Final Ed
Final Ed
Final Ed
“THE ECO-WOOD” is a firm registered under ‘The Partnership Act of 1932’ and promoted
by two partners namely Sumeet Bansal and Surabhi Jhunjhunwala. This firm is involved in
wood and plastic composite. It basically aims at manufacturing products from the waste
products, mainly being plastics and wood chips. This firm will recycle this products and
It is not only environment friendly but also has an immense opportunity due to various
factors like low competition, reasonable prices and government support.
The scale of operation of this firm is limited to Pune as the capital brought by the two
partners is Rs. 88 lakh each and a bank loan of approx Rs.3.3 crores thereby the total capital
of the business being Rs5.37 crores. The nature of business undertaken by the partners is
mentioned above and the details about the operation, finance, human resources and the entire
feasibility of the business plan is stated as we progress further in this report.
We are coming up with an idea of Wood-Plastic composite. Our firm aims at replacing some
of the existing wood products like plywood and other metals like aluminum and steel with
that of wood-plastic composite.
As we see a lot of opportunity in the innovation we will set up this business. There is not
much risk involved with the business. We also have an EXIT strategy that if we suffer market
failure or loss then we could either sell our machinery to the PVC pipes making concerns or
we could start manufacturing PVC pipes as it has a huge market demand and the machines
required in this is also the same.
How do you want to set up that business?
We will require fund amounting to Rs.5 crore approx which will be bought by the two
partners and also loan will be taken from the bank. The debt equity ratio will be 2:1.
We have identified the potential in Pune in Maharashtra. We will implement the plan in
Shirval MIDC (55 kms from Pune) .
We are planning to start the business by 2012. Once we get the documentation work done
and also procure machinery we could start the project of manufacturing as soon as possible.
It will be a profitable business as the target market is untapped and with high growth
potential. Now it also depends on the demand patterns of the people. As we have forecasted
the demand it is supposed to fetch us profit.
Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are composite materials made of wood fiber/flour and
plastic(s). In addition to wood fiber and plastic, WPCs can also contain other ligno-cellulosic
and/or inorganic filler materials. WPCs can also be referred to as natural fiber plastic
composites or natural fiber reinforced plastics. Recycled wood/plastic composite lumber is
one of the prime uses for recycled plastic trash bags and waste wood fibers. The composite
material is used to produce building products such as decking, door and window frames, and
exterior moldings. Recycled wood/plastic composite lumber typically consists of a 50/50 mix
of wood fibers from recovered saw dust and waste plastics that include high-density
polyethylene, PVC, and others. The material is formed into both solid and hollow profiles.
By eliminating or reducing the amount of virgin materials used in production, and by making
use of existing materials in its manufacture, recycled wood/plastic composite lumber
contributes to the efficient use of resources. In addition, the lumber is not impregnated with
chemicals in the manner of preservative-treated lumber.
These composites find usage in a wide range of applications in a number of market sectors
• Building and construction
• Automotive
• Garden and outdoor products
Double-digit growth is expected through 2012 for WPCs used as replacement for treated
wood in building products and related applications.
Demand for wood-plastic composite and plastic lumber is projected to advance about 10% pa
through 2012. These alternative lumber materials are expected to continue to penetrate the
building materials market at a rapid pace, particularly in decking applications. Composite and
plastic lumber will continue to benefit from their performance characteristics, such as
durability, weather ability, low maintenance requirements and low life cycle cost. Demand
for composite and plastic lumber will also be driven by increasing consumer and contractor
familiarity, a widening distribution network and product improvements that enhance
By 2012, decking will be the largest end use for these alternative building materials.
Molding and trim will remain a key market for composite and plastic lumber, but will exhibit
below-average growth through 2012.
A major selling point of these materials is their lack of need for paint as they are
manufactured in a variety of colors, but are widely available in grays and earth tones.
