Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.L.1.4.B
Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.L.1.4.B
Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.L.1.4.B
➢ Using sorting games and worksheets, students will be able to express how the prefix “un-“ changes the meaning of a base word.
Assessment Plan: Students will create a flip book in which they add the prefix “un-“ to a base word and write a definition of the new word.
Key vocabulary terms and definitions:
Lesson plan, PPT presentation, whiteboard, whiteboard markers, projector, five copies of word sorts, twenty copies of the flip book, scissors, and
Technology Integration:
PPT presentation.
Provide a word bank for students to use, allow students to use notes as they sort words and write definitions.
Behavioral Expectations: Transitions: Fast Finishers:
Release by tables. Begin silent reading when you are done.
1. Review the procedures for quiet fox and
keeping bubbles. Students will raise hands
when they would like to speak and listen
quietly when others are speaking.
1 min. Check for understanding (Needed throughout the lesson procedures, not just at this point, but also after guided practice.)
Ask students to give you a signal under their chin, thumbs-up if they understand, side-thumb if they kind of get it, and
thumbs-down if they’re confused.
1 min. Guided practice: (Tell how you check understanding of each student during guided practice.)
Ask students to raise their hands if they think we should add an “un-“ during the Projectable.
1 min. Closure/Summary:
Briefly review that “un-“ means not, so when we add this prefix to a word, it changes the meaning.
5 min. Independent practice: Flip books.
Students will write the prefix “un-“ before a given word in their flip books, and then write what the new meaning is. For
example, if a given word is “happy,” students will write add “un-“ to “happy,” and then “not happy” as the definition.
1 min. To be collected: Word sorts.
Collect word sorts.
Reflection: To be typed in a separate 4 paragraph paper and handed within a week after lesson is taught.
1. Whether the students were able to do what your objectives said- Cite evidence in your paper.
2. What went well during the lesson and why it did so- Give specific examples of what happened during the lesson so
that a person who was not there could “see it” in their mind’s eye.
3. Explain specifics of what you would want to improve if you were able to do this same lesson again and general ideas learned from this lesson that
will help your future lessons go even better. Give specific examples of what happened during the lesson so that a person who was not there could “see it” in their mind’s eye.