IIM A Casebook
IIM A Casebook
IIM A Casebook
Case Book
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Consult Club, IIM Ahmedabad.
What is this year’s IIMA Casebook all about?
Building on the first 5 editions of IIMA Case Book, the Consult Club of IIM Ahmedabad is proud to present the 6th edition of
the IIMA Case Book. Leveraging feedback from alumni and the student community the Case Book aims to give the reader a
comprehensive view of the type of cases that form a major part of consulting interviews. This Case Book brings an extensive
range of completely new cases and guestimates, along with a wide range of previous discussed and explored cases. Throughout
the Case Book, we have tried to ensure enhanced readability while retaining the comprehensiveness of the cases.
This document is organically built over many years through efforts of students engaging with global content.While utmost care
has been taken to keep the content unique, a lot of problems look similar to each other. Similarly, the frameworks look
essentially similar for most people. Any resemblance of a case here to any problem elsewhere is pure coincidental and
regretted. Kindly let Consult Club, IIMA know (message us on LinkedIn) in such a situation.
Therefore, we have a heartfelt gratitude for stalwarts of the field like Victor Cheng and all casebook writers and compilers
before us everywhere in the world. We are putting this Casebook in public domain hoping that this fuels creativity and brings
the reader one step closer to their goals.
The frameworks are there to give a direction initially to new case-solvers and should not be treated as a fixed boundary, but
could be utilized by the reader to cover any case which comes up their way according to their own logical structure. Also, the
reader should leverage the recommendations, tips, and suggestions to apply learnings from one case to another.
Remember, journey is as important as the destination. Case preparation is a group exercise with individual self-preparation as
We are grateful to all the people that have helped by sharing their cases and interview experiences, that has enable us to put
together a comprehensive preparation resource for the future batches.
We would like to thank Aditya Daga, Arpit Lahoty, Chhavi Gupta and Sankalp Agarwal (PGP 2018-20) for leading the Case Book
initiative and putting together this edition of the IIMA Case Book. We would also like to acknowledge the efforts of Kannan
Adlakha, Kshitij Jain, Shubham Agrawal, Vineet Mall and Yash Goyal (PGP 2019-21) for helping the Club put together this case
book. They have ensured breadth and depth in the cases to give the reader a comprehensive view of the kind of cases they may
be administered.
We are also grateful to the alumni of the Consult Club, IIM Ahmedabad for their feedback on the cases which has helped us
further enhance the overall quality of the book. We would also like to extend a special acknowledgement to the contributors of
the previous editions of the IIMA Case Book.
Copyright © 2014
Consult Club, IIM Ahmedabad
Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015
4. Cement company (Cost reduction) Moderate 20 26. Kids entertainment channel Moderate 69
5. Auto insurance (Cost reduction) Moderate 22 27. Retirement benefits policy Challenging 71
9. Urea manufacturer (Revenue decline) Easy 30 29. Ice cream vendor Easy 78
10. Oil distributor (Revenue decline) Moderate 32 30. Pharma company Easy 80
11. Washing machine firm (Revenue decline) Moderate 34 31. Chemicals manufacturer Easy 82
12. Tractor company (Revenue decline) Moderate 36 32. B2B communications provider Moderate 84
13. Fishing company (Revenue decline) Moderate 38 33. Apparel manufacturer Moderate 86
15. Alcohol company (Revenue decline) Challenging 42 35. Software product company Challenging 90
16. Airline operator Moderate 44 37. Midstream oil & gas company Challenging 92
19. Light bulb Moderate 52 40. Business expansion (Telecom video project) Challenging 101
42. M&A: Strategic target assessment Challenging 105 11. Barbed wire 143
43. Loss in a football match Easy 108 13. Post office revenue 145
44. Increased processing time Moderate 110 14. Golf balls in the air 146
45. ‘Go Green’ strategy Moderate 112 15. X-ray machines in India 147
49. Risks of oil transportation company Moderate 120 3. Sample evaluation metrics 154
Guesstimates 132
Interviews usually test the candidates on both or any of the following criteria:
• Personality/behavioural questions (through HRQ)
• Problem solving (through cases and/or guesstimates)
• Approach
The basic approach to solving a case interview is: First, understanding the problem and requirements, then identifying a structure that would
help one solve the problem, then analysing the information available and finally, reaching a conclusion & giving recommendations
Arrive at a conclusion
• This is the last stage of problem-solving and perhaps the determinant of a candidate’s success in getting through the interview. All efforts put in thus far are of
little use if the candidate is unable to come up with a proper conclusion backed by a logical implementation plan.
• Try to ensure that the recommendations are close to reality since it increases their chances of being implementable in real life scenarios. Remember, concrete
solutions fetch more marks than broad vague answers.
• Before finally communicating the solution, do a quick “sanity check”, that is, evaluate if the proposed solution, particularly if its quantitative in nature, makes
sense or not. This can be done by using bottom-up strategy if the original answer was derived following top-down approach or vice-a-versa.
• Be Confident: Remain confident throughout the interview even if there’s a feeling that things aren’t going as expected. This exhibits an important trait of being
able to maintain composure and handle critical situations, which are part and parcel of a consultant’s life. Also, it has been seen that the interviewers more likely
than not drop hints to help the candidate get back on track, hence, watch out for those in case there’s a feeling of getting stuck
• Drive the interview towards your strong zone: The candidates can try to drive the interview towards the areas they are comfortable talking on. This can be
done by using examples related to their domain area while answering the questions put forward by the interviewers. However, be mindful of not making it an
irrelevant reference or overdoing it if the interviewer isn’t interested in talking about that.
• Positive body-language: Try to be positive and cheerful throughout the interaction as it may help to cover a small mistake, if any, the candidate might have
committed while solving the case. Further, candidates are evaluated on their overall presentation, that includes body language and communication skills apart
from the most sought-after problem-solving skills.
• Closing note: The candidate should end the interview with a smile even if it wasn’t the best of the interviews; sometimes even the candidate’s positive approach
may work in the favour and overshadow a mediocre interview.
• Interrupt the interviewer: This should never be done since there is a risk of missing out on some important information which the interviewer would have
otherwise divulged. Further, it gives an impression that the candidate is impatient, and might not be a good team player.
• Assume any information unless explicitly given by the interviewer: Usually on getting a case from a familiar background or applying association rule, candidates
tend to presume certain information. This should strictly not be done unless the interviewer gives the information explicitly. However, if a candidate has some
prior information, either clarify that through questions from the interviewer or suggest that as a possible solution to the given problem.
• Get bogged down by frameworks: Frameworks are useful in structuring one’s thoughts but should not become an impediment to “out of the box” thinking. For
instance, an acquisition may be used to improve profitability; however that would not fall under any of the conventional frameworks.
• Be Mechanical: Candidates are advised not to be mechanical while answering questions related to their personal experience as it gives an impression that the
answer has been well rehearsed. Try to read the cues of the interviewers and involve them in the discussions.
• Panic: Mistakes do happen, either in calculations or while speaking on a topic. It is important not to freak out in such moments; rather as soon as a mistake has
been committed, be ready to own up and admit it.
2019-20 10
2019-20 11
Profitability – Overview
A profitability case could deal with revenue-side issues, cost-side issues or both. The candidate is expected to identify the key revenue and cost
heads, and isolate the ‘problem areas’
Market share %
No. of units sold
Framework Summary
A profitability problem requires proper scoping and isolation to be solved effectively. Starting from the basic Profits = Revenue – Costs equation, each segment is to be drilled down to identify
the ‘problem areas’. Factors responsible could be internal or external
• Be cognizant about whether the issue being dealt with is ‘profits’ or ‘profitability’. Profits are merely a difference of Revenues and Cost, while Profitability refers to profit as a proportion of
sales (could be gross margin, operating margin or net margin)
• Use Value Chain Analysis to cover all costs
Key questions
• What is the quantum of profits / losses? How has the trend been like?
• Is it a company-specific phenomenon or is it being seen industry-wide?
• Is there a time period within which the issue is to be solved?
• How does the product-mix look like?
• Has there been any change in the competitive scenario?
Framework Summary
A company can reduce cost and become more efficient across its components. The best way is the look at the journey of a product/service right from the time its raw materials are bought to
the time it is delivered to the customer and he is happy after the post sale support etc. This is called a value chain analysis as each step of the process adds some value to the initial raw material
and accelerates its journey towards the final product. At each of these stages, we expect to find some levers which can be tweaked to make the process more efficient.
• Clarify objective, especially the cost buckets the interviewer wants you to delve into
• Cost cases are generally very streamlined till the time you are identifying places where cost can be reduced. Creativity comes into play when recommendations are asked by the interviewer.
Key Questions
• Is this particular company facing the problem of high costs or is it something that the industry is facing as a whole?
• Chalk the value chain and then ask if it is the correct way to do it? Or should it be done by splitting fixed and variable costs?
• What are the last 3 year trends in growth for the organization?
• Any major shifts in cost over time?
• Does any of these cost seem out of line?
Beer manufacturer
Your client is a beer manufacturing company that operates in India. The cost structure for the company is poor compared to the international
benchmarks, and you have been asked by the client to find out why.
Increasing count of
Advanced machines
• Reduce the excessive expenditure on new bottles by labelling the bottle to hide the scruffiness
• Increase the use of cans over bottles as cans can be recycled even if they get scruffy
Observations / Suggestions
• This is a cost reduction case where the interviewee should quickly establish the major cost buckets after discussing with the interviewer. The candidate can either probe each bucket along the value chain, or ask
the interview which buckets to look into
• Each cost component should be broken down into multiple cost levers to ensure that nothing is being missed out
• Breaking down cost of the buckets ensures that the problem identification is more specific in nature
Retail bank
Our client is a major retail bank facing declining profits and is unable to compete. You have been approached to find the problem and suggest
Revenue Cost
Fixed Costs
• Improve the systems in place to ensure customer service is improved and time devoted by an employee decreased
• Give proper trainings to employees to help them better assist the customers
• Aggressive use and promotion of technology to avoid redundant tasks performed by the employees
Observations / Suggestions
• Declining costs are majorly due to higher employee salaries. This can also be figured through higher customer handling charges
• Once the problem is identified, it is important to figure out the reasons for the same.
I would like to deep dive into requirements of our client. I would like to analyse the seating
capacity required by the client as well as the # of times jet is used. What is the general occupancy
of the plane over the last few years and what is the seating capacity of the leased plane?
The seating capacity of the plane is 40 and the occupancy has ranged between 8 to 10
Great, so one way the firm could reduce its cost is by leasing a plane with a lower seating capacity.
Considering that the occupancy rate was around 10, I believe that a plane with 15 seats should be
sufficient. Assuming that the occupancy rate follows a normal distribution it is very unlikely that
there will be more than 15 people in the plane at the same time. However, if this is the case it is
always possible for the plane to fly multiple trips.
I agree, that is a great suggestion.
Now I would like to analyze the usage of jet. I would like to know how often the leased plane is
used per year?
Ok, as we know that company uses jet only 3-4 times a year, do we know which months
specifically the company uses the jet? I am coming from the point that if we know the specific
months, we can lease the jet for those months only
Fair suggestion, but generally industry has minimum of 1 year of leasing contracts and client doesn’t
have fixed months when jet is required
Ok, another suggestion because of low usage can be that the company could possibly share the
plane with another firm. The sharing of cost would then result in substantial cost savings.
This might result in complications in case both companies require the plane at the same time.
Lease fee
Your client is a private company in the United states that leases a jet. The lease contract is soon expiring and the company want to renew the
contract. The client now contacted you and asked you to find ways to reduce the lease amount.
• Lease plane with lower seating capacity. Since the plane hardly ever is used at max capacity, a smaller plane can be leased.
• Share the lease contract with another party. Stringent contracts need to be established regarding usage
• Increase contract duration. A longer contract duration should result in discounts
Observations / Suggestions
• Conduct a feasibility analysis of the options recommended, wherever possiblec
Cement company
Interviewee Notes
• Understand and use value chain to identify different
cost heads
• Break down logistics cost into rate* distance. Think
of simple levers to reduce rates (negotiation with Logistics Cost value
vendor, TAT, direct %) and distance (network) levers
without losing volume (by setting inventory norms)
Mode Vendor
Vendor concentration Plant TAT Direct %
Mix concentration
• To touch on all the possible cost heads and identify potential sources of value
Observations / Suggestions
• The interview is technical in nature. As a result, the candidate may feel intimidated. However the candidate should just listen to the interviewer’s explanation very carefully and take notes diligently to keep pace
with the problem. The candidate is not expected to have background knowledge of the sector
Auto Insurance
Customer Service
Claim Costs
• The problem arises due to high claim costs. High claim costs arise due to an unfavorable customer profile mix. Thus, the company should either focus on improving the portfolio mix, or should adjust premiums
more appropriately to factor in the risks.