The firm will operate at a total area of 2000 sq. meter with the building and construction at
750 sq. meter .The partners have selected this area as it is 55 kms. away from the PUNE
CITY. The location is considered to be perfect because of the easy availability of raw
materials as the garbage is dumped here which in our case id wood waste and plastic waste.
Also as our firm is a manufacturing concern we need to set up the factory in outer of Pune so
as to avoid any hazard or pollution in the city area.
USP: - The product offers a substitute to high priced metals and plywood since it is a
composite of Wood and plastic waste. It gives an advantage of water and fire resistance.
WPC is a low-cost, strong and ecological material for substitution of polyolefin’s (Plastics),
Solid/Hard Wood, Ply wood and Metal.
“Product Development and growth oriented firm will be our focus. We will continue to create
a winning culture, operating in the highest standards of ethics and values”
Plastic Waste 10,000 TPD
Wood Plastic
Low cost and plentiful raw materials. Wood waste and recycled plastics become
assets instead of liabilities
True hybrid materials and combine the best properties of both wood and plastics.
Competitively priced and are competitive with traditional materials such as timber,
Plywood, Rigid wood, MDF, PVC-U, Aluminum etc
Available in a broad range of finishes and appearances.
Easily recycled after use.
WPCs are produced by mixing wood flour or fiber & plastics waste to produce a material that
can be used like a conventional rigid wood furniture, plywood, Plastics, Aluminum, MDF ,
UPVC & It has the best features of wood & plastic”
The Opportunity
Indian furniture Industry is Rs 20,000 Crs out of that Plywood market is about Rs.5000 Cr
and Windows And door market (Rigid wood)-Rs.12000 Cr. The market expected to grow at
Wood plastic composite is a relatively new material that has many potential uses. The
markets for WPC decking lumber have been expanding recently and new applications are
being pursued. Door and window components, deck handrails and fencing are other markets
for the WPC industry. The flexibility of manufacturing methods and product performance
attributes provide the potential for a variety of new markets.
WPC – wood plastic composite is roughly a mixture of wood and plastic in the ratio 3:1.
And with some modifiers under certain temperature i.e. 180 degree approximately. The
manufacturing process is explained later.
Sex – male
Nationality – Indian
Sex – Female
Nationality – Indian
Kormangala, Bangalore
This business focuses into manufacturing low cost furniture by making an effective use of
waste wood and waste plastic. In a country like INDIA we can get plenty of plastic and wood
Size of Business is small scale as the total investment is of Rs. 5 crore approx.
The size of business is to be kept at small scale initially and then after few years we can think
of diversifying it.
There are many incentives and subsidies provided by govt. to small scale business. Hence
there is an opportunity and also we will get subsidies from govt. for waste management.
Partnership Act
A Partnership is defined by the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, as 'the relation between persons
who have agreed to share profits of the business carried on by all or any of them acting for
all'. This definition gives three minimum requirements to constitute a partnership, viz.
1. Identification of persons who will enter the partnership. Although not legally
required, registration of a partnership in India is advisable. Two or more members are
required to start a partnership business per laws prevailing in India with the limitation
that the number of partners should not exceed 10 for businesses related to banking and
not exceed 20 for any other type of business.
3. Obtaining and completing a registration form for the partnership. Registration forms
are available at the "Registrar of Firms" office.
The entry of international brands and changing consumer preference has led to the emergence
of furniture retailing in India. The large furniture brands are characterised by huge expanses
of dreamy designs, a multitude of hues and steep prices. The size of the Indian furniture retail
market is increasing.
In fact, CSIL Milano has classified India as one of the 14 large furniture markets in the
world. This is in view of the fact that India has a middle class population of over 400million,
with a purchasing power on the upswing. However, the furniture industry in India is not
without its worries.
The furniture sector makes a marginal contribution of 0.5% to India’s GDP. Moreover,
even if the production is increasing every year, it is mainly in the un-organised sector.
