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A Case Study On Improving The Productivity Using Ie Tools

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A case study on improving the productivity using IE tools

Article · April 2013

DOI: 10.47893/IJMIE.2013.1105


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3 authors, including:

Bhavik SHAILESHKUMAR Sheth Rabinder Henry

Johnson Controls Chandigarh University


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Department-School of Interdisciplinary Science & Technology,
International Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Design Engineer, Tata Motors Tata Technologies Ltd, 25 Rajiv Gandhi InfoTech Park, Pune, Maharashtra, India
3HOD, Department-School of Interdisciplinary Science & Technology,
International Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: Assembly line balancing has been a focus of interest in Industrial Engineering for the last few years. Assembly
line balancing is the problem of assigning tasks to workstations by optimizing a performance measure while satisfying
precedence relations between tasks and cycle time restrictions. Line balancing is an important feature in ensuring that a
production line is efficient and producing at its optimum. The process of Line balancing attempts to equalize the work load
on each workstation of the production line. Mixed model assembly lines are increasing in many industries to achieve the
higher production rate. This study deals with mixed-model assembly line balancing and uses Yamazumi chart to break down
the work element in to the value added & Non-value added part to reduce the waste & increase the productivity.

Keywords: Mixed model assembly line balancing, Mudas, Takt time, Yamazumi chart.
5. Don‟t allow inertia to become the system‟s
1. INTRODUCTION constraint. When a constraint is broken, go back
to step one
An assembly line is a set of sequential
workstations linked by a material handling system. In a) We used line balancing technique to
each workstation, a set of tasks are performed using a achieve:
predefined assembly process in which the following
issues are defined: (a) task time, the time required to The minimization of the number of
perform each task; and (b) a set of precedence workstations.
relationships, which determines the sequence of the The minimization of cycle time.
tasks. Line balancing operates under two conditions: The maximization of workload
Precedence constraint: Product cannot move to
other station if it doesn‟t fulfill requires task at that The maximization of work relatedness.
station. It should not across other station because
For example, in the automobile industry, most of
certain parts need to be done before others.
the models have a number of features, and the
Cycle Time Restriction: Cycle time is customer can choose a model based on their desires
maximum time for products spend in every and financial capability Different features mean that
workstation. Different workstation has different cycle different, additional parts must be added on the basic
time and it depend upon the work of that particular model. Due to high cost to build and maintain an
station. assembly line, the manufacturers produce one model
with different features or several models on a single
Constraint is defined as anything that limits the assembly line. Under these circumstances, the mixed-
system from achieving higher performance relative to model assembly line balancing problem arises to
its purpose. Concept of TOC that every system must smooth the production and decrease the cost. Since
have at least one constraint and the existence of the demands for different models and for features
constraints represents opportunities for improvement. vary on a daily basis, the problem should be solved
every day in industry. In mixed model line assembly
TOC‟s 5-step process offers a systematic and models are launched to the line one after another.
focused process which organizations use to Two types of assembly line balancing problems are:
successfully pursue ongoing improvement: 1. Type-I problems, where the required production
rate (i.e. Cycle time), assembly tasks, tasks times,
The Five Focusing Steps and precedence requirements will be given and the
objective is to minimize the number of workstations;
1. Identify the system‟s constraint and 2. Type-II problems, where the numbers of
2. Decide how to exploit the system‟s constraint workstations or production employees is fixed and
3. Subordinate to the system constrains the objective is to minimize the cycle time and
4. Elevate the system‟s constraint maximize the production rate. These types of
balancing problems are generally occur when the

International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE), ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Volume-2, Issue-2, 2012

A case study on improving the productivity using IE tools

organization wants to produce the optimum number 3. YAMAZUMI CHART -- THE TOOL
of items using a fixed number of workstations Yamazumi is a Japanese word comprising Yama
without purchasing new machines or expanding its (Mountain) & Zumi (Building up) meaning „Building
facilities. up of Mountain”. It is a measurement of total time
taken in Minutes/ Seconds for completing all
1.1 Lean Manufacturing activities resulting in a finished product.
The use of the term “Lean”, in a business or
manufacturing environment describes a philosophy The time spent for doing any process can be
divided into two broad categories:
that incorporates a collection of tools and techniques
into the business process to optimize time, human
a) Time spent in doing Standard Job Element
resources, assets and productivity, while improving
the quality level of products and services to their b) Time spent in Muda (walking, picking,
customers. unpacking etc.)
Lean defines seven different types of waste that A standard job element is a value added activity
are tackled to minimize or eliminate them. e.g. tightening of bolt for fixing a part which may
take 6 seconds. However the time spent in walking to
They are as follows: a rack & picking the bolt and bringing to work station
which may be making 4 seconds is a non-value added
activity and hence a waste, Muda.
Over Stocking,
Excessive Motion,
The first step is to carry out a time study of all
Defects and Rework
process elements involved and record the time for
standard job element and MUDA. For example a
2. THE NEED finished product may require processes, which may
One of Automobile Company had plant capacity have time study as shown below:
of producing 60,000 vehicles/ year. Company wants
to launch the new model on same existing conveyor The next step is to put these time elements one
line. Work content of the new model is more compare on top of the other to get the total time for the
to existing model. One obvious conventional method finished product. This is what is called a Yamazumi
was to increase the number of work stations which Chart.
would have resulted in capital investment for
providing additional equipment, tools & utilities on
one hand and increase of manpower on the other
hand. So it was decided to increase the capacity by
improving the productivity. In simple terms the
production from 120 vehicle / day to 145 vehicle/day
through reducing the Takt time from 10 minutes/
vehicle to 6.8 minutes / vehicle.

