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Estimates of Genetic Parameter Contributing To Early Bulkiness of Yellow Root Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Genotypes in Niger State, North Central Nigeria

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Volume 4, Issue 6, June – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Estimates of Genetic Parameter

Contributing to Early Bulkiness of Yellow Root
Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Genotypes in
Niger State, North Central Nigeria
1 2 3
Badewa, Olusegun David Andrew Gana Saba Eli Kolo Tsado
Cassava Outreach, Crop Production Department, Crop Production Department,
International Institute of Tropical Federal University of Technology, Federal University of Technology,
Agriculture, IITA, Niger state FUTMINNA, Niger state FUTMINNA, Niger state
4 5
Richardson Okechukwu Tolorunse Dele Kehinde
Cassava Outreach, Crop Production Department,
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Federal University of Technology,
IITA, Onne. FUTMINNA, Niger state
6 7
Afolabi Agbona Peter Iluebbey
Cassava Breeding, Cassava Breeding,
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture,
IITA, Ibadan. IITA, Ibadan

Abstract:- Genetic variability among different genotypes Keywords:- Genetic Variability, Root Bulkiness, Heritability.
for root yield component characteristics was studied in
Guinea Savannah Agroecological zones of Niger state to I. INTRODUCTION
determine its effect on early root bulkiness. Sixteen
parameters were evaluated in 420m2 at spacing of 1mx1m Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a perennial shrub
in a randomized complete block design in three replicates. originated in the neotropics. Its most important product is the
Cassava genotypes were evaluated at 3 and 6 MAP (Month starchy roots used as a source of caloric energy by millions of
After Planting) to evaluate root bulkiness. REML/BLUP people, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa (Stapleton 2012;
showed significant difference among genotypes for Norton 2014). Cassava is the fourth most important basic food
different harvesting periods for Harvest Index and fresh after rice, wheat, and maize worldwide, but is the second most
storage root yield (FSRY). Estimates of genetic variance important food staple in terms of calories consumed in sub-
for phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of Saharan Africa (Cacamisi, 2010; Tarawali et al., 2012).
variation (GCV) were very close. PCV estimates were
higher than GCV and varied from 39% to 13% for root The crop is called Africa’s food insurance because it
weight and root size respectively. Broad sense heritability offers reliable yields even in the face of drought, low soil
estimates were high for FSRY and ranged from 81% to fertility, low intensity management and because of its
8% among root yield components. GCV estimates was resilience to face the effects of climate change (Burns et
higher for harvest index (34%) and least for number al.,2010). Late bulking cassava stay long on the farm
harvested (6.15%). Heritability was highest for fresh predisposing it to bush fires and animal invasion particularly
storage root yield (81%) and least for shoot weight (0%), during dry season especially in the northern part of the
Environmental coefficient of variation was least for country. Late bulking cultivars occupy land for extended
harvest index (HI) with 0.36 and shoot weight had the periods of time and consequently the land cannot be
highest coefficient of variation and the least being for effectively utilized for other crops and it is the single most
harvest index. Genotype IKN120036 performed best important factor responsible for rejection and abandonment of
among the genotypes with 3.61tha-1 and had the highest cassava cultivars in African countries (Okechukwu &
genetic gains in terms of selection criterion FSRY. FSRY Dixon,2009; Kamau et al., 2011). Farmers usually cultivates
and HI had higher heritability and were strongly local varieties with low yields and high yielding and early-
correlated (R= 0.61). Root number was not bulking varieties could only guarantee higher yields when
significant(P>0.05; R=-0.24) and negatively correlated harvested at 12 months (Nweke, 2004). As cassava has no
with FSRY. specific maturation period; therefore, harvest can take place as
soon as reasonable root yield has been formed. Farmers

