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Lam-Ang Drills Part 9

1. Teacher Mark uses cooperative learning method to help his students be at ease socially, learn
interactively, and promote harmony in the classroom. What component of teacher preparation
is being used?
A. Pedagogy C. Experiential learning
B. Major courses D. General knowledge and understanding

2. This Operating System that is found bundled inside all computer machines.
A. Systems Software C. Custom Software
B. Application Software D. offline software

3. The first people power was held in February 25, 1986. What kind of knowledge is presented?
A. Conditional Knowledge C. Domain- specific knowledge
B. Cognitive Knowledge D. procedural knowledge

4. A software packaged helps with a variety of tasks such as drawing graphs, playing games,
calculating numbers.
A. Custom Software C. Commercial Software
B. System Software D. Application Software
5. Globalization was conceptualized because the world became borderless mainly because of
A. International partnerships
B. Use of English in teaching
C. Increasing numbers of globally competent teachers
D. Technology breakthroughs and advances

6. The students of MR. Reyes were not able to learn the concepts that he presented yesterday So
she taught the same concepts again but this time using a different teaching method. What
principle of learning was applied?
A. Concepts should be presented in varied and different ways
B. Effort was put forth when tasks are challenging
C. Learning by doing is more effective than just by sitting and listening
D. Learning aided by formulating and asking questions.

7. Windows, a self-contained operating system which provides the following except one:
A. Information Centre C. User convenience
B. Plug and play D. Open source
8. Alvin is a transferee and feels uneasy with his new school. His teacher is very accommodating,
warm and caring.Alvin felt comfortable with the teacher display of genuine warmth. The
Teacher is consistent in his manner and Alvin began to associate school with the teacher’s
warmth. Which theory is being illustrated?
A. Meaningful learning C. Classical conditioning
B. Operant conditioning D. Observational learning

9. The following are the characteristics of hypermedia application except one:

A. Learner wide range of navigation routes C. Learner Manipulation
B. Learner control D. Variety of media

10. After just being introduced to another guest in the party, klenth cannot remember the name of
the guest he was introduced to. In what memory stage was the information stored in?
A. Episodic memory C. Sensory memory
B. Semantic memory D. Working memory
11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about a glocal teacher?
A. Has a cultural and historical foundation that can be seen in his/her thinking and actions.
B. Is inclusive and understands the tendency of differences in cultures of his/her learners.
C. Prioritizes skill enhancements and competencies of the learners making it the basis of
D. Can use innovative and creative approaches and techniques in teaching.

12. What is TCP stands for?

A. Teacher Common Principles C. Transmission Contain Project
B. Transmission Control Protocol D. Teacher Complied Papers

13. What is CAI mean in Educational Technology?

A. Computer- assisted instruction
B. Computer automated Instruction
C. Combined Assisted Instruction
D. Complete access Instruction

14. A burglary occurred in Jason’s neighbourhood. Since then, Jason is very care full of locking
their doors and closing windows. What theory best explains Jason’s behaviour?
A. Observational learning C. Imitation learning
B. Self- regulated learning D. Vicarious learning
15. Roland Robertson stated “think local, act global”, he meant that ______.
A. Lessons should focus on local needs, knowledge, and values
B. Use foreign knowledge for your lessons
C. Focus on local needs, but wear current international trends
D. Teach in local community but conform to world standards

16. It is a term which implies a mass reach of student?

A. Mass media C. Mass communication
B. Mass amateurization D. Mass orientation

17. In observation and Imitation learning, what should be the learner’s response when the teacher
initially models the behaviour?
A. Reproduce and match C. Imitate and practice
B. Pay Attention D. Shows satisfaction

18. Teacher Lea divided her class into five groups, she let the students gather information to real
world about the activity she present. What kind of approach teacher lea did?
A. Resource – based C. Inductive approach
B. Traditional approach D. Deductive approach
19. As a Filipino teacher, which attributes you should have to become a global teacher?
A. Deep faith and respect to everyone
B. Technology excellence and knowledge on current trends
C. Fairness and awareness to different cultures
D. Environment advocate and socially inclined

20. For every correct answer, the teacher would give a star to her students. What schedule of
reinforcement was used?
A. Fixed interval C. Variable interval
B. Fixed ratio D. Variable ratio

21. Constructivism was introduced by Piaget and Burner, knowledge is constructed by the
individual learner. What is an effort to show that construction of knowledge is governed by
social historical and cultural contexts?
A. Constructivism C. Social Constructivism
B. Knowledge Discovery D. Naturalism
22. Different activities that support actual teaching. This may be in form of homework, remedial
class, or co-curricular activities.
A. Management of Learning C. Actual Teaching
B. Assessment and Evaluation D. Administrative Work

23. Margo, six year old, always asked her playmate to sit in front of her small black board and she
plays teacher. Her mother is a teacher. What theory explains Margo’s behavior?
A. Classical Conditioning C. Social Learning
B. Operant Conditioning D. Information Processing
24. Writes tests, checks and records test paper results, engaging with the learners’ parents, making
reports and other related activities refer to _______.
A. Management of Learning C. Administrative Work
B. Paperwork D. Actual Teaching

