Abdollahi-Roodsaz2016 Artigo3
Abdollahi-Roodsaz2016 Artigo3
Abdollahi-Roodsaz2016 Artigo3
The human body harbours approximately 1014 microbial diseases via changes in the metabolome. Although other
cells, which account for most of the DNA content present mucosal sites and their microbiomes are of relevance to
within our bodies; the proportion of DNA from Homo the understanding of rheumatic disease pathogenesis,
sapiens origin is estimated to be <1% of this genomic here we focus on the intestine as it is by far the largest
material1. The gut microbiome, which is defined as the human bioreactor and also because the majority of the
total genomic content of the complex microbial com- studies in autoimmunity in the context of the micro
munities (the microbiota) inhabiting the gastrointestinal biome have been focused on this organ. Similarly, the
tract, has a critical role in the steady-state immune roles of the virome and mycobiome in health and disease
homeostasis of the host2. Importantly, alterations in are intriguing, but beyond the scope of this Review. We
the microbiome have been associated with a variety also discuss insights gained in the past few years into
of intestinal and extra-intestinal disorders, including how specific metabolites produced by gut bacteria (rather
cardiovascular disease, obesity, multiple sclerosis and than taxonomic differences in the microbiota) can modu-
Department of Medicine,
inflammatory arthritis3–8. The evidence linking the late host immunity. Finally, we examine the novel field of
Division of Rheumatology,
New York University School of microbiome and human disease is rapidly expanding. pharmacomicrobiomics (drug–microbiome interactions)
Medicine and Hospital for In addition to expressing microorganism-associated and its potential therapeutic applications.
Joint Diseases, 301 East 17th molecular patterns (MAMPs), which are directly sensed
Street, Room 1608, New by pattern-recognition receptors to modulate the immune The gut microbiota and its metabolites
York, New York 10003, USA.
Radboud Institute of
response, the gut microbiota secrete large amounts of The human intestinal microbiome has three funda-
Molecular Life Sciences hormone-like metabolites (molecules <1 kDa)9. Meta mental roles. First, it helps the mammalian intestinal
(RIMLS) and Department of bolomics approaches (BOX 1), which enable the systematic immune system to mature and has an important pro-
Rheumatology, Route 272, study of microbial and host metabolites (that is, the meta tective role in the defence against invading pathogens
Radboud University Medical
bolome), promise to unravel key pathways modulating (which explains why two-thirds of human immune cells
Center, Geert Grooteplein 28,
6525GA, Nijmegen, inflammatory diseases in the near future. reside in the lamina propria). In fact, animals raised in
Netherlands. In this Review, we provide an up‑to‑date overview germ-free environments fail to achieve features of nor-
Correspondence to J.U.S. on how changes in the composition of intestinal micro- mal immune maturation10. Second, gut microbial com-
jose.scher@nyumc.org bial communities (caused by diet, intake of probiotics munities provide nutritional support to their host, as
doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2016.68 or antibiosis, for example) might have an important they have unique capabilities to synthesize essential vita-
Published online 3 Jun 2016 role in health and in the pathogenesis of rheumatic mins and amino acids that maintain mammalian health.
↑ Antimicrobial peptide
and mucus production
Intestinal ↓ Luminal pH
microbiota ↓ Pathogen adherence
and translocation
Figure 1 | Immune and disease-modulating capabilities of intestinal microbial metabolites and probiotics.
The intestinal microbiota converts dietary fibres into short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids (SCFAs and MCFAs),
primary bile acids into secondary bile acids, and choline derivates into trimethylamine (TMA). SCFAs act through
various G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to inhibit histone deacetylases (HDACs) Nature and alter the biology
Reviews of
| Rheumatology
regulatory T (TREG) cells and dendritic cells or to activate the inflammasome. Secondary bile acids activate the
transmembrane GPCR TGR5 and the farnesoid X receptor (FXR), inducing the T3 thyroid hormone and fibroblast
growth factor 19 (FGF19), respectively. These pathways and end products modulate a variety of inflammatory,
metabolic and autoimmune diseases. Probiotics support the host’s immune system, enhance intestinal barrier function
and limit enteric pathogens. The dark blue colour boxes highlight rheumatic diseases that might be affected by the
intestinal microbiota. These diseases include gout, psoriatic arthritis (PsA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis
(OA). NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; PPARγ, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ; SRA‑1, scavenger
receptor A-1; TMAO, TMA N‑oxide.
