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Revived Article On Alternative Therapy For Cancer

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Revived Article on Alternative Therapy for Cancer

Shilpa N. Kugali Deelip S. Natekar
Associate Professor Principal and H.O.D
Community Health Nursing Department Community Health Nursing Department
B.V.V.S.Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences B.V.V.S. Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences
Navanagar, Bagalkot Navanagar, Bagalkot

Abstract:- An alternative therapy is a remedies where II. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY ALTERNATIVE
the cancer related symptoms is relived, so that the THERAPY?
patients feel better and also improves their health
condition. In this revived article we discussed the Alternative therapy is a complementary and
meaning, types, guidelines, and helpful of alternative medicine and it is also a nonconventional
complementary and alternative medicine along with the approach towards healing. The meaning of complementary
most popular alternative therapies. The result for this and alternative gives the same meaning but some difference
review so many researches carried out and it seems to is there in two therapies.
be safe. It concludes that by using alternative therapies
the quality of life will improve for the cancer patients.  Complementary Medicine
To motivate the open communication of It is one of the therapy used to reduce symptoms and
Complementary and alternative medicine use by increases the quality of life. It is one of the standard
patients but oncologists should have more knowledge method.
about the most popular remedies and also should know
where to find correct information for themselves and  Alternative Medicine
for their patients. It is one of the therapy which is used apart from the
standard treatment. Standard or conventional medicine is
I. INTRODUCTION the treatment which is scientifically proved by various
researches. So this type of medicine is safe to use.
Complementary and alternative medicine are the
different types of therapies and methods which includes III. TYPES OF CAM (COMPLEMENTARY AND
such as massage, acupuncture, progressive muscle ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE)
relaxation therapy etc. These are the therapies used by the
cancer patients along with medical treatment. It is an There are many types of CAM has been in practice
integrated approach in healing and also may include today. They are as follows:
practice such as yoga, herbal medicines etc. Compare to
standard medicine or medical treatment the complementary A. Alternative Traditional Medicine:
and alternative medicine is very less expensive and less This form of treatment has been in the practice since
side effects. Complementary and alternative medicine is for centuries. Examples- Acupuncture, Ayurveda,
not a medicine which cures the cancer disease but it shows Homeopathy, Naturopathy etc.
the effectiveness of reliving the symptoms related to cancer
treatment and overall improves the health condition. B. Body:
This is an old type of medicine in the medical field.
Complementary and alternative medicine Users the Touch is the main healing process of illness. With the help
use of Complementary and alternative medicine for cancer of hands gentle massaging will bring back to the original
is widespread. By various accounts, from less than 10% to health without any guidance and precaution. Examples-
more than 60% of cancer patients have used Massage, Yoga, Body movement, Chiropractics etc.
Complementary and alternative medicine. The Data
monitor 2002 Survey indicated that 80% of cancer patients C. Herbs and Diet:
used an alternative or complementary modality. Herbal and diet therapy play a important role in the
nutritional well-being to balance the body from acute and
chronic diseases. The simple diet play big role in the health
of the individual. Examples- Vitamin supplements,
Mineral supplements and Dietary supplements. Herbal

