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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Ibrahim I. Enagi, K.A. Al-Attab, Z.A. Zainal

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

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Liquid biofuels utilization for gas turbines: A review T

a b c,⁎
Ibrahim I. Enagi , K.A. Al-attab , Z.A. Zainal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic, P.M.B 55, Bida, Niger State, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen
School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia


Keywords: The global demand for utilization of renewable fuels in gas turbines has been on the increase to secure a sus-
Liquid biofuels tainable, and pollution free environment. In this paper, the reviewed studies were on different liquid biofuels
Gas turbine production methods such as the catalytic conversion of biomass, gasification, pyrolysis and transesterification.
Colourless distributed combustion The review also included different studies on directly fired gas turbine (DFGT) and externally fired gas turbine
High temperature air combustion
(EFGT) utilizing biomass and liquid biofuels. Furthermore, this study elucidated the use of biofuels in clean
Moderate or intensive low oxygen dilution
combustion methods scalable to gas turbines such as colourless distributed combustion (CDC), high temperature
Catalytic combustion
air combustion (HiTAC), moderate or intensive low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion and catalytic com-
bustion. The discussion included the effect of different input parameters associated with the clean combustion
systems that have influence on the attainment of ultra-low emissions of NOx and CO under premixed and non-
premixed modes. As for the fuel types, biodiesel is one of the most studied biofuel in gas turbine especially in
small-scale micro gas turbine (MGT) engines. The materials for the path of hot gas, types of fuels, heat recovery
and cogeneration techniques are the variables, found to be affecting the performance of the DFGT. As for the
EFGT, the high temperature heat exchanger with its lower turbine inlet temperature of 700–900 °C is generally
the main limiting factor for this technology. The paper concluded by highlighting relevant and recent findings,
thereby proposes a further research to improve the versatility in the utilization of liquid biofuels in gas turbines.

1. Introduction the thermochemical conversion systems, the process technologies for

microalgae-to-biofuel production systems were extensively discussed
The high global demand of energy has increased expeditiously in [6] with the benefits of exploiting upstream microalgae biomass de-
the past decade with a reported ratio of annual increment of 2.3% in velopment for bioremediation. In addition, there is a recent progress in
2013 [1]. The depletion of fossil fuels and global warming concerns gasification techniques including important pathways for production of
encouraged the development of new combustion technologies for al- biofuels, socio-economic impacts of biofuel generation and process
ternative fuels utilization. These technologies should not only cover the design [7]. The first generation or advanced biofuels in existing com-
demand for power, but also maintain high performance, conversion and bustion engines are performing well as pure or blended additives. In
efficiency without any environmental impacts [2]. The significance of addition, oxygenated biofuels produces lower NO and sooth emissions
biomass resources to energy production has shown that 75% of global than hydrocarbon fuels. However, in order to improve fuel efficiency
renewable energy and 13% of world primary energy are from biomass, and reduce engine emissions several novel technologies are being de-
whereas up to 30% of global energy supply by 2050 is estimated to be veloped [8]. High efficiency, fuel flexibility and ultra-low emission heat
from bio-energy contributions especially liquid biofuels [3,4] engines and fuel cell technologies will in future enable customers to
Due to the increased diffusion of renewable energy sources in recent switch to the cleanest fuel available at the lowest cost [8].
years, biomass has gained a growing interest in the combined heat and One of the major power generation technologies with a significant
power (CHP) applications [5]. Using different energy conversion tech- share in global carbon footprint is gas turbine. However, it is still lag-
nologies, biomass is storable, programmable and can be utilised to meet ging behind when it comes to renewable resources utilization. One of
a wide range of energy needs [5]. There are several thermo-chemical the European Union targets [9] for micro gas turbine (MGT) power
conversion processes of biomass into different biofuels that include generation is the CHP small scale distributed generation. Some of the
gasification, pyrolysis, liquefaction and transesterification. Focusing on advantages of gas turbine include; low pollutant emission, high

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z.A. Zainal).
Received 11 April 2017; Received in revised form 13 October 2017; Accepted 9 March 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

