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Interactions of Microplastic Debris Throughout The Marine Ecosystem Final Tracked-Galloway, TS Cole, M Lewis, C

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Interactions of microplastics throughout the marine ecosystem

Galloway, TS; Cole, M; Lewis, C

Nature Ecology and Evolution

12 November 2018

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1 Interactions of microplastic debris throughout the marine ecosystem
3 Tamara S. Galloway*1, Matthew Cole1 and Ceri Lewis1
5 College of Life and Environmental Sciences: Biosciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4QD, UK.
6 *Corresponding author (TSG).
8 Abstract
9 Marine microscopic plastic (microplastic) debris is a modern societal issue, illustrating the challenge
10 of balancing the convenience of plastic in daily life with the prospect of causing ecological harm by
11 careless disposal. Here we develop the concept of microplastic as a complex, dynamic mixture of
12 polymers and additives, to which organic material and contaminants can successively bind to form an
13 ‘ecocorona’, increasing the density and surface charge of particles and changing their bioavailability
14 and toxicity. Chronic exposure to microplastic is rarely lethal, but can adversely affect individual
15 animals, reducing feeding and depleting energy stores, with knock on effects for fecundity and growth.
16 We explore the extent to which ecological processes could be impacted, including altered behaviours,
17 bioturbation and impacts on carbon flux to the deep ocean. We discuss how microplastic compares
18 with other anthropogenic pollutants in terms of ecological risk, and consider the role of science and
19 society in tackling this global issue in the future.
21 Keywords: microplastic, marine debris, ecotoxicology, ecocorona, bioavailability, biological pump,
22 carbon cycling, bioturbation, infochemical, quorum sensing
24 Introduction
25 Research reporting the presence of plastic debris in the oceans has appeared in the literature since
26 the 1970s1, when mass production methods first started to increase the scale and scope of plastic use.
27 Fast forward to the present day and plastics have become a ubiquitous feature of modern life and a
28 dominant material in the consumer marketplace, with global production figures currently in excess of
29 300 million tonnes per year2. Around 50% of plastic items are used just once before being discarded,
30 resulting in a growing burden of plastic waste, enough, it has been suggested, to leave an identifiable
31 imprint in the geochemical fossil record3. An estimated 4.8-12.7 million tonnes of plastic was
32 discharged into the oceans in 20104, and models have conservatively estimated over 5 trillion pieces
33 of plastic are floating in the world’s oceans5. Tiny plastic fragments, fibres and granules, termed
34 microplastic (1 μm–5 mm in diameter) are the predominant form of ocean plastic debris6. Microplastic
35 includes items manufactured to be small, such as exfoliating microbeads added to cosmetics,
36 synthetic particles used in air blasting and antifouling of boats, and microspheres used in clinical
37 medicine for drug delivery (Cole, et al. 7 and references therein). Secondary microplastic forms via
38 fragmentation of plastic debris in the environment through photo-oxidation, mechanical action and
39 biodegradation8,9. The timescale and scope of fragmentation is uncertain; in the cold, oxygen limiting
40 conditions found in marine waters and sediments it could take over 300 years for a 1 mm particle to
41 reach a diameter of 100 nm10.
43 Microplastic is a concern because its small size is within the optimal prey range for many animals
44 within the marine food web11. Microplastic is ingested by filter, suspension and detritus feeders living
45 in the water column and bottom sediments, and has been found in the guts of invertebrates, fish,
46 turtles and other larger animals, including species intended for human consumption or those playing
47 critical ecological roles12. Modern plastics are typically a complex cocktail of polymers, residual
48 monomers and chemical additives. Absorbed organic matter13, bacteria14 and chemical
49 contaminants15 add to their complexity. The transfer of these substances to animal tissues adds to
50 their potential to cause harm, since many plastic additives and persistent waterborne chemicals are
51 endocrine disruptors, capable of activating hormone signal transduction pathways in target tissues
52 and altering metabolic and reproductive endpoints15,16. The current consensus drawn from laboratory
53 experiments, quantitative assessments and modelling studies is that the net contribution of plastics
54 to bioaccumulation of hydrophobic contaminants by marine animals is likely to be small in comparison
55 with uptake of contaminants directly from water15. Instead, it is the selective nature of the
56 compounds transferred and the ways in which they are presented to tissues and cell receptors that
57 poses a novel risk13.
