Arc Charter 2023
Arc Charter 2023
Arc Charter 2023
1 Introduction
2 Role of the Audit & Risk Committee
3 Membership
4 Responsibilities
5 Authority
6 Reporting Responsibilities
7 Review of Audit & Risk Committee Performance and Charter
8 Meeting Procedures
This Charter has been developed and approved by the Board to outline the manner in which the Audit
& Risk Committee discharges its responsibilities in relation to Telstra Group Limited (‘Telstra’) and the
controlled entities in the Telstra Group (together, ‘the Group’).
1the SSU means the Structural Separation Undertaking accepted by the ACCC on 27 February 2012 under section 577A of the
Telecommunications Act as in force from time to time (which currently applies to Telstra Corporation Limited and Telstra
2.3 The Telstra Corporation Limited Board is responsible for approving the half yearly and annual
financial statements and Directors’ Reports of Telstra Corporation Limited.
3.1 The Board appoints the Audit & Risk Committee members and its Chair.
3.2 The Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee is to be an independent Director who is not Chair of
the Board.
3.3 The Audit & Risk Committee must be comprised of at least three Board members, all of whom
are determined by the Board to be independent.
3.4 The members shall, between them, have sufficient accounting and financial knowledge to
allow them to discharge their duties and actively challenge information presented by
management, and internal and external auditors.
In performing its role, the responsibilities of the Audit & Risk Committee include, but are not limited to:
4.1 Financial Reporting
4.1.1 Reviewing significant accounting and reporting issues, including changes to accounting
standards and regulatory requirements and their impact on the financial statements.
4.1.2 Overseeing Telstra’s periodic external financial reporting and the integrity of the key
accounting and corporate reporting processes implemented by management in connection
with that reporting.
4.1.3 Reviewing the half yearly and annual financial statements and Directors’ Reports of Telstra
(excluding the Remuneration Report in respect of the full year which is reviewed by the People
& Remuneration Committee), and discussing them with the external auditor prior to their
recommendation to the Board.
4.1.4 Prior to their recommendation to the Board, reviewing key elements of other significant related
disclosures and regulatory filings and discussing them with the external auditor as appropriate.
4.1.5 Reviewing the half yearly and annual financial statements and Directors’ Reports of Telstra
Corporation Limited (excluding the Remuneration Report in respect of the full year which is
reviewed by the People & Remuneration Committee) from a Telstra perspective.
4.2 Risk Management
In addition to the risk management processes outlined elsewhere in this Charter:
4.2.1 Overseeing the design, implementation and effectiveness of the Group’s risk management
framework (including risk culture). This includes:
a) reviewing the Group’s risk management framework at least annually to satisfy itself
that it continues to be sound and effective, and that the Group is operating with due
regard to the risk appetite set by the Board;
b) making recommendations to the Board on the Group’s risk management policy and
changes to the risk appetite set by the Board; and
c) reviewing reports from management on risk culture and any conduct that is materially
inconsistent with the Group’s Values or the Telstra Group Code of Conduct (‘Code of
Conduct’) (including material breaches and the action taken, or proposed to be taken,
in response to those breaches) which are of relevance to the Audit & Risk
Committee’s responsibilities.
4.2.2 Assisting the Board in the review and identification of risks through more detailed
consideration of selected risks, and reviewing reports from management on emerging and
escalating sources of risk and the risk management plans management has put in place to
deal with those risks.
4.2.3 Reviewing the Group’s Treasury policy principles.
4.2.4 Overseeing the Group’s insurance program, having regard to the Group’s business and the
insurable risks associated with its business.
2For the purposes of this Charter, reference to “Chief Risk Officer” includes the equivalent position or office in the event that the
position or office is described in another manner.
3 The term ‘Group Company Secretary’ has the same meaning as set out in the Board Charter.
For the purposes of this Charter, reference to “Group Internal Audit Executive” or “GIA Executive” includes the equivalent
position or office in the event that the position or office is described in another manner.
The term ‘Group CEO’ has the same meaning as set out in the Board Charter.
For the purposes of this section, ‘Senior Management’ refers to the Group Executives who report directly to the Group CEO
and any other members of the management team the Board determines should be included in that category.
4.9.4 Performing any other duties and undertaking or overseeing any specific projects as the Board
may from time to time request.
4.9.5 Addressing any other reporting responsibilities of an Audit & Risk Committee (or of a
committee with equivalent duties and authority as the Audit & Risk Committee).
The Audit & Risk Committee has full delegated authority from the Board to fulfil its responsibilities as
set out in section 4 above. The Audit & Risk Committee has rights of access to adequate internal and
external resources, including:
5.1 having:
5.1.1 access to, and meeting with, the external and internal auditors without executives or
management of the Group being present, and
5.1.2 unrestricted access to management, employees and information of the Group the
Audit & Risk Committee considers relevant to its responsibilities under this Charter;
5.2 obtaining independent advice, at Telstra’s expense, including engaging and receiving advice
and recommendations from appropriate independent experts; and
5.3 receiving minutes of the board meetings of Telstra Corporation Limited, Telstra Limited and
Telstra International Holdings Pty Ltd.
6.1 The Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee updates the Board regularly about matters relevant
to the Audit & Risk Committee’s role, responsibilities, activities, and matters considered,
discussed and resolved at Committee meetings.
6.2 Information and papers considered by the Audit & Risk Committee are provided to other
Committees and/or the Board as relevant.
6.3 For each half year and full year, the Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee will report to the
People & Remuneration Committee providing an overview of the key issues considered by the
Audit & Risk Committee that are likely to be relevant to assessing the performance and
remuneration outcomes for the Group CEO and Senior Management by the People &
Remuneration Committee.
The Board and Board Committee Procedural Rules set out the procedures for meetings of the Audit &
Risk Committee.