IJISRT19JUL294 1368

Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
D. Electromagnetic Therapy: VII. MOST POPULAR 10 ALTERNATIVE
By using the magnetic ways some pain stimuli can TREATMENT OF CANCER
reduce and this directly impact on the health of individual.
Example- External energy A. Acupuncture:
This procedure is done by the therapist who is having
E. Mind: licensed in acupuncture therapy. This is performed by using
The mind body connects each other and heals many sterile tinny needles on the pain areas, so that it relieves the
diseases when the mind and the body totally healthy. This pain related to cancer. Many studies have been proved.
is also one of the standard medicines. Examples-
Hypnosis, Meditation B. Aromatherapy:
This therapy is also done by the practitioner. It is safe
F. Senses: by using themselves. It is a procedure which is done by
The senses like touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell using aromatic oils for massaging such as lavender etc. It
plays a very excellent role in the health. By using these proved that by using aromatic smell the calming sensation
senses we can prevent some symptoms as well as diseases. is improves, feel fresh, free from stress and also reduces the
Examples- Music therapy, Art and Dance therapy, Guided nausea and pain.
imagery and aromatherapy
C. Exercise:
IV. GUIDELINES FOR STARTING This is a big remedy to relives the fatigue, stress,
COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE increases sleep and improves the health aspect which
MEDICINE increases the life span of the cancer patients. Daily 30mim
mild and simple exercise helps the cancer patient to live
 Consult the doctors before starting the therapies. longer with increased quality of life.
 Collecting information about therapies.
 Searching advantages and disadvantages of each D. Hypnosis:
therapies in the journals, internet, books, library etc. This is an important relaxation technique in which
 Asking the experiences with the individuals who has therapist hypnotizes the mind with the help of mild voice
been used the therapies. and thus helps in relaxing the mind. This therapy is mainly
used to reduce the pain and stress in the cancer patients.
This therapy is done by the therapist. The massage
Cancer can not cure by any medicine. But by using should be gentle and light. Several studies have shown that
alternative therapies the signs and symptoms related to gentle massage for cancer patients reduces the pain, stress,
cancer treatment like pain, stress, fatigue, anxiety, fear etc fatigue, and tiredness, related to treatment of cancer.
can reduce some extent and the patient may feel comfort Precaution should be taken for massaging for cancer
and happy. Combination of treatment which you receive patients is- avoid the massage at the site, surgery site or any
from the doctor for cancer along with that this alternative bone cancer patients.
therapies plays role in the quick healing and feel better in
the mind and body of the patient. F. Meditation:
It is a therapy which is consider as safe. This therapy
VI. EXAMPLES OF THE ALTERNATIVE is also done by own. It is a deep breathing with deep
THERAPIES WHICH HEALS THE SIGNS AND concentration of mind on some music, objects, or any
SYMPTOMS OF CANCER thoughts. In cancer patients it is a best therapy which
relives the anxiety and stress.
a) Relaxation techniques, Massage, Meditation, Hypnosis.
Ex: Reduces Anxiety G. Music therapy:
b) Massage, Exercise, Yoga, Relaxation techniques. Ex: In this therapy variety of music, songs, lyrics, or
Reduces Fatigue instruments can be used to divert the mind and control the
c) Hypnosis, Aromatherapy, Music therapy, Acupuncture. stressful situations. It helps to relive pain and stress in
Ex: Reduces Nausea and Vomiting cancer patients.
d) Acupuncture, Massage, Music therapy, Aromatherapy.
Ex: Reduces Pain H. Relaxation techniques:
e) Yoga, Exercise, Relaxation therapies. Ex: Reduces Relaxation techniques are the therapy which relaxes
Sleeping problems the mind and the stressed muscles. Examples of the
f) Meditation, Massage, hypnosis, Yoga, Aromatherapy. relaxation technique are Progressive muscle relaxation. In
Ex: Reduces Stress cancer patients the relaxation techniques may help in
reducing pain and stress.

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Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
I. Tai-Chi:
It is a type of exercise in which gently movement of
the body and deep exercise is performed. This therapy can
be instructed by the instructor once, then the remaining
aspect is performed by their own.

J. Yoga:
This is a body stretching exercise with deep breathing
in different actions. It relaxes the mind and body with the
help of yoga therapist the cancer patients should perform
the yoga according to their disease condition.


This review briefly describes the therapies which are

used by cancer patients today it may be alternative or
complementary therapies. So many alternative therapies are
used to minimise the symptoms related to cancer and
improves the quality of life. All the alternative medicine
got evidence regarding the implications for oncologist and
also reviewed for efficacy and safety for cancer patients.


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4. National Center for Complementary and Integrative
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5. National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Adult cancer
pain. Fort Washington,
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