60 There have been calls for microplastic to be reclassified as hazardous17, but regulation to restrict the
61 mass flow of plastic debris into the oceans has been hampered by a lack of knowledge of how impacts
62 on individual organisms might lead to ecological harm. This is confirmed by a recent systematic review
63 of 245 studies in which biological impacts of marine debris were reported, identifying that the majority
64 of studies were at the sub-organismal or individual level, with few, if any, able to demonstrate
65 ecological harm at higher levels of biological organisation18. What, then, are some of the main areas
66 for ecological concern? How do we extrapolate from the effects on individuals to the ecological
67 processes most likely to be impacted? How does microplastic compare with other anthropogenic
68 stressors threatening ocean life?
70 The dynamic nature of microplastic
71 A key issue in understanding the ways in which microplastic interacts with the surrounding
72 environment is its dynamic nature (Figure 1). The size, shape, charge and other properties of
73 microplastic is constantly changing, altering its biological fate and bioavailability. The vast majority of
74 microplastic in the oceans is believed to originate from weathering of larger items8, through
75 mechanical action and degradation, driven largely by UV radiation induced photo-oxidation, releasing
76 low molecular weight polymer fragments such as monomers and oligomers, and forming fragments
77 of increasingly smaller size9. A mismatch in the expected size distribution of microplastic in ocean
78 surface field surveys highlights the plausibility that millimetre scale debris may be fragmenting to form
79 nanoplastic19. Although measuring plastic of this minute size in the oceans presents technical
80 challenges that have not yet been met, Gigault, et al. used a solar reactor to illustrate that
81 nanoplastic could form from the fragmentation of weathered polyethylene and polypropylene
82 microplastic collected from marine waters. The nanoplastic consisted of smaller, <50 nm spherical
83 particles, and larger, uneven fractal fragments, likely to exhibit differences in diffusion properties and
84 porosity.
86 The presence of nanoplastic is important from an ecological context because its microscopic size
87 allows it to pass across biological barriers and to enter cells, whilst high surface area to volume ratios
88 enhance its reactivity21. In addition, the atoms located at the surface of a nanoplastic have fewer
89 particles around them, compared with micron scale particles, and this leads to a lower binding energy
90 per atom with decreasing particle size. Nanoparticles hence have a tendency to aggregate with other
91 particles, natural colloids and suspended solids22; for example, 30 nm nanopolystyrene rapidly formed
92 millimetre sized aggregates in seawater with high attachment efficiencies23. Since aggregates will have
93 a higher density than dispersed particles, their settling rate through the water column will be
94 increased. Settling of micro- and nano- plastic through the water column varies depending on the type
95 of polymer, surface chemistry and the extent of biofouling by microbial biofilms and rafting
96 organisms24. Microplastic will settle until it reaches the often variable density of surrounding
97 seawater, allowing it to remain adrift and potentially to move long distances through the action of
98 ocean currents19. The timescale for these processes remains unknown: whilst plastics can disperse
99 rapidly across the ocean surface, particles may take many weeks or years to reach the ocean floor25.
101 Particle surfaces, the absorbsome and the ecocorona
102 The surface properties of microplastic play an important part in determining its ecological impacts.
103 Plastics characteristically have smooth, hydrophobic surfaces that have no net charge, but this
104 changes rapidly in seawater. Substances from the water column or sediment are rapidly accumulated,
105 including organic matter, nutrients, hazardous hydrophobic contaminants and bacteria, the latter
106 attracted by the nutritious content of organic material.