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Volume 4, Issue 6, June – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
preferred early bulking genotypes to late bulking genotypes stands. The field was kept free of weeds by regular hand using
because studies have revealed that late bulking is a hoe weeding as from three (3) months after planting (MAP).
contributory factor responsible for rejection of cassava Harvesting was manually done by using hand to pull out
genotypes in sub Saharan Africa due to demographic and cassava from the soil at 3rd and 6th months After Planting
market pressures (Nweke et al.,1994). One of the ways to (MAP) so as to evaluate the genotypes for early bulkiness
prevent animal invasions destroying farmlands in Nigeria and traits.
especially in north central Nigeria is to introduce to farmers
cultivars that can be harvested early as a result of early root E. Data Collection
bulkiness. Data were collected per plot basis. Each plot contained
six rows of five plants per row. Data were taken from the net
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS plot at 3 and 6 MAP and were summed up for each trait
observed per plot.
A. Experimental Material
Ten parental genotypes namely IKN120036,  Data Collection on Growth and Yield Parameter
IKN120016, IBA070593, IBA130896 and IBA141092,
TMEB419, IBA090525, IBA090581, IBA130818, IBA980581  Number of harvested plants: This was taken by counting
sourced from IITA germplasm was used for this study. The the number of Cassava plants that were harvested.
genotypes are yellow fleshed-root cassava genotypes which  Root Number: This was taken by counting the number of
are still under improvement. roots per plants.
 Root size: This was taken based on the groupings
B. Experimental Site according to the girth, length and weight of the stems into
The study was conducted at the International Institute of 3 marketable sizes; small, medium and big with score of 3,
Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Trial Fields, ABU farms, Mokwa, 5 and 7 respectively (Fukuda et al.,2010).
Niger state. (Southern Guinea Savannah Zone with Global  Root weight: This was taken using spring balance and
Positioning System (GPS) co-ordinates of 06.32812oN, expressed in kilogram.
005.63599oE and altitude of 212.7m) from 2018 to 2019.  Storage Root Diameter: This was taken with the aid of a
measuring tape around the girth of the root.
C. Treatments and Experimental Design  Fresh Storage Root Yield (FSRY): This was obtained by
The treatments were genotypes (IKN120036, multiplying weight of known number (n) of bulked root
IKN120016, IBA070593, IBA130896, IBA141092 weight by 10,000 and dividing it by the known number of
TMEB419, IBA090525, IBA090581, IBA130818, bulked roots multiplied by 1,000 and express in tha-1.
IBA980581) and harvesting periods (3rd and 6th Months After
 Dry Matter Content (DMC)The dry matter percentage in
Planting MAP) arranged in a randomized complete block tubers was determined by drying 20 g of fresh tuber
design with three replications. Treatment plots per block
slices/cubes or chopped pieces in an oven at 50 °C till a
consist of six ridges of 4m length and 1m apart. The net plots constant weight was obtained. From the weight of dried
contain 16 plant stands with 24m2 treatment plot size while the sample, percentage of dry matter will be calculated.
total treatment plot per replicate was 120m 2 and gross
 Dry Storage Root Yield (DSRY): This was obtained by
replicated area was 420m2. The parental genotypes were
multiplying the percentage of DMC by FSRY and dividing
planted at a spacing of 1x0.8m in 3 replicates in July, 2018
by 100, and express in tha-1.
and were evaluated in October and January.
 Shoot weight: This was obtained by weighing the stalks
using spring balance (kilogramme).
D. Cultural Practices
 Harvest Index: This was obtained by dividing the weight
 Land Preparation and Planting of the roots by the sum of weight of roots and the above
The land was mechanically prepared with tractor and ground mass as described by Kawano, (1980).
cassava stakes was planted on ridges. The ridges in each
treatment plots per block is 1m apart and of 4m length and III. DATA ANALYSIS
Cassava cuttings with same nodes number was cut at 2.5cm
length and planted on all the ridges making the planting The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis
distance of 0.8m inter row and 1m intra row spacing with 36 using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc. 2014). A two-stage
plant population. Planting was done at a planting distance of analysis was considered (i) genotype was made random in
1m x 0.8m and at an orientation of angle 45o and data was order to estimate variance parameters and heritability and (ii)
taken from each of the blocks on the net plot area only. The 36 genotype was fitted as fixed term in second approach such as
cuttings/stakes of each genotypes were planted on each of the to obtain unshrunken predicted means. The statistical model
ridged field per treatment plot which measured 6mx4m. The used to estimate genetic variance components in this study
net plot is 24m2 with 16 plant stands while the experimental were based on a linear mixed model. The mixed procedure
size area is 30mx14m (0.0420m2) which contain 540 plants

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Volume 4, Issue 6, June – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
model is based on restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and  Genotypic Coefficient of Variation
described as follows: Genotypic coefficient of variation was calculated as the
square of genetic variance component expressed as a
y = Xβ+Zb ε percentage of mean as follows:

where y is a vector of observations from plots for each cassava (σ 2 G x 100)/X where X is the phenotypic mean, and σ 2 G is
variety the genotypic variance (Asante & Dixon, 2002).

