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Energies: Gasification of Biochar From Empty Fruit Bunch in A Fluidized Bed Reactor

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Energies 2010, 3, 1344-1352; doi:10.


ISSN 1996-1073
Gasification of Biochar from Empty Fruit Bunch in a Fluidized
Bed Reactor
M. A. Mohd Salleh *, Nsamba Hussein Kisiki, H. M. Yusuf and W. A. Wan Ab Karim Ghani
Department of Chemical and Enviromental Engineering Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang,
Malaysia; E-Mails: (N.H.K.); (H.M.Y.); (W.A.W.A.K.G.)
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;
Tel.: +603-89466286; Fax: +603-86567120.
Received: 6 May 2010 / Accepted: 31 May 2010 / Published: 2 July 2010

Abstract: A biochar produced from empty fruit bunches (EFB) was gasified in a fluidized
bed using air to determine gas yield, overall carbon conversion, gas quality, and
composition as a function of temperature. The experiment was conducted in the
temperature range of 500850 C. It was observed that biochar has the potential to replace
coal as a gasification agent in power plants. Hydrogen gas from biochar was also optimized
during the experiment. High temperatures favor H
and CO formation. There was an increase
of H
over the temperature range from 500850 C from 5.53% to 27.97% (v/v), with
a heating value of 30 kJ /g. The C conversion in the same temperature range increased
from 76% to 84%. Therefore, there are great prospects for the use of biochar from EFB as
an alternative fuel in power plants, as a renewable energy providing an alternative path to
biofuels. Results from this work enable us to better understand syn gas production under
high treatment temperatures.
Keywords: biochar; fluidized bed; empty fruit bunch; gasification; hydrogen gas

1. Introduction
Increase in green house gases due to biomass decomposition poses great threats with options for
going green. The combustion and gasification of coal, a non renewable fuel, results into increased
carbon dioxide emissions and over ash accumulation.
Energies 2010, 3

The Malaysian government has put renewable Energy on the forefront in its bid under the
Malaysian Plan and the Third Outline Perspective Plan for 20012010 (OPP3) [1] in support of the
Worlds efforts to overcome energy threats and fight climate change. Choo et al., 2005 [2] reported
that the current oil and gas reserves for Malaysia equal 16 and 32 years, respectively, of service life.
Malaysia will be in a total energy scarcity by 2100 if no alternative sources for energy are adopted.
The move for the Malaysian government to support renewable energy, especially from biomass, is
seen as a clean and environmentally friendly, since the International Energy Agency 2002 reported that
most of the emissions come from energy (80%) and agriculture 20% [3].The palm oil industry has a
role to play in overcoming these global challenges. Gasification of palm waste is seen to offset green
house emissions and to reduce the large volumes of ash in coal plants generated, which can power
combustion, pyrolysis and gasification plants. This can only be achieved through environmentally and
an economically feasible technology.
Gasification is the thermal conversion of solid material into a gaseous product in a limited air
supply at higher temperatures. Malaysia is one of the largest producers of palm oil in the World today,
with a variety of empty fruit bunches as waste from the palm oil industry. Reports from the Malaysian
Palm Oil Industry Performance, 2009 [1] report that in the year 2008, Malaysia produced 17.7 million
tonnes of palm oil on 4.5 million hectares of land. Furthermore, Malaysia ranked as the second largest
producer of Palm oil in the World Growth Oil Green Development campaign, 2009 [4]. This portrays
its potential for sustainable wastes from palm oil residues. A report from the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate change, UNFCCC, 2006 [5] on clean Development Mechanism
revealed that making use of the waste from palm oil empty fruit bunch EFB waste would reduce CO
reductions by 25,139 tonnes per year. Since the year 2000, the production of EFB is over 16 million
tonnes every year, which is discarded as waste .This waste has been pyrolyzed for primary products
like oil and generating 2030% EFB char. The char generated is mostly useful for further application
because it is a very reactive material. Gasification of this char is one of the most promising routes.
Rao et al., 2001 [6] investigated the kinetic parameters of char gasification under treatment
temperatures of 750900 C under CO
treatment: his results were in agreement with other values on
char gasification in literature. Fluidized beds are a choice of practical application for this purpose due
to the high heat and mass transfer rates and the even temperature distribution compared to all other
reactors, with attention from many researchers. Ocampo et al. [7] performed a study on coal char
gasification characteristics at different steam/coal and air/coal ratios and temperatures of gasifying
agent in a fluidized bed. Bayarsaikhan et al. 2006 [8] studied steam gasification of a Victorian brown
coal in an atmospheric bubbling fluidized bed reactor with continuous feeding of the coal. From
Chatterjee, 1995 [9], gasification of a high-ash India coal in a laboratory-scale, atmospheric fluidized
bed gasifier using steam and air as fluidizing media was studied. The variation of product gas
composition, calorific value, bed temperature and carbon conversion with oxygen and steam feed was
discussed, and the experimental data were compared with the predicted.
The gasification characteristics for a sub-bituminous coal with an air-steam mixture in a pressurized
fluidized bed gasifier were studied by Huang et al., 2003 [10]. Kim et al., 1996 [11] investigated the
gasification of Australian coal in an internally circulating fluidized bed with a draft tube. His emphasis
was on the effects of temperature, coal feed rate and steam to coal mass ratio, oxygen to coal biomass
ratio on product gas composition, cold gas efficiency, carbon conversion, calorific value and gas yield.
Energies 2010, 3