108 A better understanding of the factors that can influence absorption onto the surface of microplastic
109 can be gleaned from the literature relating to the protein corona that forms on nanoparticles from
110 biological fluids such as serum and cytoplasm. According to this paradigm, the surface of
111 nanomaterials in biological fluids rapidly become coated with proteins and biomolecules, which
112 strongly influence the interaction of nanoparticles with cells and tissues, and ultimately their
113 persistence, bioavailability, toxicity26,27, and ecotoxicity28. The protein corona concept recognises a
114 tightly adhered ‘hard corona’ which remains strongly bound to the particle as it moves between
115 compartments, and a ‘soft corona’ made up of more loosely bound proteins in dynamic exchange with
116 surrounding molecules29. Importantly, of the many thousands of proteins present in serum, only a
117 limited number of around 125 proteins selectively bind to particle surfaces, and these are not always
118 the most abundant ones. This so-called absorbome forms in layers, with some proteins recognising
119 the nanoparticle surface directly, and others associating with the already coated particle through
120 protein-protein interactions30. Why this happens is unknown, but may relate to the propensity for
121 certain extracellular proteins (e.g. lipoproteins) to form nanoscale biomolecule clusters. Hence, the
122 nanoparticles act like scaffolds and in turn may alter the conformation of the absorbed proteins,
123 changing their epitope recognition and/or modifying interactions with cellular receptors13. The corona
124 can also contain other biomolecules such as carbohydrates, which tend to be multivalent and the net
125 effect is to engage the nanoparticle surface with multiple, varied receptors on the cell surface,
126 enhancing or sometimes inhibiting their internalisation into cells31.
128 A parallel concept for understanding the behaviour and ecological impacts of micro- and nano- plastics
129 is that of the ecocorona13. Natural waters contain natural organic macromolecules (NOM) that
130 typically host high amounts of humic and fulvic acids, excreted waste products and exuded lipids and
131 polysaccharides, proteins and macromolecules, all forming a complex polymeric mixture that varies
132 seasonally and spatially. The way in which NOM interacts with particle surfaces in the aquatic
133 environment mirrors the formation of the protein corona in biological fluids. Components of NOM can
134 be absorbed by particles in layers, varying in thickness from flat monolayers to multilayers, consistent
135 with the notion of the hard and soft protein corona32. This means that microplastic could retain a
136 record of its environmental progress into different compartments, in much the same way as
137 nanoparticles do in serum and when moving into different cellular locations. For example, Cole, et al.33
138 showed that microplastic ingested by planktonic copepods were egested within faecal pellets along
139 with high concentrations of organic matter. Under these circumstances, the microplastic may retain
140 an ecocorona composed of macromolecules absorbed from biological fluids that will subsequently
141 exchange and interact with organic materials, minerals and other components of marine snows in
142 their new environment. This could explain why microplastic behaves differently to other inert
143 materials such as clay when it is ingested, often being retained for longer in the gut34.
145 The idea of absorbed layers also supports the notion of microplastic contributing towards a Trojan
146 Horse effect for pollutants, in which particles contribute towards the flux of contaminants acquired
147 from the surrounding environment and released into the gut fluids, tissues or cells of the ingesting
148 organism35. Contaminants bound onto microplastic in layers could be more bioavailable to organisms
149 if absorbed via an ecocorona layer rather than directly to the surface of the plastic35. This concept
150 supports a study of the bioavailability of silver to zebrafish (Danio rerio), which was reduced when fish
151 were presented with microplastic to which silver was already absorbed, compared with co-exposure
152 to plastic and silver at the same time36.
154 Ecocorona components could also influence the movement and behaviour of microplastic. Humic
155 substances are weak acids and are negatively charged under environmental pH conditions. Their
156 propensity to bind to particles in marine waters is borne out by the finding that virtually all weathered
157 microplastic isolated from seawater has a negative charge37. Once absorbed to particles, the charge
158 and flexibility of humic substances will tend to stabilise and disperse particles into the water column,
159 which could enhance their bioavailability for filter feeding and suspension feeding organisms.
160 Exopolymeric substances are exuded by unicellular and multicellular organisms including bacteria and
161 phytoplankton and consist largely of long chained polysaccharides that can form rigid, fibrillar chains.
162 Exopolymeric substances can link to form gels, mucilage and slime aggregates which play an essential
163 role in nutrient cycling38. When absorbed to microplastics such substances are likely to encourage
164 aggregation, increasing the density, sinking rate and bioavailability of microplastic to detritus feeders
165 on the ocean floor.
