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Central Focus/: Teacher Candidate

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Teacher Candidate:​ Caleigh Scanlon ​Subject:​ Classical India ​Grade Level:​ 9 ​Lesson Number:​ 5

Central Focus/​Overall Goal:​ Students will be able to ​justify​(Evaluation) the differences between the two major
belief systems in India, Buddhism, and Hinduism, and how the Mauryan Empire was able to keep and
consolidate power.

Learning Segment​/Unit Language Function: ​justify​ (Evaluation)

State-adopted New York State Social Studies Framework 9.3a

student academic Empires used belief systems, systems of law, forms of government, military forces,
content standards and social hierarchies to consolidate and expand power.

New York State Social Studies Framework 9.2b

Belief systems were often used to unify groups of people and affected social order
and gender roles​.

21st Century Skills- Media Literacy

Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media players, GPS, etc.),
communication/networking tools and social networks appropriately to access,
manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information to successfully function in a
knowledge economy

Common Core ELA Literacy Standards-Speaking and Listening Standards 4

Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically
such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
Lesson 5a. ​Students will be able to ​describe​ (Knowledge) how Ashoka was able to spread his
Objectives/Targets/ beliefs through the Mauryan Empire and consolidate power.
5b. Students will be able to ​write​ (Application) how the Maurya Empire used
edTPA requirement
government to consolidate power.

Evidence ___________________________________________________________________

5a. Writing a Letter

5b. Exit Slip
Common Students may have some misconceptions with how Ashoka was able to use
Misconceptions/ the belief systems of Buddhism to help consolidate his power and the Mauryan
Possible Student
Errors & How they
Empire. Students may have some misconceptions about the idea and term of
will be addressed bureaucracy. How this will be addressed is by students answer guided
questions based on articles, and a video, having students complete a word
wizard vocabulary sheet, as well as having them write a creative letter and exit
slip describing the beliefs of Ashoka and what a bureaucracy is in their own
Procedure – Bell Ringer
● For the bellringer, the teacher will pull up the website The teacher
Label:​ Instructional will be introducing the mentimeter technology to the class, by explaining what it
method(s), learning
tasks, modeling,
guided practice,
Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018

scaffolding, ● Mentimeter is a way to poll students in a class using the website provided, and
independent practice, gives real time answers to the questions prompted.
activities and/or other ● The teacher will ask for students to take out their phones, go to and
enter the code provided on the screen in the front of the classroom. When they
complete those tasks, the students will answer the prompt given.
Label:​ ​Bell Ringer ● The teacher will ask two students to repeat the directions for the class.
Also may be called: (​CFU-directions​)
anticipatory set, ● The prompt on the screen will read: what comes to mind when you hear the
hook, introduction, word EMPIRE?
review, Do Now, ● On the screen, as students enter their thoughts and submit them, a word cloud
Write Now, Silent will begin to form. Showing similarities and differences in thought. (​21st
Starter, warm-up
Century Skills,​ ​Visual,​ C
​ SE​)
● The teacher will give students one minute to respond to the prompt given.
Transition:​The teacher will warn students when they have ten seconds left.
● When the minute is up, the teacher will have a short discussion about what
students responded with.
● This will lead into the lesson about the rise of the Mauryan Empire in India and
the people who lead the empire.
Label:​ ​Transitions
Transition:​ ​After the mentimeter bellringer, the teacher will move forward with the next
activity, introducing the Maurya Empire.

Jigsaw Reading Activity

Label: ● In this activity students will be purposefully grouped together into four groups,
Accommodations for to read different short articles about the Maurya Empire. The teacher will have
Learning Modalities the names of the groups on the board for all the students to see. (​Auditory​)
visual,​ ​auditory​, and ● The teacher will explain that each group will be reading a different article about
the Maurya Empire: the origins, Chandragupta Maurya, Government of
Maurya, and Ashoka the Great, and will underline important facts, and answer
the questions given to them. Students in each group will have a discussion
about what they read to each other. At the end of the activity, each group will
Label:​ ​Checks for teach and share their learnings with the rest of the class. (​Differentiated
Understanding: Instruction-content process​, R​ BIS #1​)
directions​, and/or ● The teacher will ask two students to repeat the directions to the class.
content​ (formal or (​CFU-directions​)
● The teacher will give students five to eight minutes to complete this task.
Transition:​ The teacher will warn students when they have one minute left.
● The teacher will keep close proximity to students to monitor progress.
Label:​ ​RBIS ● At the end of the time, the teacher will ask for at least one volunteer from each
group to share with the class what they learned from their article. During this
sharing, students must write down notes about the other articles.

