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Keywords:-Bill of Materials (Boms), Production Layout

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Improvement of Production Productivity and Process

Capability to Create a Production Process Controlled by
Quality and Quantity Case Study on the Production Line
Assy Element Assy, Factory 2 Production Area, PT. XYZ
Martin Darmawan, Mislan, Afifulloh, Erry Rimawan
1, 2
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mercu Buana University, Meruya, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract:- Good work system design is one of the keys from the initial production capacity of 10789 units /
to success of a company. Because at this design stage all day, to 15044 units / day , and there is an increase in
the entities in the work system are properly arranged line efficiency of 22.05 %, ie from the initial line
and prepared in order to achieve the targets set by the efficiency of 68.85 %, to 84.03 %. Or in other words,
company. In this study what is meant by company the production capacity under conditions after repairs
targets is the target in terms of production productivity has been able to meet the production targets set by the
and targets in terms of process capability Be rhubungan company.
with the quality of products produced. Based on this,
the research conducted on the Production Line Assy While of the capability evaluation process, which
Element Assy in the Factory 2 Production Area of PT. is used as a sample in this study is the improvement
This XYZ aims to improve the competitiveness of process Plastisol Adhesive Dispense contained in Sub
companies through the design of good work systems to Production Line Assy Element Assy in Production Area
increase production productivity, and through 2 Factory PT. The XYZ. From the results of the
evaluating the critical processes contained in the work research conducted, there was an increase in the value
system in order to improve process capabilities that are of process capability in the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive
closely related to the quality of the products produced. Process, namely from the initial condition Cpk value of
- 0.14, and Cp value of 0.21, Cpk value of 3.33, and Cp
In fact there are two variations of work processes value of 3.52 . Based on the results of these studies, it
found in the work system of the Production Line Sub can be seen that after doing the conformation to the
Assy Assy in the Production Area of Factory 2, PT. Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process, the process has
XYZ, namely: Sub Production Process Assy Element been able to meet the process capability targets set by
Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol the company.
Product), and Sub Production Process Assy Element
Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Keywords:- Bill of Materials (BoMs), Production Layout,
Macroplast Product ). So that the improvements made Products Classification, Operating Process Chart (OPC),
include both variations of the work process. Productivity And Line Balancing, and Process Capability.

Study methods of working time and line balancing I. INTRODUCTIONS

are used in solving pr ocess bottle neck problems in the
work system. With the problem of bottle neck process A good work system design, before mass production
resolved in the work system, it is expected that takes place, is one of the keys to the success of a company.
production productivity in the work system can Because all potential problems that can occur, can be
increase, and meet the targets set by the company. known in advance before mass production takes place, so
Based on the results of the research conducted, there that it can eliminate the potential for larger problems that
are fish repairs on both work process variations in the will arise in the future.
Production Line Assy Element Assy.
The problems referred to in this case include two
In the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy things, namely in terms of production capacity related to
(End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol) there production productivity and process capabilities related to
was an increase in production capacity of 35.86 %, from the quality of the products produced. In fact there are two
the initial production capacity of 11187 units / day , to process variations in the Production Line Assy Element
15 199 units / day , and there were the increase in line Assy in the Factory 2 Production Area PT. XYZ, namely
efficiency was 26.57 %, which was from the initial Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B
efficiency of 55.17 %, to 69.83%. Whereas in the Sub Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product), and Sub
Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A
Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast) there is an Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product). So that the
increase in production capacity of 39.44%, which is focus of the research in this research is the evaluation of

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
production capacity and capabilities found in the two
production sub-lines. 2.4. Operating Process Chart (OPC)
Operating Process Chart is a tool in the form of a
II. LITERATURE REVIEW diagram, which is used to describe the sequence of
processes from the beginning to the end of the product.
2. 1. Bill of Materials (BoMs)
Bill of Materials (BoMs) is an arrangement of the 2.5. Productivity and Balancing Line
components that make up a product, based on the level of
the hierarchy or level. BoMs can provide a clear picture of 2.5.1. Productivity
the tour structure for a product at the stages of the work. Productivity can be defined as the level of
According to Limbong (2013), Bill of Materials (BoMs) is performance of a process in achieving a pre-determined
a list of all materials used in each type of work. targets. According to Thi Lam (2016), the quality of the
production trajectory will be displayed at the level of
2.2. Production Layout productivity, track balance index , and effectiveness of the
Production layout is a pattern or layout of facilities, resources used. There are several technical terms related to
machines, and factory equipment owned by a company. productivity, namely: Cycle Time, Takt Time, and
The production output consists of four types, namely: Production Capacity.
Loutout Process, Product Layout, Group Layout, and Fixed
Position Layout . Rengganis (2015) mentions that the 2.5.2. Balancing Line
design of factory layout as planning and integration of the Dolgui (2017) mentions that the design of assembly
flow of components of a product to get the most effective lines is an important issue in manufacturing engineering,
and efficient interrelation between operators, equipment, management and control. The idle time is the most
and material transformation processes from the reception interesting performance index for assembly line design.
section, to the delivery of finished products. The classical simple line-balancing problem (SALBP)
consists of assigning tasks, necessary for processing a
2.3. Process Classification product, to workstations such that the idle time (number of
According to Kashkoush (2015), formation of product stations, cycle time, cost) is minimized while precedence
families is of great importance for manufacturing systems constraints between tasks are satisfied. Line Balancing is a
which rely on commonality and similarity between method used to analyze the balance of production by
products for improving efficiency and productivity. dividing the load between processes in a balanced manner,
Existing techniques for product family formation are based so that there is no waiting process (idle), as a result of
on similarity measures such as components commonality waiting for the release of a product from the previous
but none of them consider similarity of the product process. There are several terms in the line balancing
structure which directly affects the assembly system method, including: Work Stations, Idle Time, Balance
configuration and the sequence of assembly operations. Time Balance, Work Station Efficiency, Line Efficiency,
Based on this, then, in addition to the classification needed Smoothest Index.
for product variations, it is also necessary to classify the
process variations. Process classification is a grouping of 2.6. Process Capability
processes product work that has similarity of process Schmidt (2019) mentions that stability reflects the
sequence. Classification process helpful in facilitating the degree to which a process is free of extrinsic sources of
improvement process in a production process that has a variation. Process Capability is a parameter that can
variety of products and processes that s discussion is describe the ability of a work process in meeting the set
diverse, because of variations in the various working targets based on the variability of the process. The results
processes have been mapped into several groups working of the Process Capability measurement are expressed in the
processes that can represent the whole of the production form of values Cp and Cpk .

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The methodology research in conducting this research can be seen in the picture below:


Data Collections
Improvements In Production Improvements In Process
Capacity Capability
1. Make A Bill Of Spin On Type Filter
Product Material.
1. Repairing And Evaluating The Results Of 3. Perform Improvements And Evaluations
2. Describing The Production Layout Improvements To Production Of The Results Of Improvements To The
Found In The Sub Line Element Assy Productivity Levels In The Sub Process Capability Level In The Process
Production Line. Production Process Assy Element Assy Of Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Which Is
(Plastisol End Plate B, And Plastisol One Of The Sample Critical Process
3. Grouping The Processes In The Sub Line Product End Plate A), And Assy Element Items In The Production Line Assy
Element Assy Production Line Based On Assy Production Sub Process (End Plate Element Assy.
The Same Production Process. A Plastisol, And End Plate B Macroplast
4. Creating An Operating Process Chart
(OPC) On The Sub Production Process 2. Evaluate The Results Of Improvements
Of Assy Element Assy (Plastisol End To The Condition Of The Production
Plate B, And End Plate A Plastisol Line Balance In The Sub Production
Product), And Production Sub Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B
Production Process Of Assy Element Plastisol, And End Plate A Plastisol
Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Product), And Production Sub-Process
Plate B Macoplast Product). Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol,
And End Plate B Macroplast Product).

Data Collections Data Collections

(Production Capacity) (Process Capability)

5. Collect Work Time Data On Each Work 6. Collect Product Measurement Data
Process Contained In The Sub Process Based On The Critical Points Of The
Production Assy Element Assy (End Plate Product, So That The Variability Of The
B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Measurement Results Of The Product Conclusion Suggestion
Product), And In The Production Sub Can Be Known.
Process Assy Element (End Plate A
Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast
1. Make Conclusions From The Results Of 4. Make Further Improvement Suggestions.
Improvements In Production Capacity In
The Sub Production Process Assy
Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, And
End Plate A Plastisol Product).

2. Draw Conclusions From The Results Of

Improved Production Capacity In The
Production Process Assy Element Assy
(End Plate A Plastisol, And End Plate B
Macroplast Product).