K/BxN mice. The K/BxN serum-transfer arthritis can be provide compelling evidence for an arthroprotective role
partly inhibited by oral administration of acetate26. The of SCFAs. Our and other research groups are currently
observation of exacerbated serum-transferred arthritis in investigating the effects of various SCFA formulations
germ-free mice is clearly distinct from findings in T‑cell- on the amelioration of inflammatory arthritis and skin
mediated mouse models of arthritis, in which germ-free disease in animal models.
mice are protected3,5. In contrast to mice with K/BxN The dietary sources, microbial degradation pathways
serum-transferred arthritis, however, GPR43‑deficient and mechanistic effects of MCFAs remain insufficiently
mice have reduced severity of gouty arthritis induced by studied. MCFAs have known antibacterial properties
intra-articular injection of monosodium urate (MSU) and seem to activate peroxisome proliferator-activated
crystals, owing to microbiota-dependent acetate- receptor γ (PPARγ)29, which ameliorates colitis in animal
induced inflammasome activation and IL‑1β produc- models30 and human Crohn disease31. The relevance of
tion27. Intriguingly, butyrate specifically inhibited class I MCFAs in rheumatic disease remains to be elucidated,
HDACs and decreased production of IL‑1β, IL‑6 and although our and other research groups have observed
IL‑8 induced by MSU crystals and palmitic acid in decreased levels of MCFAs in the intestinal lumen of
peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors patients with psoriasis32 and inflammatory bowel disease
and patients with gout28. Taken together, these data (IBD)33, and HLA‑B27 transgenic rats34.
Table 1 | Dietary studies in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis Findings from several studies suggest that increased
consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with
Disease Study design Dietary Outcome Refs reduced risk of RA69. This effect is perhaps mainly due
to the antioxidant content of fruits and vegetables. The
RA Population-based Oily fish Modest decrease in RA 68 large prospective Iowa Women’s Health Study did not
consumption incidence
show a significant association between fruit intake and
RA Dose–response Fish Non-statistically significant 57 the risk of RA, but did show a modest inverse association
meta-analysis consumption inverse association between between consumption of cruciferous vegetables and the
fish consumption and RA
risk of this disease79.
RA Population-based Alcohol Moderate consumption was 58 Studies correlating red meat intake and RA have been
consumption inversely correlated with RA
conflicting. A prospective study found that a high intake
of meat was associated with an increased risk of RA80,
RA Dose-response Alcohol Low to moderate 59 but the Nurses’ Health Study found no evidence of such
meta-analysis consumption consumption was inversely
correlated with RA incidence an association81. The potential link between red meat
consumption and RA has been proposed to be mediated
RA Prospective Alcohol Moderate consumption was 64
consumption inversely correlated with RA
by iron, which is present at high levels in red meat and
incidence in women has been shown to accumulate in rheumatoid synovial
membranes and aggravate inflammation82.
RA Prospective Mediterranean No effect on RA incidence 63
diet The mechanisms by which dietary habits could
modulate RA disease activity remain a matter of debate.
RA RCT Mediterranean Functional improvement and 62
diet decreased disease activity A monoclonal anticitrullinated peptide antibody (ACPA;
CCP‑Ab1) derived from a patient with RA has been
RA RCT Mediterranean Decreased disease activity 61 reported to crossreact with various autoantigens but
also with numerous plant and microbial proteins83. This
PsA Prospective Weight loss ≥5% of weight loss predicted 60 finding suggests that multiple environmental factors,
(Mediterranean achievement of minimal
diet) disease activity in patients including microorganisms and diet, might trigger the
treated with TNF inhibitor generation of ACPAs that then crossreact with various
PsA, psoriatic arthritis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RCT, randomized controlled trial. citrullinated autoantigens through molecular mimicry
to induce RA.