Kikuchi et al., 1985 [12], Gutierrez and Watkinson, 1982 [13] and Crnomarkovic et al. 2007 [14] did
similar work aimed at the same study. Cousins et al., 2006 [15], investigated the reactivity of chars
formed in fluidized bed gasifiers discovered a rapid decrease in char reactivity during its formation as
part of the pyrolysis of the coal. Liu et al., 2004 [16], investigated the effects of pyrolysis time and
found that a longer pyrolysis time led to lower reactivity of a char, while this effect leveled off as
pyrolysis time increased. Guo et al., 2008 [17], studied the changes in char structure during the
gasification of brown coal in a fluidized bed/fixed bed reactor. In 2004, Li et al. [18] performed
biomass gasification tests in a pilot-scale air-blown circulating fluidized bed gasifier. When air is used
as the gasifying agent, the main products include C
, C
, H
, CO, CO
, CH
, C
and N
, with a
solid phase consisting of char, inorganic ash and condensable aromatic hydrocarbons called tars.
Encinar and co-workers, 2002 [19,20], carried out isothermal experiments on steam gasification of
Cynara cardunculus between 300 and 800 C in a fixed bed, and found that particle size, nitrogen flow
rate, and initial sample weight generally did not exert any influence, whereas temperature was very
significant. Dyk et al., 2006 [21], studied the effect of temperature and gasification medium with the
aim of optimizing co-gasification of coal and wastes for Sasol-Lurgi gasifiers. Boon and co-workers,
1994 [22], identified three distinct stages in the formation of char from microcrystalline cellulose at
low temperatures. Below 250 C, the oligosaccharides were preserved, but the color of the char and its
FTIR spectra indicated the formation of unsaturated C-C bonds and carbonyl groups, probably due to
water loss. Despite their efforts, there is need for a clear understanding of the temperature effects on
the EFB char. The aim of this research is to optimize the production of hydrogen from EFB char under
high treatment temperatures. Chars derived from biomass are gasified because they are a promising
feedstock for hydrogen production and gas synthesis (H2 +CO).Through Fischer-Tropsch technology,
the synthesized gas can be converted to liquid fuels.
2. Methodology
2.1. Material and Methods
EFB char samples were from Nasmech Technologies Sdn Bhd. The process of their manufacture
involves pyrolysis of the EFB wastes under a size range of 400500 mm operated under a rotary drum
at temperatures in the range of 300 C350 C via slow pyrolysis in a batch process at atmospheric
pressure. Slow pyrolysis is the controlled thermal conversion of EFB in the absence of oxygen at
temperatures of 300 C350 C under a longer residence time. This process evolves tars, volatiles and
chars. The char as received has a moisture content 5.4%, the size of the chars is in the ranges
of 25 mm. The char was further ground to a mean size diameter of 500 m. The char was oven dried
at 105 C to dry-off any remaining water. The proximate and ultimate analyses were performed using
ASTM methods [23].
2.2. Gasification
The process of gasification was performed on a laboratory scale at atmospheric pressure in a
fluidized bed gasification system (Figure 1). A known EFB char mass sample was put in the reactor on
a batch system under the air flow rate of 5 liters/minute through manual loading. After reaching the
desired temperature, compressed air was supplied for gasification and fluidization through the bottom
Energies 2010, 3

