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(EFFECTIVE FROM 2017 –2018)

(Organic Chemistry)


S. No Course Course Name Instruction Hrs Credits
Code L T P
1 CY5101 Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 4 0 0 4
2 CY5102 Main Group and Transition Metal Chemistry 4 0 0 4
3 CY5103 Reaction Mechanism and Stereochemistry 4 0 0 4
4 CY5104 Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry 4 0 0 4
5 CY5105 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 3 2
6 CY5106 Computational Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 3 2
7 CY5107 Organic Chemistry Laboratory – I 0 0 3 2
8 CY5108 Physical Chemistry Laboratory – I 0 0 3 2
Total Credits 24

S. No Course Course Name Instruction Hrs Credits
Code L T P
1 CY5151 Principles of Molecular Spectroscopy 4 0 0 4
2 CY5152 Solid State Chemistry and Group Theory 4 0 0 4
3 CY5153 Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions 4 0 0 4
4 CY5154 Chemical Kinetics and Quantum Chemistry 4 0 0 4
5 CY5155 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 3 2
6 CY5156 Organic Chemistry Laboratory – II 0 0 3 2
7 CY5157 Physical Chemistry Laboratory – II 0 0 3 2
8 CY516X Elective - I* 3 0 0 3
9 CY5191 Seminar – I 0 2 0 1
Total Credits 26

*List of Courses for Elective-I : Elective-I shall be chosen by the students from the following list

CY5161 Chemistry of Heterocyclics and Biomolecules


CY5162 Organometallic Chemistry

CY5163 Chemical Education and Research

with Specialization in
S. No. Course Course Name Instruction Credits
Code Hrs
1 CY6101 Organic Synthesis 4 0 0 4
2 CY6102 Organic Reagents and Name Reactions 4 0 0 4
3 CY6103 Organic Analysis Laboratory 0 0 6 4
4 CY6104 Organic Preparations Laboratory 0 0 6 4
5 CY611X Elective - II* 3 0 0 3
6 CY612X Elective - III* 3 0 0 3
7 CY6141 Seminar – II 0 2 0 1
Total Credits 23
*List of Courses for Electives-II and III: Electives-II and III shall be chosen by the students from the following list

CY6111 Chemistry of Natural Products


CY6112 Green Chemistry

CY6113 Polymer Chemistry
CY6114 Forensic Chemistry

CY6121 Bioanalytical Chemistry


CY6122 Computational Chemistry

CY6123 Applications of Chemical Spectroscopy
CY6124 Chemistry of Dyes and Surface Coatings

with Specialization in
S. Course Course Name Instruction Credits
No Code Hrs
1 CY6151 Stereoselective Synthesis 4 0 0 4

2 CY6152 Synthetic Organic Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 3 2

3 CY616X Elective - IV* 3 0 0 3

4 CY617X Elective - V* 3 0 0 3

5 CY618X Elective - VI* 3 0 0 3

6 CY6192 Comprehensive Viva –Voce 0 4 0 2

7 CY6199 Term Project 0 0 6 4

Total Credits 21
*List of courses for Electives-IV, V and VI: Electives-IV, V and VI shall be chosen by the students from the following

CY6161 Drug Development and Delivery systems


CY6162 Functional Organic Materials

CY6163 Fluorine in Organic Chemistry

CY6171 Medicinal Chemistry


CY6172 Advances in the Total Synthesis of Natural Products

CY6173 Food Chemistry

CY6181 Emerging Topics in Organic Synthesis


CY6182 Advanced Optical and Magnetic Resonance Methods


CY6183 Quality Assurance and Quality Management in Chemical Industry

CY6184 Polymorphism: Chemistry and Industrial Applications

with Specialization in
S. No. Course Course Name Instruction Hrs Credits
Code L T P
1 CY6201 X-Ray and Microscopic Methods of Analysis 4 0 0 4
2 CY6202 Physical Methods of Chemical Analysis 4 0 0 4
3 CY6203 Instrumental Methods of Chem. Analysis Lab. - I 0 0 6 4
4 CY6204 Quantitative Chemical Analysis Laboratory 0 0 6 4
5 CY621X Elective – II* 3 0 0 3
6 CY612X Elective – III* 3 0 0 3
7 CY6241 Seminar 0 2 0 1
Total Credits 23
*List of Courses for Electives-II and III: Electives-II and III shall be chosen by the students from the following list

CY6211 Environmental Chemistry

CY6212 Chemistry of Nanomaterials


CY6213 Chemical, Electrochemical and Biosensors

CY6214 Bioinorganic Chemistry

CY6215 Statistics and Quality Control in Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

CY6121 Bioanalytical Chemistry


CY6122 Computational Chemistry

CY6123 Applications of Chemical Spectroscopy

CY6124 Chemistry of Dyes and Surface Coatings




Code Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry L T P C 56 hrs

CY5101 4 - - 4
Errors and Statistical Treatment of Data: Accuracy and Precision; Errors and Error
Distributions; Statistical Treatment of Data; Finite Data Analysis; Standard Deviation; Criteria
for Rejection of Data; Method of Least Squares
Thermoanalytical Methods: Types; Thermogravimetry; Differential Thermal Analysis
(DTA); Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Separation Techniques: Heterogeneous Equilibria; Solvent Extraction; Solid Phase
Extraction; Ion Exchange Chromatography (Planar and Column.)
Electroanalytical Methods: Conductometry; Potentiometry; Electro-Gravimetry;
Coulometry; Voltammetry; (Polarography); Amperometry

Text Books:
1. Quantitative Analysis, Day and Underwood, PHI, 6thEdn., 2009
2. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry,Skoog D.A,West D M, Holler, F J and Crouch S
R, Saunders College Publishing, 8thEdn., 2004.
3. Modern Analytical Chemistry, David Harvey, McGraw Hill, 2000.

Code Main Group and Transition Metal Chemistry L T P C 56 hrs

CY5102 (Core) 4 - - 4
Coordination Chemistry: Review of CFT and its applications- - Spectrochemical series-
Concept of weak and strong fields. Calculation and applications of crystal field stabilization
energies (CFSE) Jahn-Tellar theorem. Molecular orbital theory: MOED of octahedral,
tetrahedral and square planar complexes of sigma and pi complexes Nephelauxetic series-L-S
& j-j coupling scheme - Terms and Microstates- Orgel& TS diagrams Electronic spectra of
metal complexes-Charge transfer spectra Stability constants-types-relation between them-
Factors influencing the stability constants- Determination of stoichiometry of metal complexes
by Jobs methods. Determination of stability constants by spectrophotometric and pH-metric
Magnetic Properties: Origin ofAtomic and Molecular Magnetism; Cooperative Phenomena of
Magnetism: Ferromagnetism, Anti-Ferromagnetism; Magnetic Susceptibility and Magnetic
Dipole Moments; Spin-Only Magnetic Dipole Moments; Temperature Dependence of
Magnetism: Curie-Weiss Law; Quenching of Orbital Angular Momentum and Spin-orbit
Organometallic Compounds: Metal carbonyls- classification of low nuclearity and high
nuclearity carbonyl clusters-18 electron rule –preparations and properties of Carbonyls.
Bonding in carbonyl clusters. Factors favoring metal-metal bonding-Relative stability of
bridging & non-bridging structures- Metallocenes: Ferrocene-preparation methods and
properties. Bonding and molecular orbital energy diagrams of sandwich compounds.
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms: SubstitutionReactions in octahedral complexes-A, D and I
Mechanisms; Acid hydrolysis, Factors affecting acid hydrolysis; Base hydrolysis; Substitution
reactions in square planer complexes; Trans Effect-theories and applications; Electron Transfer
Reactions-Outer Sphere and Inner Sphere Mechanisms.

Main group Chemistry: Structure and bonding in polyhedral boranes and carboranes, styx
notation; Wade’s rule; electron count in polyhedral boranes; synthesis of polyhedral boranes;
isolobal analogy; boron heterocycles; borazine. Silanes, silicates, silicones, silanols;
Isopoly&heteropoly acids, P-N compounds, structural features and reactivity of S-N
heterocycles. Synthesis and reactivity of organo-lithium, -beryllium and -magnesium
compounds; calixarines, cryptands and crown ethers in complexation chemistry. Preparation
and reactivity of aluminiumorganyls; carbalumination, hydroalumination.
Bio-inorganic Chemistry: Metal ions in Biological Systems; Metal Binding Biomolecules;
Metal Containing Units in Biology – Iron Sulfur Clusters, Poly-Iron-Oxo Clusters, Porphyrins,
Hydroporphyrins, Hemoglobin and Myoglobin; Electronic and Magnetic Aspects of Dioxygen
Binding; Oxygen Adsorption Isotherms and Co-operativity in Hemoglobin and Its
Physiological Significance; Chlorophyll – Photo System-I and-II; Metallo-Enzymes-
Nitrogenase, Catecholase, Peroxidase, Mutase Enzymes.
Text Books:
4. Inorganic Chemistry - Principles of Structures and reactivity, James E. Huheey, 3rdEdn., Harper
International Edition, New York, 1992.
5. Coordination Chemistry, D. Banerjee, Asian Books Private Ltd, 2 ndEdn.,2007.
6. Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Stephen J. Lippard& Jeremy M. Berg, 2 ndEdn., Panima
Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2005.
7. An Introduction to Organometallic Chemistry, P.W. Parkins, R.C. Poller, Mac Milan Publishers,
8. Elements of Magnetochemistry, R.L. Datta and A. Syamal, S. Chand and Co. Ltd., 1982.
9. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J.D. Lee, Blackwell Publishing, 5 th edition, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions, F. Basalo and R. G. Pearson, WileyEastern Ltd., New
Delhi, 2ndEdn, 1967.
2. Inorganic Chemistry, D. F. Shriver and P. W. Atkins, ELBS, London, 3 rdEdn.,1999.
3. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 6thEdn.,1999.
4. Inorganic Chemistry, Keith F. Purcell and John C. Kotz, W. B. Sauders Com. HongKong,
5. Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Martin L. Tobe and John Burgess, Longmans 1 stEdn., 1999.
Code Reaction Mechanisms and Stereochemistry L T P C 56 hrs
CY5103 (Core) 4 - - 4
Structure and reactivity:
Nomenclature, General rules as applied to bicyclic compounds, spiro and heterospiro
compounds. Nature of reaction energy and kinetic considerations - types of organic reactions,
reactive intermediates: formation and stabilization, concept of tautomerism.
Nucleophilic Substitutions:
SN1, SN2, SN1i, SN2i, SNi, SNii internal return ion pair intermediates, solvent effects,
competition between SN1 and SN2 mechanism. Linear free energy relationships, Hammett
equation, Taft treatment of polar effects in aliphatic compounds. Neighboring group
participation of O, S, N, halogens, aryl groups, alkyl and cycloalkyl groups in nucleophilic
substitution reactions. Sigma, Pi bond participation in acylic and bicyclic systems (Non- classic
Aromatic substitution reactions:
Electrophilic, nucleophilic through benzynes, orientation of aromatic substitution (Deuterium
isotopic effect) at a saturated carbon, Partial rate factors, Selectivity relationships, General ideas
about SE1, SE2, mechanisms.

Elimination reactions:El, E1CB, E2 mechanisms, orientation in elimination reactions-Saytzeff

and Hoffman elimination, cyclic eliminations, stereochemistry of elimination in acyclic and
cyclic systems, elimination versus substitution reactions, formation of carbon-carbon double
bonds via elimination reactions; pyrolytic, syn and anti-elimination.
Addition Reactions:Addition to carbon multiple bonds - Addition reactions involving
electrophiles, necleophiles and free radicals, cyclic mechanisms, orientation and
stereochemistry, hydrogenation of double and triple bonds, hydroboration, (versions of Birch
reduction. Michael reaction, addition of oxygen and Nitrogen; (b) Addition to carbon-hetero
atom multiple bonds: Mannich reaction, addtion of Grignard reagents, Wittig reaction.
Stereochemistry and stereoisomerism:Introduction, Molecular symmetry in organic
molecules, Symmetry elements (Cn, Ci and Sn) and symmetry operations, Molecular symmetry
and chirality, Classification of chiral molecules based on symmetry, Classification of chiral
molecules based on energy criterion.
Configuration and Conformational analysis: D,L and R,S nomenclature; erythro and
threo, E,Z nomenclature for unsaturated systems, Re and Si faces, Prochirality, Racemization
and racemic modifications, Resolution of racemic modifications. Conformational isomerism
and analysis of substituted cyclic systems, Stereochemistry of Decalins.
Stereochemistry of heteroatomic molecules and axial chirality:
Stereochemistry of nitrogen containing compounds with a tetra co-ordinate chiral center,
Stereochemistry of the compounds containing –C=N and –N=N–, Stereochemistry of allenes,
spiranes and biphenyls (Atropisomerism),
Principles of chemical reactivity: Kinetic control and thermodynamic control, Partial and
absolute asymmetric synthesis, Introduction to stereo selective syntheses, Concept of dynamic

Text Books:
1. Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, S.M. Mukherjee and S. P. Singh, Macmillan India
Limited, 2009.
2. Organic Chemistry, Francis A. Carey, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Limited, New
Delhi 5thEdn.,2007.
3. A guide book to mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Peter Sykes, ELBS 6thEdn.,2002.
4. Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, W. Carothers, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 4thEdn.,2007.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions, Mechanism & Structure, Jerry March, 4thEdn., Wiley,
2. Organic Synthesis, Michael B. Smith, McGraw-Hill, 2ndEdn.,2002.
Code Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry L T P C 56 hrs
CY5104 (Core) 4 - - 4
First, Second and III Laws of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Reversibility, Heat
Capacities and Heats of Reactions;Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions; Thermodynamic
Equations of State; Free Energy and Partial Molar Properties:Gibbs-Helmholtz Equations;
Fugacity and Activity; Phase Equilibria; Partial Molar Quantities; Third Law of
Thermodynamics: Absolute Entropy of Solids, Liquids and Gases; Cryoscopic Evaluation of
Absolute Entropy of Solids
Statistical Thermodynamics: Statistical Treatment of Entropy, Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-
Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics; Partition Functions and Their Calculation; Sackur-Tetrode
Electrolytic Conductors: DHO Theory Inter-Ionic Atmosphere; Activity and Activity
Coefficients; Nonaqueous Electrolytes; Solid Electrolytes; Conducting Melts