However, all is not bleak for the industry. The office furniture segment boasts of better
companies from the point of view of better size as well as technological innovations. This
low rank may be explained by relatively high import duties and low technological
competency. Also, local tastes play a major part in demand.
The Indian Furniture market is worth about US$ 8 billion
Constitutes 0.5% of the total GDP
Employs 300,000 people
Highly unorganised – only about 15% in organized sector
Organised sector growing at 30% CAGR
The Organised Sector includes domestic players as well as imports. There are about 5000
firms in the domestic organised sector, and nearly 10500 importers of furniture
Products are classified based on material used, and consumer segment
_ Wooden Home furniture is the biggest segment
Key states for wood furniture: Gujarat, UP, Punjab, Kerala, Andhra, West Bengal
Household furniture designs are region-specific. Increasing trend of imported furniture in
affluent households is one more factor. Imports worth about US$ 150 million, growing at
60% CAGR Imports are a rapidly growing segment, catering to urban, affluent households
_ Key countries imported from:
o Italy
o Germany
o Spain and Malaysia
Local governments define the economics of solid waste in their areas. Through their policies,
laws, regulations, rate structures, fees, and taxes, local governments can have a tremendous
impact on what is "economic" to do in their community. The California Integrated Waste
Management Act of 1989 (AB 939, Sher, Chapter 1095, Statutes of 1989) challenges local
governments to rethink incentives in place for one-way disposal, and to redesign the system
to reward and encourage waste prevention, reuse, recycling, and composting.
Local governments can influence the economics of the marketplace by the way they
structures their garbage collection rates, franchise fees, AB 939 fees, permit fees, and
business taxes. One of the most powerful incentives is tax, fee, or cost avoidance. Local
governments at little or no cost may adopt many of these incentives.
If we focus on exporting the product we can get EPCG i.e. Export Promotion Consumer
Goods subsidy on import duty. This could be a benefit to the firm and industry as a whole
contributing to the economy indirectly.
The growth rate of the industry is 20 % on an average. According to the industry we are
expecting a growth rate of 50%. This is shown more clearly in the financial analysis. The
growth rate is estimated on the basis of production capacity and the revenue which the firm
earns from selling the products. As this product is new and our firm is freshly set up we can
expect a higher growth and the starting base of our project is also very low so we can achieve
maximum in initial years as an advantage for innovation.
With the advancement in production we hope that the firm will earn more or steady revenue
in future years.
• Product Differentiation
• Unique quality & light weight than rigid wood and metal
• Eco-friendly
• Machining on product possible like Turn, Milling, Drilling, Saw, Nail etc
• Post processing can be done like Paint, Varnish, prime, Emboss etc
• Subsidies from government for eco friendly product and for recycling /reusing the
As our product is new we will not have much of competitors but then also there are industries
which can give us competition due to the risks involved in the business. Those risks are
mentioned later. Some of the identified competitors could be:-
Plywood Industry
Natural wood Market
Plastic profile
Aluminum Industry
Steel Industry.
Lack of awareness among people about the product as the product is new in the
market and the chances of its failure come from the unawareness.
Quality of Raw Material is not standardized. Since it is also a recycling process the
raw materials will be available in plenty but without quality.
Lack of technical knowledge among workers will also lead to risk of failure regarding
the product.
Development stage:-
Limited understanding or knowledge of the market can cause a misrepresentation of the
Growth and size of the market.
Pricing structure
Market barriers Risks
Distribution channels
Trends and competitors
Introduction Stage:-
The reality of the market is rarely as planned. Market acceptance and competitor response are
different than anticipated. Limited repeat business can cause uncertainty.
The demand pattern and other factors which contribute to the preference of customer is
changing in this dynamic environment. So, we cannot anticipate the actual demand pattern.