β and b are the fixed and random effect vectors  Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation
respectively, e denotes the random error vector, and X is the Phenotypic coefficient of variation was calculated as the
incidence matrix of the fixed effects for the variety; Z the square of phenotypic variance component expressed as a
incidence matrix of random effects corresponding to percentage of mean as follows:
replication; and ε, the random residual variance when the
genotype and replication was considered fixed and random (σ 2 P x 100)/X where X is the phenotypic mean and σ 2
P is
respectively and vice-versa. The effect of MAP was evaluated the phenotypic variance (Asante & Dixon, 2002).
using combined analyses where genotype effect was
considered as fixed while MAP is random and genotype effect IV. RESULTS
was made random while MAP was fixed.
soil depths
b ~ N (0, G)
soil parameters 0-30cm
ε ~ N (0, R)
Cov [b, ε] = 0 Textural Class Sandy loam
V = ZGZ' + R PH 7.10
𝑅 I𝜎2R 0 ] Phosphorous(g/kg) 11.47
E=𝑅 = 0 ;Var =[
𝜀 0 𝐼𝜎2𝜀
𝜀 0
Carbon(g/kg) 8.56
The random effects are assumed to be distributed as µ
Nitrogen(g/kg) 0.74
MVN (0; G) and ε MNV (0; R) where MVN (U; V) means
Table 1:- Physicochemical properties of trial field
multivariate normal distribution with mean µ and variance-co-
variance matrix V (Piepho et al., 2008).
Effects of genotypes and harvest time on FSRY
 Broad sense Heritability Estimates
Broad sense heritability (h2) of the all traits were 3 MAP 6 MAP
calculated according to the formula as described by Allard Genotype FSRY FSRY
(1960) as follow: h 2bs= [(σ 2 G) / (σ 2 P)] × 100, where: h2bs
= heritability in broad sense; σ 2 G = Genotypic variance; σ 2 P IBA070593(c) 2.16 2.17
= Phenotypic variance. IBA090525 2.00 1.89
IBA090581 2.59 2.32
 Genetic Advance Estimates
Estimation of genetic advance Genetic advance (GA) IBA130818 0.98 0.89
was determined as described by Johnson et al., (1955): GA = IBA130896 2.16 2.17
K (σp) h2, where: K = the selection differential (K = 2.06 at
5% selection intensity); σp = the phenotypic standard deviation IBA141092 2.63 2.65
of the character; h 2 = broad sense heritability. The genetic IBA980581(c) 2.29 2.28
advance as percentage of the mean (GAM) was calculated as IKN120016 1.31 1.32
described by Johnson et al., (1955) as follow: GAM (%) =GA/
X * 100, where: GAM = genetic advance as percentage of the IKN120036 3.61 3.47
mean, GA = genetic advance, and x = grand mean of a TME419(c) 1.72 1.71
character. Table 2:- Mean performance of 10 yellow cassava genotypes
for FSRY at 3 and 6 MAP.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Effects of genotypes and harvest time on DSRY

IBA070593(c) 0.67 0.75
IBA090525 0.71 0.72
IBA090581 0.67 0.76
IBA130818 0.24 0.26
IBA130896 0.82 0.84
IBA141092 0.71 0.77
IBA980581(c) 0.86 0.87
IKN120016 0.51 0.53
IKN120036 0.99 1.06
TME419( c) 0.69 0.73

Table 3:- Mean performance of 10 yellow cassava genotypes for DSRY at 3 and 6 MAP.

Effects of genotypes and harvest time on HI

Genotype HI HI
IBA070593(c) 0.34 0.38
IBA090525 0.52 0.49
IBA090581 0.44 0.45
IBA130818 0.11 0.12
IBA130896 0.31 0.33
IBA141092 0.56 0.6
IBA980581(c) 0.36 0.38
IKN120016 0.23 0.27
IKN120036 0.54 0.53
TME419( c) 0.34 0.38

Table 4:- Mean performance of 10 yellow cassava genotypes for Harvest Index at 3 and 6 MAP.

Identifying high yielding and early storage root bulking genotypes at 3 and 6 MAP in terms of HI.

Genotype HI Rank HI Rank
IBA070593(c) 0.30 6 0.38 5
IBA090525 0.50 3 0.49 3
IBA090581 0.40 4 0.45 4
IBA130818 0.10 10 0.12 10
IBA130896 0.30 8 0.33 8
IBA141092 0.60 1 0.60 1
IBA980581(c) 0.40 5 0.38 5
IKN120016 0.20 9 0.27 9
IKN120036 0.50 2 0.53 2
TME419( c) 0.30 6 0.38 5
Table 5:- Rank of 10 genotypes in 3 and 6 MAP using mean performance.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Identifying high yielding and early storage root bulking genotypes at 3 and 6 MAP in terms of FSRY.