Observations / Suggestions
• Have a clear approach. In this interview, the candidate took many questions before being able to pin down claim costs as the root cause. Nonetheless, it is clear that the candidate had a very clear framework in
mind (Profitability > Revenues/Costs > Industry-Wide/Firm-Wide Issue > Fixed/Variable > Claim Costs). Furthermore, the candidate also asked if there were cost components he was missing. This shows that the
candidate tried to have a MECE approach, which is what interviewers are looking for.
Your client is a public sector bank who is facing a decline in profits. It wants you to figure out the reason for the same
Interest Leakages n costs
• Use digital technology to acquire customers and handle transactions as the cost is less than traditional methods
• Consider acquiring an existing payment bank to build digital capability
• Create special recovery officers position that targets recovery agricultural loans to ensure minimum NPAs
Observations / Suggestions
• It is important to use nuances of banking industry to analyse sector specific costs such as NPAs. Also, certain costs such as Interest rates are decided on external factors
such as decisions by RBI and therefore are not within the control of Bank.
You have been approached by the CEO of a telecommunications provider company. He is worried about the high expenditure in their billing
process and wants your help in identifying areas where you can reduce costs.
• Reduce the unnecessary expenditure on paper and ink. This being an inelastic good, customers won’t be bothered by smaller size or lesser words until relevant info is present
• Explore the alternate route of sending the bill to the customer. Keep in mind the new evolving technology and try to push customers towards using it
• Highest cost component of snail mail can be brought down by reducing the frequency of sending bills to one bill per two months. Only when bill amount is less than Rs.2000
Observations / Suggestions
• Each cost component should be broken down into multiple cost levers to ensure that nothing is being missed out
• Breaking down cost of snail mail into components helped the interviewee to analyze each one carefully
• Further having to shift the customers to the low cost option is also relevant and important to bring down cost drastically and for having convenience in the future
Oncology firm
You have been approached by an oncology firm that is facing declining profitability. Diagnose the problem and recommend appropriate solutions.
• Loyalty programs
• Long-term contracts
• Explore new geographies and market segments
Observations / Suggestions
• The candidate did a good job in understanding the product portfolio (prescription drugs) and diagnosing appropriately. The candidate was able to create a MECE framework for revenue first and then fall in
frequency. The key to the case was identifying referrals by competitors as the major reason behind frequency fall.
• The interview was designed to judge how quickly could the candidate move through layers of revenue and identify referrals given by competitors as the major problem component. The candidate should have been
able to apply knowledge of prescription drugs marketing to the case in order to identify referrals as the largest component.
Urea Manufacturer
Your client is a urea manufacturer. They have recently seen a decline in their revenues. Identify the potential reasons and recommend a solution.
Alternate/ Comple- Sales & Decline in
Branding Competitor product
Substitute ment Marketing need
• Imitate competitor
• Innovative advertisement and promotional campaigns
• Long term contracts with retailers
• Explore new markets
Observations / Suggestions
• The interview was designed to judge how quickly could the candidate move through layers of revenue and identify recall value improvement by competitors as the major problem component. The candidate should
have been able to apply knowledge of fertilizer industry to make appropriate recommendations.
Oil Distributor
You have been approached by an oil distributor facing with profitability problem in one of the 4 petrol pumps owned by them. Diagnose the
problem and recommend appropriate solutions.
Revenue per
Recommendations % of customers customer
• Reduce price of petrol No of
Price of petrol visiting from
• Increase the convenience store revenue customers
convenience store convenience
Observations / Suggestions Original price (Rs 100) 100 30 100
• It is essential to figure out the key revenue streams for the petrol pump and their interdependence
• Calculate the net effect of reduction in prices on profit and the possible ways of increasing revenue from convenience store
Price increased by x% decreased 30 z
• Develop equation between x and y and find the desired relationship for ensuring overall profits by 2x%
Price decreased by x% increased by 30 y
Your client is a washing machine manufacturer who is facing a decline in profits. He wants you to figure out the reason for the same
Machinery Change in
Issues preference
• Start direct transactions with retailers by on-boarding a factoring agent to handle invoicing and collection
• Start selling on e-commerce portals directly from company
Observations / Suggestions
• It is important to think about distribution channels which often goes unnoticed in profitability framework
• It is important to understand how long the problem has been going on . In this case the problem started around 2 years ago which means that something must have changed during this period which has led to a
decline in profits
Our client is a major tractor manufacturer with nationwide presence. It is facing declining sales What promotional activities can you think of?
and is unable to compete. You have been approached to find the problem.
The promotional activities in this industry can be discounts, financing or increase in channel based
OK, so I would like to understand that when we say decline in sales, does it mean decline in promotions. Is the competitor offering heavy discounts in the market?
overall revenues or # of units sold? No , it is the same. What can you think can be the issue with financing?
They are facing overall revenue decline As we know that the tractors are mainly financed by different financing companies. Due to the
The key problem I need to focus on is finding the issue with declining revenues from tractor sales. recent slowdown in financial sector including both banks and NBFCs, it may be possible that we are
Is there any other objective I need to keep in mind? not able to provide good financing deals to our customers as our competitor
No. Please go ahead Excellent point. But the current issue is related to increase in channel based promotion
Is this a nation-wide issue or should I focus on a particular market? Okay. Other channels for promotion can be the print media, bill boards, TV, radio and digital (SMS,
Focus on the West, where there is a major decline internet, etc) and the word of mouth publicity
What are the key product offerings and target market of the company? Is the company involved That is correct – the major issue was that our word of mouth publicity was less. Can you guess why?
in direct retailing?
Is there a negative branding about our company in the market?
There is only one type of tractor in the market. Please focus only on that for the rural market.
No nothing of that sort. Think about what the competition could do to enable word of mouth?
The company does indirect retailing through various distributors.
They can organize trade fairs to directly connect with the consumers – telling them about the
I would now like to deep dive into the problem. I would like to breakup revenue into 2
product and branding themselves.
components i.e. # of units sold and price per unit. Do we have any information if any of these 2
has declined. Correct. They did organize a trade fair in multiple villages, called people to get free test drives and
Our prices have remained constant but we have faced decline in the number of units sold. gave away prizes at the event. This was a part of the focused strategy to gain market in the West.
Thank you.
# of units can be affected by 2 components. Overall market size of the tractor and our captured
market share. Has whole tractor industry faced decline or our market share has declined.
Overall industry is not facing any decline. Our competitors have gained the market share.
Decline in our market share can be due to manufacturing issue leading to lower production,
distribution issue or customer demand issue. Do we know because of which reason we are facing
We can manufacture even for a 50% increase in demand. Capacity is idle. Also, there has been no
change in ours or competitor’s distribution. We are facing shortage of demand from customers.
Ok. So we know that decline of the revenue is linked with decline of demand of our tractors by
the customers. To further deep dive the reason of decline in demand, I would like to explore 4
factors i.e. our product, places we are reaching out, price of our product and our promotion
strategy, all with respect to competitors. Also, I would like to know a bit about our competitors.
This looks good. There are 3 main competitors. Sales of one player have increased alarmingly
while other have seen only a modest increase. The key issue is with the promotional activities.
Why would that be?
Has the competitor increased the promotional activity more than us?
Tractor Company
Our client, a tractor manufacturer, has been facing a decline in sales. You have been approached to find a solution to the problem.
Financing Advertising
Provisions and publicity
Quality issue
• Increase penetration with counter offers and schemes
• Give away indirect distributor inputs to increase retailing
Observations / Suggestions
• Declining sales problems can also be separated into internal and external issues
• Once the problem is identified to be in the publicity and advertising part, including word of mouth publicity is especially critical
Okay so in a typical fishing company, the major heads of revenue would be fish sales and lease of
fishing vessels and equipments. Do we have any data with respect to these?
Yes, we do. Our lease income has indeed fallen from the the previous year on account of loss of
a few customers. But leasing only contributes to about 15% of our total revenue. So there’s must
be something else too.
So a fall in revenue from fish sales must be driven by one of these three factors: fall in average
selling price, dip in volume or a change in product mix. Do we have any indication about which of
these it could be?
Yes that’s indeed correct. So, there has been a change in the product mix that we offer. We have
found out that we are selling more large fish and fewer small fish than we used to last year. Can
you help the company understand why this could be the case?
Fishing company
Has there been a substantial decrease in the revenues, or an increase in the costs?
Yes, the costs have increased, but revenues have remained more or less constant. Why don’t you
start by analysing the revenues?
As a Public sector bank, since in-organic growth is not a feasible option, we could explore
increasing the number of customers or the value per customer. Since the agriculture and
commercial loans have been high on NPAs, the bank could focus on retail assets to grow.
However, I do realise that the social dimensions, and priority sector lending targets are also to be
That’s a fairly good analysis. Could there be a way to utilise the latter, since we enjoy a large rural
Using its pervasive network, if the bank could can tap into the last mile customer and provide a
basket of services to these customers, whom they have almost exclusive access to. This would
help them substantially grow their revenue, and also build our brand image.
Your client is a public sector bank who is facing a decline in profits. It wants you to figure out the reason for the same
• Target retail assets to grow revenues which have minimum NPAs, use existing network as leverage to grow
• Increase the number of products as well as value per customer to drive this growth
Observations / Suggestions
• Sector specific knowledge such as increasing farm loan waivers in agricultural sector or rising NPAs in corporate sector can hint where the bank could look for its growth, i.e. retail
Alcohol Company
The client is an experienced alcohol manufacturer in India. They have been facing a gradual decline in profits and have also experienced a sudden
dip in profits recently. The client wants you to identify the reasons for the decline in profits and give recommendations for improvement
Packaging Shutdown
• Long term: For change in consumer invest in product innovation to launch a non-premium brand to cater to the changing demographics who prefer cheaper alcohol and are not keen on the brew and taste.
• Short term: Firm can indulge extensively in marketing the premium whiskey product; lobby with the government to negotiate with rules.
Observations / Suggestions
• The case was simple and straightforward
• Received help from interviewer due to good structure and appropriate questions leading to necessary answers
• Interviewer liked the framework, and it could be tweaked for other similar profitability cases
• List could have been more exhaustive in some cases for example, with factors affecting distribution
It has been such that the hangar costs have gone up only for us. This is because we have started
owning airports. The speciality is that people need to reach our airport only half an hour prior to
Okay. That helps a lot. So what I understand is that we have started owning airports and this has
led to large investment cost hence leading to burning of cashes. Further I would like to
understand why the occupancy rate has gone down.
Airline operator
Your client is a low cost airline operator in Europe. Over the past 2 to 3 years, it has been burning cash. Diagnose and recommend solutions.
Marketing Salary Lease
• Should start its own shuttle service
• Should collaborate with cab aggregators by providing added incentives and ensure taxis stay outside the airport
• Can bundle two services together – Air ticket price and transportation price and ensure passengers are picked up /dropped from respective locations
Observations / Suggestions
• The candidate did a good job in figuring out the fundamentals in why the revenue has gone down. Also after the cost analysis, the candidate was able to further elaborate on the reasons why the revenue has gone
SpiceJet vs Indigo
Your client is SpiceJet. It has observed a decline in profitability vis-à-vis Indigo.Analyze the problem and provide solutions.
• Revenues- rerouting, bundling, expediting marketing, re-analyzing customer segment
• Costs- Standardize fleet, hub & spoke, renting agreements, need based inventory procurement
Observations / Suggestions
• Each cost component should be broken down into multiple cost levers to ensure that nothing is being missed out
• Revenue should also be appropriately split into its components given the airline travel industry
2019-20 48
Pricing – Overview
In a pricing case the objective is to determine a methodology for pricing of any product. The product could be a new invention, it could have
other competitor products in the market etc. The student should determine the objective of the company, understand the product features and
market environment and then apply a relevant methodology to price the product.
Approach / Framework Overview
Framework Summary
It is imperative to consider the objective of the company, since it directly affects the pricing strategy to be followed. Then the student should understand the product characteristics and the
market environment to apply a prudent pricing methodology. In case the pricing needs to be done for an old product (rare scenario), the utility of the product w.r.t a new product and the
depreciation/salvage value need to be taken into consideration.
• A supply vs. demand tradeoff approximation is always helpful in such cases (best when demonstrated graphically)
Key Questions
• Which industry are we talking about?