3. Draw Conclusions From The Results Of

The Improvement In Capability Of The
Processing Production Capacity Process Capability Data Plastisol Adhesive Dispense Process,
Data In Actual Conditions Processing In Actual Conditions Which Is Part Of The Production Line
Assy Element Assy.
1. Processing Data On Actual Production 3. Perform Data Processing On The
Productivity Levels On Sub Production Condition Of The Actual Process
Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Capability In Critical Items Found In The
Plastisol, And End Plate A Plastisol Production Line Assy Element Assy.
Product), And Sub Production Process
Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, 4. Evaluate One Sample Item Critical
And End Plate B Macroplast Product). Process That Still Has Problems In
Terms Of Process Capability In The
2. Perform Data Processing On The Production Line Assy Element Assy,
Condition Of The Actual Production Line Namely The Plastisol Dispense Adhesive
Balance In The Production Process Assy Process. Finish
Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, And
End Plate A Plastisol Product), And The
Production Sub-Process Assy Element
Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, And End
Plate B Macroplast Product).

Fig 1:- Research methodology

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


4. 1. Basic Product Knowledge and Bill of Materials (BoMs)

Based on the results of the previous discussion , that which will be used as a sample in this study is in the Production Line
Assy Element Assy, with the product in the form of Element Assy. The description of the Element Assy product along with its
constituent components can be seen in the following picture:

Fig 2:- Element Assy Product and Parts

Process Assy The Product Element Assy is carried out using Adhesive, both the Assy Process on End Plate A, and the End
Plate B. Adhesive used in conducting the Assy Process consists of two types, namely: Plastisol Adhesive, and Macroplast
Adhesive. Plastisol Adhesive is a type of adhesive that hardens using heat media, which in this case is done by using a Oven
Heater. While Adhesive Macroplast is a type of adhesive whose hardening process only requires room temperature within a
certain time, because the mixture of this type of adhesive consists of Resin and Hardener.

And here is an arrangement of the components that make up the Spin On Filter Product based on the hierarchy level on Bill
of Materials (BoMs) Spin On Filter Products:

Final Filter
Tipe Spin On
Level 0

Spin On Filter Outer Doos Doos QR Code

Assy 3 Outer Doos Isolasi Tape
Sticker Sticker
Level 1

Spin On Filter Inner Doos

Assy 2 Inner Doos
Level 2

Spin On Filter Plastic

Assy 1 Wrapping
Level 3

Filter Body Spring Filter Seat Assy
Element Assy
Level 4

Element Cover
Paper Media Inner Liner End Plate A End Plate B Seat (ElCo)
Level 5

Fig 3:- Bill of Materials (BoMs) Filter Products

Based on product BOMs image filter (Figure 2) above, which will be part of the focus of this study is part of the filter
components that are shaded.

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
4. 2. Production Layout
Production layout found in the Production Line Assy Element Assy in the Factory 2 Production Area PT. XYZ is a
production layout in the form of a Process L ayout, with a number of lines of two. The description of the production layout and
short flow process on the two Production Line Assy Element Assies can be seen in the picture below:

Conveyor Rotary Table Dispensing Strut
"Z" Machine Adhesive Paper
Plastisol Machine
Machine Buffer
Assy Table
Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate A Conveyor FINISH

Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate B Conveyor Conveyor

Mixing And Dispensing Table
Dispensing Adhesive
Adhesive Plastisol
Plastisol Machine Sub Line Produksi Assy Element Assy 2
Inkjet Machine
Printing Table
Conveyor Rotary Table Dispensing Strut
"Z" Machine Adhesive Paper
Plastisol Machine
Machine Buffer
Conveyor Assy Table
Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate A Conveyor FINISH

Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate B Conveyor Conveyor

Mixing And Dispensing Table
Dispensing Adhesive
Adhesive Plastisol
Plastisol Machine
Machine Sub Line Produksi Assy Element Assy 1

Fig 4:- Production Layout of Sub Production Line Assy Element Assy for Process Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A
Plastisol Product)

Conveyor Rotary Table Dispensing Strut
FINISH "Z" Machine Adhesive Paper
Plastisol Machine
Machine Buffer
Assy Table
Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate A Conveyor

Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate B Conveyor Conveyor

Mixing And Dispensing Table
Dispensing Adhesive
Adhesive Plastisol
Plastisol Machine Sub Line Produksi Assy Element Assy 2
Inkjet Machine
Printing Table
Conveyor Rotary Table Dispensing Strut
"Z" Machine Adhesive Paper
Plastisol Machine
FINISH Machine Buffer
Conveyor Assy Table
Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate A Conveyor

Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate B Conveyor Conveyor

Mixing And Dispensing Table
Dispensing Adhesive
Adhesive Plastisol
Plastisol Machine
Machine Sub Line Produksi Assy Element Assy 1

Fig 5:- Production Layout of Sub Production Line Assy Element Assy for Process Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B
Macroplast Product)

4. 3. Process Classification
Products manufactured by PT. XYZ is very diverse, so as to facilitate the regulation and improvement of the production
process, the work processes based on diverse products are classified into several groups of work processes that can represent the
overall variation in the work process. The process classification in the Production Line Assy Element Assy PT. XYZ can be seen
in the table below:

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 1:- Grouping Process Element Assy Variations at PT. XYZ

And as for the variation of the work process Sub Production Assy Element Assy found in Production Area 2 PT. XYZ , is a
yellow shaded part in Table 1 above, namely : Group "B-1", namely: Sub Process Production of Ass y Element Assy (Plastisol
End Plate B , and Plastisol Product End Plate A ) and "B-4" Group , namely Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End
Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) .

4. 4. Operating Process Chart (OPC)

The Operating Process Chart (OPC) for the two production process sub-processes can be seen in the picture below:

Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy

(End Plate A Plastisol, Dan End Plate B Macroplast Product)

Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy Transfer

Paper Lorry TA1 Element
(End Plate B Plastisol, And End Plate A Plastisol Product) Clamp Strut Paper End Plate A Comp.
Coil Plastisol

Clamping Dispense Dispensing

Element Adhesive Adhesive
Strut OB4-02 OB4-01
Paper Plastisol Plastisol To
Machine End Plate A
Paper Lorry TA1 Element Inner Tube
End Plate A Comp. Paper End Plate B Comp. Assy End
Plate A, Inner
Manual OB4-03
Plastisol Clamp Strut Coil Plastisol Tube, And
Element Paper
Dispensing Dispensing Clamping Dispense Dispensing Loading Element
Clamping Manual OB4-04 Assy To Mesin
Adhesive Adhesive Element Adhesive Adhesive
OB1-05 Strut OB1-02 OB1-01 Oven Curing
Plastisol Plastisol To Paper Plastisol Plastisol To
Machine Oven Curing
Machine End Plate A Machine End Plate B Adhesive
OB4-05 Adhesive
Pipe Tube (*) Machine

Inner Tube B-4 Element Assy

Waiting for All
Processes 1 To
Assy End Finish
Plate B, Inner Process 1
Manual OB1-03 Tube, Pipe Tube
(*), And Element
Oven Curing
OB1-04 Adhesive
Machine End Plate B Comp.
Pipe Tube (*)
Dispense Dispense
Element Element
Adhesive Adhesive
Assy Results Assy Assy Box DB4-01 Assy
Process 1
Previous Process Machine To End Plate B
Manual OB1-06
, Pipe Tube (*),
Assy Hasil
And End Plate A Element Assy
Manual OB4-07
Oven Curing Process 1, And
Curing End Plate B
OB1-07 Adhesive
Plastisol Press Element
Press Element
Plastisol Assy Machine Assy Process 2
Conveyor Drying
Height High Checking Drying Adhesive OB4-09 Adhesive
Gauge IB1-01 Element Assy Macroplast Machine Macroplast

High Check
IB4-01 Element Assy
Stamping / Inkjet
Stamping/ OB1-08 Element Assy (*) Stamping / Inkjet
Mc. Inkjet OB4-10 Element Assy (*)
Box And Box, And
Transfer Transfer
Box Lorry TB1 Box Lorry TB4 Element Assy
Element Assy Element Assy

B-1 Element Assy

Process 2

Fig 6:- Operating Process Chart (OPC) Group "B-1", namely Sub Process Production of Assy Element Assy (End Plate B
Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product), and Group "B-4", namely Sub Process Production Assy Element Assy ( End Plate A
Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
4. 5. Actual Production Productivity
The following is a brief general information about the actual conditions of the production system found in the Production
Line Assy Element Assy, Factory 2 Production Area, PT. XYZ:
a. Number of Production Lines = 2 Production Lines,
b. Work Shift = 2 Shifts, with configuration: 2 Production Line operates in Shift 1, and 1 Production Line operates in Shift 2,
c. Working Hours = 8 Hours / Shift
d. Sample Part Number of Filter Products in Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A
Plastisol Product) = Part Number "X"
e. Sample Part Number Filter Products in the Production Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B
Macroplast Product) = Part Number "Y".

