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Task 2

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1. Which lesson or lessons are shown in the clip(s)? Identify the lesson(s) by lesson plan
number. Describe any changes in the lesson plans for the lessons shown in the clip(s)
and the reasons for those changes.
[My clip comes from lesson plan 2(Reading Mastery Lesson 37). After working some
with video clips I understood that my camera placement was not good, so I change the
placement of the camera to try to get the focus learner as well as myself and the
smartboard in the clip. For the lesson there were any changes. The focus learner
followed the directions well that is in the teacher manual and participated well during the
lesson. When it come the worksheet that goes with the lesson the focus learner followed
the directions and completed the worksheet correctly. The lesson plan went as originally
My focus learner and her reading group received instruction from Reading Mastery
Kindergarten McGraw Hill Education. It is a direct instruction that is very descriptive
program. The program introduces the students to concepts very slowly and starts out
with letter sounds, and letter name before getting to blending simple short words. The
instruction is repetitive to ensure that students can pick up on the lessons to get familiar
with the sounds and letters before blending and decoding words.]
2. If applicable, provide any additional information (beyond that provided in Planning Task 1)
needed to understand the learning environment or interactions seen in each clip.
a. Identify the district, school, cooperating teacher, or student teaching requirements or
expectations (e.g., prescribed reading curriculum) that affect your instructional delivery
related to the learning goal described in Planning Task 1.
[In the video clip you can see my focus learner in the plaid black and white pants and
maroon shirt. There are eight students in the class when everyone is attendance. They
are spread out with one at each table. I do this to keep them from taking during the
lesson. This is why my focus learner is the only student in the video clip, but you hear
more than her voice. The students in this class all have learning disabilities and are
place in the class due to their IEP goals. Each student attends general education
classrooms for lunch, recess, and resource such as PE, Art/Music creating the effect of
a revolving door throughout the day. My cooperating teacher uses the same direct
instruction Reading Mastery series published by McGraw-Hill. I have observed my
cooperating teacher while using this series to teach lessons I see that its direct
instruction is favorable results for my focus learner in reaching the learning target. Due
to the range of different grades and abilities the teacher instructs students in ability
groups or individually sessions throughout the day.]
b. If more than one learner appears in a clip, provide information to identify the focus
learner (e.g., clothing, position in setting).
[The focus learner is the only on besides me that you see in the video clip lesson plan
2(Reading Mastery lesson 37). However, she is wearing black and white plaid pants with
a maroon shirt and her hair is in a ponytail.]
3. Promoting a Positive Learning Environment
Refer to scenes in the video clip(s) where you provided a positive learning environment.
a. Describe how you demonstrated respect for and rapport with all learners.
[In the video clip I demonstrate rapport by acknowledging when my students get
something correct. I usually tell them good job and I hear myself say that many times in
the video. Also, in the video you hear my give my student individual turns to check for
understanding. I acknowledge them on a good job too when they answer correctly.
During the video clip at 7:50 students were supposed to think about what the word is
while I slide my finger under the word, I had one student do the sounds as I slide my
finger, I had to correct them by saying nope not yet we are just thinking about what
sounds to say. Then students were told to sounds it out loud. I still acknowledge when
they all did it correctly. When students answer correctly and participate in class, they are
allowed in the candy jar at the end of class. The sliding of my finger tells the class when
to respond and the clicking noise also lets them know when to respond.]
b. Describe how you provided a positive learning environment that both supported and
challenged your focus learner in relation to the learning goal, moving the focus learner
toward self-determination.
[I provided a positive learning environment for my focus learner by acknowledging when
she got an answer correct. Also, I walked around and observed and help in any way
while she completes the worksheet that went along with the lesson. I even had her read
the word that she wrote on the worksheet. This gives the focus learner confidence in
reading skills to move her towards self-determination.]
4. Engaging and Motivating the Focus Learner
Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations. For group instruction, you may refer to
interactions with other learners as examples of collective strategies accessible to the focus
a. Explain how your strategies engaged and motivated the focus learner to develop and
apply the knowledge and skills related to the learning goal.
[The strategies that I used for engagement and motivation for the focus learner was her
prior knowledge of the letters, sounds, blending, and decoding words. I use repetition
instruction to ensure that the focus learner is knowledgeable of the lesson. Later when
the focus learner is learning a new concept then she can look back and use some of her
prior knowledge to help her with the new skills. Also, having a good rapport with students
helps so much. It helps you find ways to keep them engaged in the lessons and help
motivate them in learning new concepts.]
b. Describe how your instruction linked the focus learner’s prior learning and personal,
family, cultural, and/or community assets with new learning related to the learning goal.
[The focus learner has had prior learning experience because the letter, and sounds
were introduced in prior lessons. Some concepts of the lesson were even presented in
4th grade lessons. The focus learner has a very involved parent who was her to be
successful in the classroom.]
c. Describe the strategies you used to move the focus learner toward independently
initiating and/or maintaining active engagement in learning tasks related to the learning
[The focus learner has previous 4th grade reading knowledge of the letters and sounds.
On the daily we as a whole class review the lesson before any independently work is
completed therefore focus learner is exposed to the lesson. As for family means, her
parent is very involved and wants her to be successful in the classroom and will help her
in any way to make it possible.]
5. Deepening Learning
Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations. For instruction in a group, you may
refer to interactions with other learners that informed application of learning by the focus