• What is the objective of the company?
• What are the product features?
• How big is the market? What is the target segment?
• Who is the customer in the supply chain (margin to stakeholders)
Alright. First of all, I would like to understand what exactly is a Heli air service and where is the Ok. Other fixed costs would be the airport charges, maintenance charges, salaries of the employees,
client planning to operate it? insurance cost etc. The main variable cost would be the fuel cost. Do we have data about the costs?
Heli air service is a helicopter service for inter-city transport. The client is planning to operate it in The cost of renting the helicopter is Rs 16 Lakhs per month. Airport charges us Rs 2 Lakh per
Delhi. The service would be from the airport to two different ports at the two ends of the city month while the salaries of the employees come out to be Rs 4 Lakhs per month. The other
overheads are around Rs 1 Lakh per month. The helicopter uses 60 Litres per hour. The cost of the
Are they operating anywhere else? fuel is Rs 75/litre.
Yes, the client has operations in London, Paris and New York I would like to estimate the minimum amount that our client would need to charge in order to break
even. Our fixed costs come out to be Rs 23 Lakhs per month. The cost of the fuel would depend on
Is there any specific reason for choosing India?
the number of trips that we would take in a day. Is there a fixed number of trips that we are
They are excited about the growth opportunities in India and feel that it is the right time to enter planning?
No, why don’t you calculate the optimum amount
the market
You mentioned that our heliair service would go to the two ends of the city. On taking a cab it
Are there any existing players in the market?
would take around 2 hours to reach. The helicopter would cover the distance in 1 hour. Since we
No only have 1 helicopter we would need to alternate between the two ports. After completing 1 trip
we would need to have a break both for the pilot and the helicopter. Thus, I would like to assume
Then our main competition is with existing services like cab or metro. How are we placed in that we can complete the whole trip in 2.5 hours and be ready for the next one.
comparison to these services?
Go Ahead
What according to you are the advantages of the proposed service?
We can complete 4 round trips per day. The helicopter would be in use for 8 hours. Thus, the cost
The major advantage would be in terms of time saved and the luxury and convenience comes out to be Rs 36,000 per day. How many days in a month are we planning to operate it?
OK. Now coming to the pricing part there are 3 possible pricing strategies that we can look into Then the total cost would be Rs 9 Lakhs per month. Thus, in order to break even we would need at
least Rs 32 Lakhs per month from the passengers. We have a total of 100 trips in a month. Can I
1) Cost based pricing assume the helicopter would accommodate around 4 people?
2) Competitor based pricing Yes
3) Value based pricing Even if we get 100% occupancy for all our flights we would need to charge the people Rs 8000 per
trip just to break even which is a pretty high cost. I would like to do a sanity check in order to make
Since we do not have a direct competitor I would like to focus on cost based and value-based
sure that the number is in the right range. The only heli air service I know is for Vaishno Devi which
pricing. Is there a particular strategy that you would like me to start with?
costs around Rs 1100 for a 5 minute ride. Thus it would be around Rs 13,200 for 60 minutes
Why don’t we start with the costs? What are the major costs involved? however since the fixed costs don’t change with increase in length of trip Rs 8000 seems to be a
good estimate. This is in contrast to taking a cab would cost around Rs 800 thus they are paying 10
The cost can be divided into fixed and variable. One of the major fixed cost would be for the times the amount. In order for this to be a viable option their time should be worth at least Rs 7200
helicopter. Are we planning to buy a new helicopter, lease it or get it from another market where per hour. This is true only for the very rich people who can actually buy their own helicopter and
we currently operate? How many helicopters are we planning to get? would thus have no need for our service. Thus, I don’t think that it is a viable business.
Well done
Helicopter service
Your client is a Heli air service provider. How would you price this service? Is it a viable business?
Variable Costs
• Understand the client’s business and his expectations through clarifying questions before going on with the structure
• It is important to analyze all the possible pricing strategies. Here the service has a value-based price but the cost is so high that it becomes unviable
• Do sanity checks wherever possible
These customers incur an additional expense of maintenance and changing of the light
What is the objective of the company regarding this product? bulbs and maintaining staff for it etc. If we can sell this product to them, they will save on
To gain as much profits as possible. these additional costs and will not have to worry about maintenance at all. Estimating
that these bulbs are available for ₹500 to the city, upon which they need to pay labour
Ok. I would like to know more about the product now. Is this a completely new product or has our charges of ₹200 each to two workers needed to change the bulb, it still costs them ₹900
company/ any other company introduced something similar in the past? per bulb, twice a year. We can have a mark-up over this and sell each bulb at ₹4,000
each. They would recover the amount in two years and we can use this price based
No this is a completely new product that we have developed. ( the product is new: follow that costing to get a very good profit. It is important that we make a good profit on this
branch) product because for every sale of a new technology based bulb, we are losing the sales for
In that case, is the product patented? 100 conventional bulbs.
We have a patent pending, and no one else is trying anything similar. Good point , thank you.
Can you tell me if the product has any disadvantages? Does it use more energy? Or is it harmful
to the customers in any way?
No it is safe product ready for the market. It also doesn’t use more energy
I see. I was thinking we could either price the product at a price comparable with the competition
or base it on the costs that we have incurred we can also look at the price the consumers might be
willing to pay. Since you have mentioned there is no competition I shall rule that out and focus on
what costs we have incurred for this.
Ok go on.
So how much have we spent on R&D for this?
₹120 Cr. for this light bulb.
For a conventional bulb it costs us 4 rupees to manufacture, we sell it to the distributor for 10
rupees, the distributor sells to the store owner for 14 rupees and he sells it to the customer for 18
This light bulb costs ₹400 to manufacture.
Ok so if the manufacturing cost is 100 times, then accordingly the customer will have to pay ₹1,800
for one light bulb. On the up side this is a bulb that will never burn out, so say the people will buy it
once for the next fifty years and are essentially paying for 100 bulbs that they would have used in
the next 50 years. (considering a bulb change twice in a year)
Light bulb
Surya electrical company, has invented a new bulb that never burns out. It could burn for more than 500 years and would never blink. The
director of marketing calls you into her office and asks “How do you price this.” What would you tell her?
• Since the manufacturing cost is 100 times that of conventional bulb, customers would ideally have to pay ₹400 for us to recoup costs. This is improbable since customers would
not shell out a huge amount for a bulb and the longevity benefits are difficult to be perceived by the average customer.
• However, this innovation can be useful for public places such as streets, stations, hospitals etc. where additional staff is required for maintenance. A long-life bulb in such areas
would be extremely useful as maintenance costs would be largely reduced. Hence, such customers should be targeted for this product.
There are 10 buildings with 100 apartments each. Since it is upcoming region and metro services are not being offered right now, so
competition and value based pricing would not help us much and we should go with cost
So 1000 apartments. Okay, Are these segmented into different categories? And if yes, what are the based pricing till the area is sufficiently developed.
kind of amenities offered by each of the categories?
Assume all the apartments fall into the economy category and that the amenities are at par with
the industry standard.
How much has the builder invested in this project and what is the gestation period he is
comfortable with?
The builder has invested 250 crores and expects a 10-12 year gestation period
Okay, lastly what is the average size of a single apartment?
A single apartment is on average 2000 square feet.
All right. I will like to look at three kinds of pricing and then take a decision on which pricing
method to go ahead with. I will look at cost based, competitor based and value based pricing.
That sounds reasonable, let’s look at cost-based first in that case
Okay, So I have a few questions before I begin. I want to know about the expected profit margins
and maintenance charges per flat, expected sale schedule and pricing strategy to be followed for
different flats
Consider profit margins to be 10% of the cost incurred and maintenance charges to be payable
annually and thus not included in the pricing of the apartment . The client is expecting to sell 20%
of the flats every year in the next 5 years. Assume floor 1-5 to be priced 10% higher than 6-10.
Our price should be such that it should include the cost incurred by the client and the profit
expected out of the project. Considering the profit to be 10% of the investment made in the
project. The total expected revenue would be 280 crores. Expected Revenue = number of
flats*price/square feet*square feet. Since some flats are to be priced higher than others, price/
square feet for floor 1-5 would be 1467 and price/square feet for floor 6-10 would be 1333 INR.
Since all the apartments would not be occupied in the first year, we can increase the price of the
apartment in future years to account for growth, improvement in surroundings and inflation.
Residential complex
A builder has approached you to know the price at which he should sell the apartments in his newly developed housing complex in Kolkata
Industry Industry
Margins Offerings
• Understand the client’s business and his expectations through clarifying questions before going on with the structure
• Figure out a way to collate or coalesce the three prices found through the three methods
2019-20 56
New Market Entry – Overview
A market entry case (whether new product launch or entry into new geography or both) is hinged on two basic questions: Is it worthwhile
entering the market (economically and strategically) and if yes, what would be the best way to enter the market.
Framework Summary
Understand what the company ‘s objectives and expectations are. Does it make business sense for them/ Does it align with the overall firm strategy. Analyze the feasibility of market entry by
considering 4 different buckets. Then recommend whether they should enter or not. If yes, how should they do it.
• Not every aspect of the framework mentioned will be applicable to all cases. But try to cover as much as you can, so that you get a good idea of the industry and the client current status. It is
very important to identify where the client would stand in the industry compared to the existing competitors and what measures should be taken to mitigate competitive edge of incumbent.
• Most of the times interviewer will be satisfied if you analyze and suggest, whether to enter or not. But it is always good totake an extra mile by giving a high level plan on how to enter and
capture the market
Framework Summary
A company can either introduce a product in a market where it has no presence or can extend product line in its current market. Launching a product in a market with no presence pose not
only operational challenges but viability of product’s success in the market also needs to be explored. Extending the product line in current market may require looking into cannibalization while
doing a feasibility check of product in the market and how the current value chain can be leveraged in making the product available to its customers.
• Clarify objective, especially focus area of a new product entry case
• New product entry cases might involved multiple issues linked to it and hence both depth and the breadth needs to be covered for exhaustiveness
Key Questions
• What is the purpose of the new product introduction –capture increased market share, entry into a new business line, profits, build brand?
• How big is the market for the product? Any barriers to entry? How does the competitive landscape look like?
• Segments in the target population?
• Initial investment? Expected payback period?
• What is the price at which the product can be introduced?
Alright, understood. But before I delve further into this case, I’d like to know the time duration I think we can stop here. Thanks a lot for your time.
that our client is targeting to move into this segment?
Your client is a retail bank looking into entering high net individual’s portfolio management. You have been approached by the client to
understand how to go about it.
• The client should bring in legal and regulatory experts and experienced professionals who has managed HNI portfolios before.
• The client should leverage the current position of bank and try to take benefit of the possible synergies among its various divisions. It should take help of existing
customers and target potential customers.
• Banking being a highly regulated sector, the client should ensure that all the regulatory requirements have been adhered to.
Observations / Suggestions
• The candidate could’ve dwelled a bit more into the implementation which would have added more value to his arguments.
(C) Consult Club, IIM Ahmedabad 2019-20 Page 60
Market Entry | Easy
HBS wants to set up a new satellite campus in India.They want to your advice about the proposal.
Other risks
• Should not go ahead with the satellite campus.
• Serious concerns about the viability of the operations considering the high costs and also uncertainty of regulations.
Observations / Suggestions
• The interview was designed to judge how quickly could the candidate move through layers of this case and structure the problem. The case required taking some
assumptions and quick thinking. It is best to not lose sight of the structure in quest for creativity and that is what the candidate achieved in this case.
The company offers a subscription model for $3 per copy for a year and sells copies for $5
through retail shops. You can assume a 50-50 split between these two.
Okay. I would first divide the total male population of the US into different age groups and
look at the likely percentage of people who would be willing and able to buy our magazine,
within each age group. I would further multiply this by 5%, since through our survey we know
this is what we’ll be able to capture. Lastly, I would multiply this figure with the frequency of
purchase to get the total number of copies sold. 50% of these would be sold at $3 and the
rest at $4. Multiplying these prices in 50-50 weights will give me the final revenue figure.
Magazine Publisher
A magazine publisher wants to know if he should launch a new lifestyle magazine targeted to wealthy males in the U.S.
9.375M 5% 12 issues/customer
Observations / Suggestions
• It is very important to understand the goals and motivations of a client in doing something or in this case, launching a new product.
• The strength of your solution lies to a large part to the insights you can show through your recommendations.