Beyond the known association between weight loss
significant inverse association between fish consumption and improvement of psoriatic disease outcomes, studies
and RA56. Other studies have also shown fish oil has looking at the effects of specific diets in other auto
beneficial effects in patients with RA, both in estab- immune rheumatic diseases are either lacking or very
lished disease71 and as an adjuvant intervention to small to provide significant conclusions. It is conceivable
triple-DMARD therapy in early RA72. The inverse asso- that dietary interventions (that is, Mediterranean diet)
ciation between fish consumption and RA has been in related disorders (for example, spondyloarthritis) will
mainly attributed to the abundance of long-chain n-3 have similar beneficial effects as in RA, although more
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in fish73. Indeed, work is needed to address this possibility.
two members of the n-3 PUFA family, eicosapentae-
noic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are Probiotics and prebiotics
metabolized to competitive inhibitors of n-6 PUFAs The composition of the gut microbiota could be mod-
(precursors of prostaglandins and leukotrienes) and sup- ulated through the use of probiotics containing living
press the production of inflammatory cytokines74. These bacteria or prebiotics containing non-digestible sup-
effects may explain, at least partially, the role of fish oil plements that promote the growth of selected bacteria.
consumption and n-3 PUFAs in ameliorating systemic Several studies have investigated the potential benefits of
inflammation75. Studies in animal models have suggested probiotics in RA and allied conditions. A RCT in patients
that dietary extra-virgin olive oil prevents collagen- with RA found that Lactobacillus casei significantly
induced arthritis via downregulation of TNF, IL‑17 and decreased disease activity when compared with placebo,
matrix metalloproteinases76, which is perhaps due to the and also lowered the levels of TNF, IL‑6 and IL‑12 while
effects of phenolic compounds such as hydroxytyrosol raising the levels of IL‑10 (REF. 84). A prior pilot study of
that are present in olive oil77. Another intriguing expla- administration of L. casei to patients with RA reported
nation for the inverse association between fish and olive a similar effect85. However, administration of other
oil and RA derives from studies showing that the micro- Lactobacillus strains was not efficacious in another small
biota from animals fed a diet rich in saturated fats led study involving patients with this disease86. By contrast, a
to TLR-driven inflammation via production of CCL2, study in which mice deficient for the IL‑1 receptor antag-
a mediator of macrophage chemotaxis. Strikingly, the onist were used as a model of spontaneous arthritis, our
gut microbiota of mice fed with fish oil promoted anti- research group showed that the Lactobacillus genus was
inflammatory responses when transplanted into obese sufficient to trigger disease when the bacteria were given
animals, which suggests a possible biologic mechanism for to germ-free animals3. The evidence for a role of probiot-
saturated lipid-induced, microbiota-driven modulation ics in the prevention of Clostridium difficile colitis87 and
of metabolic inflammation78. treatment of Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis88 remains
similarly controversial. The reasons for this uncertainty rheumatic diseases. Careful trial design coupled with
are likely to be multifactorial, and include the possibil- taxonomic, metagenomic and metabolomic analyses
ities that ingested microorganisms are destroyed by the will be essential in this area. To truly understand its
low pH of the gastric environment, that probiotics and potential immune-modulating effects, FMT should first
prebiotics have little or no biologic benefits, and the dif- be attempted in previously untreated patients with new-
ficulties in defining mixtures of highly-effective bacterial onset disease or in those with advanced disease who are
strains. These issues are also likely to challenge the design not responding to any other therapy.