IBA070593(c) 120.00 6.00 5.00
IBA090525 100.00 7.00 7.00
IBA090581 100.00 3.00 3.00
IBA130818 100.00 10.00 10.00
IBA130896 83.00 5.00 6.00
IBA141092 100.00 2.00 2.00
IBA980581(c) 100.00 4.00 4.00
IKN120016 100.00 9.00 9.00
IKN120036 100.00 1.00 1.00
TME419( c) 100.00 8.00 8.00
Table 6:- Early Bulking percentage of 10 yellow cassava genotypes based on FSRY at 3 and 6 MAP

Performance of 10 genotypes in 3 and 6 MAP

IBA070593(c) 31.36 0.67 2.16 0.34 1.00 1.00 9.67 1.13 16.37 9.67 3.00 3.00 0.00
IBA090525 36.20 0.71 2.00 0.52 1.00 1.33 10.33 1.95 23.40 11.00 1.80 6.33 0.00
IBA090581 28.15 0.67 2.59 0.44 1.00 1.33 10.33 2.52 14.26 11.00 3.26 5.67 0.00
IBA130818 24.64 0.24 0.98 0.11 1.00 1.67 7.00 0.72 10.05 8.33 5.29 5.00 0.00
IBA130896 28.35 0.82 2.16 0.31 1.00 1.67 11.00 2.30 25.51 10.33 4.88 5.00 0.00
IBA141092 26.98 0.71 2.63 0.56 1.67 1.33 10.67 3.09 12.86 11.00 4.84 3.67 0.00
IBA980581(c) 37.61 0.86 2.29 0.36 1.00 2.00 12.33 2.82 24.80 13.00 4.84 5.67 0.00
IKN120016 38.60 0.51 1.31 0.23 1.00 1.33 10.67 1.35 26.21 8.00 4.69 4.33 0.00
IKN120036 28.25 0.99 3.61 0.54 1.00 1.00 7.00 2.70 12.86 12.00 2.05 4.33 0.00
TME419( c) 40.11 0.69 1.72 0.34 1.00 1.33 10.67 1.65 27.62 10.00 3.38 6.33 0.00
GrandMean 33.02 0.69 2.14 0.38 1.07 1.40 9.97 2.02 19.39 10.43 3.81 4.93 0.00
SE 3.88 0.15 0.46 0.07 0.11 0.28 2.80 0.58 4.35 1.22 1.45 0.76 0.00
CV 16.62 23.25 21.03 23.95 13.98 28.17 39.74 39.40 31.75 11.94 53.86 21.79 0.00
Table 7:- Mean performance of traits at 3 and 6 MAP

Yield component Correlation Coeff. (R) P-Value
Root Size 0.41 0.0060** 0.0066**
Shoot weight -0.11 ns ns
Root Number -0.24 ns ns
Harvest Index 0.61 0.0018** <0.0001***
Storage Root Diameter 0.26 0.0219* ns
Root Weight 0.57 ns 0.0017**
Dry Matter Content -0.3 ns ns
Table 8:- Pearson correlation coefficient of some selected yield component trait.

*, **, *** Significant at 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 probability levels, respectively

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observed for dry storage root yield, fresh storage root yield,
Harvest Index, root size, storage root diameter and root