Transition:​ ​After the jigsaw article activity is done the teacher will move forward with a
video about the Edicts of Ashoka with guided questions to answer.
Label:​ Evidence of
Cognitive Student
Engagement​ ​(CSE) Video about the Edicts of Ashoka and Guided Questions
● The teacher will pull up a video about the Edicts of Ashoka, and give out a
worksheet with guided questions on the video. (​Visual​)
Label:​ Academic ● The video will be taken from Youtube, created by Cogito. The teacher will only
Language play a portion of the video from the beginning until 3:30.
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(​introduced/practiced/ ● The teacher will explain that students must answer the questions about the
assessed​) video while watching.
● The teacher will ask for two students to repeat the directions for the class.
​21​St​ Century Skills
● When the video has finished, the teacher will ask students to answer the
questions. Students must correct their own work and answers.

Label:​ ​Adaptations/ Transition:​ After the video about the Edicts of Ashoka, the teacher will continue with
Accommodations​ for the next activity, which is a vocabulary worksheet about the term bureaucracy.
diverse learning
needs ​(not required)
Vocabulary Word Wizard Activity
Label:​ ​Differentiated
● The teacher is going to hand out a Word Wizard worksheet to the students, to
Instructions​ ​(content, introduce the term bureaucracy.
process, and/or product ● The teacher will have the term written on the board in the front of the
–ability/readiness) –only classroom.
required in 1 LP
● As a guided practice, the teacher will be completing the word wizard with the
class, while explaining.
Label: ● The teacher will have students write down the word and definition in the
Interdisciplinary Skills designated boxes in which each belongs inside.
● The teacher will ask for student volunteers to give some examples of a
bureaucracy, and some non-examples. As the examples are given, students
will write them down on the worksheet.
Label:​ ​ ​Closure ● After examples are given, the teacher will ask students to each come up with
their own sentence with the word in it.
● Then after they write their sentences, the teacher will ask students to either
draw or come up with a jingle or gesture to remember the word. (​Visual,​
Kinesthetic​, ​Academic Language: Introduced​, R​ BIS #2)​

Transition:​ ​After introducing the academic language, the teacher will move on to the
next activity, which will also have students practicing the academic language through
a creative style.

Letter Writing Activity

● The teacher will introduce the next activity which requires students to write a
● They must pretend that they are one of the officials in the Maurya Empire, from
a certain department. In the letter students must introduce themselves like they
were talking to a foreigner, and explain to them the leader of the Empire
(Ashoka) and at least 2 of his beliefs, what a bureaucracy is to whom they are
writing to, and their job. It must be at least five sentences long. (​Academic
Language: Practiced,​ ​CFU-Content-formal,​ C ​ SE)​
● Students will complete this on a worksheet provided.
● The teacher will ask two students to repeat the directions for the class.
● The teacher will give the students five minutes to complete the activity.
Transition:​ The teacher will warn students when they have a minute left.
● The teacher will keep close proximity to ensure progress among the students.

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Transition:​ After the letter writing activity, the teacher will move forward with the exit
slip and closure of the lesson.

Closure/Exit Slip
● After students finish writing their letters, the teacher will hand out the exit slips
for students.
● The exit slip with have to answer the question of: name at least 3 specific
beliefs of Ashoka that he used during his reign of the Maurya Empire, and
explain what government the Maurya Empire ran. Students must use complete
sentences. (​Academic Language: Assessed​,C ​ FU-Content formal,​ C
​ SE)​
● The teacher will give students 3 minutes to complete the exit slip.
Transition:​ ​the teacher will warn students when they have thirty seconds left.
● When the activity is finished, the teacher will ask for students to hand in their
exit slips and letter written to the front of the class.

