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Bioresource Technology: Yongwoon Lee, Pu-Reun-Byul Eum, Changkook Ryu, Young-Kwon Park, Jin-Ho Jung, Seunghun Hyun

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Bioresource Technology 130 (2013) 345–350

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Characteristics of biochar produced from slow pyrolysis of Geodae-Uksae 1

Yongwoon Lee a, Pu-Reun-Byul Eum a, Changkook Ryu a,⇑, Young-Kwon Park b, Jin-Ho Jung c,
Seunghun Hyun c
School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea
Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul 130-743, Republic of Korea
Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Republic of Korea

h i g h l i g h t s

" Geodae-Uksae 1 (Giant Miscanthus) is a variety of Miscanthus sacchariflorus for energy crop.
" Ideal temperature to produce biochar by slow pyrolysis was 500 °C.
" The biochar had a mass yield of 27 wt.% at 500 °C with a carbon content of 79 wt.%.
" The surface area and large pores of biochar was well-developed at 500 °C for application to soil.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t s

Article history: This study investigated producing biochar from Geodae-Uksae 1 for soil applications to sequestrate car-
Received 30 March 2012 bon from the atmosphere and improve the productivity of crops. Using a lab-scale packed bed reactor,
Received in revised form 2 December 2012 pyrolysis products of Geodae-Uksae 1 were produced over a temperature range of 300–700 °C with a
Accepted 5 December 2012
heating rate of 10 °C/min. Pyrolysis at 500 °C was found appropriate for biochar production considering
Available online 13 December 2012
the properties of char and the amount of heat required. It yielded biochar of 27.2 wt.% that contained
approximately 48% carbon in the raw biomass. The surface area of the biochar rapidly increased to
181 m2/g. Large cylindrical pores with diameters of 5–40 lm developed within the biochar due to the
vascular cell structure of the parent biomass. The byproducts (bio-oil and gases) were also analyzed
Geodae-Uksae 1 for use as fuel.
Miscanthus Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Slow pyrolysis

1. Introduction crease the productivity of various food crops (Lehmann, 2007). Bio-
char is the highly carbonaceous solid product of the pyrolysis of
Geodae-Uksae is the Korean term for giant Miscanthus. Geodae- biomass, which can be used to improve the yield of various agricul-
Uksae 1 is a variety of Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Amur silvergrass) tural crops as a soil amendment. Due to its strong resistance to bio-
recently discovered in Korea (Moon and Koo, 2011) that grows logical decomposition, the carbon in biochar can be removed from
approximately 4 m tall with an average stalk diameter of 1 cm, the atmosphere to mitigate climate change. Since carbon originates
which is approximately twice as tall and thick as common M. sac- from atmospheric carbon dioxide, the application of biochar to soil
chariflorus. The mass yield of the dry stalk is as much as 30 ton/ha, may contribute to reductions of CO2 concentration. Biochar has
which is twice that of common Miscanthus. Due to the superior been used in horticulture and agriculture with its appearance in lit-
yield, Geodae-Uksae 1 is being mass-cultivated in Korea as an en- erature as early as 1697 (Lehmann and Joseph, 2009). Biochar has
ergy crop for bioenergy. Various methods are being considered for drawn interest from a wider scientific community due to a study
the energy conversion of Geodae-Uksae 1, including hydrolysis and by Lehmann et al. (2003) examining the sustained fertility of Ama-
fermentation for bioethanol production, combustion through pel- zonian dark soil, also known as Terra Preta. When applied to soil,
letization and fast pyrolysis for the production of bio-oil. biochar can effectively retain nutrients and water, and therefore
This study investigates a method for producing biochar from reduce the need for fertilizers. In addition to carbon removal, bio-
Geodae-Uksae 1 for the sequestration of carbon in soil and to in- char in soil reduces the emissions of other major greenhouse gases,
such as N2O and CH4 (Van Zweiten et al., 2009), which have a glo-
bal warming potential of 298 and 25, respectively, compared to the
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 31 299 4841; fax: +82 31 290 5889.
greenhouse effect of CO2 over a 100 year period (IPCC, 2007). These
E-mail address: (C. Ryu).

