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Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 3 No.

3, October 2016

Evaluation of Leaf Spot Resistance and Agronomic

Characteristics of Groundnut Advanced Breeding Lines

Yudiwanti Wahyu*, Achmad Wahyu Junaedi

Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture,

Bogor Agricultural University, Jalan Meranti IPB-Campus Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16680

*Corresponding author, email:

Abstract (Balitan 2010). In Indonesia, groundnut harvest area

had declined in the last five years from 620 563 ha
Leaf spot is a major groundnut disease in Indonesia to 454 349 ha (CBS 2015) and consequently had
and worldwide which has the potential to cause a reduced yields from 84 to 77 million tons, whereas
yield loss of up to 60%. The use of leaf spot resistant the productivity had risen from 1.16 ton per ha to 1.21
cultivars is an easy, economical, and environmentally ton per ha (CBS, 2015). There is a great potential
friendly way in groundnut cultivation to maintain high in the production of groundnut, however, there is low
yields. The objective of the research was to evaluate productivity by the farmers in Indonesia as compared
the yields of 16 groundnut lines which had been to other sub-tropical regions (Baring et al, 2014). This
developed to be leaf spot resistant and high yielding. may be due to the poor farming techniques employed,
The research was conducted in 2010 – 2011 at the little access to disease resistant and high-yielding
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) experimental cultivars, poor seed quality, and diseases.
station in Cikarawang, Indonesia. A randomized
complete block design with three replications Leaf spot caused by Cercospora arachidicola and
was used in the experiment. The groundnut lines Phaeoisariopsis personata Berk.& Curtis is a severe
evaluated were crosses between “Gajah”, a cultivar fungal disease of groundnuts worldwide (Jackson,
which is known to be susceptible to leaf spot, and the 2015). Emergence of circular brown or reddish-brown
resistant line GPNC- WS4. Four Indonesian cultivars necrotic spots with yellow margins on older leaves is
“Gajah”, “Jerapah”, “Zebra” and “Sima” were used the initial symptoms shown and disease progress
as control. The results showed that selected lines rapidly to other younger leaves in high humidity
demonstrated better resistance to leaf spot compared (Semangun, 1991). In extreme cases, leaves dry up
to “Gajah”. Their agronomic characteristics, such killing the entire plant, hence reduces yields by up
as pod number, filled pod number, pod weight, and to 50% (Adisarwanto, 2001; Tsatsia and Jackson,
kernel weight, were not significantly different from 2016). Management of leaf spot widely implemented
the control cultivars. The results of this study have involves roguing of diseased or infected plants,
provided information on groundnut leaf spot resistant shifting cultivation to prevent the buildup of primary
lines for further evaluation. inoculum in the fields and the use of resistant, early
and high yielding cultivars.
Keywords: Cercospora, peanut, legumes, plant
disease, high-yielding cultivar, Bogor The use of improved and high yielding cultivars is
important for plant production. Ploidy difference
between wild Arachis species and cultivated
Introduction genotypes hinder transfer of useful alleles for
important agronomical traits (Khera et al., 2014). Crop
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a second breeding is aimed at improving the crop’s genetic
important legume crop after soybean in Indonesia. potential that is adaptable to specific ecosystems,
Groundnut originated from South America, but high yielding and has quality that meets the consumer
now has spread throughout the world particularly tastes. High yielding cultivars that are supported with
in the tropical and subtropical regions. Groundnut good production system will increase production and
is an important source of fat and protein for human productivity.
consumption as well as for animal feed and it contains
high nutrition. The demand for groundnut production The main aim of this study was to evaluate the yields
is high (Kasno, 2006) as the country continues of 16 selected groundnut lines previously developed
to import amounting up to 200,000 tons per year by the Genetic and Plant Breeding Division of the

82 Yudiwanti Wahyu, Achmad Wahyu Junaedi,

Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 3 No. 3, October 2016

Bogor Agricultural University in 1994. These lines Data was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA)
were progenies of crosses between “Gajah”, a local using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS)
commercial cultivar and GPNC-WS4 line derived Means were separated using the
from interspecific cross between Arachis hypogaea Dunnett test at p=0.05
(2n=4x=40, or tetraploids) with Arachis cardenasii
(2n=2x=20, or diploids) and is known to be resistant
to leafspot disease (Stalker and Beute, 1993). Results and Discussion

