1112 Carburizing
1112 Carburizing
1112 Carburizing
Low pressure carburizing (LPC) is the as the hydrocarbon gas of choice helps and Development for C. I. Hayes, Inc.,
technology of choice for the precise us achieve this. Cranston, RI. Commercialization followed
carburizing of high-performance gearing in early 1969 (Figure 2).
[1]. To achieve absolute process HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Full acceptance of the process
repeatability and the highest quality The history of vacuum carburizing is by industry, however, involved three
outcome, it should come as no surprise a fascinating one. The process was decades of work and contributions from
that one of our goals is to fix as many of invented in late 1968 and subsequently all over the world including the discovery
the process parameters (e.g. hydrocarbon patented (U. S. Patent No. 3,796,615, and patenting of acetylene technology
gas type, pressure, flow rate, etc.) as U. S. Patent RE 29,881) by Mr. Herbert in the former Soviet Union (USSR
possible (Figure 1). Selecting acetylene W. Westeren, Director of Research Patent No. 668978) by V. S. Krylov, V.
evelopment of high pressure gas and
oil quenching technology;
Availability of low cost carburizing
alloys specifically designed to take
advantage of vacuum carburizing –
including high temperature capability.
First Commercial Heat Treat Load, February
LPC is a recipe-controlled boost/diffuse
Gears Carburized at 930°C (1700°F), 13 mbar
process. By contrast, atmospheric gas (10 torr), Methane (CH4). (Photograph Courtesy of C. I. Hayes)
carburizing is controlled via carbon
potential. In vacuum carburizing,
process-related parameters such as One method of recipe development
temperature, carburizing gas-flow, involves solving the following three (3)
time, and pressure are adjusted and equations:
controlled to achieve the desired case
A. Yumatov and V. V. Kurbatov in 1977 profile in the parts. (1)
and culminating in the application and
patenting (U. S. Patent No. 5,702,540)
of acetylene based carburizing by Mr. K.
Kubota, JH Corporation (formerly Japan
Hayes Corporation), Nagoya, Japan.
Since that time, a significant number of
individuals and companies have made
patentable inventions that have helped
advance the technology [1].
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Figure 4:
Screen Shot – LPC Simulation Program. (Photograph Courtesy of ALD Figure 6: Acetylene Decomposition – RGA Analysis. [3]
Vacuum Technologies GmbH)
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(< 20 torr) pressure. The use of high avoids these issues and dramatically transported in a solvent, either acetone
pressures coupled with impure gases reduces maintenance time and cost. or DMF (dimethyl formamide). DMF
(i.e. the presence of so-called “heavy” has a boiling point about 100˚C (212˚F)
hydrocarbons) has in the past resulted DMF ACETYLENE higher than acetone, and acetylene
in the formation of excessive deposits of Gas consistency plays an important and similar solubility (Table 3). Thus
soot and tar (Figure 8) and unacceptably role in the hydrocarbon choice for DMF is less likely to volatilize and
high equipment maintenance. Acetylene LPC. Chemically produced acetylene is enter the vacuum furnace reducing the
risk of introducing oxygen (leading to
Family Combinations concerns over intergranular oxidation)
or other unwanted constituents into the
carburizing process.
Acetylene & Acetylene Mixtures 100% Acetylene (C2H2) [a]
Acetylene + Nitrogen [b] APPLICATION EXAMPLE
[c] Full production loads (Figure 9) of
Acetylene + Hydrogen
several types of SAE 8620 transfer
Acetylene + Ethylene (C2H4) + Hydrogen [d] pinion gears and clutch hubs (Figure
Acetylene + Cyclohexane 10) were run using two (2) different
carburizing methods (gas atmosphere
and LPC). In the case of the acetylene
Cyclohexane & Cyclohexane Mixtures 100% Cyclohexane (C6H12) [e]
vacuum carburized gears, oil and high
Cyclohexane + Acetylene gas pressure quenching methods were
employed. In the case of the atmosphere-
Methane & Methane Mixtures 100% Methane (CH4) [f] carburized gears, traditional plug
quenching methods were used.
Methane + Propane [g] Low pressure carburizing was
performed at 960°C (1760°F) for 3.34
Propane & Propane Mixtures 100% Propane (C3H8) hours (boost/diffuse time) with acetylene
(2200 nL/h, 10.5 mbar) followed by
Propane + Methane [f]
either oil quenching (70% agitator
Propane + Hydrogen speed) or high pressure gas quenching
Propane + Butane (C4H10) (11 bar, nitrogen). Targeted effective
(50 HRC) case depth was 1.25 mm
Table 2: Hydrocarbon Choices for LPC. (0.050”) with a surface carbon content
of 0.72%C. Gas quenching utilized four
Property Acetone Dimethyl Formamide (DMF) (4) changes in speed and pressure
made through the critical transformation
range of the material.
Boiling Point (˚C) 56.5 152 Atmosphere carburizing (Endothermic
gas, natural gas additions) was
Acetylene Solubility [a] 425 400
performed at 960°C (1760°F) for 4.0
Table 3: Solubility Comparison. hours with a carbon potential of 1.3%
Figure 9: Typical Furnace Load, 385 kg (850 lbs.). Figure 10: Vacuum Carburizing of Highly Distorted Prone Gearing.
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