Galloway 2017
Galloway 2017
Galloway 2017
esearch reporting the presence of plastic debris in the oceans target tissues and altering metabolic and reproductive endpoints15,16.
has been in the literature since the 1970s1, when mass pro- The current consensus drawn from laboratory experiments, quantita-
duction methods first started to increase the scale and scope tive assessments and modelling studies is that the net contribution of
of plastic use. Fast-forward to the present day and plastics have plastics to bioaccumulation of hydrophobic contaminants by marine
become a ubiquitous feature of modern life and a dominant mate- animals is likely to be small in comparison with uptake of contami-
rial in the consumer marketplace, with global production figures nants directly from water 15. Instead, it is the selective nature of the
currently in excess of 300 million tonnes per year 2. Around 50% of compounds transferred and the ways in which they are presented to
plastic items are used just once before being discarded, resulting in tissues and cell receptors that pose a novel risk13.
a growing burden of plastic waste, enough, it has been suggested, There have been calls for microplastic to be reclassified as hazard-
to leave an identifiable imprint in the geochemical fossil record3. ous17, but regulation to restrict the mass flow of plastic debris into the
An estimated 4.8–12.7 million tonnes of plastic was discharged into oceans has been hampered by a lack of knowledge of how impacts
the oceans in 20104, and models have conservatively estimated over on individual organisms might lead to ecological harm. This is con-
5 trillion pieces of plastic are floating in the world’s oceans5. Tiny firmed by a recent systematic review of 245 studies in which bio-
plastic fragments, fibres and granules, termed microplastic (one logical impacts of marine debris were reported, identifying that the
micrometre to five millimetres in diameter) are the predominant majority of studies were at the sub-organismal or individual level,
form of ocean plastic debris6. Microplastic includes items manufac- with few, if any, able to demonstrate ecological harm at higher levels
tured to be small, such as exfoliating microbeads added to cosmet- of biological organization18. What, then, are some of the main areas
ics, synthetic particles used in air blasting and antifouling of boats, for ecological concern? How do we extrapolate from the effects on
and microspheres used in clinical medicine for drug delivery (ref. 7 individuals to the ecological processes most likely to be impacted?
and references therein). Secondary microplastic forms via fragmen- How does microplastic compare with other anthropogenic stressors
tation of plastic debris in the environment through photooxidation, threatening ocean life?
mechanical action and biodegradation8,9. The timescale and scope of
fragmentation is uncertain; in the cold, oxygen-limiting conditions The dynamic nature of microplastic
found in marine waters and sediments it could take over 300 years A key issue in understanding the ways in which microplastic
for a 1 mm particle to reach a diameter of 100 nm (ref. 10). interacts with the surrounding environment is its dynamic nature
Microplastic is a concern because its small size is within the opti- (Fig. 1). The size, shape, charge and other properties of microplastic
mal prey range for many animals within the marine food web11. are constantly changing, altering its biological fate and bioavail-
Microplastic is ingested by filter, suspension and detritus feeders liv- ability. The vast majority of microplastic in the oceans is believed
ing in the water column and bottom sediments, and has been found to originate from weathering of larger items8, through mechanical
in the guts of invertebrates, fish, turtles and other larger animals, action and degradation, driven largely by UV-radiation-induced
including species intended for human consumption or those play- photooxidation, releasing low-molecular-weight polymer frag-
ing critical ecological roles12. Modern plastics are typically a complex ments such as monomers and oligomers, and forming fragments of
cocktail of polymers, residual monomers and chemical additives. increasingly smaller size9. A mismatch in the expected size distri-
Absorbed organic matter 13, bacteria14 and chemical contaminants15 bution of microplastic in ocean surface field surveys highlights the
add to their complexity. The transfer of these substances to animal plausibility that millimetre-scale debris may be fragmenting to form
tissues increases their potential to cause harm, since many plastic nanoplastic19. Although measuring plastic of this minute size in the
additives and persistent waterborne chemicals are endocrine disrup- oceans presents technical challenges that have not yet been met,
tors, capable of activating hormone signal transduction pathways in recently a solar reactor was used to illustrate that nanoplastic could
College of Life and Environmental Sciences: Biosciences, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QD, UK. *e-mail:
Varying density
becomes coated with proteins and biomolecules, which strongly
influence the interaction of nanoparticles with cells and tissues,
and ultimately their persistence, bioavailability, toxicity 26,27 and eco
toxicity 28. The protein corona concept recognizes a tightly adhered
‘hard corona’ which remains strongly bound to the particle as it
moves between compartments, and a ‘soft corona’ made up of more
loosely bound proteins in dynamic exchange with surrounding
molecules29. Importantly, of the many thousands of proteins present
in serum, only a limited number of around 125 proteins selectively
bind to particle surfaces, and these are not always the most abun-
Ecocorona Faeces Marine snow dant ones. This so-called absorbome forms in layers, with some
proteins recognizing the nanoparticle surface directly, and others
Plastic export? associating with the already coated particle through protein-protein
interactions30. Why this happens is unknown, but may relate to
the propensity for certain extracellular proteins (for example, lipo
Figure 1 | Schematic illustration of the dynamic changes experienced proteins) to form nanoscale biomolecule clusters. Hence, the nano-
by microplastic in the water column. Plastic entering marine ecosystems particles act like scaffolds and in turn may alter the conformation
from terrestrial and maritime sources is vulnerable to photooxidation of the absorbed proteins, changing their epitope recognition and/or
by ultraviolet (UV), mechanical and biological degradation resulting modifying interactions with cellular receptors13. The corona can
in fragmentation to smaller sizes. Adherence of macromolecules and also contain other biomolecules such as carbohydrates, which tend
microorganisms to the surface of micro- and nanoplastic result in the to be multivalent and the net effect is to engage the nanoparticle sur-
formation of an ecocorona. Interactions with biota and marine aggregates face with multiple, varied receptors on the cell surface, enhancing or
repackage microplastic into faeces and marine snows. These biological sometimes inhibiting their internalization into cells31.
