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Research Paper Accountancy Volume : 4 | Issue : 5 | May 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

Accounting for Carbon Credits in India

Dr. Meghna Chotaliya
Assistant Professor in Accountancy, R.D.National College, Bandra (w), Mumbai- 400 05

1. Introduction: Source: TRENDS IN GLOBAL CO2 EMISSIONS 2013 RE-

A carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate PORT: PBL NETHERLANDS Environmental Assessment
or permit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon Agency
dioxide or the mass of another greenhouse gas with a carbon
dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) equivalent to one tonne of carbon The above table shows the trends in carbon emissions in six
dioxide. Carbon credits and carbon markets are a compo- countries from 2008 to 2012 and the percentage changes in
nent of national and international attempts to mitigate the it for the above period. It can be seen that in India the carbon
growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The emissions which were at 1.56 billion tonnes in 2008-09, grew
quality of the credits is based in part on the validation pro- by 8.33 percent and thereafter it declined to a growth rate of
cess and sophistication of the fund or development company a positive 5.32 percent in 2009-10 and still by a lower posi-
that acted as the sponsor to the carbon project. This is re- tive growth at 3.37 percent in 2010-11 and again in 2011-12
flected in their price; voluntary units typically have less value the growth was at a higher 7.07 percent as compared to its
than the units sold through the rigorously validated Clean previous period. In all the years under study the growth in
Development Mechanism. There are different accounting carbon emissions was seen to be increasing as compared to
treatment options under consideration which are impacted its previous period.
by the method with which the carbon credits are acquired,
whether by internal creation, purchase or donation to the or- It can be observed that the United States of America had
ganization. The different accounting treatment options also carbon emissions at 5.74 billion tones in 2008 which declined
consider the intended use of the credits will they be used by 7.32 percent in 2008-09 and grew at a positive rate of 3.83
for an organizations own compliance purposes or sold to percent in 2009-10 but again declined by 2 percent in 2010-
market participants? 11 and thereafter went down further by 3.73 percent in 2011-
12, depicting an uneven rate of growth in carbon emission
2. Objectives of the Study: with a positive sign of reductions in carbon emissions in all
This study aims to fulfill the following objectives: the five years except in 2009-10. In Japan , in all the first year
under study 2008-09 there was a reduction in carbon emis-
1. To study the trends in carbon emissions in six countries sions by 5.6 percent as it came down from 1.25 billion tonnes
from 2008 to 2012 to 1.18 tonnes from 2008 to 2009. However in the subse-
2. To study the issues of Carbon credit accounting in India quent year 2009 to 2010, it grew at 5.08 percent, which came
3. To study the taxation issues in carbon credit accounting at a standstill in 2010-2011 at 1.24 percent as in the previ-
in India. ous year. , but again gained momentum in growth at 6.45
percent, a much higher figure than before. China witnessed
3. Research Methodology: a continuous growth in carbon emissions from 7.79 billion
This study is carried out with the help of secondary data col- tonnes to 8.26 billion tones with the growth at 6.03 per-
lected from books, articles in journals, reports of Governmen- cent from 2008 to 2009 and at 5.81 percent from 2009-10
tal and other Authorities, data published by the Institute of and thereafter still at a much higher 9.27 percent in 2010-11
Chartered Accountants of India. This paper includes a study and at 3.25 percent in 2011-12. Australia had experienced a
of trends in carbon emissions in for six countries namely In- much stable figure of carbon emissions in all the years under
dia, United States, Japan, China, Australia and Canada for study with a first negative growth at 2.27 percent in 2008-09
five years from 2008 to 2012 so as to understand the per- and thereafter it was stable in 2009-10 and again it grew
centage growth in these countries for these periods. at a positive figure of 2.27 percent in 2010-11 and again
declined by the same figure in 2011-12. In Canada, the car-
4. Trends in CO2 emissions per region/country, 2012 bon emissions were to the extent of 0.57 billion tonnes in
(unit: billion tonnes of CO2): 2008-09 which declined to 0.54 billion tonnes in 2009-10
Coun- CO2 emissions in billion tonnes at 5.26 percent which remained more or less stable at 0.43
try Percentage changes and 0.44 million tonnes in 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively
2009- and thereafter it was stable t 0.56 billion tonnes.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008-
10 2010- 2011-
11 12 5.1 Carbon Credit Accounting:
4.1 Accounting Issues Exposure Draft On Guidance Note
India 1.56 1.69 1.78 1.84 1.97 8.33 5.32 3.37 7.07
On Accounting For Carbon Credits By ICAI:
United 5.74 5.32 5.50 5.39 5.19 -7.32 3.83 -2.00 -3.73 Despite the growth in carbon credits in India, there remains
lot of ambiguity for the accounting treatment questions on
Japan 1.25 1.18 1.24 1.24 1.32 -5.6 5.08 -- 6.45 accounting for expenditure on the CDM projects, accounting
China 7.79 8.26 8.74 9.55 9.86 6.03 5.81 9.27 3.25 for self-generated CERs, accounting for sale consideration
Aus- and so on. There are no separate accounting standards pre-
tralia 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.43 -2.27 -- 2.27 -2.27
scribed for accounting, measurement and disclosures of car-
Canada 0.57 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.56 -5.26 1.85 1.82 --- bon credits. To resolve the accounting issues, the Institute of
Total 15.79 15.73 16.46 17.18 17.36 -0.38 4.64 4.37 1.04 Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued an Exposure
Draft of the Guidance Note on Accounting for Self-generat-
Mean 3.158 3.146 3.292 3.436 3.472 - - - -