So ideally we’ll be looking at not only people who own houses, but also people who are planning to Okay. Do you see any other roadblocks or pitfalls of your roll-out plan?
buy new homes. Can you tell me a bit more about the current competition in this segment?
The roll-out would be slow and gradual. Since our current sales force is trained to sell health & life
There is low penetration; not many companies have ventured into this segment. insurance products, they would need training regarding the home insurance products. Also since we
are educating the masses, then we are also educating them for the competitors. So even if the
That’s great. So we don’t have to fight competitors to grow our share. We can build our customer
competitors have marginally better prices, then people would go for them as people in this segment
base from scratch. Can you tell me what kind of clients are we planning to sell our products to? would be price sensitive.
The company hasn’t decided this yet and would like to know your thoughts on this. What analysis can you do, that would help the CEO to take much more decisive action.
We can do the “customer lifetime value analysis” by taking into account their acquisition cost and the
I would start by segmenting the Indian population in terms of their income groups in the rural and
revenue earned per customer over their lifetime. This will give an indication to CEO if this is segment
urban market. Since the company wants to enter the home-insurance market, initially, it can ignore
is worth entering.
the rural population since home ownership among this population is low. In terms of the urban
population, I would segment this market according to income groups.
We could have also explored the option of acquiring any existing player.
That’s right. What segment should the clients target?
I think we can stop here. Thanks a lot for your time. I liked the way you approached the case.
Very few people in the low-income segment would would own a house, whereas for a middle-class
person, buying a house is a dream. So there would be a large portion of the population in this
segment who would be thinking about purchasing a house. Also, the individuals in this segment are
more risk-averse, and would want to protect their house with insurance. People in the high-income
segment would also be interested in our products. Therefore, the client should target the middle-
income and high-income groups.
Insurance company
A foreign insurance company has observed very low penetration of home insurance in the Indian market. It already has its presence in the health
insurance and life insurance segment in the Indian market. It is planning to enter the home insurance category. You have to build a go to market
strategy for the client.
Interviewee Notes Case Facts Approach/ Framework
• Understand the • Client is a foreign insurance
vision/objective of entering company, and is already New
Customer – Entering
the new market present in the health and life Market
New Market
Product Company Industry
• Determine Target insurance segment in the Indian
Segment; based on this try market
• Low penetration in the home Customer Product Competitors If yes,
to determine how to plan Visions Segments No
Expectation Offerings & Share how?
for a successful product insurance segment
offering using the 4 P's of
marketing: Price, Product, Available SWOT Start from
Goals Needs Resources –
Promotion, and Place Products
Analysis Scratch
• Analyse how to use Capital &
current strengths Labor
Barriers to Joint
(industry Objectives Profiling gaps of
above 2 Venture
presence)/resources (sales
people) to expand into the Strengths
new market Size & & Our
Growth Strategic Estimate Acquisition
• Identify potential
Assets of
problems/barriers that Market
company may face while Share
entry Market
• The client should enter the home-insurance segment
• They are already present in the health and life insurance segments, and can leverage their existing salesforce to introduce home insurance products to their clients
• Real-estate industry projected to grow; home products cover both new and existing houses, making the Urban Middle and High-income group preferred target segment
• Training their sales people & customers, developing a specialized sales team & collaborating with builders & banks is essential to the successful rollout of home-insurance
Observations / Suggestions
• The candidate could’ve dwelled a bit more into the implementation which would have added more value to his arguments.
Since this is a new product in a new market, I would like to structure my discussion around the Assume that the company will initially operate only within Ahmedabad, and has the capital and
product characteristics (development and customization) for the Indian market. If the introduction resources for this. Given this information, can you suggest some company and market specific
of the product is feasible, I’ll move on to the launch (competition, challenges, distribution and strengths and possible problems that the company might face.
promotion) part of the case.
(draws and discusses SWOT table) To summarize, the company has the requisite experience to
This sounds fine to me. manufacture and customize these buses, and the environment-friendly policies of the government, and
the associated financial incentives, are a good reason to expand into India. The growing urbanization in
India, and the large population that uses public transport, also justify the need for a product that can
To start with, can you tell me something more about these electric buses? How are they different meet demand without compromising the environment. However, there are certain major
from traditional fuel-based buses? problems/barriers as well – oil is currently at its lowest price in over a decade, which may make it
difficult to convince operators to switch to these electric buses. Also, the high-price of these buses,
There are quite a lot of differences between these buses, but to help you out, I’ll point out a few
the lack of charging infrastructure and operability for a short distance (before being put to charge
major ones – the major difference is that these buses produce less than 90% greenhouse gases as
again) are some other problems that the company might face. One other major problem that I foresee
compared to traditional buses. These buses also run on electric batteries, which means that these
is that tenders in the public sector are often offered to lowest-bidders, and if the client can’t match
buses can run 150-200kms on one charge.
the prices of its competitors, then it won’t get business from the public sector companies operating in
That is good. It gives us the advantage to position our product as an environmentally-friendly the transport sector.
alternative that can be used for an extended period of time. I would also like to understand how
Ok, that sounds like a detailed analysis. Based on this, what is your recommendation?
has our client priced these buses in their existing markets.
My final recommendation would be not to introduce these buses in India since current industry
They are selling these buses at approx. 1.6 times the price of fuel-based buses; however due to the
landscape and market conditions are not favorable for such a move. However, in the near future, once
presence of heavy environment taxes, many companies prefer to buy these buses in the long-run.
the government policies become more supportive and the market conditions change to favour EVs,
That might be a problem for us. Since these are short-to-medium distance buses, they would be the company may reconsider its position on entering the market
used mostly for intra-city travel, and private/public bus-operators won’t accept a more costly option
Very good. Thank you.
until they don’t have a similar incentive.
Electric buses
The client is an international manufacturer of Electric Buses and has a substantial presence in the European market. The client is impressed by
the initiatives taken by the Government of India (GoI) to promote the usage of Electric Vehicles (EVs). You have been hired to find out if the
client should introduce these buses in India.
Interviewee Notes Case Facts Approach/ Framework
• Customers – Target • Client is a manufacturer of
customers may be Electric Buses and has a Market
Customer –
Product Company Industry
New Market Strategy
receptive of the Electric substantial presence in Europe Entry
buses due to financial – product is beyond technical Competit
Product If yes,
incentives promised by feasibility stage Visions Segments Customer ors & No
Offerings how?
Expectation Share
government • These buses produce less than
• Competitors – There are 90% greenhouse gases as Resources –
Goals Needs SWOT Start from
no other direct compared to traditional buses Available Technology, Analysis Scratch
• Buses run 150-200km on one Products Capital &
competitors – first mover
advantage but that means charge Barriers to
Objectives Profiling Entry/Exit Joint
proper infrastructure to • Client is currently selling buses Venture
Identify Our
support these buses is also at approx. 1.6 times the price Strengths
gaps of
missing of fuel-based buses Size & above 2 & Our
Growth Strategic Estimate Acquisition
• Industry – Lowest prices of
of oil in over a decade; Market
Target Share
tenders often offered to Markets
lowest-bidders in Share
public/transport industry
conditions change to favour EVs, the company may reconsider its position on entering the market Saving on
Growth of
Fossil Fuel High Price of other Public
costs / Electric Buses Transport
Acceptance of
pollution solutions
No. You can skip that for now. Focus on the channel package design. But there’s a problem. The basic package of all DTH operators already have the 3 major kids
entertainment channels on offer. Why would any operator want an additional channel to share
Who are the major players in this segment in the Indian market and what are their offerings? revenue with?
There are three major players who have been around for almost a decade. All three are from US This is where the uniqueness of our content can be marketed. Since our shows will be very different
production houses and telecast the same shows that they produce for their US market which are from existing players, I am sure we have an appealing offering for the operators. Besides if we invest
quite similar to our US based channel’s shows. heavily in our marketing efforts, by collaborating with Mc Donald’s, stationary manufacturers etc. to
reach the kids, then the demand generated itself will incentivize the operators to include our channel.
We need to come up with something different and unique if we want to capture market share
rapidly from these established players. We can come up with India specific content if we have the I think we can stop here. Well done.
Your client is a US based media company. It is planning to launch a new channel for the Indian market. You have been approached by the client
to help understand how to go about it.
• Target segment : Focus on children from urban areas
• Content design : Design Indian specific content, it can revolve around Indian mythological stories/ bedtimes fables
• Entry strategy : A collaboration or outsourcing partnership with some Indian theatre group specializing in mythological scripts can be set up for content generation
• Distribution : The channel can be included as part of the basic package of DTH operators in initial years to increase penetration
• Marketing : Collaboration can be established with Mc donalds, Chips and biscuit companies and stationary manufacturers to print/ distribute free merchandise related to characters on
the channels shows to increase visibility
Estimate the additional earnings and profitability scope of a new retirement benefits policy on the mutual fund industry.
rural/urban, age person is Rs. 10000 Potential AUM 10000*350 = 3.5 trillion
demographics, income annually Revenue projection for client (Y1) 10000*0.01 = 100/cus
levels etc. • Total number of people Cost projection for client (Y1) 100+10000*0.001 = 110/cus
• Don’t stop the covered under scheme is Rural population Urban population Revenue projection for client (Y2) 12000*0.01 = 120/cus
profitability analysis at approximately 600 million 70% = 840m 30% = 360m
Cost projection for client (Y2) 100+12000*0.001 = 112/cus
the first year. Look for • Revenue per consumer is
future years to see if 1% of AUM
the opportunity • Cost per consumer is Not considered
becomes profitable. fixed (Rs. 100 per Employable age Not Employable age
consumer) and variable 60% = 216m 40% = 144m
(0.1% of AUM)
70% = 150m
• Cross sell the mutual fund opportunity to customers of the brokerage and other services
• Emphasizing convenience, sort of the one-stop shop for financial- services idea, can enhance the client’s value proposition to their customers
Observations / Suggestions
• Run through the population split step by step, calculating the number of people at each step and not just in the end
• In case you reach a scenario where the company is initially making losses, make sure you analyse future prospects to see if there is a turnaround in the additional year
Anti-smoking pills
The client is in the business of making anti smoking pills - the way we have those patches and lozenges in the market to curb the urge to smoke.
The client wants to sell it at a premium price.You have been hired to find out if the product can be introduced in a country like India - and if so -
what is the expected target market, market share and a feasible price at which the drug should be sold.
Interviewee Notes Case Facts Approach/ Framework
• New product launch – • Client is in the business of Introduce Anti-
Anti smoking pills making anti-smoking pills smoking pills in
• Country - India • Client wants premium
• Premium product- price for its product Profit and
Initial Establish value
Break even
requires premium • Client wants to find Investment chain
price product’s potential in
• Product characteristics India – target market,
Distribution Product Potential
(suitability for Indian market share and feasible challenges Cost
marketing Revenue
market) & Product price
launch (competition,
distribution and The drug cannot be sold as OTC and would Price
promotion) require prescription. Medical representative
• How is the product and direct sales agents need to be hired Filters Number projections
who can push the product to the doctors
different from existing?
who in turn will prescribe it to the patients. Population base (Delhi) 150 lakhs
• What is the Client needs to invest in training of its sales % population who smoke 40%
competitive scenario reps so that they can convince doctors with % smokers who want to quit 20%
product’s value proposition % quitters who can afford the product 75%
in the market
• Product has already Potential customer base 150*.4*.5*.75 = 9lakhs
been introduced in Potential revenue 9*2160 = 200Cr
some countries Revenue projection across India (25% 200/150*0.25*10000=
penetration) 3333 Cr
• Price point should consider both customer’s willingness to pay and product’s incremental value proposition over existing products in the market
• IPR/ Patenting the drug can prevent competitors to enter market and facilitate capture of market share
• Spend more on training the medical representatives and direct sales agents to push the product to the doctors who in turn will prescribe it to the patients
Observations / Suggestions
• Marketing of the product can be briefly discussed since the product charges a premium price to its customers
• Long term product goals and ways to improve product penetration across its lifecycle could have been discussed
• Candidate should have clarified upfront if the product has already been launched in other countries
2019-20 75
Growth strategy – Overview
In a Growth scenario, a company is likely to aim for XX% YoY growth. An interviewee is expected to first align the growth targets, followed by
validating them, identify pillars that can support the growth targets, and finally recommend how the company can leverage/show go about these
Approach / Framework Overview
Framework Summary
A company can grow either in its existing business (provided there is scope), else explore new business. Growing in existing business may be due to market growth and/or increased market
share, hence both situations need to be explored. If the company is venturing into a new business, a feasibility check from an operational, financial, admin etc. needs to be performed in the end.