0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
346 Y. Lee et al. / Bioresource Technology 130 (2013) 345–350

benefits suggest that the application of biochar from biomass to the pyrolysis vapors to pass through a series of condensers
soil could be as effective as producing energy from the valuable re- submerged in coolants at 20 °C (water) and 20 °C (acetone),
source. Depending on the type of biomass, the amount of biomass respectively, for the separation of condensable (bio-oil) and
available for energy production widely varies by location and time non-condensable gases. Past the particulate filter, the gas flow rate
of year. Due to its typically low bulk density, it is sometimes not was recorded using a mass flow meter (Tylan, FM-360). The gas
economical to collect and transport biomass to a large-scale bioen- compositions of the main gas species (O2, CO, CO2, H2 and CH4)
ergy plant. In contrast, biochar that is locally produced by a small- were measured using an on-line gas analyzer (A&D System, A&D
scale pyrolysis unit can be consumed locally, minimizing transport 9000). The reactor temperatures, gas flow rates and compositions
needs. were logged using a data acquisition system. The gases were also
Slow pyrolysis is an ideal technology to produce biochar, which sampled into Tedlar bags for detailed compositional analysis by a
involves thermal decomposition in an inert atmosphere at a slow gas chromatograph (Perkin-Elmer, Clarus 680 GC). After each test,
heating rate (10 °C/min) (Mohan et al., 2006). Pyrolysis converts biochar and bio-oil were collected from the reactor and condens-
solid fuels, such as coal and biomass, into char (solid), vapors of ers, respectively, to measure the mass yield and for detailed prop-
condensable hydrocarbons (called ‘oil’ for use after condensation) erty analyses. The mass yield of gases was calculated by difference.
and non-condensable gases (e.g., CO, CO2, H2 and CH4). Biochar, The pyrolysis tests were repeated at least three times for key target
or char originating from biomass, is typically 20–40 wt.% of dry lig- temperatures (400, 500 and 600 °C). Pyrolysis at 450 °C, 550 °C and
nocellulosic biomass. However, the yield and characteristics of the 700 °C was tested once in order to check the variations around
pyrolysis products are strongly influenced by the operating condi- 500 °C. The average mass yields are presented in this study as
tions (e.g., temperature, heating rate, pressure, purge gas and par- the deviation of the values in each test was less than 1.5 wt.% from
ticle size) and the properties of the feedstock (Antal and Grønli, the average, except for 300 °C.
2003; Enders et al., 2012). Therefore, the operating conditions of
the pyrolysis process can be adjusted to meet the product require-
2.3. Characterization of biomass and pyrolysis products
ments, however the actual process needs to be carefully designed
and performed.
The biomass and biochar compositions were analyzed by prox-
In this study, Geodae-Uksae 1 was pyrolyzed in a lab-scale reac-
imate analysis based on standard methods (moisture content:
tor to investigate the yield and properties of biochar for applica-
ASTM E871-82, ash: ASTM D1102-84, volatile matter: ASTM
tions to soil. Biochar was produced by slow pyrolysis at a
E872-82 and fixed carbon: by difference) and ultimate analysis
temperature of 300–700 °C and characterized for elemental com-
using an elemental analyzer (CE Instruments, EA 1108/NA 2000).
position, morphology, surface area and distribution of pore sizes
The higher heating value (HHV) of biomass was measured using
and volumes. The byproducts of pyrolysis, i.e., bio-oil and gases,
a bomb calorimeter (Parr-1261, Parr Instrument). Thermo-
were analyzed for further use as energy sources.
gravimetric analysis (TGA) for the biomass was carried out by
using a Labsys. EVO TGA analyzer (Setaram) for 7 mg of powdered
2. Experimental sample at a heating rate of 10 °C/min under nitrogen atmosphere
(30 ml/min). Detailed characteristics of biochar were analyzed
2.1. Geodae-Uksae 1 samples using a scanning electron microscope (SEM, JEOL, JSM-7600F) for
surface morphology, N2–BET (Micrometrics, Tristar 3020) for
Geodae-Uksae 1 samples were provided by the Korean Rural surface area, and a porosimeter (Micromeritics, AutoPore 4 9250)
Development Administration (RDA), which discovered and culti- for distribution of pore volumes.
vated the strain. Geodae-Uksae 1 was harvested in the second year The hydrocarbon compositions in the bio-oil were analyzed by a
of planting, in early spring of 2011. Late winter or early spring is GC–MS (Hewlett–Packard, HP5890/HP5972). To determine the ele-
suitable for harvest since the moisture content of the crop natu- mental composition of bio-oil, it was separated into light and hea-
rally drops at that time (Lewandowski et al., 2000; Fernando vy phases in a centrifugal separator (ROTINA, 35R). Then, each
et al., 2008). The nutrients in the plant are transported in winter phase was analyzed by an elemental analyzer (CE Instruments,
and stored in underground rhizomes for the formation of new EA 1108/NA 2000) to determine the C, H, O and N compositions
shoots (Beale et al., 1996). The harvested samples were maintained and Karl-Fisher titration (Metrohm, 870 KF Titrino plus) to assess
in dry indoor storage. The sample consisted mostly of stalks with a the water content. Based on the elemental compositions, the
few leaves, since the leaves of Miscanthus naturally fall in winter HHV of biochar and bio-oil were calculated using an empirical cor-
(Beale et al., 1996). The stalks were cut into 4 cm long pieces for relation proposed by Channiwala and Parikh (2002).
feeding into a pyrolysis reactor. Each piece was cylindrical and hol- The HHV of the gases was estimated from the net mass yield
low, with a diameter of 4–12 mm. and HHV of each gas component. The net mass yield of a gas com-
ponent was acquired by integrating the concentrations history
measured by the gas analyzer over the test duration.
2.2. Pyrolysis reactor