167 Infochemicals
168 Perhaps of most interest in considering the ecological interactions of microplastic is the concept of
169 selective binding of secretory molecules. The protein corona formed in biological fluids contains a
170 significant proportion of proteins involved in transport and signalling, including immunoglobulins and
171 albumins30. Natural organic matter likewise contains many molecules that are deliberately excreted
172 or exuded to perform specific biological functions for marine animals. Chemical sensing is a ubiquitous
173 means of communication and allows for many inter- and intra-species interactions, including
174 symbiosis, mate detection and predator-prey cues. A core selection of chemical cues drive complex
175 foraging cascades across multiple trophic levels, from behavioural attractions in locating foraging
176 zooplankton to global scale impacts on climate39. These ‘infochemicals’ include dimethylsulphide
177 (DMS), a sulphur containing compound produced by phytoplankton that induces foraging activity in a
178 wide range of animals. Experimental studies using polypropylene and polyethylene, both abundant in
179 marine debris, showed that both could acquire an active DMS signature after less than a month of
180 exposure in the ocean. Responsiveness to DMS can occur at concentrations as low as 10-12 M and a
181 positive relationship was found between DMS responsiveness and plastic ingestion using data from
182 over 13,000 seabirds40. These results provide compelling evidence to explain the high rates of
183 ingestion of plastic debris by seabird and also support the notion of an ecocorona showing selective
184 binding of an important marine infochemical.
186 In another study of predator prey cues, Daphnia magna, small crustaceans central to aquatic food
187 webs, were exposed to nanopolystyrene preconditioned in water from neonate cultures. The toxicity
188 of the nanopolystyrene was enhanced and the particles were retained for longer in the animal’s guts.
189 Daphnia show profound changes in feeding, reproduction and other traits in response to predator
190 kariomones or interspecies pheromones and inspection of the particle surface confirmed the presence
191 of a protein layer which was exchanging and rearranging over time41.
193 These results support the notion that a secreted protein ecocorona can form on microplastic and can
194 mediate its ingestion in both microfauna and macrofauna. Thus the ecocorona concept could help to
195 explain the high rates of ingestion of microplastic reported in so many animals across multiple trophic
196 levels34, by enhancing the attractiveness of microplastic as a food item.
198 Microbial communities and marine snows
199 The ecorona could additionally modulate the absorption of bacteria. Analysis of weathered
200 microplastic debris collected from the sea surface revealed a diverse microbial community of
201 colonising bacteria, including heterotrophs, autotrophs, predators and symbionts14. Opportunistic
202 bacteria form biofilms on any available surface, gaining access to nutritious matter, protection and
203 enhanced dispersal. Microplastic biofilms appear distinct compared with those on other marine
204 substrata and are shaped by spatial and seasonal factors42. Vibrios are ubiquitous marine bacteria
205 frequently reported in plastics associated biofilms43 and some species, such as Vibrio crassostrea are
206 associated with pathogenic infections in oysters. Colonisation of microplastics by V. crassostrea is
207 enhanced when the microplastic was already coated by a layer of marine aggregates containing a
208 multispecies natural assemblage, i.e. they are secondary colonisers44 rather than primary colonisers
209 showing chemotactic attraction to the particle surface. The layering of primary and secondary
210 colonising bacteria provides further support for the concept of a layered ecocorona documenting the
211 movement of particles through different environmental compartments over time.
213 The tendency for microplastic to become incorporated into excreted and egested organic materials33
214 and marine aggregates is an important observation45. The sinking of organic and inorganic aggregated
215 matter (marine snow) from the surface is crucial for removal of inorganic photosynthetically fixed
216 carbon and the cycling of essential nutrients to the deep ocean, and marine snows contain diverse
217 microbial communities that degrade organic matter during the sinking process. Hence they secrete a
218 wide range of hydrolytic enzymes for degrading proteins, lipids and other macromolecules associated
219 with these complex particles. The attached microbial communities at depth appear to be ‘inherited’
220 from the microbial communities found at the ocean surface, i.e. they are carried there with the sinking
221 particles46. This is intriguing, since sinking microplastics could host a different portfolio of microbes to
222 those found on marine snow particles. Microbial communities are highly concentrated in marine
223 snows, reaching concentrations 10,000 times higher than in surrounding waters and this enhances the
224 release of quorum sensors by marine snow communities47. Quorum sensors are signalling molecules
225 released by bacteria in response to cell density that control many metabolic processes including the
226 hydrolysis of complex organic materials. It is an interesting speculation that such quorum sensing
227 regulators could, in doing so, favour the formation of communities capable of degrading hydrocarbon
228 polymers, allowing in time for degradation and mineralisation of the plastics themselves.