reliability, high power to weight ratio, high flexibility and ability to The current work aims at identifying the innovations and im-
produce both heat and power in a decentralised manner [10]. The provements on gas turbine systems with liquid biofuels to achieve
utilization of liquid biofuels within a relatively robust burning char- complete combustion with low carbon footprint. The objectives of the
acteristics of gas turbines is an added advantage [10]. Moreover, liquid review are to discuss new techniques for biofuel production, different
biofuels have emerged as the most promising alternative renewable biomass conversion technologies, biofuel co-firing with other fuels and
source of fuel [11]. It has been experimentally established that most new four combustion enhancement techniques: HiTAC, CDC, MILD and
biofuels can readily be burned in pure form and in standard or slightly catalytic combustion.
modified combustor designs without any significant issues [10].
The indirectly or externally fired gas turbine (EFGT) is an inter- 2. Production process of liquid bio-fuels
esting option for electricity and heat production. Flue gas coming from
combustor through high temperature heat exchanger heats up the This section discusses the major technologies on biomass conversion
compressed air. The expansion of the resulting hot, compressed and into liquid biofuels through catalytic, thermochemical and biochemical
clean air takes place at the turbine. Since the combustion takes place at processes. Table 1 summarizes the proximate and ultimate analysis
atmospheric pressure outside the cycle, flue gases are not in direct results of different types of raw biomass sources. From the analysis
contact with the turbine, allowing for the utilization of variety of fuels shown, fuels with high moisture content or low heating value, such as
including solid biomass [12]. Hot clean air at turbine exhaust can be pine chip, cannot be co-fired or utilised directly with other fuels.
utilised directly for thermal applications with no additional heat re- Therefore, a pre-treatment such as torrefaction or carbonization is re-
covery equipment. Thus, making the biomass EFGT configuration a quired to upgrade the raw materials for further conversion [19]. The
preferable candidate for CHP applications with a positive contribution properties of raw biomass such as low energy density, high bulk vo-
to the greenhouse emission reduction [13]. lume, high moisture content and hydrophilic nature are the major
In the internally or directly fired gas turbines (DFGT), the hot challenges for direct biomass utilization in power production. In addi-
combustion gases are in direct contact with the turbine blades. DFGT tion, fouling and slagging issues increase with biomass due to the sig-
traditionally contain three main components namely: the compressor, nificant amount of alkali metal in biomass ash. Furthermore, milling
combustion chamber and turbine. Fig. 1a and b show simple cycle of difficulty for direct biomass co-firing in existing pulverised coal is
the DFGT and EFGT systems. Air pressure is elevated by the compressor among the drawbacks of direct biomass utilization [20]. On the other
commonly up to the range of 15 – 45 bar before entering the combus- hand, biomass can be converted through a variety of methods into li-
tion chamber. Combustion flue gasses leave combustion chamber at quid biofuel while preserving the environmental advantages of biomass
high temperature in the range of 850 – 1200 °C to the expander or utilization. The role of biofuel co-firing is technically, economically,
turbine, which is directly connected to the alternator for electrical and environmentally the most realistic option for power plants and
power generation [14]. Numerous efforts on the utilization of various large CHP systems [21]. Biofuel co-firing plants can handle disruptions
alternative fuels in existing gas turbine power plants are receiving at- in biofuel supply, which makes their utilization suitable with perennial
tention. The properties and quality of these fuels are important as well energy crops. Therefore, co-firing could serve as an important role in
as the necessity for a fuel flexible gas turbine combustors to attain the stimulating these perennial crops [21]. Co-firing of biofuels is in addi-
increasingly stringent regulations concerning the gas emissions [2]. tion a good solution for a steady plant operation, so incorporating it in
Combustion engineers are facing challenges in the quest to develop an to CHP designs will permit a greater power production than the biofuel
environmental friendly combustors producing ultra-low level pollutants corresponding production capacity of a given site [22].
such as soot, unburnt hydrocarbons, CO and NOx [15]. New combustor
designs such as the high temperature air combustion (HiTAC) and 2.1. Catalytic conversion of biomass into liquid fuels
colourless distributed combustion (CDC) for more uniform and stable
combustion with ultra-low emissions are gaining more attention lately The catalytic process and development of catalysts play important
[15]. Recent researches on flameless combustion in power generation role in the production of many liquid biofuels. Catalytic processes have
industry such as gas turbines have shown great potential. However, to the flexibility and capability to optimise and adjust performance in
improve its versatility in using liquid biofuels, further research is still response to variations in feedstock and market demands. The major
needed on combustion mechanisms, comprehensive design methods, in- challenge is the development of catalyst that may facilitate a highly
depth flows and advanced modelling and experimental development selective conversion of substrate to form desired products [23]. Cata-
[16]. Other type of combustion enhancement technologies with gas lytic analysis shows that Zeolite catalysts [ZSM-5] and mesoporous
turbines such as Moderate or intense low oxygen dilution [17] and alumina silicates [Al-MCM-4] are utilised in many catalytic applications
catalytic combustion [18] have been widely investigated as well. involving biomass conversion and upgrading processes, because of their

Fig. 1. A Simple sketch of (a) Directly fired gas turbine system; (b) Externally fired gas turbine system.

I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analysis of different fuels.
Proximate and ultimate analysis for different fuels

Fuel Tyre rubber PET bottles OH [36] OH PET OH Tyre Wood [27] Reed [27] Kukersite [37] Spruce [37] Reed [37] Peat [37] Pine chip
[36] [36] [36] [36] [5]

Moisture wt% 0.89 – 5.38 6.23 14.78 – – – – – – 38.80

Volatiles wt% 64.36 – 69.83 74.45 63.13 78.3 63.5 – – – – 48.75
Fixed carbon wt% 25.84 8.43 20.77 16.58 17.91 21.0 15.2 – – – – 9.50
Ash wt% 8.91 0.5 4.02 2.75 4.18 0.8 21.3 – – – – 2.95
Carbon wt% 79.48 61.58 51.20 59.33 53.34 49.5 33.4 82.5 73.9 75.9 75.1 45.84
Hydrogen wt% 7.32 4.98 6.00 7.18 6.06 4.1 4.1 10.0 7.0 7.2 7.2 5.57
Nitrogen wt% 0.3 – 1.1 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.36
Sulphur wt% 2.4 – 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.04 0.07 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.3 43.41
Oxygen by 10.5 33.44 41.7 33.0 39.9 45.1 40.8 6.6 18.4 16.0 16.9 –
LHV MJ/Kg 36.60 29.10 18.64 2.77 22.26 17.7 12.3 – – – – –

