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Yusuf Osman Donar, Ezgi Çag Lar, Ali Sınag : Full Length Article

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Fuel 183 (2016) 366–372

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Full Length Article

Preparation and characterization of agricultural waste biomass based

Yusuf Osman Donar, Ezgi Çağlar, Ali Sınağ ⇑
Ankara University, Department of Chemistry, 06100 Besßevler, Ankara, Turkey

h i g h l i g h t s

 Carbon content increased with increasing temperature.

 Prepared hydrochars contain hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl, ether and ester groups.
 Spherical/semi-spherical particles were prepared.
 Semi-graphitized amorphous carbonaceous structure formed.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study hazelnut shell and olive residue were hydrothermally carbonized in a stainless steel auto-
Received 29 October 2015 clave. Chemical, structural and physicochemical properties of obtained hydrochars were investigated in
Received in revised form 29 April 2016 dependence of the reaction parameters and characterized by use of various techniques. Reaction temper-
Accepted 22 June 2016
ature was found to have a much stronger influence on hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of biomass than
Available online 27 June 2016
reaction time after 2 h. Hydrochar samples consist of spherical/semi-spherical particles in nano to micron
size with aromatic framework. Hazelnut shell based hydrochars have higher number of O-containing
reactive functional groups compared with the olive residue based hydrochars. Because of the knowledge
Hydrothermal carbonization
Waste biomass
gaps in hydrochar characterization, more comprehensive product characterization and reporting are
Carbonaceous spheres needed to advance our understanding of HTC processes, products and applications. By the help of the
Surface functionalities results of this study, it will be possible to choose the appropriate hydrochar characteristics in various
applications of hydrochars.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Another advantage of the hydrothermal method is to allow car-

bonaceous sphere formation of nano and/or micro size. This car-
Carbonaceous materials received a great attention in the last bonaceous spheres have a wide variety of surface functional
decade because of their wide range of applications such as water groups such as AOH, AC@O and ACOOH. Hydrothermal carboniza-
purification [1], or as electrode materials for super-capacitors [2], tion of biomass in aqueous media allows lots of oxygenated func-
catalysts [3–5], catalyst support material [6] and solid fuel [7,8]. tional groups to occur on the surface of the carbonaceous material
The hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process is one of the most and these functional groups play a very critical role for some appli-
common thermochemical conversion technologies which first cations such as for dyes or heavy metal ion adsorption [11,12].
was demonstrated in 1913 [9] and has practiced extensively after Generation of carbonaceous materials from waste biomasses as
2000. At hydrothermal conditions biomass is converted to car- carbon sources has a critical importance since it is a renewable and
bonaceous materials in water, under mild thermal conditions environmentally benign method. The biomass feedstocks used in
(150–350 °C), autogenous pressure and with relatively short reac- this work were hazelnut shell and olive husk. Hazelnut shell is
tion times [10]. an important agricultural residue in Turkey being the largest hazel-
nut producer in the world [13]. Olive residue is also an important
biomass generated especially in the Mediterranean region of Tur-
key as a byproduct of olive oil production.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Sınağ).
0016-2361/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.O. Donar et al. / Fuel 183 (2016) 366–372 367