• Clarify objective, especially growth % and time period
• Growth cases involve have a larger creativity component, keep options open while checking operational feasibilityThe initial few questions should be “What magnitude of increase is being
envisaged?” and “What is time-frame to achieve this impact?
Key questions
• What is the expected growth of the industry. Are we targeting growth more/less/on par with that?
• Do we have existing capacity in the plants/services to meet the increased volume or would investments need to be made?
• What is the price elasticity in the market? (what is the relevance of this?) –to see whether an increase in prices in an option or not
• Are there any barriers to entry into the new areas?
• Number and type of competition? Market share?
• Effect of substitutes and complements
• Products of scope with the existing product line we have?
• Candidates often make mistakes in cases where there are multiple reasons for diversification. It makes sense to understand the client’s priorities and proceed accordingly
Key questions
• What are our current capabilities?
• What are the future capabilities we want to have? Does diversification to the new company help us achieve the objective?
• What are the expected revenues? Revenue Streams?
• Expected cost of diversification?
• Any barriers to entry during diversification?
The client is an ice-cream pushcart vendor in Ahmedabad. He believes that, due to due to the Sounds reasonable. How do you suggest the client expand his business to other regions?
scorching summers, there is tremendous potential in the ice-cream market. He now wants to
expand his business. Suggest a growth strategy for him. There are two ways in which the client can expand to other regions – either by introducing more
pushcarts or by opening a chain of ice-cream parlors across different areas.
I would like to confirm if I have understood all the critical aspects of the client’s situation. I am
assuming that our client, the pushcart vendor, can only cover a small area at present but would like Ok, what option do you think is more feasible?
to cover a larger area and attract more customers.
Since the client is a small vendor who has experience with pushcarts, I think he should go with the
Your assumption is correct. former option of introducing more pushcarts in other areas – this option would instantly give him
access to a huge new customer base. This option is also less-capital intensive as compared to the
Okay, I would like to understand how does his expansion affect his inventory. Could you confirm if other option of opening ice-cream parlors, and requires considerable less investment into fixed-assets.
he manufactures his own ice-cream or is it sourced from a distributor.
Introducing new pushcarts into different regions sounds like a reasonable option. Can you quickly help
The client sells Vadilal ice-cream, and sources it from a distributor. me understand how would you determine how many new pushcarts would need to be introduced?
(becomes a mini-guesstimate now)
That helps. The availability of ice-cream wont be an important factor for the expansion. Next, I
would like to understand the competitive landscape in this industry. (Interviewee calculates table similar to one on next page) I would segment the entire area of
Ahmedabad based on a rough estimation of income. Depending on this, I would introduce pushcarts in
There aren’t many ice-cream vendors in Ahmedabad. However, there are quite a few corner shops different areas/sectors/colonies. More pushcarts would be introduced in effluent areas, or areas with a
and supermarkets that sell ice-cream. targeted customer base – such as near schools. (After discussing the numbers) The client can
introduce 850 pushcarts in total across Ahmedabad.
That helps. One of the major strengths of our client, against its competitors, is his ability to move
around and distribute the product. However, I believe that due to the nature of the inventory (ice-
After deciding on the possible number of pushcarts that can be introduced, I would additionally
creams), combined with hot weather may lead to more pilferage.
analyze the expenses involved in running one pushcart and match this against the total capital that the
You can assume that the pilferage due to pushcarts is not significant as compared to total sales. client is willing to invest after discounting for working capital requirements.
In that case, the client can increase his sales in two ways – either by increasing the revenue per user I think the analysis is sufficiently thorough. We can stop here. Thank you.
or increasing the number of customers. I think the first option can be achieved by adding additional
costs/charges to the original price, however for an inelastic commodity like ice-cream, this may not
be feasible as people would just go to corner stores if they believe that they can get a better price.
Also, ice-creams are an undifferentiated product and the price is set by the manufacturer (Vadilal in
this case) and thus high-margins may not be possible. Therefore, the first option of increasing the
revenue per user has quite limited scope.
Moving to the second option of increasing the number of customers – this can be done either by
entering different regions of Ahmedabad, or by increasing sales in the current area. May I ask how
much growth is the client aiming for? Does he have the capital to expand into other areas?
You may assume that client has limited capital which allows him to expand to other areas.
In that case, expanding to other regions is a better idea since it provides access to more customers.
The client is an ice-cream pushcart vendor in Ahmedabad. He believes that, due to due to the scorching summers, there is tremendous potential
in the ice-cream market. He now wants to expand his business. Suggest a growth strategy for him.
Your client is a pharmaceutical company in India. How would you increase their sales? Now let’s move on to the options related to exploring new business
Could you please tell me what the business model and product portfolio of our client are? So within new business we can either acquire another pharma company, we could enter a new market
or we could introduce a new product. To analyse the first option, I would like to know whether the
What can be the type of products? company has the financial resources to acquire another firm?
They can be producing either generic medicines, medicinal products under their brand name or Those are fair suggestion. Coming to your question, the company does not have the capital to acquire
medicinal concentrate for other companies another firm and M&A is hence not an option
Let’s say the client manufactures both generic and branded cardiovascular and diabetes medicines. Ok, let me explore the other options. One thing the company can do is introducing new medicines for
How would you proceed with the case?. other diseases. To determine whether this is an attractive option, I need to know whether the firm is
currently considering to introduce a certain new medicine, and if they are how the competitive
Ok, so I would split the options to increase sales into exploring existing business or exploring new
landscape looks like, whether the industry is growing and whether it concerns a profitable segment?
business. Within existing business I will look at options to increase volume or price and within new
business I will consider M&A, entering a new geographical market or introducing a new product. The only information I have is that competition is fierce for other pharmaceutical products in India.
Ok, that sounds like a good structure. Let’s start with the options related to the existing business.
This leaves us with the option to enter a new geographical market. Is the company currently
To evaluate whether a price increase is possible I would need information about the price sensitivity considering certain markets and how is the size of the market, the growth, the level op the
of the firm’s customers. Do you have information regarding this? competition and the enforcement of IP laws in the respective countries?
The company is analyzing 3 options, Brazil, Russia and Poland. Brazil is the largest markets with 28bln
Yes, since the firm operates in India, a developing country, the customer are price sensitive. and also is a fast growing market. Additionally the level of competition is low and there is medium
protection of IP laws. Russia, is the second largest market with 15 bn, but experiences slow growth.
Based on this I conclude that a price increase is not feasible. Let me discuss the options to increase
Moreover, the Russian market is relatively fragment and there is good enforcement of IP laws. The last
volume. To analyse the options thoroughly I would require information about the customers or
option is Poland, which is a market of 7bln but with high growth. The competition is fierce in this
market and there is good IP protection
Sure, the pharma company serves two types of customers which are large and small customers. The
That information is very helpful. Taking this into account I would suggest the Pharma company to
large customers are hospitals and pharmacy chains while the small customers are small pharmacies
expand to Brazil, due to the large market, the high growth and the low level of competition.
Thank you for the information. Do we also have info about the profitability, growth and competitive
Great suggestion. Overall what would you suggest the company to do?
landscape for the 2 type of products?
I don’t have information about the competitive landscape, but I can tell you that the large customers The case highlights that there are 2 viable options to boost sales. On the one hand the company could
have a higher profitability and higher growth than the smaller customers expand globally by entering the Brazilian market with existing product. On the other hand the
company can increase volume sold to large clients. To increase sales I propose to create a dedicated
Ok, the focus of our growth strategy should thus be on the large customers, as they represent a sales force for large players. The customer oriented sales structure should result in an improved
more attractive segment. To increase sales I propose to create a dedicated sales force for large customer relations and tailored offerings for customer needs. Moreover, the firm should invest in
players. The customer oriented sales structure should result in an improved customer relations and training of the sales force
tailored offerings for customer needs. Moreover, the firm should invest in training of the sales force
Thank you for your time. It was nice interacting with you
Pharma company
You have been approached by the CEO of a pharmaceutical company in India. He is looking to grow the sales of the company. How would you go
about increasing the firm’s topline?
Russia: Size 15
Recommendations bn, slow
• The case highlights that there are 2 viable options to boost sales
1. Expanding global footprint by enteringgrowth, good
the Brazil market with existing products
2. Improve sales by expanding volume sold to large clients. To increase sales I propose to create a dedicated sales force for large players. The customer oriented sales structure
should result in an improved customer enforcement
relations and tailored offerings for customer needs. Moreover, the firm should invest in training of the sales force
In terms of availability, the products may not be reaching the customers or may not be accessible
due to certain constraints. Is the client facing any issues like that?
Yes, so the factories are located quite far off from the client’s major customer locations. What
problems can this lead to?
Since the factories are located far off, then there would be a large transportation cost associated
with the transfer of goods. Apart from that, the products while shipping may get damaged, which
would lead to bad reputation of the client among the customers.
It is exactly so. The products are being damaged while shipping.
Okay. Now, I will move on to the production capacity aspect. At how much capacity is the client
working as of now? What about the product mix?
Chemicals manufacturer
Your client is a commodity chemicals manufacturer. It is facing declining market share. Figure out why,
capacity Accessibility Product Mix
• Shift warehouses to locations which are close to the customer base
• Go into long term contracts with clients to lock in the sales volume
• Increase production capacity in the factories or look for alternatives to produce more
Sure. There is potential for growth in wired line services which I would like you to think about.
However, there is very limited growth potential in data centre services with our current portfolio.
OK. So let us start with wired line services. As I understand, the client has laid down physical
wires in the cities that it operates in. It leverages these wires for providing wired line services. Is
my understanding correct? Also, could you help me with understanding the coverage of customers
through these lines.
You have been approached by the CEO of a telecommunications provider company. She is looking to grow the sales revenue. You are hired as a
Consultant to identify opportunities and recommend a plan of action for the same
• Sell wired services to new customers located in proximity of existing wired lines; also sell to existing customers’ all PoPs
• Offer hosting services to customers with data center requirements – client takes care of real estate, hardware, software etc, and charges management fees for these services
• Churn strategy can be formulated to churn out customers from competitors and lock them with client
Observations / suggestions
• A market sizing exercise can be done for new customers and conversation can be lead in that direction
• Diversification was ultimately the preferred option as it contributed almost 70% to the revenue growth
• Further brainstorming on implementation of new services (e.g. sales force training, incentive structure etc.) can be touched upon briefly
The client is in the apparel business in the US and wants to expand their top line. They need your How do we go forward with capturing new customer segments?
suggestions on how to achieve the growth.
Since we are an medium priced product company, it will be difficult to increase average revenue per
I would like to confirm the objective before I proceed. The client is seeking suggestions to increase customer under the same brand name as it would not have the desired perception of brand value
revenues. Is there any other objective? And do we have a number on the increase envisioned? which is often taken into account by customers with higher paying capacity as they require a premium
feel. So we can launch a new product line under a different brand name which will have a higher price
Yes, 25% and that is the only objective. point and will be sold in limited stores only. This brand will be showcased as a premium and high
Okay, I would like to understand the client a little more. Specifically I want to understand three quality brand and will cater to higher paying segments with new products. This brand will be under
things- the product segments they operate in, the price point to get a sense of the segment they the same parent company but will be distanced from the original brand to not confuse the customer.
deal in and the position of the industry- fragmented or consolidated?
Sounds reasonable. How do you suggest the client expand his business to other regions?
Alright. So to answer your first and second question- we are mid priced jeans manufacturer known
for our quality at affordable price. We operate in a fragmented market with push from both low and So we will have to explore different target markets on the following 4 factors-
high end manufacturers along with same segment competitors. However, in this fragmented space, 1) Size of the market in terms of demand for jeans and favourable attitude to jeans
we are one of the top 5 players. 2) Paying capacity
3) Ease of setting up manufacturing/distribution operations
That helps. So given it is a fragmented market, the growth within the market can come by either 4) Competition
acquisition or without. In the first case, we will have to do a due diligence to acquire a company or
in the latter case, we will more strategies. We can look at increasing number of customers or Ok. So on the basis of this, we have decided to pick China as our new market. What possible
revenue per customer. bottlenecks do you foresee?
Sounds good. Can you quickly run me through how you can increase revenue per customer for a I will build on the same analysis I just did. Some of the possible bottlenecks are:
product like jeans? 1) Getting licenses might be difficult
2) Presence of low cost competitors.
