Wood-Plastic Composite Growth
Wood-Plastic Composite Growth
Wood-Plastic Composite Growth
Additives for Polymers May 2006
growth for WPC in the USA and the absence of a 11% annually through 2009 to US$3.8 billion (c.
strong European decking market has held the 3.0 billion). According to a new study from
WPC industry back there. Nevertheless, a number Freedonia, Composite & Plastic Lumber (#2027),
of European countries are now showing interest in moulding and trim will remain the largest end use
decking, which had already become the leading but will lose share to other applications, while res-
non-automotive WPC product in Europe by 2004. idential building will remain the top US market
Although few furniture products are available yet, during the forecast period.
the number of companies developing furniture
Advances will result from increasing market pen-
components made of WPC is much greater than
etration of these alternative building materials, par-
when Hackwell published its first WPC report in
2003, and IPT in Germany has demonstrated the ticularly in decking applications, which are
rotational moulding of a WPC chair. Sales are also expected to account for more than one-third of
expected in infrastructure applications normally value demand in 2009. Performance characteris-
made of wood (such as highway sound barriers tics of these materials, such as durability and low
and waterfront fixtures). Injection mouldings of maintenance requirements, will cause more people
WPC will offer the advantages of a popular natu- to adopt them for their decking projects, Freedonia
ral material and a much-reduced dependence on says. Advances for composite decking will also be
oil-based resin for a wide variety of products. driven by increasing consumer and contractor
familiarity, a widening distribution network, and
The report says that it is not yet clear which of product improvements that enhance appearance.
many other applications will become firmly estab- Any earlier Freedonia study, Wood & Competitive
lished but siding or cladding, fencing and interior Decking (#1991), forecast an annual US growth
construction items are contenders. The WPC win- rate for WPC decking of 15% between 2004 and
dow market in the USA is being developed but its 2009, accounting for some 16% by volume of the
European equivalent is dominated by PVC and
total US decking market in 2009.
already largely saturated. Improvements in the
strength of WPC can be expected over the next two Plastic lumber will benefit from growing use in
or three years to help its market penetration in a fencing, while WPCs will achieve rising penetra-
number of areas. Technical standards are being tion in newer applications, such as fencing,
developed for WPC [ADPO, May 2005]. window and door components, and railroad ties.
Demand for both WPC and plastic lumber will be
Leading European WPC manufacturers include
aided by consumers’ efforts to reduce maintenance
Tech-Wood, PPT, Polyplank, Kosche and
associated with construction materials.
Deceuninck, among others. There is a growing
concentration of producers in German-speaking Moulding and trim was the largest end use for
countries. Several European companies offer WPC WPC and plastic lumber in 2004, at about 45% of
in pellet form at under 1/kg. Hackwell finds that the total. Demand from these applications is fore-
the volume of imports of WPC from the USA, cast to rise at a healthy pace to $1.3 billion by
China, Malaysia and elsewhere is not yet large, 2009, almost all of which will be plastic lumber.
and Europe has a small export trade so overall con- Gains will be slower than for most applications for
sumption figures for Europe do not differ very these materials, a result of the relative maturity of
much from production figures. this market, but will be significantly faster than
Published in April, the Hackwell report costs those for wood moulding and trim.
2240/$2915. Among the major product categories, windows
Contact: The Hackwell Group, UK; tel: +44- and doors applications are anticipated to post the
1892-525576; fax: + 44-1892-683755; URL: fastest gains up to 2009 (but from a small base),
www.woodplasticcomposites.org with demand expected to exceed $200 million. As
with other applications, WPC window and door
…while strong WPC growth components are making inroads against wood,
continues in the USA metal and plastic materials because of their lower
maintenance requirements and similarities to
In the USA, demand for wood-plastic composites wood. Other applications such as playground
(WPCs) and plastic lumber is forecast to expand at equipment, site and leisure furniture, hot-tub