The products of slow pyrolysis were produced at final tempera- 3. Results and discussion
tures ranging from 300 to 700 °C using a lab scale reactor. Fig. 1
shows a schematic diagram of the system. The reactor was made 3.1. Properties of Geodae-Uksae 1
of stainless steel with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 30 cm.
It was placed inside an electrically-heated furnace with a temper- The air-dried sample of Geodae-Uksae 1 contained 7.3% mois-
ature control. In each test, 20 g of sample was heated within the ture, 73.2% volatile matter, 15.9% fixed carbon and 3.6% ash. The
reactor from room temperature to the target temperature at a volatile matter to fixed carbon ratio was 4.6, which is in a typical
heating rate of approximately 10 °C/min. Once the temperature in- range for lignocellulosic biomass. The elemental composition on
side the reactor reached the target temperature, it was maintained a dry-ash-free basis was 47.6% C, 5.5% H, 46.1% O and 0.8% N, which
for at least one hour to allow sufficient time for complete pyrolysis. was equivalent to C1.00H1.39O0.73N0.01. Analyses were also con-
Nitrogen was continuously supplied at a flow rate of 1.2 min 1 to ducted to compare different sections of stalks, but no significant
purge the pyrolysis vapors from the reactor. The gas flow forced differences were found. The HHV experimentally determined was
Y. Lee et al. / Bioresource Technology 130 (2013) 345–350 347

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a lab-scale pyrolysis reactor.