and evaluation of similar studies conducted in rheumatic
diseases. Other potential strategies
Other microbiome-altering therapeutic strategies have
Faecal microbiota transplantation been studied. These range from ecosystem-level inter-
Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), or bacterio ventions to single-target approaches that include indi-
therapy, has been used to reverse dysbiosis by re‑estab- vidual species or their metabolites. Methods that are
lishing the full community of gut microorganisms in based on the use of live organisms attempt to modu-
a recipient individual by colonoscopy transference of late intestinal ecology through oral administration of
stools from a close healthy donor. FMT has been proven either single strains of bacteria or a defined bacterial
to be highly effective (and even curative) in antibiotic- consortium, bypassing the need for FMT-dependent
resistant C. difficile infectious (CDI) colitis89. In spite of techniques. Animal studies have shown successful treat-
these notable outcomes, the use of FMT has intrinsic ment of IBD-like disease by administration of either
challenges, including appropriate donor selection and Bacteroides fragilis97 or a cocktail of Clostridia98, which
screening (for example, viral serology), how to define both induced colonic TREG cells. Intriguingly, multiple
a healthy microbiota, stool preparation and methods of studies have shown that the efficacy of some anticancer
administration90. One advance in this area includes the immunotherapies is highly dependent on the presence
use of oral, capsulized, frozen FMT, an approach that of specific microbiota99,100, which suggests that probiotics
showed encouraging results in an open-label trial involv- containing these strains might be beneficial in the treat-
ing patients with CDI91. FMT has also been applied to ment of cancer and perhaps also autoimmune disease.
the treatment of autoimmune diseases, most notably Other sophisticated approaches exploit bacterial-
IBD. Preliminary case reports in patients with Crohn derived bioactive molecules with immune-modulating
disease or ulcerative colitis were promising, reporting properties, including polysaccharides, structural pro-
high long-term remission rates92,93. However, several teins and SCFAs. B. fragilis-derived polysaccharide A is
subsequent studies in children and adults with IBD sufficient for the induction of TREG cells (and concom-
showed mixed results. When all studies were combined itant suppression of IL‑17 production) in the lamina
in a meta-analysis94, the clinical remission rate achieved propria, protecting mice from developing colitis101.
with FMT in patients with IBD was calculated to be Similarly, Clostridia-induced butyrate promotes the dif-
~45%. Young patients and patients with Crohn disease ferentiation of TREG cells in vitro and in vivo, and ame-
had the best outcomes, with 64.1% and 60.5% of patients liorates colitis in mice24. Nevertheless, the effectiveness,
achieving clinical remission, respectively. Two RCTs of tolerability and long-term effects of these compounds
FMT in patients with IBD patients were reported in the are yet to be elucidated102. Multiple pharmaceutical
past year. The first RCT revealed a statistically signifi- companies, both new and established ventures, have
cant difference in remission rates among patients with been investing in research and discovery in both pre-
ulcerative colitis, with 24% and 5% of treated and con- clinical studies and clinical trials in the field of micro-
trol patients achieving remission, respectively95. The sec- biomics103 (TABLE 2). Commercialization of drugs that
ond trial, conversely, showed no significant differences influence the human microbiota and/or its metabolites,
between treated and untreated patients with IBD96. however, will not be free of scientific and regulatory
Interestingly, however, the microbiota of the respond- challenges104. This is largely due to many unknowns in
ers to FMT therapy was similar to that of their healthy systems for delivery of bacterial organisms to desirable
donors in the second study, which suggests that the effi- target intestinal regions, viability concerns and current
cacy of this approach might depend on the colonization discussion about whether microorganisms can constitute
capabilities of donor microbial communities. patentable intellectual property.
Despite these encouraging studies, FMT has not yet
been used in patients with rheumatic disease. However, Pharmacomicrobiomics
the results of the studies in IBD are relevant when dis- Within the umbrella concept of precision medicine, the
cussing potential future applications of this approach in study of drug–microbiome interactions — that is, phar-
inflammatory arthritides, particularly given the stronger macomicrobiomics — has gained traction following the
association between SpA and Crohn disease when com- launch of the Human Microbiome Project105. The over-
pared with ulcerative colitis. If better outcomes with all premise of pharmacomicrobiomics is that intestinal
FMT are achieved in Crohn disease, it is expected that microbial communities could be manipulated to improve
other extra-intestinal manifestations of SpA would drug efficacy and reduce adverse drug reactions.