Door Frame
Outdoor & interior furniture
•Water and moisture resistance
•Dimensional Stability
•Fungi resistance
•Favorable mechanical properties
Market segmentation is undertaken in order to focus on the subsets of the prospects that are
most likely to purchase our offering. This will in turn help us take the best returns from our
marketing and entertainment expenditures. Based on the need our service satisfies, the market
is segmented into diverse sections. They are:
Demographic segmentation: These include factors like age, social esteem, and income
levels which purely relate to purely population related characteristics the masses possess. In
our product the segmentation would be lower and middle income group. Age is not an
important factor here as it is clear from the product that it will be utilized by households,
construction sites, contractors etc.
Geographical segmentation: This takes into consideration the region to which the customer
belongs to. This is why we have targeted main cities like Pune, Mumbai, and Bangalore etc.
We have selected those cities in which the growth prospects are high and we are targeting
those areas where people are willing to purchase a low cost product as a substitute to the
plywood and other metals. We have positioned our manufacturing business in Pune as it is
the manufacturing hub. People in cities have more income to spend on these products.
Behavioral Segmentation: this depends on the customer preference and how do they take
this new product. We cannot estimate any pattern because customer’s demand is always
changing and inconsistent with the innovations and developments. The benefits that the
customer derives from the products as well as the prospect’s preferences determine the
acceptance and complete incorporation of the product.
Target Market
We try to position ourselves mostly to the people whose earnings are at middle level. As we
have low price strategy we will position ourselves to the lower income people so as to make
the product available to them. In a country like India we have mostly middle and lower
income groups. So our positioning becomes easier.
In order to attract customers in initial years we could also give them or offer end product
made up from WPC
e.g... rather than selling only profile we can sale readymade door set. Complete door with
column, profile, lock system etc.same can be done for windows, furniture like chair, bed,
outdoor applications..
We could set up our own retail chain so we don’t have to find ant retailer or wholesaler. We
do not need carpenters also for this work. We could provide the services.
The product of our firm is basically a substitute to the highly priced furniture framings,
outdoor framings etc. we have come up with an idea of using the waste products which are
wood chips which lie idle in a carpenter’s shop or a furniture shop. We are proposing a plan
of total waste management by using the waste wood and waste plastic so as to create a
composite which is low priced. We can get the raw materials easily. This project will also
help in reducing the emission of carbon and other green house gases which will in turn help
in controlling the GLOBAL WARMING.
Door Frame
Window profile
Bed Frame
Exhibition panels and frames
Pipes and profiles
Outdoor & interior furniture
Automotive application
The prices of the products would be kept low and reasonable. This is done in order to
promote the product in initial years and also to enable the people with medium income group
to also access the products.
The demand for these products are everywhere as the product is a consumer good. But our
main focus would be in cities like Bangalore, Pune and Mumbai. This is so because the
demand for furniture items and the pattern of demand for these types of products are more in
these cities. Also the income pattern of people affects the place of location. The income of
people in these two cities are higher and they prefer fine items. The manufacturing unit will
be set up in Pune initially.
The promotion of the product would be done through advertisements in newspapers and
pamphlets .The techniques adopted would be Price leadership and Product differentiation.
Also we could give some profit margins to the distributors so that he could do the promotion
by the way of word-of-mouth.
Physical evidence
The manufacturing unit would be set up in Pune and to the other cities which are Bangalore
and Mumbai it will be distributed through the distribution channels.
The three materials would be mixed together under a temperature of 180 degree. This would
need blending in high capacity machinery which will be imported from other country.
The materials and their relevance with sources of procurement are-
Modifiers – 3%
To improve strength: Adhesion modifiers
To reduce water absorption: Hydrophobic additives
To improve impact resistance: Long glass fibers, rubber meal
To reduce flamability: Flame retarders
Processing aid: approx. 2 .. 8% moisture no pre-drying of raw material required!
Chief Executives
Divisions head
Operations Manager
Plant superintendent
This shows people under the level of management. Under supervisors actual labor will work.
In all, the strength of our human resource is 40. The salary model is discussed later.