230 Characterising the relationship between microplastic, marine aggregates, the microbial communities
231 associated with them and the extent to which both microplastic and microbial communities change
232 as they sink to the ocean floor is likely to be a fruitful and important future research priority.
234 Biological effects to individuals
235 Microplastic poses a risk to organisms across the full spectrum of biological organisation from cellular
236 to population level effects (summarised in Figure 2)48. Understanding the potential impacts of
237 microplastic across all biological levels is key for the development of effective risk assessments, for
238 example using the Adverse Outcomes Pathway (AOP) approach, common in chemical regulation49.
239 Most studies have focussed on individual level effects of microplastic ingestion in adult organisms,
240 often combined with effects of microplastics at the cellular and sub-cellular level. For example Jeong,
241 et al.50 observed negative impacts of polystyrene microbead ingestion by rotifers on adult growth rate,
242 fecundity and lifespan. They then used in vitro tests to relate these effects to activation of antioxidant-
243 related enzymes and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) signalling pathways associated with
244 inflammation and apoptosis. Sub-cellular oxidative stress responses to polystyrene microbead (2-6
245 µm) ingestion have also been reported by Paul-Pont, et al. 51 in mussels exposed to 2000 particles mL-
246 .
248 Microplastic ingestion rarely causes mortality, with few significant impacts on survival rate. As a result,
249 LC50 values are rarely reported. Notable exceptions include: 100% mortality of common goby following
250 96 h exposure to polyethylene with 200 μg L-1 Pyrene52; 0% survival of Asian green mussels exposed
251 to 2160 mg L-1 of PVC for 91 days53; and 50% survival of Daphnia magna neonates after 14 days
252 exposure to 100,000 particles mL-1 of polyethylene54. In all such cases, concentrations far exceeded
253 environmental relevance.

255 An emerging paradigm is that chronic exposure to microplastic is associated with reduced ingestion
256 of natural prey, resulting in shortfalls in energy and reduced growth and fecundity55. Reduced food
257 consumption associated with ingestion of microplastic is associated with reductions in: metabolic rate,
258 byssus production and survival in Asian green mussels53; fecundity and survival in copepods56; growth,
259 development and survival in Daphnia54; nutritional state and growth in langoustine57; and energetic
260 reserves in shore crabs and lugworms58,59. However, impacts on feeding are not always evident, with
261 a number of suspension-feeding (e.g. oyster larvae, urchin larvae, European flat oysters, Pacific
262 oysters)60-63 and detritivorous (e.g. isopods, amphipods)64,65 invertebrates showing no indication of
263 impaired ingestion when exposed to microplastics.
265 Reproductive output is a particularly sensitive endpoint, with energetic depletion resulting from
266 microplastic exposure affecting fecundity and fertility. In adult Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), an
267 8 week exposure to polystyrene microbeads across a reproductive cycle resulted in reduced sperm
268 motility, oocyte numbers (fecundity) and size (energetic investment per oocyte). Following
269 fertilisation, larval yield and growth were also significantly reduced without any further microplastic
270 exposure as a carryover from the adult exposures63. Similar effects have been observed with the
271 copepods Tigriopsus japonicus66 and Calanus helgolandicus56, and rotifer Brachinous koreanus50, with
272 reduced fecundity, egg size, hatching success and survival of progeny. These findings suggest that the
273 physical presence of microplastic particles where there should otherwise be food, and the longer gut
274 passage times of these non-nutritious particles is associated with adverse biological impacts.
276 From individuals to ecological processes
277 A general paradigm of ecotoxicology is that the impact of a pollutant cascades through levels of
278 biological organisation such that biochemical changes at subcellular levels precede changes to cells
279 and tissues, which in turn affect physiological functions and individual fitness (i.e. populations) and
280 ultimately ecosystems49 (Figure 2). Directly linking sub-organism level impacts to the ecosystem level
281 is hugely challenging for any environmental pollutant, yet it is the ecosystem level impact of a
282 contaminant that is of ultimate concern. An individual’s behaviour forms an important link between
283 physiological and ecological processes and is a sensitive measure of response to environmental stress
284 or pollutants67. Hence behavioural changes can serve as early warning signs for ecosystem level
285 effects68. Understanding how the presence of microplastic changes complex behaviours such as
286 predator-prey interactions, burrowing and orientation are essential to understanding its ecological
287 impact67.
