Extrusion Dies Design PDF
Extrusion Dies Design PDF
Extrusion Dies Design PDF
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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a simulation study and experimental verification of a die design in
extrusion processing wood-plastic composite profile. Flow balancing at the die exit is a major
challenge in the profile extrusion die design as an unbalanced flow causes imperfect profile output.
This is especially important when the final profile is complicated by having large dimensions and
non-uniform thicknesses. In this study, an I-shaped profile of wood-plastic composite (WPC) has
been considered for the die design. Finite element method has been used to design the die channel to
yield a balanced output. Phases of die design and manufacture of the I-shape profile is presented.
The results show that the prediction by the simulation could give a good insight to the die design
which eventually could yield an acceptable profile.
Journal of REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES, Vol. 28, No. 12/2009 1433
0731-6844/09/12 1433–7 $10.00/0 DOI: 10.1177/0731684408089507
ß SAGE Publications 2009
Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore
Downloaded from http://jrp.sagepub.com at UNIV TORONTO on June 18, 2009
1434 E. SOURY ET AL.
flow at the die exit, each of these zones may involve flow regions of uneven thickness and
length. Generally, uneven cross sections lead to uneven shearing and resistance, thus
resulting in an unbalanced flow through the regions. Die balancing may be achieved by
adjusting the channel profile and length to control the local pressure [3].
Simply expressing theoretically, for two sections of different thicknesses H1 and H2, the
length of each section must be adjusted so that the exit velocity at the two sections becomes
equal. Treating a simple non-Newtonian (power-law) flow for a slit die, the lengths of
sections must be adjusted so to satisfy the following equation:
L1 H1
¼ ð1Þ
L2 H2
The objective of this research work was to design and manufacture a profile extrusion
die to produce an I-shape profile of wood–plastic composite (Figure 2). The first step was
to design a die channel with the main emphasis on an optimization procedure to achieve a
Wood plast
Figure 1. Components of wood- plastic composite [6].
uniform velocity at all sections of the die exit. The following step was to manufacture the
die to verify the first step.
The used extruder was twin-screw counter-rotating with screw diameter of 62.5 mm. The
extruder head had an output circular hole with a diameter of 52 mm. This gives a cross
section area of 2124 mm2. The desired dimensions of the output profile yields a total cross
section of 1535 mm2 (Figure 2). In order to attain a smooth path, automatic lofting was
also further modified.
The channel cross sections at an equal distance of 25 mm are given in Figure 3. It is
observed that the thicker section (10 mm) remains unchanged at the further steps (5 to 8)
indicating a larger land length compared to the thinner section (5.5 mm).
Besides the above strategy (smooth and constant transition at the channel),
considerations were taken to account to further smooth the flow path, such as: i) as a
low transition angle as possible, ii) avoiding sharp corners. The final shape of the die
channel (or cavity) is shown in Figure 4.
The final shape of die-cavity is shown in Figure 4.
Due to complexity of the flow path from extruder head to die exit (Figure 4), a flow
analysis was performed using appropriate software (FLUENT 6.0) [7]. Although the
software does not support visco-elastic properties, it could give a good insight into the
design procedure. The material characteristics (here wood-plastic composite of 60% wood
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
content) is given in Table 1. It is important to note that, due to the nature of the material
that promotes a plug-flow, the power-law index is given a low value (0.01).
The boundary conditions of this case were considered as given in Table 2. The flow
type is laminar (due to low velocity) and because of the dual symmetrical form of the
profile die, a quarter of the profile was modeled. The results of the flow analysis is shown
in Figure 5. According to this figure the average velocity of the die exit is almost
homogeneous at all sections.
50 Y velocity
40 0.015
z direction (mm)
−20 0 20 40 60
x direction (mm)
Figure 5. Flow velocity at Y-direction for the I-shaped profile.
It is also noticed that a small difference is observed between the velocity profiles at
the thicker section with respect to the thinner section, so that the velocity seems smaller.
However, considering that the average velocity at the sections is a parameter of
importance, it is acceptable to have a little larger velocity profile at the thinner section.
According to the designed model, a die was manufactured to produce the I-shape
profile. Via adjusting the processing parameters, appropriate output profile was obtained.
The temperatures at five zones (three for the extruder, one for adaptor, and one for the
die) were 190, 220, 215, and 1758C, respectively. The screw speed was maintained at
15 rpm.
The set temperatures and screw rpm prevented the wood burning that could promote
degradations resulting in discolored surfaces. The final output profile is shown in Figure 6.
It is interesting to note that the quality of output features (corners and fillets) were high.
The output speed was measured to be 10 cm/min.
According to Figure 6, the manufacturing process of this case was successful and perfect
production of this part specifies that the die design procedure is acceptable and thus can be
introduced for similar parts.
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2. Alam, M. K., Tzoganakis, C. and Perdikoulias, J. (2005). Effect of Rheology and Die Design on
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3. Kostic, M. M. and Reifschneider, L. G. (2006). Design of Extrusion Dies, Encyclopedia of Chemical
Processing, DOI: 10.1081/E-ECHP-120039324, pp. 633–649.
4. Rauwendaal, C. (2001). Polymer Extrusion, Hanser Publication, Munich.
5. Johann Sienz, Bates, Stuart J. and John F.T Pittman (2006). Flow Restrictor Design for Extrusion Slit Dies
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Analysis and Design, 42: 430–453.
6. http://www.pallmannpulverizers.com/wpc_industry.htm
7. FLUENT 6.0 User’s Guide Sg.