The products made by wood and plastic composite have many advantages over the normal
plywood and other metal used. Some of them are listed below.
Unique quality & light weight than rigid wood and metal
40% cheaper than plywood and rigid wood
Good mechanical & high Dimensional stability
Complex and hollow shapes are possible
Natural wood look can be given
Machining on product possible like Turn, Milling, Drilling, Saw, Nail, Screws etc
Post processing can be done like Paint, vainer wrap, Varnish, prime, Emboss etc
Post shaping, bending, recycling possible etc
Water resistance
Cost benefits over Natural wood, Plywood, aluminum, Plastics
Fire resistance
The potential demand pattern could be set up only after entering into the market. We could
not estimate the actual pattern since the product is launched in the market and people start
accepting it. We need to get the opinion from the builders, real estate developers and the
interior designers. Somehow we need to manage the production and demand for the first year
and then we can get to know the preferences of people from the next year as they start using
the product. We cannot expect to have an exact demand pattern because the product is new to
the market so we need to plan the production accordingly and should maintain the stock of
raw material so as to meet the increasing demand if any.
The diagram above shows the distribution channel and management. It shows how our product
will reach to end users starting from raw materials procurement to manufacturing to distribution
involving different level.
The distribution system is 2 level which includes manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer and finally the
end users i.e. customers.
General Manager 30-35 Undergraduate and at least 2 He is the one who will look
yrs work experience. He after the entire head-office.
should also have good He is answerable to all the
communication skills. customers’ queries.
work in any organisation. clearing minor customer
doubts. He will also look for
product innovation
Sales Executive 25-35 Intermediate-Pass and She will be the person who
should know the local will communicate our
language Punjabi products to the client and
give them detailed
information about the
Material handler 25-35 NO qualification required They will look after all the
materials required for the
production and all other
finished goods. They will
also maintain warehouse
and godown.
Clerks 20-25 Intermediate Pass He will be looking after all
the minute works like
getting letters and all
posting of letters and
Maintenance 20-25 No Qualification required He will look after the
cleaning and maintenance
of the branches.
Security staff 25-35 No qualification required He will look after the
security of the factory.
TOTAL 40 4,52,000
TOTAL 40 4,97,200
TOTAL 40 5,46,920
Apart from these people we also have maintenance staff and security staff who will look after
over all maintenance and security of the organization and also will look after cleanliness and
other security aspects.
The process of manufacturing is simple. We need to put the wood waste 75% and plastic
waste 22% and other modifiers 3% in the machine which will blend it at a temperature of 180
degree. One thing to be taken care of is that the raw materials should not contain moisture
more than 8%. In order to avoid any moisture content we can use dryers to dry the raw
materials so as to ascertain the smooth functioning of the machine.
After wood and plastic is blended we have to shape them immediately. After shaping the
product is cooled and then given desired shape and colour.
Wood Waste (Wood wastes such as Saw Dust, Rice husk, sisal, hemp, coconut palm,
bamboo, flax, giant Chinese reed, Size below 850 μm (i.e. 0.85mm)75%
Plastics Waste matrix (PP, PE, PVC and PA) 22%
Modifiers (Impact strength, Flame retardant, moisture resistance) 3%
The inputs are easily available as we get a lot of garbage in India. Plastic and wood waste is
the basic input which we can get in plenty
Operations or Manufacturing process.
The unit operations for extruding wpc lumber include: wood processing and feeding
equipment, polymer feeding, an extruder(s), die, cooling tank, cut-off saw and drop table.
We purchase processed wood flour that arrives in 25 Kg bags or 500 Kg super sacks.
Wood flour or fiber moisture content will range from 5 to 8 percent. We will obtain saw dust
and planer shavings from local secondary wood product manufacturers, and will hammer mill
and screen our own wood flour . Wood species utilized will vary depending on the local
source, but species differences do not appear to affect the properties of the final products.
However, certain wood species may impact the extrusion process in terms of volatiles
released during manufacture.