During the duration of the study, the average rainfall

Materials and Methods recorded was 458.92 mm with a total of 21.2 days of
rain. The temperature ranged from 25.1 to 26.7°C with
The research was conducted in 2010 – 2011 at the an average of 25.8 °C. There was an increase in rainfall
IPB experimental station at Cikarawang in Bogor at 12 weeks after planting till the end of the cropping
(-6.54; 106.73), West Java, Indonesia. Study site is season which possibly may have affected the pod
located at an altitude of 250 m above sea level on filling and ripening stage. The optimum temperature
latosols with daily average temperature of 32 to 36°C for groundnut growth in Indonesia ranges from 27 to
during the day. Chlorophyll analysis was performed 30°C (Adisarwanto et al., 1993), however, based on
at the Research Group for Crop Improvement (RGCI) the result shown, the temperature was lower than the
Laboratory IPB, Darmaga, Bogor, Indonesia. optimal hence may reduce photosynthesis rate which
ultimately may affect growth and development of the
A total of 16 advanced generation groundnut lines crop (Sumarno and Slamet, 1993).
known to be resistant to leaf spot disease were
evaluated against “Gajah”, “Jerapah”, “Zebra” and Groundnut showed no symptoms of leaf spot disease
“Sima” as the local checks. in their early growth that is from germination until
about four weeks after planting. Leaf spot symptoms
Seeds were sown in 4x3 m2 plots with a spacing started to appear at five weeks after planting (WAP),
of 40 cm between rows and 15 cm within rows. showing small black to brown spots on the basal of
The experimental units were organized using the the leaves. In severe cases, leaves dried up resulting
completely randomized block design with lines as the in defoliation of older leaves, presumably due to
treatments and replicated three times. Urea at 50 kg higher humidity in the lower parts of the plants.
per ha, SP-18 200 at kg per ha and KCl at 100 kg Based on visual observations in the field, “Gajah”
per ha were incorporated to the soil prior to planting. cultivar showed high severity of leaf spot and this
Insecticide containing active ingredient carbofuran was apparent by the low percentage of main branch
with its recommended dosage rate was placed in bearing green leaves and lower fresh stover weight.
each of the planting hole at planting. Agricultural However, less spots were observed on the more
lime at 500 kg per ha was applied into furrows at four tolerant cultivars “Jerapah”, “Zebra”, and “Sima”. Apart
weeks after planting to optimize pod filling. There from leaf spot, other diseases observed included
was no fungicide used during the trial period and bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum), rust
harvesting was done 100 days after planting (DAP). (Puccinia arachidis), witchess broom (Phytoplasma),
groundnut mottle (groundnut mottle virus / PeMoV),
Ten plants were randomly selected from one row of and groundnut stripe (Peanut Stripe Virus/PStV).
each plot of each cultivar and scored for plant height,
number of branches at harvest, percentage length Agronomical Characteristics of Advanced Breeding
of the main stem with green leaves at harvest, dry Lines of Groundnut
harvest index, total filled and empty pods per plant,
fresh weight of filled and empty pods per plant, seed The groundnut lines had different level of resistance
weight per plant, weight of 100-dry seeds, and leaf to leaf spot disease and the criteria used to identify
chlorophyll content at eight weeks after planting their characteristics include plant height, number of
(WAP). Percentage of green leaves was scored by branches, chlorophyll content, number and weight of
measuring the length of the main stem (a) and the empty pods, and weight of 100-grains (Table 1).
length of the main stem bearing green leaves (b)
(usually at the upper part of the main stems); the Based on the result shown in Table 1, “Sima” was
percentage was calculated as (b/a) x 100%. Fresh the tallest (79.1 cm) whereas GWS138A was the
stover weight was measured by weighing fresh shoots shortest (38.5 cm). The plant height of all other lines
directly after harvest. Leaf chlorophyll was measured was significantly lower than “Sima”, but it was not
using the method by Wellburn (1994) and described significantly different from “Gajah” as depicted in
in details in Yudiwanti et al. (2007). Table 2. Moreover, as per field observation, it was