289 Behaviour
290 A handful of studies have considered altered behaviour, such as motility, hiding responses and
291 predator prey interactions, resulting from microplastic exposure. The predatory performance of
292 juvenile gobies (Pomatoschistus microps) in catching prey (Artemia spp.) was reduced by 65% and
293 feeding efficiency by 50% in laboratory bioassays when fish were simultaneously exposed to
294 polyethylene microspheres of a similar size and abundance to prey69. Artemia are highly mobile,
295 raising the possibility that the stationary microplastic reduced the discrimination of the fish for their
296 prey. Beachhoppers show distinctive jumping behaviour, a highly energy dependent process, and
297 shelter relocation post disturbance, driven largely by hygrokinetic (favouring movement towards
298 humid conditions) and intraspecific interactions70. Exposure of the Australian beachhopper
299 Platorchestia smithi to beach sediments containing 3.8% by weight polyethylene microspheres led to
300 reduced jumping, whilst the time taken to return to shelters post disturbance was not changed71.
301 Beachhoppers that ingested microplastic were significantly heavier, with an increase in gut retention
302 times. Similarly, in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna, ingestion of 1 μm polyethylene
303 particles from the water column caused immobilisation in a dose and time dependent manner72.
304 Weight gain may contribute directly to reduced motility, but motility may also be affected indirectly
305 as a result of reduced energy uptake from the diet. Reduced energy reserves e.g.34,56 could influence a
306 wide range of behaviours, including those associated with risk versus benefit decisions in feeding
307 behaviour. Studies in social vertebrates (e.g. birds and fish) show how individuals will accept a greater
308 risk of predation to obtain food with increasing hunger or energy deficit e.g.73-75. The internal state of
309 animals can significantly determine their choice between alternative behavioural tactics76, providing
310 an interesting hypothetical mechanism by which microplastic ingestion may influence complex
311 behaviour and species interactions.
313 Bioturbation
314 Bioturbation contributes towards ecosystem functioning by modifying benthic seascapes, increasing
315 nutrient flux across the benthic boundary layer and altering habitat structure for other benthic
316 organisms. Hence it can link individual physiology with ecosystem function. Throughout coastal and
317 shelf seas benthic environments, the burrowing activities of meiofaunal and macrofaunal
318 invertebrates such as polychaete worms, brittlestars and amphipods, whose biomass in continental
319 shelf sediments can be up to 200 g dry wt. m-2 77, influences the physical and chemical properties of
320 the sediment where they live. When the large deposit feeding polychaete worm Arenicola marina was
321 chronically exposed for a month to sediment containing 5% polyvinylchloride (PVC) by weight, there
322 was a significant reduction in feeding activity and the gut passage time of sediments was 1.5 times
323 longer34. Extrapolation of this data to the Wadden Sea predicted this level of contamination would
324 lead to 130 m-3 less sediment being turned over annually for that population alone. A subsequent
325 study suggested that exposure of A marina to polyethylene and PVC in sediments would reduce the
326 surface area available for sediment-water exchange, and hence the release of inorganic nutrients, by
327 10 – 16%78.
329 The feeding behaviour of A. marina, and other bioturbators such as brittlestars, could alter the
330 distributions of microplastics at the water-sediment interface, enhancing mixing of particles deeper
331 into the sediments (Figure 3) making them bioavailable for other meiofauna. Benthic filter feeders
332 such as mussels and sea squirts process large volumes of seawater per hour through their siphons.
333 Expelled waste water and pseudofaeces could draw down microplastics from the water column to the
334 benthic boundary layer, leading to incorporation into sediments by burrowing species. Hence
335 microplastics may impact feeding rates of key species, whilst the same feeding activities may impact
336 the fate of microplastics within the marine environment.