4. 5. 1. Actual Production Productivity Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A
Plastisol Product)
From the data processing that is done, then the calculation results obtained to productivity Production in Sub Process
Production Element Assy Assy (End Plate B Plastisol and Plastisol Product End Plate A) actual are as follows:

No. Item Time

A. Resume Working Time Measurement Results
1 Set Up Time (Initial Production) = 4471.38 Seconds
≈ 74.52 Minute
2 Change Over Time (COT) = 313.74 Seconds
≈ 5.23 Minute
3 Cycle Time (CT) = 6.44 Seconds / Pcs
B. Production Target
4 Production Target = 300000 Pcs / Month
≈ 15000 Pcs / Day (20 Business Days)
≈ 7500 Pcs / Shift
C. Normal Working Time
5 Normal Working Time (8 Hours) = 8 Hour / Shift
≈ 480 Minute / Shift
≈ 28800 Seconds / Shift
D. Takt Time Production
6 Takt Time Production = 4.80 Seconds / Pcs (3 Line Prod.)
(2 Line Prod. In Shift 1, and 1 Line Prod. In Shift 2)
E. Change Over Time (COT)
7 Number of Part Number Per Line Per Shift = 2 Item / Line / Shift
8 COT Time Per Line Per Shift = 313.74 Seconds / Line / Shift
(2 Item / Line / Shift = 1 COT Time)
F. Number of Production Lines
9 Number of Production Lines = 3 Production Line / Day
(2 Line Prod. In Shift 1, and 1 Line Prod. In Shift 2)
G. Effective Working Time
10 Effective Work Time = 24014.88 Seconds / Shift
≈ 400.25 Minute / Shift
≈ 6.67 Hour / Shift
H. Actual Production Capacity
11 Actual Production Capacity = 3729 Pcs / Line / Shift
I. Actual Production Capacity VS target Produ c
Actual Production Capacity = 11187 Pcs / Day (3 Line Prod.)
Production Target = 15000 Pcs / Day _
Prod Capacity Difference Thp Target Target. = -3812.94 Pcs / Day
Table 2:- Results of Calculation of Production Productivity Levels in Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B
Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) Actual

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Fig 7:- Distribution of Operating Weight on Sub Process Production Assy Elemeny Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A
Plastisol Product) Actual

From the calculations in Table 2, and the graph in Figure 7, it can be seen that there are problems in the Production Process
Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and Plastisol End Plate A Products) . This can be seen in the presence of work
processes that exceed the Takte of production, namely the Working Process Clamping Strut Paper. And as for the resume level of
productivity in the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Products) can be
seen in the table below:

No. Item Data Processing Results

1 Takt Time Process 4.80 Seconds / Pcs (3 Line of Production / Day )

2 Cycle Time Process 6.44 Seconds / Pcs

3 Production Target 15000 Pcs / Day (20 Business Days)

4 Production capacity 11187 Pcs / Day (3 Line of Production / Day )

Difference in Production Capacity Against

5 -3813 Pcs / Day
Production Targets
Table 3:- Comparison of Level of Productivity To Resume Production Target on Production Process Assy Element Sub Assy (End
Pla te B Plastisol and Plastisol Product End Plate A) Actual.

From Table 3, it can be seen that Actual Production Capacity has not been able to meet the Production Targets set by the

4. 5. 2 . Actual Production Productivity Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate
B Macroplast Product)
From the results of data processing that has been done , then the calculation results obtained for P productivity productivity
in the Sub Process Production Assy Element Assy (Actual End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) are as

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

No. Item Time

A. Resume Working Time Measurement Results

1 Set Up Time (Initial Production) = 5219.08 Seconds
≈ 86.98 Minute
2 Change Over Time (COT) = 312.87 Seconds
≈ 5. 21 Minute
3 Cycle Time (CT) = 6.47 Seconds / Pcs
B. Production Target
4 Production Target = 300000 Pcs / Month
≈ 15000 Pcs / Day (20 Business Days)
≈ 7500 Pcs / Shift
C. Normal Working Time
5 Normal Working Time (8 Hours) = 8 Ja m / Shift
≈ 480 Minute / Shift
≈ 28800 Seconds / Shift
D. Takt Time Production
6 Takt Time Production = 4.65 Seconds / Pcs (3 Line Prod.)
(2 Line Prod. In Shift 1, and 1 Line Prod. In Shift 2)
E. Change Over Time (COT)
7 Number of Part Number Per Line Per Shift = 2 Item / Line / Shift
8 COT Time Per Line Per Shift = 312.87 Seconds / Line / Shift
(2 Item / Line / Shift = 1 COT Time)
F. Number of Production Lines
9 Number of Production Lines = 3 Production Line / Day
(2 Line Prod in Shift 1, and 1 Line Prod. In Shift 2)
G. Effective Working Time
10 Effective Work Time = 23268.05 Seconds / Shift

≈ 387.80 Minute / Shift

≈ 6.46 Hour / Shift

H. Actual Production Capacity

11 Actual Production Capacity = 3596 Pcs / Line / Shift
I. Actual Production Capacity VS target Produ c
Actual Production Capacity = 10789 Pcs / Day (3 Line Prod.)
Production Target = 15000 Pcs / Day _
Prod Capacity Difference Thp Target Target. = -4211.11 Pcs / Day

Table 4:- Productivity Level Calculation Results Production in the Production Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A
Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) Actual

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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Fig 8:- Distribution of Operating Weight in Sub Process Production of Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B
Macroplast Product) Actual

From the results of processing the data contained in Table 4, and Figure 8 , it can be seen also that there are problems there
are Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) . The problem lies in
the three work processes contained in the production sub-process, namely: Clamping Strut Process, Macroplast Dispense
Adhesive Process to End Plate B, and Press Process Element Assy and Macroplast Adhesive Drying Process . And as for the
resume of the level of productivity in the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B
Macroplast Products) can be seen in the table below:

No. Item Data Processing Results

1 Takt Time Process 4.65 Seconds / Pcs (3 Production Lines / Day )

2 Cycle Time Process 6.47 Seconds / Pcs

3 Production Target 15000 Pcs / Day (20 Business Days)

4 Production capacity 10789 Pcs / Day (3 Production Lines / Day )

Difference in Production Capacity Against

5 -4211 Pcs / Day
Production Targets
Table 5:- Resume Comparison of Productivity Levels to Production Targets in the Production Sub-Process Assy Element Assy
(End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) Actual

From Table 5, it can be seen that Actual Production Capacity has not been able to meet the Production Targets set by the

4.6. Actual Line Balance Efficiency Process

4.6.1 . Line Balance Efficiency Process in Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate
A Plastisol Product)
From the collection of data that has been done it can be seen resentful umnya Work B Eban Each P roses in Sub Line
Produks i Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol and Plastisol Product End Plate A) is. And as for the division of expenses K
Gov Each P roses on the actual condition can be seen in the following table:

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Operation Station
No. Work process Idle Time
Time Efficiency
1 Process of Strut Clamping 6.44 0 100.00%
2 Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process 2.48 3.96 38.51%
The Assy Process Between Element Paper, Double Flute, and End
3 3.94 2.5 61.18%
Plate A
4 Process of Plastisol Oven Drying Adhesive 2.15 4.29 33.39%
The Loading Element Assy Process Results From Previous
5 Processes, Plastisol To End Plate Dispense Adhesive, And Earlier 4.52 1.92 70.19%
Assy Results Are Such As Tube Pipes (*), And End Plate A.
6 Process of Plastisol Oven Drying Adhesive 2.12 4.32 32.92%
Unloading Filter Process, Examination of High Element Assy, and
7 3.22 3.22 50.00%
Loading To Lori Transfer
Total 24.87 20.21
Table 6:- Distribution of Work Load in Sub Process Production of Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A
Plastisol Product) Actual

And as for the calculation results on Line Balance Efficiency in the production process sub- process can be seen in the table

No. Item Measurement results

1 Idle Time 20.21 Seconds
2 Line Efficiency 55.17%
3 Balance Delay 44.83%
4 Smoothing Index 8.55
Table 7:- Resume Line Balance Efficiency in Sub Process Production Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A
Plastisol Product)

From Table 7 it can be seen that the Line Balance Efficiency level in the Sub Process Production of Assy Element Assy
(End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) is still very low. From the table we can know also that the low level of
Line Balance Efficiency in Production Sub Assy P roses that, due to the process of K Gov who has time S iklus greater than the
Takt Time Production, ie the process Strut Clamping Working Paper. So that it needs first repairs to these problems.