Electrodes, Electrode Potentials and Electrodics: Theories of Electrical Double-Layer;

Electrokinetic Phenomena; Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Cells; Ion-Selective and
Chemically Modified Electrodes; Polarisation of Electrodes; Principles of Voltammetry;
Rechargeable Batteries; Fuel Cells; Photovoltaic Cells
Corrosion and Its Prevention: Types of Corrosion; Theories of Corrosion; Corrosion
Prevention Methods; Pourbaux Diagram
Text Books:
1. Physical Chemistry, R. S. Berry, S. A. Rice and J. Ross, (2 ndEdn), Oxford, 2007.
2. Physical Chemistry, P. Atkins and Julia de Paula, (9thEdn), Oxford, 2011.
3. Physical Chemistry, R. J.Silbey, R.A. Alberty and M. G. Bawendi, Wiley (4thEdn), 2006.
4. Thermodynamics for Chemists,S. Glasstone,East-West, 2007

Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Electrochemistry, Vladimir S Bagotsky, Wiley (2ndEdn),2011.
2. Electrochemistry, Carl H Hamann, A. Hamnett and W. Vielstich, (2 ndEdn) Wiley VCH, 2007.
Code Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory L T P C 42 hrs
CY5105 - - 3 2
1. Determination of concentration of a mixture of acids by volumetric method.
2. Determination of Fe2+ in hematite by dichrometric method.
3. Determination of available chlorine from bleaching powder.
4. Determination of Ca2+ and Mg2+ by complexometric method.
5. Determination of Ca2+ from milk powder by complexometric method.
6. Chemistry of blue printing.
7. Determination of concentration of Mn from steel by colorimetric method.
8. Determination of sulphate by semi gravimetric method.
9. Determination of Ni2+ using DMG by Gravimetric method.
10. Separation of mixture of anions and cations by paper chromatographic method.
i) Co2+ and Cu2+ and ii) Cl- and I-
11. Quantitative separation and determination of Cu 2+ by gravimetric and Zn2+ by
volumetric method.
12. Determination of Al3+ by back titration method.
Code Computational Chemistry Laboratory L T P C 42 hrs
CY5106 - - 3 2
Computer Hardware and Software: Physical Components of Desktop Computer and
Assembly; Operating Systems; Open-Access and Commercial OS
MS-Office for Chemical Applications: MS-Word for Chemical Documentation; MS-
PowerPoint for Virtual Chemical Animations; MS-EXEL for Data Processing, Graphical
Representations and Curve-Fitting
Golden Software Surfer and Grapher: Contour and Surface3-d Plots of z=f(x.y) Functions;
Gridding of z=f(x.y) kind Data Sets
Molecular Structure and Labware Drawing Software: ISIS Draw; ACD-Labs; ChemDraw
Molecular Modeling and Quantum Calculations: Use of ChemSoftChemOffice; Origin,
Sybyl, etc for Molecular Modeling, Conformational Analysis, Spectral and Physicochemical
Data Predictions; Orbital Energy and Bonding Calculations
Virtual Chemistry Experiments and Online Chemical Resources: Accessing to Online
Chemical Resources
Code Organic Chemistry Laboratory-I L T P C 42 hrs
CY5107 - - 3 2
List of Experiments: Determination of physical constants (melting and boiling points)
Purification Techniques: Crystallization, Decolourization, fractional crystallization,

Sublimation, Simple distillation, Fractional distillation, Vacuum distillation and Steam

distillation, Isolation and purification of products by chromatographic techniques: TLC &
Column Chromatography, (4 classes), Solubility tests for organic compounds
Text Books:
1. Practical Organic Chemistry-G. Mann & B.C Saunders, ELBS Edition and Longman
Group Limited, 2002.

Code Physical Chemistry Laboratory-I L T P C 42 hrs

CY5108 - - 3 2
1. Heat of Neutralisation; Evaluation of Bond Dissociation Energy
2. Solubility Product of Sparingly Soluble Salts and Go of Ionisation
3. Integral Heat of Solution and Heat of Hydration
4. Verification of Nernst Distribution Law
5. Determination of Formation Constant of a Complex Ion
6. Evaluation of o and Verification of DHO Equation
7. Evaluation of Eo value of Electrodes
8. Evaluation of Consecutive Deprotonation Equilibrium Constants
9. Evaluation of Halfwave Potentials and Diffusion Coefficients
10. Construction of Phase Diagram of Binary System and Evaluation of Eutectic Point
11. Evaluation of Heat of Decomposition and Heat of Phase Transformation
12. Kohlrausch Law and o of Weak Electrolytes
13. Physical Adsorption Isotherm
14. Evaluation of pKa of Weak Acids
15. Buffers and Buffer Capacity
16. Molecular Linear Properties of Homologous Compounds: Refrachor
17. Determination of Partial Molar Volumes
18. Effect of pH, Conductance and Dissolved Oxygen on Rate and Extent of Corrosion
19. Evaluation of Heat of Decomposition and Heat of Phase Transformation
Text Books:
1. Laboratory Manual for Physical Chemistry Practicals, B. V. AppaRao, A. Ramachandraiah and I.
Ajit Kumar Reddy, Chemistry Association, 2016
2. Physical Chemistry Practical, S. K. Maity and N. K. Ghosh, New Central Book Agency, 2012
3. Practical Physical Chemistry,B. Viswanathan and P. S. Raghavan, Viva Books, 2012
4. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry, J. B. Yadav, Krishna Prakasan Media, 2015


Code Principles of Molecular Spectroscopy L T P C 56 hrs

CY5151 (Core) 4 - - 4
Microwave Spectroscopy: Introductionto Interaction of Radiation with Matter; Molecular
Quantum Properties; Rotation of Molecules, Rigid and Non-rigid Rotors; Quantum Aspects of
Molecular Rotational Energy and Selection Rules of Transitions; Diatomic and Polyatomic
Molecules, Instrumentation; Applications of Microwave Spectroscopy.
Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: Molecular Symmetry and Fundamental Modes of
Vibrations, Quantum Aspects of Molecular Vibrational Energy and Selection Rules of
Vibrational Transitions; Vibrational Rotational Spectra; Instrumentation; Applications; Raman
Effect; Quantum Mechanical Description; Rotational and Vibrational Raman Spectra; Mutual
Exclusion and Complementarity

Electronic (UV-Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy: Franck-Condon Principle, Types of Electronic

Transitions; Instrumentation; Applications; Woodword Rules
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: Magnetic Nuclei and Nuclear Spin;
NMR Spectral Phenomenon, Relaxation Mechanism; 1H NMR Spectroscopy: Chemical Shift;
Instrumentation; Spin-Spin Coupling,; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; 2-D NMR Spectroscopy
(COSY) ; INDOR and NOE Methods.
C NMR Spectroscopy: Fourier Transform NMR; Off-Resonance and Spin-Decoupled 13C
NMR Spectroscopy ; Applications; Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); NMR Spectroscopy
of 19F, 15N and 31P nuclides.
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectroscopy: Electron Spin and Its Magnetism; ‘g’-Factor;
ESR Spectral Phenomenon; Instrumentation; Applications; Electron Spin-Nuclear Spin
Coupling; ENDOR;
Mass Spectrometry:Trajectories of Charged Bodies in Electrical and Magnetic Fields;
Molecular Fragmentation; Resolution by Magnetic, Quadruple and Time of Flight Methods;
Applications; Hyphenated Techniques.
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Banwell and McCash, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Modern Spectroscopy, Michael Hollas, Wiley, 4thEdn.,2004.
3. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds, Nakamoto, Wiley
Inter Science, 6thEdn.,2009.
4. Organic Spectroscopy, William Kemp, Macmillan, 3rdEdn.,2009.
Code Solid State Chemistry & Group Theory L T P C 56 hrs
CY5152 (Core) 4 - - 4
The crystal structure: Symmetry in crystal systems, Point Groups and Space Groups, Space
Lattice and Unit cell, Brevais Lattices, Lattice Energy of an Ionic crystal, Miller Indices.
Imperfection in a crystal: Point defects and Line Defects. Types of crystals. X-ray diffraction:
Single crystal and Powder Method: The Debye Scherrer Method, Electron diffraction, Neutron
diffraction. Energy Band Theory: Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators.
Superconductivity: Low Temperature superconductivity, High Temperature Super
conductivity, BCS theory.
Properties: Electrical Properties, Magnetic properties and Optical & dielectric properties.
Inorganic Polymers: Introduction, Polyphosphazine: Preparation, properties, applications.
Sulphur based polymers: Polymeric sulphur and Polymeric sulphur nitride, chalcogenide
glasses, threshold switching and Memory switching. Polysilaxanes or silicone polymers or
silicones: Preparation, Porperties, types, uses.
Molecular Symmetry: Symmetry Operations and Elements of Symmetry: Rotational Axis of
Symmetry, Plane of Symmetry, Improper Rotational Axis of Symmetry (Alternate Axis of
Symmetry), Center of Symmetry (Inversion Symmetry); Symmetry and Stereoisomerism;
Symmetry Criteria for Optical Activity; Symmetry Restrictions on Dipole Moment.
Group Theory and Molecular Point Groups: Group Theory and Properties of a Mathematical
Group; Molecular Symmetry Elements Forming to a Group; Point Groups and Classification of
Molecules into Point Groups (with Examples); Point Groups, Sub-Groups and Classes; Group
Multiplication Tables; Matrix Representations of Symmetry Operations; Reducible and
Irreducible Representations; Construction of Character Tables; Decomposition of Reducible
Representations and the Direct Product; Mulliken Symbolism; Rules of Irreducible
Representations; Standard Reduction Formula; Orthogonality Theorem.
Application of Symmetry and Group Theory: Symmetry of Normal Modes of Vibrations of
Molecules; Cartesian Coordinate and Internal Coordinate Methods; Selections Rules and

Molecular Polarization; Infrared and Raman Activity; Internal Coordinates and Redundancy;
Orbital Selection Rules and Electronic Spectra of Simple Atoms and Molecules.
Text Books:
1. Solid State Chemistry, D.K. Chakrabarty, , New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers,
Second Edition, 2010.
2. Principles of Physical Chemistry, B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma and M.S. Pathania, Vishal Publishing
Co., 2011.
3. Solid State Chemistry, An Introduction, Lesley Smart, Elaine Moore, 2ndEdn.,2004.
4. Symmetry and Spectroscopy of Molecules, K. Veera Reddy, New Age International, Hyderabad,
5. Symmetry and Group Theory in Chemistry, Mark Ladd, Marwood Publishers, London, 2000.
6. Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory, Robert L. Carter, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
Code Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions L T P C 56 hrs
CY5153 (Core) 4 - - 4
Organic Photochemistry:
Photochemical energy, Frank Condon Principle, Jablonski diagram, Singlet and Triplet states,
Dissipation of photochemical energy, Photosensitization, Quenching, Quantum efficiency and
Quantum yield, Experimental methods of photochemistry, Photochemistry of carbonyl and non-
carbonyl compounds.
Photo Chemical Reactions:
Norrish type I and Norrish type II cleavages, Patterno-Buchi reaction. Photoreduction,

Photochemistry of p-Benzoquinones, Photochemistry of unsaturated systems - Olefins, cis trans

Isomerisation and dimerization, Acetylenes dimerisation, Dienes - Photochemistry of 1,3
butadienes (2+2) additions leading to cage structures, Photochemistry of cyclohexadienes,
Photochemistry of aromatic compounds.
Molecular orbital symmetry, Frontier orbitals of ethylene, 1,3 Butadiene, 1,3,5- Hexatriene,
Allyl system, Classfication of pericyclic reactions, FMO approach, Woodward-Hoffman
correlation diagram method and Perturbation of molecular (PMO) approach for the explanation
of pericyclic reactions under thermal and photochemical conditions.
Pericyclic Reactions: 1)Electrocyclic Reactions; Conrotatory and disotatory motions in (4n)
and (4n+2), allyl systems and secondary effects. 2) Cycloadditions; Antarafacial and suprafacial
additions, Notation. ofcycloaddition of (4n) and (4n+2) systems, Secondary effects of
substitutes on the rates of cycloaddition reaction and chelotropic reactions, 3) Sigmatropic
Reactions; Suprafacial and antarafacial shifts, retention and inversion of configurations,
Claisen and Cope rearrangements.
Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity:Localized and delocalised covalent bond, Concept of
resonance and aromaticity, Huckel's rule for aromaticity in benzenoid and non-benzenoid
compounds, Anti-aromaticity and homo-aromaticity, Aromaticity of various rings like
annulenes, heteroannulenes, sydnones and Fullerenes (C60).

Text Books:
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions, Mechanism & Structure, Jerry March, 4th Edition, Wiley,
2. Molecular reactions and Photochemistry, Charles Dupey and O. Chapman, Prentice Hall, 2006.
3.Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, S.M. Mukherjee and S. P. Singh, Macmillan India
Limited, 2009.
4.Pericyclic reactions, S.M. Mukherjee, Macmilan India Limited, 2009.
5.Heterocyclic Chemistry, Thomas L. Gilchrist, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
6.Heterocyclic Chemistry-II, J.A. Joule, K. Mills and G.F. Smith, 3rd Edition, Stanley Thornes, 2007.

7.Heterocyclic Chemistry, Raj K. Bansal, 5th Edition, New Age International (Pvt.Ltd.), 2006.

Reference Books:
1.The modern structural theory in Organic Chemistry, L. N. Ferguson, Pretice Hall, 2008.
2. Physical Organic Chemistry by Jack Hine, Mc. Graw Hill, 2007.
3. Mechanisms and Theory in Organic Chemistry by T.H. Lowery and K.S. Rich Gardson, 2006.