In our previous work low temperature (180 °C) hydrothermal respectively. For instance, HTC-OR (260 °C, 4 h) refers to
carbonization of saccharides and waste biomasses were success- hydrothermally carbonized olive residue at 260 °C for 4 h.
fully performed and evaluated in terms of the char formation
mechanism [7]. In the present paper, the effects of operational con-
ditions on the chemical, morphological and structural characteris- 2.3. Analysis of hydrochars
tics of hydrochars obtained from the two bio-residues were
investigated. Even though the hydrothermal carbonization of bio- X-ray Diffraction analyses of biomass and hydrochar samples
mass has been investigated by various workers [14,15], this work were carried out by a Rigaku D/Max 2200ULTIMAN X-ray diffrac-
differs from those in regard to the use of wide variety of analysis tometer, using CuKa radiation. Elemental analysis of hydrochars
techniques to improve the understanding of operation conditions and biomass were determined using a LECO 932 CHNS elemental
on the chemical, structural, physicochemical properties and forma- analyzer. XPS spectra was recorded by a PHI-5000 Versaprobe
tion process of hydrochars. using Al monochromatic X-ray anode and Gaussian peaks for the
peak fitting. 13C CP-MAS NMR analyses were conducted by a Bru-
2. Materials and methods ker Avance 300 MHz (7T) spectrometer spinning at MAS rate
nMAS = 7 kHz. Raman spectra were obtained from a Horiva (Lab-
2.1. Materials Ram HR-800) analyzer with 532 nm laser in the range of 1000–
2000 cm 1. High resolution transmission electron microscope
Hazelnut shell (HS) and olive residue (OR) were used as car- (CTEM) analysis was performed with an FEI Tecnai G2 (at
bonaceous material precursors. Olive oil waste was provided from 200 kV) transmission electron microscope to determine the parti-
a local olive oil factory at Muğla from Turkey and formed the cle size and shape of the hydrochar particles. Scanning electron
remaining material after the oil extraction from the olive kernel. microscope (SEM) images were obtained using a QUANTA 400F
Hazelnut shell was supplied from the Black sea region in the north- Field Emission SEM device.
ern part of Turkey. The proximate and ultimate analysis of the raw
biomass samples (HS and OR) are given in Table S1 in supporting
information (SI). The air dried biomasses were milled and then 3. Results and discussion
sieved through a 425 lm mesh.
3.1. Recovered hydrochars yield
2.2. Hydrothermal carbonization experiments
The effects of reaction parameters on the solid product yield are
The hydrothermal carbonization experiments were carried out shown in Fig. 1. High carbonization rates lead to formation of gas-
in, a 1 L stirred pressure reactor (Parr, model 4571) under different eous and liquid products and solid product yield decreased with
reaction conditions changing the temperature (180, 220 and the separation of this by-products when compared with the initial
260 °C) and the reaction time (2, 4 and 6 h). In a typical run, 40 g weight of biomass. Hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass
biomass was dispersed in 400 mL distilled water in the reactor may occur at 180 °C [7], even though cellulose and lignin do not
and heated with 4 °C/min. It took about 45, 60 and 75 min to reach undergo any significant changes below 220 °C temperature. It
180, 220 and 260 °C temperatures, respectively. After reaction can be explained by the thermally unstable hemicellulose content
solid product was separated from liquid via vacuum filtration. of the lignocellulosic biomass (Table S1 in SI). At 180 °C, olive resi-
The carbonaceous material was washed with distilled water 3 due has a low solid product yield (high conversion rate) compared
times and dried in an oven at 80 °C for 24 h. The obtained hydro- with hazelnut shell because of the higher hemicellulose content
chars from hazelnut shell (HS) and olive residue (OR) were labeled relative to hazelnut shell. Low concentrations have provided better
according to biomass type, reaction temperature and reaction time carbonization for waste biomasses.

Fig. 1. Effects of reaction parameters on the solid product yield, (a) 4 h and (b) 220 °C.
368 Y.O. Donar et al. / Fuel 183 (2016) 366–372

3.2. Chemical analysis of hydrochars

The Elemental analysis regarding C, H, O and N results (Fig. 2)