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 5 | May 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

ed Certified Emission Reductions (CER) in 2009 enumerating money exchanges hands in return for forest carbon offset
suggested accounting principles for CERs generated by an ownership rights. Accordingly, forest carbon offsets qualify
entity which provides for accounting principles relating to as assets for financial accounting purposes because they
recognition, measurement and disclosures of CERs gener- are entity controlled and provide future economic benefits.
ated by CDM as stated hereunder: The use of the forest carbon offsets determines their nature,
which in turn dictates how they should be classified in the finan-
1. Expenses in the research and development phase: While cial statements. This directly impacts the financial value per-
undertaking the project for reduction in carbon emission, ceived by the public and private sectors of forest carbon offsets.
cost incurred on development should be accounted for
as enumerated in AS 26 for intangible assets. Cost in- 6. Conclusions and Suggestions:
curred on receiving CER is measured with certainty at In order for the forest carbon market to function adequately
the time of incurring those expenses whereas revenue and develop fully, clear financial accounting standards for for-
recognition will happen only at the time of sale of CERs. est carbon offsets must be established. Lack of uniform finan-
So there is a mismatch in accounting for expenses and cial accounting makes it difficult to fairly compare financial
revenue statements between forest carbon offset projects, whether
they are in the public or private sector. Difficulty regarding
2. CERs held with the CDM Executive Board : The exposure information transparency and comparability will persist in the
draft on guidance note on accounting for carbon cred- forest carbon markets regardless of international policy direc-
its states that when the CERs are in the approval stage, tion till uniformity is established with respect to accounting
these should be accounted for as per the provisions of practices.
AS 29 as Contingent Assets, and once approved, should
be recorded in the books as an intangible asset. Until authoritative guidance is issued, an organization
should keep in mind several key considerations when es-
3 CERs held for sale : In case an enterprise possesses CER tablishing a policy for accounting for environmental as-
to be traded in the ordinary course of business, i.e., the sets:
enterprise would hold the asset as available for sale, the 1. Develop an accounting policy based on thoughtful analy-
same should be accounted for as Inventory under provi- sis as to the use of the environmental assets by the or-
sions of AS 2.Further, intent of the entity would determine ganization and with consideration of how future events
whether these credits should be recorded as intangible may impact financial results. The policy must be applied
assets or as inventory as also the cost at which CERs be consistently; therefore decisions made now may impact
recorded in the books, as huge amount of expenditure is future reporting.
incurred in this respect. 2. Monitor issues that may arise during the accounting pe-
riod (e.g., expense recognition, impairment, accounting
5.2 Taxation for Carbon Credits: for shortfalls of allowances or credits, vintage-year swaps,
Income from sale of CERs should be accounted for under and revenue recognition for excess sales) to ensure ap-
the head Business and Profession. However, in case of sale propriate consideration and resolution.
of Intangible, it would be taxable under the head Capital 3. Present and disclose environmental assets in line with ac-
Gains though most companies in India are recording earn- counting policy and intended use (based on materiality)
ings from carbon credit trading as Income from Other Sourc- 4. Evaluate instruments for derivative accounting. Forward,
es currently. Claims for concessional rate of taxation should future, swap or option contracts may qualify as derivative
also be made if credit is held for more than 36 months im- instruments.
mediately preceding the date of transfer. This gives an op- 5. Remember to account for renewable energy credits,
portunity to take a decision about timings of sale of such whether they are generated through production, pur-
credits, keeping a balance between cash flow needs, interest chased on the market, or embedded within a power pur-
factor and difference in rate of tax between long term and chase agreement.
short-term holdings. As there would be no cost of acquisition 6. Finally keep an eye on the FASBs updates to watch for
for self-generated CER credits, section 55(2) of the Income new guidance about how to account for carbon credits
Tax Act will come into operation, and total sale considera- and emission allowances.
tion will be liable for Capital Gains Tax (long term/short term)
according to the period of holding Trading in CER is carried An appropriate and uniform classification of forest carbon off-
out either in spot market or in futures. Service tax could be sets in the financial statements is imperative both for internal
applicable on account of dealing in CERs on the exchange decision making and for external stakeholders . There should
platform, and in case of contracts resulting in delivery, VAT be financially accountability for our forestry carbon offsets with
could also be applicable. Typically, carbon credits in In- permanence, regularity, consistency, prudence, and full dis-
dia are sold to overseas buyers; hence, there would be no closure and materiality for our forestry carbon offset market to
VAT applicable on these goods.Whenever the asset is sold, grow as an industry into an alternative investment asset class.

REFERENCE 1. Ardern, D., & Keys, R. (2008). IASB Agenda Proposal on Intangible Assets. International Accounting Standards Board. | 2. Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB). (2001, June). Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142: Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets: http:// | 3. CA (Dr) Satyajit Dhar ,Carbon Emissions trading in India, A study on Accounting & Disclosures Practice, The Chartered Accountant
Journal, December 2012, Pg 85-91 | 4. Text on Kyoto Protocol | 5. Talitha Haller and Gabriel Thoumi: Financial Accounting for Forest Carbon Offsets and Assets(2009)
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