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Study File 8
100 Questions DATE :

1. With the PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following
characteristics, EXCEPT _______.

a. Builds many professional linkages b. Establishes and maintains consistent

standards of learner’s behavior

c. Is safe and conducive for learning d. The learning environment promotes


2. When is it best for teacher Anna to set up classroom routines, e.g. passing of papers,
seeking permission in class, etc.?

a. at the end of the year b. at the start of every class

c. at the start of the year d. in the middle of the year

3. What is meant by action research following a cyclical process?

a. effort is continuing until problem is b. problems occur again and again like a
resolved cycle

c. teachers form a circle during meetings d. the circle of participants change from
time to time

4. What kind of parents can most likely foster a sense of responsibility among children?

a. autocratic b. democratic

c. neglecting d. permissive

5. Which of the following has higher importance than the rest as to best practice of a
professional teacher?

a. appearance as a teacher in dress and b. competency supported by continuing

attire growth

c. loyalty to the school by years of service d. regularity in class attendance ?

6. For what response is continuing professional education or CPE installed for every
professional teacher?

a. monitoring of educational programs b. new trends and reforms

c. past ideas and practices d. review of academic achievement

7. In a FS course, FS students are required to observe, analyze and reflect on actual class
proceedings. Which description of the pedagogical approach of K to 12 as cited in the K-
to-12 law is observed in the conduct of this FS course?

a. Developmentally appropriate b. Inclusive

c. Inquiry-based d. Reflective

8. The following are objectives of action research except ___.

a. improve education practice b. improve teacher’s own craft

c. respond to the call of 21st Century d. satisfy curiosity


9. Teachers are required to make an Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD).
This is based on the philosophy that the teacher is a “lifelong learner”. The NCBTS
provides the steps for ____ assessment in making the IPPD.

a. Collegial b. Need

c. Peer d. Self

10. Which is the essence of SBM?

a. Reduced authority of school head b. Absolute freedom of education and


c. Principal empowerment d. School empowerment

11. Students answers modules, quizzes, and assignments at their own pace and schedule.
They don't need to spend their learning in the classroom with their classmates and
teachers. This type of learning is called

a. Synchronous learning b. Asynchronous learning

c. Collaborative Learning d. Asymmetrical Learning

12. Mrs. Olivarez presented real samples of rocks in her General Science class. What principle
did she apply?

a. Appropriateness b. Authenticity

c. Responsiveness d. Simplicity

13. In this type of classroom, students learn lessons at home with the help of videos or other
instructional materials and spend their valuable classroom time doing assignments with
help from their instructor.

a. electronic classroom b. flipped classroom

c. virtual classroom d. all of the above

14. This is an understanding of how teaching and learning can change when particular
technologies are used in particular methods.

a. TPK b. TCK

c. Tech PACK d. PK

15. It underpins the present study with a cognitive structure that the study intends to verify
or support.

a. Conceptual Framework b. Introduction

c. Literature Review d. Theoretical Framework

16. They display skills in planning, implementing, and managing learning programs. Which
career stages of a teacher is this applicable?

a. Beginning Teachers b. Distinguished Teachers

c. Highly Proficient Teachers d. Proficient Teachers

17. What are equivalent to standards under the Philippine Professional Standards for

a. accreditation of schools b. certificates of training

c. cost of higher education d. levels of qualification

18. Tessa gets jealous whenever she sees her father showing love and affection to her
mother. Which of the following is she showing according to Freud?

a. Complex b. Phallic

c. Electra Complex d. Oedipus Complex

19. Angela focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play that consume most of
her physical energy. Which stage of psychosexual theory illustrates her behavior?

a. Oral b. Anal

c. Phallic d. Latency

20. Mr. Francisco was very much worried about the thumb sucking of his son. A friend of his
says that certain behavior among infants is normal. Who presented the notion that
certain behavior like thumb-sucking is normal behavior?

a. Sigmund Freud b. Erick Erikson

c. John Bowlby d. Urie Bronfenbrenner

21. Dr. Escoto, the school physician conducted a physical examination in Ms. Manuel's class.
What concept best describes the quantitative increase observed by Dr. Escoto among
learners in terms of height and weight?

a. Development b. Growth

c. Learning d. Maturation

22. Temper tantrums are brought on by what emotion?

a. Empathy b. Anger

c. Fear d. Shyness

23. This curricularist has published researches, books, manuals, and other instructional
materials. He/She is a/an _____.