Code Chemical Kinetics and Quantum Chemistry L T P C 56 hrs

CY5154 (Core) 4 - - 4
Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis Reaction Rates and Rate Equations; Kinetics of Complex
and Fast Reactions and Their Reaction Mechanisms; Kinetics of Auto-oxidation Reactions;
Photochemical and Oscillatory Reactions; Theories of Reaction Rates:Unimolecular and
Bimolecular Reactions. Potential Energy Diagrams.Kinetics of Reactions in Solution:Effect of
Solvent, Salt and Substituent on Reaction Rates; Linear Free Energy Relationships; Catalysis:
Homogeneous Catalysis: Acid-Base Catalysis; Enzyme Catalysis: Rate –Substrate
Concentration Profile of Enzymatic Reactions. Michealis - Menten Model; Inhibition of
Enzymatic Reactions.
Surface Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis: Adsorption Isotherms; Surface Area
Determination by BET Method; Kinetics of Heterogeneous Reactions. Catalysis by Solid
Oxides; Nanocatalysis.
Emergence of Quantum Mechanics: Incoompatibility of Classical Explanation of Blackbody
Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Franck-Hertz Experiement; Colours of Gold Colloids
Matter Waves and Schrodinger Equation:de Broglie Equation; Particle Diffraction; Time-
Independent Schrodinger Equation and Its Application to Particle in a 3-D Box, Simple
Harmonic Oscillator, Rigid Rotor and H-Like Atoms
Chemical Bonding and Intermolecular Interactions: Molecular Orbital Theory; Schrodinger
Equation to H2+ and H2 Molecule. Spin-Orbit Coupling; Supramolecular Interactions; Quantum
Mechanical Intterpretation of Nanoparticle Properties: Size-Dependent Properties; Quantum
Well and Quantum Tunneling; Quantum Dots; Tunneling Microscopy
Text Books:
1. Physical Chemistry, P. Atkins and Julia de Paula, (9thEdn), Oxford, 2011
2. Physical Chemistry ,R. J.. Silbey, R.A. Alberty and M. G. Bawendi, Wiley (4thEdn), 2006
3. Chemical Kinetics, K.J. Laidler, (3rdedn), Pearson Education, 2003
4. Quantum Chemistry, I. N. Levine, Phi, 2006

Reference Books:
1. Quantum Mechanics of Molecular Rate Processes, R. D. Levine, Dower Publications, 2011
2. Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics, I. Chorkendorff, VCH, 2013
Code Analytical Chemistry Laboratory L T P C 42 hrs
CY5155 - - 3 2
1. Estimation of Phosphoric acid in cold drinks by molybdenum blue method.
2. Simultaneous determination of two metal ions by sphectrophotometric method.
3. Determination of Fe2+ by Potentiometric method.
4. Determination of Cu2+ by conductometric titration method.
5. Determination of Cu2+ in brass by electrogravimetric method.
6. Determination of the concentration of a salt by ion exchange method.
7. Determination of concentration of alkali metals by Flame photometry.
8. Separation of Zinc and Magnesium by an ion exchange resin and estimation of Zn(II)
and Mg (II).
9. Determination of the concentration of mixture of acids by pH metric method.

1. Synthesis and characterization of the following complexes

i) Hexamine Cobalt (III) Chloride
ii) Potassium tris (Oxalate) Ferrate (III)
iii) Copper [(bis) (ethylene diamine)] chloride
iv) Hg[Co(SCN)4]
2. (Characterization by thermal/magnetic/FT-IR/ESR/UV-Visible methods)
3. Synthesis and characterization of Nano materials
i) Cadmium sulphide
ii) Nano silica
4. (Characterization by thermal/SEM/XRD)
5. Determination of Stoichiometry of a metal complex by Job's methods.
6. Determination of stability constant of a metal complex by sphectrophotometric method.
7. Preparation and Spectroscopic characterization of different isomers of Cu(II) glycinato
8. Determination of Ligand field strength of series of transition metal complexes.
Code Organic Chemistry Laboratory-II L T P C 42 hrs
CY5156 - - 3 2
Separation of Binary mixture, Detection of elements N,C1, Br, I, S and functional groups
alcoholic/phenolic OH, carboxylic, aldehyde, ketone, ester, nitro, amino, amido, N-substituted
amino, imido groups, unsaturation (C=C), aromatic hydrocarbons, and halogenated derivatives
present in the organic molecules. Synthesis of organic compounds based on Oxidation: Benzyl
chloride to Benzoic acid, Reduction: Nitro benzene to aniline, Electrophilic aromatic
substitution: Nitro benzene, sulphanilic acid, p-bromo acetanilide Synthesis of optically active
compounds: benzopinacol, O-acylation: Asprin& N-acylation, O-benzoylation: phenyl
benzoate, Diazotization reaction

Code Physical Chemistry Laboratory-II L T P C 42 hrs

CY5157 - - 3 2
Evaluation of Independent and Overall Order of Oxidation Reaction; Rate Constant and Order
of Base Catalysed Hydrolysis of Ester; Rate Constant and Order of Decolouration Alkaline
Phenolphthalein; Determination of Molar Rotation of Chiral Compounds and Effect of
Temperature; Kinetics of Inversion of Sucrose; Evaluation of pKa of Indicator Dye and
Isosbestic points
Evaluation of Go, SoandHo values of Redox Reactions; Bond Length and Bond Strength of
Hetero-Diatomic Molecules by FTIR; Evaluation of Stability Constants and Go of Metal-
Ligation (Metal Complexation)
Emission Spectra of metal ions; Fluorescence vs Absorbance of Dyes; Band Gap of
Kinetics of Fast Homogeneous Reactions by Stopped-Flow Technique; Hammet-Taft Linear
Free Energy Relationships
Evaluation of Activation Energy by Arrhenius Method
Kinetic Methods of Analysis: Enzymatic Determination of Glucose; Effect of Dielectric
Constant on the Rate of Reaction; Primary Salt Effect
Determination of Surface area of a powder by BET Method
Determination of Isoelectric Point of Amino Acids
An open ended experiment done on project mode

Elective – I

Code Chemistry of Heterocyclics and Biomolecules L T P C 42 hrs

CY5161 3 - - 3
Heterocyclic Compounds: Bicyclic ring systems derived from pyrrole, furan and Thiphene:
Indoles, Isoindoles, Dibenzopyrroles, Benzofurans, Isobenzofurans, Dibenzofurans,
Benzothiophene, Isobenzothiophene and Dibenzothiophene; Bicyclic ring systems derived
from pyridine: Quinolines, Isoquinolines and Acridines; Five membered heterocyclic
compounds with two hetero atoms: Pyrazoles, Benzopyrazoles, Imidazoles, Bezimidazoles,
Isoxazoles, Benzoisoxazoles, Oxazoles, Benzoxazoles, Isothiazoles, Benzoisothazoles,
Thiazoles and Bezoisothazoles; Six membered heterocyclic compound with two hetero atoms:
Pyridazines, CinnolinesPhthalazines, Pyrimidines, Quinazolines, Pyrazines and
Quinaxalines;Oxygen heterocyclic compounds:Coumarines, Chromones, Flavones and

Carbohydrates: Basic aspects of structure and classification of

carbohydrates,Stereochemistry, reaction and conformation of monosaccharides, deoxy and
aminosugars, hexonic acid disaccharides, polysaccharides, inositol; gan- gliosides and other

Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins:AminoAcids:Structure and classification of amino acids,

general and asymmetric synthesis of amino acids .Proteins and peptides: General nature,
characteristics, introduction to primary, secondary and tertiary structures, separation and
purification methods, fragmentation of polypeptides and peptide sequencing, peptide
SynthesisEnzymes, co-enzymes :Stereospecificity and rate enhancement in enzyme
catalyzed reactions. Discussion on non-availability of electrophilic sites in enzymes and their
presence in coenzymes. Following reactions will be discussed (comparing the usual mechanism
to enzyme catalysed mechanism): hydrolysis of esters, amides, phosphoesters, etc. C-C and
C=C bond formation, oxidation, reduction and decarboxylation. Remote functionalisation
cyclisation reactions
Nucleotides, nucleic acids: Structure of nucleotides, DNA, RNA structure

Code Organometallic Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs

CY5162 3 - - 3
Review of formalisms such as oxidation state, 18-electron rule, classes of ligands, structure and
bonding. Review of reaction mechanisms, ligand substitution, oxidative addition, reductive
elimination, migratory insertion, hydride elimination, transmetallation, nucelophilic and
electrophilic attack on the ligands coordinated to metals.
Metal alkenes and alkynes compounds: synthesis, reactions and bonding- Organo tin
reagents, hydrostannation reaction and synthetic utility of vinylstannanes and allylstannanes in
addition and substitution reactions. Organoboron and aluminium reagents, alkyl and aryl
derivatives, synthesis and examples of applications in C-C bond forming reactions.
Metal carbene compounds: Synthesis of Fisher carbene complexes-synthesis of Schrock
carbene complexes. Ligand substitution reactions and Fluxionality in Organometallic
Metal Clusters: Synthesis and reactions.
Homogeneous Catalysis using Organometallic Compounds: Asymmetric synthesis
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Alkenes and related compounds-Hydroformylation reactions-
Methanol Carbonylation and Olefin Oxidation- Olefin Metathesis-Palladium catalysed C-C and
C-N cross coupling reactions-Olefin polymerization and OligomerisationreactionsMetal (Cr,
Fe, Ru) arene complexes, synthesis and structure. Activation of arene nucleus and side chain.

Nucleophilic substitution and addition of arene-Metal (Rh, Ir) catalyzed C-H activation
reactions and their synthetic utility.
Text Books:

1. Organometalllics in Synthesis, Schlosser, M., A manual, John Wiley, New York, 1996.
2. Transition metals in the synthesis of complex organic molecules, Hegedus, L.S., University
Science, Book, CA, 2ndEdn.,1999.
3. Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis,Astruc, D., Springer Verlag, 2007.
4. Organotransition metal chemistry: Applications to organic synthesis, Davies, S. G., Pergamon
Press, New York, 1986.
5. Basic Organometallic Chemistry- Concepts, Synthesis and Applications, BD Gupta and AJ
Elias, Universities Press Private Limited, India, 2011.

Reference Books:
1. Title, Author(s), Publisher, Edn, Year
Code Chemical Education and Research L T P C 42 hrs
CY5163 3 - - 3
Chemistry as the Central Science: Uniqueness of Chemical Stoichiometry; Chemistry of
Inanimate and Living Materials, Chemistry and Civilization; Chemistry in Product Industry;
UN Slogan, ‘Chemistry- Our Life and Our Future’; Amazements in Chemistry: Amusement in
Chemistry Classroom; Chemistry and Magic
Chemical Hazards and Disasters: Chemistry of Explosives, Poisons and Polluttants; GLPs;
Models and Tools of Chemical Education: Models and Virtual Experiments
Thrust Areas of Chemical Research: Topic by Relevance to Health, Nutrition, Energy,
Environment, Sanitation, Technology, Rural Employment, Harnessing Natural Resources;
IPR and Patents in Chemical Research and Innovations:Intellectual Property Rights in
Chemical Innovations and Products; Patent Paradigms
Text Books:
1. Chemical Education, S. Ladage and S.D. Samant, Narosa Publishing House, 2012
2. Affective Dimensions in Chemistry Education, M. Kahveci and M. Orgill, Springer (e-Book), 2015
3. Essentials of Chemical Education, H. D Barke, G. Harsch, S. Schmid and H. Gerdau, Springer,
Reference Books:
1.Chemical Education: Towards Research-Based Practice - Contemporary Trends and Issues in
Science Education, J.K. Gilbert, O. de Jong, R. Justi, D. F. Treagust and J. H. van Driel, Springer,
2. Multiple Representations in Chemical Education: Models and Modeling in Science Education, J.
K. Gilbert, and D. Treagust, Springer, 2009
3.All About Chemistry; Big Questions, Robert Winston, D.K. Children,2015

(Organic Chemistry Specialization)
Code Organic Synthesis L T P C 56 hrs
CY6101 (Core) 4 - - 4
C-C Single Bond Formation Reactions:
Alkylation importance of enolate anions ,alkylation of relatively acidic methylene groups ,
gama alkylation of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds; dianions in the synthesis, alkylation of ketones,
the enamine related reactions under basic conditions, Enamines, Alkylation and Acylation in
acidic medium alkylation of alpha-thio and alpha-selenocarbanions, umpolung, allylic
alkylation of alkenes, reactions of lithium organocuprates: copper-catalysed reactions of
Grignard reagents, synthetic applications of carbenes and carbenoids, formation of C-C bonds
by addition of free radicals to alkenes, some photocyclisation reactions.
Carbon-Carbon Double Bond Formation Reactions:
α-elimination, Wittig reaction, PhosphoniumYlide preparation, reaction mechanism, olefin
synthesis, stereoselective synthesis of substituted ethylenes, Fragmentation reactions,
Oxidative decarboxylation of acids, Stereospecific synthesis from 1,2-diols, Oxidation
&electroorganic oxidations and Reductions by Dissolving Metals, Reduction with hydride -
transfer reagents. Reactions at unactivated C-H bonds, the Hoffmann-Loeffler-Freytag reaction,
cyclisation reactions of nitrenes, the Barton reaction and related processes-photolysis of organic
nitrites and hypohalites, photolysis of N-nitrosoamides, reaction of monohydric alcohols with
lead tetra acetate(LTA), miscellaneous reactions.
Design of Organic Synthesis:
Synthetic strategies: Introduction and target selection and terminology, aims and objectives,
introduction, target selection, structural verification, biological activity, topological studies,
new reactions and reagents, retro synthetic analysis, terms used in retro synthetic analysis, target
molecule, functionalization, functional group interchange, disconnection synthons, synthetic
equivalent transform, retron different strategies in retro synthetic analysis, C-C disconnection,
introduction one group C-C disconnection, two group disconnections, 1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4-, 1,5-, 1,6-
difunctional compounds, applications of some important strategies in organic synthesis,
chemoselectivity, regioselectivity, stereoselectivity, cyclisation reactions(3 to 7 membered
rings), reversal polarity, amine synthesis, consecutive and convergent synthesis and some
selected synthesis.
Text Books :
1. Organic Synthesis, Michael B. Smith. 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Some modern methods of organic synthesis, W. Carruthers, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University
Press, 2001.
3. Organic Synthesis, The disconnection Approach, S. Warren, Wiley India Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, 2007
4. Organic Chemistry, Clayden, Warren and Wothers , Oxford University Press 2001.