Wood Drying
The wood flour or fiber needs to be dry (< 1% moisture content) to facilitate adequate mixing
with the polymer and provide maximum extruder output rate. Dried fiber cannot be stored for
very long because it will tend to pick up moisture from the surrounding environment.
Moisture removal from the wood flour can be accomplished by several means including the
use of pre-heaters prior to feeding the extruder, the use of high intensity mixers for mixing
the wood flour and polymer, and more commonly we will utilize a rotary furnace to dry the
wood flour. The drying of the wood flour is the most potentially dangerous part of the
extrusion operation.
Material Feeding
In certain instances, we will utilize pellets that contain the plastic, wood flour and additives
that have been pre-compounded. Depending on the type of extruder and feeding system, the
polymer can either be in the powder or pellet form. Powders will be used when the polymer,
wood and additives are fed as a pre-blended mixture into the extruder. Pellets or powders can
be used when the polymer is separately introduced into the extruder in the melt state to the
wood. Volumetric feeding is used to either “cram” feed or “starve” feed the extruder.
Gravimetric feeding can also be used to meter materials into the extruder. Gravimetric
feeding is preferred because of adequate feeding regardless of material shape or bulk density,
improved product quality control, and material savings can be realized.
The extruder is the heart of the wpc lumber processing system, and the primary purpose of
the extruder is to melt the polymer and mix the polymer, wood and additives in a process
referred to as compounding. In addition, the extruder conveys the compounded wood-
polymer mixture through the die. There are four primary types of extrusion systems used to
process wpc lumber. These are the
1) single screw,
4) Woodtruder.
Cost for an extruder can vary from $150,000 for a simple single screw extruder to over $1
million for a complete wood plastic composite lumber extrusion system.
The single screw fiber composite extruder is the simplest extrusion system for producing wpc
lumber. A typical single screw extruder will have a barrel length to diameter (L/D) ratio of
34:1. It will employ two stages, melting and metering, and a vent section to remove volatiles.
The material form for the single screw extruder will be pre-compounded fiber filled polymer
pellets. A dryer may also be required to dry the pellets. The material feed method is usually
by gravity hopper. The melting/mixing mechanism is barrel heat and screw shear.
Advantages of the single screw extruder are it’s a proven technology and has the lowest
capital acquisition cost. Disadvantages include: high raw material cost, lower output rates,
drying system required, polymer is melted with the fiber with greater risk of fiber thermal
decomposition, high screw rpm with greater risk of burning at the screw tip, and inability to
keep melt temperature low with higher head pressures.
Counter rotating twin-screw extruders excel in applications where heat sensitive polymers
like rigid PVC are utilized, low temperature extrusion for fibers and foams, non-compounded
materials like powder blends, materials that are difficult to feed, and those materials that
require degassing. The counter rotating twin screw can either have parallel or conical screw
configurations. The fiber/flour and polymer are in the same polymer size, usually 40 mesh.
Material preparation includes fiber drying followed by high intensity blending with the
polymer and additives. The material feed method usually utilizes a crammer feeder. The
melting/mixing mechanism is barrel heat and screw mixing. Screw mixing is accomplished
through screw flight cut-outs and gear mixers. Moisture removal is through vacuum venting.
Advantages of counter-rotating twin screw extrusion include its low screw rpm and low shear
mixing and it is a proven technology. Disadvantages include that a drying system is required,
a size reduction system for fed materials may be necessary, a pre-blending system is required,
material transportation can impact the mix feed ratios. Because of the need for a dryer,
additional plant floor space is required, higher operational costs including power
maintenance, and labor. The polymer is melted with the fiber with a greater risk of burning
the fiber.