also respond to this approach. Although mechanistic Gut microorganisms can have an influence on xeno-
evidence supports the therapeutic potential of FMT, it biotics (foreign compounds not normally found within
is not clear whether this strategy could be adapted for mammals, including therapeutic drugs and diet-derived
Table 2 | Microbiota-based approaches in the pipeline for inflammatory and autoimmune disease
Company Therapeutic approach and indication Development stage Large
(product name) Pharmaceutical
AvidBiotics Targeted anti-bacterial non-antibody proteins Preclinical
CIPAC Standardized approach to FMT for CDI colitis and Undisclosed
Enterome Biomarkers for IBD and NASH based on microbiome Preclinical • Danone
signatures (EP‑8018) • Abbvie
4D Pharma Therapies derived from microbiome molecules Preclinical
(formerly GT for IBD
Rebiotix Inc. Prescreened stool offered to health providers for Phase II (FDA
FMT (microbiota restoration therapy) for CDI colitis Breakthrough Therapy
(RBX2660) designation)
Osel Inc. Single strains of native and genetically engineered Phase II
bacteria for specific urogenital and gastrointestinal
disease (Lactin V)
Second Genome Application of microbiome science for discovery of Phase I • Janssen
new therapies for diseases such as IBD (SGN‑1019) • Pfizer
Seres Health Therapeutics to catalyze restoration of a healthy Phase III (FDA Orphan • Nestle
microbiome in CDI colitis (SER‑109) Drug designation) • Publicly traded
Symbiotix Bacteroides fragilis-derived polysaccharide‑A (PSA) Preclinical
for IBD and multiple sclerosis
Vedanta Immunomodulating therapies based on the human Phase I/II Johnson &
Biosciences microbiome, such as a Clostridia cocktail for IBD Johnson
CDI, Clostridium difficile infectious; FMT, faecal microbiota transplantation; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; NASH, non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis. Adapted from Olle, B. Medicines from microbiota. Nat. Biotechnol. 31, 309–15 (2013)104.
bioactive metabolites) via a few general mechanisms. Pharmacomicrobiomic mechanisms were also
The first set of such processes involves direct microbial revealed for a few analgesic and immunosuppressive
interference with xenobiotics leading to the generation drugs. For example, the bioavailability of acetamino
of end products that are different from the original phen was markedly associated with the concentration
pro-substance or pro-drug. Examples of this type of of p‑cresol sulfate, a co‑metabolite of the human gut
process include: microbial production of bioactive microbiota113. The gut microbiota was also found to
compounds (for example, bacterial biotransformation of modulate the immune effects of cyclophosphamide114.
hydroxycinnamates into anti-inflammatory cinnamoyl This drug alters the composition of the microbial com-
esterases); microbial detoxification of xenobiotics (for munity of the small intestine of cancer-bearing mice and
example, digoxin inactivation by the gut commensal induces the translocation of Gram-positive bacteria into
bacterium Eggerthella lenta)106,107; and direct binding of secondary lymphoid organs, where these bacteria stimu-
microorganisms to xenobiotics (for example, physical late immune responses driven by T helper 17 (TH17) cells
attachment of Helicobacter pylori to levodopa (l‑DOPA), and T helper 1 (TH1) cells. Under germ-free conditions,
decreasing the bioavailability of the drug108). The sec- however, these animals have reduced TH17 responses
ond set of mechanisms involves indirect effects of host– and their tumours become resistant to cyclophospha-
microbial interactions on xenobiotics. Several examples mide, which suggests that the gut microbiota can help
have been described: enterohepatic cycling of xenobiotics shape the anticancer (and potentially antirheumatic)
(for example, cleavage of NSAIDs by β‑glucuronidases, immune response to this drug.