Code Organic Reagents and Name Reactions L T P C 56 hrs

CY6102 (Core) 4 - - 4
Reagents:Use of complex metal hydrides, Gillman’s reagent, LDA, DCC, 1,3-Dithiane,
trimethylsilyl iodide, Tri-n-butyl tin hydride, Peterson’s synthesis, Wilkinson catalyst.
Applications of organotransition metal reagents.Oxidizing reagents:Oxidations of
hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, Oxidizing agents: Pb(OAc)4, CrO3, SeO2, DCC
KMnO4, OsO4, peracids, CrO3-pyridine complexes, and MnO2,asymmetric epoxidations,
diastereoselectiveepoxidationsoxidation with RuO 3 and Tl(NO3)3.Reducing agents:Catalytic

hydrogenation, dissolving metals, hydride transfer reagents, hydrazine, selectivity in reduction,

reductive cleavage.Protecting groups:Protection and deprotection of hydroxy, carboxyl,
carbonyl, carboxy amino groups and carbon-carbon multiple bonds; chemo-and regioselective
protection and deprotection, Organic Name reactions:Sakurai reaction, Nozarov reaction,
Achmotowitz reaction, McMurry reaction, Julia olefination, Prins reaction, BaylisHillmann
reaction, Corey-Fuch’s reaction, Nozaki-Hiyama-Kishi reaction, Eeshon Moser Tanabe
fragmentation, Ritter reaction, Ugi reaction, Pesirreni reaction, Petasis reaction, Biginelli
reaction, Alkene metathesis, Molecular Rearrangement reactions:Molecular rearrangements
under the influence of catalysts, Bamford-Stevens rearrangement, Brook rearrangement, von
Richter rearrangement, Smiles reaction, Stvens rearrangement, Fritsch–Buttenberg–Wiechell
rearrangement, metal ion catalyzed σ bond rearrangements.
Text Books:
1. Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, S.M. Mukherjee and S. P. Singh, Macmillan
India Limited, 2009.
2. Organic Chemistry, Francis A. Carey, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Limited, 2007.
3. Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis W. Carruthers, 4th Edition Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 2007.
4. Named Reactions: A Collection of Detailed Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications, Jie Jack
Li, Springer, 2006
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions, Mechanism & Structure, Jerry March, 4rd Edition,
Wiley, 2007.
2. Organic Synthesis, Michael B. Smith, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2004
Advanced Organic Synthesis, Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, OUP Oxford, 2012
Code Organic Analysis Laboratory L T P C 84 hrs
CY6103 - - 6 4
Estimation of phenol as tribromophenol, keto group of acetone, formaldehyde in formalin,
sugars, acids in an oil, saponification value of an oil, acid and ester in a mixture, iodine value
of an oil, number of hydroxyl groups in phenol or alcohol

Structural Elucidation of Organic Compounds by Spectroscopic methods

Structural elucidation of organic compounds by spectroscopic methods: UV, IR, 1H-NMR,
C-NMR and mass spectrometry

Text Books:
1. Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, Vogel A.I., 5th Edition, ELBS, 2004.
2. Experimental Organic Chemistry, Clark, F., Most Jr., John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
3. Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry Qualitative Analysis, V.K. Ahulwalia,
SunitaDhingra, Universities Press, 2008.

Code Organic Preparations Laboratory L T P C 84 hrs

CY6104 - - 6 4
Reduction of vinilin using sodium borohydide, reduction of m-dinirobenzene to nitro aniline,
C – C Bond Formation: 7-hydroxy-4-methyl-cumarine., Heterocyclic compounds and Polynitro
aromatic compounds: Benztriazole, Hydentoin, 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5pyrazolone, Oxidative
coupling reaction: BINOL, O–alkylation: Neroline, N–alkylation and, N-benzoylation:
Hippuric acid/benzanilie experiments, Diels Alder (anthracene maleic anhydride adduct),

tetrahydrocarbazole, N-Phthalyl glycine, Biginilli reaction, Demonstration of hydrogenation

(paar reactor) , ClaisenSmidt reaction: 3,5-diphenyl Isooxazole from benzaldehyde (via
chalcone and bromination), 7-hydroxy-3-methyl Flavone, 3 formylchromone, Beckmann
rearrangement: acetophenone to N-acetanilide, Hoffmann hypobromite and sand mayer:
pthlicanahydride to o-chlorobenzoic acid, preparation of acridone from anthranilic
acid(through o-chloro benzoic acid, N-phenyl anthranilic acid), benzil-benzilic rearrangement
(via benzil), preparation of symmetrical tribromo benzene (aniline to 2,4,6 tribromo aniline,
diazotization followed by deamination)

Text Books:
1. Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, Vogel A.I., 5th Edition, ELBS,2004.
2. Experimental Organic Chemistry, Clark, F. Most Jr., John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
3. Advanced Organic Practical Chemistry, N.K.Vishnoi, Vikas Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
4. Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry Qualitative Analysis, V.K. Ahulwalia,
SunitaDhingra, Universities Press, 2008.

(Elective for Organic Chemistry Specialization)
Code Chemistry of Natural Products L T P C 42 hrs
CY6111 3 - - 3
Introduction: Classification of Natural Products, isolation of natural products, general methods
of structural elucidation, degradation methods. Terpenoids: Classification, Structure and
synthesis of Mono, sesqui, di, tri terpenoids, Biogenisis of terpenoids (Geraniol, Alpha-
Terpeniol, Alpha-pinene, Camphor, Cadenene, Abeitic acid, Squalene). Steroids:
Classification, structure, stereochemistry and synthesis of steroids (Cholesterol). Alkaloids:
Structure and chemistry of papaverine, Quinine, Morphine, Colchicine, Lysergic acid and
Resepine, nicotine, atropine.Vitamins: Structure and synthesis of vitamins A, B C, D, E, K.
Hormones:Thyroid hormones and steroidal hormones.

Text Books:
1. Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, I.L. Finar, 6 th Edition, ELBS, 2000.
2. Chemistry of Natural Products. Sujata V. Bhat, Bhimsen A. Nagasampagi, MeenakshiSivakumar. 1 st
Edition, Springer 2005.
Reference Books:
1. The Alkaloids, Bently, Oxford University Press, 2000.
2. Natural Products: Chemistry Sources, Separations, and Structures. Raymond Cooper and George
Nicola. CRC Press. 2015
Code Green Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs
CY6112 3 - - 3
Introduction to Green chemistry: Basic principles of Green Chemistry and their illustrations
with examples. Prevention of waste/by-products, Prevention/Minimization of hazardous/toxic
products, Atom Economy, Green metrics, Designing safer chemicals - different basic
approaches, Selection of appropriate auxiliary substances (solvents, separation agents etc),
Energy requirements for reactions-use of microwave, ultrasonic energy, Selection of starting
materials—use of renewable starting materials, Avoidance of unnecessary derivatization,
careful use of blocking/protection groups, Use of catalytic reagents (wherever possible) in
preference to stoichiometric reagents, Designing biodegradable products

Examples of green synthesis/reactions:Green starting materials, Green reagents, Real world

cases (Traditional processes and green ones): Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Seldinafil, Nylons,
Hazard assessment and mitigation in chemical industry, Future trends in Green
Chemistry: OHSA rules, Oxidation-reduction reagents and catalysts; biomimetic,
multifunctional reagents; Combinatorial green chemistry; Proliferation of solvent less
reactions; Noncovalentderivatization. Biomass conversion, emission control, Biocatalysis
Green solvents: Aqueous medium: Enhancement of selectivity, efficiency, and industrial
applicability, Ionic liquids, Supercritical fluids, Solvent free neat reactions in liquid phase,
Solvent free solid phase reactions, Flourous phase reactions
Nonconventional energy sources: Microwave assisted reaction, Ultrasound assisted reactions,
photochemical reactions using sunlight
Green catalysis: Heterogeneous catalysis: Use of zeolites, silica, alumina, clay, polymers,
cyclodextrin, and supported catalysts, Biocatalysis: enzymes, microbes, Phase-transfer
catalysis (micellar/ surfactant etc), Green industrial processes- case studies, Green analytical
Text Books:
1. New trends in green chemistry: V. K. Ahluwalia, M. Kidwai, New Age Publications, 2004
2. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice. P.T. Anastas and J.C. Warner. Oxford University Press,
3. Green chemistry:challenging perspectives, PietroTundo, Paul T. Anastas, Oxford University
Press, 2000.
4. Green Chemistry: Introductory Text. M. Lancaster Royal Society of Chemistry (London), 2010.
Code Polymer Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs
CY6113 3 - - 3
History of macromolecular science, Concept of macromolecules: Degree of polymerization,
molecular mass, polydispersity, number, weight average, viscosity average. Molecular weight
distribution in linear polymers,polymerizability. Concept of functionality: Writing the structure
of the polymer formed for a given monomer and its classification.Nomenclature of polymers:
a) origin, b) structure, c) type of atom in the main chain, d) formation,e) Homopolymers,
copolymers, f) behavior, g) form and application. Chemical bonding in
polymers,Stereochemistry of polymers, Types of polymerization
reactions,Rawmaterials,Methods of polymerization, Test procedures for properties of
polymers, Specialty polymers: Liquid crystalline polymers, conducting
polymers,Electroluminescent polymers, inorganic polymer, nanocomposites of polymers,
biomedical polymers, Inorganic polymers,Polymeric Materials for controlled Drug Delivery
Systems,Polymer recycling.
Text Books:
1. Principles of Polymerization,Bahadur, P., and Sastry, N. V., Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi 2002.
2. Polymer Science and Technology: Plastics, Rubbers, Blends and Composites,
PremamoyGhosh, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2001.
3.The Chemistry of Polymers, John W. Nicholson, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012

Reference Books:
1.Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials, 3rd Edition, John W. Nicholson,
Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012.

2. Handbook of Sustainable Polymers: Structure and Chemistry, Ed. by Vijay Kumar Thakur,
ManjuKumari Thakur, CRC Press, 2016
Code Forensic Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs
CY6114 3 - - 3
Introduction to Forensic Chemistry: Colour& Spot test, inorganic analysis, micro chemical
methods of analysis, analysis of beverages, alcoholic & non-alcoholic, medicinal preparations
containing alcohol and drugs as constituents, examination of petroleum products.
Chemistry of fire, Analysis of trace evidence – cosmetics dyes, paints pigments, quantitative
and qualitative forensic analysis of organic and inorganic industrial products, chemical
fertilizers, insecticides, metallic & non-metallic products.
Toxico-kinetics: Biotransformation, cellular sites of action, Reproductive toxicology and
teratology, Respiratory toxicology, cardiovascular toxicology, Hepatic toxicology,
Forensic Toxicology: Poisons, classification of poisons, sign and symptoms of common
poisons, antidotes, collection of samples.
Drugs: Drugs of abuse, classification and identification. Nacro analysis and brain
fingerprinting techniques.
Explosives: Classification, composition and characteristics of explosives, pyrotechinques,
IEDs, explosion process and affects, types of hazards, effect of blast waves on structure.
Test Books:
1. Curry, 1986. Analytical Methods in Human Toxicology.
2. Modi, J.K., 1988. Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. Tripathi N.M. Press Ltd.,
Reference Books:
3. Curry, A.S., 1976. Poison detection in human organs.
4. Tiwari, S.N., 1987. Analytical Toxicology. Govt. of India, Publications, New Delhi.

(Common Electives for Both Organic and Analytical Chemistry Specializations)
Code Bioanalytical Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs
CY6121 3 - - 3
General principle of Analytical biochemistry- sampling in biosystems, Introduction to
Biomolecules (lipids, proteins, amino acids, Nucleic acids, enzymes, carbohydrates) specific
Principle and application of electrophoresis: principle of electro separation ,types of
electrophoreses, Instrumental electrophoresis applications of both charged and uncharged
species. Protein purification and sequencing methods. Mass spectrometric methods for
quantification of biomolecules of high molecular weights.
Centrifugation and separation: Isolation of biomolecules, basic principles of centrifugation,
types of centrifugation methods for biomolecules, Flow cytometry, principles and applications.
Immunological methods: immunoassays types, enzyme assay methods ,and Radioimmuno
methods(RIA) and biological tracers.
Sensors for identification and determinations:Biosensors for glucose, DNA and other
biologically important molecules.

Text Books:

1. UnderastandingBioanalytical chemistry-principle and applications, Victor A Gault,

Neville H McClenaghan,Wiley Blackwell, 2009.
2. Bioanalytical Chemistry, David J Holme, Hazel Peck, Prentice hall, 3rd Edn., 2000.
3. Analytical Biochemistry, Andreas Manz, PetrasDittrich, NocolePamme,
DimitrivIossifiedis, Imperial College Press, 2nd Edn., 2015.
4. Bioanalytical chemistry, Susan R Mikkelson and Eduard Corton, Wiley, 2004.