4. 6. 2. Line Balance Efficiency Process in the Production Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End
Plate B Macroplast Product)
From the data collection that has been done before , also it can be seen also the Each Process Workload in the Sub Process
Production Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast) . And as for the distribution of Each Process
Workload in the actual conditions can be seen in the following table:

Operation Station
No. Work process Idle Time
Time Efficiency
1 Process of Strut Clamping 4.96 1.51 76.66%
2 Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process 3.50 2.97 54.10%
3 The Assy Process Between Element Paper, Double Flute, and End Plate A 4.64 1.83 71.72%
4 Process of Plastisol Oven Drying Adhesive 4.38 2.09 67.70%
5 Dispense Adhesive Macroplast to End Plate B Process 6.47 0.00 100.00%
Process Assy Element Assy Results From Previous Processes With End
6 4.20 2.27 64.91%
Plate B
7 Press Process Element Assy and Macroplast Adhesive Drying Process 6.38 0.09 98.61%

8 The Process of Checking High Element Assy and Apply Packing B 4.39 2.08 67.85%
9 Element Assy Inkjet Process 1.17 5.30 18.08%
Total 40.09 18.14
Table 8:- Division of Work Load on Product Sub Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast
Product) Actual

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
And as for the calculation results on Line Balance Efficiency in the production process sub-process can be seen in the table

No. Item Measurement results

1 Idle Time 18.14 Seconds
2 Line Efficiency 68.85%
3 Balance Delay 31.15%
4 Smoothing Index 7.51
Table 9:- Resume Line Balance Efficiency on Product Sub Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B
Macroplast Product)

From Table 9 it can be seen that the Line Balance Efficiency level in the Sub Process of Production Assy Energy Assy (End
Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) can not be said to be good . This can be seen from there are still a number
of work processes that have a larger cycle time than the Takt Time Production, which is the Working Process of Clamping Strut
Paper , Macroplast to End Plate B Dispense Adhesive Process , and Press Element Assy and Macroplast Adhesive Drying Process
. So that it needs first repairs to these problems.

4. 7. Process Capability
From the results of data collection that has been done on the Production Line Assy Element Assy, it can be seen that there
are several work processes that still have low process capability. But for the sample case in this study, the focus of the research
will be on the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process , which still has low process capability.

The Plastisol Dispense Adhesive process is the process of giving Plastisol Adhesive to the End Plate Element Assy Filter,
both the Upper End Plate (End Plate A) and the Lower End Plate (End Plate B). A and the Critical Point is Plastisol Dispense
Adhesive Process is Plastisol Adhesive Mass . Where Massa Adhesive associated with Vo lume Plastisol Plastisol Adhesive,
which is closely den gan b erkaitan Filter filtration performance.

A sovereign, when Massa Adhesive Plastisol supplied does not match with Standard Massa Adhesive Plastisol, it will cause
problems. If the Plastisol Adhesive Mass is less than the standard it will cause problems, such as: the binding strength of the End
Plate against the Inner Liner and the Paper Media Filter which decreases or is not strong, leakage from the End Plate gap Element
Assy that is not affected by Plastisol which causes Filter performance to decrease, etc. Whereas if the Plastisol Adhesive Mass is
given too much, it will also cause problems, such as: Plastisol Adhesive will overflow during Process Assy, so it will contaminate
the Paper Media Filter, which has an impact on decreasing the performance and appearance of the product. Besides the overflow
of Plastisol Adhesive it will also pollute the Conveyor and Plastisol Hot Plate Adhesive Oven which will cause the End Plate
Element Assy Filter to become dirty. Where as it is known that the dirty End Plate Element Assy Filter creates new jobs that are
not actually needed, namely the process of cleaning Plastisol Adhesive which overflows and contaminates the outer side of the
End Plate Element Assy Filter, both on End Plate A and End Plate B Element Assy Filter.

The process of Plastisol Dispense Adhesive is done using the Dispense Adhesive Plastisol Machine and Rotary Table. The
description of the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process can be seen in the picture below:

Fig 9:- Overview of Actual Plastisol Dispense Adhsive Process

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
From figure Figure 8 above, it can be seen that the Dispense Plastisol Process consists of two machines, namely:

 Plastisol Adhesive Pump Machine, which functions to suck Plastisol Adhesive from inside the Drum, and pump it into the
Rotary Table Machine which has a Plastisol Adhesive Dispense Valve inside. The Plastisol Adhesive Pump is used using wind
 Rotary Table and Valve Dispense Adhsive Plastisol, which has the pouring function Plastisol Adhesive into the End Plate

In fact, two attempts have been made to improve the stability of the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process . The description of
the initial improvements to the process capability in the Plastisol Adhesive Process are as follows:
a. The initial conditions before the initial repairs are carried out, where the Drum distance and the Plastisol Adhesive Pump are
very far away.

Adhesive Dispencing Strut
Plastisol Adhesive Paper
Drum Plastisol Machine
Machine Buffer
Assy Table
Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate B Conveyor

Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate A Conveyor Conveyor


Remarks : = Adhesive Plastisol Flow

Fig 10:-Description of the initial condition of the D Process is Adhsive Plastisol before repair.

b. Bring the Plastisol Adhesive Drum position and Plastisol Adhesive Pump Machine closer to the Rotary Table and
Plastisol Valve Dispencer Machine.

Dispencing Drum Clamping
Adhesive Strut
Plastisol Paper
Machine Machine
Pump Buffer
Assy Table
Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate B Conveyor
Table Dispencing
Oven Adhesive Plastisol End Plate A Conveyor Plastisol Conveyor

Remarks : = Adhesive Plastisol Flow

Figure 11:- An overview of the conditions of the first initial repair of the Dispense Adhsive Plastisol Process by bringing the
position of the Plastisol Drum Drum and the Plastisol Adhesive Pump to close the Rotary Table and Adhesive Plastisol Valve
Dispencer Machines.

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
c. Removing the Pump Engine Filter to facilitate the Plastisol Adhesive flow

Fig 12 :- An overview of the conditions for the initial improvement of both the Plastisol Dispense Adhsive Process by removing
the Pump Machine Filter to facilitate the Plastisol Adhesive flow.

And as for the calculation results on Capability The process contained in the Dispense Adhsive Plastisol with these three
conditions can be seen in the following table:

Actual Conditions
Drum Conditions and Plastisol Filter Conditions
No. Item Standard Adhesive Pump Machines Bring on the Plastisol
Conditions Before
Into Near Rotary Table Machines Adhesive Pump
Initial Repair
and Plastisol Valve Dispencer Machine
Adhesive Removed
Plastisol 14.07 - 32.46
1 18.70 - 23.40 Gram 15.63 - 31.06 Gram 15.23 - 38.70 Gram
Adhesive Mass Gram
2 Adhesive Mass 4.7 Gram 15.43 Gram 23.47 Gram 18.39 Gram
3 Cpk 1.33 -0.14 -0.25 -0.07
4 Cp 1.33 0.21 0.15 0.2
Sigma (σ)
5 4 -0.42 -0.76 -0.21
6 PPM Defect 6210 710688 825939 660477
Table 10:- Resume Capability Actual Plastisol Adhesive Dispense Process

Table 10 can be seen that the entire initial improvement at Adhesive Plastisol Process D ispense contained in the Production
Line Assy Element Sub Area Assy Production Factory 2, PT. XYZ, has not been able to meet the Target Specifications Process
set by the Company. So that other improvements are needed to the process of Plastisol Dispense Ad hesive, which aims that the
problems arising from instability in the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process do not occur.


5. 1. Improvements to Production Productivity

5. 1. 1. Improvement of Production Productivity P Sub Process Production Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and
End Plate A Plastisol Product)
From Figure 5 found on the previous page it can be seen that there is one Work Operation in the Sub Production Process
Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) that have not been able to meet the Production
Targets set by the Company, namely Working Process Clamping Strut Paper.

Process Clamping Strut Paper is the process of combining the ends of the stretch of the Paper Filter, to be like a tube to be
able to proceed to the next sassy process. The description of the Strut Clamping Process can be seen in the picture below:

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 13:- Overview of Clamping Strut Paper Filter Process

In fact, there are two Work Operations contained in the Strut Clamping Process, namely Work Operations Cutting Paper
Paths, and Work Operations Conducting Clamping Strut Paper Processes. As for the division of Work Operating Expenses in the
Strut Clamping Poses can be seen in the picture below:

Fig 14:- Distribution of Work Operating Expenses in the Clamping Process of Strut Paper

From the game bar in Figure 14 above, it can be seen that if the Working Opposition to Cut the Paper Path is not done on the
Sub Process Production Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product), it can reduce the Cycle
Time in the process , and increase the overall Production Capacity in the Sub Production Process.