specific porosity and acidic properties [23]. illustration of two main biofuel pathways. The biomass particles un-
Several researches have shown the significance of catalytic pro- dergo partial oxidation to produce gas and charcoal to form CH4, CO,
cesses and the selection of catalysts in raw biomass conversion into li- CO2, and H2. The conversion reaction is expressed in Eq. (1) [26,27]:
quid biofuels. In one of the experimental biomass catalytic conversion
with nickel, cobalt, iron and gallium-substituted ZSM-5 as catalysts, Biomass + Heat + Steam → CH 4 + CO + CO2 + H2
highest hydrocarbon yield was about 16 wt% including 3.5 wt% of to- + Hydrocarbon + Char (1)
luene [24]. Similarly, the products vapour and gas composition were
analysed through molecular-beam mass spectrometry. There was a Fischer Tropsch (FT) is a well-established method to convert syngas
change in the composition of the volatiles during pyrolysis/catalytic into heavy hydrocarbon liquid fuels as shown in Fig. 3. FT has been
vapour cracking when varying the catalyst time- on- stream. Owing to commercialized for many decades but mainly with coal and natural gas
the coke deposits formed on catalysts, the rate of deoxygenated activity as raw materials [28]. On the other hand, converting syngas from
decreases with time [24]. Analysing the development of efficient cat- biomass gasification into liquid biofuels has come a long way and
alyst for oxy-organic hydro deoxygenation [HDO], it was reported that should not face any major technical difficulties. Simple FT reaction of
under mild conditions, Ni-Cu catalyst were more attractive than a single carbon monoxide with heterogeneous catalyst to form liquid biofuel is
Ni catalyst. However, at temperatures below 300 °C, copper facilitated shown in Eq. (2) [29].
the nickel oxide reduction. CeO2 and ZrO2 catalyst were revealed nCO + mH2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ Cx Hy Oz
catalyst (2)
during screening as the most effective target process because of the
possibility of additional activation of oxy-compounds on the support Very wide range of catalysts have been investigated for many dec-
surface [25]. ades to achieve higher production yields, catalysts such as Fe-based,
cobalt, aluminium, silicon, magnesium and zirconium oxides. Wide
2.2. Biomass conversion into liquid fuels through gasification range of liquid biofuels product can be achieved from light oils C5 [30]
to aviation jet fuels (C8 – C16) [31] and diesel [32]. A recent economic
Biomass gasification process takes place at temperatures higher than study on FT conversion plant with 1 t/h biomass feed capacity showed a
700 °C in the presence of oxygen. Fig. 2 shows a simplified schematic promising feasibility with payback period of less than 5 years [33].

Fig. 2. Simplified schematic illustration of two main bio-fuel pathways [26].

I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

Fig. 3. Fischer Tropsch Process flow diagram [28].