Code Computational Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs

CY6122 3 - - 3
Computational Quantum Chemistry; Molecular Mechanics; Simulations of Molecular
Aggregates; Many-Electron Wave Functions; Hartree Fock Self - Consistent Field
Methods;CNDO, INDO, NDDO Formalism; Ab initio Methods; Density Functional
Theory;Spectroscopic and Thermodynamic Properties through DFT Approach; Hybrid
Quantal and Classical Models; Excited Electronic States; Reaction Dynamics in Concluded
Phase;Surface Crossing;Molecular Modeling;Drug Discovery and Design; Molecular and Ion
Recognition and Transport

Text Books:
1. Essentials of Computational Chemistry; Theories and Models, Christopher J. Cramer, Wiley; 2004
2. Computational Chemistry : Introduction to the Theory and Applications, Errol G. Lewars, Springer,
3. Computational Chemistry Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Jason Quinn, Elsevier, 2008

Reference Books:

4. Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide, David Young, Wiley, 2001

5. Computational Chemistry, Guy H. Grant and W.G. Richards, Oxford , 1995
6. Introduction to Computational Chemistry, Franck Jensen, Wiley, 1998

Code Applications of Chemical Spectroscopy L T P C 42 hrs

CY6123 3 - - 3
Infrared Spectroscopy:Characteristic group frequencies. Fourier Transform infrared
spectroscopy; Applications
Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy: Principles and applications
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: AB, AX, ABC, AMX Systems; Simplification
of complex proton NMR spectra, double resonance, Lanthanide shift reagents; Carbon-13 NMR
spectroscopy; COSY, NOE, FT NMR, 2D NMR and CIDNP
Mass Spectrometry: Principles, Quadruple mass spectrometer. Metastable ions. Nitrogen rule,
rings and double bond equivalent. Fragmentation McLafferty rearrangement. Particle
bombardment methods, PD, SIMS, FAB, Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, MS
data system, Combined applications of UV, IR, NMR and Mass in the elucidation of
molecular structure
Text Books:
1. Organic Spectroscopy, William Kemp, ELBS, 4thEdn.,2000.
2. Applications of Spectroscopy to Organic Compounds, Silvestin&Bacceler, Pergaman
Press, 2003.
Code Chemistry of Dyes and Surface Coatings L T P C 42 hrs
CY6124 3 - - 3

Chemistry of Dyes: Synthesis and properties of Diphenyl, triphenyl methane dyes, Malachite
green series, Cyanin, Indigo, Anthraquinolinone, Sulfur, Xanthene, Acridinedyes. Dyes and
pigments :Basic assumptions of colors and paints, colors of organic substances, properties and
characteristics of organic and inorganic dyes and pigments, Production of organic dyes and
pigments according to the chemical composition.Industrial applications of dyes and
pigments:Acid Dyes for Nylon, Silk, & Wool (OrcoLanamide™, OrcoAcid™,Orcolan Fast™,
OrcoNylosol™, Orco Milling™, Orcolan Neutral™, Orcoset™) Application of dyes and
pigments for the textile industry, cosmetics, photography, printing, medical and others. Coating
in defense research, Nanotechnology Coatings In The Defense and aerospace industry, Self-
healing polymers and composites, Coating in medical research.
Text Books:
1. Organic Coatings: Science and Technology, Zeno W. Wicks, Jr., Frank N. Jones, S. Peter Pappas,
Douglas A. Wicks, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
2. High-Performance Organic Coatings, Ed. by A S Khanna, Elsevier, 2008.
3. Synthetic Organic Chemistry, G. R. Chatwal and Gurudeep, Himalaya Publishers, 2009.
4. Text book of Dyes, Arora, Sonali Publications, 2009
5. Text book of synthetic Dyes, M.S. Yadav and O.D. Tyagi, Anmol Publisher, 2002
Reference Books:
1. Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials, 3rd Edition, John W. Nicholson, Royal
Society of Chemistry, 2012.
2. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Coatings. KIRK, R. OTHMER, D. New York: Wiley, 2006
3. Protective Coatings and Thin Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Ed. by Y. Pauleau,
Péter B. Barna, Springer Science & Business Media, 1996.

(Organic Chemistry Specialization)
Code Stereoselective Synthesis L T P C 56 hrs
CY6151 (Core) 4 - - 4
Introduction, terminology and basic principles of stereoselective synthesis
Asymmetric synthesis: Topicity and prochirality, introduction, homomorphic ligands,
homomorphic faces, topicity, homotopic ligands, homotopic faces, structurally hetero topic
units, stereotopic units, enantiotopic ligands, enantiotopic faces, diastreotopic ligands,
diastereotopic faces, prochirality, symbols, partial synthesis for Enantiotopic faces Prochiral
symbols for Enantiotopic faces, Prochiral symbols for Diastereotopic faces stere selectivity and
strategies of asymmetric synthesis, substrate diastereo selectivity, product stereoselectivity,
product composition, determination of product composition, principle of stereoselectivity,
strategies of asymmetric synthesis, double stereo differentiating reactions: Diastereomeric
excess (de), and enantiomeric excess (ee). Strategies for stereo control in diastereoselective
synthesis (Preliminary account), Small ring templates, molecular walls, ring formation
reactions, pericyclic reactions coordination to metal centers, use of π-donors complexes, π-π
interactions with aromatic substituents, directed π -facial diastereoselectivity chiral auxiliaries,
achiral auxiliaries, intraanular and extraanularsetreocontrol.Nucleophilic additions to cyclic
and acyclic carbonyl compounds, Cram’s rule, Felkin’s model, addition to chelated carbonyl
compounds, Prelog’s rule and its applications, addition to chelated carbonyl compounds of H
and R to cyclic ketones ( formation of axial and equatorial alcohols), Electrophilic initiated
cyclization, Aldol reactions: (1) Achiral enolates with achiral aldehydes (2) Achiral enolates
with achiral aldehydes. (3) Chiral enolates with achiral aldehyde. (4) Chiral enolates with chiral
Stereo selective Reactions
Stereo selective reactions of C=C double bond, Diastreoselective transformations involving
catalytic hydrogenation; Hydrogenation over heterogeneous catalysts; Directed hydrogenation
with soluble catalysts; synthetic applications of organoboranes and organosilanes,
hydroboration, reactions of organoboranes, corbonylation of organoboranes , reactions with
alpha halo carbonyl compounds , reactions of alkenylboranes and trialkenylboranes , freeradical
reactions of organoboranes,alkenylsilanes and allylsilanes, control of rearrangement
reactionsinvolving silicon, trimethylsilylcyanide , trimetylsilyliodide and trimethylsilyltrifliate;
Stereochemistry of free radical cyclization reactions, Prevost hydroxylation, Simon-Smith
Enantioselective synthesis with chiral racemic catalysts, hydroboration reactions involving
chiral boranes, Chiral organometal complexes, Chiral enolate aggregates, reductions with chiral
complexes hydrides. Catalysis by chiral transition metal compexes, enantio selective
epoxidations of alkenes. Enantioselective hydrogenations.
Conformations of a few important Heterocycles
Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptanes, stability of exo and endo stereo isomers. Bicyclo[2.2.2]octane
conformations of a view important heterocycles. Aziridine, piperidine, conformations of THP.
Exo-anomeric effect, rabbit ear effect. Conformations of fused bicyclic compounds as hetero
atom. Decahydroquinoline, quinazolidine. Concept of I-strain, ring size and ease of cyclization.
Thrope-Ingoldeffect.Berrdtrule,macrolactonization, Corey-Nicholaou procedure. Baldwin
rules for cyclization reactions, required trajectories for Baldwin ring closure. Exo and endo

displacement involving enolate ions. Iodolactonization. C-H activation of Organo zinc


Optical rotatory Dispersion techniques and Circular Dichroism

Principle, circular birefringence and circular dichroism, Cotton effect, Types of ORD curves,
Application of plain dispersion curves, a-halo ketone and octant rules, Applications for the
determination of conformation and configuration.
Code Synthetic Organic Chemistry Laboratory L T P C 84 hrs
CY6152 - - 6 4
Analysis : Limit tests for chloride, sulphate, iron, lead, arsenic ions, intermediates in ‘select’
official substances. Assay of samples (tablets, injections etc.) of select substances of B.P.,
U.S.P. and I.P. using aqueous and non-aqueous titrations, Oxidation–reduction, Diazotisation,
Precipitation, Photometry and alkaloidal assays.
Isolation and purification of the following natural products: Caffiene, Piperine, Nicotine,
Embelin, Lycopine, Rutin, MangiferinLawsone, Curcumin. Synthesis of physiologically active
compounds: Benzocaine, Para-acetamal, Antipyrene, sulphanilamide. Principles of
chromatography: separation of leaf pigments-chlorophyll a & b xanthophylls, separation of
amino acids by paper chromatography, determination of Rf value of glycine by ascending
chromatography. Identification of dyes and dye intermediates by TLC and Paper
chromatographic techniques.
UV-Visible & IR spectroscopic analysis.
Separation of Organic Compounds using preparative TLC.
Determination of purity of organic compounds: By HPLC
Determination of optical rotation of chiral compounds by polari meter and CD-ORD
Synthesis of Organic Compounds using modern techniques: Ultrasound, Sonifications,
Microwave, Solid State Synthesis, Ball Milling, Flow Chemistry
Text Books:
1. Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry , A. I. Vogel, ELBS, 2004.
2. Synthetic Dyes. Venkat Raman, Vol. II, Academic press, 2000.
3. Berger’s Medicinal Chemistry, VI th Edition, Wiley Inter Science, 2001.
4. British Pharmacopiea 8th edition, Elsver Publication, 2002.

(Elective for Organic Chemistry Specialization)
Code Drug Development and Delivery systems L T P C 42 hrs
CY6161 3 - - 3

Drug Development:
Illustration of drug development through specific examples: a) Antibacterials: sulfonamides
and penicillins b)Antivirals: case studies with inhibitors of reverse transcriptase (nucleoside
reverse transcriptase- and non-nucleosidereverse transcriptase inhibitors) and protease inhibit
ors. c) Anticancer agents: antimetabolite-based approaches, those
which affect signaling pathways or structural proteins such as tubulin.Drug resistance,Drug s
ynergism and combination therapy.
Chemistry of Drugs: Introduction, Pharmalogical activity, uses and limitations of
Antipyretics, Analgesics, Sedatives, Hypnotics, Barbiturates, Sulphadrugs, Anaesthetics,
Antiseptics, Antibacterials, Diuertics, Anthelmentics, Anticoagulants, Anticonvulsants,
Antihistamines, Psychotherupeutics, Anti TB Drugs, Diagnotic agents and Antimalarials.

Drug Delivery Systems:Introduction, Types of drug delivery systems, Micelles, Vesicles,

Polymers, Dendrimers, Nano spheres, Nano tubes etc., Introduction to Gene Therapy, Types of
gene delivery systems, Introduction to targeting, Passive and active targeting. Targeting Drug
Test Books:
1. Medicinal Chemistry Vol-I & II – Burger, Wiely Int.Sci.,1999
2. Advances in controlled and novel drug delivery, N. K. Jain, CBS publishers and distributors, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. The Organic Chemistry of Drug design and Drug Action, Richard B, Silverman, Academic Press
Inc.1e, London, 2002.
2. Targeted and controlled drug delivery, Novel carrier systems, S. P. Vyas and R. K.Khar, CBS
publishers and distributors, 2002.
3. Controlled and Novel drug delivery, ed. by N. K. Jain, CBS publishers, 2004.
Code Functional Organic Materials L T P C 42 hrs
CY6162 3 - - 3
Introduction and Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes:Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes,
Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes, Defect Functionalization, p-Conjugated Oligomers,
Electron Transfer of -Functional Systems and Applications.Introduction, Synthesis of
Cyclophenacene p-Conjugated Systems from [60]Fullerene.-Conjugated Oligomers.
Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials:Introduction to Nonlinear Optics, Linear
and Nonlinear Polarization, Second-order Nonlinear, Measurement Techniques.Diversity-
oriented Synthesis of organic materials:Combinatorial Syntheses of Chromophores,
Combinatorial Cross-coupling Reactions, Combinatorial Coordination Chemistry. Synthesis of
Chiral Conjugated Materials:Introduction, Synthetic Approaches to Highly Annelated Chiral,
-Conjugated Systems, Chiral Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Strong Chiroptical
Properties in Absorption, Emission and Refraction, Absorption and Emission. Electron
Transfer of -Functional Systems and Applications:Introduction, Efficient Electron-transfer
Properties of Zinc Porphyrins, Fullerenes, Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Electron Donor-
Acceptor, Linked Molecules Mimicking the Photosynthetic, Organic Solar Cells Using Simple
Donor-Acceptor Dyads, Organic Solar Cells Composed of Multi-porphyrin/C60,
Supramolecular Assemblies
Text Books:
1. Functional organic materials: Syntheses, Strategies and Applications, Thomas J. J. Miller and
Uwe H. F. Bunz (WILEY-VCH), 2007
2. Molecular Organic Materials: From molecules to crystalline solids, JordiFroxedas; Cambridge
Press, 2006
3. Molecular Materials;Duncan W. Bruce, Dermot O'Hare, Richard Walton, Wiley, 2010

Code Fluorine in Organic Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs

CY6163 3 - - 3
General Discussion Of Organic Fluorine Chemistry: Introduction, Properties , Historical
development, compounds and materials of high thermal and chemical stability, Inert fluids;
Polymers, Biological applications, Volatile anesthetics, Pharmaceuticals, Plant
protectionagents, Biotransformation’s of fluorinated compounds
Electronic effects in fluorocarbon systems: Saturated systems, Unsaturated systems,
Positively charged species, Negatively charged species
Synthesis of fluorinated Organic Compounds: Fluorination methods Preparation Of Highly
Fluorinated Compounds, Fluorination With Metal Fluorides, Swarts Reaction And Related,
Haloalkanes, Influence of Substituent Groups , Alkali Metal Fluorides, High-Valency Metal
Fluorides, Cobalt Trifluoride And Metal Tetrafluorocobaltates , Electrochemical Fluorination
Fluorination Methods: Fluorine generation, Reactions Control of fluorination ; Dilution with
inert gases, Fluorinated carbon Fluorination of compounds containing functional groups,
Halogen fluorides
Partial Or Selective Fluorination: Displacement of Halogen by Fluoride Ion, Silver Fluoride,
Alkali Metal Fluorides, other Sources Of Fluoride Ion, Miscellaneous Reagents, Replacement
of Hydrogen by Fluorine, Elemental Fluorine as an Electrophile, Streoselective Fluorination
Applications in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical: Metabolism of fluorine of
fluorine containing drugs, Fluorine labeling, Fluorine in health care: fluorine wonder drugs,
Imaging techniques
Text Books:
1. Fluorine in Organic Chemistry, Richard D. Ch ambers, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004
2. Organofluorine Chemistry, Kenji Uneyama, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2006.