One of the targets of cassava breeding program is

cassava root yield which is a complex trait and which depends
on different factors which directly or indirectly affects root
yield (Tewodros et al.,2013). Late bulking cultivars forms
reasonable roots by occupying land for a longer periods of
time and therefore rendering the lands to be ineffectively
utilized for other crops (Okechukwu & Dixon,2009; Kamau et
al., 2011). Cattle invasion is another reason farmer ultimately
need to use early bulking genotypes so that it could be
harvested before the period nomads move around with their
cattle as it is common in the north central region of the
country. Guinea savannah zone is characterized by short
Fig 1 rainfalls periods and long dry periods with bush fires and
cattle invasions (Adu-Gyamfi et al.,2016). It is therefore
V. RESULT & DISCUSSION essential to identify cassava cultivars that can produce
reasonable early storage root yield. Farmers preferred early
 Effects of genotypes and harvest time on fresh storage root bulking genotypes to late bulking genotypes (Nweke et
yield, dry storage root yield and Harvest Index al.,1994).
Fresh storage root yield was highly significant (P<0.01)
at 3 MAP and at 6 MAP. Genotype IKN120036 was the Cassava root yield component in terms of fresh storage
highest in terms of FSRY at 3 months after planting (MAP) root yield (FSRY) was significant and shows that the traits is
followed by IBA141092 while genotype IBA130818 had the controlled more by genetic variability than the environment
lowest FSRY at the same month as shown in table 1. At 6 (Table 2) and this is also confirmed by study conducted by
MAP, genotype IKN120036 still maintained having the Adu-Gyamfi (2016) where they noticed significant difference
highest yield at 3 MAP followed by IBA141092 while in the root formation at 4, 5, and 6 months after planting
genotype IBA130818 still had the lowest FSRY. (MAP). High and early storage root bulkiness among
genotypes has been linked to genotypic variability (Okogbenin
Dry storage root yield was significant (p<0.05) at 3 MAP and Fregene, 2008, Joseph Adjebeng, 2016). Root bulkiness is
and was highly significant at 6 MAP (P<0.01). Genotype related to early bulkiness which varies on cultivar (Wholey
IKN120036 had the highest DSRY with 0.99t/ha followed by and Cock,1974).
IBA98/0581 which had 0.81t/ha at 3 MAP while IBA130818
had the lowest. At 6 MAP, genotype IKN120036 maintained The study shows that genotype IKN120036 performed
the highest DSRY with 1.86t/ha followed by IBA980581 with best among the genotypes studied and above the checks (TME
0.87t/ha while IBA130818 still maintained the lowest DSRY 419, IBA980581 and IBA070593) at 3 and 6 MAP in terms of
(Table 2). fresh storage root yield (Table 3) this is confirmed by a study
by Adjebeng-Danquah (2016) who indicated that genotypes
Harvest Index was significant (P<0.01) at 3 MAP and that partitioned dry matter production into storage root earlier
very highly significant at (P<0.001) 6 MAP. Genotype than others were able to bulk 60% of their final storage root
IBA141092 had the highest HI of 0.56 followed by yield by 6 MAP and are characterized by high source to sink
IKN120036 with 0.54 at 3 MAP and IBA130818 had the least abilities which translated into early bulkiness(Adu-Gyamfi et
of 0.11. At 6 MAP, genotype IBA141092 had the highest al.,2016).
harvest index with 0.60 followed by genotype 120036 while
genotype IBA130818 had the least harvest index of 0.12 Genotype IKN120036 was shown to have matured
(Table 3) earlier than the rest of the genotypes and this could be detected
as from 3 MAP when compare with other genotypes under
There was significant difference among the yield study. Measurement of relative growth rate after 30 days’ best
component traits among genotypes studied (Table 8) at 3 and display differences among genotypes (Kumar et al., 2012). It
6 MAP. This shows that genotype variability among the shows that the genotype was able to allocate higher source to
genotypes is responsible. There was however no significant sink capacity as reported by George et al (1998) whose study
difference for root weight at 3 MAP but there was significant revealed that cultivars with higher root yields were able to
difference at 3 MAP for storage root diameter but the same allocate higher proportion of dry matter to storage roots.
traits were not significant at 6 MAP among the genotypes. A Genotype IKN120036 possesses superior root characteristics
non-significant (P>0.05) genotypic treatment effects were to other genotypes studied. In study conducted by Michael

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Adu et al (2018), they found that high performing genotypes However, at 6 MAP, storage root diameter became non-
are characterized by high relative root growth rate. It has also significant (P>0.05) and this revealed the impact of
been found that early maturing cultivars rapidly initiated environment influence during the sixth month after planting.
storage root development thereby reaching their maximum This result is similar to result obtained from the study
yield within a short growing period (Adjebeng-Danquah et al, conducted by Adu-Gyamfi et al., (2016) where they reported
2016). that storage root diameter does not correlates significantly
with fresh storage root yield. The rate of storage of root
 Relationship between FSRY and other root yield bulking in cassava varies over a long period due to prevailing
component environmental conditions (Ekanayake et al.,1998). These
Improvement of cassava root yield can be achieved further reveals that genotypic manifestation could be affected
based on the performance of root yield components (Adu- by prevailing environmental influence.
Gyamfi et al, 2016). Harvest Index was significant at 3 MAP
(P<0.01) and highly significant at 6 MAP (P<0.001). Pearson Root weight correlates (R=0.57) with fresh storage root
correlation coefficient showed that Harvest Index (R=0.61) yield. Root weight as a yield component also affects fresh
and Root size (R=0.41) strongly correlates with fresh storage storage root component (Adu-Gyamfi et al.,2016). Root
root yield at both 3 and 6 MAP (Table 4,8,9). weight was not significant at 3 MAP which revealed the
effects of environmental influence rather than genotypic but
According to Adu-Gyamfi et al (2016) which stated that was however highly significant at 6 MAP which shows the
fresh storage root yield is determined by root size and harvest impact of genotypic effects. These further reveals that traits
index in their study, same results was also achieved from this can be affected by environments.
study where root size and harvest index positively correlated
with fresh storage root yield component. Harvest index (HI) for the best genotype IBA141092 and
IKN120036 of 56% and 54% is an indication of high root
Root number and dry matter content (Table 4) at 3 and 6 production since HI shows higher level of heritability in the
MAP revealed that their association with fresh storage root study and selection for HI also indirectly select for fresh
yield is not genotypic but has more of environmental storage root yield traits (Table 5).
influence. This study further revealed that there is a negative
correlation between root number and dry matter content with HI and shoot weight (stwt) negatively correlated which
fresh storage root yield which has similar result to what was implies that high value for HI may also be an effect of low
obtained by Adu-Gyamfi (2016) where non-significant shoot growth and this means that selection for one trait is
correlation between root number and dry matter content with indirectly selecting the other. This was also reported by
fresh storage root yield was recorded. Rodrigo de Souza et al., (2016) where they reported that high
value for HI may be an effect of low shoot growth (Figure 1).
Root number is determined by fresh storage root yield as
reported by Adu-Gyamfi et al (2016). Root number according  Root Bulkiness
to Ntawurungha et al., (1998) can be influenced by Storage root expansion begin to form from cassava
environment although it is heritable. To further test this traits fibrous root system from 2 – 3 months after planting. Tuber
association with fresh storage root yield in order to ascertain bulkiness is as a result of secondary thickening due to storage
their real performance of the genotype, the genotypes should root formation and development (Cock et al., 1979). Early
be study in more different environments. bulking cassava genotypes is an important farmers’ preferred
trait and this is usually so because threat of drought, bushfires
Root size (R=0.41) was highly significant at both 3MAP and invasion by animals could be averted (Adjebeng-Danquah
(P<0.01) and 6 MAP (P<0.01) (Table 4). This shows that the et al.,2016).
traits are an indication of a genotypic effect and are not due to
the environment. This means that wherever these genotypes Root bulking begins about 3 months after planting
are planted, the traits will manifest itself with little or no (Table 3) and this could be observed from genotype IKN
environmental effect. This therefore makes selection of the 120036 but rapid starch deposition does not occur before
best performing genotypes based on these traits possible. 6MAP (Izumi,1999, Priscilla, et al., 2015). Tuber bulking
starts from 2 MAP but it was observed from 3 MAP (Tsay et
Storage root diameter (Table 8) was significantly al., 1988; Priscilla et al., 2015). And has been reported to be
different (P<0.05) at 3 MAP and positively correlated with stable after 3 MAP (Izumi,1999) and this was also observed in
fresh storage root yield (R=0.61) which was similar to result this study (Table 6). It has also been reported that root bulking
obtained by Tewodros et al., (2013) where they recorded a increased with time and it differed among cultivars and varies
significant genotypic and phenotypic correlation between over a long period due to changes in environmental conditions
storage root diameter and fresh storage root yield. This is an (Ekanayake et al.,1998)
indication of genotypic effect over the environmental effect.