2.1 Understanding of 3Ms

3Ms is an abbreviation of 3 Japanese letters
which start with English

Alphabet „M‟ namely:

MURI = Over Burden

MUDA = Waste Fig.1 Yamazumi Chart
MURA = Unevenness
Each department / Section of Automobile
company was asked to examine critically each work
activity at every station and eliminate / reduce 3Ms 5.1 Typical case study of trim line in assembly shop
specially the MUDA. As MUDA will reduce, the The trim line assembly shop has 11 stations and the
time spent for doing a process will reduce, which will worker work on the both left hand & right hand of the
in turn reduce Man-hour/ Vehicle. vehicle on the conveyer as shown in figure 2.

International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE), ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Volume-2, Issue-2, 2012

A case study on improving the productivity using IE tools

5.2 Steps taken to reduce muda

5.2.1 Reduction in Walking Time

51% of non-value added activity consists of walking
by Team member for going to part rack for picking
the part, bringing it to the vehicle, installing it and
Fig.2 Trim line of GA shop then going back to part rack for the next part. This
movement was reduced by:
Take the example of the upcoming model is Reducing Picking frequency of parts from racks
being manufactured on the existing assembly line. Introduction of Movable Rack
For that we have to balance the assembly line. In this
case Master Trainers assemble and disassemble the
car, learn the new methods of efficiently performing 5.2.2 Reduction in Picking Time
the works of the General Assembly shop. Based on As 27% of the non-value added time spent in
several rounds of trials over a period of 6 months an picking of parts the following counter measure were
array of arrangements are made to ensure that their taken to reduce the
implementation on the general line doesn‟t hamper
the production of other models being built on the Same:
same line. However, this isn‟t always the case and so
some modifications are made in order to Introduction of Flow Racks
accommodate the new model as well. After this the Introduction of Hardware & small part
SOS (Standard operation sheet) of all the stations (Grommets, clips etc.) Racks
team wise are taken. Then the Master Trainers
perform the activities as per the SOS. These activities 5.3 MOST (Maynard operation Sequence
are video recorded. And the timings are note down. If Technique)
the Master Trainers face any problem or an issue is
MOST (Maynard Operation Sequence
raised then it‟s also noted down for future
Technique) is a work measurement technique
correspondence. This cycle is repeated several times
developed by H. B. Maynard and Company. The
until the vehicle becomes “production ready”. Proper
concept of MOST is to analyze a job into its
workload distribution is essential to ensure lean
fundamental human activities, apply basic times for
these from tables and synthesize them into a basic
Each work element is divided into the following time for the complete job. The basic elements include
parts. the following:

Basic element content Reach for an object or a location.

Work time Get an object, touching it or closing the fingers
Walk time around it.
Wait time Move an object a specified distance to a
specified place.
Taking a typical example of station No. 2 Left Release an object to relinquish control on it
Hand there are 6 process elements done on the
station. A careful Time Study of each process on this For each of these actions basic times are tabled
station revealed the following graph showing time in MOST.
spent on Value added and non-value added activities
MOST is a powerful analytical tool that helps
increase productivity, improve methods, facilitate
planning, establish workloads, estimate labor costs,
improve safety, and maximize resources, MOST can
be applied to any type of work for which a method
can be defined and described.


The same exercise was conducted for each and
every station of weld shop, paint shop, general
assembly shop and quality assurance and everywhere
there was identification and recognition of 3M‟s and
Fig. 3 Example of some activities of the LH side station everywhere when countermeasures were taken the

International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE), ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Volume-2, Issue-2, 2012

A case study on improving the productivity using IE tools

result was reduction in man-hour, and consequent Efficiency & Element Utilization. (Fig. 6)
decrease of Takt Time.
Takt time is the time in which a unit must be 35 MAN-POWER
produced in order to match the rate of customer 30 REQUIRED
Figure 4 shows the unbalanced situation of some 20
station before line balancing. 15

100% 5
80% 0
40% Wait AFTER
20% Time
0% Walk Fig. 6 Comparison of man power requirement before and after
line balancing
G1 G1 G1 G1 G1 G1
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 The strategy & techniques adapted at
Automobile Company were based on Toyota
Fig. 4 YAMAZUMI chart before line balancing Production System (TPS) and can be applied to other
companies especially those involved in continuous
Identify the area on which the work load is more and assembly line. After doing mixed model line
then transfer the activities to the other station. balancing by mutation & cross over operation
between team & station with considering all
Figure 5 shows the condition of the stations after constraint & precedence relationship. As Toyota
the line balancing. Production System is based on „Pull‟ the Takt Time
of the preceding station has to be the same as that of
Key Area Before After the following station The man-power requirement
Trim line 33 28 reduced from 69 to 58 only in the general assembly
Chassis line 36 30 shop. Also increase the man-power utilization on
( Man-power
average from the 60% to 80 %.
Requirement ) Total 69 58
[1]. Introduction to work study, By M.N.Pal, third edition,
100% OXFORD & IBH Publication CO.PVT.LTD, New Delhi

80% [2]. “U-shaped assembly line layouts and their impact on labor
productivity: An experimental study”, Gerald R.Aase, John
60% R.Olson, Marc J.Schniederjans, European Journal of
Operational Research 156 (2004) 698–711
40% Wait Time
3M‟S Muri (Over Burden), Muda (Non Value Added), Mura
0% Work Time (Unevenness) by M. Mohiyuddin General Manager,
(Production & Prod. Engg.), Indus Motor Company Ltd.
GA GA GA [4]. ”Re-balancing of Generalized Assembly Lines –
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[5]. Emanuel Falkenauer “Line Balancing in the Real World”

Fig. 5 YAMAZUMI chart after line balancing International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management

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constraint regarding material movement, line space line balancing procedures”,
constrains, Station constrains, man-power
constrain002E And try to improve the Line 

International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE), ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Volume-2, Issue-2, 2012


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