processes increase the relative size, chemical signature and density of the A parallel concept for understanding the behaviour and ecologi-
plastic particles. The density of a plastic particle will affect its position cal impacts of micro- and nanoplastics is that of the ecocorona13.
within the water column, potentially resulting in export to the seafloor. Natural waters contain natural organic macromolecules (NOM)
that typically host high amounts of humic and fulvic acids, excreted
form from the fragmentation of weathered polyethylene and poly- waste products and exuded lipids and polysaccharides, proteins
propylene microplastic collected from marine waters20. The nano- and macromolecules, all forming a complex polymeric mixture
plastic consisted of smaller (<50 nm) spherical particles and larger, that varies seasonally and spatially. The way in which NOM inter-
uneven fractal fragments, likely to exhibit differences in diffusion acts with particle surfaces in the aquatic environment mirrors the
properties and porosity. formation of the protein corona in biological fluids. Components
The presence of nanoplastic is important from an ecological con- of NOM can be absorbed by particles in layers, varying in thick-
text because its microscopic size allows it to pass across biological ness from flat monolayers to multilayers, consistent with the notion
barriers and to enter cells, whilst high surface area to volume ratios of the hard and soft protein corona32. This means that microplastic
enhance its reactivity 21. In addition, the atoms located at the sur- could retain a record of its environmental progress into different
face of a nanoplastic have fewer particles around them, compared compartments, in much the same way as nanoparticles do in serum
with micrometre-scale particles, and this leads to a lower binding and when moving into different cellular locations. For example, it
energy per atom with decreasing particle size. Nanoparticles hence has been shown33 that microplastic ingested by planktonic copepods
have a tendency to aggregate with other particles, natural colloids were egested within faecal pellets along with high concentrations
and suspended solids22; for example, 30 nm nanopolystyrene rapidly of organic matter. Under these circumstances, the microplastic may
formed millimetre-sized aggregates in seawater with high attach- retain an ecocorona composed of macromolecules absorbed from
ment efficiencies23. Since aggregates will have a higher density than biological fluids that will subsequently exchange and interact with
dispersed particles, their settling rate through the water column will organic materials, minerals and other components of marine snows
be increased. Settling of micro- and nanoplastic through the water in their new environment. This could explain why microplastic
column varies depending on the type of polymer, surface chemis- behaves differently to other inert materials such as clay when it is
try and the extent of biofouling by microbial biofilms and rafting ingested, often being retained for longer in the gut 34.
organisms24. Microplastic will settle until it reaches the often vari- The idea of absorbed layers also supports the notion of micro-
able density of surrounding seawater, allowing it to remain adrift and plastic contributing towards a Trojan horse effect for pollutants,
potentially to move long distances through the action of ocean cur- in which particles contribute towards the flux of contaminants
rents19. The timescale for these processes remains unknown; although acquired from the surrounding environment and released into the
plastics can disperse rapidly across the ocean surface, particles may gut fluids, tissues or cells of the ingesting organism35. Contaminants
take many weeks or years to reach the ocean floor 25. bound onto microplastic in layers could be more bioavailable to
nd viab men
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Organs Individual
Cells Population is associated with reduced ingestion of natural prey, resulting in
Eco mmuni
Gene ex ctivity
Oxidative ression
shortfalls in energy and reduced growth and fecundity 55. Reduced
Beh function
of E
relecol food consumption following ingestion of microplastic is associated
ed nse
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Subcellular Ecosystem
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Table 1 | Comparison of microplastic against the criteria proposed for
classification of pollutants as persistent organic pollutants under the 400
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