The effect of biomass gasification agent on the liquid biofuel yield bio-oil yield was obtained at 370 °C under 3.0 MPa H2 pressure, with
has been studied [34]. Different gasification agents, such as; air, steam, reaction time of 40 min and 5% catalyst [41]. Another study in-
O2, CO2 were compared, and it was concluded that steam gasification is vestigated the feasibility of municipal solid waste (MSW) liquefaction in
a preferred conversion scheme for higher production yield of bio me- the piedmont region, Italy [42]. Results showed that the potential re-
thane. This is mainly due to the higher hydrogen concentration in coverable energy was about 35.99 × 106 GJ/year. Oil palm residues
syngas derived from steam gasification [35]. Bio-methanol production such as palm kernel shell (PKS), empty fruit bunch (EFB) and palm
was tested experimentally through syngas synthesis in a pre-pilot flui- mesocarp fibre (PMF) have also been investigated. Liquefaction of oil
dised bed gasifier. Wide range of raw materials were tested including: palm biomass was successful, using subcritical and super critical water
biomass residues, polyethylene, terephtalene and tyre wastes [36]. In to obtain bio-oil. However, optimum liquefaction condition was
addition, alternative investigation on production process using nick- achieved with supercritical water at 390 °C and 25 MPa, resulting in
el–catalysed gasification in super critical water and the gasification of maximum bio-oil yield of 38.53% for PKS, followed by 37.39% for EFB
different biomass types achieved high concentrations of H2 (up to 61%) and 34.32% for PMF [43].
and CH4 (up to 28.6%) [37]. The effects of various solvents (ethanol, water and acetone) on the
liquefaction of biomass to produce fuels and chemical feedstock, reveals
2.3. Pyrolysis bio-oil production that employing different solvents could change the relationship abun-
dance and distribution of produced compounds. Maximum oil yield of
The pyrolysis process is a thermo-chemical decomposition of bio- 26.5% from pine wood was achieved when using ethanol while acetone
mass into bio-oil, solid bio-char and non-condensable gases in an produced the highest conversion rate [44]. Higher yields (above 70%)
oxygen free environment. Among the advantages of pyrolysis over other were reported for other types of biomass such as kenaf, sorghum and
processes is the localised conversion of low density biomass into high wheat straw residues in a catalytic liquefaction [45]. Non–catalytic
density intermediate bio-oil with further potential process into trans- hydrothermal liquefaction was also studied on different type of biomass
portation fuels such as diesel and gasoline [38]. fuels such as spruce needles, reed, peat and kukersite oil shale [37].
Using biomass vacuum pyrolysis for gas turbine bio-oil fuel pro-
duction, the bio-oil sample investigated was a valuable gas turbine fuel 2.5. Transesterification production process
with high net heating value of 32 MJ/kg, low solid content of 0.34 wt%,
and relatively low Na + K + Ca content of 21 ppm [39]. However, Transesterification or alcoholises can be defined as displacement of
investigation on the series of thermal stability experiment revealed that alcohol from an ester which is similar to hydrolysis processes with
at temperatures of 80 °C the properties of bio-oil were altered, but at exception that instead of water, alcohol is used. Transesterification
40 °C and 50 °C the variations were not critical. Thus, suggesting that reaction is shown in Eq. (3):
thermal stability of bio-oil has to be carefully monitored for gas turbine
applications [39]. Utilization of low-grade low-cost biomass feed stocks RCOOR′ + R′′OH ⇌ R′COOR′′ + ROH
Ester Alcohol Ester Alcohol (3)
though devolatisation at higher temperature rated of 800 °C was also
investigated [27]. Transesterification process utilises vegetable oils and alcohol as the
process input. The problems of neat vegetables attributed to poly-sa-
2.4. Liquefaction of biomass turated characteristics, low viscosity and low volatility are reduced by
the transesterification processes [46].
Liquefaction is a thermo-chemical conversion process at a low Methanol and ethanol are the most commonly used alcohols, while
temperature (250 – 400 °C) and high pressure (2–5 MPa). Fig. 4 Shows a other types such as propanol, butanol, isopropanol, tert-butanol,
conceptual bio-refinery based on oil palm biomass. Biomass is con- branched alcohols and octanol were also used but at a higher cost
verted into three products namely; solid residue fraction, gas fraction [47,48]. The catalysed production of biodiesel is the most common
and bio-oil fraction in water or another solvent [40]. A recent study on method with high biodiesel yield and faster conversion rates. However,
direct liquefaction of biomass suggested that biomass and solvent types the process includes purification of the esters, separation and recovery
are the two primary factors that determine the properties and dis- of unreacted reactants and catalysts [49]. Whereas, non-catalysed
tribution of the liquefaction products. Bio-ethanol is the most promising production simplifies the process and eliminates some unwanted by-
organic solvent due to its renewable nature and high biomass lique- products such as fatty acid salts and free fatty acids, resulting in higher
faction yield [40]. In a direct-liquefaction of sawdust in petroleum production yield [50]. In this approach, alcohol is heated to super-
ester, a study investigated the effect of temperature, time, hydrogen critical temperature of about 275 °C with pressure elevation above
pressure and amount of catalyst on production distribution. Maximum 10 MPa [51,52]. Other types such as dimethyl carbonate [53] tert-butyl

I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

Fig. 4. A conceptual bio refinery based on oil palm biomass [23].

methyl ether [54] and methyl acetate [55] in supercritical conditions comparable with the traditional systems.
were also tested. The most commonly used catalysts are the homo-
geneous alkaline metal hydroxides and alkoxides as well as sodium or
potassium carbonates [56,57]. Acid homogeneous catalysts also include 3. Direct fired gas turbine systems with liquid bio-fuels
sulphuric, hydrochloric, sulfonic and phosphoric acids for high free
fatty acids (FFA) feedstock. This process showed an advantage of The design of gas turbine being one of the prime sources of clean
varying biodiesel properties based on the fatty acids percentage in the electric energy through CHP production continue to receive attention
feedstock. However, this method is sensitive to the presence of water due to its high efficiency [74]. The current gas turbine systems have
that can affect biodiesel yield significantly [58,59]. Two-step acid then large power ranges with flexible multi-type-fuel supply systems. Al-
alkali catalysts are used for very high FFA content in the feedstock though, they are capable of burning such fuels, their developments are
[60,61]. Another type of catalysts is the heterogeneous catalysts that normally based on a single specific fuel such as diesel fuel or natural gas
can be recycled and re-used for several times [62–64]. In addition, [75]. For conventional electrical power generation, gas turbine tech-
renewable and environment friendly sources such as eggshell, lime- nology is currently dominating the global market compared to the
stone calcite, cuttlebone, dolomite and hydroxyapatite have been used steam turbine technology in terms of the number of units produced
[65,66]. Third type of catalysts is the bio-catalysis enzyme or lepase annually as shown in Fig. 5 [76]
produced by microorganisms, animals and plants. This type has the Numerous studies have investigated variety of methods to increase
advantage of higher yields, absence of side reactions, low reaction gas turbine efficiency and power output capacity. Most common
temperature range (30 – 40 °C) and easier glycerol recovery, but at re- methods are the combined cycle configuration [77,78], regenerative
latively higher production cost [67,68]. cycle [79], and inlet air-cooling [80]. Increasing turbine inlet tem-
Recently, the use of radio frequency ultrasound in biodiesel pro- perature is another major aspect to achieve higher efficiency but with
duction has been getting more attention in the research community the concern of turbine blades damaging and corrosion. Recent devel-
[69,70]. The idea is to create a cavitation of bubbles near the phase opment of material requirements used in natural gas engines are also
boundary between alcohol and oil phases leading to intensive mixing applicable to that of syngas engines despite some difficulties in design
with localised increase in temperature in the form of micro jets. This issues [81]. A study on a combined cycle fuelled by low heating value
technology increases the chemical reaction speed and output biodiesel
yield through an efficient molar ratio of methanol-to-oil. However, the
rest of transesterification process remains the same with catalyst usage,
which requires water wash and treatment, etc.
The use of membranes in chemical reactions and flows is widely
utilised to enhance the efficiency of mixing and separation processes.
Higher purity of output biodiesel is achieved by this approach with
easier separation and no side reactions. A study showed that the use of
column rector could achieve high biodiesel yield without any catalytic
materials [71]. However, the higher initial and operational costs,
mainly liquid pumping at high pressure, might present a downside for
the system. Another new trend in biodiesel production is the use of
reactive distillation [62,72,73]. This technique can deal with low purity
and high FFA oils without the necessity of using excessive amounts of
alcohol. The addition of a reactive distillation column (RDC) gives a
continuous removal of by products and enhances the purity of output
biodiesel. The additional RDC also eliminates the necessity for con- Fig. 5. Comparing the annual production rate of gas turbines with steam tur-
ventional mechanical separation units, hence, the lower cost that is still bines [76].