Elective - V
(Elective for Organic Chemistry Specialization)
Code Medicinal Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs
CY6171 3 - - 3
Medicinal Chemistry:Introduction:Definition of Drug (WHO), Concept and definition of
Pharmacophore. Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics. Stereochemical aspects of drugs,
Classification of drugs based on chemical structure, pharmacological action and mechanism at
molecular level .Quantal dose, Graded dose, Efficacy, Potency, LD50, ED 50 Therapeutic
index, Margin of safety. Macro molecular targets: Receptors, Enzymes, DNA, Agonist,
Antagonist. Structure-activity relationships: Drug Discovery and Rational Drug Design a)
without lead b) lead discovery. Random screening, non-random screening. Rational approaches
of lead discovery. Factors affecting Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Elimination and
Toxicity. QSAR and combinatorial synthesis. Structure
activity relationships: Strategies in drug design.
Text Books:
1. Principles of Biochemistry, Lehninger, Nelson and Cox, 2nd edition, CBS, Publishers, 2001.
2. Bioorganic Chemistry, H Dugas& C. Penny, Springer- Verlag, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions, Mechanism & Structure, Jerry March, 4rd Edition, Wiley,
2. Organic Synthesis, Michael B. Smith, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2004
3. Advanced Organic Synthesis, Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, OUP Oxford, 2012
Code Advances in the Total Synthesis of Natural Products L T P C 42 hrs

CY6172 3 - - 3

Concepts and tactics in organic synthesis, Strategic utilization of name reactions and reagents,
Introduction to linear synthesis, Convergent, Divergent and Building block approaches,
Practical difficulties in large scale synthesis, Construction of 5-membered N and O-containing
aliphatic cyclic molecules,Heterocycles in natural product synthesis, Symmetry driven total
synthesis of Merrilactone A and Resolvin E2, Dearomatization strategies in natural product
synthesis, Protecting group free synthesis, Solid-phase chemistry in the total synthesis of non-
peptidicnatural products. Structure, absolute configuration and total synthesis of natural
products:Taxol, Epothilones A and B, Discodermolide, Brevetoxin, Camptothesin,
Diazonamide A, Sporolide B.
Text Books:
1.The Total Synthesis of Natural Products, John ApSimon, John Wiley & Sons, 2009
2.Classics in Stereoselective Synthesis, Erick M. Carreira, LisbetKvaerno, WILEY-VCH, 2008
3.The Logic of Chemical Synthesis, E. J. Corey, Xue-Min Cheng, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1995
4.Organic Synthesis: Strategy and Control, by Paul Wyatt, Stuart Warren, Wiley, 2007
5. Total Synthesis of Natural Products: At the Frontiers of Organic Chemistry, Jie Jack Li, E.J. Corey,
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
6.Heterocycles in Natural Product Synthesis, edited by Krishna C. Majumdar, Shital K. Chattopadhyay,
John Wiley & Sons, 2011

Reference Books:
1.Classics in total synthesis-I: Targets Strategies, Methods, K. C. Nicolaou, E. J. Sorensen, Wiley-VCH,
2.Classics in total synthesis-II: More Targets Strategies, Methods, K. C. Nicolaou, Scott A. Snyder,
Wiley-VCH, 2003
3.Classics in total synthesis-III: Further Targets Strategies, Methods, K. C. Nicolaou, Jason S Chen,
Wiley-VCH, 2011.
Code Food Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs
CY6173 3 - - 3
The role ofWater, Lipids, Amino acids, Protiens, Carbohydrates, enzymes, nutrients and natural
toxicants in foods,Food additives: Artificial sweeteners – saccharin, 28yclamate, asparatame –
food flavors.Emulsifyingagents,Modernfood:Snack foods. Production of bread, bun and
biscuits. Raw materials, methods and machinery required. Candy manufacturing.
Caramelization.Fast foods, Instant foods, Dehydrated foods,Beverages:Processing and
technologies of alcoholic and non‐alcoholic beverages,basic concepts of quality assurance and
quality control applicable to the beverage industry,Soft drinks, soda, fruit juices, Introduction
to refrigeration, slow freezing, quick freezing, introduction to thawing, changes during thawing
and its effect on food, Food Irradiation- Introduction, kinds of ionizing radiations used in food
irradiation,emulsions, properties of emulsions, formation ofemulsion, emulsifying agent, food
foams. Food Adulteration:Contamination of wheat, rice, dhal, milk, butter, etc., Food poisons:
natural poisons (alkaloids, nephrotoxins), pesticides (DDT, BHC, Follidol), Chemical poisons
(KCN), Objectives of packaging, flexible packaging, properties of the followingpackaging

Text Books:
1. Food Science, Srilakshmi B., New age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers, III ed. 2003.
2. Food Processing and Preservation. Siva Sankar B., Prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Principles. Text book of medical biochemistry, Ramakrishnan S., Prasannam K.G and Rajan R –.
Orient Longman Ltd. III ed. 2001.

4. FOODS: Facts and Principles.ShakuntalaManay N. and Shadaksharaswamy M. New Age

International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers, II ed. 2002.

Reference Books:
1. Food Chemistry, By H.-D. Belitz, Werner Grosch, Peter Schieberle, 4 th Edition, Springer Science
& Business Media, 2009
Principles of Food Chemistry, John M. deMan, Springer, 2013
Elective – VI
(Common for both the Specializations)
Code Emerging Topics in Organic Synthesis L T P C 42 hrs
CY6181 3 - - 3
Recent Developments in the multicomponent reactions (MCRs): General Approaches of
MCRs, Synthesis of different heterocyclic compounds using 3, 4 and 5 component reactions,
MCRs using homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. Click chemistry: Importance of in
Click chemistry, Applications of click chemistry in drug discovery, biology and materials
chemistry. Alternative Solvent Systems in Organic Synthesis, Recent Developments in Ionic
liquids, Deep Eutectic Solvents, Organic reactions in aqueous medium, Tandem reactions in
Organic Synthesis, Cascade reactions in Organic Synthesis, Domino reactions in Organic
Synthesis, Metal Carbenes in Organic Synthesis, Hyper valent iodine reagents in organic
synthesis, Recent advances in Flow chemistry and Micro reactors. Soft metals in Organic
Synthesis: Silver in Organic Synthesis, Indium in Organic Synthesis, Gold in Organic
Synthesis. Nanomaterials in catalysis and Organic Synthesis, Separation techniques, process
chemistry, Trouble shooting in organic synthesis
Text Books:
1. Multicomponent Reactions: Concepts and Applications for Design and Synthesis, Raquel P. Herrera,
Eugenia Marqués-López, John Wiley & Sons., 1 Edn, 2015
2. Click Reactions in Organic Synthesis, SrinivasanChandrasekaran, John Wiley &Sons., 1 Edn, 2016.
3. Modern Gold Catalyzed Synthesis, Stephen K. Hashmi, Dean F. Toste, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
4. Modern Solvents in Organic Synthesis, Paul Knochel, Springer, 2003.
5. Catalytic Cascade Reactions, Ed. byPeng-FeiXu, Wei Wang, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
6.Domino Reactions in Organic Synthesis, Lutz F. Tietze, Gordon Brasche, KerstenGericke, John
Wiley & Sons, 2006.
7.EnantioselectiveMulticatalysed Tandem Reactions, Hélène Pellissier, Royal Society of Chemistry,
Reference Books:
1.Microreactors in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis, Ed. by Thomas WirthTitle, John Wiley & Sons,
2. Metal Carbenes in Organic Synthesis, K H Dtz, Springer Science & Business Media, 2004.
3. Nanomaterials in Catalysis, Ed. by Philippe Serp, KarinePhilippot, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
4.Chiral Separation Techniques: A Practical Approach, Ganapathy Subramanian,
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Code Advanced Optical and Magnetic Resonance Methods L T P C 42 hrs
CY6182 3 - - 3
Atomic Spectra: Quantum Mechanics ofAtomic Absorption, Atomic Fluorescence and
AtomicEmission Spectra; Term Symbols; Stark and Zeeman Effects; ICP-MS and Isotopic
Abundance Evaluation; Stellar Radiation Analysis; Gamma-Ray Absorption Spectra
Molecular Absorption Spectra: Symmetry and Selection Rules of Transition Moment
Integrals; Allowed and Forbidden Transitions; Specular and Grazing Angle Reflection Spectra;
NIR and Vacuum UV Absorptions; Electronic Spectra of Lanthanide Complexes,

Organometallics and Composites; Huckels Molecular Orbitas; Frontier Molecular Orbitals; in-
situ Spectral Techniques; Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Molecular Emission Spectra:Fluorescence Life Timeand Quantum Yields;
Photoluminescence, Non-Linear Optical Phenomena; Thermochromic, Mechanochromic and
Liochromic Properties and Applications


Relaxation Processes: Measurement of T1 by Inversion Recovery Method, Measurement of T2
by Spin Echoes Method; Quadrupolar Relaxation; Applications of Relaxation Times
Multiple Spin Resonance Methods: Internuclear Homo and Heteronuclear Double
Resonance; Off-Resonance and Gated Decoupling; Spin Tickling; Nuclear Overhauser Effect
and Nuclear Underhauser Effect; 2-D NMR Spectroscopy, COSY LR, NOESY and J-Resolved
Spectra: Instrumentation and Applications
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance: Nuclear Quadrupole Moment and Electric Field Gradient;
Assymmetry Parameter; NQR Transitions in Axially Symmetric and Non-Symmetric
Molecules; Instruemntation and Applications


EPR Spectra of Triplet Spin Systems: Spin Exchange, Hyperfine and Zero-Field Splitting in
Triplet Spin Molecules
EPR Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes: Russell-Saunders and Spin-Orbit Coupling,
Hunds’ Rules; EPR Manifestations of Jahn-Teller and Krammers Distortions
EPR Double Resonance Techniques: ENDOR and EEDOR

Text Books:
1. Modern Molecular Spectroscopy, K. S. Randhawa, McMillan, 2003
2. Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy, ,D.N. Satyanarayana, University Press, 2001
3. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: ESR.NMR NQR, D.N. Satyanarayana, University Press, IK
International Publishing House, 2014

Reference Books:
1. Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy: Methods and Protocols ,Y. Engelborghsand A. J.W.G.
Visser, Humana Press, 2014
2Molecular Vibrations: The Theory of Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra, E.B. Wilson, Dower
Publications, Inc, 2001
3.Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench: Advances, Applications, and Practical Advice on Modern
Spectroscopic Analysis, Emil W. Ciurczak, Wiley, 1998
Code Quality Assurance and Quality Management in L T P C 42 hrs
CY6183 Chemical Industry 3 - - 3
Statistical Quality Control Techniques: Statistical treatment of data. Control charts,
Performance Evaluation- uncertainities in measurement.
Analytical Methods: Standard, official and literature methods. Validation of methods -
Ruggedness test. Good Laboratory Practices – Accreditation of QC laboratories.
Instruments and Equipment calibration and maintenance:Calibration and detection limits
–Calibration and maintenance of common laboratory instruments and equipment.
Documentation for Quality Assurance

Quality management System (QMS):Quality management concepts and principles –ISO

9001:2000 Quality Management system Requirements, Documentation, Implementation,

Process approach. Quality Audits, Assessment and Certification. Case studies on ISO 9001 :
2000 in chemical industries. Total Quality Management.
Six Sigma approach to quality: Six Sigma metrics. Managing Six Sigma. ApplyingSix Sigma to chemical
Text Books:
1. Handbook of Quality Assurance for the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, James O.Dux, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1986
2. Training Mannual on ISO 9000 :2000 and TOM – Girdhar J. Grani.
Raj publishing House Trust, 1996.
3. Managing Six-Sigma – Forrest W. Breyfogle III. James M. Cupello
Beckimeadows, John Wiley & Sons, 2001

Code Polymorphism: Chemistry and Industrial L T P C 42 hrs

CY6184 Applications 3 - - 3
Polymorphism- Definition, Differences between polymorphism and pseudopolymorphism,
significance of polymorphism in drug product performance, packing / conformational
polymorphism, thermodynamics of polymorphs, enantiotropy / monotropy, concept of
transition temperature, Burger and Ramberger rule (Heat of transition rule, Heat of fusion rule,
Entropy of fusion rule and Heat capacity rule), Density rule, Infrared rule.
Synthesis of polymorphs-Crystallization process: Molecular aggregation events in
crystallization, energetic of crystallization, enthalpy entropy balance, types of nucleation,
Ostwald's step rule. Solvent-mediated (Fast Evaporation&Slow Evaporation), Capillary
Crystallization,Mechanical (Grinding & Slurry Sonication), Hi-throughput crystallization.
Analytical techniques for studying and characterization polymorphs-Optical/hot stage
microscopy, Thermal methods (DSC, TGA), X-ray crystallography (Powder X-ray
Dfiffraction& Single crystal X-ray Diffraction), Infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy,
solid state NMR, Scanning electron microscopy, Atomic force microscopy and scanning
tunnelling microscopy and Density measurements, Hi-throughput screening of polymorphs.
Polymorphism of pharmaceuticals- Occurrence of polymorphism in Drug substances,
Excipients, Dissolution rate, solubility and bioavailability. Thermal analysis of
pharmaceuticals, The importance of metastable forms and amorphous forms. Polymorphism in
pharmaceutical salts and pharmaceutical co-crystals. Polymorphism of dyes and pigments-
Occurrence of polymorphism among pigments (Quinacridones, Perylenes, Phthalocyanines and
Some other pigments). Polymorphism and Patents-Ranitidine hydrochloride, Cefedroxil,
Terazosin hydrochloride and Aspartame. Implications of polymorphism in pharmaceutical
development- Regulatory concerns related to polymorphism, introduction to latest regulatory
position on polymorphism.