show that the carbon content of hydrochar samples increased with
increasing temperature. This result indicates that carbonization
process is positively influenced by reaction temperature; on the
other hand, different reaction times showed no significant effects
on the elemental composition of hydrochar samples.
Regarding the H/C and O/C ratios is useful to characterize the
chemical transformations that take place during the hydrothermal
carbonization of input materials [16]. Decreasing of H/C and O/C
ratios indicate ACH3 and CO2 elimination respectively. High O/C
ratio is the evidence of low carbonization rates and the existence
of polar functional groups on the hydrochars [17]. H/C and O/C
ratios of hydrochars show that (Fig. 3) olive residue based hydro-
chars have a higher carbonization rate than hazelnut shell based
hydrochars and hazelnut shell based hydrochars have higher num-
ber of O-containing reactive functional groups at high reaction
temperatures compared with the olive residue based hydrochars
because of the high O/C ratio. Fig. 3. Atomic H/C–O/C ratios of raw biomasses and synthesized hydrochar
Hydrochars obtained at 180 °C and 220 °C show two XRD peaks samples.
around 15° and 22° and these peaks correspond to amorphous cel-
lulose structure [18]. It is interesting that when the crystal struc-
ture of pristine cellulose decomposes at 220 °C [19],
characteristic cellulose peaks are still observed at this temperature 3.3. Structural analysis of hydrochars
in waste biomasses (Fig. S1 in SI). This could be the result of the
complex structure of waste biomasses. Biomass has three major Table 1 shows the Raman spectra information on hydrochar
components; cellulose (40–60%), hemicellulose (20–40%) and lig- samples. The signal obtained in the low frequency region shows
nin (10–25%) [20]. Lignin is the most robust component among two specific bands for carbonaceous materials; the graphite (G)
these structures and it acts as a protective layer [21]. Because of band between 1570 cm 1 and 1600 cm 1 and the disorder-
the protective lignin layer, the crystalline structure of cellulose is induced (D) band between 1330 cm 1 and 1360 cm 1 [22]. The G
preserved at 220 °C in the waste biomasses but when the temper- band is associated with the in-plane bond-stretching motion of
ature was raised to 260 °C, no crystalline peaks of cellulose were pairs of sp2 carbon atoms in aromatic and olefinic molecules and
observed anymore and a new sharp peak appeared at 26.5°, which the D band is assigned to ring breathing vibrations in condensed
corresponds to 002 lattice spacing indicating graphitic structure benzene rings in partially hydrogenated amorphous carbon
and p-p⁄ transitions [22]. Consequently, semi-graphitized amor- materials [16]. Characteristic D and G bands were observed for
phous hydrochar was prepared at 260 °C using the waste bio- all prepared hydrochar samples. The graphitization degree of car-
masses as a carbon source. bons can be calculated by the width of the IG peak and the ID/IG

Fig. 2. Elemental composition of prepared hydrochars.

Y.O. Donar et al. / Fuel 183 (2016) 366–372 369

Table 1
Raman spectra information on hydrochar samples.
1 1
Sample ID ID IG cm (D band) cm (G band) ID/IG
HTC-HS (260 °C, 4 h) 5246.66 9171.01 1380.69 1581.03 0.57
HTC-HS (180 °C, 4 h) 1759.16 2848.4 1378.36 1586.93 0.62
HTC-OR (180 °C, 4 h) 6618.48 9782.54 1368.38 1578.86 0.68
HTC-OR (260 °C, 4 h) 15045.99 23783.71 1388.52 1588.66 0.63