a. implementor b. evaluator

c. planner d. writer
24. Considering that curriculum is a dynamic process, this person puts premium in the role of
the teacher’s participation in developing the curriculum.

a. William Alexander b. Galen Saylor

c. Hilda Taba d. Ralph Tyler

25. To instill cost-saving devices, what must you do while preparing materials for the school

a. Get sponsors b. Collect from your class

c. Use less materials and props d. Use indigenous materials

26. What is known as regular procedure or normal practice that can efficiently contribute to
good classroom management?

a. Dialogue b. Routine

c. Reinforce d. Discipline

27. As a student intern, I need to fully understand the expectations of my cooperating

teacher to ensure ___.

a. Better rapport and harmonious b. Greater familiarity on his/her needs

relationship and interests

c. The development of learning materials d. The establishment of classroom


28. The provision of academic freedom is applicable for teachers in:

a. Colleges and universities b. Private tertiary institutions

c. Basic education teachers d. Public schools only

29. Programming in computers is a course under ICT. As assessment, none of the students
passed the exam and acquired the certificate as they graduate the course. And if there
are some students who passed, they are underemployed. The primary problem of this
course is:

a. Student's learning and interest b. Curriculum design & instruction

c. Teacher's teaching method d. School's incapability to manage

30. Which kind of teacher planning establishes general content and is often prepared by a
committee of experts?

a. Weekly planning b. Unit planning

c. Term planning d. Course mapping

31. How many learning areas graded as "Did not meet expectations" will mean retention in
the same grade level for grades 1-to-10?

a. Three or more b. Two

c. One or two d. One

32. The increase in the number of school children left by OFW parents intensifies the teacher
role as ___.

a. Student's friends b. Guidance Counselors

c. Facilitators of learning d. Substitute parents

33. Before giving students access to the internet, teachers should follow these steps, except:

a. Teach students to test reliability and b. Provide students parameters.

authenticity of a website.

c. Require students to cite all the d. Allow students to explore websites

websites they use to ensure that they with inappropriate content
give proper credit and avoid plagiarism.

34. What is referred to as the “looking glass self” of Cooley?

a. It is how I look at myself through the b. It is how I influence others

eyes of others

c. It is how others look at me d. It is how others affect me

35. If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more ___. questions.

a. closed b. fact

c. divergent d. convergent
36. Teacher Dave teaches about technology and use of technology to his learners. What
element in digital citizenship is he implying?

a. Digital Access b. Digital Commerce

c. Digital Literacy d. Digital Communication

37. Teacher Linda always implement motivational activity before starting her lesson. She also
recognizes students’ correct answers and reprimand students’ improper behavior.
Teacher Linda is _____.

a. constructivist b. behaviorist

c. experiential d. motivational

38. Select the appropriate set of 21st century life skills from the given options

a. Attitude, Aptitude and Habit b. Critical Thinking, Collaboration and


c. Interest, Learning and Short-Term goal d. Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities

and Threat

39. Who said,” Learning is not the product of Teaching. Learning is the product of activity of

a. B.F.Skinner b. Gestalt

c. John Holt d. John Dewey

40. Which among the following gave use to the multimedia in teaching?

a. Gestalts b. Sophists

c. Scholars d. Activists

41. Which of the following technologies provide iconic experiences to students/ children?

a. Video and books b. Pictures and videos

c. Radio and recording d. Modules and periodicals

42. Focusing on natural consequences of students’ behavior develop more self-regulation in
the students. Which of the following teacher statements demonstrates focusing on
natural consequences?

a. "Those who were noisy today during b. "If it takes you longer to finish the
seatwork will not be allowed to play seatwork because time is wasted with
games in the computer later.” chatting, then we won’t have time to go
to the playground anymore.”

c. "If you get a grade of 95 or higher in d. “Those who are well-behaved in class
the first two assignments, you will be will be given plus 5 points in the quiz.”
exempted from the 3rd assignment.”

43. Unlike Piaget, Information-processing psychologists

a. do not see development as occurring b. see children as directing their own

in distinct stages with a brief transition cognitive development.
period from one stage to the next.

c. identify cognitive capabilities and d. try to explain how more advanced

limitations at various points in understanding grows out of a less
development. advanced version.