Based on this, the researchers tried to carry out the transfer of Operation Work Cutting the Paper Strip to Sub Production
Line before Sub Production Line Assy Element Assy, namely Sub Production Line Component Element Paper (Element Paper
Pleating) . And as for the relationship between the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plasisol, and End
Plate B Plastisol Product) and the Production Line Sub Component Paper (Element Paper Pleating) depicted on the OPC between
the Production Sub-Line below:

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


Sub-Proses Produksi Komponen

Element Paper
(Element Paper Pleating)

Komponen Element
Mc. Pleater OA1-01 Paper

Mc. Pleater OA1-02 Paper

Mc. Pleater OA1-03 Paper

Mc. Pleater OA1-04 Paper

Curring OA1-05 Paper

Pisau Cutting Paper

Cutter OA1-06 Dan Loading
Manual Ke Lori Paper

Lori Paper TA1 Element Paper

Sub-Proses Produksi Assy Element Assy

(End Plate B Plastisol, Dan End Plate A Plastisol Product)
Ex : Regular Spin-On Element Assy

Lori Paper TA1 Element
Komponen End Plate A Paper Komponen End Plate B
Plastisol Clamp Strut Coil Plastisol

Mesin Dispense Clamping Mesin Dispense

Dispense Adhesive Element Dispense Adhesive
OB1-05 Clamping OB1-02 OB1-01
Adhesive Plastisol To Paper Adhesive Plastisol To
Plastisol End Plate A Plastisol End Plate B

Pipe Tube (*)

Inner Tube
Assy End
Plate B, Inner
Manual OB1-03 Tube, Pipe Tube
(*), Dan Element
Mesin Oven Curing
Curing Adhesive OB1-04 Adhesive
Plastisol Plastisol

Pipe Tube (*)

Assy Hasil
Assy Sebelumnya
Manual OB1-06
, Pipe Tube (*),
Dan End Plate A
Mesin Oven Curing
Curing Adhesive OB1-07 Adhesive
Plastisol Plastisol

IB1-01 Tinggi Element

Stamping / Inkjet
OB1-08 Element Assy (*)

Element TB1 Element Assy

B-1 Assy

Next Process
Fig 15:- Description of the relationship between the Sub Production Line Element Paper Pleating with the Sub Production Process
Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product)

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In actual conditions with 8 Hours of Work / Shift, the Production Sub Element Paper Paper (Element Paper Pleating) has not
been able to meet the production target set by the Company, which is 15000 Pcs / Day. Based on this, the Element Paper Pleating
Component Production Line is still diluted for 1 Hour / Shift to achieve the Production Capacity desired by the Company. The
results of the calculation of the actual conditions of the Production Capacity with the Working Hours of 8 Hours / Shift and 9
Hours / Shift can be seen in the two tables below:

No. Item Time

A. Resume Working Time Measurement Results

1 Set Up Time (Initial Production) = 2456.87 Seconds
≈ 40.95 Minute
2 Change Over Time (COT) = 1686.87 Seconds
≈ 28.11 Minute
3 Cycle Time (CT) = 3.53 Seconds / Pcs
B. Production Target
4 Production Target = 300000 Pcs / Month
Pcs / Day (20 Business
≈ 15000 Days)
≈ 7500 P cs / Shift
C. Normal Working Time
5 Normal Working Time (8 Hours) = 8 Hour / Shift
≈ 480 Minute / Shift
≈ 28800 Seconds / Shift
D. Takt Time Production
6 Takt Time Production = 3.29 Seconds / Pcs
E. Change Over Time (COT)
7 Jumla h Part Number Per Line Per Shift = 2 Item / Line / Shift
8 COT Time Per Line Per Shift = 1686.87 Seconds / Line / Shift
(2 Item / Line / Shift = 1 COT Time)
F. Number of Production Lines
9 Number of Production Lines = 1 Production Line
G. Effective Working Time
10 Effective Work Time = 24656.26 Seconds / Shift

≈ 410.94 Minute / Shift

≈ 6.85 Hour / Shift

H. Actual Production Capacity

11 Actual Production Capacity = 6985 Pcs / Line / Shift

I. Actual Production Capacity VS target Produ c

Actual Production Capacity = 6985 Pcs / Line / Shift
Production Target = 7500 Pcs / Shift _
Prod Capacity Difference Thp Target
Target. = -515 Pcs / Line / Shift
Table 11:- Calculation of Productivity Level Production Sub Element Paper Paper Sub Element with 8 Hours of Work / Shift

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No. Item Time

A. Resume Working Time Measurement Results

1 Set Up Time (Initial Production) = 2456.87 Seconds
≈ 40.95 Minute
2 Change Over Time (COT) = 1686.87 Seconds
≈ 28.11 Minute
3 Cycle Time (CT) = 3.53 Seconds / Pcs
B. Production Target
4 Production Target = 300000 Pcs / Month
Pcs / Day (20 Business
≈ 15000 Days)
≈ 7500 P cs / Shift
C. Normal Working Time
5 Normal Working Time (8 Hours) = 9 Hour / Shift
≈ 540 Minute / Shift
≈ 32400 Seconds / Shift
D. Takt Time Production
6 Takt Time Production = 3.77 Seconds / Pcs
E. Change Over Time (COT)
7 Jumla h Part Number Per Line Per Shift = 2 Item / Line / Shift
8 COT Time Per Line Per Shift = 1686.87 Seconds / Line / Shift
(2 Item / Line / Shift = 1 COT Time)
F. Number of Production Lines
9 Number of Production Lines = 1 Production Line
G. Effective Working Time
10 Effective Work Time = 28256.26 Seconds / Shift

≈ 470.94 Minute / Shift

≈ 7.85 Hour / Shift
H. Actual Production Capacity
11 Actual Production Capacity = 8005 Pcs / Line / Shift
I. Actual Production Capacity VS Production targets
Actual Production Capacity = 8005 Pcs / Line / Shift
Production Target = 7500 Pcs / Shift _
Prod Capacity Difference Thp Target
Target. = 505 Pcs / Line / Shift

Table 12:- Calculation of Productivity Levels of Production Sub Element Paper Paper (Element Paper Pleating) with 9 Hours of
Work / Shift.

From the calculation of Actual Production Capacity against Table 11, and Table 12 it can be seen that Overtime for 1 Hour /
Shift is still very much needed to achieve the predetermined Production Targets. Based on the previous, while g ambaran of the
relationship between Sub Line Component Production Element Paper (Element Paper Pleating) with Sub Production Process Assy
Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, And End Plate A Plastisol Product) can be seen in the picture below :

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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Fig 16:- Description of the relationship between the Sub Production Line Component Element Paper (Element Paper Pleating)
with the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) Actual

From the previous page it has been mentioned that the Work Operation of Cutting the Paper Strip is one of the causes of the
decreasing level of Process Capability in the Sub Process of Production Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate
A Plastisol Product) , based on this, the Workload on Work Operations it will be tried to be transferred to the Work Process in the
Sub Production Line before the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol
Product) , namely: Sub Production Line of Element Paper Pleating . And as for the results of the transfer of Workload can be seen
in the graph and table below:

No. Item Time

A. Resume Working Time Measurement Results
1 Set Up Time (Initial Production) = 4471.38 Seconds
≈ 74.52 Minute
2 Change Over Time (COT) = 313.74 Seconds
≈ 5.23 Minute
3 Cycle Time (CT) = 4.74 Seconds / Pcs
B. Production Target
4 Production Target = 300000 Pcs / Month
≈ 15000 Pcs / Day (20 Business Days)
≈ 7500 Pcs / Shift
C. Normal Working Time
5 Normal Working Time (8 Hours ) = 8 Hour / Shift
≈ 480 Minute / Shift
≈ 28800 Seconds / Shift
D. Takt Time Production
6 Takt Time Production = 4.80 Seconds / Pcs (3 Line Prod.)
(2 Line Prod. In Shift 1, and 1 Line Prod. In Shift 2)
E. Change Over Time (COT)
7 Number of Part Number Per Line Per Shift = 2 Item / Line / Shift
8 COT Time Per Line Per Shift = 313.74 Seconds / Line / Shift
(2 Item / Line / Shift = 1 COT Time)
F. Number of Production Lines
9 Number of Production Lines = 3 Production Line / Day
(2 Line Prod. In Shift 1, and 1 Line Prod. In Shift 2)

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
G. Effective Working Time
10 Effective Work Time = 24014.88 Seconds / Shift

≈ 400.25 Minute / Shift

≈ 6.67 Hour / Shift
H. Actual Production Capacity
11 Actual Production Capacity = 5066 Pcs / Line / Shift
I. Actual Production Capacity VS target Produ c
Actual Production Capacity = 15199 Pcs / Day (3 Line Prod.)
Production Target = 15000 Pcs / Day _
Prod Capacity Difference Thp Target Target. = 199.29 Pcs / Day

Table 13:- Results of Productivity Level Calculation Sub Production Line Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End
Plate A Plastisol Product ) After P Repair

Fig 17:- The description of the relationship between the Sub Production Line Element Paper Pleating with the Sub Production
Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) after the process of transferring the
Workload Process Cutting the Paper Strip to the Working Process of Cutting Paper in Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy
(End Plate B Plastisol, And End Plate A Plastisol Product)

From these calculations may diskette is a hui that production capacity in Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End
Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) tersebu t been able to in achieving the target p roduction set by p ompany via
load transfer k Gov Work Operations Cut the Paper Path to the Cutting Paper Work Process found in the Production Line of
Element Paper Pleating Components . However, additional improvements need to be made to facilitate the Cutting Paper Working
Process which is charged with the Scrolling Work Operation on the Paper Line. And while the additional improvements that still
need to be done include:
1. Installing the Vacuum Slited Paper Vacuuming Machine on the Pleater Machine, in order to reduce the Cutting Paper Operator
2. Modifications to the Pressure Regulator installed on each of the blades Sliter, so that the pressure each Slitter Knives can be set
separately, so memperm u dah Paper Cutting the operator work.