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Late bulking genotypes develop sufficient above ground Slow bulking or late bulking genotypes develops
mass before storage root bulking (El shakawy, 2004; Alves, sufficient above ground mass before it starts storage root
2002) while early bulking genotypes begins storage root bulking. Early bulking genotypes on the other hand begins
development and shoot simultaneously and usually due to storage root development and shoot at the same time (El
genetic variability among genotypes (Okogbenin et al., 2008). shakawy, 2004; Alves, 2002).
Earliness in root yield is related to rapid bulking and it varies
according to genotypes. Early bulkiness genotype has high Difference in bulking rate among different genotypes
source and sink capacities which translates into total biomass and bulking periods are the major determinant for high or low
for the early bulking group (Okogbenin et al., 2008 and Adu- yielding cassava. Early maturing genotypes bulks at early
Gyamfi et al.,2016). stage (Suja et al., 2010)

Range 6 MAP
Character Mean CV Min Max Genotype Error Genotype Error
df=9 df=20 df=9 df=220
FSRY 2.14 21.03 0.98 3.61 2.14** 1.70 2.09** 1.68
HI 0.38 23.95 0.11 0.56 0.38** 0.36 0.39*** 0.37
NOHAV 1.4 28.17 1.00 2.00 1.4 1.39 1.93** 1.90
RTNO 9.97 39.74 7.00 12.33 9.97 9.97 13.77ns 11.86
RTWT 2.02 39.4 0.72 3.09 2.02 1.71 2.82** 1.90
STWT 3.81 53.86 1.80 5.29 3.81 3.81 4.48ns 3.40
Table 9:- Range, mean, coefficient of variation of traits evaluated at 3 and 6 MAP.

*, **, *** Significant at 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 probability levels, respectively

TRAITS σ²p σ²G σ²E % PCV %GCV Heritability GA GAM

DMC 33.02 16.38 16.64 17.39 12.26 0.50 22.96 69.53
DSRY 0.69 0.03 0.66 29.68 24.71 0.69 0.18 26.08
FSRY 2.14 0.44 1.70 34.27 30.88 0.81 1.12 52.34
HI 0.38 0.02 0.36 38.00 34.02 0.80 0.07 18.42
INNCOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.76 17.12 0.75 0.17 15.89
PLPCOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NOHAV 1.40 0.01 1.39 21.88 6.15 0.08 0.05 3.57
RTNO 9.97 0.00 9.97 25.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RTSZ 3.13 0.13 3.00 13.46 11.65 0.75 0.57 18.21
RTWT 2.02 0.31 1.71 39.15 27.50 0.49 0.83 41.08
SC 19.39 24.20 -4.81 34.59 25.36 0.54 21.30 109.85
SPRT 0.79 0.04 0.75 28.33 24.60 0.75 0.14 17.72
SRD 10.43 1.57 8.86 14.68 12.01 0.67 5.44 52.16
STWT 3.81 0.00 3.81 36.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
VIG 4.93 0.65 4.28 22.48 16.37 1.85 1.85 37.53
Table 10:- Genetic parameter estimates of traits evaluated

Genotype P u+g G%
IKN120036 3.61 4.05 6.02
IBA141092 2.63 3.07 4.38
IBA090581 2.59 3.03 4.32
Table 11:- Genetic gains of top three genotypes.

