Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation
and its muscles are relaxed. In human body, sleep aids with all the cognitive
function such as: memory, learning, decision making, and critical thinking. Sleep
is also said to be a physiological adaptation to conserve energy.
Sleep is vital and plays an important role in human system. According to the
National Sleep Foundation (2015) an individual needs at least 7 to 10 hours of
sleep to store energy and be able to function properly.
According to Leonidas (2014). A medical news report from America, stated that
school stress keeps 68% of students awake after their head hit the pillow. Only 30%
of the students sleep 8hours at night, the average recommended sleep for young
adults. 20% of the the students pull all nighter atleast once a month.
In the Philippines, Arceo-Dumlao (2014) have said that based on the research done
by Sun Life Financial Asia, almost half of the Filipinos sleep less than six hours
a day. Also according to the 2016 Healthy Living Index Survey, Filipinos have one
of the highest rates of sleep deprivation in Asia; 46% of Filipinos do not get
enough sleep while 32% said they sleep for less than six hours. Poor quality sleep
has significant impacts on daytime behavior and academic performance, as well as
concentration, attention, and mood.
In today's fast-paced society, five or six hours of sleep may sound pretty good but
in reality, it is not, it could lead to sleep deprivation and can cause greater
dysfunction. Yet, no matter how important sleep is, not everyone is able to have a
good amount of sleep and students are some of the individuals who are in great need
of adequate amount of sleep however, not being able to get. Most of these teens
just are not sleeping enough.
In this study, the researchers’ objective is to find out the impacts of sleep
deprivation on the academic performance of the students and if such impacts are
significant. One must also be able to identify their level of sleep deprivation and
what causes them to reach its level.