339 Zooplankton feeding and carbon export
340 Altered feeding behaviour in zooplankton in the presence of microplastics may contribute towards
341 larger scale effects due to their important role within pelagic ecosystems. For example, prey selection
342 by zooplankton can have a disproportionate impact on both the biogeochemistry and the timing of
343 food presence in pelagic food webs79. Microplastics ingestion reduced the energetic intake of the
344 copepod Calanus helgolandicus by 40% in laboratory exposures, even when the abundance of
345 microplastic was an order of magnitude less than that of prey56
347 If similar reductions in consumption are observed across entire zooplankton communities as a result
348 of microplastic ingestion this could have knock-on effects for pelagic ecosystems. However, whilst
349 zooplankton ingestion of microplastic has been reported for naturally caught animals80, we know little
350 of the extent of microplastic consumption within communities in their natural settings, let alone how
351 it might influence the dynamics of mixed species assemblages. Zooplankton not only influence
352 planktonic assemblages via their feeding behaviour and prey selection but contribute to carbon
353 transport to deeper waters through excretion of ingested organic matter81-83. In laboratory exposure
354 studies copepods egested micropolystyrene- laden faecal pellets of reduced density and integrity and
355 which had a 2.25-fold reduction in sinking rate33. Extrapolating these results to the average depth of
356 the ocean would hypothetically result in faecal pellets taking on average 53 days longer to sink to the
357 benthos. Polyethylene and polypropylene microplastics, which are very common in surface waters of
358 oceanic regions, may have an even more pronounced effect on faecal pellet sinking speed, because
359 they are less dense than the polystyrene used in these experiments. Given the importance of
360 zooplankton faecal material in driving carbon export from surface waters, such reductions in density
361 and sinking rates could potentially contribute to global scale alterations in carbon flux if zooplankton
362 across the oceans are indeed consuming microplastic particles in sufficient quantities25.
364 Conclusions and future directions
365 What emerges from this account are the varied ways in which the influx of microplastic into the oceans
366 could plausibly be impacting ecological processes. Microplastic represents a novel matrix, providing
367 an alternative surface for pollutants, bacteria and other types of organic matter to absorb, interact,
368 and be transported. Its bioavailability to marine animals appears to be rarely lethal, but chronic
369 exposures can evidently alter feeding, energy assimilation, growth and reproductive output.
370 Extrapolating these impacts to the ecosystem level challenges our current abilities to measure and
371 model relevant processes on a global scale, but we can deduce that potential impacts include
372 behavioural changes to predator-prey relationships, bioturbation, and perturbations to carbon
373 cycling. How do we respond to these observations and what can we do to mitigate them? How does
374 microplastic compare with other anthropogenic stressors and can we use existing tools for monitoring
375 and remediation?
377 Is microplastic a persistent pollutant?
378 A wide range of policy documents and procedures are in place to assess and restrict the release of
379 chemical pollutants, including international treaties, e.g. the Montreal Convention, Stockholm
380 Convention, Minamata Convention, and diverse national legal instruments. In general, chemicals are
381 assessed and controlled according to their persistence, bioaccumulation potential and toxicity and
382 controlled accordingly84. It could be argued that since these measures have been so successful in
383 controlling other persistent pollution threats, such as organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated
384 biphenyls, they should also be sufficient to curtail microplastic pollution. An immediate problem is
385 presented by the observation that a microplastic is not an individual entity, but consists of a complex
386 mixture of polymers, additive chemicals, absorbed organics and living substances. The assessment of
387 each substance individually is unlikely to reflect the net sum of their action or to adequately assess
388 their bioavailability to organisms85. Despite this limitation, comparison of microplastic against the
389 criterion for classification as a Persistent Organic Pollutant under the Stockholm Convention shows
390 the concept of including them to be worthy of discussion (Figure 4).
392 Is microplastic a planetary boundary threat?
393 Another way of viewing microplastic could be as a planetary boundary threat. Chemical pollution has
394 been identified as one of the anthropogenic impacts of such magnitude that it threatens to exceed
395 global resilience, alongside stressors such as climate change, biodiversity and ocean acidification86. By
396 identifying these science-based planetary threats, we can theoretically encourage boundaries to be
397 set at a global scale to allow humanity to flourish without causing unacceptable global change.
398 Assessing microplastic against the criteria of planetary boundary threats could therefore be one way
399 of encourage global action towards remediation and control (Figure 4).