Co-Rotating Twin Screw & Hot Melt Single Screw Wood Composite System
A co-rotating twin screw in combination with a hot melt single screw can be used to produce
wood plastic composite lumber. In this case, a parallel 40:1 L/D co-rotating twin screw
extruder is coupled with a “hot melt” 10:1 L/D, single screw extruder. The material for this
system is wood flour or fiber at ambient moisture content (5 to 8%) and the polymer and
additives can be in their natural states. No material preparation is required in terms of pre -
blending components. The preferred material feed systems are gravimetric feeders and twin-
screw side feeders. The melting/mixing mechanism includes barrel heat, screw rpm and
screw mixing. Moisture removal is accomplished through the use of atmospheric and vacuum
Advantages of this system include the ability to process wood at ambient moisture content
since the extruder is used to dry the fiber with the elimination of drying and pre-blending
operations, and good fiber/polymer mixing. Disadvantages include the need for peripheral
feeding systems, high screw rpm and no screw cooling (greater risk of burning), inability to
keep melt temperature low with higher head pressures, and polymer is still melted with the
fiber (greater r isk of burning, more difficult to vent.)
The Woodtruder includes a parallel 28:1 L/D counter-rotating twin - and a 75 mm single-
screw extruder, a blending unit, a computerized blender-control system, a die tooling system,
a spray cooling tank with driven rollers, a traveling cut-off saw, and a run-off table. As
processing begins, ambient moisture content wood flour is placed into the unit’s fiber feeder
and dried within the twin screw. Meanwhile, separate from the fiber, the plastics are melted.
The melting/mixing mechanism includes barrel heat and screw mixing. The separation of
wood conveying and plastic melting ensures that fibers will not be burned during plastic
melting and that the melted plastic will encapsulate the fibers completely. These materials
are then mixed, and any remaining moisture or volatiles are removed by vacuum venting.
Advantages of this system include that the flour and additives are in their natural states and
no material preparation is required. Gravimetric feeders are preferred as material feed
Advantages of the Woodtruder include the ability to process fiber at ambient moisture
content (5 to 8%), separate melting process of the polymer, good polymer/fiber mixing, screw
cooling is included on the twin screw, the ability to maintain a low melt temperature with a
high head pressure, superior venting, the elimination of drying, size reduction and separate
pre-blending equipment, highly flexible integrated process control system for material
feeding and extruder unit operations.
Along with the extruder, the die is an important part of the wpc lumber extrusion system. The
die dictates the dimensions and profile (shape) of the extruded part. The die is typically
heated using band or cartridge heating elements, and may employ air-cooling to adequately
process hollow profile parts. Dies can be quite simple or complex depending on the desired
profile. The costs for dies can range from $15,000 for a simple die up to $50,000 or more for
a foaming or co-extrusion die. After the die, comes the cooling tank, which is used to
“freeze” the extruded profile in its linear shape. The cooling tank consists of a conveyer
system with water spray heads that spray cool water on the profile extrudate. The cooling
tank may be 20 to40 feet long depending on the extruder material output and the cooling
capacity required. The water spray is typically recycled and may go through a chiller or heat
exchanger to keep the spray water cool. After the cooling tank the wpc profile goes through a
cut-off saw that can cut the lumber to the desired lengths.
Machines and ancillaries
Counter Rotating Twin Screw Extruder
Force feeder
Cooling Conveyor
Discharge table
Ink jet Printer
Water Supply
Humidity controller
Fire frightening
Generator and UPS
The manufacturing unit would be set up in Pune and to the other cities which are Bangalore
and Mumbai it will be distributed through the distribution channels.The location is shown
below Factory Location:- Shirval MIDC (55 kms from Pune) Factory Area:- 2000 sq meter
Building & construction:- 750 Sq Meter Plant Layout
The different machines have to be procured from different countries as it is not available in
India. We will order the required machines from the different sources mentioned below.
Wood Waste (Wood wastes such as Saw Dust,Rice husk, sisal, hemp, coconut palm,
bamboo,flax, giant Chinese reed, Size below 850 μm 75%
Modifiers (Impact strength, Flame retardant, moisture resistance) 3%
The inputs are easily available as we get a lot of garbage in India. Plastic and wood waste is
the basic input which we can get in plenty.