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Volume 4, Issue 6, June – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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 Genetic Variability where significant difference was observed in HI. HI had the
Understanding variability in crop genotypes is the key highest genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) of 34%
for a successful plant breeding program as this plays an among the traits with phenotypic coefficient of variation
important role in selection of desirable genotypes (Idahosa et (PCV) of higher value of 38%. The GCV values ranges from
al., 2010; Ndukaub et al., 2015). The genetic parameters of 10 34% to 6.5% while PCV values ranges from 39% to 13% for
cassava genotypes planted in early season of 2018 and traits studied. High PCV indicate the existence of greater
evaluated at two different harvesting periods (3 and 6 months scope for selection for the traits under consideration (Khan et
after planting MAP) are displayed in table (Table 10). al, 2009) and GCV shows a measure of genetic variation
existing in different traits. The HI thus indicate the presence of
Genetic variations for cassava root yield components has exploitable genetic variability which could assist in selection
been identified in different studies in Africa (Aina et al., 2007, of the particular traits (Yadav et al,2009). The environmental
Ojulong et al., 2008, Tumuhimbise et al., 2015). The coefficient of variation ranges from 16.62% to 0.36% for dry
coefficient of variation compares the relative amount of matter content and HI respectively. And this further revealed
variability between crop plant traits (Sharma,1988). The that the environment had little or no influence on the traits
highest coefficient of variation was recorded for shoot weight which implies selection for the trait in any environment.
followed by root number, root weight, number harvested,
harvest index in that order and the least being root size. It Estimates of PCV were higher than those of GCV but
shows that the shoot weight having the highest coefficient of were close, this implies that genotype contributed more than
variation had the higher amount of exploitable genetic the environment in the expression of these characters and
variability among the traits of the genotypes studied. It also selection based on these phenotypic values is attainable.
showed that this trait can be selected compare to others (Eid
2009, Ndakauba et al., 2015). The root size having the least There is narrow scope of selection for root size (rtsz) due
coefficient of variation shows that the traits has a low to their low variability as a result of moderate PCV of 13%.
exploitable genetic variability and as a result has less potential On the other hand, high PCV of 39 % for root weight indicates
for favorable advance for selection when compared to other the existence of greater scope for selection for the traits (Khan
traits (Chikezie et al., 2015). et al, 2009).

This study revealed that shoot weight (Stwt) had zero Fresh storage root yield (fsry) had the highest heritability
heritability and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) values of 81%. Heritability among traits ranges from 81% to
which implies that its phenotypic expression is not due to its 0% for fsry and stwt (Shoot weight) respectively. High
genetic component but as result of the environmental heritability is an indication of less environmental influence in
influence (Table 10). A greater difference between phenotypic the observed variation (Eid, 2009).
coefficient of variation (PCV) and GCV is an indication of
greater degree of environmental control (Chikezie et al.,  Heritability Estimates
2016). Conversely, in similar study conducted by Rodrigo de The ability to express a particular trait as a result of
Souza et al (2016), they reported high genotypic coefficient of genetic component and phenotypic reliability in predicting its
variation and low heritability for shoot weight. It will be breeding value is provided by estimates of heritability
therefore suggested that the traits be studied in multi (Ndakauba et al., 2015). Heritability values for traits studied
environmental trial such as to accurately detect if the ranges from 81% to 0% for fsry and stwt respectively. Traits
manifestation of the traits is as a result of genotype or fsry having the highest heritability value of 81% shows that
environment. This then revealed that the highest coefficient of there is considerable genetic variation in the traits to warrant
variation value exhibited by the traits was influenced the selection for the best genotypes. Thus, such traits can be given
environment. Low heritability may be an effect of high more attention for the purpose of improvement (Chikezie et
environmental coefficient of variation which shows on low al., 2016). Heritability alone does not provide effective means
value of genetic gains (Rodrigo de Souza et al., 2016). of selection, genetic advance for the traits should be
considered (Ullah et al., 2012).
Coefficient of variation for fresh storage root yield was
21.03% and this affect selection as a result of genetic In this study, high heritability was observed with high
variability. This was similar to the coefficient of variation genetic advance over mean for fresh storage root yield and dry
obtained for fresh storage root yield in study conducted by storage root yield which is an implication of genotypic effect
Neto et al (2013) when 10 cassava genotypes were evaluated. rather than environmental influence which implies that the
genotypes will maintain their performance in any
Significant difference was observed in harvest index environment.
(HI) at different harvesting periods of 3 and 6 months after
planting (MAP) among genotypes (Table 4). This shows effect For traits such as the harvest index and root size which
of genetic variation and possibility of genetic gains. This was had higher heritability with low genetic advance over means is
similar to result obtained by Rodrigo de Souza et al (2016) an indication of environmental influence and this shows that