a. Explain how you elicited and responded to the focus learner’s performance to promote
application of learning related to the learning goal.
[I monitor my focus learner’s performance throughout the lessons to collect data to see
what changes I need to make improve instruction. I use verbal and physical prompting,
probing questions, and imitation practices to elicit performance. During the video you
can see me verbally and physically prompting the focus learner whiling helping the focus
learner being the teacher to the class for the portion of the lesson. Also, I respond to by
focus learner’s satisfactory performance by using verbal praise and rewards from the
candy jar at the end of the lesson.]
b. Describe opportunities provided to the focus learner to apply feedback to improve
performance related to the learning goal.
[At the end of the class, the focus learner can review what is taught on an informal
assessment. The focus learner is given an exit ticket to assess what she learned during
class. There is usually no homework unless the students do not finish their worksheet
during class time. After so many lessons there will be a summative assessment to show
what they have learned.]
c. Describe how you moved the focus learner toward self-evaluation or self-correction to
improve performance related to the learning goal.
[The focus learner shows how to say letters, sounds, blend and decode words. She is
reading simple three letter words during the lesson such as “ram.” I correct students
when they miss a letter or sound. Therefore, the are taught to self-correct by saying my
turn and then trying to pronounce the word. This improves their performance in the
6. Supporting Teaching and Learning
Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations.

a. Explain how your materials, planned supports, and instructional strategies facilitated the
focus learner’s progress toward the lesson objectives for the learning goal and how they
reflected the learner’s development, age, strengths, and needs.
[My focus learner is a 5th grade student who cannot assess grade-level curriculum due to
disabilities. The direct instruction that is planned already for me helps the focus learner
with the letters, sounds and blending so that she can decode the words. Her prior
knowledge of knowing what some of the letters and sounds are help her when decoding
the words. Relating the words real-life experience such as using that word in a sentence
can help the student better understand it. Also, the manual uses visuals to help with
words. Like in the lesson the students learn the word “am” then it showed a picture of
Santa Claus which said “You know who I am.” Using models, visuals, direct instruction,
and guided practice can help strength the student’s development.]
b. Describe how your instructional strategies, planned supports, and/or materials facilitated
the development or application of a self-directed learning strategy for the learning goal.
[The focus learner showed the first step in the self-directed learning strategy by showing the
readiness to learn. The direct instruction model of review and guided practice
accompanied by some amounts of new material introduction has been successful for my
focus learner. Since the learning goals were set, the focus learner was ready to engage
in the learning process by going through the lesson.]
7. Analyzing Teaching
Refer to examples from the clip(s) in your explanations.

a. What would you change about the teaching seen in the clip(s) to better support or
extend the focus learner’s performance and/or move the focus learner toward
maintained, generalized, or self-directed use of knowledge and/or skills related to the
learning goal?
[I think that I would change the time of the lesson. I think that more practice would better
support my focus learner’s performance. I think that more practice and knowledge will
help the focus learner self-direct, maintain, and generalize move to the learning goal.]
b. Why do you think these changes would improve the learning of the focus learner in relation
to the learning goal? Support your explanation with evidence of the focus learner’s
performance related to the learning goal, as seen in the clip(s), and principles from theory
and/or research.
[I think that it will help the focus learner improve reading skill towards the learning goal. Direct
instruction is a great tool to use. It is what I use in my classroom daily. I think that my focus
learner and reading group learn best with direct instruction. According to Avanti direct
instruction encourages active student engagement through frequent opportunities for student
responding, practice, and feedback. This approach promotes active participation of students
with disabilities and helps them stay engaged and focused on tasks. (Avanti, 2023). I try to keep
my students as engaged as possible. I have found if I can base the lesson around something that
they like they are more engaged in the lesson. So, I try to base it around things that I know they
like so that they will do the assignments. For example, the focus learner and reading group I
have them to use some of the words that they are learning to read in a sentence. They make up
their own sentence using the word. Sentences must be school appropriate and have to use the
word in which I have asked them to use. ]

Avanti. (2023, May 26). Avanti. Retrieved from The Benefits of Direct Instruction for students
with Learning Disabilities:

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