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Clean Milk Production

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Empowering Indian Agriculture 1

The clean milk production following Good
hygienic practices is an essential pre requisite for
obtaining whole some and superior milk quality.
The concept of clean milk production would be to
develop sustainable, scientific and eco friendly
dairy animal management based on principles of
clean, green and ethical practices.

Clean Milk is generally defined as milk drawn

from the udder of healthy animals, which is
collected in clean dry milking pails and free from
extraneous matters like dust, dirt, flies, hay,
manure etc. Clean milk has a normal
composition, possesses a natural milk flavour
with low bacterial count and is safe for human

Important steps to be followed in clean milk


Milking shed must be thoroughly cleaned

before and after milking with disinfectants

Empowering Indian Agriculture 2

Wash the udder and teats with lukewarm
potassium permanganate solution and wipe
with clean towel.
Screen for mastitis ( udder infection ) by
employing strip cup method before milking.
In this method, milk of all four quarters will
be stripped into a cup covered with black
cloth. If the animal is suffering from mastitis,
flakes of milk will be seen on black cloth.
If mastitis is detected, do not mix the milk of
that animal in milk can containing milk from
healthy animals. Milk from affected quarters
shall be totally discarded.
Drain the milk till last strip as it contain more
SNF and fat.

Immediately after milking, dip the teats in cup

containing disinfectants viz indophore etc. It
prevents ascending infection.
Milk man should be free from infectious
diseases. Cut his nails regularly, wash his

Empowering Indian Agriculture 3

hands and legs before milking and wear cap or
head gear.
He shall not wet his hands with water or milk
or saliva etc during milking.
Always use stainless steel or aluminum milk
cans specially designed for the purpose. It
prevents contamination and dust falling in
milk etc.
Milking cans should be thoroughly washed
with detergent and sun dried every day
immediately after milking.
Practice full hand method of milking only.
Avoid folding of thumb while milking. It may
injure treats and cause wounds on treats.
Filter the fresh milk using clean dry muslin

Empowering Indian Agriculture 4


Animal Shed and Environment

The milking area of the shed needs special
hygienic attention. The floor of the milk shed
should be swept with clean water, and
disinfected with one-percent bleaching powder
solution to arrest cross contamination and
spreading of undesirable odors.

A Traditional Shed Modern Shed


The animal itself is one of the most significant

sources of contamination, care and management of
the animal and its health is therefore the starting
point for clean milk production. Milk from diseased
animals should be kept separate and disposed of
safely. Animals suffering from any contagious

Empowering Indian Agriculture 5

disease, including mastitis, should be segregated
from the healthy ones

Buffalo Cow
Manual Milking
The premises around the cow
to be kept clean and hygienic
including the animal itself. The
udder of the cow and Buffalo
to be cleaned thoroughly with
water before milking. In the
case of hand milking, the
danger of contamination
coming from the milker is
higher as compared with
machine milking. The milker
should therefore be free from
contagious diseases. Nails
should be well trimmed; she/he

Empowering Indian Agriculture 6

should wear clean clothes and
should wash her/his hands with
soap and water before milking,
then dry with a clean towel
Machine Milking

In modern Dairy farms, the

milking is done with the help
of milking machine in very
hygienic way without hand
touch. The operation of
milking is very fast and the
quality of milk also superior.
Can Cleaning

Milk Cans / Utensils must be

Empowering Indian Agriculture 7

thoroughly cleaned with Water
followed by Hot water
rinsing. Dirty milking
equipment is one of the main
sources of infection of milk.
About 15 minutes before
milking, milking equipment
should be rinsed with a
sanitizing solution
Hand Cleaning and Sanitization
The Milk Handlers need to
wash their hands thoroughly
with cleaned water followed
by hot water rinsing or
sanitization with sanitizing
agent to avoid physical and
biological contamination.
Milk Handling
Milk needs to be handled
hygienically without spillages
while transferring. Milk needs
to be filtered in order to be
free of dust and foreign

Empowering Indian Agriculture 8

Milk Collection
All the Filled milk cans to be
kept in organized way in very
clean and hygienic way in a
shade without direct exposure
to Sunlight. The milk is
susceptible to get deteriorated
and develop oxidized flavors
if kept exposed to direct sun
Milk Testing
The milk samples to be drawn
using an appropriate and
cleaned sample device as per
the Quality Control

The Milk cans to be
transported in a Covered
/protected hygienic Milk

Empowering Indian Agriculture 9

Clean Milk Production Helps in
Preventing spoilage of milk with in a short
Increase the quality and shelf life of milk and
milk products
Helps in controlling the spread of infectious
diseases like Tuberculosis and Diphtheria etc.
It is essential if specialized packing is
employed to keep at ambient temperature.
Bring down the temperature of milk by
keeping the milk can in vertical chiller or
rapping the can with wet cloth.
Send the milk to collection centre
immediately without lapse of time. Time gap
between milking to chilling should be
minimum possible.

Empowering Indian Agriculture 10

eFresh Portal Private Limited

Empowering Indian Agriculture 11

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