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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5. 1. 2. Improvements to Production Productivity in the Sub Process of Production of Assy Element Assy (End Plate A
Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product)
From Figure 8 found on the previous page it can be seen that there are three problems found in the Sub Production Process
Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product), which inhibits the achievement of Production
Targets that have been set by the Company, namely : Strut Clamping Process, Macroplast Dispense Adhesive Process to End Plate
B, and Press Process Element Assy and Macroplast Adhesive Drying Process . The improvements to these problems, namely:

a. Improvements to the Sikus Time Working Process of Strut Clamping

Improvements made to the Cycle Time Working Process Clamping Strut on the Sub-Production Process Assy Element Assy
(End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) are the same as improvements made to the Cycle Process of the Strut
Clamping Work performed on the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol
Product), that is by moving the Operating Load Load Cutting Paper Strips in the Process of Clamping the Strut Paper in the Sub
Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) to the Cutting Paper Process
that is in the Production Line Sub Element Paper Pleating .

Before carrying out the repair process, an evaluation of the Element Paper Pleating Component is evaluated first . From the
results of calculations that have been done, in actual conditions with 8 Hours of Work / Shift, the Production Sub Element Paper
Paper (Element Paper Pleating) has not been able to meet the Production Targets set by the Company, which is 15000 Pcs / Day.
Based on this, the Element Paper Pleating Component Production Line is still diluted for 1 Hour / Shift to achieve the Production
Capacity desired by the Company. The results of the calculation of the actual conditions of Production Capacity with 8 Hours /
Shift and 9 Hours / Shift Working Hours can be seen in the two tables below:

No. Item Time

A. Resume Working Time Measurement Results

1 Set Up Time (Initial Production) = 2680.53 Seconds

≈ 44.68 Minute
2 Change Over Time (COT) = 1953.53 Seconds

≈ 32.56 Minute

3 Cycle Time (CT) = 3.58 Seconds / Pcs

B. Production Target
4 Production Target = 300000 Pcs / Bul an
Pcs / Day (20 Business
≈ 15000 Days)
≈ 7500 Pcs / Shift
C. Normal Working Time
5 Normal Working Time (8 Hours) = 8 Hour / Shift
≈ 480 Minute / Shift
≈ 28800 Seconds / Shift
D. Takt Time Production
6 Takt Time Pro duction = 3.22 Seconds / Pcs
E. Change Over Time (COT)
7 Number of Part Number Per Line Per Shift = 2 Item / Line / Shift
8 COT Time Per Line Per Shift = 1953.53 Seconds / Line / Shift
(2 Item / Line / Shift = 1 COT Time)
F. Number of Production Lines

9 Number of Production Lines = 1 Production Line

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G. Effective Working Time

10 Effective Work Time = 24165.94 Seconds / Shift

≈ 402.77 Minute / Shift

≈ 6.71 Hour / Shift

H. Actual Production Capacity

11 Actual Production Capacity = 6750 Pcs / Line / Shift
I. Actual Production Capacity VS target Produ c
Actual Production Capacity = 6750 Pcs / Line / Shift
Production Target = 7500 Pcs / Shift _
Prod Capacity Difference Thp Target
Target. = -750 Pcs / Line / Shift

Table 16:- Calculation of Productivity Level of Production Sub Element Paper Paper Sub Element (Element Paper Pleating) with
8 Hours of Work / Shift

No. Item Time

A. Resume Working Time Measurement Results

1 Set Up Time (Initial Production) = 2680.53 Seconds
≈ 44.68 Minute
2 Change Over Time (COT) = 1953.53 Seconds
≈ 32.56 Minute
3 Cycle Time (CT) = 3.58 Seconds / Pcs
B. Production Target
4 Production Target = 300000 Pcs / Month
Pcs / Day (20 Business
≈ 15000 Days)
≈ 7500 P cs / Shift
C. Normal Working Time
5 Normal Working Time (8 Hours) = 9 Hour / Shift
≈ 540 Minute / Shift
≈ 32400 Seconds / Shift
D. Takt Time Production
6 Takt Time Production = 3.70 Seconds / Pcs
E. Change Over Time (COT)
7 Jumla h Part Number Per Line Per Shift = 2 Item / Line / Shift
8 COT Time Per Line Per Shift = 1953.53 Seconds / Line / Shift
(2 Item / Line / Shift = 1 COT Time)
F. Number of Production Lines
9 Number of Production Lines = 1 Production Line
G. Effective Working Time
10 Effective Work Time = 27765.94 Seconds / Shift

≈ 462.77 Minute / Shift

≈ 7.71 Hour / Shift

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H. Actual Production Capacity

11 Actual Production Capacity = 7756 Pcs / Line / Shift
I. Actual Production Capacity VS target Produ c
Actual Production Capacity = 7756 Pcs / Line / Shift
Production Target = 7500 Pcs / Shift _
Prod Capacity Difference Thp Target
Target. = 256 Pcs / Line / Shift

Table 17:- Calculation of Productivity Levels of Production Sub Element Paper Paper (Element Paper Pleating) with 9 Working
Hours / Shift

From the calculation of Actual Production Capacity for Table 16, and Table 17 it can be seen that Overtime for 1 Hour /
Shift is still very much needed to achieve the predetermined Production Targets. Based on the previous thing too, as for the
description of the relationship between the Sub Production Line Element Paper Pleating with the Product Sub-Process Assy
Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) can be seen in the picture below this:

Fig 18:- Overview of the relationship between the Sub Production Line Element Paper Pleating with the Product Sub Process i
Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) Actual

Based on the foregoing, the improvement that will be carried out is by moving the Operating Expenses to Cut the Paper
Strips in the Process of Clamping the Strut Paper in the Production Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and
End Plate B Macroplast Product) to the Cutting Paper Process in the Sub Production Line of Element Paper Pleating Components.
And as for the results of the process of moving the Operating Expenses to Cut the Paper Strip can be seen in the graph below:

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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Fig 19:- Description of the relationship between the Production Line Sub Element Paper Pleating with the Production Sub-Process
Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) after the process of transferring the Workload
The Process of Cutting the Paper Path to the Working Process of Cutting Paper in the Product Sub Process i Assy Element Assy
(End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product)

From these calculations, it can be seen that the Production Capacity in the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End
Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) has been able to achieve the Production Targets set by the Company
through the Workload Operating Work Transfers Cut the Paper Path to Cutting Paper Work Process in S ub Production Line
Element Paper Pleating Components . But the same as the results of improvements made on the Sub Process Production Assy
Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Macroplast Product), things still need to be done additional improvements
to facilitate the Working Process of Cutting Paper which is charged with the Operation Operation of Cutting the Paper Strip. And
while the additional improvements that still need to be done include:

1. Installing the Vacuum Slited Paper Vacuuming Machine on the Pleater Machine, in order to reduce the Cutting Paper Operator
2. Modification by installing a Pressure Regulator on each of the Sliter Blades, so that the pressure of each Slitter Knife can be set
separately, so that the Cutting Paper Operator works.

b. Improvement of Cycle Dispense Adhesive Macroplast to End Plate B Cycle Time

The Dispense Adhesive Macroplast process is carried out using two types of machines, namely: Mixer Machines and
Macroplast Adhesive Dispensers, and Rotary Table Machines. The description of the two machines can be seen in the picture

Fig 20:- Overview of Mixer Machines and Macroplast Adhesive Dispensers, and Rotary Table Machines

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And as for the description of the Working Process of Macroplast Adhesive Dispense can be seen in the picture below:

Fig 21:- Overview of the Work Process of Macroplast Dispense Adhesive on Mixer Machines and Macroplast Adhesive
Dispensers, and Actual Rotary Table Machines

From the figure in Figure 18, we can see that there are three Work Operations in the Macroplast Dispense Adhesive Process,
that the Rotary Table Machine rotates from one point to the next, the Rotary Table Machine stops rotating for a moment, and the
Mixer and Dispense Adhesive Macroplast Machine Processes Mixing and Dispense Adhesive Macroplast to End Plate Filters.
And as for the results of the measurement of the Work Operations contained in the Work Process of the actual Macroplast
Dispense Adhesive can be seen in the following table:

Operating Time (Seconds /

No. Work Operations Machine
Rotary Table Machines Rotate From Rotary Table Macroplast Adhesive
1 1.25 Seconds / Units
Point to Point Next Dispense Machine
The Rotary Table machine stops rotating
2 Macroplast Adhesive Dispense Machine 2.08 Seconds / Units
for a moment
Macroplast Adhesive Mixing and
3 Macroplast Adhesive Dispense Machine 3.14 seconds / unit
Dispensing Process
Total Work Process Time 6.47 seconds / unit
Table 18:- Work Operations contained in The actual process of Dispense Adhesive Macroplast

From Table 15 it can be seen that there is a potential improvement in Cycle Time in the Macroplast Dispense Adhesive
Process, which is when the Rotary Table Machine stops rotating for a moment. The Rotary Table Machine Stop Spinning
Momentarily is a Work Operation that is not needed in the Macroplast Dispense Adhesive Work Process, so that the Work
Operation can be removed.