of the gasifier at a constant flow rate. The air supply to the gasifier bed and feeder were controlled and
monitored using two flow meters and two valves separately. The gasifier was heated by a tube furnace
from 500 C850 C at an increment of 100 C per new run. The gasifier had an inside diameter
of 4 cm and a length of 40 cm. The thermocouples collected temperatures of at three different locations
of the gasifier: measuring the bottom temperature, the temperature in the middle of the gasifier and the
temperature at the top. The hot gas was cooled to about 20 C by a water-cooled condenser. The
condensed gas collected in the flask and the particulates then filtered. The gas passed through a
dessiccator column to remove the moisture in the gas before collecting gas samples in the gas bags.
The gas was collected in an air tight gas bag whose maximum capacity was 12 liters and would fill up
every 2 minutes, after which it was replaced with another empty gas bag until the end of the
experiment. A total of 6 gas bags per run was collected and analyzed offline. Each experiment was
done in duplicate and results were in good consistency.
Figure 1. The experimental setup: schematic (left panel) and image (right panel).

Gas samples were collected in gas bags and taken for analysis per 2 minute collection interval using
an off-line GC gas analysis system (GC) (Model: Agilent G1530N, Germany, Agilent Technologies,
Inc. Serial number CN10710068) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). A GC
calibration was performed using a certified standard gas prior to each test. High-purity Argon was used
as the carrier gas. The off-line GC analysis system could detect H
, CO, CO
, O
, CH
and N
Calculation of the high heating value follows (where C is the weight fraction of carbon; H of
hydrogen; O of oxygen; A of ash; S of sulfur and N of nitrogen appearing in the Ultimate analysis).
HHV (in kJ /g) =0.3491 C +1.1783 H 0.1034 O 0.0211 A +0.1005 S 0.0151 N (1)
Table 1. Volume of Product gas composition as quantified from GC Analysis.
Size = 500 m
Volume (L)
Ash (grams) Original mass
H2 C0 C02 CH4
50.00 500 1.992 0.620 0.997 0.144 12.00
58.00 600 4.272 0.650 0.914 0.603 11.77
50.00 700 5.40 0.615 0.873 0.900 9.55
50.00 750 6.14 0.564 0.830 1.604 8.45
51.11 800 9.52 0.984 0.711 1.794 8.45
50.00 850 10.07 1.000 0.698 1.680 7.95
Energies 2010, 3

3. Results and Discussion
Fuel properties indicate an ultimate analysis of: 61.51% carbon, 10.51% hydrogen, 26% oxygen
and 1.98% nitrogen, while for proximate analysis: volatile matter 25.38%, fixed carbon, 54.05%,
moisture content 5.4% and HHV of 30.818 kJ /g. Results below show the single char particle structure.
Figure 2. Diameter of single char.

Figure 3. The pore distribution.