401 Is microplastic a marker of the Anthropocene?
402 Microplastic could also be viewed as a new anthropogenic material, alongside the products of mining,
403 waste disposal and urbanisation, identified in Waters et al.3 as geological materials displaced by
404 human activity with the potential for long term persistence. According to this view, the massive
405 increase in the production and release of plastics is mirrored by several other substances, including
406 aluminium, concrete and synthetic fibres for which hundreds of thousands of tonnes are
407 manufactured each year, sufficient to leave an imprint of population growth and industrialisation in
408 the fossil record. By defining these products as markers of a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene,
409 the authors argue that this places the impetus on human society to acknowledge the consequences
410 of its own actions.
412 The opportunity for change and remediation is not outside the realms of possibility. Figure 5 shows
413 how global action has been successful in reducing the amount of spilled oil reaching the oceans each
414 year as a result of concerted global action to improve tanker safety87. Statistical data for global
415 emissions of hazardous waste is hard to come by, but systematic data gathered by the US Environment
416 Protection Agency on chemical waste emissions by US industries revealed impressive reductions, from
417 some 278 million tonnes of hazardous waste generated by chemical plants in 1991, to just 35 million
418 tonnes in 200988. This latter improvement was brought about through an industry-led move towards
419 Green Chemistry, which aimed to redesign chemical processes to make them cleaner, safer and more
420 energy efficient. Polymers make up around 24% of the output of chemical industries worldwide89,
421 raising the possibility that concerted action to improve current chemical management and disposal
422 practices for polymers is a real possibility that could lead to a similar positive reduction in waste.
424 Meeting the challenges posed by microplastic requires us, as a society, to actively engage and consider
425 our role in patterns of consumption and careless disposal. Industry can play its role by reassessing the
426 integrated management of chemical production. Finally, we have a golden opportunity as scientists to
427 find innovative ways of rising to the multidisciplinary global challenge posed by the vast tide of marine
428 microplastic debris which threatens to engulf our oceans, before it causes irreversible harm.
431 Corresponding author
432 Professor Tamara Galloway, College of Life and Environmental Sciences: Biosciences, University of
433 Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4QD, UK tel 0(44) 1392 2623436 email
435 Author contributions.
436 All authors contributed to writing and revising the manuscript.
438 Acknowledgements
439 Funding was provided by the Natural Environment Research Council (Grants NE/L007010 and
440 NE/N006178). We gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with colleagues, including Professor
441 Rainer Lohmann (University of Rhode Island) for discussions on persistent organic pollutants.
443 Figure legends
445 Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the dynamic changes experienced by microplastic in the water
446 column. Plastic entering marine ecosystems from terrestrial and maritime sources is vulnerable to
447 photooxidation by Ultraviolet (UV), mechanical and biological degradation resulting in fragmentation
448 to smaller sizes. Adherence of macromolecules and microbes to the surface of micro- and nano-plastic
449 result in the formation of an ecocorona. Interactions with biota and marine aggregates repackage
450 microplastic into faeces and marine snows. These biological processes increase the relative size,
451 chemical signature and density of the plastic particles. The density of a plastic particle will affect its
452 position within the water column, potentially resulting in export to the seafloor.
454 Figure 2. Simplified scheme illustrating potential impacts of exposure to microplastic across successive
455 levels of biological organisation.
457 Figure 3. Mechanisms by which benthic organisms could influence the partitioning of microplastics
458 between the water column and sediments. The filter feeding action of benthic mussels and sea squirts
459 can draw down microplastic from the water column towards the benthos, increasing its bioavailability
460 to sediment dwelling organisms. Bioturbating species such as brittlestars and deposit feeding
461 polychaetes may then incorporate microplastic into sediments to varying depths through burrowing
462 behaviour.
464 Figure 4. Comparison of microplastic against the criteria proposed for classification of pollutants as
465 persistent organic pollutants under the Stockholm Convention (top panel)90,91, and against the criteria
466 for recognition as a Planetary Boundary Threat 86, 92 (bottom panel).
468 Figure 5. Graph showing global statistics for the amount of crude oil spilled at sea (tonnes x103)
469 compared with the increase in terrestrial plastics export into the oceans, as a function of time. Blue
470 line: global spillages of crude oil compiled by the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation87.
471 Orange line: estimated amount of plastic debris discharged to the oceans, extrapolated from 4 and 93
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