The improvements made to reduce the time when the Rotary Table Machine Stop Rotating for a moment is to change the
parameters of the Rotary Table Machine from 4.5 Hz, to 2 Hz. So the Waiting Time in the Process is gone. The results of the
measurement of the Work Operations contained in the Work Process of Macroplast Dispense Adhesive after the repair can be seen
in the following figure and table:

Operating Time (Seconds /

No. Work Operations Machine
Rotary Table Machines Rotate To End Rotary Table Macroplast Adhesive
1 1.25 Seconds / Units
Plate Gauge Next Dispense Machine
Macroplast Adhesive Mixing and
2 Macroplast Adhesive Dispense Machine 3.14 seconds / unit
Dispensing Process
Total Work Process Time 4.39 Seconds / Units
Table 19:- Work Operations contained in Macroplast Dispense Adhesive Work Process after changing parameters of Rotary Table
Machine settings

From Table 18, and Table 19, we can see that there are improvements in Cycle Time in the Work Process of Macroplast
Adhesive Dispense. Changes in these parameters did not affect the stability of the Macroplast Adhesive Dispense Process,

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because the Rotary Table Machine was accelerated only, in the Macroplast Adhesive Mixing and Dispencing Machine no
parameter changes were made that could change the stability of the process.

c. Improvements to Press Process Cycle Time Element Assy and Macroplast Adhesive Drying Process
The process of improvement of Press Element Assy Cycle Time and Macroplast Drying Adhesive Process is carried out by
accelerating the parameters of the "Z" Conveyor Machine. The comparison of the conditions before and after changing the
parameters of the "Z" Conveyor Machine can be seen in the table below:

No. Item Initial conditions Repair Conditions

Rotary Table Machine Speed
1 15.2 Hz 11.0 Hz
2 Machine Cycle Time 6.38 Seconds / Units 4.60 seconds / unit
Table 20:- Comparison of Cycle Times in the Elemental Press Process and Macroplast Drying Process that is carried out on a "Z"
Conveyor Machine

d . Resume Results of Improvement on Production Productivity and Line Balance Efficiency in Sub Process Production of
Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product)
From the results of the improvements that have been made, as for the description of the resumes the overall improvements
that have been made can be seen in the table and graph below:

No. Item Time

A. Resume Working Time Measurement Results

1 Set Up Time (Initial Production) = 5219.08 Seconds
≈ 86.98 Minute
2 Change Over Time (COT) = 312.87 Seconds
≈ 5.21 Minute
3 Cycle Time (CT) = 4.64 Seconds / Pcs
B. Production Target
4 Production Target = 300000 Pcs / Month
≈ 15000 Pcs / Day (20 Business Days)
≈ 7500 Pc s / Shift
C. Normal Working Time
5 Normal Working Time (8 Hours) = 8 Hour / Shift
≈ 480 Minute / Shift
≈ 28800 Seconds / Shift
D. Takt Time Production
6 Takt Time Production = 4.65 Seconds / Pcs (3 Line Prod.)
(2 Line Prod . In Shift 1, and 1 Line Prod. In
Shift 2)
E. Change Over Time (COT)
Number of Part Number Per Line Per
7 Shift = 2 Item / Line / Shift
8 COT Time Per Line Per Shift = 312.87 Seconds / Line / Shift
(2 Item / Line / Shift = 1 COT Time)
F. Number of Production Lines
9 Number of Production Lines = 3 Production Line / Day
(2 Line Prod in Shift 1, and 1 Line Prod. In
Shift 2)
G. Effective Working Time

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10 Effective Work Time = 23268.05 Seconds / Shift

≈ 387.80 Minute / Shift

≈ 6.46 Hour / Shift

H. Actual Production Capacity

11 Actual Production Capacity = 5015 Pcs / Line / Shift
I. Actual Production Capacity VS target Produ c
Actual Production Capacity = 15044 Pcs / Day (3 Line Prod.)
Production Target = 15000 Pcs / Day _
Prod Capacity Difference Thp Target
Target. = 44.00 Pcs / Day

Table 21:- Productivity Level Calculation Results Sub Production Line Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate
B Macroplast Product) after repairs

Fig 22:- Description of the relationship between the Sub Production Line Element Paper Pleating with the Sub Process Production
of Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) after repairs

From Table 19, and Figure 19 found on the previous page, it can be seen that the Production Capacity after the repair
process has been able to meet the Production Targets set by the Company.

5. 2. Line Balance Efficiency Process Improvement Results

5. 2. 1. Line Balance Efficiency Process Improvement Results in the Production Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (Plastisol
End Plate B, and End Plate A Plastisol Product).
From the results of calculations on the improvement of processes contained in the Sub-Production Process Assy Element
Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) found on the previous page as for Line Balance Efficiency in
Conditions After Repair can be seen in the table below:

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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Operation Station
No. Work process Idle Time
Time Efficiency
1 Process of Strut Clamping 4.74 0 100.00%
2 Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process 2.48 2.26 52.32%
The Assy Process Between Element Paper, Double Flute, and
3 3.94 0.8 83.12%
End Plate A
4 Process of Plastisol Oven Drying Adhesive 2.15 2.59 45.36%
The Loading Element Assy Process Results From Previous
Processes, Plastisol To End Plate Dispense Adhesive, And
5 4.52 0.22 95.36%
Earlier Assy Results Are Such As Tube Pipes (*), And End Plate
6 Process of Plastisol Oven Drying Adhesive 2.12 2.62 44.73%
Unloading Filter Process, Examination of High Element Assy,
7 3.22 1.52 67.93%
and Loading To Lori Transfer
Total 23.17 10.01
Table 14:- Division of Work Load on Product Sub Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol
Product) after the repair process

And as for the calculation results on Line Balance Efficiency in the production process sub-process can be seen in the table

No. Item Measurement results

1 Idle Time 10.01 Seconds
2 Line Efficiency 69.83%
3 Balance Delay 30.17%
4 Smoothing Index 4.66
Table 15:- Resume Line Balance Efficiency on Product Sub Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A
Plastisol Product)

From the results of the conference, it can be seen that there is an improvement in Line Balance Efficiency in the Sub
Production Process of the Element Assy.

5. 2 . 2. Line Balance Efficiency in the Production Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B
Macroplast Product).
From the calculation results of the process improvements found in the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End
Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) can be known the Line Balance Efficiency level in the Sub Production
Process in the table below:

Operation Station
No. Work process Idle Time
Time Efficiency
1 Process of Strut Clamping 3.82 0.82 82.33%
2 Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process 3.50 1.14 75.43%
The Assy Process Between Element Paper, Double Flute, and
3 4.64 0.00 100.00%
End Plate A
4 Process of Plastisol Oven Drying Adhesive 4.38 0.26 94.40%
5 Dispense Adhesive Macroplast to End Plate B Process 4.39 0.25 94.61%
Process Assy Element Assy Results From Previous Processes
6 4.20 0.44 90.52%
With End Plate B
Press Process Element Assy and Macroplast Adhesive Drying
7 4.60 0.04 99.14%
The Process of Checking High Element Assy and Apply
8 4.39 0.25 94.61%
Packing B
9 Element Assy Inkjet Process 1.17 3.47 25.22%
Total 35.09 6.67
Table 22:- Division of Work Load on Product Sub Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast
Product) after the repair process

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And as for the calculation results on Line Balance Efficiency in the production process sub-process can be seen in the table

No. Item Measurement results

1 Idle Time 6.67 Seconds
2 Line Efficiency 84.03%
3 Balance Delay 15.97%
4 Smoothing Index 3.79
Table 23:- Resume Line Balance Efficiency on Product Sub Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B
Macropalst Product)

5. 3 . Capability Improvement Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process

Based on Table 10 found on the previous page, it can be seen that the initial improvements that have been made have not
had a positive impact on the capability of the Plastisol Adhesive Dispense Process , so that further improvements are needed .
Based on these then an improvement is made by adding the Gear Pump to the Dispen Process of the Plastisol Adhesive. Gear
Pump is part of the Macroplast Adhesive Mixer and Dispenser Machine which is used to flow Macroplast Adhesive from the
Storage Tube to the Mixer Chamber inside the Macroplast Adhesive machine. Basically the Gear Pump has been used as one of
the machines in the Plastisol Adhesive Dispense System in the Factory 1 Production Area, PT. XYZ, as an improvement plan for
previous customer claims. The description of the working process of adding a Gear Pump to the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive
Process can be seen in the picture below:

Fig 23:- Working Process Overview of the addition of the Gear Pump in the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process.