I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

fuel showed that the use of turbine blade air cooling, from compressor


bleeding, resulted in a higher overall cycle efficiency compared to




under-firing turbine cooling [82].

Although, utilizing liquid biofuels in gas turbine is a major goal to

Useful heat (KW)

achieve lower carbon footprint, many concerns such as fuel properties,
flashback hazards, combustion stability and pollutant emissions have

been addressed in literatures. Many experimental studies have in-

vestigated the spray and combustion characteristics of different liquid



biofuels on gas turbines and MGTs. Dimethyl ether (DME) fuel provided
stable combustion with low pollutant emissions. However, observations

Electrical power supplied

showed a higher potential of flashback due to the low ignition tem-
perature and high flame speed. New injector design was proposed to
prevent flash-back risk [83–85]. The effect of the higher fuel viscosity
and surface tension for biodiesel [86] and pyrolysis bio-oil [87] on
spray characteristics, combustion stability and emissions have been

experimentally investigated. High vegetable oil blends up to 75 vol%




with diesel provided acceptable fuel spray characteristics with stable


combustion. The tests results of fuel blend performed on MGT engine

Efficiency (%)
indicated stable engine operation with efficiency comparable to that of

10 − 15
a diesel fuel [88]. Another study showed that preheating vegetable oils


up to 120 °C provided stable MGT operation with CO emissions com-




parable to those of diesel fuel [89]. MGT operation with vegetable oil
has also been reported without any fuel preheating, and it showed that
fuel injection pressure doubled compared to diesel with a drop in en-

Down Draft gasifier

10kWe ET10 MGT

500KWe axial Gas
3LD Trunk Turbo
Bottoming (ORC)
Gas turbine type
gine speed [90].

100KWe MGT

Investigating aldehydes emission from alternative and renewable

Tubec T100
Tubec T100
aviation fuels showed that formaldehyde was a major aldehyde specie


emitted with a fraction of about 60% of total measured aldehyde [91].
Similarly, using a blend of butanol/Jet A in gas turbine indicated that
this blend was a promising alternative to the Jet A fuel with less CO and
NOX emissions [92]. Other studies used computational fluid dynamics
Pressure ratio

(CFD) simulation to investigate combustion stability and emissions of


different type of biofuels with exhaust gas recirculation technique for




NOx emission reduction [93].


4. Externally fired systems with bio-fuels
Nickel based Alloy

Structure Steel
Ceramic Type

Externally fired thermal engines such as the EFGT, steam Rankine

Shell & Tube

Shell & Tube

Shell & Tube
Shell & tube

Metal tubes
HTHE type

Steel Type

cycle and organic Rankine cycle (ORC) utilize atmospheric furnaces


with the flexibility to burn solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, as well as
other thermal sources such as solar, geothermal and nuclear [64].
Majority of the research work on the EFGT concept is concentrated on
TIT (°C)

biomass either in its solid form or after converting into gaseous form





since it is well adapted for the utilization of biomass [94]. There is a

Steam Rankine Cycle

lack of studies on the use of liquid biofuels in EFGT. However, nu-

Joule-Brayton Cycle

merous studies have investigated the utilization of liquid biofuels with

Organic Rankine

Organic Rankine

other externally fired thermal engines especially in steam boilers.

Brayton Cycle

Brayton Cycle
Brayton Cycle

Brayton Cycle

Brayton Cycle
Brayton Cycle
Cycle type

Tables 2a and b summarise several studies on EFGT systems using

biomass fuels and other externally fired systems using liquid biofuels.