17.28 MJ/kg which was similar to the value (17.05 MJ/kg) esti- nificant since the pyrolysis vapors were continuously purged from
mated by the correlation of Channiwala and Parikh (2002). The cel- the reactor by nitrogen while the reactor was heated.
lulose and hemicellulose contents were 40.8% and 31.4%, The gas yield was calculated by the difference, which gradually
respectively. The lignin content for the sample was 23.0%, which increased from approximately 20%, consisting largely of CO and
was 5–9% higher than the common M. sacchariflorus in Korea CO2 at lower temperatures. The detailed composition of the re-
(Kim et al., 2012). Such high lignin content is favorable for biochar leased gases will be presented later.
production, since lignin contributes more to the formation of char.
Overall, Geodae-Uksae 1 has a very good quality as a fuel for ther- 3.3. Biochar properties
mo-chemical conversion to produce heat, electricity or chemical
feedstock. Table 2 summarizes the key properties of biochar from Geodae-
The TGA analysis of Geodae Uksae 1 exhibited a typical decom- Uksae 1. As the pyrolysis temperature increased, the fixed carbon
position trend of lignocellulosic biomass (Yang et al., 2007; and elemental carbon content gradually increased. The carbon con-
Sanchez-Silva et al., 2012). The moisture evaporated near 100 °C. tent of biochar at 500 °C was 79.42 wt.% on a dry basis, represent-
Hemicellulose began to decompose at approximately 200 °C and ing 48.36 wt.% carbon in the raw biomass. Therefore, biochar is the
reached a peak rate (0.35 wt.%/°C) of mass loss at 290 °C. The hemi- preferred product of pyrolysis in terms of carbon. Although the dif-
cellulose peak overlapped with cellulose decomposition which ference in its mass yield between 500 °C and 700 °C was less than
continued to approximately 380 °C with a peak rate of 1.21 wt.%/ 2 wt.%, the increase in elemental carbon content was about
°C appearing at 358 °C. The residual weight at 380 °C was 6.5 wt.% dry. This implies that the biochar became increasingly car-
28.5 wt.%. The pyrolysis above 380 °C was due to lignin, which bonaceous at high temperatures, releasing H and O.
slowly decomposes over a wide temperature range. The final One of the main purposes of biochar production is to remove
weight of the solid residue was approximately 17 wt.% at 800 °C. carbon in soil. Therefore, the high carbon content of biochar is ben-
eficial in terms of maximizing the amount of carbon storage. The
weight of carbon in the biochar from 500 °C corresponds to
3.2. Product yields of pyrolysis 21.56 wt.% (=0.7942  27.15%) of the weight of the raw biomass.
The equivalent amount for CO2 becomes 79.1 wt.% (=21.56  44/
Table 1 lists the product yields from pyrolysis of Geodae-Uksae 12) of the raw biomass, if all of the carbon remains in the soil in
1 in the lab-scale reactor. The solid (biochar) yield decreased with the long term. Note that biochar can reduce the amount of fertilizer
increasing temperatures up to 500 °C. The decrease in the yield required and the emission of N2O and CH4 from the soil. Therefore,
above 500 °C was very small, since the decomposition of hemicel- the amount of carbon emissions prevented by biochar can be
lulose and cellulose was complete. significant, although it is influenced by many factors (Gaunt and
The mass yield of bio-oil including water condensation was Lehmann, 2008; Galinato et al., 2011).
about 50% at 400 °C and above. A peak in the bio-oil yield appeared Fig. 2 shows a van Krevelen diagram of biochar to illustrate the
at 550 °C (50.57 wt.%) but was only 2.26 wt.% higher than that at changes in its elemental composition. As pyrolysis progressed, H
400 °C. In many studies for pyrolysis of biomass, the maximum and O were depleted in the biochar and it became carbon-rich.
oil yield appears at 500–550 °C for various heating conditions, sizes The decrease in the H/C and O/C ratios was approximately linear,
and types (Ertasß and Alam, 2010; Heo et al., 2010; Phan et al., approaching the origin (pure carbon) as the pyrolysis temperature
2008). The slight decrease above 600 °C may be the result of va- increased. This trend coincided well with other types of biomass,
por-phase cracking of heavy hydrocarbon compounds inside the such as pine and straw (Karaosmanoğlu et al., 2000; Keiluweit
hot reactor. However, the decrease in the bio-oil yield was not sig- et al., 2010), also plotted in the figure.

Table 1
Mass yields (wt.%) of pyrolysis products from Geodae-Uksae 1.

Temperature (°C) 300 400 450 500 550 600 700

Biochar 49.54(±1.41) 30.95(±0.32) 29.42 27.15(±0.23) 26.21 25.92(±0.76) 25.10
Bio-oil 30.70(±2.52) 48.31(±1.05) 49.01 50.03(±1.11) 50.57 49.78(±1.13) 48.24
Gases 19.75(±2.14) 20.74(±1.36) 21.56 22.82(±1.23) 23.23 24.30(±1.05) 26.66
348 Y. Lee et al. / Bioresource Technology 130 (2013) 345–350

Table 2
Key properties of biochar from Geodae-Uksae 1.

Temperature (°C) 300 400 450 500 600 700

Fixed carbon content (wt.% dry) 53.34 73.89 78.48 82.59 88.07 91.66
C content (wt.% dry) 66.19 74.69 78.29 79.42 83.67 85.93
C yield (wt.% dry of C in raw biomass) 73.55 51.86 51.67 48.36 48.65 48.38
N2–BET surface area (m2/g) 0.49 3.11 21.93 180.96 293.04 368.98

Geodae-Uksae #1 (a) 500
Goedea-Uksae #1
Brassica napus L Straw-stalka Ponderosa Pinea

N2-BET surface area (m /g)

Ponderosa Pineb Tall Fescue Strawa

Tall Fescue Strawc Alderb
H/C atomic ratio

Raw 300

400o C 200

500o C
600o C 100
700o C
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0
300 400 500 600 700
O/C atomic ratio o
Temperature ( C)
Fig. 2. Van Krevelen diagram of biochar at different pyrolysis temperatures (a: data
taken from Karaosmanoğlu et al., 2000; b and c: data taken from Keiluweit et al.
(b) 6
300 C
Log differential intrusion (mL/g)