Sure. So we can either change the price depending of price elasticity or increase buying frequency of 3) Price point under question because mid priced jeans might be expensive in China. We can go for
the customer. The latter can be done by reducing shelf life of our jeans. However, given that we are a low margin model in which we offer discounts on the selling price but still keep it profitable so
known for the quality, this is a bad idea possibly. What other things we can look at are discounts, as to increase the number of sold jeans. This will of course be done after analyzing the price
loyalty programs and seeing if there is a possibility of cross selling across products. elasticity of the market and how much of a revenue can we expect compared to selling at the
current price point.
Alright. Let us look at the other idea of increasing number of customers. How do you think we can
I’d also like to know whether we can shift production to China or open a new factory there to cater
do that?
to the new market?
We will have to study the segment we have targeted and strengthen our positioning to acquire
What purpose would that solve?
more customers. This could be through channel improvement or advertising. Here I am assuming,
we are not trying to redesign the product. So can you give me some data around which is our Since the cost of production in China is lower compared to majority markets, we can go for a cheaper
target segment and how do we reach them, both product wise and through advertisements? product while keeping the margins the same. This will help undercutting competitors and will result in
Our target segment is low-mid income adults, both male and female. Instead of advertisements, I higher sales and higher revenues depending on the price elasticity again. Additionally if we move our
would like you to explore what else can you do to augment revenues? production here, it will also help with cutting prices in the current market as well and cater to a larger
In this case, we can look expanding into new geographies, new product lines or new customer
Alright. That makes sense. Let us wrap it up here. Thank you.
Apparel Manufacturer
The client is in the apparel business in the US and wants to expand their top line.They need your suggestions on how to achieve the growth.
New product
Increase # of launches
• The client should not expand In China and look at alternative location based on parameters developed.
Observations / suggestions
• Proactively could have done market sizing and market share calculations for China to back up the recommendation.
Your client is Flipkart.They have requested your advice on medium-term growth strategy, for the next 3-5 years.
Observations / Suggestions
• This is more of a ‘conversational’ type of case rather than one which is following a particular structure. (generally observed in final rounds)
• In case the company involved is a well-known one, be sure to use your knowledge of the company during the interview. For example, here, the interviewee mentioned about Walmart
(ideally, should have mentioned much earlier as could have provided an interesting direction to the case)
• In case you have work/ internship experience, do think about the common issues faced by that industry – the interviewer might give you a case on that particular industry
The client is a provider of an online software product and is witnessing flattening sales.You are asked to help grow the sales beyond its current
$110,000 per month (pm) figure.
Your client is an Indian oil and gas company looking to increase their revenues. Suggest a growth Assuming only 50% population would have municipal water supply, my daily water demand comes out
strategy for them. to be 2.5 million kL / day. This translates into a revenue of Rs. 25 million / day.
This market size seems attractive even if we can control a 60-70% share once the other sources dry
I would like to start with a few preliminary questions. What business exactly is our client into and up.
in what geographies ? Is there a growth target in their mind ?
Sounds reasonable. Once the water dries up, what alternative sources can be possible ?
The client operates in the midstream sector i.e. transmission and marketing of oil & gas. They
operate pan-India and are looking to grow by 4x over next 10 years We can look at rain water harvesting, souring water from locations nearby Bangalore, harvesting
ground water from the nearby forests and supplying to Bangalore or we can look at sourcing sea
Ok, so I would split the options to increase sales into exploring existing business or exploring new water from a coastal town, purifying it and supplying to Bangalore
business. Within existing business I will look at options to increase volume or price and within new
business I will consider M&A, entering a new geographical market or introducing a new product. Great. Our client is looking to source sea water from Chennai, transporting it to Bangalore by setting
up a new distribution network, purifying it in plants near Bangalore and selling to Municipal corp. Can
Great. Lets focus on new businesses you list down the costs which will be incurred by us ?
We can analyze the new businesses using a 2x2 matrix of products vs business. With existing I can divide the costs as Fixed and Variable costs. Fixed costs would involve the infrastructure costs i.e
product, customer can look to penetrate more in the existing business or expand into new setting up of pipelines, purification plants, licensing costs, insurance costs, salaries. The variable costs
business. With New product, customer can remain in the existing business by modifying the will be the cost of buying sea water, operations costs, maintenance costs, wastage and theft costs.
product or enter new business. The new business can be related (integration) or unrelated with the
current business. Do we have any data around what the client is looking for ? What costs would you include under the operation cost and what would they depend upon ?
Yes, so as you correctly identified client wants to enter a completely new business of drinking The operations cost would include the utilities costs like costs of running the pumps and power
water distribution. They want to setup water purification plants to supply water to municipal corps. houses to source water and supply it to Bangalore. Another cost would be the cost of running
purification plants and cost of running powerhouses to supply water to municipal corporation.
Interesting. So if I understand correctly, client will source water from the water bodies, purify it in The operation costs would depend upon:
its own plants and sell it to municipal corporations. Are we looking only at drinking water supply? 1. The distance over which water is supplied (We should look at minimizing this distance from
Chennai to Bangalore by setting up underground pipelines).
That’s right. How would you identify a good geographical location to start this business ?
2. The gradient of the on-surface pipelines (Given that Bangalore is surrounded by many mountains
I would analyze the different locations and choose the ones where there is no distribution network and we cannot have underground pipelines throughout)
currently, has scarcity of water but has a large population. I would also look at the purchasing 3. Specification of Pumps such as their Quality, efficiency.
power of these people, regulations, possible synergies with my current distribution network.
I think the analysis is sufficiently thorough. We can stop here. Thank you.
Hmm, what else ? Since you would be selling water to municipal corp., does it make sense to setup
plant in a place with no municipal corp. supply ? Also, in the places where municipal corp. exists,
they already have the water sourcing and purification network. Why don’t you think from the
perspective of demand in the future ?
Okay understood. From the future perspective, I would benefit by setting up the plants and
sourcing network in a location where water sources are expected to dry up. Hence, I can use my
current pipeline network to source water from far away places and purify in my own plants.
Perfect. Our team carried out a similar analysis and they have identified Bangalore as one such
location. Can you help us size the Bangalore domestic potable water market ?
Should I look at sizing by value ? Also I will look at only the household daily potable water demand.
Yes, by value. Assume Municipal corp. buys water from the client at Rs. 10 / kL.
(Interviewee calculates similar to the table on the next page). I would segment the entire
households of Bangalore based on a rough estimation of income. My assumption would be that
higher income people would live in bigger houses and would have a higher water demand.
Your client is an Indian oil and gas company looking to increase their revenues. Suggest a growth strategy for them.
where water sources are plants to supply water to
New market entry matrix Modification Penetration
expected to dry. municipal corps
• Focus only on the potable • Water sold to municipal
waster supplied to corporation at Rs. 10 / kL.
Diversification Expansion
households of Bangalore. • Client want to source sea water Related Unrelated
Recommendations Medium
Income Low Income High Income
• Expand by entering the new business of setting up water purification plants and selling water to municipal body Income
• The market size of Bangalore for potable drinking water looks attractive and given the expectation of future scarcity, % households 60% 30% 10%
it looks like a good place to set up the operations
Municipal water supply 20% 50% 100%
• Major costs would be incurred in establishing the network of pipes and operations (purification and supply)
Water consumption (kL) 1 2 4
Observations / Suggestions 2,500,000
Total water demand (Kl)
• The case was quite lengthy and involved growth strategy, market sizing as well as some qualitative analysis /day
• The MECE growth framework at the start helped to quickly identify client’s growth srtategy Revenue = 2,500,000 x Rs. 10 = Rs. 25,000,000/ day
• It was a good mix of quantitative and qualitative analysis
2019-20 94
Due Diligence | Moderate
Can I know if the school has any other revenue streams apart from the education fees it must be
charging the students? Hostel charges maybe?
Assume that the education fees is the only source of revenue.
Revenues will be equal to the total seats x occupancy rate x the fees/ student. The total fees
charged would depend on the segment the B school wants to position itself in. Considering it
already has an undergraduate brand, it can easily charge 15-20L. Being a new entrant, maximum
occupancy would depend upon its marketing efforts.
There are a lot of private and public players in this market. How do you think can the B school
differentiate itself from its competitors?
The B school has to leverage its undergraduate brand. It can bring in a competent teaching
faculty using its already established connections. Further, we can expect synergies with the
fund’s investment in the recruitment agency. Placements are considered as a significant metric to
showcase the success of a school and the recruitment agency can help bring in potential
recruiters. These 2 factors would be crucial in differentiating itself in this market.
Chain of colleges
The client is an investment fund looking to invest in a chain of colleges, explore the viability for the same.
Total No Occupancy
of Seats Fees/ Student
Exit opportunities
• If the computed growth rate is more than or equal to 30% take up the investment.
• The purchase price should be less or equal to the computed NPV
Company has also outperformed industry in terms of EBIDTA margins which depicts the better
PVR 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
cost management by company.
Revenue from ticket sales 11,000 12,000 15,000 That is correct. What next?
I would wish to understand the percentage of recurring customers to analyse the sustainable
Revenue from sale of F&B 5,000 6,000 7,500 revenues for the company
Tickets are booked over the counter and through third party applications. So Company does not
Advertisement revenue 2,700 3,000 3,200
have data for it.
EBIDTA Margins 20% 20.5% 22% Do we have data on geographical distribution of number of screens of PVR?
Yes, Company has following number of screens:
Overall 748 1
Movie theatre
Your client is an investment fund, they want to invest in PVR. Is this a good investment? What factors would you consider?
Revenue No of Theatres
Key risks
Observations / Suggestions
• The risks can be mitigated by providing services that uplift the whole experience of watching movies in the theatre; increasing the value provided by visiting a theatre
• Different areas can be segregated according to their average income and theatres in that area can charge prices and provide service in line with the propensity to spend
2019-20 100
Data-intensive | Challenging
You have been approached by the Chief strategy officer (CSO) of a telecommunications service provider for advice on options to improve the
economics and performance of it’s recently introduced video strategy
What are your client’s options to quickly gain scale in video services? ➢ Contribution per Month
The client can look out for both organic or inorganic growth options, with preference to • Monthly Revenue = $75
inorganic due to the desire to acquire scalerapidly • Monthly Service programming cost = $20*1.25 = $25 (Pull 25% from Misc. Info table)
• Contribution per subscriber/month = $75-$25=$50
Can you please elaborate on both these options? ➢ Expected Lifetime
Sure. By Inorganic, I meant to acquire current satellite distribution partner, cable operator (e.g. • Annual Churn Rate=2.75%*12=33%
Comcast), or disruptive competitor (e.g., Vudu, Veoh, etc.). While the organic strategy can involve • Expected life in years=1/33%=3years
Increasing the speed of video build out/rollout schedule for client video offering and/or offer ➢ Lifetime Value
significantly lower promotional pricing for video services to increase penetration in available • Installation Cost = $500
markets • Contribution/year = $50*12
What are the benefits and deficiencies associated with each option? Please detail them out. • Cost of Capital: NOT PROVIDED – Should make an assumption e.g. may choose 10% for easier
➢ Acquire current satellite distribution partner:
• DCF= -$500 + $600 + $600/1.1 + ($600/1.1*1.1) = -$500 + $600 + $545 + $495 = $1,140
• Benefits: provides a large number subscribers quickly, national footprint, expanded footprint
to new geographies and savings on cost of installation Makes sense, on another note additional assumptions could have been made regarding other costs
• Deficiencies: price, potential loss of distribution from other telcos, integration challenges (not not provided (e.g., cost of sales, cost of care, etc.) that would alter the lifetime value calculation.
wireline) But, we are good with your explanation.
➢ Acquire cable operator: So, moving on can you try figuring out the incremental value of a tripleplay subscriber?
• Benefits: expands footprint to new geographies, wireline video offer ➢ Incremental life of triple play customers
• Deficiencies: price, potential mismatch in geographic coverage, savings on cost of installation • Annual churn rate of triple play customers =2.75%*.5*12=16.5%
➢ Acquire disruptive competitor: • Expected life in years = 1/16.5% = 6 years
• Benefits: lower price, national coverage, rapid roll-out • Incremental life of triple play customers = 6 years – 3 years = 3years
• Deficiencies: may not be considered a true substitute to traditional video services, may require ➢ Incremental value due to triple play
higher speed connections • Incremental lifetime value = (600/1.1^3)+(600/1.1^4)+(600/1.1^5) = $450 + $410 + $373 =$1,233
➢ Rollout owned service faster: • Adjust for 90% triple play = 90% * 1,233 = $1,110
• Benefits: lower operating costs due to one network / optimal network design
• Deficiencies: time to market, proof of success at scale Any thing else, that you may considered as incremental value?