IJISRT19JU147 268

Volume 4, Issue 6, June – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the genotype will perform well in this environment and Fsry showed high level of heritability and was highly
improvement could be made for the traits in this particular significant at P<0.01 which shows the influence of genotype
environment. The high heritability observed might be due to on the control of the traits. Rodrigo de Souza et al (2016)
the favourable influence of the environmental impact rather reported low heritability for fsry and was not significant.
than genotype.
Genotypes differs in better values between Rtno and fsry
High heritability and high genetic advance over mean for traits in this study and this was also reported by Rodrigo de
a given trait is an indication of the traits being governed by Souza (2016) where they observed that Genotypes with better
additive gene action and thereby provides effective means for values for Rtno differs from genotype with better values for
their selection (Chikezie et al., 2016; Tazeen et al.,2009). fsry (Table 8).

Heritability and genetic gain for Root number (Rtno) is VI. CONCLUSION
zero with 9.97% and 0% for PCV and GCV respectively.
There was no significance difference (P>0.005) among the Fresh storage root yield(fsry) and Harvest Index (HI) can
genotypes for the traits (Table 11). This is an indication that be considered as a good criterion for selection regarding root
the Rtno is influenced by the environments and not due to yield since fsry and HI showed a high heritability and both
genotype. It shows that the traits have non heritable were highly significant at P<0.01 with less environmental
component of phenotypic variance. However, Bareto & influence. Varying root size traits manifestation for each of the
Resende (2010) identified lower values of heritability (0.18%) genotypes was as a result of environmental influence which
and GCV (19.3%) for root number with genetic gains varying means that the environment has effect on the genotyic
from 26.4% to 32.85 with selection of best five genotypes. performance.
Also, Oliveria et al (2015) identified medium heritability of
0.51% and moderate GCV of 33.6% for root number and Root number and fresh storage root yield traits can be
genetic gains which varied from 16.1% to 33.8% for the 10 improved by direct crossing among selected genotypes.
best genotypes. Crossing have been successfully used in genetic breeding
programs of cassava (Ceballos et al., 2004).
The zero genetic gains were probably due to no
significant difference among the genotypes for root number  Genetic Gain of 3 Best Genotypes
traits which implies that there is no genetic variation among Genetic gains varied from 6 to 4% considering the
the genotypes. As reported by Rodrigo de Souza et al (2016) selection of the three best genotypes when compared with the
that lower genetic gains for root number was as a result of an general mean of the population (Table 11)
effect of lower genetic variation among genotypes for root
number. The low environmental coefficient of variation RECOMMENDATION
(ECV) of 9.97% this was similar to what was reported by
Rodrigo de Souza et al (2016) where they observed ECV Genotype IKN120036 had the highest FSRY value of
value for Rtno to be to be below 30%. 3.61t/ha at both 3 and 6 MAP, therefore made genotype
IKN120036 the best genotype of all genotype. Genotype
Root weight has moderate heritability value of 49% has IKN120036 had the highest genetic gains in terms of FSRY.
possibility for improvement. Cassava root traits with moderate However, to confirm that the genotype had the best gene
heritability values can be improved base on their phenotypic expression for the trait FSRY used as a selection criterion, the
performances (Aina et al., 2007). trial should be repeated over a long period of time length such
as to confirm the accuracy and the reliability of the genetic
HI shows high level of heritability (80%) as also gain base on the trait.
confirmed by Kawano et al (1989) which implies less
environmental influence on the traits. Aina et al., (2007) also LIMITATION
found higher values of heritability of 57% in their studies.
Similar result was obtained by Ojulong et al., (2008) when For adaptation and stability of the genotypes across
they obtained moderate heritability for HI traits from the different location other than Niger state, phenotypic evaluation
analyses 979 genotypes from International Institute of trials and analyses will have to be conducted in multiple
Tropical Agriculture in their studies. environments.

A lowest value of environmental coefficient of variation

was observed for HI which shows high genetic control of the
traits. This result was similar to what was obtained by Rodrigo
de Souza et al (2016) where they reported low value of
coefficient of environmental variation for HI.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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