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Literacy Lesson Plan For Emergent Reader

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Literacy Lesson Plan

Jennifer Hunt
M, 1st grade, River Bend Elementary School
November 13, 2016

Literacy Lesson Plan for Emergent Reader:

M is a six-year-old girl in first grade. She is noticeably shy and does not often speak above a whisper in class. In
the recent weeks she has begun to offer more responses to questions in class. These responses however
happen during calendar time where there is a set sequence of questions and answers that are held every day.
She comes from a low socio-economic family and attends pull out sessions of Title I as a result. Based on
assessments completed with the child and the data collected from the results, the child appears to be in the
emergent stage of literacy. M requires some more work with concept of print, as she does not verbally provide
details in retelling activities. M has mastered the skill of beginning sounds, but still struggles with recognizing
and differentiating between medial vowel sounds in a word. She has shows difficulties in reading certain
digraphs along with vowels in general. M has difficulty reading by herself, but she is able to follow along and
point to the words while another person is reading to her.

Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
The student will correctly sort 1.6: The student will apply The teacher will review the final
the provided pictures into their phonetic principles to read and product of the picture sort with
proper categories based on spell. the student to ensure that all
medial vowel sounds. d. Use short vowel sounds to the pictures are sorted in the
decode and spell single-syllable correct category.

Materials needed: The picture sort and a pair of scissors are the two materials needed. The picture sort
will focus on medial vowel sounds, more specifically the sounds of A, E, I, and U. I have observed
that M has particular trouble hearing the difference between the E and I vowel sounds, so the
teacher must pay close attention to those two columns.

Time for this part of lesson: 6 minutes will be used in the lesson to complete the picture sort.

Procedure: Each student will be given his or her own picture sort. Before they begin the small group
will practice saying the vowel sounds orally as review. Once all the vowel sounds, which are
represented in the picture sort, have been orally reviewed the teacher will model one of the pictures
to show the correct procedure and answer. Once all the review and instructions have been shown the
students will be allowed to independently finish the picture sort. For assessment, the students will
explain their reasoning for their placements of the pictures in the provided categories.
Language Play/Phonological Awareness
Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
The students will select one 1.4: The student will orally The Rhyming Girl/Boy will be
word, from the picture sort, to identify, produce, and collected and assessed for the
correctly list four rhyming manipulate various units of inclusion of four correctly listed
words. speech sounds within words. rhyming words.
a. Create rhyming words.

Materials needed: The student will need their list of picture words that were used in the Alphabet
section. The students will also need a cut out of a boy or girl. This cur out will symbolize the Rhyming
Girl/Boy. Each figure must prominently show two arms and two legs. The students will also need
colored pencils and markers.

Time for this part of lesson: 6 minutes will be used in the lesson to focus on Language
Play/Phonological Awareness.

Procedure: The students shall pick their favorite picture word from the list of picture sorts that were
just completed. Once the students have picked out their word, they will brainstorm four other words
that rhyme with the selected word. The student will write one rhyming word on each arm and leg. In
the middle of the Rhyming Girl/Boy they will write their selected picture sort word that was the base
for the rhyming activity. If there is extra time, then the student may color their Rhyming Girl/Boy.

Concept of Word
Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
The students will read a line 1.5: The student will apply On the teachers copy of the
from the story, The Gingerbread knowledge of how print is story, they will mark when a
Man, using the technique of organized and read. student stumbles over a word.
finger-point reading. b. Match spoken words with This assessment should look
print. similar to that of a Running

Materials needed: Each student will be given their own copy of the story The Gingerbread Man to read
along. The story will be provided in the form of a little book, similar to that of The Three Billy Goats
Gruff, used in the retelling assessment.

Time for this part of lesson: 6 minutes will be used in the lesson to focus on Concept of Word.

Procedure: First the teacher will introduce the story to the students. The teacher will focus on the
characters and the setting that the story occurs in. Once the story has been introduced, the teacher
will read through the story as the students follow along. The students will finger-point as they silently
listen and read along with the teacher. Once the teacher has finished reading through the story the
first time, the students will take turns point-reading lines from the story. To include the rest of the
small group, if a student encounters problems with a word, the teacher will ask the rest of the small
group for help before simply providing the answer themselves.

Concept about Print

Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
The students will draw a picture 1.9: The student will read and The picture will be assessed for
representing what their favorite demonstrate comprehension of a the number of characters
scene of the story was. variety of fictional texts. represented and how accurately
the drawing represents the
f. Identify characters, setting, and scene in the story.
important events.

Materials needed: The students will continue working with the story of The Gingerbread Man. They will
continue to use their copy of the story. They will also be given a blank sheet of drawing paper in which
to create their drawing. One side of the drawing paper will have writing lines pasted on, which will be
used in a writing follow up activity.

Time for this part of lesson: 6 minutes will be used in the lesson to focus on Concept about Print.

Procedure: Once every student has read his or her sentence in the story the teacher will move onto
Concept of Print. The teacher will ask the students to think about their favorite part of the story,
paying close attention to the characters, setting and important events. After a few moments of
brainstorm have the students orally tell the group their favorite scene in the story. Once every student
has expressed their favorite scene, they can begin to depict the scene in drawing. Give the students the
remainder of the six minutes to create as much detail as possible when it comes to the characters,
setting, and plot. These drawings and details will be used in a writing activity next.

Learning Objectives:
Objective Standard of Learning Assessment
The student will write two to 1.13: The student will write to Once the students have finished
three sentences describing the communicate ideas for a variety their sentences they will turn in
drawing of their favorite scene, of purposes. the completed drawing and
paying close attention to the writing sheet. The teacher will
details surrounding the c. Revise by adding descriptive assess the students based on the
characters and setting in the words when writing about descriptive language used, as
drawing. people, places, things, and well as the phonetical spelling
that was used.
g. Share writings with others.
Materials needed: The other side of the drawing paper, in which the students drew their depiction of
their favorite scene, will have lined paper. The students will also each need a pencil to write their

Time for this part of lesson: 6 minutes will be used in the lesson to focus on Writing.

Procedure: Once the students have finished their drawings they will tell the teacher and small group
what they drew. The students will then turn their papers over and begin to write two to three
sentences about the drawing. The teacher will encourage the students to add more details from their
drawing throughout the writing process. Once all the students have finished writing their two to three
sentences, they will each read their sentences out loud to the group.

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