From the analysis of the metal components by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), we identify
metallic elements such as magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu),
manganese (Mn), titanium (Ti) and yttrium (Y), as can be seen in Figure 4. The presence of these
metallic elements plays an important role during the gasification process at higher temperatures. At
higher temperatures, these metallic elements decompose and act as catalysts in the chemical reactions
that take place during the evolution of the product gases. Ganga et al., 2000 [24] reported that the
gasification reactivity of a char depends on the nature and quantity of the metals (indigenous or added)
present in the char, the heat treatment temperature (HTT), the heat treatment time or residence time
(Rt) and the nature of the reactant gas. Table 2 shows the metals present in char.

Energies 2010, 3

Figure 4. SEM peaks for elemental identification.

Table 2. Volume of the product gas per gram of biochar.
Size = 500 m,
flowrate = 5 L/min
Volume in ml/gram
Conversion %
Original mass (grams) H
/g CO/g CO
/g CH
50.00 500 39.84 12.4 19.94 2.88 76.00
58.00 600 73.65 11.18 15.75 10.38 79.77
50.00 700 108 12.3 17.45 18 80.90
50.00 750 111.63 10.25 15.09 29.17 82.00
51.11 800 173.1 17.89 12.93 32.6 83.00
50.00 850 201.4 20 13.95 33.6 84.00

4. Effect of Temperature
Temperature not only affects the product gas yield but also controls the process energy input. The
gas yields of H
and CO increased as the temperatures increased, while CO
and CH
decreased. It was
observed that the total gas yield increased monotonically with temperature. According to Le Chatelier's
principle, higher temperatures favor the reactants in the exothermic reactions and the products in the
endothermic reactions. It is evident to have increasing H
and CO, which are the most important gases
in syn gas production because the reactions are favored towards the reactant side at high temperatures.
Increasing temperature in the regions of 500 C850 C increase the production of H
gas and CO,
with a decrease in CO
and CH
. As the temperature increases, both carbon and methane are reformed
to form H
and CO. This accounts for the increased concentration of H
and CO. Increasing the
temperature up to a maximum threshold leads to a maximum yield of H
, beyond which it cannot
increase any more, but decreases. This is due to the Water gas shift (WGS) reaction, which is sensitive
to temperature increase with tendency to shift the reaction towards the reactants according to
Le-Chateliers principle. Mansary et al. 1999 [25] made the same observations when he studied the air
gasification of rice in a fluidized bed. Use of biomass to bio oil has taken on a commercial movement.
For example, Dalai in 2003 [26] reported that two commercial plants. Ensyn Technologies Inc. in
Ottawa, Canada is being operated by Red Arrow Products Co. WI (50 tonnes/day). Also, a pilot
Energies 2010, 3

demonstration unit (three tonnes/day) is being operated in Galcia, Spain, using a bubbling fluidized
bed using fast pyrolysis and generating 15% bio char, 15% gas and 70% liquid.
5. Carbon Conversion Efficiency and HHV
Higher temperature increases the process of gasification and increases the process of carbon
conversion. At higher temperatures, there is higher heat transfer within the char and more of it is
gasified. The presence of high syngas content at higher temperature contributes to the production
of a high heating value gas suitable for exploitation in internal combustion engine and turbines for
power production.
Figure 5. volume of H
and CO (%).

Figure 6. volume of CH
and CO

Volume of CH
and CO
500 600 700 800 900

Volume (V/v) %
olume of H
and CO %

0 0 0 0 0

lume % (v/v)

Energies 2010, 3

6. Conclusions

Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of temperature on the product gas
composition, gas quality, heating value and char composition. Results reveal that temperature is a very
significant factor in the production of a H
rich gas. Total syn gas yield increased from 6.1% to 42.4%
with an optimum value of 27.97% (v/v) H
with the increase of gasification temperature from
500 C850 C. The results indicate a very promising possibility of producing hydrogen and syn gas
from chars derived from empty fruit bunch through cheap air gasification.
Special thanks to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) for
sponsoring the work under grant TF 0308D038.
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2010 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an Open Access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license

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