44. The instructions for a test are made simple, clear and concise. This is part of which of the
following characteristics of a good test?

a. Objectivity b. Economy

c. Administrability d. Scorability

45. What is the implication of multiple intelligences in testing?

a. Test should not be easy to administer. b. The linguistically intelligent are smart.

c. It utilizes so much time. d. Varied forms of assessment should be


46. Which is not a characteristic of authentic assessment?

a. Is focused on lifelike, meaningful, b. Offers opportunities to study problem

relevant types of student learning intensively

c. Easy to complete d. Fruitful in terms of genuine learning

47. A quiz is classified as a

a. Diagnostic test b. Formative test

c. Summative test d. Placement test

48. In the context of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which is a weakness of the paper-
pencil test?

a. It puts linguistically intelligent at a b. It is not easy to administer.


c. It utilizes so much time. d. It lacks reliability.

49. Mrs. Catalan allowed the students to develop their own portfolio in their own style as long
as they show all the non-negotiable evidences of learning. What principle in portfolio
assessment explains this practice?

a. Content Principle b. Learning Principle

c. Equity Principle d. Product Principle

50. Which of the following statements prove that a school acts as agent of socialization?

a. Students are trained how to get along b. Activities like field trips, group work
well with others. and school programs and celebrations
develop the social skills and values of the

c. Social ethics is discussed in schools to d. All of the above

cultivate moral and ethical behaviors.

51. Teacher Jess targets to reach a Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of 90% in the coming
National Achievement Test.

a. Vocation b. Mission

c. Profession d. Occupation
52. Republic Act 7796 was approved during the year 1994. This Act is wisely known as the

a. Technical Education and Skills b. Kindergarten Law

Development Authority Act

c. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 d. Commission on Higher Education Act

53. Ritz Glenn obtained a NAT percentile rank of 98. This implies that ___________.

a. Ritz Glenn performed better than 98% b. Ritz Glenn performed better than 2%
of his fellow examinees. of his fellow examinees.

c. Ritz Glenn got score of 98. d. Ritz Glenn answered 98 items


54. Chelsea is an extravagant buyer of fashion stuff. Every time she notices an attractive
ladies wear, she tends to buy it without careful thinking. This maladaptive tendency
happens when there is little shame and doubt. Erikson calls this as ________________.

a. Compulsiveness b. Impulsiveness

c. Ruthlessness d. Fanaticism

55. Which of the following is an example of a cognitive scheme?

a. looking at an object b. grasping a rattle

c. sorting by color d. sucking a pacifier

56. Which of the following statements is not true about Dale’s Cone of Experience?

a. Bottom levels are more enactive. b. Top levels are symbolic.

c. Upward movement means more d. Download movement means less

abstraction. concreteness.

57. Courses such as Philosophy are not taught in Grade 1 because students are typically not
emotionally or morally capable of answering abstract and existential questions. Which
characteristics of a good content is seen in this example?

a. Usefulness b. Validity

c. Learnable d. Significance
58. Which among the following are the basic assumptions of behaviorists?
I. All behaviors are shaped by environmental events.
II. Man is free and his behavior can never be shaped by environment.
III. The mind of a new born child is ‘tabula rasa’

a. I only b. I and II

c. III only d. All of the above

59. Which of the following does “WiFi” stand for?

a. wireless firewall b. wireless functionality

c. wireless fidelity d. none of the options

60. Charles Babbage is credited for the invention of what?

a. ENIAC b. Analytical Engine

c. EDVAC d. Integrated chips

61. The following are advantages of distance learning except ________.

a. flexibility b. program options

c. convenience d. feedback

62. If the scores of your test follow a negatively skewed score distribution, what should you
do? Find out .

a. Why your items were hard b. Why few pupils scored high

c. Why most of the scores are high d. Why most of the scores are low

63. The correlation coefficient for scores in Math and Science is 0.92. What does this mean?

a. The higher the Math score, the lower b. Math score is not in any way related to
the Science score. Science score.

c. Math score is positively related to d. Science score is slightly related to

Science score. Math score.
64. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher provide in the formal operational stage?

a. Games and other physical activities to b. Learning activities that involve

develop motor skills problems of classification and ordering

c. Stimulating environment with ample d. Activities for hypothesis formulation

objects to play with

65. The United Nations is committed to addressing climate change through mitigation and
adaptation. Which of the following is the best way of addressing the issue?

A. Deepen strategic and operational B. Develop a policy framework that

collaboration with international and identifies essential elements to prevent
regional organizations, including global human rights violations.
financial institutions, regional
development banks, and other

C. Facilitate and execute agreements on D. Enhancing collaboration among

reducing deforestation and forest humanitarian organizations, particularly
degradation emissions to protect forests from the Global South, at the local,
and sustain the livelihoods of those who national and regional levels, to
depend on them. strengthen community resilience and
emergency response and establish a
monitoring system to assess progress on
implementing preparedness measures.