ratio. A bigger ID/IG ratio indicates a lower graphitization degree given in Fig. 5. As a result of peak correction, five signals were iden-
[2]. The calculated ID/IG values of hydrochars are shown in Table 1. tified at 284.6 ± 0.2 eV (C1), 285.7 ± 0.2 eV (C2), 287.3 ± 0.2 eV (C3),
The graphitization degree of the other hydrochar samples range 289.1 ± 0.2 eV (C4) and 291.1 ± 0.2 eV (C5). These peaks corre-
from 0.57 to 0.68 indicating the amorphous carbon structure with spond to carbon group (C@C, CHx, CAC), hydroxyl groups or ethers
a large amount of lattice edges (defects) in plane terminations of (ACAOR), carbonyl or quinone groups (˜C@O), and carboxylic
disordered graphite of carbonaceous materials [23]. groups, esters, or lactones (@COOR) and p-p⁄ transitions, respec-
C CP-MAS NMR analyses provide reliable structural informa- tively [16,25]. The first four functional groups generated from
tion about cellulose, lignin, coals and different types of carbon- aromatization, dehydration, condensation, and esterification reac-
based materials as well as hydrothermal carbons [24]. 13C CP- tions respectively during hydrothermal carbonization process
MAS NMR spectra of hydrochars obtained at different tempera- [23]. The last one is the reason of condensate aromatic structure
tures are given in Fig. 4. The peaks which belong to unconverted formation. All other hydrochar samples have p-p* transitions
cellulose are still observed at hydrochar obtained at from low tem- owing to condensate aromatic structure.
peratures (180 °C) but when temperature was raised to 260 °C, no Hydrochar samples and biomass feedstock were analyzed semi-
peaks were observed in relation to unconverted cellulose (Table S2 quantitatively with the XPS analysis according to fitted peak areas
in SI). The intensity of the peak which indicates monocyclic/poly- (Fig. S2 in SI) [26]. No peaks belonging to C5 groups were observed
cyclic aromatic carbon of hydrochar is increased with decreasing in the hazelnut shells and olive residue. When they were
furanic structure peak intensity as a result of aromatization hydrothermally carbonized C5 group appeared at. The peak area
reactions. of C5 groups of olive residue based hydrochar increased with
Hydrochar has large amounts of functional groups on the outer increasing reaction temperature contrary to hazelnut shell based
layers and these functionalities were determined with X-ray pho- hydrochars. The presence of carbonyl/carbonate groups (C3) is also
toelectron spectroscopy (XPS). C1s core level spectra of raw bio- important for many applications [26]. The maximum C3 peak area
mass and hydrochars obtained from the two bio-residues are for hazelnut shell and olive residue is obtained at 180 and 220 °C,

Fig. 4. C CP-MAS NMR spectra of hydrochars.
370 Y.O. Donar et al. / Fuel 183 (2016) 366–372

Fig. 5. XPS spectra of biomass and hydrochar (4 h).

respectively. When temperature was raised to 260 °C, C3 peak area shell and olive residue have different hemicellulose, cellulose and
can decrease because of the decarboxylation reactions, which is lignin contents (Table S1). High hemicellulose content improves
consistent with the C/H and C/O considerations. sphere formation and this phenomenon is proved with SEM images
of olive residue based hydrochars (Fig. 6). Olive residue contain
3.4. Physicochemical analysis and mechanistic consideration of more spherical particles compared to hazelnut shell. In spite of
hydrochar formation the fact that cellulose and lignin need higher temperatures
(P220 °C) to decompose, hazelnut shell and olive residue are dis-
SEM and TEM images of hydrochar samples obtained from the integrated at low temperatures (180 °C) as examined in the previ-
two biomass types are given in Fig. 6. Hydrothermal carbonization ous work [7]. These observations support that the first step of
of biomass is a complex process due to its complex structure which hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass is hemicellulose
consists of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Thermal stability of degradation which is the reason of the sphere formation. After that,
these constituents is ranked as follows: hemicellulose < cellu- cellulose and lignin decompose respectively to form condensed
lose < lignin [20]. Hemicellulose is the least stable part of lignocel- aromatic structure with increasing temperature. This observation
lulosic biomass and hydrolyzed furfural like components are is also consistent with the results obtained from semi-
responsible for sphere formation at low temperatures. Hazelnut quantitative XPS analysis.
Y.O. Donar et al. / Fuel 183 (2016) 366–372 371

Fig. 6. SEM and TEM images of hydrochars (260 °C, 4 h).

4. Conclusions Acknowledgement

Hydrochars were successfully prepared from waste biomass The authors would like to acknowledge TUBITAK (The Scientific
and the effects of different reaction conditions on the hydrochar and Technological Research Council of Turkey) for providing finan-
production and properties were identified. Hydrochars obtained cial support for this work through the Project ‘‘113Z635”.
under different hydrothermal conditions will have different chem-
ical and physical features because different reaction conditions Appendix A. Supplementary material
alter the thermodynamics and kinetics of the hydrothermal car-
bonization reaction. Reaction temperature is the main parameter Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
for the hydrochar preparation; however, reaction time has a slight the online version, at
influence. All hydrochar samples have aromatic structure and large
amounts of O-functionalities on the surface. The resulting hydro- References
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