25. Who is the psychologist stressed that learning is affected by social influences?
A. Piaget C. Frued
B. Burner D. Vygotsky

26. What should be the hierarchy of the types of learning according to the cumulative learning
1. Problem solving learning
2. Rule learning
3. Discrimination learning
4. Concept learning

A. 2-1-3-4 C. 2-3-4-1
B. 2-1-4-3 D. 2-4-3-1

27. In Computer’s Capabilities, computer can provide vast amount of information in various
forms. It is known as an________?
A. Informative tool C. co- constructive tool
B. Situating tool D. constructive tool

28. Grace is bilingual. She speaks both English and Filipino fluently. She begins to study Spanish
and immediately recognizes many similarities Between the Spanish and Filipino languages and
uses this information to Acquire the new language faster. What kind of transfer was Grace able
to use?
A. Lateral transfer C. Specific Transfer
B. General Transfer D. Vertical Transfer
29. Teach Nel now proceeds to his class to engage his students with discussion and other
meaningful activities within an official time. This refers to ______.
a. Administrative work C. Actual Teaching
b. Management of Learning D. Assessment and Evaluation

30. This characteristic found in new types of learners is their ability to do different tasks at one
time despite its complexity and should not be countered with rigidity.
a. Productivity and Accountability C. Flexibility and Adaptability
b. Initiative and Self-direction D. Leadership and Responsibility

31. Cristina is almost asleep when she felt the need to go to the bathroom.
She tried to sleep it off but after a while, she was forced to stand up and go to bathroom.
What theory of motivation explains Cristina’s behavior?
A. Attribution Theory C. Expectancies and values theory
B. Drive theory D. Solomon’s Opponent Theory

32. Computer can be used for manipulating information, visualizing one’s understanding and
building news knowledge. It is called as__________?
A. Co- constructive tool C. Situating tool
B. Constructive tool D. Informative tool
33. Learner E is not able to work effectively with his group. Aside from favoring some of his
members, he also does not accept ideas that compromises his. What life and career skill learner
E lacks?
A. Social and Cross-cultural skills C. Leadership and Responsibility
B. Initiative and Self-direction D. Productivity and Accountability

34. Luz easily learns a lesson when she is working with laboratory equipment but hardly
remembers a lesson the teacher lectured on. What type of learner is Luz?
A. Auditory Learner C. Tactile Learner
B. Kinesthetic Learner D. Visual Learner

35. What is CSILE stands for?

A. Computer- supported Intentional Learning Environments
B. Computer Sent In- line Learning Environments
C. Company Support International Learning Environments
D. Company Seek Innate Learning Environment
36. This life and career skill enables the learners to set goals and manage these goals themselves,
without needing to be told and given detailed instructions.
a. Productivity and Accountability C. Initiative and Self-direction
b. Leadership and Responsibility D. Flexibility and Adaptability

37. Flight simulation program is an example of what tool in computer’s capabilities?

A. Constructive tool C. Informative tool
B. Situating tool D. Co- constructive tool

38. Ken excels in adding numbers. He learned this skill in his Math class.
He is now able to apply this skill in his science class. What type of transfer was used?
A. Lateral transfer C. Specific transfer
B. General transfer D. Vertical transfer

39. Who described traditional learning as a process in which the teacher pours information to
student learners?
A. Vygotsky C. Piaget
B. Dewey D. Burner

40. It implies developing the potentials of each individual through continuing education and
improving both self-knowledge and self-esteem.
A. Learning to Do C. Learning to Be
B. Learning to Know D. Leaning to Live Together

41. IF u haven’t mastered content yet, it is best to go ________ in method.

A. Inductive C. Inductive first then deductive
B. Deductive D. Deductive first then inductive

42. In this new age of learning aside from teacher, It is also consider a tutor in a 21th century of
A. Program Logic Computer C. Simulator
B. Computer D. Desktop
43. This proves the statement “knowledge acquired is nothing unless applied in daily life.”
A. Learning to Do C. Learning to Be
B. Learning to Know D. Learning to Live Together

44. The role of the teacher in direct instruction is more of a ________.

A. Coach C. Facilitator
B. Lecturer D. Proctor

45. In order to be creative there are three combine skills must be possess by a student except one:
A. Analyzing C. Promoting
B. Synthesizing D. Emphasizing
46. It refers to the ability to know students, use the most effective teaching and learning strategies,
and assess and give feedback to students.
A. Knowing and understanding what to teach
B. Helping students to learn
C. Engaging the community
D. Becoming a better teacher everyday

47. Which does the teacher do in the inductive method?

A. Coaches C. Instructor
B. Facilitator D. Assesses

48. To develop creativity the following task maybe recommended except one:
A. Judge the ideas C. adopt Flexibility
B. Provides feedback D. Brainstorm
49. Teacher A talked to one of the learners’ parents about the learners’ progress in school and also
gave some feedback and recommendation the parents can to help improve the learner’s
performance. This shows _______.
A. Knowing and understanding what to teach
B. Helping students to learn
C. Engaging the community
D. Becoming a better teacher everyday

50. Direct Instruction helps student’s master__________.

A. Problem Solving C. Basic skills
B. Self – discipline D. conceptual information

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