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Table 1. F-test recapitulation, mean, maximum, and minimum values of characters of advanced breeding
Characters F-value Mean Maximum Line Minimum Line
Plant height (cm) 5.78** 52.5 79.1 “Sima” 38.5 IPB-GWS138A
Branch number 5.98** 5.4 7.1 IPB-GWS79A 4.7 IPB-GWS39D
Length of main branch with green
1.71 ns 5.9 8.4 IPB-GWS74A 2.3 “Gajah”
leaves (%)
Fresh stover weight per plant (g) 2.15 ns 14.9 19.6 IPB-GWS74A1 10.8 “Gajah”
Chlorophyll content (µmol/cm²) 2.70** 0.057 0.068 IPB-GWS27C 0.051 IPB-GWS110A2
Total pod number per plant 1.09 ns 9.7 12.3 IPB-GWS134D 7.3 IPB-GWS134A
Full pod number per plant 1.17 ns 9.4 11.8 IPB-GWS134D 6.6 IPB-GWS134A
Total pod weight per plant (g) 0.95 ns 10.6 13.3 IPB-GWS134D 7.3 IPB-GWS134A
Full pod weight per plant (g) 0.97 ns 10.5 13.2 IPB-GWS73D 7 IPB-GWS134A
Kernel weight per plant (g) 1.09 ns 7.2 9.8 IPB-GWS134A1 4.6 IPB-GWS134A
100 kernels weight (g) 20.5** 47.2 53.6 IPB-GWS138A 41.6 IPB-GWS110D
Yield index 1.11 ns 0.8 1.1 “Gajah” 0.5 IPB-GWS74A1
Note: * and ** show significantly different based on F-test at α 0.05 and 0.01, respectively.

seen that the taller the plants the higher the tendency to the leaf chlorophyll content of the other groundnut
to easily lodge. cultivars (Table 3). Chlorophyll is an organelle in plant
cells that play a significant role in photosynthesis, and
Lines IPB-GWS134D and IPB-GWS79A had one to chlorophyll content is indicated by the green intensity
two more branches than the control cultivars which of the leaves.
having an average of five branches per plant. More
branches means more leaves which will increase Furthermore, the lines tested had more pods per
photosynthesis activity resulting in higher productivity. plant relative to the control cultivars although there
On the other hand, more branches per plant might was no significant difference amongst the different
reduce photosynthesis because of shading amongst cultivars (Table 3). GWS134D lines had the highest
leaves. number of pods (12.3) whereas GWS134A had the
lowest (7.3). The number of pod per plant is affected
As shown in Table 3, “Gajah” and “Zebra” had a by the success of flowering and growth of gynophores
greater number of branches compared to other lines. (Trustinah, 1993) and according to the result shown
GWS79A had the greatest number of branches per in this study, only about 55% of the flowers formed
plant (7.1) whereas GWS39D had the least (4.7). gynophores. Number of gynophores after flowering
More branches per plant will potentially result in more usually did not affect the pod production.
flowers and pod formation.
Seed formation begins after pods reach their
Leaf spot symptom was observed on the older leaves maximum size that is between 52 to 57 days after
and progressed upwards, leaving only the younger planting or around three weeks after gynophore has
leaves at the top. The percentage of green leaves in penetrated the soil (Trustinah, 1993). Soil penetration
the plant indicates that those leaves were not infected by gynophores is necessary for pod development
(Kusumo, 1996). The proportion of green leaves to the (Zharare et al., 1993) and this process is partially
total leaves could be one of the important indicators controlled by genetic factors (Gupta et al., 2016).
of plant’s resistance to leaf spot disease (Yudiwanti, Therefore, groundnut cultivars vary considerably in
2007). their pod-filling potentials. The Dunnett test results
showed that there were no significant differences in
There were no significant differences amongst the percentage of filled pods amongst all lines. Line
lines in the proportion of green branches per plant. that had the largest percentage of filled pods was IPB-
GWS74A1 had the largest proportion of green GWS134D (11.8) and the lowest was IPB-GWS134A
branches (8.4%) compared to “Gajah”, which is known (6.6) (Table 3).
to be susceptible to leaf spot disease, yielding 2.3%.
Based on the chlorophyll content, GWS27C leaves Total pod weight of the tested lines was similar to
had significantly more chlorophyll than “Gajah” and those of the control cultivars (Table 3). IPB-GWS134D
“Jerapah” but shown to be not significantly different had the highest total pod weight per plant of 13.3