➢ Lower pricing: The value drivers related to scale can be summarized as :
• Benefits: increase penetration in target markets, rapid implementation (only in areas where • Increased bargaining power with video programmers
service currently offered) • Retention benefits from triple play subscriptions leading to fewer access line losses
• Deficiencies: margin implications, devaluing service in customer perception, risk of churn when • Faster realization of video revenue streams
prices rise, competitive response Go ahead.
• On another note, getting people to sign up for triple play if they currently have nothing might
be even more expensive than converting the households currently with MVPD As a part of our implementation strategy, I would like to assess our technical knowledge, ability to
attract personnel, availability of capital and grid accessibility. Is there anything else I should consider?
That was a good take. Moving on, how would you estimate the value of a video subscriber?
Please try quantifying some of these drivers.
We can do it by lifetime value analysis. I’ll start it by calculating contribution per month per
subscriber and the corresponding expected lifetime Value of scale can be estimated as follows:
• Programming cost benefit: $5 * 12 months = $60 per subscriber per year [$5 is difference
Sounds good. Can you please walk us through your calculations?
between estimated $25 programming cost and $20 cost for competition]
• Retention benefits from fewer access line/broadband losses: $45*12 = $540/retained
subscriber/year [$45 is the difference between the $120 and $75/month ARPU]
That’s good, thank you
You have been approached by a Regional Wireless Service Provider who is facing declining profitability over the last few years due to strong
competition from larger companies to identify an approach to reach improved profitability across their footprint
How would you approach identifying the source of our client’s lagging financial performance? ➢ Market 8
• Revenue from ARPU = 1,200,000 X $45 X 12 = $648M
I would break down the various sources of Revenues and Costs to identify the factors that are • Device Revenue = (1,200,000 X 20%) X $100 = $24M
causing decreasing profitability. I will analyze at individual market level rather than at national • Total Revenue = $648M + $24M = $672M
level, given the lack of success of national level initiatives in the past
That’s Great. Now please have a look at Exhibits – 4 & 5 and calculate the costs for those same
Can you please elaborate on both these options? markets? What are the profits by market?
Sure. Total Cost has three cost components; Customer Acquisition cost, Operations cost and Store
1. Revenue - I shall break it into components using multiple criteria like Recurring vs One-Time cost
revenues and those revenues arising from existing customers vs those coming in from new • Customer Acquisition cost = Cost per New Subscription X No. of New Subscriptions
customers. • Operations cost = Annual network maintenance + (Marketing spend X % for market) +
2. Costs – Break Costs into its components, Fixed Costs and Variable costs and further break (G&A spend X % for market)
it down into Cost to acquire and Cost to serve. • Store Cost = No. of stores X (Personnel cost + Rent). Is there data available on rent for
We could also leverage competitor benchmarks to identify areas in which client is the store?
underperforming in the marketplace for different markets and thereby suggest methods to Consider Rent per store at $70K per store. Please calculate the total costs and profits for each
increase revenue or decrease costs or both. market for year 2013?
Our client decided to conduct a market-level performance analysis, and has provided you with the ➢ Market 4
data (Look at Exhibits – 1,2). What trends do you observe? • Customer Acquisition Cost = $250 X 50K = $12.5M
• Markets 3 and 8 have a large population and the client has a higher share with a low level of • Operations Cost = $75M + ($250M X 15%) + ($1B X 5%) = $162.5M
competition. They seem to be driving a lot of revenue. Indicates they are good to focus on • Store Cost = 50 X ($450K + $70K) = $26M
and to drive more from those markets. • Total Cost = $12.5M + $162.5M + $26M = $201M,
• Market 2 is fairly insignificant, can ignore • Profit = $94.5M - $201M = -106.5M
• Market 4 has high growth potential – Relatively higher number of new subscribers, strong ➢ Market 5
market growth from 2010 and low competition level • Customer Acquisition Cost = $300 X 75K = $22.5M
• Market 5 is big, has smartphones and high Revenue per Subscriber, but is competitive and the • Operations Cost = $50M + ($250M X 5%) + ($1B X 10%) = $162.5M
client’s network isn’t great. It may be an opportunity • Store Cost = 100 X ($550K + $70K) = $62M
• Smartphone tends to be tied to higher ARPU. Better network where competition is low. • Total Cost = $22.5M + $162.5M + $62M = $247M,
Based on your analysis, the client has identified three key markets to focus on. Please calculate the • Profit = $278M - $247M = 31M
annual revenue for markets 4, 5, and 8. ➢ Market 8
• Total Revenue = Revenue from ARPU + Device Revenue • Customer Acquisition Cost = $200 X 250K = $50M
• Revenue from ARPU = Subscribers X (ARPU X 12 months) • Operations Cost = $75M + ($250M X 35%) + ($1B X 35%) = $512.5M
• Revenue from Devices = (Subscribers X % buying devices X Average Device Price) • Store Cost = 170 X ($450K + $70K) = $88.4M
• Is there data on Average Device Price? • Total Cost = $50M + $512.5M + $88.4M = $650.9M,
Average Device price across the markets is $100. Please calculate the total revenues for year 2013 • Profit = $672M - $650.9M = 21.1M
➢ Market 4 After the market segmentation, client determined that they have 2 markets that are profitable
• Revenue from ARPU = 150,000 X $50 X 12 = $90M but have a declining subscriber base. What would you recommend the client in order to make
• Device Revenue = (150,000 X 30%) X $100 = $4.5M sure profitability is maintained and/or grown?
• Total Revenue = $90M + $4.5M = $94.5M • Recognize that revenue needs to be prioritized to improve profitability given declining
➢ Market 5 subscriber base
• Revenue from ARPU = 400,000 X $55 X 12 = $264M • Suggest expansion of subscriber base through targeted marketing
• Device Revenue = (400,000 X 35%) X $100 = $14M • Identify opportunities to grow sales through upsell (e.g., try to get everyone on
• Total Revenue = $264M + $14M = $278M smartphones and the highest available data plans) and cross-sell (e.g., other non-mobile
products (cable from parent company, content partnerships) and adding other family
members or devices to the contract
Valuation Range (Craft beer only) -$M $1980M $2736M At what point, if any, would building a new facility be more economical?
• When we look at the cumulative costs, year on year, we can clearly see that the cumulative
Beyond synergies, what considerations could impact the purchase price?
cost for Build scenario falls below that of Buy scenario in year 2016
• Access to newer customers and/or suppliers Cumulative Answer Key ($M) 2014 2015 2016
• Access to the vast distribution network and sales routes
Build Scenario Costs: $125M $210M $305M
• Established craft beer brands
• Access to quality talent Buy Scenario Costs $75M $180M $315M
• Regulatory/political reasons etc.
• Additionally we can look at financial implications with debt financing for an initial investment, how Op
costs may effect the bottom line, depreciation/amortization tax implications & overall risk tolerance
Additionally reasons can be explored that would increase and decrease the price or that is specific to
BevCo or BeerCo to draw conclusions • A step further we should also think about physical constraints, including local infrastructure, available
• Overall we can also consider a possibility of a JV instead of acquisition for benefits like: Reducing initial
investments, sharing risk with 3rd party and potential synergies
2019-20 107
Unconventional | Easy
A football team recently suffered a surprise loss.You have been approached to find out why this happened.
Observations /suggestions
• Understanding the context is important. Need to understand what kind of match/tournament was being played and past performance of the team to identify whether this was a one-off
• It is important to adopt a structured approach and cover all the possible reasons rather than just listing several reasons.
Your client is a packaging manufacturer who has been facing a higher completion time of delivering a job. Diagnose and recommend solutions.
Unavailability of
Priority Job Machine
subsequent Labor issue
issues Complexity Issue
Target Time
• Provide training to operators Type of job Actual Time (hrs)
• Change the incentive scheme/daily target for line managers
• Proper forecasting of the time taken at a particular machine to improve planning accuracy Large
48 54
(more than 5000 cartons)
36 72
(less than 5000 cartons)
Okay, could I know why the client wants to adopt this? What is his ultimate objective? After this, we would come to outbound logistics. I’m trying to think of areas were we could come
up with something but cannot come up with anything else under this.
Well, he had visited a conference and had been impressed by the sustainable practices being taken
Do you think you have missed out any major factor in your overall analysis? What do you think a
over the world. He wants to set a benchmark by establishing practices in his own company.
major airline operator will need to have to sustain its operations?
Sure, I would want to understand a bit more about the company at this point. What is the size,
I apologise, I had missed its corporate offices. An airline would have offices all over the country. We
scale of operations, does it operate in international markets?
could look at sustainable practices there. Use of solar energy, going paperless etc to reduce our
It is a well established player in the domestic market. You can consider a typical low cost player in overall carbon footprint.
the domestic market.
Okay, Sounds good. Could you summarize the case for us?
Could I understand a bit more about the current context? Have other players started with these
practices? Do we have any benchmark? The problem we had in front of us was to help our client go green. After analysing the relevant
functions in the value chain, we came up with areas where the client could implement different
No, we would be the first in the industry. There is no benchmark techniques. It starts with green sourcing, better planning of flight operations to reduce
Okay, so I feel that I have some idea about the problem. I would like to proceed analysing it by fuel/passenger, reducing use of paper and tags in the pre-flight operations, reducing use of plastic in
first drawing out the value chain (Draws out). Do you want me to focus on any one? Or should I in-flight operations and also incorporating sustainable practices in the corporate offices of the firm.
start from sourcing? This would help our client go a long way in achieving his goal.
Start wherever you want. You are the consultant. Okay. Thank you.
Okay, in that case, I would like to start with sourcing. Could I know what is the current process
being followed?
It is pretty normal sourcing. Please list down all the factors you feel are relevant.
Okay, so I feel that sourcing would be that of fuel and aircrafts. While I know that the suppliers
are well established, I feel that the company should follow green sourcing policies prevalent, which
means conducting green audits to analyse the entire supply chain. We could also look at a mix of
biodiesel and normal fuel something which was tried by Spice Jet.
Okay, what else?
That would cover sourcing. Next, I would like to come to planning operations. This would include
flight & crew scheduling, route selection etc (refer value chain). The flights need to be planned
such that it minimizes the fuel use. This would involve better scheduling, not flying flights at less
than capacity and reducing idle waiting time at the runway.
Okay. Could you think of a metric in this respect which would be useful?
Fuel/passenger. I think we should focus on reducing this.
Okay. Please continue with your initial analysis.
So, after planning, I would like to look at the pre-flight operations. This would involve ticket
counter operations, gate operations, baggage handling, pre-flight bus service. We could look at
going paperless, removing paper tags and using e- boarding passes. We could also look to use
aerobridges to reduce fuel use in operating buses.
Don’t you think there is an inherent flaw here? Do you think e-boarding passes would work?
I think it would require a buy in from the other flight operators.
Is that all? Don’t you think you would need a buy in from anybody else?
Your client is the CEO of an Indian Airlines Company. He has approached you, a consultant at a top notch firm to help him make his firm go
green. How do you go about it?
Observations / Suggestions
• The interviewee should first clarify what “go green” means. Then he/she should understand more about the company and operations. Finally the problem should be broken up into a value
chain to simplify it.
• Give recommendations under each bucket in the value chain. Be exhaustive.
The Director, Sales of a FMCG firm wants to improve their channel management strategy. He wants you to provide suggestions.
Competitor Operations
External Non-monetary
Non-Competitor Non operations
Benefits based
factors) Monetary
• Understand and deliver the unmet needs of the distributors.
• Understand and implement global best practices.
• In absence of data, focus on non-monetary operations benefits.
Observations / suggestions
• The case was well structured and the preliminary questions clarified the key issues in the case. It is usually important (and useful) to ask about the context of the problem and the company..
• The interviewee requested for time to structure the problem and then delivered an exhaustive structure. That was well done.
• Towards the end, the interviewee tied his answer (of asking the distributor directly) to the initial given data that metric was distributor satisfaction.
The client is a web based media news aggregator platform. The website has been seeing a drop in traffic off late. Diagnose and recommend
The issue is with the new, obtrusive, legally-mandated GDPR cookies banner, which is ruining user experience. Thus,
a. Make the banner less flashy and intrusive, but visible. So any changes to the color scheme and the font type to make it less in-the-face can help reduce the impact on the customer
b. Focus on developing quality content: While the website now is only a media aggregator, the company can take steps to develop exclusive content with top writers so that users are forced
to put up with the banner in order to consume quality content.
c. Move away from a user tracking model, and consolidate content delivery as the only feature. Remove features that require user data. This would also help allay fears that the website can be
used to influence public opinion based on popular sentiment.