66. What kind of tension is referred to when people prefer quick answers and ready solutions
to many problems even if it calls for a patient, concerted, negotiated reform strategy?

A. Tension between modernity and B. Tension between long-term and short-

tradition term considerations

C. Tension between spiritual and material D. Tension between individual and


67. The rapid traversing of ideas, attitudes, and values across national borders generally
leads to interconnectedness and interaction between peoples of diverse cultures and
ways of life. What is being referred to?

A. Cultural Globalization B. Fundamentalism

C. Multiculturalism D. Clash of civilization

68. Which of the following illustrates the major paradigm shift in education in the 21st

A. Shift from rigid subject matter to a B. Shift from values education and
more interdisciplinary and emotional learning to knowledge
multidisciplinary pedagogical approach. dominated curriculum.

C. From contextualized themes D. From more flexible learning styles to a

generated from global and local realities prescribed pedagogy.
to pre-organized subject matter.

69. Which of the following is the first target of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
formulated by member states of the United Nations (UN) in September 2000?

A. Reduce child mortality B. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

C. Reduce death due to HIV/AIDS and D. Achieve universal access to primary

malaria education

70. Each website has a specific address such as What do you call this

a. Uniform Content Locator (UCL) b. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

c. Universal Resource Locator (URL) d. Universal Content Locator (UCL)

71. According to Bruner’s stages of experience, which of these instructional materials best
suits a learner who usually experiences those of the enactive type?

a. Maker’s space b. Flash cards

c. Visual aids d. Audio recordings

72. Teacher Divine, a teacher for thirty-two years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that
her thirty-two years of teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are
her actuation and thinking in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional

a. No, non-attendance to seminars would b. Yes, provided she has an excellent

mean no increase in salary. performance rating

c. No, a professional teacher, regardless d. Yes, because she taught for 32 years
of teaching experience, ought to go and may have mastered the traded.
through continuing process of education
73. Mrs. Cristobal is admired for being an effective classroom manager. She is not only
friendly but at the same time be _____.

a. businesslike b. buddy-buddy

c. analytical d. confident

74. Which research method is most appropriate to use when trying to determine the best
academic programs to offer to a community based on its industrial capacity?

a. case study b. observation research

c. descriptive research d. opinion survey

75. Which of the following does not belong to the reasons for the implementation of RA

a. The 10-year curriculum is content- b. Filipino students perform poorly in

congested. international tests.

c. There is scarcity of teachers. d. The underemployment and

unemployment rates are alarming.

76. Which of these is not an intended role of technology in the classroom?

a. concretize peculiar concepts b. educate in absence of the teacher

c. make learning more interactive d. arouse student interest

77. He is considered the father of counseling in the Philippines.

a. Dean Rose Clemenia b. Sigmund Freud

c. Father Bulatao d. Sinforoso Padilla

78. It is a group of tried and tested alternative modalities of education delivery within the
confines of the formal system that allow schools to deliver quality education to the
marginalized students and those at risk of dropping out in order to help the overcome
personal, social and economic constraints in their schooling.

a. Voucher program b. Alternative Learning System

c. Alternative Delivery Mode d. Education Service Contracting Program

79. Among the special rights of teachers, which is NOT provided by law?

a. Right to be accorded due protection b. Right to be accorded due respect

c. Right to receive, primarily through d. Right to be free from compulsory

competent instruction, relevant quality assignments not related to their duties as
education in line with national goals and defined in their appointments or
conducive to their full development as contracts, unless compensated thereof,
person with human dignity. conformably to existing law.

80. Which of the following is the Aristotelian definition of happiness?

a. One's ultimate purpose in life b. A state made perfectly the aggregation

of good things

c. The satisfaction of all desires and the d. The experience of the fulfillment of
absence of pain possibilities

81. To attain harmony in society, people must rule their subjects with benevolence. Whose
teaching was this?

a. Mohammad b. Buddha

c. Kung-Fu-Tzu d. Lao Tzu

82. The result of this type of test is the basis for remedial instruction. What is the type of test
referred to?

a. Prognostic Test b. Diagnostic test

c. Speed test d. Achievement test

83. What is a dialogue between teacher and students, instigated by the continual probing
questions of the teacher, in a concerted effort to explore the underlying beliefs that
shape the students’ views and opinions?

