1 s2.0 S2351978915000335 Main
1 s2.0 S2351978915000335 Main
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Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 186 – 190
Manufacturing firms are more focusing on improving the production performance in term of productivity output in order to
survive in the competitive market, because a high productivity performance has a direct relationship with the equipment
efficiency and process control. Absence of the proper productivity measurement indicators locates manufacturing firm at an
unknown production line performance. Unstable and uncontrollable process causes producing nonconforming product, which
affect the overall production performance. The integration between the Statistical Process Control (SPC), Overall Equipment
Efficiency (OEE), and Autonomous Maintenance (AM) is proposed to achieve continuous improvement in the production
capability. This integration can enhance the productivity performance of manufacturing firms. The purpose of this study is to
evaluate production productivity by continuously improve the equipment efficiency and process control in tiles manufacturing
industry. For this purpose, OEE is proposed as the indicator to measure the equipment efficiency. Analysis and efficiency
improvement are carried out using Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC). SPC is suggested as monitor
function for evaluating the process quality performance and the seven basic tools are used to tackle the manufacturing process
variations. AM is applied in the glazing line to improve the machine efficiency by giving more responsibility and authority to the
operators to do more improvement and preventative actions to their own machines. This study shows that loss mechanism of the
equipment is unknown to the company’s employees even though the condition of low production performance has been
observed. Result of the study presents that the implementation of AM has successfully reduced 8.49% of the defect rates of
glazing line from 14.61% to 6.12%. Machine breakdown time has been decreased from 2502 minutes to 1161 minutes whereas
the OEE has been improved 6.49% from 22.12% to 28.61%.
©© 2015
2015 The Authors.
Published Published
by Elsevier by This
B.V. Elsevier
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open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of MIMEC2015.
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of MIMEC2015
Keywords: Overall Equipment Efficinecy; Statistical Process Control; Kaizen; Productivity Evaluation; Autonomous Maintenance
2351-9789 © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of MIMEC2015
Amir Azizi / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 186 – 190 187
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the major daily problems that encountered by many manufacturing companies are equipment
breakdown, repair, and quality defects. These problems have great impact on the quality cost and delivery time [1].
The quality of maintenance significantly affect the company profitability as 25- 30% of total production cost that is
attributed to maintenance activities in the plant [2]. Statistical Process Control (SPC) is the statistical method to
monitor and control the production performance as well as continuously improve the quality of the product [3]. The
purpose of SPC implementation is to improve the product quality, improve productivity, reduce wastes, reduce
defects and improve customer values [4]. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) measures how effective the
machine used for manufacturing in practically as opposed to in theory [5]. Availability, performance rate, and
quality rate are the three important parameters which form the product of OEE [6]. The six big losses such as
breakdowns, setup and adjustments, small stops, reduced speed, start-up rejects and the production rejects are the
main contribution that affect the performance the machines [7]. A case study has been conducted in XYZ tiles
manufacturing company in Pahang, Malaysia. This company manufactures and sells tiles and mosaics to worldwide.
The major problem of this company in the production process is low production productivity performance caused by
the high machine breakdown. The purpose of applying SPC in the process is to identify the significant defect and
reduce the process variations to consistently produce more conforming products whereas OEE is used as a key
performance indicator to measure the effectiveness of the machine. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is crucial
to maximize the utilization of the machine by eliminating breakdown, and promote Autonomous Maintenance (AM)
by operators through day to day activities involving total workforce.
2. Literature review
This study reviews the application of seven quality control tools, six big losses of OEE, and DMAIC for
analyzing the solutions to the existing problems. Seven quality control tools are Pareto diagram, cause and effect
diagram, control chart, scatter diagram, check sheet, flow chart, and histogram [9]. TPM aims to maximize the
effectiveness of equipment throughout its entire life by the participation and motivation of the entire workforce [14].
The maintenance activities can be grouped into three categories which are reactive or corrective maintenance,
preventive maintenance, and predictive maintenance [5].These six metrics of OEE are shown in Table 1.
DMAIC is a closed-loop process, which eliminates those unproductive steps and focuses on new measurements,
and applies technology for continuous improvement [10]. DMAIC methodology follows the five phrases [11,12,13];
1. Define phase; the processing mapping and matrix are the tools used to identify customer requirements and
project scope.
2. Measure phase; cause and effect diagram and failure mode effects analysis are the tools applied in rolled
throughput yield.