84 Yudiwanti Wahyu, Achmad Wahyu Junaedi,

Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 3 No. 3, October 2016

Table 2. Vegetative growth and level of resistance to leaf spot of advanced breeding lines
Branch length Fresh
Chlorophyll content
Line Plant height Branch number with green stover
leaves (%) weight (g)
IPB- GWS18A1 56.4 c+d- 5.1 5.6 0.053 12.7
IPB-GWS27C 56.7 c+d- 5.4 5.6 0.068a+b+ 15.1
IPB-GWS39B 43.3 d- 6.0 6.5 0.061 15.6
IPB-GWS39D 49.8 d- 4.7 4.3 0.062 11.8
IPB-GWS72A 51.9 d- 5.2 4.3 0.055 13.1
IPB-GWS73D 52.7 d- 5.4 6.4 0.055 18.7
IPB-GWS74A1 61.0 c+d- 5.2 8.4 0.053 19.6
IPB-GWS74D 56.2 c+d- 5.0 7.1 0.056 17.9
IPB-GWS79A 53.8 d- 7.1a+b+c+d+ 6.1 0.052 18
IPB-GWS110A1 50.9 d- 4.8 7.3 0.054 14.7
IPB-GWS110A2 46.4 d- 5.5 6.7 0.051 12.6
IPB-GWS110D 54.4 d- 5.2 4.7 0.054 12.6
IPB-GWS134A 48.1 d- 5.0 6.9 0.062 12.3
IPB-GWS134A1 49.7 d- 5.8 5.5 0.055 13.3
IPB-GWS134D 61.0 c+d- 6.8a+b+c+d+ 4.9 0.058 17.4
IPB-GWS138A 38.5 d- 4.8 5.5 0.056 13.1
“Gajah” 45.8 5.1 2.3 0.057 10.8
“Jerapah” 53.7 5.1 5.6 0.055 14.3
“Zebra” 39.9 5.0 7.4 0.060 16.9
“Sima” 79.1 5.1 6.2 0.059 17.7
Note: Values followed by a, b, c, d are significantly more (+) or less (-) from “Gajah”, “Jerapah”, “Zebra” and “Sima” ,
respectively, based on Dunnett’s test at α 0.05

g, whereas IPB- GWS134A had the lowest (7.3 g). significantly different to the local cultivars used as the
Pod weight is strongly influenced by environmental control.
conditions during the phase of pod filling. Seed weight
per plant for each line was not significantly different Stover weight indicates the efficiency of photosynthesis
from the control cultivars. IPB-GWS134A1 had the of the plants. There was no significant difference in
highest seed weight (9.8 g) whereas IPB- GWS134A the fresh stover weight between the selected lines
had the lowest (4.6 g). Seed weight contributes to crop and the control cultivars. IPB-GWS74A1 had the
productivity; however in this study the seed weight largest (19.6 g) whereas “Gajah” had the lowest (10.8
was lower than the groundnut yields, reported by g) and this may be attributed to the severe defoliation
Baring (2014). The low seed weight was most likely caused by the leaf spot infection. However, “Gajah”
caused by the heavy rainfall towards the end of the yielded the highest harvest index of 1:13.
growing season resulting in reduced light intensity
and photosynthesis rate and subsequently low seed Best Groundnut Lines Selection
yields (Sumarno and Slamet 1993). Amongst the four
control cultivars, “Zebra” had the largest seed weight The total number of pods and number of pods
per plant whereas the other lines had similar grain indicate the genetic yield potentials of groundnut lines
weight (Table 3). associated with leaf spot disease. Grain weight is
more affected by environmental condition during pod
Weight of 100 seed is a character that can affect the filling stage (Yudiwanti, 1998) and this may be due to
yield and as shown in Table 3, this character varied pods formed prior to leaf spot infection
considerably amongst the lines. IPB-GWS138A had
the greatest 100-seed weight (53.6 g) whereas IPB- Nine lines that is, IPB-GWS134D, IPB-GWS39D,
GWS110D had the lowest (41.6 g). The performance IPB-GWS79A, IPB- GWS110A2, IPB-GWS39B, IPB-
of groundnut lines using this parameter was not GWS134A1, IPB-GWS73D, IPB-GWS110D, and