5 500 C
Fig. 3a compares the N2–BET surface area of biochar to that of 600 C
other lignocellulosic biomass with a pore size range of 2–50 nm. 4
The surface area determines the nutrient adsorption capability of
biochar in soil. Biochar with a large surface area can fix nutrients, 3
preventing them from being washed away by water and therefore
reducing the need for fertilizers. The biochar produced using
Geodae-Uksae 1 exhibited a rapid increase in surface area to
approximately 180 m2/g at 500 °C, which was one order of magni-
tude greater than at 450 °C. The surface area gradually increased at 1
higher temperatures, and became similar to that of a soft wood,
ponderosa pine (Keiluweit et al., 2010), also plotted in Fig. 3a. In 0
contrast, two hard woods, alder and beech (Gray et al., 1985), 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
exhibited greater surface areas from low temperatures, while the
Pore diameter (µm)
increases in surface area were smaller at higher temperatures.
The surface area of the wood samples and Geodae-Uksae 1 con- Fig. 3. N2–BET surface area (a) and pore volumes distribution (b) of biochar (a: data
verged at 700 °C. In contrast, the straw sample (tall fescue straw) taken from Keiluweit et al. (2010), b: data taken from Gray et al. (1985)).
(Keiluweit et al., 2010) had a very low surface area, even at 700 °C.
Fig. 3b shows the distribution of pore volumes in biochar rang-
ing from 10 nm to 100 lm. Compared to the biochar at 300 °C, the tats for symbiotic microorganisms, such as bacteria (0.3–3 lm),
pore volume significantly increased at 500 °C over the entire size fungi (2–80 lm) and protozoa (7–30 lm) (Thies and Rillig, 2009).
range. When the surface morphology of biochar was examined Biochar becomes less hydrophobic and its capacity to hold water
using SEM, the char from 300 °C was filled with tissue that was also increases at 500 °C (Kinney et al., 2012).
not devolatilized and therefore the pores were not fully developed. Based on the properties of biochar presented in this study, an
Once the cellulose and hemicellulose were decomposed at 500 °C, appropriate temperature for biochar production by slow pyrolysis
the char became honeycomb-like with large cylindrical holes of 5– would be 500 °C. The mass yield of biochar was higher at 300 °C
40 lm in diameter interconnected by thin walls. These holes orig- (Table 1), but the high volatile matter content at the temperature
inated from the pith and vascular system of the parent plant. The inhibits plant growth and reduced N uptake in soil (Deenik et al.,
pore volumes of mesopores and macropores up to 1 lm, which 2009). At 500 °C, the macro- and micropores rapidly develop to in-
developed on the cell walls, were also significant. When biochar crease the pore volumes and surface area. Temperatures above
is applied to the soil, the roles of the pores depend on their sizes. 500 °C further increased the surface area of biochar, but required
Micro and mesopores up to 50 nm in diameter adsorb nutrients a larger amount of heat supply. Furthermore, the bio-oil, an impor-
(e.g., NH4+, HPO42 , H2PO4 and dissolved organic carbon) and tant byproduct of biochar production, had a decrease in its mass
gases (e.g., O2 and CO2), while large pores (10 lm) provide habi- yield at higher temperatures. Evaluating the performance of the
Y. Lee et al. / Bioresource Technology 130 (2013) 345–350 349

Table 3
Composition of bio-oil and the estimated heating value.

Temperature (°C) Phase (wt.%) Water content (wt.%) Elemental composition (wt.%) HHV (MJ/kg)
Aqueous Heavy oil C H O N
300 91.29 8.71 59.77 19.17 9.97 70.34 0.51 11.14
400 67.76 32.24 42.39 29.55 8.47 61.41 0.58 13.92
500 57.16 42.84 36.93 32.24 9.07 57.74 0.96 15.94
600 47.31 52.69 36.18 38.51 9.03 51.54 0.92 18.72

biochar for improving crop productivity requires further extensive

studies. Enders et al. (2012) suggested that the most effective
35 600
approach is to define the limiting factors of a particular soil-

Gas concentration (vol.%)

crop-climate condition and apply biochar tailored to address the 30 CO2 500
growth constraints.

