Facebook Ad Checklist
Facebook Ad Checklist
Facebook Ad Checklist
ϒ Compelling Offer
ϒ Attention Grabbing Images (or video
thumbnail if using video) – scroll down for
ϒ Speak to ONE specific audience and Call
them out in the first line of body copy – scroll
down for examples
ϒ Address their most pressing CURRENT
problem/desire (WIIFM) - scroll down for
www.entreprenurialskills.com 2
o NOTE : focus on one problem/desire (not
many), don’t try to solve future problems, do
this within the first two sentences
www.entreprenurialskills.com 3
ϒ Congruency between the Ad and the
Landing Page
ϒ Agitate the Problem (when applicable)
ϒ Establish Credibility
www.entreprenurialskills.com 4
5 Reasons Your Ads Aren’t
Getting Reach/Spend
www.entreprenurialskills.com 5
Examples and Resources
www.entreprenurialskills.com 6
Inform (news, announcement, shocking
prediction, make someone aware of a
problem, etc … whiteboard video
“Where is the best place to get leads
Entertain (dollar beard club, clickfunnels
gold digger video, Poo-Pourri)
Differentiate (almost any Harmon Brothers
Ad, Mac vs. PC)
www.entreprenurialskills.com 7
Calls out the audience:
www.entreprenurialskills.com 8
Addresses a problem, question,
fear, insecurity or desired outcome:
www.entreprenurialskills.com 9
Attention ………………. home owners! If you’d
like to save thousands of dollars every year
on your energy bill … And if you’d like to do
it with zero up-front costs so that you can
reduce your utility bill almost immediately
… then Keep reading!
www.entreprenurialskills.com 10
Address Objections, Skepticisms,
Questions in the Ad Copy:
www.entreprenurialskills.com 11
The difference, of course is that we’re going to
help you save money on something you’re
already paying for every month … and there are
no upfront costs or hidden fees.
www.entreprenurialskills.com 12
Clear Call to Action for a Compelling
www.entreprenurialskills.com 13