And as for the calculation results of the process capability in the Plastisol Adhesive Dispense Process after the addition of
the Gear Pump can be seen in the table below:

Conditions After Repair

No. Item Standard Conditions After Applying a Gear Pump to the
Plastisol Dispense Adhesive System
1 Plastisol Adhesive Mass 18.70 - 23.40 Gram 20.74 - 21.44 Gram
2 Plastisol Adhesive Mass Range 4.7 Gram 0.70 Gram
3 Cpk 1.33 3.52
4 Cp 1.33 3.56
5 Sigma (σ) Level 4 10.60
6 PPM Defect 6210 0
Table 24:- Resume Capability The Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process After Repair

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From the results of calculations on the capability of the above process, it can be seen that the Plastisol Adhesive Dispense
Process under conditions after repair has been able to meet the Target Product Specifications that have been determined by the


6. 1. Result and Comparison Process Productivity in Initial Process Conditions and After Improvement of Production Sub-
Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product)
The comparison of the initial conditions of the process, before the repairs are carried out, and the conditions that have been
made to improve the process can be seen in the table below:

Initial Process Conditions After

No. Item Information
Conditions Repair
1 Production Target Per Day (Pcs / Day) 15000 15000
Production Capacity (Pcs / Day) 11187 15199
Production Capacity Difference Against -3813
Production Target (Pcs) (Minus)
Working Time To Meet
2 (Overtime 5.5 8
Production Target (Hours)
3 Takt Time (Seconds / Pcs) 4.80 4.80
Cycle Time (Seconds / Pcs) 6.44 4.74
Number of Production Lines Per Day 2 Line (Shift 1), and 1
4 3 3
(Line) Line (Shift 2)
Information Not yet reached Achieved
Table 25:- Comparison of Production Productivity in Initial Process Conditions and Conditions After Improvement of Production
Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product)

Initial Process Conditions After

No. Item Information
Conditions Repair

1 Line Balance Efficiency 55.17% 69.83%

2 Balance Delay 44.83% 30.17%
3 Idle Time 20.21 10.01
4 Smoothing Index 8.55 4.66
Information Low Increase
Table 26:- Comparison of Line Balance Efficiency in the Initial Conditions of Processes and Conditions After Repairing the Sub
Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product)

From Table 25, and Table 26 it can be seen that the process of improvement carried out on the Sub-Production Process of
Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) has a positive impact on Productivity Levels and
Line Balance Efficiency on Sub Production Lines that is.

6. 2. Result and Comparison Process Productivity in Initial Process Conditions and After Improvement of Production Sub-
Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product)
The comparison of the initial conditions of the process, before doing repairs, and conditions after the process improvement
can be seen in the table below:

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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Initial Process Conditions After
No. Item Information
Conditions Repair
1 Production Target Per Day (Pcs / Day) 15000 15000
Production Capacity (Pcs / Day) 10789 15044
Production Capacity Difference Against -4211
Production Target (Pcs) (Minus)
Working Time To Meet
2 (Overtime 5.5 8
Production Target (Hours)
3 Takt Time (Seconds / Pcs) 4.65 4.65
Cycle Time (Seconds / Pcs) 6.47 4.64
Number of Production Lines Per Day 2 Line (Shift 1), and 1
4 3 3
(Line) Line (Shift 2)
Information Not yet reached Achieved
Table 27:- Comparison of Production Productivity in Initial Process Conditions and Conditions After Improvement of Production
Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product)

Initial Process Conditions After

No. Item Information
Conditions Repair
1 Line Balance Efficiency 68.85% 84.03%
2 Balance Delay 31.15% 15.97%
3 Idle Time 18.14 6.67
4 Smoothing Index 7.51 3.79
Information Low Increase
Table 28:- Comparison of Line Balance Efficiency in the Initial Conditions of Processes and Conditions After Repairing the
Production Sub-Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product)

From Table 27, and Table 28, it can be seen that the repair process carried out on the Sub-Production Process Assy Element
Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product) has a positive impact on Productivity Levels and Line Balance
Efficiency on Sub Production Lines that is.

6. 3. Result and Comparison of Process Capability in Initial Conditions and After Process Improvement Plastisol Dispense
Adhesive in the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy
The comparison of the initial conditions of the process, before doing repairs, and conditions after the process improvement
can be seen in the table below:

Conditions After
Actual Conditions
Drum Conditions and Conditions After
Filter Conditions
Plastisol Adhesive Pump Application
No. Item Standard on the Plastisol
Conditions Before Machines Bring Into Near Gear Pump in the
Adhesive Pump
Initial Repair Rotary Table Machines Plastisol
and Plastisol Valve Dispense
Dispencer Adhesive Adhesive System
18.70 -
Plastisol 14.07 - 32.46 20.74 - 21.44
1 23.40 15.63 - 31.06 Gram 15.23 - 38.70 Gram
Adhesive Mass Gram Gram
2 Adhesive Mass 4.7 Gram 15.43 Gram 23.47 Gram 18.39 Gram 0.70 Gram
3 Cpk 1.33 -0.14 -0.25 -0.07 3.52
4 Cp 1.33 0.21 0.15 0.2 3.56
5 Sigm a (σ) Level 4 -0.42 -0.76 -0.21 10.60
6 PPM Defect 6210 710688 825939 660477 0
Table 29:- Comparison of Capability of Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process in Initial Conditions and After After Repair

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From Table 29 it can be seen that, the process of should be evaluated regularly, so that the production
improving the stability of the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive process conditions are always in prime condition, both
Process, which is carried out through the application of the in terms of production capacity, and in terms of process
Gear Pump in the Plastisol Adhesive dispense system, has capability that has a contribution to the quality of the
been effective. This can be seen from the results of the products produced.
measurement of process capability in the conditions after  In some companies that are make to order like PT.
the improvements that have been in accordance with the XYZ, where variations in manufactured products is very
standards to be achieved by the Company. diverse, process control can d i started to make a
mapping variations in the process, through a
VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS classification process based on common production
process through which the process flow. It is intended
7 1. Conclusion that process control can be carried out more concisely,
The growth of product demand from customers also but does not reduce the level of effectiveness of the
requires the company to continue to grow. In addition to process of controlling the process . This is because not
improvements berkesinambun gan, preparation of pre-mass all product production processes are measured in terms
production, as a result of the expansion of the company, of capacity and capability, but only a number of product
should be very concerned, both in terms of completeness of samples that are considered to represent a particular
tooling production, examination preparation capabilities of group of processes. The principle of classifying the
the machine, the preparation of the calculation of the process can be re-accurate through the process of
capacity of the machine, the preparation of setting man reducing the range of product variations within a
power, preparation in terms of the standards process pr particular process group . Or in other words, the finer
oduksi , etc. By doing pre-production preparation, it is the range of product variations in a particular process
expected that all potential problems can be identified group, the data obtained will be closer to the real system
earlier, so that they can prevent the occurrence of major in the field. As for one example of this is the Sub
problems when the mass production process takes place. Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B
Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product), whose
As for one example of this problem is excessive variations are refined into several categories, such as:
overtime which results in a large cost overtime , which is Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate
caused by the existing Production Target not in accordance B Plastisol , and End Plate A Plastisol Product) For
with the existing Production Capacity. In addition to having Small End Plate Diameter (Adhesive Mass 9 - 20 Gram)
an impact on the large cost overtime, the mismatch can also , Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate
have an impact on the quality of the product being B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product) For
produced, namely the greater potential for human error that Medium End Plate Diameter (Adhesive Mass 20 - 30
causes defective products. This is due to the gap between Gram), and Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy
Production Targets and Production Capacity, so that (Plastisol End Plate B, and End Plate A Plastisol
Production Operators work in a hurry, ignoring "human Product) For Large End Plate Diameters (Adhesive
factors", which can cause process errors , or in other words Masses 30-40 Grams). In this case the Adhesive
the process becomes uncontrolled. Plastisol Mass is perpendicular to the Diameter of the
End Plate Element Assy Filter.
Based on this, it can be concluded that continuous  Improvements that must be carried out must include
improvement is a systemic improvement, taking into consideration in all aspects so that the improvements
account many factors in its implementation, so that the made can really be implemented in the field, without
results of these improvements can actually be used and any obstacles. And as for the basic principle of
implemented in the field, and do not cause overlapping improvement that is done is to maximize the existing
problems from various sides. process . But a sovereign, when the work process has
reached the maximum point process, so it can not or
7. 2. Suggestions difficult to be redeveloped, then the improvement is to
From the results of data processing can take several do with the development of the process of working
conclusions that can be used as a suggestion based on the m through other methods. It aims to keep repair costs
anagement system existing quality, namely: always low, with the impact of major repairs.
 As the pr i nsip base of improvement, process
 Control of the production process carried out through standardization is one of the things at crucial. It is
continuous improvement and through pre- mass intended that the improvements made to a problem can
production preparation is a very vital thing for the be completely completed , not only for a machine, but
company. It is intended that the process is in a prime for all similar machines, especially for companies that
position, and is controlled, so that all potential problems have multiple Production Lines, so that there are no
that can arise when mass production takes place, can be recurring problems in the future . So that the progress of
known in advance, and does not become a big problem the improvements made will be felt gradually. Based on
in the future. In addition to the preparation stage of this, there are additional notes on the issue, namely pen
mass production, controlling the production process y eragaman machine used, it may be useful in

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
facilitating the repair work, and simplify the stock of
replacement parts (spare parts) in Maintenance.


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