Text Books:
1. Polymorphism in Molecular Crystals by Joel Bernstein, Oxford University Press, 1 st Edition, 2002.
2. Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Solids Edited by Harry Brittain
3. Solid State Characterization of Pharmaceuticals Edited by Angeline and Mark arkrzewski
4. Crystal Engineering: A textbook, Edited by G. R. Desiraju, J. J. Vittal and A. Ramanan
5. Polymorphism - In the Pharmaceutical Industry Hardcover – by R Hilfiker

Reference Books:



Code X-Ray and Microscopic Methods of Analysis L T P C 56 hrs

CY6201 (Core) 4 - - 4
X-ray absorption, fluorescence and photoelectron spectroscopy: Principles, Duane-Hunt
law, Continuum and Line Spectra, Chemical analysis, Wavelength dispersive and energy
dispersive instruments, qualitative and quantitative analysis, Applications. Photoelectron
spectroscopy: principle, chemical shift, depth profile study, analytical applications.
Particle diffraction methods: Introduction, reflection high energy electron diffraction
(RHEED), Neutron diffraction, instrumentation, small angle neutron diffraction (SANS)
anlaysis, applications.
Electron microscopy: Scanning electron microscopy, instrumentation, electron sources and
lenses, resolution and contrast, environmental SEM, FE-SEM, Energy dispersive X-ray
spectrometry (EDX), Applications. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM): Principle,
instrumentation, imaging, electron diffraction, reflection electron microscopy, applications.
Probe microscopy methods: Scanning tunneling microscopy, principles, basic parameters,
atomic resolution, surface imaging, lithography. Atomic force microscopy: Principles,
Chemical force microscopy, AFM Lithography, applications.
Text Books :
1. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Skoog, Holler, Crouch, Cengage Learning, 6 th India reprint
edition, 2010.
2. Physical principles of electron microscopy: an introduction to TEM, SEM and AEM, R F Egerton,
Springer, 2010.
3. Transmission electron microscopy: A Textbook for materials science, David B Williams, C Barry
Carter, Springer, 2nd ed., 2009.
4. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Chatwal&Anand, Himalaya, 5th ed., 2014.

Reference Books :
1. Surface Analysis: The Principal Techniques, John C Vikerman, Ian Gilmore (Eds.), Wiley 2 ndEdn,
2. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis, J Goldstein, D Newbury, D Joy, C Lyman,
P Echlin, E Lifshin, L Sawyer, J R Michael, Springer, 3 rd ed., 2003.
3. Chemical Analysis – Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques, Rouessac and Rouessac,
John Wiley, 6th edition, 2010.

Code Physical Methods of Chemical Analysis L T P C 56 hrs

CY6202 (Core) 4 - - 4
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: Atomic Absorption; Instrumentation; Graphite Furnace;
Hydride Generation; Applications
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission (ICP-OES) Spectroscopy: Atomic
Emission; Flame Emission Spectroscopy vs ICP-OES; Instrumentation; Ultra-Trace Analysis
Molecular Fluorescence, Phosphorescence and Chemi- and Bioluminiscence:Jablownsky
Diagram; Life Time of Excimers; Comparison and Contrast between Fluorescence and
Phosphorescence; Instrumentation; Applications; Chemi- and Bioluminiscence; Photoemissive
Reactions; Luminescence Microscopy
Polarimetry, Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism: Plane Polarised Light;
Chirality; Polarimetry of Chiral Compounds; Optical Rotatory Dispersion Spectroscopy;

Circular Dichroismand Ellipsometry; Cotton Effect; Octant Rule; Instrumentation;

Radiometric and Tracer Methods:
Mossbauer Spectroscopy: Recoilless Gamma Ray Absorption; Mossbauer Effect;
Intrumentation; Chemical Shift (Isomer Shit); Quadrupole Shift; Zeeman Effect; Applications
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, Robert D Braun, McGraw Hill, 2009
2. Instrumental Analysis, Skoog, Holler, Crouch 3. Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Systems, R.
Narayan and B. Viswanathan, (6th Edn) Cengage Learning, 2007
3.Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Willard, Merritt, Dean and Settle, (7th Edn.), CBS- Wadsworth
Publ. Co., 2004

Code Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis L T P C 84 hrs

CY6203 Laboratory-I - - 6 4
Determination of Alkalinity of water; DO and BOD and COD of waste water.
Determination of Total Solids from waste water and coagulants required for the treatment of waste
water; Determination of Fluoride and Chloride from water by ion analyzer potentiometry.
Determination of phosphate, sulphate and nitrate by spectrophotometric method.
Determination of particulates by Turbidymetry.
Determination of phenol from waste water by spectrophotometric method.
Determination of Pb2+, Cr3+ and Cu2+ by ICPOES method; Photocatalytic degradations of dye.
Total solids-Determination of requirement of coagulants
Determination of anions and silicates using spectrophotometric and ion analyzer potentiometric
Manuals/Text Books:
1. A Text-book of quantitative chemical analysis of pure salts, alloys, minerals and technical products,
John Charles Oslen, Nabu, 2011.
2.Chemical analysis in the laboratory, I M Harvey and R M Baker, RSC, 2002
3. Elements Of Chemical Analysis: Inorganic and Organic, E.A. Pamel, Kessinger Pub. Co, 2007

Reference Books:
1.Practical instrumental analysis - Methods, quality assurance and laboratory management, Sergio
Petrozzi, Wiley, 1st Edn., 2012.

Code Quantitative Chemical Analysis Laboratory L T P C 84 hrs

CY6204 - - 6 4
Titrimetric analysis:Estimation of phenol and aniline by iodometric method, keto group of
acetone by iodoform, formaldehyde in formalin, Estimation of cinnamic acid by addition of
iodine, Estimation of urea and acetamide, Determination of Acid value, saponification value
and iodine value of oils and fats, Determination of Equilibrium constant of keto-
Instrumental analysis:Conductometric and pH metricdeterminations of citric acid and benzoic
acid, Potentiometric determinations of phenol and acetone, Gravimetric determination of
benzophenone, Synthesis and characterization of Nano-silver and colloidal cadmium sulfide
particles, Chromatographic analysis of mixtures by GCand HPLC, Monolayer deposition and
quantitative analysis, Thin film polymers by electrodeposition, Adlayerof metals and
quantitative analysis.

Manuals/Text Books:
1. A Text-book of quantitative chemical analysis of pure salts, alloys, minerals and technical products,
John Charles Oslen, Nabu, 2011.

2.Chemical analysis in the laboratory, I M Harvey and R M Baker, RSC, 2002

3. Elements Of Chemical Analysis: Inorganic and Organic, E.A. Pamel, Kessinger Pub. Co, 2007

Reference Books:
1.Practical instrumental analysis - Methods, quality assurance and laboratory management, Sergio
Petrozzi, Wiley, 1st Edn., 2012.

(Elective for Analytical Chemistry Specialization)
Code Environmental Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs
CY6211 3 - - 3
Chemistry of Atmosphere: Origin, composition and structure of atmosphere-particles, ions
and radicals in the atmosphere-Greenhouse effect-Causes, consequences and abatement of
Green house effect-Ozone depletion- Causes, consequences and abatement of ozone depletion-
Photochemical smog-Effects and control.
Air Pollution-Monitoring and Control: Airsampling techniques-Sources and effects, of
oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of carbon- Monitoring of air pollutants by
Instrumental methods-Monitoring and Control of particulate pollution- Monitoring of air
pollutants by Instrumental methods-Control of air pollution by raw material change, process
modification, adsorption, absorption and combustion methods.
Classification of Water Pollutants: Unique characteristics of water; Water and the Living
Environment; Water and the Non-living Environment; The Different Types of Pollutants;
Chemical Pollutants; Physical Pollutants; Physiological Pollutants; Thermal Pollution.
Monitoring of Water Pollutants: Pollution indicators, Dissolved Oxygen; Biological Oxygen
Demand; Chemical Oxygen Demand; Waste water: Constituents – Microorganisms; Solids;
Inorganic constituents, Organic matter, Water Quality requirements, pH values of Wastes and
Receiving water, Suspended solids.
Environmental Impact Assessment: Environmental Impact Assessment process in India-
Environmental acts and rules.
Control of Pollution through Green Chemistry: Basic principles of Green Chemistry-Green
catalysts-Green synthesis-Green solvents.
Text Books:
1. Fundamental Concepts of Environmental Chemistry, G.S. Sodhi, Narosa publishing House,
2. Environmental Impact Assessment Process in India and the draw backs, Aruna Murthy,
HimanshuSekharPatra, Environmental Conservation Team, 2005.
3. Waste water treatment, M.N. Rao and A.K. Datta, Oxford Publications, 2 ndEdn.,2007.
4. Environmental Science and Engineering, J. Glynn Henry and Garry W. Heinke, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
New Jersey, USA, 2ndEdn.,

Code Chemistry of Nanomaterials L T P C 42 hrs

CY6212 3 - - 3
Scope of nanoscience and nanotecnology, nanoscience in nature, Synthetic Methods: Chemical
Routes: Sol-gel synthesis, microemulsions or reverse micelles, co-precipitation method,
solvothermal synthesis, hydrothermal synthesis, and Physical methods:chemical vapour
deposition method, electrodeposition method, high energy ball milling etc. Techniques for
characterization:Diffraction technique, spectroscopy techniques, electron microscopy

techniques for the characterization of nanomaterilas, Studies of Nano-structured

Materials:fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, core-shell nanoparticles, nanoshells, self- assembled
monolayers, and magnetic nanoparticles.
Text Books:
1. NANO: The Essentials, T Pradeep, MaGraw-Hill, 2007.
2. Textbook of Nanoscience and nanotechnology, B S Murty, P Shankar, BaldevRai, BB Rath and
James Murday, Univ. Press, 2012.
3. Nanomaterials: An Introduction to Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Dieter Vollath, G.,
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Germany, 2 ndEdn., 2013.
4. Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application, Schmid, G., Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Germany, 2ndEdn.,2010.
5. Concepts of Nanochemistry, Cademartiri L., Ozin G. A., Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Germany, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Nanostructures &Nanomaterials; Synthesis, Properties & Applications, Guozhong Cao, Imperial
College Press, 2007.
2. Nanotechnology,Fundamentals and Applications: ManasiKarkare, IK International, 2008.
3. Nanomaterials Chemistry, C. N. R. Rao, Achim Muller, K.Cheetham, Wiley-VCH, 2007.

Code Chemical, Electrochemical and Biosensors L T P C 42 hrs

CY6213 3 - - 3
Principle of chemical and electrochemical biosensors, Industrial applications, medical
diagnosis, implant analysis, remote sensing and control, On-site, portable analysis.
Transduction methodologies: absorbance and fluorescence methods, microcantilever and
microbalancemethods, electrochemical, optochemical and surface plasmon resonance
techniques. Molecular recognition materials: Biomolecular materials, artificial molecular-
recognition materials, biomimic-enzymes and -receptors.
Electrochemical and biosensors: Microelectrodes,interdigitated array electrodes, self-
assemblies, microarray methods, miniaturization, multiplex analysis for electrochemical
sensors. Surface polasmon resonance, microcantilever and microbalance sensors.
Applications: Environmental monitoring, Food and beverage industry - preservatives and
mycotoxins, Biomedical diagnosis – cholesterol, cancer marker, genome analysis, defense
Text Books:
1. Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Brian R. Eggins, John Wiley, 2004.
2. Sensors in Biomedical Applications – Fundamentals, Technology and applications, Gabor Harsanyi,
CRC Press, 2000.
3. Electrochemical Sensors in Bioanalysis,Raluca-Ioana Stefan, CRC Press, 2001.
4. Analytical Electrochemistry, Joseph Wang, John Wiley, 2006.

Reference Books:
2. Optical Sensors, JorgHaus, Wiley VCH, 2010.
3. Biosensors: Electrochemical and mechanical biosensors, Paul Ed Millner, Scion Publishing, 2008.
4. Optical sensors: Industrial, Environmental and Diagnostic Application (Springer Series), R
Narayanaswamy, O.S. Wolfbeis (Eds.), Springer, 2010.
5. Biosensors in Food Processing, Safety and Quality Control – Mehmet Mutlu (Ed.), CRC Press, 2010.

Code Bioinorganic Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs

CY6214 3 - - 3
Essential and trace metal ions in biology and their distribution, special ligands - porphyrins,
chlorin and corrin.Enzymes- factors contributing to the catalytic efficiency of enzymes.O 2

binding and activation by heme, non-heme and copper proteins: Iron transport and storage
proteins in bacterial and mammalian systems: Electron transport–FAD, NAD, FMN,
ubiquinone; blue copper proteins, cytochromes, iron- sulfur proteins – rubredoxin, ferridoxins,
Nitrogen-cycle enzymes: Mn in photosynthesis and O2 evolution: Photosystem I and II –
chlorophyll, Non-redox enzymes with Mg, Zn, Ni: urease, Applied bioinorganic chem–metals
in medicine, anti-cancer agents–cisplatin, radiopharmaceuticals (Tc), diagnostic (Gd in MRI)
and therapeutic agents. Toxicity of Hg, Cd, Pb and As and chelation therapy.

Text Books:
1. Principle of Bioinorganic chemistry, Lippard and Berg, Univ. Science Books, 1994.
2. Biocoordination chemistry, Fenton, Oxford chemistry primer, 1995.
3. Bioinorganic chemistry: Inorganic perspective in the chemistry of Life, Kaim and Schwederski,
4. Inorganic chemistry, Shriver, Atkins, and Langford, 1994.
5. Bioinorganic Chemistry, Bertini, Gray, Lippard and Valentine Viva books Pvt. Ltd. 1998.

Code Statistics and Quality Control in Analytical L T P C 42

CY6215 Chemistry Laboratory 3 - - 3 Hours

Quality of Analytical Measurements: Sampling strategy, Quality control methods-property

control charts, precision control charts, collaborative tests and uncertainty of measurements,
Numerical calculations.
Significance tests: Comparison tests, outliers, ANOVA calculations.
Analytical methods Metrological Quality: Various types of analytical methods, Calibration
of equipment and instruments.
Standard Method Development and Validation: Optimization of experimental procedures in
analytical chemistry, response surfaces, specific examples, experimental design-fractional
factorial designs. Validation testing parameters and their calculation with numerical examples.