Own equity 1
Debt 2
polypropylene 25% 40 10
Saw dust 72% 12 8.64
Coupling agent 3% 150 4.5
Composite cost 23.14
YEAR 1 2 3
% Utilization 50% 75% 90%
Operating capacity 1402.5 2103.75 2524.5
39 42.9 47.19
Revenue 54697500 90250875 119131155
Working capital 51,00,000
Total funds sourced 5,37,00,000
Equity 1 1,79,00,000
Debt 2 3,58,00,000
1 2 3
Opening WDV 4,08,00,000 3,46,00,000 2,94,00,000
Depreciation 61,12,890 51,96,000 44,16,600
Closing 3,46,00,000 2,94,00,000 2,50,00,000
1 2 3
Opening WDV 73,00,000 66,00,000 59,00,000
Depreciation 7,30,000 6,60,000 5,90,000
Closing 66,00,000 59,00,000 53,00,000
Maintenance 7,500 4 30,000
TOTAL 40 4,52,000
Maintenance 8,250 4 33,000
TOTAL 40 4,97,200
TOTAL 40 5,46,920
cash receipts from customers 5,01,39,375 8,27,29,966 10,92,03,556
Cash paid to suppliers 2,97,49,357 4,77,47,722 6,13,08,071
Cash paid for expenses 66,58,960 1,38,71,350 1,62,94,150
Cash generated from
operations 1,37,31,053 2,11,10,894 3,16,01,335
Production annual (MTA) 1402.5 2103.75 2524.5
Sales 5,46,97,500 9,02,50,875 11,91,31,155
Income from other source 6,00,000 12,20,000 19,00,000
Fixed assets 4,17,57,110 3,59,01,110 3,08,94,510
Investment 60,00,000 1,82,00,000 3,72,00,000
Cash & bank balance 44,05,053 45,49,096 50,33,918
Sundry debtors 45,58,125 75,20,906 99,27,596
Raw material 32453850 52088429 66881543
Power 4593187 6889781 8267737
Overheads 424710 649446 817123
Selling & distribution O.H 1262250 2707526 3573934
38733997 62335182 79540338
UNIT VARIABLE COST 27.62 29.63 31.51
SALES = 54697500
= 17100988/(54697500-38733997)
=17100988/15963503 = 1.2
CAPITAL = 53900000
= 0.487698 * 0.099542
= 0.049
= 5% ( APPROX )
The entire plan is expected to take a gestation period of 14 to 15 months approx.
As the machinery is imported from the concerned company, the entire construction of the
factory building will be according to the design and layout given by the engineers.
Once the establishment will be done, the trail production will be done for all the range of
products in Indian Market.
It will help in estimating the time and money involved in the manufacturing of one unit or
number of units.
Thus, once the trail production will be done, the units will be sent for marketing and will be
launched in the Indian Market.
Potential customers will be introduced about the product, and prior orders will be taken from
The firm will follow strict policy of cash trading, for purchases as well as sales.
The Government Rules and Regulation will be strictly followed and implemented as well.
The respective employee will be appointed for concerned jobs and responsibility during the
gestation period.
Proper schedule for inventory and delivery will be managed by the concerned department.
Thus, for the firm to come at full-fledge functioning will take 2 years.
WPCs are new and rapidly evolving products. WPCs offer a number of advantages,
including flexibility of production and the use of recycled material to create a re-cyclable
product. Despite the wide array of possible finished forms, the manufacture of WPCs is
relatively simple and uniform. WPCs have become well-established building materials,
especially for residential decking, and are likely to be used for a wider array of applications
in the future.
Setting up of manufacturing unit in Pune gives many advantages which are already
mentioned in the executive summary. The business would yield positive returns and we hope
to take the business further and achieve greater heights.
Machines which will be imported for the manufacturing.
An overview of the product is shown below