Evaluation of Leaf Spot Resistance and Agronomic Characteristics of .......... 85

Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 3 No. 3, October 2016

Table 3. Kernel characteristics of selected groundnut lines

Total pod Total filled Total pod Filled pod Kernel 100-kernel Dry yield
per plant pods weight (g) weight (g) weight (g) weight (g) index
IPB- GWS18A1 10.2 9.9 9.8 9.7 7.0 42.9 0.89
IPB-GWS27C 9.0 8.3 9.2 9.0 6.2 46.4 0.64
IPB-GWS39B 11.3 11.2 12.1 12.0 8.3 45.4 0.84
IPB-GWS39D 12.0 11.8 11.8 11.8 8.5 42.8 1.08
IPB-GWS72A 8.6 8.3 10.4 10.4 7.1 51.5 0.83
IPB-GWS73D 10.5 10.3 13.3 13.2 9.1 53.5 0.80
IPB-GWS74A1 8.7 8.3 8.6 8.5 5.4 49.5 0.46
IPB-GWS74D 8.0 7.8 8.9 8.9 5.9 50.3 0.55
IPB-GWS79A 11.7 10.9 12.0 11.8 8.1 50.3 0.71
IPB-GWS110A1 8.8 8.6 8.7 8.6 5.9 44.4 0.63
IPB-GWS110A2 11.7 11.4 11.0 10.9 8.1 44.7 0.99
IPB-GWS110D 10.2 10.1 10.0 10.0 6.9 41.6 0.88
IPB-GWS134A 7.3 6.6 7.3 7.0 4.6 44.4 0.57
IPB-GWS134A1 10.9 10.6 13.1 13.1 9.8 52.2 1.08
IPB-GWS134D 12.3 11.8 13.3 13.2 9.3 46.8 0.86
IPB-GWS138A 7.7 7.5 9.3 9.2 5.9 53.6 b+ 0.86
“Gajah” 10.0 9.5 10.4 10.2 7.1 43.9 1.13
“Jerapah” 7.9 7.6 9.8 9.7 6.2 52.4 0.70
“Zebra” 9.9 9.4 12.6 12.4 8.8 41.7 0.77
“Sima” 8.1 7.8 10.9 10.8 7.2 45.9 0.64
Note: Values with a, b, c, and d show significantly more (+) or less (-) than “Gajah”, “Jerapah”, “Zebra” and “Sima” respectively based on
Dunnett test at α 0.05

Table 4. Total number of pods and filled pods per plant of the groundnut lines
Selected Lines Total number of pods per plant Total number of filled pods per plant
IPB-GWS134D 12.3 11.8
IPB-GWS39D 12.0 11.8
IPB-GWS79A 11.7 10.9
IPB-GWS110A2 11.7 11.4
IPB-GWS39B 11.3 11.2
IPB-GWS134A1 10.9 10.6
IPB-GWS73D 10.5 10.3
IPB-GWS110D 10.2 10.1
IPB-GWS18A1 10.2 9.9
“Gajah” 10.0 9.5
“Zebra” 9.9 9.4
IPB-GWS27C 9.0 8.3
IPB-GWS110A1 8.8 8.6
IPB-GWS74A1 8.7 8.3
IPB-GWS72A 8.6 8.3
“Sima” 8.1 7.8
IPB-GWS74D 8.0 7.8
“Jerapah” 7.9 7.6
IPB-GWS138A 7.7 7.5
IPB-GWS134A 7.3 6.6

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