Petroleum diesel or Petro-diesel fuel is one of the preferable fuels for

boilers due to its convenient handling and storage without preheating.
Olive tree & prunnings
Olive industry wastes

There has been intensive experimental investigation [95–103] on the

Various externally fired systems with biomass.

Nat. Gas /Biomass

utilization of biodiesel in the existing boiler fired by petro-diesel in the

Off-cut furniture-
Bio-fuel source

past decade due to its positive effect on carbon footprint and lower
Wood Chip

sulphur content that reduces SO2 emissions significantly. In general,



Various EFGT systems with biomass



biodiesel shows similar behaviour to petrol-diesel when changing

combustion parameters such as pressure, equivalence ratio and swirl
angle with slightly lower CO and NOx emissions for the latter
Universiteit Brussel Belgium
University of florence USA

[95,98,99]. Numerous studies have also investigated the use of petrol-

Universiti Sains Malaysia
Politecnico de-Bari Italy

Andalusian POES Spain

Province of Joen-Spain

diesel/biodiesel blends from B0 up to B100 in boilers [98–101] and its

Universiteit Muchen

effect on emissions. Other studies investigated the home heating oil-

University of Pisa

fuelled boilers with oil/biodiesel blends [96] and pyrolysis/ethanol

Exheat Project


blends [102]. From the economic point of view with the currently high
Talbot UK
Table 2a

prices of biodiesel, up to B20 blends are still economically viable.

However, with global trend moving towards the use renewable alter-
native fuels, running boilers on biodiesel can be realized in the near

I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

future [103].








Fig. 6 shows the EFGT system at school of Mechanical Engineering
Combustion efficiency University of Science Malaysia and Exheat Project CHP-EFGT with
ET10 MGT. The former is a small-scale turbocharger based EFGT fired
micro gas turbine. It is a batch fuel unit, which consists of a dual
chamber gasifier –combustor with single flame and a thermal output
power of 100 kW. A high temperature stainless steel heat exchanger

was used to elevate air temperature up to about 700 °C. [104]. The





latter is an experimental test of EFGT based on ET10 MGT with heat

recovery unit and fuelled by biogas. The system has achieved about
6 kW electrical power output with electrical efficiency of 24% [94].
CO emissions

3.19 –12.19
5. Combustion of biofuels in gas turbines
> 1500

> 6000

> 5000

0 –120

> 10

Gas turbine has the advantage of continuous flow combustion pro-


cess with steady flame. This feature provides clean combustion and
allows the use of different fuels, robust mechanical design, moderate
NOx emissions

compression ratios and versatile combustor. The properties of biofuels

have influence on combustion design, efficiency and NOX emissions of

gas turbines [75]. As alternative fuel for gas turbines, palm methyl ester


> 70

> 70

(PME) showed combustion characteristics similar to those of diesel fuel


with reduced NOX emission [105]. Similarly, the combustion perfor-

Fuel nozzle angle

mance of biodiesel and diesel/vegetable oil and animal fat resulted in a

slightly higher CO emissions compared to diesel [106]. Another study
investigated the catalytic contribution in a hybrid lean combustion for


gas turbines [107], where both NOX emissions and lean combustion






stability were improved. Furthermore, studying the thermodynamic

performance of a lean burn catalytic combustion in gas turbine showed

Fuel mass flowrate

a higher thermal efficiency for lower regenerator effectiveness at lower

pressure ratios [108].
Ultra-low NOx combustor designs for MGT have been widely in-

vestigated. Different techniques were used to control NOx emissions






such as multi-stage premixed chambers with preheated air [109] as well

as recuperation and exhaust gas recycling [110]. Several other techni-

Biodiesel blends (B0–

Ethanol/pyrolysis oil
Biodiesel and Blends

Biodiesel and Blends

Biodiesel Blends (B5

Biodiesel Blends (B5

ques have been tested to reduce NOX emission such as the flameless
Biodiesel and Home
Bio-fuel source

premixed combustion with an annular nozzle [111], and the MILD

combustion [112]. Moreover, the effects of number and location of
heating oil


stabilizer jets on the combustion characteristics showed significant re-

– B100)

– B100)


ductions in NOX emission [113].

In an experimental analysis of combustion behaviour in gas turbine
combustor, oxy-fuel flames achieved higher stability compared to
RIELLO R138 Two stage
U.K Sterling 90 pressure

90 U.K Spec liquid fuel

90 U.K Spec liquid fuel


Bubbling fluidised Bed

normal air-fuel flames [114]. Several works on liquid biofuel in gas

Pressure pulverization

Experimental Boiler

turbine have achieved better combustion stability using low swirl fuel
nozzle [115], fuel-air mixture [116], and atmospheric diffusion of oxy-
70 kW Burner
Burner type

combustion flame [117]. The enhanced thermal radiation in oxy-fuel

combustion were predicted using different radiation models [118].






Another aspect is the impact of spray quality on the combustion of

viscous biofuel in MGT that can be significantly improved by fuel
Low volume waste oil (LVWO)

preheating [10]. In addition, the case of lean premixed pre-vaporised

Combustion Laboratory unit

(LPP) combustor showed a great promise in reducing pollutant emission

AR/25 GT (ROCA) Boiler

AR/25 GT (ROCA) Boiler

CSTR Laboratory Reactor
Various externally fired systems with liquid biofuels.