Temperature ( C)
3.4. Bio-oil properties 20
CO 300
Bio-oil is a pyrolysis byproduct of biochar production. The prop- 15
erties of bio-oil have been widely reported in the literature, and 200

therefore only a summary of the key properties is presented here 10
for the bio-oil derived from Geodae-Uksae 1. Table 3 describes CH4
5 100
the composition of bio-oil and the estimated HHV. The bio-oil
has two strata of light aqueous and heavy oil fractions. At lower H2
0 0
temperatures, the oil is mostly the light fraction with approxi- 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
mately 60 wt.% overall water content. With increasing tempera-
tures, the proportion of heavy oil fraction and carbon content Time (s)
increases. At temperatures greater than 500 °C, the water content Fig. 4. Concentration of non-condensable gases and the reactor temperature for the
in the bio-oil was approximately 37 wt.% and the carbon content pyrolysis test up to 500 °C.
was 32 wt.%. The bio-oils produced at 500 °C and 600 °C were not
very different, since the pyrolysis vapors were continuously purged
from the reactor into the condenser. The HHV estimated from the
elemental composition was 15.94 MJ/kg, while commercial heavy Table 5
oil is approximately 45 MJ/kg (Turns, 2011). This low HHV is due Composition of non-condensable gases and estimated heating values.
to the high water content and large concentration of oxygenated
Temperature (oC) 300 400 500 600
hydrocarbon compounds in the bio-oil.
Mass yield (wt.%) 19.75 20.74 22.82 24.30
Table 4 lists the key compounds identified by GC–MS in the bio-
oil produced at 500 °C. The bio-oil contained numerous hydrocar- Species mass fraction (wt.%)
CO 38.27 25.14 26.40 26.81
bons, which were primarily acids and phenols, typical of lignocel-
CO2 60.13 62.47 57.65 53.44
lulosic biomass bio-oil both from slow and fast pyrolysis (Phan CH4 1.59 12.38 15.82 19.03
et al., 2008; Heo et al., 2010). H2 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.72
Overall, the quality of the bio-oil was not high enough for use as Elemental composition (wt.%)
primary fuel due to the high water content, inhomogeneity and C 33.99 37.10 38.90 40.34
low energy content. Bio-oil is also acidic, corrosive, viscous, repoly- H 0.41 3.10 4.09 5.47
merizes to form heavier compounds and causes delayed ignition O 65.60 59.80 57.01 54.19

when combusted (Oasmaa and Czernik, 1999; Mohan et al., HHV(MJ/kg) 4.76 9.42 11.64 14.30
2006; Chiaramonti et al., 2007). Such properties of bio-oil require
caution during handling, storage and use. Therefore, a simple

method of utilizing bio-oil as a renewable fuel may be to co-com-

Table 4
bust it with conventional fuels in an existing furnace. A solvent,
Key compounds identified in bio-oil by GC–MS for pyrolysis at 500 °C.
such as methanol and ethanol, could be mixed into the bio-oil to
Retention time (min) Compounds Area (%) prevent repolymerization during storage and decrease its viscosity
2.44 Acetic acid 10.7 for easier handling (Oasmaa and Czernik, 1999; Mohan et al.,
4.77 2-Furan carboxaldehyde 5.53 2006).
10.43 Phenol 4.42
12.39 2-Methoxy phenol 5.95
13.95 2-Ethyl phenol 5.67
14.86 2,3-Dihydro benzofuran 7.89 3.5. Properties of non-condensable gases
15.53 4-Ethyl-2-methoxy phenol 4.90
16.03 2-Methoxy-4-vinyl phenol 3.45
16.64 2,6-Dimethoxy phenol 6.32
Fig. 4 shows the gas release profiles from a pyrolysis test at a final
17.80 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy benzoic acid 4.17 temperature of 500 °C measured by an on-line gas analyzer. CO2 and
18.77 2,3,5-Trimethoxy toluene 1.62 CO were the two dominant species in the early stage of pyrolysis,
19.71 2,4-Hexadienedioic acid 1.17 mainly due to the presence of cellulose and hemicellulose. Release
20.77 2,6-Dimethoxy-4 phenol 1.66
of CH4 followed with a peak at approximately 460 °C. H2 appeared
23.48 Hexadecanoic acid 0.71
above 470 °C at a low concentration mainly from the decomposition
350 Y. Lee et al. / Bioresource Technology 130 (2013) 345–350

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1.4 kJ/kg K (Incropera et al., 2007). The energy content in the pyro- production. Agr. Forest Meteorol. 148, 1280–1292.
lytic gases corresponds to 11.64 MJ/kg  (22.82 wt.%) = 2.66 MJ/ Galinato, S.P., Yoder, J.K., Granatstein, D., 2011. The economic value of biochar in
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