which has enteropathic effects109); alteration of host gene The emerging interest in pharmacomicrobiomics115
expression in response to microbial colonization (for has also been extended to the study of other drugs
example, upregulation of hepatic expression of CYP450 utilized for the treatment of rheumatic diseases. The
genes110); production of intermediate metabolites by pro-drug sulfasalazine, the first rationally designed
gut microorganisms (for example, TMA-containing medication for RA, consists of an anti-inflammatory
metabolites, as described above)51,53,54,111 and competi- 5‑aminosalicylic acid (5‑ASA) molecule connected to a
tion between microbial metabolites and xenobiotics for sulfapyridine through an N–N double bond. The drug
binding sites in host enzymes (for example, microbial- remains inactive until it reaches the distal gut, where
dependent inhibition of 5‑fluorouracyl catabolic enzyme azoreductases encoded by the gut microbiome cleave the
by the antiviral sorivudine112). N–N double bond to release active 5‑ASA. Faecal assays
showed full conversion of sulfasalazine to its constituent drug metabolism, small-molecule transport and/or the
molecules in conventionally raised animals, whereas production of protective molecules120. Future studies
germ-free animals excreted the pro-drug116. will require advanced bioinformatic tools to accelerate
Short-term exposure to certain xenobiotics substan- the discovery of drug–microbiome interactions and
tially affected the physiology and composition of the correlate them with clinical data.
gut microbiota, and the expression of genes from the
gut microbiome117. Interestingly, both antibiotics and Conclusions
host-targeted drugs rapidly alter the activity of the gut The local intestinal and systemic immune responses to
microbiome to increase the expression of genes involved diet and derived metabolites have been studied for cen-
in drug metabolism, drug resistance and response to turies. Over the past decade, technological advances in
stress117. In the case of sulfasalazine, the drug induced microbiomics and metabolomics coupled with a renais-
the expression of microbiome gene clusters annotated sance of mucosal immunology studies have led to novel
as encoding thioredoxins and nitrate reductases117. In and exciting discoveries. Our growing fundamental
the past few years, the concept of the microbiome cloud knowledge about how diet affects the composition of
was introduced, which reflects the temporal and spatial microbial communities and enzymatic conversion of
uncertainty of defining an individual’s microbiome com- by‑products is changing our understanding of the sym-
position, emphasizing the challenges in defining a core biotic relationship between the microorganisms that
human microbiome118. Hence, classifying microbiomes populate our body cavities and the biologic responses
into different metabotypes might be more relevant to required for host adaptation. This understanding is
functional and pharmacomicrobiomic studies than being further exploited for diagnostic, biomarker dis-
simpler taxonomic approaches118. covery and therapeutic purposes. Much remains to be
This knowledge is of high relevance to the efficacy, elucidated, but we have reason to expect an acceler-
resistance and adherence to medications in the rheu- ated expansion in the use of big data in metabolomics,
matologic clinical setting, because the magnitude of metagenomics and pharmacomicrobiomics for person-
response to drugs such as methotrexate and other oral alized medicine in rheumatic and autoimmune diseases.
DMARDs is known to have a high and unpredictable For these efforts to succeed, a comprehensive approach
interindividual variability119. Differences in the bioavail- that incorporates researchers from a variety of disci-
ability and efficacy of therapeutic agents could at least plines, including clinical rheumatologists, immunolo-
partially be driven by disparities in the prevalence and/ gists, microbiologists and computational biologists, will
or expression of xenobiotic-induced genes that affect be required.
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Author contributions
the anticancer immune effects of cyclophosphamide. approaches to understanding metabolic syndrome
All authors researched data for the article and substantially
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contributed to discussion of content, writing and review/editing
115. Saad, R., Rizkallah, M. R. & Aziz, R. K. (2014).
of the manuscript before submission.
Gut Pharmacomicrobiomics: the tip of an iceberg 122. Koen, N., Du Preez, I. & Loots du, T. Metabolomics
of complex interactions between drugs and gut- and personalized medicine. Adv. Protein Chem. Competing interests statement
associated microbes. Gut Pathog. 4, 16 (2012). Struct. Biol. 102, 53–78 (2016). The authors declare no competing interests.