Semi- industrial Boiler

[119]. The investigations on gas turbines also showed stable combus-

Semi Industrial Boiler
-PA Hilton England
Water jacket Boiler

tion with alternative fuels using air assisted pressure swirl atomiser for
Various externally fired systems with biofuels

Fire tube Boiler

Jatropha oil and Jatropha methyl ester [120].

Boiler type

The exploitation of refuse derived fuels was achieved with opti-

mised fuel injection nozzle, regenerative thermodynamic cycles and



high fuel preheat temperatures [121]. Furthermore, for liquefied spruce

wood, the rate of mixture formation, emission formation and droplet
penetration depth were greatly influenced by different velocities, tem-
Universidad de Extremadura

Eastern Regional Research

peratures and flow conditions [122]. A new FLOX- combustion system

Universidad de Valladolid

University of Ahvaz, Iran

University of Pudua Italy
University of Ahvaz Iran

University of Ahvaz Iran

University of Ahvaz Iran

University of Ahvaz Iran

for low calorific fuels was reported to have met the emission limits over
the whole operating range, from 80% to 100% turbine speed [123].
centre USA

However, for inter stage combine combustor, a new type of combustion

- a trapped-vortex combustion technology was used to improve the


Table 2b

efficiency of gas turbine [124]. The effect of vortex generator in swirl

combustor on combustion and emission characteristics was also in-
vestigated and the results showed that the vortex generator affected

I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

Fig. 6. Showing the EFGT system at school of Mechanical Engineering University of science Malaysia (left) [104], Exheat Project CHP-EFGT with ET10 MGT [94].

combustion and emission characteristics positively [125]. preparation in non-premixed combustion and injection location have
proven to be crucial to the pollutants emission values [133]. Extra-high
5.1. Colourless distributed combustion (CDC) thermal intensity in the range of 270–420 MW/m3-atm, resulted in
ultra-low NO emission of 5 ppm and 2 ppm for non-premixed and novel
The aim of research on distributed combustion is mainly to improve premixed modes, respectively [134]. For the effects of velocity and
the performance of gas turbine combustors. That includes, alleviation of turbulence on high intensity distributed combustion, there was a no-
combustion instability, ultra-low NOX /CO emission, higher efficiency, ticeable reduction of NO emission [135]. Likewise, the impact of in-
enhanced stability, lower noise and uniform thermal field in the entire ternal entrainment of product gases on flame structure and behaviour
chamber at high combustion intensity [2]. Using variety of fuels, the with gases, showed a significantly enhanced reaction distribution
combustor fuel flexibility without modifications to the combustor in- [136]. In consideration of clean technology development strategies
jectors was achieved while maintaining high performances [2]. Butyl [137], a better radiation heat transfer and higher heat capacity are
nanonoate liquid biofuel provided a promising behaviour for future observed in the system. Furthermore, a study on impact of internal
energy needs when tested in CDC mode in gas turbine combustor [126]. entrainment of hot reactive gases on thermal field uniformity [138],
CDC allows the increase in temperature of fresh mixture stream and showed that reduced temperature variations and enhanced thermal
decrease in oxygen concentration through internal entrainment of hot field uniformity provided ultra-low emissions. However, increase in
reactive species within the combustor. The critical component that fa- pressure without flow field and velocities can lead to departure from
cilitates distributed combustion includes the internal entrainment and achieving colourless combustion and at the same time increase in
subsequent adequate mixing prior to ignition. The distributed com- emissions [139].
bustion reactions have the characteristics of a lower reaction rates over Another important parameter for CDC was found to be the swirling
the entire volume of the combustor. Table 3 shows various input and intensity [140]. Using swirl combustion in simulated gas turbine com-
operational parameters for CDC. From the table, it shows that there is bustion conditions resulted in ultra-low NOX emission for both pre-
an increase in the combustion stability and reduction in the pollutants mixed and non-premixed modes [141]. Furthermore, investigation on
emission for liquid biofuels utilization. In CDC, not only the formation forward flow distributed combustion using three different flow field
of thin reaction zone is avoided, but also the hot flames, which reduces configurations showed that significant recirculation of gas was present
thermal NOX formation and emission [127]. due to the confinement [142]. The enhanced mixture preparation as-
Several studies on CDC were mainly focused on the applications for sociated with new air and fuel dilution technique resulted in reduced
gas turbine combustors. The effect of flow field in CDC using four dif- emissions [74]. In addition, for a guideline to achieve ultra-low emis-
ferent sample configuration showed that the reaction zone was uni- sion distributed combustion, distributed combustion is achieved at
formly distributed over the entire combustor volume once visible flame oxygen concentration of 9.5% for hot reactive entranced gases having
signatures approached CDC mode [128]. The effect of hydrogen addi- temperature of 1800 K [127]. A distribution index (DI) was proposed to
tion to methane-air mixture has extended the operational limits of the describe the distributed reaction within the combustor for extra-low
CDC combustor [129], and also the lean operational limits of combustor emission and enhanced efficiency [143].
with stable combustion [130]. In addition, CDC with ultra-high thermal
intensity combustors with enhanced performance has been developed 5.2. High temperature air combustion (HiTAC)
to investigate the effect of fuel dilution and liquid fuel combustion
[131]. Ultra low NOx emissions were achieved by applying CDC in- HiTAC technology utilises preheated air in excess of 1000 °C and
tensive combustion [132]. Moreover, flow field design, mixture have greatly contributed to the simultaneous reduction of oxides of

I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

nitrogen and carbon dioxide emissions [144]. Furthermore, this tech-



nology has demonstrated extremely low-level emissions with reduced
fuel consumption in many practical applications to different combus-

mixed (ppm)
tors and furnaces for many industries [144].
Non- pre Many experimental studies have shown tremendous reduction of
NOx emissions through high temperature diluted air combustion.