You have been approached by the CEO of a company in India. The client asks you to come up with ways to lower the turnaround time of its
trucks between Delhi and Mumbai
Controls when
Traffic Type of road Route Primary needs
passing state
Food Sleep
Non peak hour breaks
• To reduce the turnaround time, the firm can implement measures that affect either the time of driving or the length of breaks. Possible measures include the adoption of a new
transportation schedule where peak hours are avoided, a driver rotation plan to minimize the amount of breaks, and the use of pre-packed food to make food-breaks unnecessary. The
company can provide drivers with mobile phones with maps to ensure that drivers follow the fastest route
Your client is a transport company, which has been offered a contract to transport oil for an oil rig company. We need to decide if it should take
the contract or not.
• Ensure that most of the risks are mitigated in the contract signed with the client’s customer
• Minimise capital risks by using short term leases on ships instead of purchasing them
Observations / Suggestions
• It is important in cases like this to be comprehensive, and hence bucketing the problems into different sections helps in structured thinking
• Most of the risks faced by the client should be problems which have solutions available and can be thought of within the interview
Now, I would like to analyse the various factors that could help us in determining the salary for a No, that will be all.
Head – Sales. I can think of the following – Strategic Changes implemented, Increase in Revenues,
Retention and motivation of Sales Force, Industry Benchmark for compensation, Previous salary. Is Thank you.
there anything you think I have missed out on ?
No, I think this is comprehensive. Go ahead.
OK, so the would like to first ask the industry benchmark and how much was the Head paid in his
previous job?
For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that the salary we paid to our previous resource is the
benchmark and his CTC in his previous company was Rs. 80 lakhs.
Okay. Also, I am making an hypothesis that the strategic changes and motivation of workforce are
usually long term in nature and their impacts would be visible more in the longer term. Is it fair to
go ahead with this assumption ? Although we may consider the initiatives taken.
Yes, that’s a fair assumption. You can let them be for now.
Okay, so has our revenue increased in the previous year?
Yes, it has.
I would then like to analyze the revenues into : No. of customers, Revenue per customer, Product
Okay. Number of customers and product mix has remained the same.
So, is it fair to assume that the prices charged to customers have increased.
No, the prices are as per contractual terms which are quoted in US Dollars have remained the
Then it must be the depreciation of the Rupee because of which the Revenues have increased.
Our client – an Indian company dealing in precious stones had appointed a Head – Sales on the agreement for a fixed monthly pay and a variable
pay at the end of the year. You have been asked to suggest the variable pay.
• Give a 10% hike over and above salary in previous company.
• 1 year is too little time – give the Head – Sales more time to prove his/her mettle.
Observations / Suggestions
• Do not forget about exchange rates.
• A simple increase in revenue case, may be camouflaged into an unconventional case.
The CEO of Flipkart has approached you to evaluate the opportunity of integrating the Flipkart- Fashion division of Flipkart, Myntra and Jabong
together into a single entity.What components of the three businesses should he integrate and what he should not?
• The client should submit a proposal for backend integration of the operations of the three companies to realize economies of scale
• It should conduct a pilot with regards to front end integration, to gauge customer response
• Even if it is not satisfactory, the client should consider incorporating a common loyalty program to improve customer loyalty, drive traffic across the three platforms, and create a rich database for targeted
advertising, thereby improving advertisement revenue.
Since we are a discount retailer, our prices need to be competitive. Quantity sold per store is All this suggests that N-Mart will be able to retain a significant price advantage over C-Mart's stores: if
higher. Can you think of why this could be the case? not ten percent, then at least seven to eight percent.
This could be because our stores are larger, C-Mart has greater product variety or because the I would agree with that conclusion. Can you please summarize your findings?
stores are better managed.
In the near term, C-Mart might be safe. Its stores have a much stronger brand name in the local
Our store size is similar and we sell similar products to competitors. C-Mart’s stores are managed market than N-Mart's, and they seem to be well managed. However, as consumers get used to seeing
differently from those of competitors. C-Mart uses a franchise model in which each individual store prices that are consistently seven to eight percent lower at N-Mart, they are likely to shift to N-Mart.
is owned and managed by a franchisee who has invested in the store and retains part of the profit. The CEO certainly has to worry about losing significant share to N-Mart stores in the long term.
In that case, I would guess that the C-Mart stores are probably better managed, since the individual Can you suggest possible strategies for C-Mart?
storeowners have a greater incentive to maximize profit.
Given that in discount retailing competitive prices are a key way to retain customers, C-Mart can look
You are right. C-Mart's higher sales are primarily due to a higher level of customer service. The at the value chain from procurement to distribution to retailing and see where it can cut costs and
stores are cleaner, more attractive, better stocked, and so on. I think you've sufficiently covered the hence offer more competitive pricing. In procurement, it can try negotiating competitive prices with
Western market-let's move now to a discussion of the North Indian market. suppliers. It might want to consider offering fewer product lines, so that it can consolidate buying
power and negotiate prices with suppliers that are more competitive. In distribution it could try
How many stores does N-Mart own in the North, and how many does its closest competitor own? cutting down on transportation costs. With retailing, it can look to negotiate lower margins for
retailers if possible. Finally, they might want to consider instituting something like a frequent shopper
N-Mart owns 2,000 stores and its largest competitor owns approximately 500 stores.
program, where consumers accumulate points that entitle them to future discounts on merchandise.
Are N-Mart stores bigger than those of its competitors?
Thank you. All your suggestions are interesting and worth analysing further.
Yes. N-Mart stores average 20,000 square feet, whereas competitor stores are 10,000 square feet.
This suggests that N-Mart should be selling almost 8 times the volume of the nearest competitor.
The Leading discount grocery retailer in West India is facing the threat of a new entrant
The Leading discount grocery retailer in West India is facing the threat of a new entrant
Strategies for
Procurement Distribution Retail
cost reduction
• It is important to cut costs to compete with N-Mart
• Costs can be cut in
- Procurement: Negotiate lower prices with suppliers
- Distribution: Cut transportation costs
- Retail: lower retailer margins and introduce loyalty programme
Drug pricing
Your client is WHO and they are concerned with the cyclicity in the prices of Malaria medicine and want your help to figure out why this is
Supply to
retailer Productivity factor
• Increase penetration with counter offers and schemes
• Give away indirect distributor inputs to increase retailing
Observations / Suggestions
• Declining sales problems can also be separated into internal and external issues
• Once the problem is identified to be in the publicity and advertising part, including word of mouth publicity is especially critical
• Incentive Strategy(this year): Since the prizes for this year have already been communicated through the marketing efforts, additional rewards in terms of goodies and PPIs can be
communicated as a branding strategy for this year.
• Incentive Strategy (future): ABC should focus on not only the quality of the competition (difficulty, scheduling, etc.) but also on rewards being more competitive
• Marketing Strategy: ABC should aggressively market the case study competition on social networks to catch the students early. It should also schedule its competitions well ahead of its
competitors to lock in participation. Further, students’ schedules of exchange programs in certain b-schools should be considered. Providing support systems in the form of buddies,
interaction forums, etc. can go a long ahead in giving a competitive edge to ABC.
Observations / Suggestions
This question involved seeking clarification on certain definitions such as ‘response’ and ‘lukewarm growth’. It is essential to narrow down these broad terms to specific pointers using which the
‘lifecycle – approach’ can be deployed and the significant links can be identified. If a question revolves around conversion, one can think of the ‘lifecycle – approach wherein, various stages of an
agent’s or activities lifecycle are enlisted. For e.g., in a purchase lifecycle, customer goes through a decision making stage, followed by purchase which is then followed by servicing and customer
satisfaction, and finally repeat purchase. In this approach, different stages of conversion are listed and a weak/broken link is identified. A lifecycle approach also ensures MECE steps.
2019-20 132
Guesstimate 1
7.5 Mn
Observations / Suggestions
• This guesstimates tests the basics of finance (NPV, PV of perpetuity)
• Common mistakes include not account for the % of population that is Christian (assuming everyone that dies needs a coffin) and errors in calculating no. of deaths
75m x (60% x 300 + 30% x 1200 + 10% x 3000) = 63,000 units 120m x (70% x 100 + 25% x 300 + 5% x 1000) = 23,400 units
Interviewee Notes Approach/ Framework Monthly Data Usage (in GB) by different age groups & income levels
• Divide current population
into Urban and Rural. Current Population Income Low Medium High
Calculate data for only (1 billion)
Urban population, and Age 60% 30% 10%
extrapolate for Rural
0-15 25% 0 0 0.5
population using a similar
15-30 35% 0.1 5 6
• In Urban areas, data usage Urban (30%) Rural (70%)
is dependent on factors
30-50 25% 0.1 2 4
like age group (older
generation may not be >50 15% 0 0 2
tech savvy) and income
(lower income groups Age Group Weighted Average (WA) 0.036 0.675 0.353
might not have access to
• Estimate usage for 2017, Total Data Usage (GB) / Annual Data Usage (GB)
and assuming an annual (Sum of WA) month (2017) Growth / month (2020)
growth, predict usage for 1.064 300 m 320 m 10% 425 m
• Should first create structure, then put numbers to it
• Make reasonable assumptions, clarify with interviewers at each stage
• Be prepared to justify your assumptions at each stage
# PO 20 10 10 # PO 20 10 10
Total parcels ~20000
Transaction/hour 80 30 15 Counters 10 5 3
Total revenue ~ INR 10 lakh
Hours / day 10 10 10 Hourly capacity / transaction 10 10 10
Total 16000 3000 1500 Hours / day * Utilisation 10 * 30% 10* 20% 10* 50%
• This case can also be approached from the supply side. The supply side in this case is the number of golf courses, their average utilization etc
Tips / Suggestions
• It is essential to reverse ladder the population to arrive at the number of golf players. You can clarify your assumptions with the interviewer at all points of time
• Lay out your approach upfront for the interviewer so that if a different approach is to adopted, course correction can happen at the earliest
Replacement demand
• Calculate the stock of X-Ray machines in India
• Break India into rural and urban areas
Demand Sources
• Estimate bed per thousand people in urban and rural areas
separately and make assumptions about average hospital size
and #X-Ray machines per hospital (2.5 for urban and 1 for
Replacement sources New sources
• This will give you the stock of X-Ray machines at hospitals
• Do similar exercise for clinics by calculating the stock of
orthopaedicians in private practice
• Demand: Divide the stock by life cycle to get the 1 year
demand for X-Ray machines
New demand
• Estimate the growth in healthcare expenditure and use that
as a growth rate for hospital bed availability. Then calculate Hospitals Small clinics Hospitals Small clinics
the number of hospitals and the number of X-Ray
machines/hospital Beds/Thousand #Hospitals #Xray Machines Growth (#Number of Total annual market
• Differentiate this rate for urban and rural areas and calculate Machines) (hospitals only)
the new demand for X-Ray machines coming from hospitals
• Calculate the new demand coming from clinics by : (Doctors 0.5 4000 (100 4000 (Stock)
Rural +10% per year (400) 800
graduating - #Doctors joining public sector)*Proportion of (800m) beds avg) Replacement Demand : 400
2 4000 (200 10000 (Stock)
• This will give the number of new orthopaedicians who will Urban +15% per year (600) 1600
(400m) bed avg) Replacement demand : 1000
join private services every year and buy an X-ray for their
• Can be approached from the patient demand side in this case. The demand case in this guesstimate is the number of injuries and use cases
Tips / Suggestions
• It is essential to structure the demand into different brackets first.
• Interviewer will automatically guide you to focus on the most important bracket
2019-20 148
Appendix 1 – Framework glossary (1/3)
A glossary of some of the most popular frameworks helpful in structuring solutions in case interviews.
A breakup of what firms generally look for when they evaluate a case interview. Just an indicative list.
Each / most of these metrics would be evaluated during the case interview
Preliminary questions & recap
Sample 5-point scale for ‘Preliminary questions & recap’ (to give a broad understanding of evaluation
MECE structuring 1. Candidate does not clarify problem statement (no recap of initial information)
2. Candidate clarifies with problem statement with too much detail (no prioritizing of important
Problem solving approach 3. Candidate recaps the problem statement but without sufficient structure; candidate asks for
detailed information too early
4. Candidate recaps the problem statement and covers key points but does not display
Synthesis / Recommendations comprehensive understanding of client
5. Candidate provides a concise and structured recap of the problem statement, and asks a couple
of relevant clarifying questions
Business insights
Communication skills