Text Books:
1. Statistics and chemometrics for Analytical chemistry, James N Miller and Jane C Miller,
Pearson, 5th Edn., 2005.
2. Statistical methods in Analytical chemistry, Peter C Meier, Richard E Zund, John Wiley &
Sons, 2000.
3. Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory,
PiotrKonieczka and JacekNamiesnik, CRC Press, 2009.
4. Quality in the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Elizabeth Pricard, Vicki Barwick, John
Wiley & Sons, 2008.
5. Quality Assurance in the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, D.BrynnHibbert, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2007.

(Analytical Chemistry Specialization)

Code Advanced Chromatographic Methods L T P C 56 hrs


CY6251 (Core) 4 - - 4
High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Modern stationary phases, new detectors, chiral
mobile phases,specific applications. UPLC: Ultra performance liquid chromatography,
stationary phases for UPLC, specificapplications. Supercritical Fluid chromatography:
Principle - super critical fluids, properties of supercriticalfluids Instrumentation, detectors,
injection techniques, pressure restrictors, specific applications. IonChromatography: Principle,
- Applications in qualitative and quantitative analysis. Hyphenated techniques:
Introduction to interfaces, Principle, instrumentation and applications of GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-
MSn and GCFTIR. Multidimensional Chromatography: The importance of multidimensional
chromatography, principleand specific applications. Capillary Electrophoresis: Principle,
instrumentation, detectors, Applications.
Text Books:
1. A. Braithwaite and F.J. Smith, Chromatographic Methods, 5th Edition, Blackie Academic &
Professional(Chapman & Hall), 2009.
2. Hans-Joachim Hubschmann, Hand Book of GC-MS, Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley-VCH,
3. Robert E. Ardrey, Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-An Introduction, Wiley, 2003.

Code Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis L T P C 84 hrs

CY6252 Laboratory-II - - 6 4
Titrimetric analysis: Estimation of paracetamol and phenyl butazonein drug formulations,
Potentiometric determinations ofparacetamol and isoniazid, Conductometric and pH metric
determinations of citric acid and ascorbic acid.
Modern instrumental methods:Cyclic and differential pulse voltammetric determinations of
neurotransmitters and ascorbic acid. Electrochemical determinations under static and flow-
through conditions. Fluorescence quenching - excitation and emission spectral analysis, Diffuse
reflectance spectroscopic analysis; Linear Sweep Voltammetric Estimation of Ascorbic Acid
Cyclic Voltammetric Study of Ferricyanide/ferrocyanide couple; Faraday Paradox
(Corrosion of Steel by Conc. and Dil HNO3); DSC of Calcium Oxalate
Fluorimetric Estimation of Zinc and Its Life Time; Gel Electrophoresis of Egg and Plant
Protiens; Spectroelectrochemical study of Ascorbic Acid; CirdularDichroism of Camphor
Infrared Spectrum of CCl4 and CHCl3Vapours; Photo-Diode Array for Kinetics of
Decolouration of Murexide; Anodic Strippoing Voltammetry of Mixture of Cu 2, Zn2+, Pb2+
LC-MS of phenols in benzene ; Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis of Co 2, Ni2+, Cu2+
Spectra; Integrated Sphere Diffuse Reflection Absorption of Dye Stuffs; Band Gap
Estimation of Thin Films by NIR Spectroscopy

Manuals/Text Books:
1. Quantitative chemical analysis adapted for use in laboratories, Frank Clowes and J B Coleman,
Nabu, 2010.
2.Laboratory experiments to accompany general, organic and biological chemistry - An Integrated
Approach, D B Macaulay, J M Bauer, M M Bloomfield, Wiley, 2nd Edn., 2009..

Reference Books:
1.Food analysis laboratory manual, Suzanne Nielsen, Springer, 2015.
2.Practical instrumental analysis - Methods, quality assurance and laboratory management, Sergio
Petrozzi, Wiley, 1st Edn., 2012.

(Elective for Analytical Chemistry Specialization)
Code Chemical and Electrochemical Systems of Energy L T P C 42 hrs
CY6261 3 - - 3
Thermochemistry and Chemical Kinetics of Energy Sources: Heats of Combustion of Fuels;
Differential Scanning Calorimetry; Ignition Point, Flash Point; Chemical Energy Sources; Chemistry of
Conventional and Non-Conventional Energy Materials:Petroleum Products, Petroleum Refinery;
Biomass and Goober Gas; Hydrogen as a Fuel; Coal Carbonization and Gasification;
Electrochemical Energy Systems: Primary and Secondary batteries, Solid state and molten solvent
batteries, Lithium ion batteries; Fuel cells; Current-Voltage and Current Interrupt measurements;
Porosity, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.
Solar Energy Harnessing: Photovoltaic and Photogalvanic energy storage, Regenerative
Photoelectrochemical Cells; Photocorrosion; Electrodes with chemically modified surfaces;
Photochemical and PhotoelectrochemicalCleavageof Water: Chemically Modified Electrodes for
Water Cleavage; Coordination Chemistry of Water Cleavage
Environmental Concerns and Green Methods of Energy Sources: Quality of Chemical Energy
Sources; Monitoring of Energy Extraction from Materials; Nanochemical Methods in Energy
Extraction; Modeling of Combustion and Other Energy Tapping from Materials

Text Books:
1. Energy Systems Engineering – Evaluation and Implementation, Francis Vanek, Louis Albright,
LargusArgenent, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
2. Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future, Bob Everett, Godfrey Boyle,
Stephen Peake and Janet Ramage, Oxford Uni Press, 2012.
3. Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Systems, R. Narayan and B. Viswanathan, Universities Press,
4. Lithium Ion Batteries – Advances And Applications, Gianfranco Pistoria, Elsevier, 2014

Reference Books:
1. Dynamic Modeling of Electrochemical Energy Systems, Lucia Gauchia and Javier Sanz; LAP
Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010
2. Electrochemical Energy: Advanced Materials and Technologies (Electrochemical Energy Storage
and Conversion, Pei Kang Shen Chao-Yang Wang, San Ping Jiang (Ed), CRC, 2016
3. Tomorrow’s Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for A Cleaner Planet, Peter Hoffmann,
Byron Dorgan, MIT Press, 2012
4. Solar Energy Conversion, Yuri V Pleskov, Springer-Verlag, 1990
5. Solar Energy Conversion – Dynamics of Interfacidal Electron and Excitation Transfer, Piotrowiak,
Laurie Peter, Heinz Frei and Tim Zhao, RSC, 2013

Code Surface Analytical Techniques L T P C 42 hrs

CY6262 3 - - 3
Principles, Instrumentation of Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA):
Quantification methods and standards, Analytical Applications. Auger electron spectroscopy:
Depth Profile Analysis, Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS): Surface enhanced Raman
Spectroscopy (SERS): Principles, Electromagnetic theory of SERS, Sensitivity factor,
Quantitative analysis, SERRS of Ag and Au metal colloids, Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
(EELS): Electron Microprobe analysis: Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscopy: Surface
structural analysis.

Text Books :

1. Surface analysis methods in materials science, D J O’Connor, Brett A Sexton, Roger S C Smart
(Eds), Springer Series in surface sciences, 2 ndEdn., 2010.
2. Surface Analysis: The Principal Techniques, John C Vikerman, Ian Gilmore (Eds.), 2 ndEdn., Wiley,
3. An introduction to surface analysis by XPS and AES, John F Watts, John Wolstenholme, Wiley,
2ndEdn., 2003.
4. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Sebastian schlucker, Wolfgang Kiefer (Eds), Wiley VCH,

Reference Books:
1. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Skoog, Holler, Crouch, Cengage Learning, 6 thEdn.,2010.
2. Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Willard, Merritt, Dean, Settle, CBS / Wadsworth Publ. Co.,
3. Practical Surface Analysis by Auger and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, D. Briggs, M.P. Seah,
John Wiley, 1983.
4. Surface and thin film analysis, GernotFriedbacher, Henning Bubert (Eds), Wiley-VCH,
5. Surface enhanced Raman scattering: Physics and applications, KatrinKneipp, Martin Moskovits,
HaraldKneipp (Eds), Springer, 2010.

Code Supramolecular Chemistry L T P C 42 hrs

CY6263 3 - - 3
Definition of supramolecular chemistry. Nature of binding interactions in supramolecular
structures: ion-ion, ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, H-bonding, cation-p, anion-p, p-p, and van der
Waals interactions.
Synthesis and structure of crown ethers, lariat ethers, podands, cryptands, spherands,
calixarenes, cyclodextrins, cyclophanes, cryptophanes, carcerands and hemicarcerands., Host-
Guest interactions, pre-organization and complimentarity, lock and key analogy. Binding of
cationic, anionic, ion pair and neutral guest molecules.
Crystal engineering: role of H-bonding and other weak interactions.
Self-assembly molecules: design, synthesis and properties of the molecules, self assembling by
H-bonding, metal-ligand interactions and other weak interactions, metallomacrocycles,
catenanes, rotaxanes, helicates and knots.
Molecular devices: molecular electronic devices, molecular wires, molecular rectifiers,
molecular switches, molecular logic.
Relevance of supramolecular chemistry to mimic biological systems: cyclodextrins as enzyme
mimics, ion channel mimics, supramolecular catalysis etc.
Examples of recent developments in supramolecular chemistry from current literature
Text Books:

1. Supramolecular Chemistry-Concepts and Perspectives, J.-M. Lehn; Wiley-VCH, 1995.

2. Supramolecular Chemistry, P. D. Beer, P. A. Gale, D. K. Smith, Oxford University Press, 1999.
3. Supramolecular Chemistry, J. W. Steed and J. L. Atwood, Wiley, 2000.

Reference Books:
1. Title, Author(s), Publisher, Edn, Year
Elective - V
Code Advanced Electroanalytical Methods L T P C 42 hrs
CY6271 3 - - 3

Steady state and potential step techniques: linear sweep voltammetry, differential pulse
voltammetry, Stripping voltammetry: anodic stripping and cathodic stripping voltammetry,
adsorptive stripping voltammetry, principles and applications. Cyclic Voltammetry: principles
and applications. Hydrodynamic measurements, Rotating disk and ring disk electrodes, flow-
cell analysis. Chronomethods, principles, chrono-potentiometric, -amperometric and -
coulometric measurements, instrumentation and applications. Electrocatalysis of hydrogen and
oxygen evolution reactions. Electrochemical sensors: Potentiometric and amperometric
sensors, principles, instrumentation, and applications.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic measurements, principles and applications,
Potentiodynamic polarization studies, Tafel methods. Electrochemical quartz crystal
microbalance, principle, thin layer coatings, electropolymerization and electrodeposition of
metals, applications.
Electrochemical supercapacitors: comparison with batteries for energy storage, density and
charge-discharge behaviour, energy and power densities of storage devices, Pseudocapacitance,
ruthenium and porous materials, applications.
Electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy and Electrochemical atomic force microscopy,
principles, instrumentation, Potential-UV-VIS measurements, Potential-Infrared
measurements, applications.
Text Books:
1. Electrochemical methods: Fundamentals and applications, Allen J Bard and Larry R Faulkner, John
Wiley, 2nd Edn., 2010.
2.Electroanalytical methods: Guide to experiments and applications, Fritz Scholz, Springer, 2nd Edn.,
3.Fundamentals of Electroanalytical Chemistry, P M S Monk, John Wiley, 2003.
4.Electrochemical supercapacitors - Scientific fundamentals and technological applications, B E
Conway, Springer, 2014.

Reference Books:
1.Analytical Electrochemistry, Joseph Wang, John Wiley, 3rd Edn., 2006.
2.Electrochemistry of Functional Supramolecular Systems, Paola Ceroni, Alberto Credi and
MargheritaVenturi (Ed.), John Wiley, 2010.

Code Tandem and Hyphenated Analytical Methods L T P C 42 hrs

CY6272 3 - - 3
Autosamplers, Triggering, Stopped Flow Techniques
Tandem Mass Spectrometry
GC-IR, LC-IR, LC-NMR, LC-DAS, CE-UV, Preparatory LC-UV
Peltier Thermometry-Molecular Spectroscopy
Electrochemical Microscopy

Text Books:
1. Introduction to GC-MS Coupling, Stéphane Bouchonnet, CRC Press, 2013
2.LC-MS in Drug Bioanalysis, Q. Alan Xu and Timothy L. Madden, Springer, 2012

Reference Books:
1.Identification and Quantification of Drugs, Metabolites and Metabolizing Enzymes by LC-MS,
SwapanChowdhury, Elsevier, 2005

Code Advances in Industrial catalysis L T P C 42 hrs

CY6273 3 - - 3

Molecular sieves : Types, nomenculature, structure, synthesis, characterization and catalytic

applications of Zeolites, Aluminophosphates, Mesoporous materials, Aminophosphates,
Hydrotalcite and clays.

Catalysis by Solid acids/bases/redox catalysts: Solid acids : Alkylation, Cracking,

Isomerization, Aromatization, Methanol to olefin reaction. Solid basic catalysis. Solid redox
catalysts : Phenol & Benzene hydroxylation, Ammoxidation, Alkane oxidation, Alcohol
oxidation, Alkene epoxidation. Electrocatalysis.

Other Industrialy important catalysts and process : Wilkinson catalyst, Zeigler Natta
catalyst, Fisher trope synthesis, Heck reaction, Suzuki coupling reaction, Haber process, Bio-
diesel production, Dye degradation and Photocatalysis.

Text Books:

Catalysis : Principles and Applications, B. Viswanathan, S. Sivasanker, A.V. Ramaswamy,

Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi 2007.

Molecular sieves of synthesis and Identification, R. Szostak, Van Nostrand Reinhold catalysis
series, New York, 1989.

Hand book of molecular sieves, R. Szostak, International zeolite association, 2010.

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