20 Studies of NO formation in a coaxial jet flame showed that preheating



the inlet air increased the combustion intensity and thus extended the
CO emissions

stable combustion region [145]. An effective way to burn and ignite

Pre mixed

efficiently the low-heating value liquid fuels was found to be by pre-


heating air prior to the combustion [146]. Investigation of combusting







low-calorific waste oil in high temperature air resulted in NOx and CO
emissions lower than 60 ppm and 50 ppm, respectively. Numerical
mixed (ppm)

analysis and CFD simulation were also used to investigate the influ-
Non- pre

ences of air preheating temperature and oxygen concentration on NOx

emission in furnaces [147,148].



Fig. 7 shows schematic diagrams of CDC combustion facility on the
NO emissions

left and regenerative HiTAC technology on the right. The combustor

Pre mixed

was operated at heat load of 25 kW with heat release intensity of 5 MW/

m3 atm. The CDC had optional quartz windows from three sides and the




forth side had ports for physical diagnostic probes and for ignition of


mixers in the enclosed combustion chamber. The NO concentration was

Equivalent ratio

measured using chemi-luminescence NO-NOX gas analysers [128].

Furthermore, the schematic diagram for HiTAC technology worked
using the regenerators in burners to complete heat exchange between




the high –temperature fume exhausted and the combustion air. At the



same time, it achieved lower emission with energy savings as well as

efficiency enhancement [149].
velocity (m/s)
fuel injection

5.3. Moderate or intensive low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion

114 – 146

128– 205


MILD combustion operates at elevated temperature of reactants and




low temperature increase in the combustion process. The inlet tem-

perature of the reactant mixture should be higher than the mixture of

self-ignition temperature in this combustion process. In addition, the
Inlet fuel injection

increase in the maximum allowable temperature with respect to inlet

velocity (m/s)

temperature is lower than self-ignition mixture temperature [17]. A

review on MILD combustion showed that at relatively low pressures,
97 – 136
73 – 133

61 –97

the pressure-temperature range extended with depression in oxidation

Various input and operational parameters for Colourless distributed Combustions (CDC).



whereby a clean and clearing combustion processes are identified


Various imput and operational parameters for colourless distributed combustions (CDC)

[150]. An experimental study on MILD combustion of evaporated li-

quids fuels showed that the combustion stability was highly dependent
Thermal Int. range

on fuel type and pressure, and the measured CO emissions are very low

[150]. In addition, NOX emissions were found to be sensitive as well to

the combustion pressure, and ultra-low emissions could be achieved by
22.5– 27





the MILD combustion [112]. Another study investigated the impact of



external operating parameters on the performance of a cyclonic burner

with high level of internal recirculation under MILD combustion. The

Comb. heat load

results presented a promising strategy to stabilise the oxidation process

that limit system temperatures to reduce pollutant emissions while

ensuring high process efficiency [151]. Similarly, the application of


MILD oxy-fuel combustion technology provided an increase in the



overall net efficiency by about 2% [152].

Methane +Inert
Methane +H2

5.4. Catalytic fuel combustion

Type of fuel




The catalytic fuel combustion concept is based on the catalytic


combustion zone followed by a homogeneous combustion zone. The

mechanism depends on the elevation of pressure at the homogeneous
Low calorific value fuel

combustion zone that triggers the reaction at reasonably low tem-

Velocity &Turbulence
Swirling air injection

peratures in the range of 800 – 900 °C and complete the combustion

Hydrogen addition

Hydrogen addition
Reverse C/Section
Input parameter

Flow field effect

[18]. Catalytic combustion is one of the promising technologies in gas

Swirling flow

Novel mixing
Fuel dilution

turbines to reduce NOX emissions, at the same time keeping CO and

unburnt hydrocarbons very low. Catalytic combustion have shown to be
Table 3

much more stable at reduced power, which results in a greater turn-

down ratio with low emissions [18]. The studies on status and

I.I. Enagi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 43–55

Fig. 7. A line diagram of CDC test combustion facility (left) [128], and a schematic diagram of regenerative HiTAC technology (right) [149].

perspectives of catalytic combustion for gas turbines demonstrated that combustors.

the catalytic combustion was viable for natural gas–fired gas turbine
commercial service [153]. In addition, a study on optimal combustion Acknowledgements
dimensions for catalytic combustion of methane –air mixtures demon-
strated the significant role of combustion dimensions in combustion The authors gracefully acknowledge the Universiti Sains Malaysia,
stability [154]. Research University Individual (RUI) grant (PMEKANIK: 814282) for
the financial support.
6. Summary
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