a. With-it-ness b. Ripple effect

c. Socratic method d. Golden rule

84. The following are computed difficulty indices: 1,.80, .50, .30. Which one indicates the most
difficult item?

a. .30 b. .50

c. 1 d. .80

85. Which of the following is NOT generating thinking skills?

a. Connecting new ideas b. Predicting

c. Classifying d. Inferring

86. Which Republic Act provides government assistance to students and teachers in private

a. RA 7836 b. RA 7784

c. RA 6728 d. RA 6675

87. Which of the following is NOT a subject-centered curriculum?

a. Perennialist b. Back-to-Basic

c. Teacher-led d. Existentialist

88. The creation of Student Loan Fund to give equal opportunity to all persons who desire to
pursue higher education is the essence of:

a. RA 6014 b. RA 7836

c. RA 6655 d. RA 7784

89. Teacher L gives his students opportunities to be creative because of his conviction that
much learning results from the need to express creativity. On which theory is Teacher L’s
conviction anchored?

a. Humanist b. Cognitive

c. Behaviorist d. Associationist
90. According to John Flavell, metacognition consists of metacognitive knowledge and
metacognitive experience or regulation. This simply means _____.

a. “thinking about thinking” or “learning b. learning focuses on the accumulation

how to learn” of verbalized information

c. learning by rote memorization with an d. knowing what to learn through reading

emphasis on knowledge of specific facts books and other vicarious experiences

91. Which of the following does not intrinsically motivate and influence the learner to learn?

a. Emotional state b. Beliefs

c. Interests and goals d. High scholastic ratings

92. Which of the following characterizes a left-brained dominant individual?

a. Verbal, responds to word meaning, b. Impulsive, less punctual, prefers

plans ahead, responds to logic frequent mobility while studying

c. Processes information in varied order, d. Visual, responds to tone of voice,

random gestures when speaking responds to emotion

93. Which is the correct sequence in modeling the behavior of others?

a. Attention-motivation-retention-motor b. Attention-motor reproduction-

reproduction retention-motivation

c. Motivation-attention-retention-motor d. Attention-retention-motor
reproduction reproduction-motivation

94. Which is one weakness of self-supporting personality checklists?

a. They lack stability. b. They have built-in lie scales.

c. They have poor internal consistency. d. They can hide or disguise individual’s

95. The pinning of the veil around the bride and the groom, the exchange of rings, and the
releasing of doves during wedding ceremonies show that culture is _________.

a. historical b. changeless

c. continuous d. symbolic
96. Fernando Poe Junior became a legend in the show business because of his talent,
determination, and hard work. What role does this illustrate?

a. ascribed role b. hereditary role

c. achieved role d. temporary role

97. Studies in the areas of neuroscience disclosed that the human brain has limitless
capacity. What does it imply?

a. Every child is a potential genius. b. Every pupil has his own native ability
and his learning is limited to his native

c. Some pupils are admittedly not d. Pupils can possibly reach a point
capable of learning. where they have learned everything.

98. In treatment for alcoholism, Mark was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then
made to ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight
and smell of alcohol and stopped drinking alcohol. Which theory explains this?

a. operant conditioning b. social learning theory

c. associative learning d. attribution theory

99. Carlos needs to develop a website for his computer technology class. What level of
Bloom's taxonomy is demonstrated by this assignment?

a. Creating (synthesis) b. Analyzing (analysis)

c. Understanding (comprehension) d. Remembering (knowledge)

100. "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless
voice from within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at work

A. id alone B. superego alone

C. ego alone D. Id and ego interaction

Answer Key

1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b
5. b 6. b 7. d 8. d

9. d 10. d 11. b 12. b

13. b 14. a 15. d 16. d

17. d 18. c 19. d 20. a

21. b 22. b 23. d 24. c

25. d 26. b 27. a 28. a

29. b 30. d 31. a 32. d

33. d 34. a 35. c 36. c

37. b 38. b 39. c 40. a

41. b 42. b 43. a 44. c

45. d 46. c 47. b 48. d

49. c 50. d 51. b 52. a

53. a 54. b 55. c 56. d

57. c 58. a 59. d 60. b

61. b 62. c 63. c 64. d

65. d 66. b 67. a 68. a

69. b 70. b 71. a 72. c

73. a 74. a 75. c 76. b

77. d 78. c 79. c 80. a

81. c 82. b 83. c 84. a

85. c 86. c 87. d 88. a

89. a 90. a 91. d 92. a

93. d 94. d 95. d 96. c

97. a 98. c 99. a 100. b

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