3. Analysis phase; hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression are used to identify the sources of variation.
4. Improve phase; design of experiment and optimization are used to generate the best solution and validate it.
5. Control phase; control charts are used to monitor process performance and maintain control with adjustments.
188 Amir Azizi / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 186 – 190
3. Methodology
Firstly SPC is applied to analyze the defect rate using the seven quality control tools. Secondly OEE is applied to
measure the machine performance. The integration of SPC, OEE, and AM are examined to improve the productivity
in term of production output by increasing machine performance and monitoring process defect. The cause and
effect diagram and why-why analysis are also applied to justify that our investigation is aligned with the current
production productivity performance.
The XYZ tiles manufacturing company has two production lines, which are A and B. The difference between
these two lines is the machines and layout. The case study was carried out in A line instead of B line because the
machines already have 50 years history and the frequency of the machine breakdown is very high. It indirectly
affects the product quality especially the green tiles, which are very fragile. Type of tile with a dimension of 30 x 30
cm is considered because the production quantity of this type is 60% of the total production. There are totally seven
processes and each process has its own parameter. Fig.1. presents the process flow of glazing line
Stage 1- Defect rate data and machine performance record are collected for six months through the overall tile
production process in A line using check sheet from April to September 2014.
Stage 2- The data is analyzed using SPC to observe the quality performance. OEE is applied to measure the machine
performance by identifying its loss mechanism. The cause and effect diagram is applied to analyze the root causes of
the high defect rates of chipping Before Fire (BF). The effects are categorized into four; man, machine, method and
material. AM workshop is conducted to train the operators for problem solving.
Stage 3- AM is implemented in glazing line starting from June 2014. Fig. 3 presents the seven steps in conducting
AM workshop before implementation of AM in glazing line.
Amir Azizi / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 186 – 190 189
Fig. 3. AM procedure
1. Cleaning and inspection - remove all the dirt and dust from the machine to expose and highlight the hidden
problems related with the machine.
2. Countermeasures to sources of contamination - implement why-why analysis to identify the root causes of
source of the contamination.
3. Cleaning and lubrication standards - standardize a method of cleaning including relevant tools for cleaning
and the frequency of cleaning.
4. Train for Overall inspection –aware operator about the need of the standard inspection.
5. Conduct autonomous inspections - perform maintenance task on machines to improve the standard with
information given in stage 4.
6. Continuous improvement - repeat all the steps that have been done for continuous improvement.
7. Autonomous maintenance - check for abnormities to prevent breakdowns and defects as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Root causes and action plan
Stage 4- The effectiveness of the action plan can be measured by comparing defect rates and machine performance
in glazing line from April to September 2014.
Table 3 presents the effectiveness of AM implementation on overall production productivity performance. These
results have proved that the defect rate and the machine performance are interdependent on each other. The data of
defect rate indicated that the chipping BF contributed the highest defect frequency. We found that the main roots of
chipping BF are man and machine. We have discovered that frequent machine breakdown directly impact on
production productivity performance after analyzing the root causes.
Fig. 4 shows that the defect rate is decreased after AM is implemented, which reflects the improvement in overall
production productivity performance in term of conforming output when the OEE is increased. The brushing
machine shows the highest breakdown time compare to other types of machines. The main problem that caused the
brushing machine breakdown frequently is because the excessive dust removed by the brusher always blocks the
rotational of the brusher. An average of 500 minutes breakdown time per month on the brushing machine occurred
from June to September 2014.
190 Amir Azizi / Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 186 – 190
5. Conclusion
This study focused on evaluation improvement of production productivity performance. A tile manufacturing
company has been considered for this study. The implementations of SPC, OEE, and AM have minimized the defect
rates of chipping BF and maximize the brushing machine performance, which improves the production effectiveness
performance. SPC could identify and control the defection rate of tiles in glazing process. OEE could measure the
machine performance by identifying the loss mechanism of machine. AM was able to be practiced in seeking for
higher machine performance which aims to yield a higher production productivity performance. The defect rate data
and machine performance in glazing line are interdependent of each other. SPC contributed to decrement of defect
rate from 14.61% to 6.12%, and reduction of machine breakdown time from 2502 minutes to 1161 minutes taht
resulted in enhancement of OEE from 22.12% to 28.61%. The production productivity performance has been
increased by implementing AM and reducing the defect rate. The integration of SPC, OEE, and AM is strongly
recommended to improve the production productivity performance for tile manufacturing industry.
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