Formal Assessments

Name the assessment and describe the 1. Evaluation Criteria and 2. Feedback Method
purpose/what is being assessed
(include related objective(s))

5b. The Exit Slip- the purpose of this 1. How I would evaluate the exit slip is also
assessment is to get the students to through a simple rubric. I would be looking for
demonstrate their knowledge on how the students to name at least three specifics, if
leader Ashoka used certain beliefs to they gave a correct definition of the
consolidate his power during his rule. This ties bureaucracy, and if they wrote complete
into objective 5a and 5b because students are sentences. The exit slip would be out of value
describing specifics they learned as well of six points. The answers are more
stating what kind of government the Maurya straightforward and explicit. I would allow
partial credit for getting 1-2 out of the 3
Empire had.. By having students use at least
specifics correct, naming the type of
three specifics, it allows students to recall the
government but maybe not defining it well
information learned. enough and for writing in complete sentences.
For my on target students I would allow 4-6
points, and for my below target students I
5a. Writing a Letter- the purpose of this would allow for 2-4 points.
assessment, is to get the students to 2. How I would give feedback would be through
understand the academic language of the comments on the assessment; such as “write
vocabulary word bureaucracy in a deeper in complete sentences next time,” “use more
meaning in the context of the Maurya Empire. detail,”, “add more specifics”, “correct form of
What is being assessed is if students can government,” etc.
correctly describe the term in their own words,
and use an example. Such as being an official 1. How I would evaluate the letter writing
for a department of finance, meaning that you assessment is through a simple rubric.
are in charge of collecting the taxes from the Because this is a creative short answer
citizens in the Maurya Empire. This lines up response, and no two answers will be exactly
with objective 5b, because students are the same, I will be looking for to see if they

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addressing how the Maurya Empire ran its were able to define the key vocabulary term in
government, through the use of bureaucracy. their own words, identify who the leader is and
at least two of his beliefs, and to see if they
wrote five sentences. This formal assessment
would be out of five points total. I would allow
for partial credit, as it is not an explicit pass-fail
system. For my on target students I would
allow 4-5 points out of the total. For my below
target I would allow for 2-3 points out of the
2. The feedback I would give, I would give
comments on the assessment such as “name
one more specific belief,” “create a more
personal definition for the vocabulary term,”
Academic Language Academic Language:​ Bureaucracy
required for the lesson

How​ will the language be

introduced, practiced, &
Introduced: ​The students will be introduced to the word bureaucracy through a
assessed? word wizard activity. The teacher will introduce the word and have a definition for
students to write down in the graphic organizer. The teacher will then have
students volunteer to give some examples of a bureaucracy, and some
non-examples, while the teacher and students write them down together. The
teacher will then ask students to write a sentence using the term, as well as
coming up with an illustration, jingle or gesture to help students remember the

Practiced: ​The students will practice the academic language that was introduced
through the use of a letter writing activity. Students will be required to write a
letter, like they were an official in the Mauryan Empire’s government writing to a
foreigner who did not know how things were run. The students will have to
explain what a bureaucracy is in their own terms in the letter they write.

Assessed: ​The students will be assessed on the academic language through the
use of the exit slip. On the exit slip students will be required to know what type of
government the Maurya Empire ran, and to formulate their own definition of what
it means.

Instructional Resources/
Materials Youtube video about Edicts of Ashoka:

● Jigsaw Articles and questions
● Guided Video Questions
● Word Wizard Sheet
Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018

● Letter Writing Activity

● Exit Slip

Research and/or Theory ​RBIS #1​- Marzano’s Instructional Strategies (2012)- The jigsaw reading activity
Supporting Instructional ties nicely with two parts of Marzano’s nine categories which are cooperative
Decisions (at least 2) learning and summarizing and note taking. By having students group together
and reading articles, discussing them, and sharing their findings with the class, it
allows students to interact with one another and share ideas, as well as organize
the information in a way that helps them capture the main ideas and supporting
details of the articles.

RBIS #2​- UDL 2 (2011)- The Word Wizard vocabulary activity ties in with part of
the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines, and it fits under the second section
which is providing options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols.
By having modified the word wizard to allow students to create an illustration,
gesture or symbol, it provides options for different learners to help remember the
information in their own style.

Include key instructional materials and assessments. Provide citations for materials that you did not create.

Formative Lesson Plan Template Hackett 2018 – includes practice for the edTPA Prompts/Language in blue are requirements from the edTPA Secondary Handbooks - Copyright © 2017 Board of Trustees of the Leland
Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. Reminder: This information can only be used with candidates in programs and courses that are preparing students for the edTPA exam. All materials must remain secure.

Objectives, input, anticipatory set, guided practice, independent practice, checking for understanding, closure

Hunter, M. (1982). ​Mastery teaching: Increasing instructional effectiveness in elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities.​ Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

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Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018

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