming
match with John Cena will be a much
bigger match due to the fact of the
intense promotion and the yearlong
build after the match was set the night
after WrestleMania 27.
Even though the WWE molded John
Cena into a modern-day version of the
Hulkster, there is no way the match
between Rock and Cena would surpass
the greatness of the match between the
two icons of professional wrestling in
Rock and Hogan.
In the match at WrestleMania X-8, the
crowd at the Rogers Centre in Toronto
was frmly behind Hogan even though
he entered as the heel of the match as
the leader of the New World Order, the
legendary faction that made its debut in
the company earlier in the year.
While there might be a few pockets
of Cena supporters in the crowd on
April 1, the majority of the fans inside
Sun Life Stadium will be behind their
hometown favorite, so there will be no
chance of a repeat of the same crowd
reaction from a decade prior.
Unless the match between Rock and Cena
becomes an instant classic on April 1, the
Hogan match from 2002 will still continue
to be the biggest WrestleMania match of
the Rocks career even though the WWE
would like to top that match this year.
So fans, which match do you think will
be the bigger for the Rock after the dust
settles from the events of this years
WrestleMania? Is it Hollywood Hogan
at WrestleMania X-8, or John Cena at
WrestleMania 28?
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
TImes sporTs
Brazil World Cup Boss Quits
Ricardo Teixeira, the controversial
football boss who has headed the
Brazilian Football Confederation for
22 years, quit on Monday following a
string of corruption scandals.
Teixeira also resigned his role as the
head of the local organizing committee
for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
He tendered his resignation in a letter
that was read out to reporters at the
headquarters of the Brazilian Football
Confederation (CBF).
"I leave the presidency of the CBF
defnitively with the feeling of having
done my duty," Teixeira said in the
President of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) Ricardo Teixeira
(left) shakes hands with former Brazil striker Ronaldo
Teixeira, 64, said he was standing
down for health reasons; just days
after he requested a temporary medical
leave of absence to treat diverticulitis,
a painful bowel condition.
He is succeeded by Jose Maria Marin,
79, a former politician who is little
known outside the closed world of the
Teixeira has run the CBF since 1989
and turned it into a vastly proftable
commercial enterprise.
Brazil had not won the World Cup for
19 years when he took over but have
since lifted it twice, in 1994 and 2002.
However, despite the successes on
and off the feld, Teixeira's tenure has
frequently been overshadowed by
allegations of corruption and shady
business dealings.
In 2001, a Congressional investigation
accused him of 13 crimes ranging from
tax evasion to money laundering to
misleading lawmakers, although no
charges were ever brought.
Last year, the former head of the
English Football Association David
Triesman said Teixeira offered to back
England's bid to host the 2018 World
Cup in return for favours.
In February, the Folha de Sao Paulo
newspaper said a company linked to
Teixeira overcharged the organizers
of a November 2008 friendly match
between Brazil and Portugal.
Teixeira has denied wrongdoing in all
Teixeira's resignation means that
Marin and two former footballers,
Ronaldo and Bebeto, are now charged
with organizing one of sport's biggest
Ronaldo and Bebeto, both World
Cup winners, were appointed to the
committee in recent months despite
having little experience in the feld.
The tournament has been beset by
delays and questions ever since Brazil
won the right to host it in October 2007.
Although most of the 12 stadiums are
on schedule, several are over budget
and being built with taxpayer money.
More worrying is the state of
transportation infrastructure, especially
Brazil's antiquated airports are not
capable of handling the expected infux
of 600,000 fans and authorities have
been slow to build new airports and
expand the existing ones.
UFC 146 Gets Fifth Heavyweight
Bout Added To Main Card
The marquee division in combat sports
will be in the spotlight for UFC 146,
as a ffth heavyweight bout between
Stefan Struve and Mark Hunt was
fnalized by Dana White and added to
the main card, according to a report.
Both Hunt and Struve enter the bout
having come off impressive victories.
Hunt defeated Cheick Kongo in the
frst round at UFC 144 while Struve
stopped Dave Herman at UFC on Fuel
TV 1.
The pay-per-view event is set to go
down on May 26 at the MGM Grand
Garden Arena and will be headlined by
a title fght between UFC heavyweight
champion Junior dos Santos and former
Strikeforce heavyweight champion
Alistair Overeem.
Dos Santos won the title when he
knocked out Cain Velasquez in
November. His UFC career consists of
eight victories, fve of which came by
Overeem is currently riding an 11-fght
win streak with wins over Fabricio
Werdum, Brock Lesnar and Brett
Rogers. He brings a 36-11 record
that consists of 15 knockouts and 19
submission wins.
Also on the card is a bout between
former champions Frank Mir and
Velasquez. Mir is coming off his
stunning submission win over Antonio
Rodrigo Nogueira while Velasquez
will look to rebound from the frst loss
of his career.
Other heavyweight bouts on the main
card include Antonio Silva vs. Roy
Nelson and Gabriel Gonzaga vs. Shane
del Rosario.
Tickets for UFC 146 will be on sale
March 30.
Pool draws
The pool draws for the 2012 Sun Insurance
and Deven P Sharma Fiji Football
Association Southern division Futsal
league was conducted in Vatuwaqa, Suva.
12 teams have entered for the frst local
weekly Futsal championship of the
new season.
Jainendra Sukhu, the Fiji FA futsal
commission secretary says they were
grateful to sponsors Sun Insurance and
Deven P Sharma that have come on board
once again to sponsor Futsal in the country.
The sponsors were represented by
Rohit Ram during the pool draws.
The 12 teams have been divided into
two pools and six matches will be
scheduled to be played weekly at the
Vodafone Arena in Suva.
Fiji FA chief executive offcer Bob
Kumar said various changes in the
futsal code will come into place later
this year.
As per the Fiji FA board decision
11-a-side players will not be able to
play futsal for which there will be a
separate registration, he said.
This will be implemented later in
the season but for this competition
all district 11-a-side player are not
eligible to participate. This means that
only club level and other players can
participate, Kumar said.
The weekly league is expected to start
by the end of the month.
Pool One: All Freight Logistics, Fiji
TV, Samabula FC, Friends United,
United Pacifc, Nadawa Boys
Pool Two: Bua Raiders, Blues, Dhanji
Boys, RBR Strikers, 3R Media, North
Friday, March 16, 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 15
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